How gold is stolen in here. How to earn gold in World of Tanks: description, methods and recommendations. Services for earning game currency

Gold in World of Tanks gives players almost limitless possibilities. It allows you to purchase a variety of paid options that are not available for silver. In addition, it helps to achieve goals faster and develop technique. Usually there are no questions about where you can spend gold. On the contrary, as soon as the player has the required amount, he immediately finds a use for it.

For example, with the help of gold coins you can always buy:

New premium tank;
. several days, weeks and even months of a premium account;
. additional options for the tank or slots;
. various small privileges, for example, to increase the barracks, change the dossier of tankers, etc.

In addition, gold can always be exchanged at a favorable rate for silver, without which players also have a hard time.

One of the most common gold spending points is working with tank crews. If you spend a certain amount, you can speed up the training of the crew and then transfer it to another vehicle. Thus, you will quickly develop the branches you need to the highest levels. With the help of gold coins, the efficiency of a tank crew can be increased up to 100%, while with silver you will achieve an efficiency indicator of no more than 75%.

Gold is another expense item for gold owners. These are more powerful projectiles that easily pierce higher level opponents. Thanks to this, you have a chance to win, even if you are at the very bottom of the list. If you buy gold for silver, then it costs a tidy sum. Therefore, it is wiser to spend gold coins on this.

Where can I buy?

If you are short of gold, you can always buy it. You can do this in the official Wargaming store. However, the price for such products on that site will be quite high and not always affordable for the average player. If you want to purchase any amount of gold at a favorable rate, then pay attention to our premium store. We offer a wide range of premium products at the lowest cost. And an unlimited supply of gold for any need!

You can choose one of the proposed sets or order it in the quantity you need. In any case, it will be a profitable purchase - it is simply impossible to find cheaper gold coins for WOT! The price of all premium products is much lower than in the official store. You can verify this by simply examining our convenient catalog. Moreover, we do not sell bonus codes for gold, but real goods that come to your account as a gift. It's completely safe and legal!

If you have any questions about making a purchase, paying for goods or ongoing promotions, contact our consultant, who is always online! We promptly resolve issues with the receipt of goods to customers, regardless of the time of day and day of the week.

Getting World of Tanks gold is quite difficult. But without it it is simply impossible if you want to feel free and independent. For example, for gold you can buy a premium account. As you already know, with it you will get more credits and experience and many other bonuses.

In addition, you can get any premium tank for gold, which, for example, is much better for farming silver. Thus, it turns out that you can play World of Tanks without gold, but it's not so fun and interesting. Therefore, many players are racking their brains in search of it, sometimes pouring in real money. After reading this article, you will learn how you can get gold on the Internet in a short time, without using real money.

Ways to get free gold

  1. So, you already know the most popular way to get gold, putting real money into the game. But it doesn't suit everyone. Not everyone has free funds to which it would be so easy to say goodbye.
  2. The second way to get free gold in World of Tanks is to capture global map various provinces. It is quite difficult for a beginner to cope with this, one might even say impossible.
  3. The third way: getting a game volume for participating and winning in various tournaments and contests held on the official website of World of Tanks. But this is also not a way out, because thousands of people play, everyone wants free gold and the chance that you will become the winner in the competition is very small. “What can you do anyway?” - you ask.

There is only one answer, you need to register in one of the most popular gold earning services. Most of you might think that this is just another ploy, that this is just another site to pull money. But that's not the case at all. In order to get gold, you do not have to spend a dime.

What needs to be done?

First of all, you will need to register. After that, you will immediately be able to start the proposed tasks, for the completion of which you will receive gold for World of Tanks. Thus, absolutely without any costs, you will have free in-game gold for which you can purchase premium vehicles and renew your premium account every month.

You might be wondering, “What benefit does the site get by giving away money so easily for doing a simple job?”

The answer is simple: "The owners of this service receive a percentage of the work you do, so their earnings are completely dependent on you, and there is no reason for them to deceive you."

Let's summarize. To get game gold for free World of Tanks, you do not need to spend real money, hope and wait for victory in competitions, you just need to complete simple tasks while spending a minimum of free time.

Learn how to get gold in the game

Hello everyone, dear gamers and fans of world of tanks! In this article, we will tell you about how to earn in-game gold in this exciting and this moment perhaps the best online games e. Of course, this is one of the most popular and interesting questions in this game, but, alas, not many people know how to get game gold in WOT game. The first thing to talk about is that you can earn gold with such simple ways like changing the password and linking the phone number to the game. Although this only applies to users who have recently registered an account, such information will certainly be useful for every newbie. After all, almost no one knows that as soon as an account has been registered, you can change the password to another one and get 300 units of gold for this one from the creators. The second thing for which this attractive and sought-after currency is given is for linking a phone number to the game account. This procedure will add as much as 100 gold to the players account. This, perhaps, is all the goodies that developers can please. Yes, of course, there are also stocks that give gold, but, in Lately this happens very rarely.

As for the purchase of game gold, everything is quite simple here. To add gold to the game, just go to the premium store, which is on the official website of the game, and purchase gold for real money. If we talk about other sites that offer to buy a little gold from them, but cheaper, then you should be wary of such services, because often these are ordinary scammers. Many players love donut and regularly resort to it, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford this way of getting gold.

Buy or not gold in WoT

What to do if there is no money for in-game gold, but you really want it? In this case, there are two ways to go, each of which will consist in earning the required amount of gold in one way or another. One of the ways, which is the simplest, is, again, an in-game opportunity, thanks to which, if you are a member of a particular clan, you can earn gold for yourself. What is the essence of this method? There is nothing complicated here, because for this you just need to play World of Tanks well and bring benefits to your clan. What is meant by this benefit? Everything is very simple, you play on the global map and help the clan to conquer one or another part of it. For the fact that in the possession of the clan there will be a certain area, for a certain amount of time it brings gold to the treasury of the clan. Then this treasury is distributed among the most useful and active players, which is nice for everyone. In addition, various clans can introduce payment in gold for certain actions, but this is already happening outside the game and from the personal pocket of someone who wants to become a sponsor.

All the rest of the poor fellows, in which the clan does not own plots on the globalka or who do not have money to donate, are dedicated to everything described below. In addition to all the methods described above, there are also those with which you can earn gold in WOT. Firstly, there are many sites that offer to perform certain actions (play games, upgrade to a certain level, just register) and receive points for this on your account, which can then be exchanged for gold in game world of Tanks. However, it is worth warning you that among such sites there are scammers who will simply earn money from you and throw you away. Secondly, you can participate in various draws and streams, where you get gold for this or that action. But, again, you can only get it if you are very lucky. There are also many groups in in social networks, where they offer to give gold for reposts and likes, but again, this is an ordinary lottery, where, as always, you are unlucky. In this case, there is a third way, more proven and reliable, although difficult. It consists in earning money on the Internet and buying gold for the game. But, few people agree to this method, because here you need to work. But in vain, because you can earn it faster with your own work than hoping that maybe you will win it in the lottery.

Gold allows you to purchase special equipment and tanks in World of tanks. For this currency, WoT players can buy a premium account, which gives a 50% bonus to experience gained and silver for each battle. In addition, for gold in the in-game store, you can purchase special premium tanks that allow you to upgrade crews and have an increased earning rate. Behind gold in WoT you can purchase HEAT or sub-caliber shells, special premium equipment.

If you have been playing World of tanks for a long time, then you probably noticed that the price of gold fluctuates what does it depend on?

From the value of the dollar, because the cost of gold in World of tanks is rigidly tied to the dollar:

250 gold in WoT costs $1

August 19, 2015, the developers of World of tanks fixed the exchange rate of national currencies. To date, regardless of the current rate in the WoT premium store 1 dollar is equivalent to 55 rubles, 20 hryvnias, 1.5 Belarusian rubles, 255 tenge.

Calculator for calculating the price of gold in World of tanks

How much is gold in WoT

You can find out how much 100, 250, 500, 1000 gold costs in World of tanks. Enter the amount of gold you need, select the currency Russian or Belarusian ruble, hryvnia, tenge

How much gold can you buy in WoT with available money

Enter the amount you are interested in, select the currency - rubles, tenge, hryvnia, click the calculate button.

The price of gold in WoT in rubles, tenge, hryvnia

As noted earlier, 250 gold = $1, so 1 unit of gold is worth $0.004.

As for the current exchange rate, it is not difficult to find out, we are interested in the price of one unit of gold .

To the specified gold prices in World of tanks you need to add a commission that you will have to pay when making a purchase. The fee may vary depending on the payment method.

Where to buy gold in world of tanks

You can buy gold on the official website of world of tanks, or save a little on commission and

Everyone knows that in the game World of Tanks game gold gives the gamer tangible advantages: a premium account, more powerful shells and elite vehicles. And many players agree to invest real money in their favorite entertainment, but not everyone has the opportunity to do this all the time, or there is no desire to pay free game. However, I want to buy a premium tank. So they have a question: how to earn gold for World of Tanks without spending real money? In this article, you will learn several ways to make money.

Services for earning game currency.

wasd. This service offers the user to perform simple tasks: download games, fill out small questionnaires, register on sites or install browsers. There are a lot of tasks and they are not difficult at all. The site has detailed descriptions and conditions for their implementation. For each such "feat" you will receive certain points - "richiki", which can then be converted into the game currency of various online games. For example, for one task you can get 50 riches, and to bring them to WOT you need 140 pieces.

coinup. It is the same as the previous version. The service pleases with a convenient interface, cooperates with most popular online games. For completing tasks, you will receive credits, you can exchange them at the rate of 1.4 credits - 1 gold in World of Tanks. Another option. It is distinguished by a large amount of gold earned and withdrawn - the minimum amount is 1500 coins.

Wmmail. This service stands out among analogues in that the earned money can be withdrawn not only into the game, but also into reality. And then, pay for the phone, Internet and other services.

Just play is all.

If you just change the password, you can get as much as 300 gold, and if you link your account to a phone number, then another 100. But at the same time, the password must meet the requirements of the game. For these manipulations, it is enough just to go to Personal Area. This bonus is only available once, per account.

You can also go to the site "", using Open ID from Wagaming, and take part in combat missions. This can be inflicting certain damage in battle, destroying a certain number of enemy tanks, competent defense, or something else. Then go to your personal account and transfer gold at the rate of one to one. To do this, use the "coin exchange" button. There are a lot of promotions and they are constantly updated, in addition, they have a binding on the execution time. After that, go to your account on the World of Tanks website and receive gold as a gift. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 gold, and the payment is made within 24 hours from the FrostFT account.

Further, there is the following way: just play and play a lot, it's not about tasks anymore. You just need to go to the settings before starting the game and select the option to record replays. To do this, go to the site and click the red button on the top right. There are certain rules here. For example, 5 gold for a random replay over a period of time, or 100 gold over a period of time. JackpotWOT will pay. But this happens only on Tuesdays, once a week. Money is withdrawn automatically.

There are other promotions in World of Tanks. They almost never give gold for them, but you can get . If you already have a tank, you will receive a "golden" compensation.

You can take part in events. These are tasks when you need to kill a certain tank. Such a tank will be controlled by an experienced player, for example, from the administration or the Wargaming team. For defeating this opponent, you can raise from 500 to 1000 gold.

Battles on the global map.

By participating in such battles, you can also farm gold, but for this you need to meet several conditions. First, you need to become a member of a clan. To be accepted, you must have several high-level tanks. The most popular are heavy tanks of 8-10 levels and artillery. Also, you need to know which tank has a weak spot. Your qualifications will be judged by yours, that is, the accuracy of hits, the number of victorious battles and, of course, the damage in battle. In addition, you must be able to play well in a team and follow the orders of the group commander in a timely manner. You can express your objections after the fight, not during it. Now we need to understand that you should be able to play when your clan is at war, and as often as possible. There are territories that bring a very good amount of gold. If you correctly and effectively prove yourself in the game, then you are guaranteed to receive your reward. Even if you try to get here, you will improve your level of play a lot, and if you get in and stay, then there will be no more problems with gold.

Wargaming often hosts different competitions. For prizes, you can earn tens of thousands of gold in World of Tanks, and quite real prizes, even in the form of a gaming computer. So if you consider yourself a specialist, you can even now take part in them.