Weight of piglets at 3 months. How to determine the approximate weight of a pig without scales. How to find out the weight of a pig without scales

When raising pigs, the main parameter of the health of a domestic animal is body weight corresponding to standard indicators. But it cannot be determined by eye. A table developed by scientists will help you calculate the weight of piglets by month. For beginning farmers it will be a real help.

How to find out the correct weight

If two or three piglets are born on the farm, they can be periodically weighed on floor wagons. With a large livestock, this method will not be feasible for every farmer (and it takes a lot of time). Therefore, they resort to an easier method, taking the dimensions of the animal as a basis.

How to find out the correct weight

To solve the problem of how to determine the weight of a piglet based on its size, you don’t even have to resort to outside help. All you have to do is pick up a tape measure and take the necessary measurements. In order for the animal to stand still at this time, it is lured into the process with food. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed the piglets on the day of measurement before the procedure.

To determine how much a piglet weighs, you need to take only 2 parameters:

  • body length - it is measured from the back of the head to the base of the tail along the ridge line;
  • chest volume - it is measured at the level of the heart.

Note! For dwarf breeds, the legs are also measured. For fold-eared pigs this indicator is not necessary.

Having found a suitable table on the Internet or in specialized literature on raising pigs, you can compare your indicators with those available there and find out the average weight of a piglet.

This simple method is suitable for babies, who should be measured every month (almost a whole year). In a small piglet, weight gains slowly and is more related to skeletal growth.

Then the pigs begin to become overgrown with lard; here, for calculations, they resort to formulas based on the same 2 parameters - length and volume. In addition to them, special coefficients are introduced into the equations, which are constant quantities.

Formulas for determining live weight

*In the formula, chest volume and torso length are taken in centimeters. The numbers given are the coefficients needed for the calculation.

Note! By comparing the latest weight indicators with the previous ones, you can find out what kind of gain the pig gives. To make it as accurate as possible, measurements should be taken scrupulously.

Other features should also be taken into account:

  • conditions for keeping pigs;
  • diet;
  • health status;
  • gender of the pig.

The birth itself plays a role: whether it went normally, without pathologies. For suckling piglets, feeding them by the sow is important. Artificial cubs gain weight more slowly.

You need to take into account the age of the baby. Before puberty, the diet contains feed that accelerates the growth of the pig. After six months, the pigs are transferred to the adult menu.

Additional Information. The breed is also important. Thus, a Vietnamese pig will weigh less than any other pig species.

Piglet weight table

It will be easy for a farmer to determine how much a newborn piglet weighs using a vag: the baby is placed in a special bag and its weight is measured. A healthy baby that a sow has just given birth to weighs on average 0.8-1 kg; Vietnamese piglets barely reach 0.5 kg. There are also breeds that can give birth to a baby weighing more than 1.5 kg.

These indicators are considered starting. In the future, when the piglets begin to gain weight, it will be difficult to manage the scales. Therefore, the farmer picks up a measuring tape (as described above) and a table with average indicators (see figure below).

Piglet weight determination table

Having found the corresponding length of the body in the left column, and the volume of the animal’s chest in the top line, look in the table for the point of intersection of these 2 parameters. She happens to be the desired result, indicating the average weight of the piglet.

But this table alone is not enough to monitor the normal development of newborns. You also need to know the standard parameters based on age.

Average weight by month

Average weight by month

The weight table shows how much the piglet weighs at the time of measuring its length and chest volume. The weight of small pigs is checked monthly in this way, but does not make it possible to understand how correctly the baby pig is developing.

Therefore, the tabular indicator must be compared with the average norms for each age. Knowing how much a pig should weigh at 2 months, the breeder, by looking at his table, will be able to determine the degree of fattening of the baby (or, conversely, underweight).

Piglet weight by age

One month from birth

Average weight, kg


The farmer doesn’t particularly care how much a month-old piglet weighs when it feeds on its mother’s milk - there is always weight gain. Although some continue to weigh their sucklings every week

Balanced, optimized complementary foods are introduced into the diet of little pigs.

In the third month there is a sharp weight gain - almost twice as much as in the previous period

From this moment on, they try to compare the weight obtained from the table with the parameter indicated here. If the measurement result falls within this interval, there is no need to worry. This weight difference may depend on the breed, as well as the activity of the piglet

Piglets are transferred to intensive fattening by introducing high-energy feed into the pig diet

The indicator, compared to the previous period, increased slightly. But this is not evidence that the pig has stopped developing. From six months of age, the cub enters the “league” of gilts, having entered the age of puberty. Therefore, the diet changes completely, this temporarily slows down the growth rate, which will quickly recover in the future.

From this period, the pig is considered adult and capable of giving birth. At this stage, there is a division into pigs for brood and those that will be further fattened for slaughter

Having this information, knowing how much a suckling pig and a six-month-old gilt weigh on average, the farmer can count on the expected weight gain of his livestock. Tabular data based on measurements will allow you to control the entire fattening process in order to identify weak animals in time.

Note! Inconsistencies in all parameters (tabular and standard) are a signal that it is necessary to reconsider the diet and be sure to show the underdeveloped piglet to a veterinarian.

To properly breed these animals, you should always pay attention to their weight, because a very fat pig will give a lot of fat, but little meat, and a skinny pig will not give anything at all. So how much does a pig weigh?

How much does a pig weigh?

The average weight of a pig depends on several main factors:

  1. Age;
  2. Breed;
  3. Conditions of feeding and maintenance.

Like people, pigs sometimes set weight records - cases of animals reaching a weight of more than a ton have been recorded, and the length of its body almost reached 3 m.

There are also dwarf individuals that are kept as ornamental animals. On average, representatives of the breeds most often bred in agriculture, reach live weights from 140 kg (weight of Vietnamese pigs) to 350 kg (large white pigs).

How much pigs weigh when they reach reproductive age depends on their gender. Adult boars are usually 100 kg heavier than sows. Thus, a female white pig weighs on average 200–240 kg, and a male weighs up to 360 kg.

However, with good feeding and low mobility, a large sow can be equal in weight to an average boar and weigh about 330 kg.

The weight of piglets depends on how properly they are fed. At birth, the weight of a piglet does not exceed 1 kg, but at 7 months, when the animal reaches puberty and begins to feed naturally, it reaches 90–110 kg.

To control the fattening process, it is important to know how much the piglet weighs by month:

  • 0 months - when piglets are born, their weight averages 800–1000 g, up to 1400 g for large breeds and no more than 600 g for representatives of the Vietnamese breed. If a piglet is born too small, this can affect the animal's further weight gain and productivity. To avoid problems, the sow needs to be well fed during pregnancy.
  • 1 month - up to 9 kg. Weight gains quickly as the baby feeds on mother's milk.
  • At 2 months the piglet begins to be fed with a specially formulated diet, and at 3 months the average weight of the piglet reaches 25 kg.
  • Starting from 3 months, the piglet begins to actively fatten, so the weight at 4 months reaches 60 kg.
  • At 6 months the animal is approaching reproductive age, its weight reaches 80 kg.

More detailed information The average size of piglets by week can be found in the piglet weight table.

A piglet becomes an adult at 9–10 months. The weight of young pigs starts at 130 kilograms; they reach their maximum size by the end of the first year. However, once the pigs have received one and a half centners of live weight, they can be slaughtered.

In the following table you can see the weight data for pigs by breed:

Weight of stud boar in kg Sow weight in kg
Long-eared white – 250–300 200–250
Black-and-white Belarusian - 300–350 230–260
Bashkir - 300–340 220–240
Duroc - 350 260–320
Large white – 275–350 225–260
Large black - 300-350 220–280
Landrace - 300-310 250–255
White Latvian - 310-315 230–250
Mangalitskaya - 300-350 290–310

The young gain weight depending on their diet and how the queen was fed during pregnancy. Proper, regular feeding leads to the fact that the weight of newborns can vary from 1000 to 1500 g.

In pigs of the Mirgorod breed, the figure reaches 250 kg. 240 kg for pigs is an average figure. Pigs weigh even more if the farmer does not skimp on nutritious feed.

For good quality pork rapid growth of pigs is a negative phenomenon. Due to the increase in weight, the layer of lard, not meat, thickens in pigs. A half carcass for sale must not have large quantity sebaceous veins.

Pig weight for slaughter

How much an animal will weigh depends to a large extent on what breed it is and how proper the nutrition was during its growth.

The white pig breed can easily reach a weight of up to 350 kg, but pig farmers consider 200-250 kg to be the normal average weight. If a pig is fed ad libitum, it can weigh 100 kg at three months of age.

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs can weigh up to 150 kg, but they are usually slaughtered a little earlier, immediately after six months.

How to measure weight?

In order to find out the real weight of the animal and compare it with how much an adult pig weighs on average, you will need a measuring tape, a special table, calculation formulas and a calculator. In pig farming, three methods for determining weight are used, differing in accuracy.

Measuring by table

If you do not have enough experience in pig farming to determine the weight of animals by eye, you will have to take some measurements. You need to know only two parameters: the length of the body from the back of the head to the beginning of the tail and the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades.

When taking measurements, the head should be directed forward, not tilted, and be on the same axis with the body, so the animal will have to be occupied with something for a while.

To simplify the measurement, you need to follow some rules:

  • The animal must be measured early in the morning;
  • The pig does not need to be fed before measuring;
  • You should use a soft tape without pressing it into the skin of the animal, so as not to cause discomfort and to maintain the accuracy of measurements.

The resulting dimensions are looked up in a special pig weight table (shown above), which lists possible body lengths vertically and chest girths horizontally. In the cell at the intersection of parameters is the approximate mass of the animal. The measurement error in this case is 4–11%.

Table for fattening and raising tallow pigs:

Table for young animals

For young animals at 4, 6 or 7 months, special calculations are made that take into account slight growth. But you need to remember that the weight of a farm pig according to the table may vary, depending on the breed, and the calculations will be slightly inaccurate.

Weigh half a carcass (one month, three month or one year old) less in winter when the animal’s strength and energy are spent on heating. The average weight of a pig aged one year and above changes regularly every month. Such an increase indicates proper maintenance of pets.

About the real benefits of tabular data

The pig weight chart has practical benefits. It can be useful when calculating portions in the “diet” of piglets.

With its help, the farmer will be able to monitor the productivity of his work and make changes to the diet. In addition, using tabular data saves significant time.

It is also useful to quickly find out the live weight of animals because pig farming is focused on selling meat, and thanks to the tables it is convenient to calculate the profit from the sale of one carcass.

Of course, it is impossible to determine the average daily weight gain in this way, but most calculations can be performed with minimal error.

Calculation by formula

To compile the table, a special formula is used, according to which you can calculate the weight of the animal with higher accuracy yourself.

Formula: Live weight = 1.54 × X + 0.99 × K – 150

  • X - chest circumference in cm;
  • K - body length in cm.

The accuracy in this case is higher, but a couple of % can be subtracted from the result if you take into account a certain amount of food consumed.

Formula for boar

The weight of an adult pig or a well-fed boar is calculated using a more complex formula. The weight of pigs fed for lard differs significantly from that of a sow or active young stock.

The body weight of a pig without scales must be as accurate as possible, therefore all pigs are not measured using a single formula. For meat-fat breeds, it is necessary to multiply the length of the body by the girth of the chest. The result obtained is divided by constant coefficient.

Live weight = (X × K)/N

  • X - chest circumference in cm;
  • K - body length in cm.

The output of the formula is equal to the average mass. Measuring the parameters will not be difficult. Methods without weights are the most accurate. They allow the farmer to save money on the purchase of weighing devices.

Calculation by fatness category

A more accurate formula is based on fatness. It is also more convenient, since you can use it to find out the weight of a pig without scales and a table. To use it, you also need to know the length of the body and the girth of the chest, but the coefficient (which is equal to 150 in the previous formula and is the same for all cases) changes depending on how fat the individual is.

Live weight = (X × K)/N

  • X - chest circumference in cm;
  • K - body length in cm.
  • N - fatness coefficient. It is equal to 142 for fat, 156 for medium and 162 for thin animals.

In this case, several parameters are assessed:

  • Body shape;
  • The thickness of the bacon, determined by touch by palpability of the vertebrae of the thoracic spine;
  • Gender and age.

Fatty or greasy, pigs have rounded shapes, their neck merges with the shoulder blades, the back is wide and smooth, without visible outlines of individual parts. The lard has a thickness of 7 cm, the vertebrae cannot be palpated.

Also classified as fat are semi-greasy pigs, which have the same characteristics, only their bacon can be 5–7 cm thick.

Normal, ham and bacon, pigs that fall into the average fatness category have backfat 3–5 cm thick, the fat is hard to the touch. The body is straight, the stomach does not sag. The spinal processes can be felt by pressing firmly on the skin in the area of ​​the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae. The weight of an adult pig in this category does not exceed 110 kg.

Skinny or meaty, pigs have backfat 1.5–3 cm thick, the vertebrae are easy to feel, but they do not protrude through the skin. Signs of fatness are weak, with a visible interception behind the shoulder blades.

Thus, it is not necessary to be a specialist to determine live weight with sufficient accuracy - a table of pig weights will help novice pig farmers, and with experience it will be possible to weigh the animal by eye.

The described methods can be used not only to find out the weight of a boar, but also to measure a pig - the same formulas are used.

The only difference between individuals of different ages is that very small piglets can be measured on scales, simply by holding them in your arms.

Final products after slaughter

How much meat you can get from a pig depends on gender, age group, breed characteristics and fatness. Also has great importance ability to properly slaughter and butcher an animal.

Pig farming is guided by the following approximate indicators of the final product:

  • bisexual animals weighing a hundred kg - receive up to 75%;
  • from 120 to 140 kg - up to 80%;
  • more than 180 kg - 85%.

Half carcasses and carcasses

The concept of live weight refers to the weight before slaughter. But after the process of killing and primary processing of the product (cutting off limbs and heads), it becomes smaller and passes into the next concept - slaughter weight.

If the animal weighed 120 kg, then:

  1. The weight of the bones is 10 kg.
  2. Waste - 3 kg;
  3. Lard - 20 kg.

Ultimately, 87 kg will remain for clean meat. Of course, all figures are approximate.

Weight of other internal organs

If we take the average pet weighing 100 kg, we can say the following:

  • head weight - up to 9 kg;
  • hearts - 0.32 kg;
  • lungs - 0.8 kg;
  • liver - 1600 grams;
  • kidneys - 0.26 kg.

Now you know how much a pig weighs on average throughout its life. It is very important to send pigs to slaughter on time; a mature pig produces very coarse meat and lard.

Kira Stoletova

An experienced farmer knows how important it is to monitor weight gain in pigs. A special table or formula into which the main parameters of the animal are entered will help you figure out how much a pig weighs. A chart of pig weights by size is a diagram that both a novice and an experienced farmer should have. Measuring the weight of piglets by month and taking correct measurements of the animal is important for breeding sows and pigs for meat and lard. How to measure the weight of a piglet or adult?

The weight of a pig is the main parameter indicating the health of the animal. How to measure the weight of pigs? To measure the exact weight of a pig, the farmer needs to use a special device or a formula with an average value.

Measurements should be taken at least once a month, especially in young animals that have begun active growth. All obtained parameters are checked against the growth table and only after simple steps can a person assess the condition of the pig.

Why do you need to measure the weight of a pig?

Measuring the weight of gilts seems like a simple procedure. Weight gain according to the table helps to keep track of a large farm. If the pigs successfully gained weight, and then the weight gain decreased, based on the discrepancies in the weight in the table and the parameters of the pig, the farmer will be able to react in time. The average weight of a pig is a conditional indicator with minor errors.

Pigs gain weight at any time of the year, so the schedule for measuring basic parameters does not change throughout the year. It’s easy even for a beginner to understand the pig weight table. The parameters are calculated based on two indicators: body length and chest circumference.

How to estimate the weight of a pig at home without scales? A special formula for measuring the weight of an animal will help in cases where there is no place to measure the live weight of a pig. The average live weight of a pig (the weight of the pig, which is indicated in the table) is different for growing young animals and adults. For different breeds, the values ​​​​from the tables may also change, therefore the average weight of a pig in the absence of a table must be entered in a separate chart. This is the only way to find out about the pig’s weight gain.

Average weights

How much does an average pig weigh? There are pigs with record weights of up to a ton. Average figures for an adult animal, depending on the breed, range from 200 to 300 kg. The average weight of a pig increases in the warm season, when the animal switches to healthy green food. The parameters of a pig's live weight differ from those shown by weighing devices. Only a formula or table shows the required numbers.

One of the largest breeds, characterized by high growth, is white. Boars of this species weigh on average up to 400 kg. In pigs of the Mirgorod breed, the figure reaches 250 kg. 240 kg for pigs is an average figure. Pigs weigh even more if the farmer does not skimp on nutritious feed. For good quality pork, rapid pig growth is a negative phenomenon. Due to the increase in weight, the layer of lard, not meat, thickens in pigs. A half carcass for sale should not have a large number of greasy streaks.

How to measure parameters correctly

To enter values ​​into the table, the farmer needs to take additional measurements from the pig. In order to weigh pigs, the farmer should know that:

  • It is impossible to calculate the average weight gain of a pig overnight. It is better to carry out the procedure early in the morning, while the animal is sleepy and not too active.
  • It is not advisable to feed a boar or sow before the measurement procedure: it will be very difficult to calculate their weight gain.
  • With the help of food, the animal can be interested in the measurement process. By luring a wild boar, the farmer saves both his time and the effort of his assistant.
  • There is no point in scaring the wild boar or using force against the animal. Such actions will lead to counterproductive results.

You can measure the parameters of an animal with a regular tape measure at home without the involvement of strangers. Using measurements it is easier to find out how much animals weigh at different age periods. For large farms, several tables are created at once, depending on the breed of pigs.

Half-carcasses (one-month, three-month or one-year-old) weigh less in winter, when the animal’s strength and energy are spent on heating. The average weight of a pig aged one year and above changes regularly every month. Such an increase indicates proper maintenance of pets.

The schemes consist of two columns: average indicators and real numbers. Thanks to comparative characteristics, it is easier to understand how much a two-month or one-year-old pig is behind the norm. The weight of the carcass determines its price only in cases where the pig has managed to gain not only fat, but also the meat layer (meat from the back is cheaper, and fillet is more expensive). The farmer should separate in advance the animals that are bred for meat or for raising offspring. At home you can organize correct work farm and determine the parameters of all animals.

Gain table

How to determine the weight of a pig? Pigs are recruited in different ways, depending on the time of year, breed and diet. An important factor is the health of the animal: if pigs are born weak, one cannot expect rapid growth from them. Only greasy breeds can gain slaughter weight. The mass indicator is determined by two parameters, which are measured several times a year. There is no point in measuring the legs of pot-bellied breeds, but for dwarf breeds this indicator is just as important.

For measurements use a regular tape measure. First of all, the farmer measures the length of the pig’s body, and then the circumference of its chest. After measurements, the parameters are entered into a table and the average animal indicator is calculated. The breed determines the growth rate of young animals.

For the calculation, use a table that can be found on the Internet or in specialized literature. So the weight of a pig is determined by age and body parameters:

Body length (m)Torso circumference72 cm84 cm96 cm124 cm144 cm
0,38 11
0,50 15 21
0,58 17 25 34
0,78 34 46 59
0,86 52 67 112
1,14 146 211

Body measurements begin from the head (from the part where the back of the animal’s head is located). You need to measure the entire body to the tail. With age, the length of the body changes, so measurements are taken every month until the animal turns one year old. All measurements are taken from the head. The girth of the torso follows the line of the heart. In a home farm, weight gain occurs more slowly. The optimal meat yield per individual is calculated based on the size of the piglet.

Table for young animals

The purchase of young animals also cannot be done without taking into account weight gain; the weight of a piglet relative to its age can be calculated, how well it was fed and what kind of care was provided to it. This accounting will help you avoid fraud. For young animals at 4, 6 or 7 months, special calculations are made that take into account slight growth. But you need to remember that the weight of a farm pig according to the table may vary, depending on the breed, and the calculations will be slightly inaccurate.

A small pig gains every kg over a long period. For further calculations, the small boar must stand still and move less during measurements.

Recruitment by age helps to keep track of a large farm with a lot of young animals.

Formula for measuring weight

How to find out the weight of a pig without scales? If the farm does not have a weighing unit designed for a large animal mass, the measurement of the main parameters is carried out according to the formula. Finding out the weight of a pig without scales using a calculation formula is easy even for a beginner. Thanks to simple calculations, the piglet weight table will show the exact increase.

To determine the weight of a pig (average weight of piglets), various methods are used based on calculating the basic parameters of the pig’s body. How to measure the weight of a pig using the formula? The weight of an adult pig according to the formula is calculated by the length and girth of the body.

The simplest formula for measuring the growth rate of a boar without special devices (live growth rate) consists of 2 parts. In the first, chest circumference is multiplied by a coefficient that is 1.54. Chest measurement should be as accurate as possible. The length of the body, multiplied by 0.99, will help determine the second component of the formula. Determining body weight (the simplest task for a farmer) occurs by summing the 2 obtained indicators. Then you should subtract 150 from the number you get.

Formula for boar

The weight of an adult pig or a well-fed boar is calculated using a more complex formula. The weight of pigs fed for lard differs significantly from that of a sow or active young stock. The body weight of a pig without scales must be as accurate as possible, therefore all pigs are not measured using a single formula.

For meat-fat breeds, it is necessary to multiply the length of the body by the girth of the chest. The result obtained is divided by a constant coefficient. For boars of simple breeds it is 142, and for greasy ones - 156. The yield of the formula is equal to the average mass. Measuring the parameters will not be difficult. Methods without weights are the most accurate. They allow the farmer to save money on the purchase of weighing devices.

Growth rate for a piglet

How much growth should a newborn or one-month-old piglet have and how much does the piglet weigh at different times? The weight of a piglet is measured in the first days of its life. It's easier to weigh a piglet. A detailed video will tell a beginner how to distract the animal while an assistant calmly takes measurements from the piglet.

The yield of one-month-old piglets (milk boars) differs from the weight of three-month-old pigs. From the fourth month, the little piglet switches to a special diet. The general table is calculated by age, so separate schemes are created for young animals.

The average weight (the general table by age is not suitable) of piglets depends on the diet and the selected breed. Month-old boars weigh up to 10 kg. At 3 months the boar's weight is up to 25 kg. At 6 months of age, the pig weighs up to 80 kg.

For any pig farmer, the issue of health and, of course, the maximum weight of piglets and adult pigs is relevant. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, to correctly calculate the feeding rate, and secondly, to provide the pigs with decent living conditions. In this case, the average weight of the pig will be maximum, and this is the goal of any owner. The success of home farming is based precisely on the overall yield of average slaughter weight of pigs.

  • breeds;
  • age;
  • conditions of detention;
  • gender

The largest pig in the world, which weighed more than 900 kilograms, lived in China.

The pig named Hun-chun weighed about a ton with a body length of only one and a half meters! The animal coped well with the amount of food required by 10 pigs.

Another weight record holder is an American boar named Big Norma. Its weight was more than 1200 kilograms, its body length was 2 meters 74 centimeters. Modern domestic pigs, of course, do not gain such weight, but with proper feeding and taking into account the characteristics of the breed, the average weight can be more than 300 kilograms. And the maximum weight of a pig is even greater!

Average weight of boar

The largest number of heavyweight pigs belong to the Great White breed. So, for example, a boar of this popular breed at the age of one and a half years weighs 300-320 kilograms. At the age of 2 years - 350 or more. A female of the Great White breed weighs less than the weight of a boar, by about a hundredweight.

Average pig weight

Considering the Great White breed as the most popular in private households, based on the experience of keeping these animals, we can say that the average weight of a pig is at least 200 kilograms at the age of one and a half years. Another popular breed on farms, the Vietnamese, is characterized by representatives with a small average weight. Rarely, the weight of a pot-bellied pig by month corresponds to the weight by month of representatives of ordinary breeds (Landrace, Great White, Pietrain and others). The average weight of “pot bellies” is no more than 120 kilograms.

Average weight of a pig

The average weight of a piglet largely depends on well-organized feeding. Fattening age starts at three months. At this time, the weight of the young animals begins to increase rapidly. For example, the average weight of a piglet at 4 months can reach 60 kilograms, and already at six months - more than 90. By choosing an ad libitum feeding regimen, this figure can be achieved within 2 months of feeding. That is, starting to feed a piglet using the free feeding method from 4 months, already at 6 months the average weight can be at the level of 95-100 kilograms. Next, consider the average weight of pigs by month.

Average weight of a newborn piglet

When determining the average weight of a newborn piglet, it is important to understand that main role Heredity plays a role, the baby’s genetic predisposition to the speed of weight gain. Only strong, healthy pigs can produce offspring that will be different:

  1. Good appetite.
  2. Good health.
  3. Subsequent high productivity.

The average weight of a newborn piglet is almost 60% dependent on adequate feeding of the sow during pregnancy (40% on genetics).

If feeding was balanced and correct, then:

  • ordinary piglets are born weighing at least 1 kilogram;
  • Vietnamese piglets - at least 600 grams.

It is the birth weight that will have the maximum impact on the formation of the animal and its productivity. Properly organized feeding is the next most important factor in weight gain. Read about what to feed a piglet at home.

Average weight of a month old piglet

Feeding a piglet in the first month of life is based exclusively on mother's milk, so weight gain occurs rapidly. The average weight on the 30th day from birth is at least 8 kilograms. In any case, the table will tell you the pig’s weight by month quite accurately.

Average weight at 2-3 months

At 2 months, piglets begin to receive balanced additional feed and vitamin premixes. The weight of piglets at 2 months should be at the level of 12-15 kilograms, at 3 months the weight should be at least 22-25 kilograms.

Average weight at 4-6 months

From the age of three months, piglets begin to be intensively fattened. By four months, the average weight of a pig should be at least 50-55 kilograms, the weight of a Vietnamese pig at 4 months is 40% less. During the fattening period, the main emphasis is on feed with high energy value. During this period, maximum weight is achieved with a diet that includes:

  1. Grains (barley, wheat, corn).
  2. Meat and bone meal.
  3. Fish meal.
  4. Soybean meal.
  5. Vitamin premixes.
  6. Mineral supplements.
  7. Table waste.
  8. Green mass.
  9. Vegetables and fruits.

With proper, balanced nutrition, the weight of a pig at 6 months will be at least 90 kilograms.

Average weight of 6 months or more

At 6 months, piglets reach sexual maturity and are classified as gilts. The rate of weight gain does not stop, but the diet that provides maximum weight gain changes slightly. The changes mostly concern the type of premixes and mineral additives. At 9 months, the average weight of a gilt is about 130 kilograms. Read about how to quickly raise a piglet

We measure the average weight

There are three main ways to measure the average weight of a pig:

  • pig weight according to the table;
  • using the body condition factor;
  • by weighing. To do this, you can make your own pig scales.

The first method is based on accurate measurement of the pig's body parameters. To do this, measure the length of the torso and the circumference of the chest behind the shoulder blades. The data obtained must be analyzed using a special table for the correspondence of body size and weight.

The method that takes into account the influence of the body condition coefficient is based on the formula by which live weight is measured. In fact, this is the measured weight of the pig. To do this, you need to know the body length and chest girth of the animal, that is, the initial data is the same as in the first case, only a table is not needed. So, for example, for pigs of normal fatness a coefficient of 156 is used. For thin pigs - 162, for pigs that are obese - 142. The assessment is made visually.

Average weight at slaughter

The yield at slaughter, that is, the average weight of a pig carcass, depends on the age of the pig, breed, degree of fatness and gender. For example, the average weight of meat products from a pig of 120 kilograms will be about 90 kilograms. As you can see, the average weight of a live pig and the average slaughter weight differ by about 20%. Next, consider the average weight of individual parts of a pig:

  1. The weight of the head is at least 8 kilograms.
  2. Heart - about 320 grams.
  3. Light - not less than 0.7 kg.
  4. Liver - one and a half kilograms.
  5. Kidneys 300 grams.
  6. Bones 11 kilograms.

These values ​​are the average weight of individual parts of the body of a pig with a live weight of 120-130 kilograms. The weight of Vietnamese pigs varies by month and at slaughter by approximately 50-60%. According to scientific research domestic and foreign pig breeders, it is noted that with an increase in the average weight of a pig, losses during slaughter are significantly minimized. For example, the useful yield is at least 80% when slaughtering 130 kilogram pigs and no more than 70% when slaughtering 90 kilogram pigs. This is due to a slight increase in the weight of blood, intestines and waste products as the animal grows. That is, the yield of offal and bones decreases with increasing weight of the pig.

How to increase the average weight of a pig

To increase the average weight of a pig, an integrated approach is required. The weight of a pig largely depends on:

  • conditions of detention;
  • genetic predisposition to weight gain;
  • properly organized feeding diet;
  • duration of daylight hours;
  • walking opportunities.

How to ensure maximum average growth? Maximizing the weight of pigs is achieved through balanced feeding - first and foremost. Piglets fed with mother's milk until one month of age have strong immunity and excellent weight gain.

It should be understood that the best option To achieve optimal weight, it is precisely ad libitum feeding, that is, it is necessary to provide as much food to piglets, and then to adult animals, as the pig can eat at one time. It is important to remember not only the quantity, but also the quality of feed.

It is imperative to provide fresh clean water and free access to water. The water temperature must be at least 15 degrees. If debris gets into the water, it needs to be changed promptly. Up to three months, it is advisable to add copper sulfate at the rate of 1 gram per liter of water to prevent anemia.

In many subsidiary farms, various growth stimulants, that is, special stimulating additives, are widely used to achieve maximum weight. When using such additives, more enhanced growth of young animals and adults is observed compared to other animals that did not receive such substances in the diet. The mechanism of action of premixes is quite complex. They are based on reactions of a neuro-reflex nature that change the metabolism of the animal and energy value feed

Such supplements ensure maximum digestion of food, maximum absorption of nutrients and effective improvement of digestion processes. Stimulants are unique catalysts for protein metabolism. First of all, stimulants include antibiotics, vitamins, organic matter, mineral supplements. Comparing the weight of the animal that received the supplements with the one that did not receive them, the weight of the pig, chart and tables - everything speaks about the advisability of using stimulants within reasonable limits.

In any case, with or without stimulants, pig feeding should be:

  1. Sufficient.
  2. Regular.
  3. Complex.
  4. Nutritious.
  5. Fresh.
  6. Balanced.

To obtain maximum weight gain, pigs should be fed several times a day (3-4 times). If animals are fed ad libitum, the nutritional value of the feed should be at the level of one and a half feed units per kilogram of feed, and there must be a sufficient amount of vegetable protein (peas, lentils, beans) and animal protein (meat and bone or fish meal).

It is possible to use inexpensive feed for pigs, but in this case it is advisable to use the method of rationed feeding or ad libitum feeding (but not limited!). The average weight gain of pigs weighing up to 120 kilograms can range from 800 grams to one and a half kilograms per day, even when fed with cheap feed (bran, roughage, flour). Thus, the low energy content of the feed is a limitation. If the feeding method is rationed or ad libitum, it is worth noting that per kilogram of dry food, two and a half liters of water are needed in the pig’s diet - water is one of the nutrients for animals.

Thus, the average weight of an animal is an indicator that depends on many factors. Care, balanced diet, compliance sanitary standards, good health - all this may well lead to the fact that in a few months the fattest pig will be on your farm!

Information about how much a pig carcass can weigh is important for every farmer, since these animals are raised specifically to produce meat products. The weight parameter is also significant for assessing the profitability of an enterprise and calculating animal feeding standards. However, you can determine the weight of an artiodactyl without using scales - using a number of methods, which we will talk about in this article.

Average pig weight

The weight of a grown animal directly depends on its belonging to a particular breed. The Large White breed is recognized as the largest. The maximum weight of a domestic boar of this species reaches 300–350 kg.

Did you know? The officially recorded weight record for pigs was broken by a boar known as Big Bill in 1933 in the USA. He weighed 1153 kg. The body length of the record holder was 274 cm, and the height at the withers-152 cm.

For pigs, the normal average weight is 200–250 kg. At the same time, for example, a small Vietnamese breed can gain 140 kg, and a sow of the large white variety weighs 2 times more - up to 330–350 kg.

Another important factor in piglet weight gain is proper, high-quality nutrition. A piglet weighing 50–60 kg at the age of 3–4 months, if actively eating food, reaches 90 kg or more over the next 3 months.

Determination methods

In accordance with what goal the farmer is pursuing, a method for calculating the mass of the artiodactyl is selected. Without weighing, this parameter is usually determined by age, size, and also by calculating the fattening ratio.

According to the table

The weight of pigs can be calculated by relying on average information about their development by age in months - detailed data is provided in the table below.

Important! Before measuring or weighing cattle, do not feed or water them for 2-3 hours. In this case, the resulting parameter will be as close as possible to the reliable one.

According to the formula

The question of how to measure the weight of a domestic boar is easily solved using the following formula:

mass = (1.54 × X + 0.99 × K) – 150.

Multiply chest circumference (X), measured using a tape measure, by 1.54, and torso length (K) by 0.99. Add the results obtained and subtract 150 from the resulting amount. The final figure shows the approximate weight value.

By fatness category

Another way to calculate the parameter we need without scales is to focus on the degree of fattening. Based on the results of measurements, they determine how much the animal weighs. It is important to choose correctly which category the artiodactyl belongs to.

So, if the pig is quite thin and small, then the degree of fatness will be 162. If the boar is of average size, then 156. And with normal or extreme fatness, the indicator will be 142.

Piglet weight gain chart

This table will help you understand how you can measure the weight of a piglet by month.

Age in monthsWeight for period, kgAverage daily weight gain, kg
1 2–9 0,3
2 11–21 0,2–0,25
3 24–38 0,25–0,3
4 38–58 0,4–0,5
5 55–65 0,4–0,5
6 60–75 0,5–0,55
7 75–90 0,5–0,55
8 90–105 0,5–0,55
9 105–120 0,5–0,55
at 10–12 months120–135 0,5–0,55

Average weight of a pig at slaughter

As for how to measure slaughter weight, then this indicator can be calculated using a special formula:

U.V.= (V.T.) / (L.V.) × 100%.

If you decipher it, then U.V. - this is the slaughter weight, or weight (this concept does not take into account the head, hooves, tail and entrails), V.T. - weight value of the carcass, L.W. - live weight.
In livestock farming, it is customary to be guided by an approximate output scheme:

  • from a 100-kilogram pig or wild boar - 72–75%;
  • from 120–140 kg - 77–80%;
  • over 180 kg - 80–85%.

Did you know?Pigs are highly trainable. Thanks to their keen sense of smell, these animals are trained to detect drugs or truffles.

Weight after slaughter

How much a carcass weighs after slaughter is the most important indicator for the manufacturer, since first of all it allows you to calculate the weight of meat products sold.

Half carcasses, carcasses and quarter carcasses

After slaughter, and then cutting (separation of entrails, head and hooves), the live weight decreases somewhat. On average, from a 110-kilogram carcass you need to remove about 10–11 kg of bones, about 2.5–3 kg of waste, and 23 kg of fat. As a result, approximately 73 kg of pure meat products remain.

The parameter we are interested in for a half carcass is approximately 25–35 kg. And already a quarter of the carcass will weigh 6–8 kg.

It is worth remembering that the final result is not least influenced by the skill of the meat deboner.