How to make lazy dumplings. Lazy cottage cheese dumplings - fast and very tasty. Recipe for lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and semolina

I love lazy dumplings, a truly versatile dish! Tasty, healthy and cook quickly: once or twice and breakfast is ready, and they are also great for dinner. And most importantly, lazy dumplings are loved by everyone, both adults and children. They can be served with sour cream, honey, jam, even condensed milk or melted chocolate. Lazy dumplings can be cooked in small portions, or you can immediately make more and freeze, very convenient and practical. So simple and delicious recipe lazy cottage cheese dumplings.


(64 lazy dumplings)

  • 300 gr. non-sour curd
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • sour cream
  • Since the main ingredient of lazy dumplings is cottage cheese, we choose non-acidic, fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese. Such cottage cheese is usually soft and is taken in small flakes. As for fat-free cottage cheese, it is usually hard and not so tasty (hard grains are felt on the tongue), which naturally affects the taste of the whole dish.
  • We combine cottage cheese and sugar. If the cottage cheese is wet, then put half an egg, if dry, then put a whole egg.
  • We stir the cottage cheese with a spoon, then add half a glass of flour. Sift flour beforehand.
  • Mix with a spoon until you get a homogeneous dough.
  • We take a cutting board, pour out another half a glass of flour, spread the dough.
  • Next, knead the dough for lazy dumplings with hands. Depending on the moisture content of the curd, a little more flour may be needed. As a result, we should get a fairly soft curd dough that holds its shape.
  • We divide the dough into parts. From each part we form a sausage with a diameter of one and a half to two centimeters. Cut into slices a centimeter and a half thick. Roll each piece in flour, lightly pressing down in the center. This is, so to speak, the traditional form of lazy dumplings, but you can come up with something of your own.
  • Dumplings for the lazy, oh, for practical housewives, it is convenient to immediately spread on a sieve.
  • We put a pot of water on the fire, lightly salt. We put lazy dumplings in boiling water. Gently draw a slotted spoon along the bottom of the pan so that the dumplings do not stick to the bottom (no need to interfere intensively).
  • We increase the fire. When the water boils again, and the lazy dumplings themselves float, we count one minute.
  • After a minute, we immediately take out the dumplings with a slotted spoon. There is no point in cooking longer, the dough and cottage cheese are ready. With a longer heat treatment, dumplings lose their elasticity.
  • Important! We cook dumplings (lazy dumplings) not all at once, but in portions, in general, like any dumplings or

Many people know lazy dumplings with cottage cheese. And how often it happens that the first acquaintance with this dish occurs in childhood. They fed us in kindergarten schools at home. And all because the composition contains cottage cheese in which there is a lot of calcium, which is so necessary for a growing children's body.

Of course, one could just serve cottage cheese, but it’s not so easy to make children eat it in its pure form, but if it is served in dumplings and even poured with some beautiful sauce, the kids gobble up such a treat right on both cheeks. And without knowing it, they saturate the body with useful properties.

Well, why not cook for yourself such a treat. Calcium is useful at any age. Or maybe you have children and you want to cook for them, then all the more see our recipes and cook delicious dumplings with cottage cheese for your kids. And here is another reason why they are called lazy. And all because they are prepared according to a completely different scheme, not jelly. In this recipe, the dough is easier to prepare and there is no need to bother with rolling the dough, forming dumplings, laying out the filling and other things. Lazy people cook quickly, simply and tasty.

Prepare very simply and easily. The products are almost the same as for ordinary dumplings, only the output is something tasty, light, healthy, a dish that will harmoniously fit into breakfast, lunch or dinner.


Cottage cheese - 350-400 g.

Flour 3-4 tablespoons.

Eggs 1 piece.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.

Vanilla to taste.


☑ Cottage cheese pass through a sieve or meat grinder. This operation must be performed if you have coarse-grained cottage cheese. Passing through a sieve, it will become much softer and more airy.

☑ Crack the egg into the curd.

☑ Add flour, sugar and gradually begin to mix the ingredients until smooth.

☑ Vanilla can be added as desired.

☑ Transfer the curd mass to a floured board and continue to knead the dough.

☑ The dough should be elastic and elastic. But not too steep, otherwise you won't bite your dumplings later.

☑ Roll out the dough into a sausage. The size of the sausage should be about 5 cm.

☑ Mode the sausage into pieces at a slight angle of about 3-4 cm and send it to a saucepan with salted boiling water.

☑ After throwing the dumplings, they need to be mixed with a spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan and do not stick together.

☑ We wait for them to pop up, then cook for another 2-3 minutes and take them out on a plate.

☑ On top of the finished dumplings, you can put a piece of butter, this will add flavor and prevent the dumplings from sticking together when they cool down.

☑ You can serve dumplings with sour cream, condensed milk, maple syrup. Bon appetit.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and semolina

In fact, semolina is the same flour, only coarser grinding. Semolina, like cottage cheese, is also an indispensable product for the growing generation, and in lazy dumplings, these two products can be successfully combined by replacing flour with semolina. In addition, semolina absorbs water very well, which makes dishes juicy and airy.

In order for your lazy dumplings to turn out lush, you should choose cereals only premium. Such semolina is better to cook and harms your figure less. Well, I think enough controversy, and it's time to get down to business.


Cottage cheese 500 grams.

Wheat flour 100 grams.

Semolina 200 grams.

Eggs 2 pieces.

Sugar 100 grams.

Vanilla, salt to taste.


☑ Sugar eggs and cottage cheese mix in one bowl and mix until smooth. Cottage cheese is better to use not sour and moderately fatty.

☑ Add semolina and mix everything again until a dough is obtained. Then refrigerate for 30 minutes.

☑ Take the dough out of the fridge. Add flour and again knead the dough with your hands. It is possible that the dough will take a little more flour or less. The consistency of the dough should be slightly sticky to the hands.

☑ Now divide the dough into several parts and roll it into small sausages and mode at a slight angle.

☑ Flatten the resulting pieces in the middle and send to boil in hot salted water. Boiling time is 3-4 minutes after dumplings float to the surface.

☑ Serve dumplings better with sour cream jam. You can simply mix sour cream with jam or sugar, it will turn out simply and tastefully.

You can give any shape to lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and semolina. If you want, just pinch off small pieces from the main dough and simply press them down with a fork and send them to the pan to boil, or you can use a cookie cutter. It is important that the pieces are about a centimeter thick.

Vareniki with cottage cheese without eggs

If for some reason you did not have eggs on hand, or you are contraindicated in eating eggs. Try making lazy cottage cheese dumplings without using eggs.

In fact, the eggs act as a link. But you can do without them. This will reduce calories, and the dish will be much better absorbed by the body. Also, think ahead of time with what you will serve this dish. Alternatively, you can honey, jam, syrups, or just sprinkle with sugar while the dumplings are still hot.


Cottage cheese 400 grams.

Flour 200 grams.

Salt half a teaspoon.

Sugar 1-2 tablespoons.


☑ Mix flour, salt and sugar with cottage cheese and knead until a dough appears. If cottage cheese dry flour need less. Wet cottage cheese can absorb more flour.

☑ When the dough is ready, it needs some time to rest. And while the dough is resting during this time, the sugar will completely dissolve in the dough.

☑ Pour a little salt into the pan and put on fire.

☑ While the water is boiling, you can blunt the formation of cottage cheese dumplings. Pinch off a small piece from the dough and roll it into a ball, then press the resulting bun a little on one side.

☑ We send the dumplings to boiled water and cook for several minutes after the dumplings float to the surface of the water.

After cooking, you can serve dumplings with honey, sour cream, fruits, berries. Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese are an excellent breakfast.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes

There is another way to diversify your own menu with such sloths. In addition, the dish turns out to be very satisfying. Still, after all, it combines such nutritious foods as cottage cheese and potatoes. Such dumplings can be prepared in advance by freezing them in the freezer.

And if you wish, you can always treat yourself or loved ones to lazy dumplings. In order not to store the dumplings on the board, as it takes up a lot of usable space, after the dumplings are well frozen, transfer them to a bag and in this form they certainly will not stick together with each other.


Mashed potatoes 200-250 grams.

Cottage cheese 200-250 grams

Flour 100 grams.

Eggs 2 pieces.

Salt pepper to taste.


☑ Salt and pepper mashed potatoes, mix with cottage cheese. And mix.

☑ Add flour and eggs to the resulting mass. Mix all ingredients well until you get a dough. If the puree turned out to be watery then it makes sense to add a little flour.

☑ From the resulting dough we form dumplings and boil them in hot water. Cooking time is approximately 3-2 minutes. It all depends on the shape of the dumpling.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and oatmeal diet recipe

Yes, of course, the variety of recipes for making lazy dumplings is simply colossal. Here is a recipe for how to cook sloths using oatmeal.


Cottage cheese 500 grams.

Oat flour.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.




☑ Combine all ingredients in one bowl and mix until you get a dough. To save time, you can start revenge immediately with your hands.

☑ Roll the resulting dough into a bundle and cut into equal portions.

☑ Boil in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes.

☑ Serve hot.

Tips on how to cook dumplings with cottage cheese tastier

☑ If you are cooking dumplings for kids, try a little trick to make colorful dumplings. To change the usual color, you can add a little beet juice, carrot or pumpkin juice to the dough. Just a little juice will turn your dumplings into something original.

☑ Dumplings should be boiled in a spacious saucepan so that there is enough water for all the dumplings. This is necessary so that they do not stick together during cooking.

☑ When the dumplings float to the top, mix them gently, but not too often.

☑ You can also add a little cream to the dough, which will make the dish much more tender.

☑ It is advisable to sift the flour before use, this will enrich it with oxygen.

☑ After you take the dumplings out of the pan, put a piece of butter on top, which will prevent the dumplings from sticking together after cooling.

☑ If a certain amount is left, it does not matter, this dish can always be heated in the microwave or fried with butter in a pan. It will also turn out very original.

☑ try to cook dumplings different shapes. Pieces of sausage are, of course, simple, but you can also cook them in other shapes.

I think that after reading these recipes, you will be able to cook lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and you will succeed. Tell us in the comments what dumplings you got. Bon Appetit everyone.

Many people like dumplings with cottage cheese, but they are cooked quite rarely, as it takes a lot of time. In such cases, you can cook lazy cottage cheese dumplings. This will help save a lot of time that you can spend on vacation, your favorite pastime, or just when you need to cook something tasty and quickly. Almost everyone got acquainted with this dish in childhood (in kindergarten or at school), maybe someone first tried them with their grandmother in the village.

Many housewives know how and love to cook this dish, but still not all. How to cook lazy dumplings with cottage cheese? Everything is quite simple and fast, although there are quite a few recipes, each housewife, most likely, has her own tricks and cooking features. This dish can be made both sweet and plain. Here are some cooking examples.

Some cooking tricks

To make cottage cheese dumplings more tender, you need to add a little cream to the dough. When adding each product, the cottage cheese must be carefully ground, but this is not necessary. The flour must first be sifted through a sieve, this will make the dough more airy and tender.

There is an opinion that when sugar is added, dumplings keep their shape worse, but in practice this is not confirmed. The taste will depend on how much flour you put in the dough: the less flour, the more curd taste, it also affects the calorie content of the dish. In addition, the quality of the products greatly affects the taste.

Sweet lazy dumplings with less curd

This recipe for making lazy dumplings is suitable for those who do not really like cottage cheese, especially children, because they usually do not like it. We will need the following products:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 8 art. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • vanilla;
  • salt.

Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, add the egg and grind well. Add sugar, vanilla and salt at the tip of a teaspoon, mix. Then add some flour and knead. Pour the remaining flour on the board and put the dough on it, knead the dough so that it is not hard. Divide the resulting mass into 4 parts and roll into sausages about 2 centimeters thick. Cut them into pieces.

Put a container of water on the stove, do not forget to salt the water and wait until the water boils. After this happens, put these pieces in a saucepan. As soon as the water boils again, you can count approximately 5 minutes. Then, draining the water, arrange the finished dish on plates, and you're done. Best served with jam or cream.

Sweet lazy dumplings

This recipe for making lazy cottage cheese dumplings. To prepare them, you will need:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp decoys;
  • 1 st. flour;
  • salt.

How to cook? Add sugar and vanilla to the butter, then grind everything thoroughly. Add eggs to the resulting mixture and mix well, then add semolina and cottage cheese there. Grind everything well and pour flour into it, knead with your hands until a soft consistency. Put the dough on the table and make several pieces out of it. Roll these pieces into sausages and cut them into small pieces.

Get the right size cooking utensils. Put it on fire, pour water into it. The water can be slightly salted. Bring it to a boil and pour the chopped pieces of dough into the container. How long to cook the dough? After the water boils, cook for about 5 minutes. Then fish them out with a slotted spoon. Serve with cream, jam or butter.

Plain lazy dumplings

This dish can be eaten with sour cream or in combination with other sauces. The recipe for lazy dumplings is simple. For cooking we need:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 30 g vegetable oil;
  • 30 g of sour cream or butter;
  • salt.

Eggs are separated into whites and yolks. The yolks are rubbed with vegetable oil, the yolks must be added one at a time. Add fresh cottage cheese and a little salt and, then rub everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Proteins are whipped and also added to the cottage cheese, flour is poured on top, and the dough is kneaded. The dough must be kneaded gently. Put it on a table or board sprinkled with flour. Divide the dough into several pieces and roll sausages out of them, then cut into equal pieces.

Pour 3 liters of water into the pan and add about 3 teaspoons of salt. We wait for the water to boil, and lower the dough into it, when the water boils again, make the fire quieter and cook for another 5 minutes. Put the finished dish on a plate and pour sour cream or melted butter on top.

In this way, delicious lazy dumplings are prepared, they are very easy to prepare and do not take much time.

They are easy and quick to prepare. Even though they use the same ingredients, different flavors can be achieved. They will surprise any gourmet.

Remembering your childhood, you mentally admire the presented picture, where your mother puts dumplings on a plate. This dish does not lose its relevance, with one difference - if earlier it was practically the most affordable, now it happily dilutes the menu of "bored" semi-finished products from stores.
Warm, cozy dumplings, where the contents always sets the mood. You can use meat, potato, assorted vegetables, sweet stuffing. If the hostess is looking for compromises: tasty and healthy, it was decided to stop at cottage cheese.
Cooking lazy dumplings with cottage cheese does not take much time, they can be made in 20-25 minutes. It is better to use home-made cottage cheese or store-bought grain for lazy dumplings; you can also make lazy dumplings from the curd mass, but they will turn out to be a slightly different, more uniform consistency. In real lazy dumplings, small grains of cottage cheese should be felt.


  • cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt (0.5 tsp)
  • butter
  • sugar


Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, knead thoroughly with a fork, so that there are no lumps, you can rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, then you get a more uniform consistency.

Add salt, egg, 2 tablespoons of flour. Knead. You should know that it is not necessary to mix a lot of flour into lazy dumplings, as the taste of cottage cheese may be lost and the dumplings may become unnecessarily floury.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour. Lay out the curd mass. Roll the ball for our dumplings gently on the surface so that it is covered with flour on top.

When the dough stops sticking to your hands, stop mixing flour, it is ready. Do not mix in a lot of flour and ensure that the dough is tight. One of the main properties of ready-made lazy dumplings is their airiness.

Roll up “sausages” from the dough with a thickness of about 2 centimeters and a width of about 4-5 cm. Press each “sausage” with a knife along the entire length, the sausage should be covered with flour on all sides.

Cut into pieces at an angle. Dip the corners in flour too, we do this so that during cooking our dumplings do not break apart and all the cottage cheese remains inside the lazy dumpling, and does not float in the pan.
Sprinkle a tray or a large flat plate with flour, lay out lazy dumplings. In this form, it is convenient to freeze lazy dumplings with cottage cheese for future use. After freezing, they can be poured into a bag and stored.

Boil the required number of dumplings in lightly salted water (after floating to the surface, cook for 2 minutes).

Serve dumplings hot, with sugar and butter or sour cream. In summer, you can serve them with sugar and fresh berries, such as red currants, strawberries.
Tips for making lazy dumplings with cottage cheese:
Flour for lazy dumplings should be sifted. This will help them to be softer and more airy.
Don't use too many eggs. One for the above amount of ingredients is enough. Exceeding their number, you will make the dough heavier by gluing it.
Great option for breakfast. In order not to mess with the dough in the morning - just freeze the dumplings in reserve.
Curd is a source of calcium. If the child does not want to use this product, offer him lazy dumplings with cottage cheese - this can save the situation. Make your children fond memories of morning breakfasts or Sunday afternoon snacks.

The recipe for lazy dumplings with cottage cheese will help out a lot when you need to quickly figure out a hearty hot breakfast. Meanwhile, many novice housewives do not know how to approach it. Let's fix this injustice.

I don't claim to have an extraordinary recipe. A recipe is like a recipe. Literate. Delicious. Ideal for baby food. Especially if you apply cunning, but about it - for a snack.

To cook delicious and “correct” lazy cottage cheese dumplings, we need:


  • 450 g cottage cheese
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 140 g flour


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    Put cottage cheese in a bowl; if bought in packs, mash slightly with a fork. Beat the egg and mix, salt.

    add sugar, mix again.

    Sift the flour and pour into the curd. Stir with a fork until it becomes hard enough to do so.

    Dust the cutting surface lightly with flour. Remove curd mixture from bowl.

    Knead the dough. It should be soft, slightly damp, slightly sticky to the hands. Then lazy dumplings with cottage cheese will turn out airy and soft.

    Wet your hands with water to keep the dough from sticking to them.

    Cut off a piece of dough and roll it into a sausage.

    Cut it into pieces - these are already lazy dumplings.

    However, they can be given a variety of shapes.

    If you flatten the cut pieces by pressing with your finger, you will get medallions with a depression in the middle.

    Butter, sour cream or honey will perfectly linger in this recess, with which you will serve lazy dumplings with cottage cheese.

    You can make rhombuses. To do this, again you need to roll out the sausage and crush it with your fingers.

    Cut the sausage diagonally into diamonds.

    And do not forget about the grooves that can be made with a fork, gently pressing it to the surface.

    When curd lazy dumplings (or part of dumplings) are molded, they can either be boiled immediately or frozen.

    If you decide to boil, put the water on the fire, when it boils, salt it. Add dumplings and cook until they float to the top. As a rule, it is 2-3 minutes.

    Remove with a slotted spoon to a plate generously greased with butter.

    Sour cream, jam, honey can be served with lazy cottage cheese dumplings - this is the traditional serving of the dish.

If you are cooking lazy dumplings for the first time

The modern interpretation of the recipe for lazy dumplings will especially appeal to children. The idea is to drizzle the dish with a topping: chocolate, caramel, strawberry, in a word, whatever you like.

Extra or cooked lazy dumplings can and should be frozen. Place them on a flat board dusted with flour.

Put the dough and cottage cheese blanks in the freezer. When they are cold, put them in a bag. Cook frozen dumplings in the same way as freshly cooked ones. It is not necessary to defrost them - just remove them from the refrigerator and immediately put them in salted boiling water.

And a few more cooking tips:

For lazy dumplings, you need to take non-acidic and fatty cottage cheese;

Do not pour more flour than the norm; grains of cottage cheese should be felt in the dumplings;

Do not digest, take out as soon as they float, otherwise they become "sour"; it is edible but not very tasty.