Pisces woman - compatibility. Pisces and Pisces Compatibility: Selfless Love or Unstable Relationships With whom Pisces are well compatible

The expansive imagination of Pisces distinguishes them from other representatives of the zodiac circle. The mystical mystery and extraordinary sensitivity of water signs is formed under the influence of the Moon: they are used to thinking intuitively. With whom can these unusual people get along? Consider compatibility: Pisces with other zodiac signs. How to find an approach to impressionable persons?

earth signs

Marriage compatibility with Taurus is not very good. Taurus does not like the impracticality of Pisces and the endless wandering in the clouds. Scandals can arise on financial grounds, as Taurus are used to counting every penny. The best harmony can be achieved by a couple where the Taurus woman and the Pisces man - she will help her husband gain confidence in his abilities. Relationships will only get stronger with age.

With Virgo in Pisces, an alliance can develop successfully if both partners agree to change in the name of common love. Pisces' tendency to have their heads in the clouds can annoy Virgo, but it can teach Pisces to be more practical. But this only applies to a couple where Pisces' wife is. If the wife is Virgo in a couple, then the union is categorically impossible - the spouse will begin to suppress Pisces and extinguish any desire to be together. Pisces do not tolerate criticism and nit-picking. Only a common goal can save a marriage.

With Capricorn, the union is very prosperous. Pisces just lacks a confident and reliable partner in all respects. Capricorn takes on the solution of all life's problems, Pisces can only calmly follow him. This alignment of forces suits everyone. Capricorn surrounds Pisces with complete comfort, and they fill him with the necessary romance and play of feelings. Both signs have a positive effect on each other.

air signs

With Gemini, relationships depend only on the desire or unwillingness of partners to change and adapt to each other. In practice, partners quickly end relationships, seeking to hurt each other more painfully. Gemini consider Pisces to be too intrusive in the manifestation of feelings, and Pisces lacks attention from Gemini. Sometimes unusual married couples can be found, where the Pisces man takes on the role of housekeeping, and the Gemini woman provides for the family financially.

Pisces has nothing in common with Libra, and they do not even try to find common ground. The union is possible only temporarily - for romantic meetings. In the conditions of family life, any romantic notes that sounded during dates will fade away. Firstly, both signs are characterized by uncertainty in their abilities and do not have a clear position in life. Secondly, each partner will try to shift the responsibility to the other.

With Aquarius, an alliance is possible with mutual concessions. A conflict between them may arise on the basis of misunderstanding - both have non-standard thinking and are not able to adapt to each other. Problems await a couple in everyday matters - none of them knows how to properly manage a household. Both are carried away by dreams, hover in the clouds and cannot land on the sinful earth. A union can be harmonious only in business or creative relations.

fire signs

Pisces has such a different temperament with Aries that relationships are hardly possible. Aries Pisces seem passive and too slow. In fact, Pisces simply do not keep up with the active Aries, their life rhythms do not match. Despite the harmony in sexual terms, in everyday life, these signs do not correspond at all to each other. In relationships, Pisces suffer from the pressure of the temperamental Aries, and their coldness is not to their liking.

Relations with Leo are so difficult that an alliance is hardly possible. The rhythm of movement of Cancer and Leo is so opposite and multidirectional that they are simply not able to understand each other. The Pisces woman tends to throw tantrums about jealousy, makes attempts to manipulate her husband - this is categorically not tolerated by the royal person of Leo. A Pisces man can negotiate with his wife Leo if they jointly distribute responsibilities and conscientiously fulfill each of their roles.

An alliance with Sagittarius is impossible, since the straightforwardness of the fiery sign hurts the impressionable Pisces. Sagittarius is not used to prevaricate, expresses everything on the forehead and does not care about the feelings of a person. In addition, both partners begin to compete in manipulation - who will outplay whom. Only a common goal or spiritual ideal can unite this pair.

Friendship with Pisces

In friendship, Pisces demonstrate the positive qualities of loyalty and empathy. These are excellent interlocutors who are able to sensitively listen to a friend. They, like no one else, can truly empathize with a friend. Pisces can not only sincerely listen to the interlocutor, but also sincerely admire him. This ability of Pisces is explained by the constant wearing of pink glasses - they do not see shortcomings point-blank. Unfortunately, Pisces is constantly wondering how they could not notice the deceit of a friend.

The strongest friendships are formed with representatives of their element - Scorpions and Cancers. Pisces know how to calm the expressive Scorpio, and he will protect his friend to the last drop of blood.

Pisces get along very well with earth signs. Pets of the earth element give Pisces confidence in their abilities, and they envelop them with tender feelings and warmth of the heart. Pisces with earth signs have no reason for conflict.

Pisces and Aquarius get along well with each other - these are two dreamers and idealists who perfectly understand each other. Attracts Pisces and the fiery temperament of Aries, whose cheerfulness can dispel any sadness. Leo can provide patronage to insecure Pisces.

With whom is friendship impossible? Relations with Libra and Aquarius, Virgo and Sagittarius do not go well.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, the last in the astrological zodiac circle. Its element is water, representatives of this sign rarely subject their lives to changes, preferring to move along the usual course.

The constellation Pisces is under the influence of two planets at once - Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the nature of such people can be dual, holding two personalities at the same time. Pisces is a spiritual, emotional and inspirational sign that can capture harmony in the surrounding chaos.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sign of Pisces is the sign of people "not of this world" who are able to live in their own illusory world. They are used to relying on their feelings and intuition, they are altruistic and peaceful.

Pisces find it difficult to tolerate absence and support, without them they often withdraw into themselves and experience severe depression. Most Pisces are representatives of creative professions: musicians, actors, designers, artists. It is difficult for Pisces to occupy leadership positions, they are not able to cope with great responsibility.

Since the sign of Pisces is the last one, it has absorbed the advantages and disadvantages of the previous signs. Pisces can share two types of personality in themselves: unshakable idealists, overly sentimental and kind people who can come to the aid of another person and dirty, dishonest, mean, capable of anything for the sake of profit.

Pisces don't take criticism well.- in order to avoid unpleasant words addressed to them, they are ready to go for a scam, skillfully changing the information to the opposite.

People born under this sign often hide many facts about themselves in order to maintain harmony in their lives. The life harmony of Pisces is reflected in their aesthetic feelings, it is important for them to be surrounded by elegant things, they know a lot about fashion, they can look at art objects for hours and prefer to spend a lot of time in nature.

Excessive closeness and mental vulnerability of Pisces causes frequent prolonged depression, neurasthenia, and drug addiction.

Excessive emotionality and susceptibility, although it looks quite elegant, but such behavior has disastrous consequences. People of this sign are prone to weaknesses that can save them from spiritual hardships, so weakness of mind and instability to life's adversities is their main problem.

A happy union comes out of Pisces with restrained and enterprising Taurus, but only in the case of a male Taurus. Romantic Cancers are able to create harmony in a pair with Pisces, and calm ones will ensure reliability and well-being.

The most frequent marriage happens between Pisces and Scorpios, the energies of these two signs complement each other perfectly, creating the basis for emotional nourishment.

Pisces will have difficult relationships with Gemini, Aries and Leo. Complete incompatibility with Libra and Sagittarius.

Pisces and Pisces: compatibility of signs in a love relationship

Love between representatives of this can flare up spontaneously. Their relationship will be filled with warmth, romance and will resemble the interweaving of their joint fantasies and dreams. The romance of these two people in the future may develop in an unpredictable way. In relations with a representative partner of the same sign, the totality of their positive and negative qualities is multiplied several times. Pisces are strongly subject to life illusions and are not able to protect their partner from a similar situation.

Marriage between Pisces

The success in marriage of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man largely depends on the age at which the partners decide to create a new unit of society, as well as on the wealth of life experience. The younger the guy and the girl, the more often they will try to dodge responsibility, shifting it onto the shoulders of their half.

Such behavior can lead to discord in the family and destroy it even at the very beginning of the marriage. In order to avoid such situations, it is better for Pisces to opt for representatives of other signs, in the character of which there is confidence, energy and great willpower.

Pisces tend to get married early. This happens before they become able to provide for themselves. Parents have to answer for such children's behavior. A young Pisces family needs a lot of time to become independent.

Partners will need a lot of patience, positive thinking, which this sign especially lacks. Often, Pisces women create a family with a man of the same sign because of an unsuccessful previous experience with an overly thick-skinned and authoritative man.

Compatibility in bed

Intimately, Pisces partners have unconditional compatibility. If the relationship was built only on harmony in bed, then their couple would probably be the happiest. Full compatibility of Pisces in bed comes out thanks to the developed imagination of both partners. They try to bring tenderness, romance and light eroticism into their intimacy, which are characteristic of this zodiac sign.

Many Pisces have a positive attitude towards various kinds of fetishism, and also gravitate toward specific "adult" games. The Union of Pisces allows you to translate secret desires into reality without any hesitation and misunderstanding on the other hand. Only communication difficulties that arise outside the bed can destroy the union of this couple.

Love between two Pisces is a complicated thing, but exciting. Neptune, the planet that rules the sign of Pisces, dictates to them to be a kind of gentle dreamy lovers, trying to satisfy the desires of their partner as much as possible. When a Pisces woman and a Pisces man fall in love with each other, they begin to give away what each of them has in abundance. It's like a tender relationship between two teenagers: everything is romantic, like in Romeo and Juliet, but not viable. Why? Because the Pisces woman will expect strength and stamina from her partner - qualities that are opposite to the sign of Pisces. The Pisces man, you guessed it, will also look for strong features in his partner. Perhaps, an Amazon woman would be more suitable for him, while a Pisces woman can only be compared with a mermaid: languid and romantic.

Sex between two representatives of the Pisces sign will be a little insipid. Most likely, both of them will lack fire and technicality, but they will be able to practice such forms of sexual intimacy as, for example, tantric sex. Everything that requires serious work of the imagination, Pisces can do it, here they are, if you like, like fish in water, but when it comes to something more carnal, bodily, materially expressed - sorry, this is not their area. In general, it is better for a Pisces woman to look for another partner - stronger, stronger and more stable than her sea brother.

Family and marriage

If they get married, then they will have big problems with what is commonly called a joint life. Neither the woman nor the Pisces man is accustomed to devoting much time and attention to the material side of life. They are like hippies - content with little. And until they decide to build something strong and stable (in our case, a family), their usual way of life will not become an obstacle. But as soon as they become husband and wife, the question of who will provide for the family will come to a head. Both of them are not examples of a responsible attitude to life, therefore it is better for them to choose representatives of the earthly or fiery signs of the zodiac as marriage partners.

Whatever, they can be friends! Here, two Pisces will definitely find an outlet for their thoughts and emotions: talking to each other, a woman and a Pisces man will feel that they are communicating with their reflection, their ideas about life and the problems they face day by day will be similar. Their friendship will be easy and not to say that strong: nevertheless, both the man and the Pisces woman are not used to making promises and swearing eternal love or friendship, and if they do give them, they do not consider it necessary to keep them.

Work and business

What they should not do together is business. Although the representatives of the Pisces sign have a very sensitive scent for profitable directions and money, they still need the help of representatives of other signs and elements to realize it. A Pisces man and a Pisces woman can form a good creative union: their common talent is enough to win the sympathy of the audience, listeners, and even unwitting witnesses of their joint work.

Pisces are impressionable and suspicious, sometimes they experience inexplicable anxiety and anxiety. Pisces have an interesting feature: their mood is directly dependent on the change in the phases of the moon, which makes it difficult for Pisces to be compatible with other signs. In the new moon, they can become depressed, and in the full moon they will be active and cheerful, during this period the energy simply overwhelms them. The patron of Pisces is Neptune, the god of the seas and oceans, an inventor who can blur the line between reality and fiction.

Neptune generously endowed his wards with mystical talents.

Characteristics of the sign

Pisces has a highly developed intuition, it seems that they can read minds, and some can have a hypnotic effect on the interlocutor. The element of Pisces is water, hidden from immodest glances underground, it is not visible, but it occupies and fills vast spaces, and there are practically no obstacles for it.

When looking for friends or partners, Pisces should first of all pay attention to representatives of water signs. Scorpios and Cancers will make them an excellent match, the common element means a lot. The union of two Pisces is also possible, the main thing is a reservoir of sufficient size, if they interfere with each other, their union may fall apart.

Pisces will do well with reliable Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo. The union of water and land can be very successful. But Sagittarius, Aries and Lviv are better to bypass, water and fire have never been compatible, such a union will bring many unpleasant moments to the impressionable Pisces. With air signs, there will be much less contradictions, but running with one of them to the registry office is worth it only if the Pisces are confident in their chosen one.

Pisces are dreamy creatures, they often hover in the clouds and build castles in the air. But this weakness of theirs is compensated by an amazing flair, intuition, which always helps them out. Others may be afraid of Pisces, they are mysterious, and everything that is not clear can cause fear. But at the same time, Pisces themselves are kind, they are always ready to support or give wise advice. Making friends with Pisces is easy and fun.

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs

Pisces and Aries

Powerful by nature, Aries will try to subjugate Pisces to their influence, regarding their calmness as a weakness of character. But Pisces is not so easy to catch in their nets, they feel everything and easily avoid the traps set on them. This couple cannot avoid a stormy romance, they are so drawn to each other that it is obvious to everyone around them. And even if the Rybkas want to swim away, they simply cannot do it. A stormy romance can develop into a family union, for happiness in which you will have to fight.

Pisces and Taurus

These guys complement each other perfectly. Problems can arise only because of the characters. Pisces and Taurus are completely different. Taurus can be annoyed by the suspiciousness of Pisces and their love of dreams. Pisces will also not be delighted with the overly pragmatic Taurus. Even if this couple does not reach the registry office, they have every chance of becoming best friends. Pisces will help Taurus make many amazing discoveries, and Taurus will teach Pisces not to get upset over trifles.

Pisces and Gemini

Air and water are well compatible, but this couple will have to fight for their happiness. Gemini is restless, they cannot live without adventures and new experiences, and Pisces can live perfectly in their inner world, and the fact that it is illusory does not bother them at all. Gemini will try to pull his couple to a noisy party, and Pisces will only wrap themselves more tightly in a warm blanket, well, why go somewhere if it’s so cozy at home. It is better for these two to be friends at a distance or to spin an easy and beautiful romance.

Pisces and Cancer

This union is able to conquer others, everything is fine with them and smoothly. The couple can find true love and they have perfect compatibility. Both signs are inclined towards mysticism, perfectly understand each other without words, sometimes it seems that they are able to penetrate each other's thoughts. In a word, there is complete understanding between the wards of Neptune and the Moon. If Cancer and Pisces meet, they can immediately go to the registry office, this marriage will withstand everything, and the partners will be happy. And they lived happily ever after - this is just about them.

Pisces and Lion

Love between Leo and Pisces will arise immediately, but this is not the reason for creating a family, these relationships do not promise to be long-term. This couple may break up before they can adjust and understand what they need for a happy life together. The pets of Neptune and the Sun are very different, most likely, this is what attracts them, they will not be able to resist. It’s better to immediately agree on friendly relations and not try to go beyond pleasant communication and easy enthusiasm.

Pisces and Virgo

The elements of this pair perfectly complement each other. Only the character of picky Virgos can spoil everything. They are idealists who are trying to improve everything in this world, so they will definitely try to re-educate and improve Pisces. But Pisces are so self-sufficient that there is simply no point in changing them, and Virgo's attempts will lead to nothing, except to spoil the relationship. If Pisces resort to their mystical talents and can convince the Devs that everything is fine, then the couple will live happily ever after.

Pisces and Libra

This couple can work together to build castles in the air, it will work out great for them. They can be friends all their lives, and there will never be betrayal and major quarrels between them. Different elements will interfere with making closer relationships ideal, it is difficult for water and air to make an alliance. Pisces will be too impressionable and melancholy for the optimistic Libra. However, there is a mutual attraction between Pisces and Libra, and if sympathy develops into true love, they can try their luck in marriage.

Pisces and Scorpio

These guys are united by a common element, perhaps this is what predetermines their amazing compatibility. The characters of the wards of Neptune and Pluto are completely different, but it does not matter when there are common hobbies. Surprisingly, their talents and habits are also similar. Pisces and Scorpios will not have disagreements about how to arrange a house, where to relax and which school to send children to. Scorpios, who love power and always strive for it, will mysteriously become complaisant and sweet next to Pisces.

Pisces and Sagittarius

For Sagittarians, life is movement. It is important for them to travel, they physically need new sensations and adventures. This spirit of adventurism Pisces will not be able to understand why look for impressions in the outside world, when you can find everything inside yourself. Sagittarius will be annoyed by the mystery of their companions, they are bored, or maybe just too lazy to unravel the secrets. What can you do, the stars warned, fire and water cannot be satellites. The chances of compatibility in this pair are minimal.

Pisces and Capricorn

At first, Pisces Capricorns will seem too cold, they will be frightened off by gloom and equanimity, only with a closer acquaintance they will change their minds. Patient Capricorns can seek their chosen ones for as long as they like until they get theirs. Impressive Pisces will love to be admired, and if Capricorns truly love, they will carry their mate in their arms. They have every chance to create a strong family.

Pisces and Aquarius

Aquarians can be very demanding, but in the case of Pisces they can get confused, but really, how can you make demands on what you don’t understand. And although Pisces is not the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac, they definitely will not allow themselves to be remade or educated. Aquarians will leave this idea very soon and will enjoy the relationship. This couple can develop an ideal relationship in the intimate sphere, so Aquarius and Pisces will have a fascinating and vivid romance. Over time, they will want more, and they can safely go to the registry office, this couple has compatibility.

Pisces and Pisces

One element and a common patron, only next to them it can become crowded. An ideal partner who understands you and feels like himself, perhaps this is good, but not for Pisces. It will seem strange, but the cause of the conflict and possible separation will be complete mutual understanding. Pisces creatures are original and with an ideal partner they will get bored. If this stage of the relationship is overcome by them, the marriage can be saved and even live happily in it.

Their element is underground water, the patron of this sign is the God of the seas - Neptune. Pisces and Pisces: Compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be ideal, but let's take a closer look. Often they are in...

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Pisces often mix reality and fantasy in their lives, they are ready to bypass any obstacles in their path, but still, to achieve their goal. Pisces and Libra: compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs seemed ...

The element of Virgo is the earth, so people born under this sign are always pragmatic, accurate and precise in their actions, they can do a lot of routine work and always teach others to order. Pisces and Virgo Compatibility in Love and Intimacy...

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Capricorns are interesting and practical personalities, distinguished by their desire for order and independence, their impeccable discipline and accuracy are explained by the patrons of the harsh Saturn and the elements of the Earth. Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility in Love and Intimacy...

5 /5 (5 )

Dreamy natures and great connoisseurs of beauty, preferring the world of dreams to the realities of life. This is how the twelfth sign of the Zodiac is characterized. The behavior and way of thinking of Pisces defy any logic and are fundamentally different from the nature of other representatives of the zodiac circle. Pisces are so absorbed in the invented world that only representatives of the same sign can understand and unravel these unusual people. Consider pisces and pisces compatibility in details.

Pisces Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Representatives of both sexes born under the sign of Pisces understand each other without words and feel comfortable in the company of the same extraordinary like-minded person. This combination of characters has a high percentage of compatibility.

In alliance with a representative of their sign, Pisces not only feel comfortable, but also completely open their souls to their partner. Such trust is unlikely to be achieved by a representative of any other zodiac constellation.

Relationships of partners are filled with tact, tolerance and kindness. They are able to forgive their soul mate some weaknesses, as they perfectly understand their nature. Pisces do not tolerate criticism from partners and others, so they try their best to avoid unpleasant situations. Such behavior can do a disservice to both partners. If one of them notices that his soul mate has gone astray, he simply does not have the courage to directly express his opinion on this matter, which in the end only exacerbates the problem.

Pisces are equally afraid of offending and being offended, so they prefer to remain silent and observe until the problem becomes critical. As a result of the partner's total silence, his life partner may be on the verge. Such behavior not only does not contribute to the rapprochement of the representatives of this sign, but also slowly destroys their relationship.

Watch the video. Pisces and Pisces Compatibility.

In love

Representatives of the Pisces sign dream of an ideal partner from the fantasy world. As a rule, in real life, these simply do not exist. At the initial stage of the relationship, both feel like an absolutely happy couple. Pisces are not supporters of easy, non-committal flirting, so their intentions towards each other are always serious. After some time, the veil falls from the eyes, and the relationship of partners becomes more commonplace. Each of them understands that the chosen one is far from the invented ideal.

Pisces woman dreams of a strong man who can take the place of a leader in their relationship, without turning into a tyrant and owner who knows how to be gentle, caring and faithful. The earthly embodiment of the ideal man of the woman of the Pisces sign is a passionately in love boy of the fiery element in the first weeks of acquaintance. However, such relationships are unlikely to be long-lasting, which of course will not suit the woman herself.

30% Pisces henpecked

Pisces man, unlike windy fickle lovers, is always near his beloved, endowing her with love and warmth. Such a guy will seem to the girl a reliable partner, so the choice will fall on the representative of his sign.

The Pisces man, like the representatives of the weaker sex of this sign, is looking for the perfect woman from the world of dreams and dreams. He needs a gentle, feminine woman who understands everything, who will not demand the impossible from him, but will be content with the kindness and love of her partner. The man himself is not at all ready to shoulder the burden of responsibility and become a reliable and strong support for his beloved. The Pisces woman in the eyes of a man of this sign is far from the ideas of an ideal woman. She is not at all ready to accept her partner as he is, with all the shortcomings and weaknesses, so the Pisces man will most likely try his luck with the ladies of other zodiac signs.

In a relationship

Lady Pisces in relations with a partner is wise and submissive, she tries to be soft, gentle and feminine for him. It is not difficult for her to win the heart of a man born under the sign of Pisces, because such a woman, unlike other representatives of the weaker sex, does not seek to enslave her lover. In addition, the establishment of understanding between partners is largely facilitated by their astrological similarity. The Pisces man sees in his girlfriend the same tenderness, kindness and sensitivity that he himself possesses.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Pisces woman.

Pisces are much more likely than other signs of the zodiac to need a change of scenery and new experiences. Otherwise, everyday monotony can greatly cool feelings and even lead to parting. A warm, but unemotional atmosphere eventually leads to a deterioration in the mood of lovers, the appearance of irritability and loss of trust, because none of them will openly blame their partner. Over time, hidden conflict will lead to the collapse of ideals and disappointment.


A woman of the same sign can find happiness in marriage with a Pisces man only after an unsuccessful previous union with a tyrant man.

If the Pisces lady marries a representative of her sign at a fairly young age, the aspirations of the partners are unlikely to complement each other. Rather, their union will develop as a kind of confrontation of interests.

A young girl wants both attention and a good, secure life. However, her partner cannot be around and earn a living at the same time. Changing the type of work activity can solve the problem of spending time together, but it will significantly worsen the well-being of the family, and vice versa, acquiring a more profitable job will significantly reduce the amount of free time of the husband. In the end, the pursuit of perfection will turn into a vicious circle.

Among the men of the Pisces sign, there are often creative people, but their activities hardly bring a stable income. Despite this, the man sincerely continues to believe that sooner or later his labors will bear fruit.

The very first difficulties in family life will leave the man out of work, and he will clearly make it clear to his wife that in this situation he will be of no use. If his chosen one was a representative of another zodiac sign, she would most likely cope with the problem herself. But due to the fact that both partners belong to the same sign, the problems make the lovers hope for a miraculous resolution of troubles. Usually in such unions there is some external support from the outside, for example, in the person of close wise relatives who help the couple.

90% compatibility in sex

The intimate side of the Pisces relationship is at a fairly high level. Pisces are often big dreamers in terms of sexual relationships, but are afraid to openly express their preferences. Paired with a partner of their sign, this does not threaten them.

With regard to sex, water signs are in harmony. There are frequent situations when, being divorced, former lovers of the Pisces sign continue sexual relations.

in friendship

Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces develop very strong friendships, because they are like a reflection of each other: the same sincerity, sensitivity and dreaminess. Each of this couple can count on the other with full confidence. They always know what is going on in the life of a friend, what he is going through, what he is striving for. With such a friend, there is no need to make other friends. It is unlikely that representatives of other signs will be able to understand Pisces in the way that Pisces themselves do.

The problem with such a friendly union is that none of the partners is able to provide real help to the other, because all their friendship is built on compassion and moral support. In the sign of Pisces, there is no decisiveness inherent in other signs, which is so necessary for making decisions in difficult life circumstances. Despite this, Pisces prefer one spiritual friend, a dozen brave, determined, ready to help friends.

In sex

Pisces are naturally predisposed to merge with their beloved. In sex, both partners are ready to dissolve into each other, becoming one. True, such unanimity carries a certain danger. Over time, some of them will begin to notice the loss of their own "I". Too strong attraction and a great desire not to disappoint a partner binds partners with strong bonds. To get rid of the inevitable dissolution in the object of their desire, Pisces resort to experiencing all sorts of new sensations in intimate life. However, even here the partner is likely to support the new research of his half.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Pisces man.

In work

Between representatives of the Pisces sign, partnerships are acceptable, united by a common goal, but it is important that in such a tandem there is no prevalence of one over the other. The business relations of representatives of this sign assume the equality of both partners, so the boss-subordinate union is unlikely to work out successfully. Pisces do not feel well as ordinary work colleagues either.

In percentages

The union of the two sexes of the Pisces sign can hardly be called ideal.

In percentage terms, the compatibility of representatives of this sign does not exceed 77%.

It is quite difficult to live, make friends and work with your mirror image, to see in your partner the same weaknesses and shortcomings that you yourself have. Such similarity helps partners find a common language, pity and comfort each other, but in difficult everyday circumstances, both turn out to be helpless babies who go with the flow in the hope of outside help. Ideal sexual compatibility only helps in establishing love relationships, but is useless in overcoming serious problems.

Psychological compatibility

The relationship of two representatives of the Pisces sign is the relationship of twin brothers who were born by dividing one cell. Meeting their soul mate, they are ready to merge into a single whole.

Psychologically, both partners are close enough, but very susceptible to third-party opinion and influence.

Absorbing the moods and statements of others, they add a large amount of someone else's experience to the relationship, mixing it with personal ones. Therefore, the relationship of Pisces in love is full of diversity.

Pluses in the union of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man

A Pisces couple always tries to be together. If they have to attend an event, then both go. From the outside, the union looks harmonious, cheerful, full of mutual understanding and love. Partners are easy to communicate, hospitable and friendly towards friends and relatives. If one partner gets bored in the company, the other will morally support their soul mate. In addition, Pisces understand each other without words.

The union of Pisces woman and Pisces man is filled with kindness, harmony and sincere love. With regard to partners, there is no place for lies, rudeness and rash decisions. It is difficult to judge the well-being of the family, because Pisces are not serious about money. However, both partners can have good earnings. In terms of intimate relationships, the compatibility of representatives of the Pisces sign can be considered ideal. The children of the spouses are always surrounded by love and care, they grow and mature in spiritual harmony and kindness.

Cons in such an alliance

Of the minuses of such an alliance, the inability of both partners to make independent decisions in a short time is especially distinguished, which inevitably affects all areas of life together, from everyday life and running a common household, ending with the inability to handle money and earn a decent living.

But this is not the biggest disadvantage of such an alliance. The main danger lies in the nature of people of this zodiac sign. Wards of Neptune are too dreamy and prone to a distorted perception of real life. If partners live in a world of harmful illusions, consisting of lies, deceit and insincerity, their relationship begins to break down over time, and love replaces hate.

THIS IS INTERESTING! 10 features of the zodiac sign Pisces.

What you need to know about the union of two Pisces

Pisces is without a doubt one of the most difficult signs of the zodiac to understand. These are people who are almost completely cut off from reality, deprived of an inner core, trying to live according to their unwritten rules and laws. Their actions are due only to instinctive perception and are completely devoid of logic and a reasonable approach. They are fickle and too susceptible to other people's opinions and influences. In their desire to escape from reality, representatives of this sign often find solace in bad habits and pseudo-teachings. And going into religion is the lesser of evils, through which they find solace.

It is quite difficult for both men and women of the sign of Pisces to find an ideal role model for themselves, therefore the worship of one idol is regarded as a protective reaction from the influence of other "gods".

7 out of 8 couples don't compromise

The union of representatives of the Pisces sign is often a complex confrontation that does not even allow the thought of a compromise (depending on the birth charts of each of the partners). Then the only way to save relationships can be an innate sense of compassion for one's neighbor.

Chances for the future of such an alliance: is it or not

Despite the high probability of failure of such a relationship, representatives of this sign can still create a strong alliance based on mutual understanding, sympathy and love. Walking in the clouds does not prevent partners from becoming like-minded people and making a successful couple. Perhaps from the outside their union will seem frivolous, but Pisces do not pay any attention to this.

Each partner needs to learn to restrain emotions and the boundless feeling of compassion of their beloved in order to keep them from taking a rash act. Representatives of the Pisces sign are often strong and aggressive when it comes to personal interests or the interests of the family, but at heart they are the greatest humanists who will not offend a fly just like that.

Pisces and Leo Compatibility