Games bears neighbors. Games bears neighbors online Games for two against bears

The invasion of the native home of unwanted subjects always causes resentment and stimulates response. And if exhortations and calls to leave the territory are not perceived by the aggressor, it is necessary to apply active actions, and here all means are good. You will not stand with your hands down when an uninvited guest is operating in your monastery, behaving like at home. So the bears-neighbors, when a woodcutter showed up to them, united to drive the insolent man away. This story is told by the cartoon and game Bears Neighbors.

Squad of volunteers playing Bears Neighbors

  • Brambu is a brown tall bear who protects the forest from the lumberjack. In fact, he is a kind little one who good relations with neighbors of their breed and other inhabitants of the thicket. He is a great inventor and lover of entertainment.
  • Briard is friends with Brambu. His character is somewhat calm and even lazy. But this does not prevent him from joining a small detachment of patrolmen to confront the woodcutter. Outwardly, Briard differs from the other in a lighter color and a bluish nose.
  • The squirrel is also actively involved in the events, providing all possible assistance to the bears. She is on excellent terms with them, restless and fidgety.

The main forest villain

  • The lumberjack is the main robber.

This small, frail little man imagined himself to be a strong and courageous lumberjack. He set himself the goal of cutting down all the trees. But he forgot that the forest is alive and its inhabitants will not allow to deprive them of their homes so easily. Now the woodcutter is up against an army of bear neighbors, and he won't do well if you play Bear neighbor games for two. The Forest Pirate isn't scary at all - he's short, has a nasty little mustache, and wears blue-purple clothing, as well as a helmet and vest.

Now attack the lumberjack!

Let our heroes live in the forest, but they are quite deftly controlled with a gun. Games bears neighbors you will play using logic. It is necessary that the bullet ricochets, changing direction in such a way as to destroy all the lumberjack clones that are located on the perches, stand on mounds and branches. Until you clear the area, the forest remains in danger.

Even living all my life in wild nature, where it is full of various living creatures, bears are afraid of spiders. These insects terrify clubfoot, and they cannot overcome their phobia. When the arachnids are swinging on the cobwebs, wait for the breeze to blow them aside, freeing the bear to pass. Only in this way will he go forward again and be safe, and also collect coins that will become your game points.

If our heroes are afraid of spiders, they are always ready to fight in an open battle with numerous invaders, using the kung fu technique. Offers free games Bears neighbors in which you have the right to choose between Briar, Brambu and the woodcutter himself. Now it's up to you which side will win this time. With the keyboard keys you will make attacks and strikes, but you can arm yourself with all sorts of items that will help in the fight.
These strange bears sometimes go so far in their adventures that they do things that are completely unusual for them. Who told them that bears can fly? Or did they eat something wrong, and now their bellies are swelling so much that they are thrown into the air in a ball? True, they did not just fly, but used a tree for this, like a catapult. And while the hero is in flight, give him a direction so that he can collect all the coins. But beware of the bombs that the lumberjack managed to disguise even in the sky.

Bear neighbors games for free offer many more stories that you will learn about on your own.

Category bears neighbors- Original title Boonie Bears and Hunter

The first game in this application offers to take part on the side of the lumberjack, who will knock the bears off the crossing by throwing fruits at them. Before starting the task, you definitely need to choose the difficulty of the passage, and it will determine how long you will do this or that work. So, in the first part, move around, aiming and throwing fruits at the bears, and if you don’t hit the animal, and it can get to the right side of the screen, you will have to say goodbye to one of the five lives. In the upper left corner of the screen it is noted how many bears you have already shot down, and how many more to shoot down. In the second toy, we are already helping the bears by running them along a special structure and collecting pots of honey. But everything is not so simple here, because the hunter interferes with doing his job and his obstacles constantly need to be jumped over, and each taken pot will have to be thrown from the lower platform to his friend so that he can feast on it, and we earned 100 points. Just like in the first toy, you will have to collect a certain number of pots in a certain time.


  • We move - arrows.
  • Spacebar - throw, lift, drop.

If you think that Chinese animators professionally shoot only animated series in anime format, then after watching the animated series about two neighbor bears, bearing the same name “Neighbor Bears”, you will radically change your attitude to this issue. A wonderfully drawn cartoon, with funny main characters, with a great idea and lack of violence, will appeal to absolutely everyone who watches at least one series. And the smallest children will find in this cartoon those they love and will ask you to play the series one after the other more than once. The story takes place in one of the most ordinary forests in which two bears-buddies live. They love to have fun, joke and play with the squirrel living nearby. However, after some time, an insidious lumberjack appears in the forest, who wants to cut down the forest by any means, because this is his job, and he certainly needs to do it. Neighbor bears take it upon themselves to protect their beloved forest, and, as it should be in any good children's cartoon series, they do it very well. In addition, it turns out very fun and funny.

Extraordinary forest protection

It doesn't take long to really fall in love with the main characters of this colorful cartoon.

  • Briard is one of the main characters of the animated series. This is an ordinary bear living in an ordinary forest. He is quite lazy, loves to play outside with his neighbor and a little squirrel. He has a light brown color and a lilac-blue nose.
  • Brambou is Briard's neighbor and so main character adventures of neighbor bears. In addition to the fact that they like to have fun with their neighbor and the squirrel, they are also the defenders of their forest from various troubles. The Brambu has a slightly darker brown tint and the same brown nose.
  • Squirrel is the best friend of two bear friends. She is with them when they are having fun and when they need help in protecting their home.
  • The woodcutter is the main villain of the cartoon. The insidious destroyer of the forest came to the forest where our main characters live in order to cut it clean. Bears-neighbors in each series, unsuccessfully trying to resist him. The lumberjack is depicted in the cartoon as a short man with a nasty mustache under his nose. He is almost always dressed in purple pants, a purple-blue sweater with sleeves, and a vest made of leather and without sleeves. The woodcutter wears a helmet on his head orange color reminiscent of a miner's.

In addition to these characters, others appear in the cartoon, but their appearance is recorded occasionally in some episodes of the animated series.

Forest Patrol offers to play games Bears Neighbors

Based on the animated series, as well as with the participation of its main characters, it was developed a large number of mini games. Games Bears Neighbors quickly began to gain popularity among both very young children and adults. Our site does not lag behind fashion trends, and these toys have appeared with us. If friends come to you, invite them to play Bears Neighbors game for two. Having chosen your favorite character, take part in protecting the forest with him. You can play Bear Neighbors games without downloading or installing anything - they are available on our website online. In addition, the section with games is not in vain called free games Bears neighbors. This means that Bears neighbors games are available for free without any conditions and restrictions. The only thing you need is a supply of free time and a desire to play and have fun. We are confident that the funny characters of the Neighbor Bears games set will make you smile more than once and leave an unforgettable pleasant experience.