Ayatul kursi why they read it. Ayatul kursi text from the evil eye. Why is it considered the greatest in the Quran

Ayat al-Kursi(Arabic - verse of the Throne) - 255th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah (Cow). The ayat is so named because it mentions the word Kursi (Throne), which personifies the power and absolute power of Allah over creations. This verse is the most famous verse of the Holy Quran.

Whoever reads Ayat al-Kursi after the obligatory prayer will be protected until the next obligatory prayer. Whoever reads Ayat al-Kursi in the morning will be safe until the evening, and whoever reads it in the evening will be safe until the morning. It is recommended to read ayat al-Kursi and suras 112, 113 and 114 before going to bed.

Ayat Al-Kursi text in Arabic

اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ ۚ لَا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلَا نَوْمٌ ۚ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ ۗ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ ۚ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ ۖ وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلَّا بِمَا شَاءَ ۚ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ ۖ وَلَا يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

Ayat "Al-Kursi" translation of meanings

“Allah - there is no deity but Him, the Living, the Almighty. Neither drowsiness nor sleep takes possession of them. To Him belongs whatever is in heaven and whatever is on earth. Who will intercede before Him without His permission? He knows their future and past. They comprehend from His knowledge only what He wills. His Throne (Foot of the Throne) embraces the heavens and the earth, and does not burden His guarding them. He is Exalted, Great."

Ayat "Al-Kursi" translit

Al-Lahu Lā "Ilāha "Illā Huwa Al-Ĥayyu Al-Qayyūmu ۚ Lā Ta"khudhuhu Sinatun Wa Lā Nawmun ۚ Lahu Mā Fī As-Samāwāti Wa Mā Fī Al-"Arđi ۗ Man Dhā Al-Ladhī Yashfa`u `Indahu" Illā Bi"idhnihi ۚ Ya`lamu Mā Bayna "Aydīhim Wa Mā Khalfahum ۖ Wa Lā Yuĥīţūna Bishay"in Min ʻIlmihi "Illā Bimā Shā"a ۚ Wasi`a Kursīyuhu As-Samāwāti Wa Al-"Arđa ۖ Wa Lā Ya"ūduhu Ĥifžuhumā ۚ Wa Huwa Al-`Alīyu Al-`Ažīmu

Ayat Al-Kursi video

Recited by Sheikh Mishari Rashid Al-Afasi

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Ayat Al-Kursi audio

The importance of the verse "Al-Kursi"

It is reported that once, Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, guarding the collected zakat, caught a thief who said to him: “Let me go, and I will teach you such words that Allah will make useful for you!” Abu Hurairah asked, "What are these words?" He said: “When you go to bed, read Ayat al-Kursi from beginning to end, and a guardian from Allah will always be with you, and the shaitan will not be able to approach you until morning!” After that, Abu Hurayrah told the Prophet about this, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said: “He really told you the truth, despite the fact that he is a notorious liar!” After that, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, told Abu Hurairah that it was Satan himself in the form of a man (Al-Bukhari "Sahih" 2311).

Ubay ibn Ka'b said: “Once the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, asked me: “O Abu-l-Mundhir, do you know which verse from the Book of Allah is the greatest?” I said, "This is the verse which says: Allah - there is no deity worthy of worship except Him, the Living, the Almighty ..."(ayat al-Kursi) After that, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, slapped me on the chest and said: "May you be happy in knowledge, O Abul-Munzir!" (Muslim Sahih 810).

Auzu billahi minashshaitanir rajiim

Bismillahir Rahman Irrahim

Allah, laa illaaha illa hu al hayyul qayyum
laaa ta'huzuhu sinatu-wa-laa naum
Lahu maa fi-s samawati wa maa fil ard
man zalllazii yashfa`u, `indahu illya bi-life.

I'm lamu maa bayna aidihim wa maa halfahum

wa laa yuhiituna bi-shayi-m-min ʻilmihi illa bi maa shaa
Wasi'a cursiyuhu ssamahuati ual ard

wa laa yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa hual ‘aliyul ‘azym.



Allah - there is no deity but Him, living, existing; neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him; To Him belongs all that is in heaven and on earth. Who will intercede before Him, except with His permission? He knows what was before them and what will be after them, but they do not comprehend anything from His knowledge, except what He wills. His throne embraces the heavens and the earth, and His guarding them does not burden Him; verily, He is the Most High, the Great.

The Benefits of Reading Ayat Al Kursi

  • Ayat al Kursi is one of the greatest verses in the Qur'an.
  • The one who constantly reads Ayat al-Kursi will be protected from the harm of jinn (Satan).
  • Ayatul-Kursi is equal to a quarter of the Holy Quran.
  • The person who reads Ayatul-Kursi constantly after each fard prayer (mandatory prayer) is separated from Paradise only by death.
  • The one who reads this verse after each obligatory prayer will be protected from all troubles and problems until the next prayer is performed.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi while blowing on food or drink, this gives a blessing.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi when you return to the house, then the shaitan will run away from there.
  • The children, house, wealth, property and even the houses of the neighbors of the reader of this verse will be under the protection of the Almighty.
  • A thief will not even come close to reading Ayatul-Kursi.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi along with the last verse of Surah Al-Baqara, then the dua (prayer) will not go unanswered.
  • The jinn will not be able to open the dishes over which the great verse was read.
  • Two angels will protect until the morning the one who reads this verse before going to bed.
  • If you read the ayah and blow on any of your things, then the shaitan will not be able to come even close.
  • The one who read Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house will be under the protection of Almighty Allah until his return.
  • Whoever reads the beginning of Surah Gafir and Ayatul-Kursi in the morning will be safe until evening, and if he reads in the evening, he will be safe until morning.
  • Kutbuddin Bakhtiyar reports: “Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi when leaving the house, Allah Almighty will save him from need.”
  • If you read and blow on a sick person, then Allah will ease his condition.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi and blow in the room where the sick are, then Almighty Allah will ease their suffering.
  • For safety and blessings, you can read Ayatul-Kursi every day 33 or 99 times
  • It is useful to read this verse for the expulsion of evil jinn.
  • If you are worried about nightmares, then you can read 3 times before going to bed
  • Who on Fridays, being in solitude, reads Ayat al-Kursi 70 times after Asr prayer (he is the third in a row), he will begin to see the inner spiritual light, and his every dua made at that moment will be accepted.
  • Ayatul-Kursi can also be read before communicating with a stern boss.
  • For blessing and peace of mind, it is advisable to read suras No. 109, 110, 112, 113, 114 after it before going to bed.
  • One of the caliphs Ali (r.g.) said: “I cannot understand those Muslims who do not read Ayatul-Kursi before going to bed. If you only knew how great this verse is, you would never neglect reading this verse, because it was given to the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from the treasures of Al-Arsh. Ayatul-Kursi was not sent down to any of the prophets before the Prophet Muhammad. And I never go to bed without first reading Ayatul-Kursi ".​

How to read Ayat al Kursi

Play the video and listen to the recitation of the Quran. Repeat after him in the text below. So it is easier to learn to read this verse correctly.

Auzu billahi minashshaitanir rajiim. Bismillahir Rahman Irrakhim.

Allahu, laaa illaaha illa hu al hayyul Kayuuum, laaa ta`huzuhu sinatu-wa-laa nauum.

Lahu maa fi-s samawati wa maa fil ard, mann zalllazii yashfa`u, `indahuu illya bi-life.

I'm lamu maa bayna aidihim wa maa halfahum, wa laaa yuhiituna bi-shayim-min `ilmikhii illa bi maa shaaa.

Wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamawati ual ard, wa laa yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa hual'aliyal'azym.

8 verses to read from the evil eye

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The evil eye drives a person into a grave, and a camel into a cauldron.”

Verily, the unbelievers are ready to overthrow you with their eyes when they hear admonition, and exclaim: “Verily, He is possessed!” But nothing else than instruction for the inhabitants of the worlds” (68:51-52).

In a hadith, according to Ibn ‘Abbas, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said such a du’a for his grandsons Hasan and Husayn:

With the perfect words of Allah, I trust in His help for both of you from Satan, pests and a sinful look. (Bukhari)

The following du'as are also offered as protection from the evil eye:

O Allah! Send blessings to him and do not harm him.

This is the will of Allah, there is no safety and strength except with Allah. Indeed, Allah is the best of creators, He is Blessed and Great. O Allah, bless him and grant him prosperity.

In a hadith, according to ‘Umm Salama, it is narrated that once the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saw a girl with a yellowed face and said: “Read her a lapel du’a, she was jinxed” (Bukhari, Muslim).

According to Abu Hurairah (r.a.), it is reported that our mother ‘A’isha said: “The Messenger of Allah advised me to pronounce du’a from the evil eye.”

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said about the verses that prevent and eliminate the evil eye: “In the Holy Qur'an there are 8 verses from the evil eye that should be read. The one who constantly reads them will not be subject to any evil eye. Seven verses out of eight are the verses of Sura Al-Fatiha and the eighth is the ayat of Al-Kursi. In whatever house they read Sura Al-Fatiha and Ayat Al-Kursi, its inhabitants will not be touched by the evil eye of spirits and genies.

Sura al-Fatiha.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, the ruler of the day of Judgment! We worship You and cry out to You for help: lead us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, not those who are angry, and not those who have gone astray. (1:1-7)

Ayat Al-Kursi.

Allah - there is no deity but Him, the Eternally Living, Eternally Existing. Neither slumber nor sleep has power over Him. To Him belongs whatever is in heaven and whatever is on earth. Who, without His permission, will intercede before Him? He knows what was before people and what will be after them. People comprehend from His knowledge only what He wills. Heaven and earth are subject to Him, It is not a burden for Him to protect them. He is the Most High, the Great. (2:255)

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In the modern world, not only among Muslims, in the first place, besides faith, there is success, money. Many dream of a friendly family, relaxation, well-being. Some people get what they want. But very often success leads to envy.

Unfriendly neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances may be set against you. They either openly express their dissatisfaction, or angrily look after you. All this leaves an imprint on life, and things are not going so well. The evil eye, damage are the consequences of envy, and they need to be fought. There are many prayers, conspiracies that will help to cope with the problem.

The evil eye and damage can arise as a consequence of envy.

The best way to fight corruption is a righteous life

But even if you suffered because of the envy of your friends, you can’t get angry at them, blame them for something, and even more so punish them. First of all, you need to analyze your life. Muslims know that any damage can be caused only if Allah Himself allowed it. Nothing happens on earth unless it was His will. Probably, you yourself did something wrong, made a mistake in something. If so, you need to ask for help from Allah.

It is also necessary to follow all the precepts of Islam. This is the best protection against the influence of magic, witchcraft and evil people, damage. There are several rules that are obligatory for a Muslim:

  1. Prayer is required
  2. Giving zakat is a donation for the poor
  3. Keep fasting in the month of Ramadan
  4. Repeat the words of dhikr (these are words that glorify Allah)

If it so happened that the removal of damage is necessary, you can do this using the Holy Book of Muslims.

To avoid the evil eye, it is necessary to follow all the precepts of Islam.

What you need to know before removing spoilage

There are Muslim prayers that can get rid of corruption and the evil eye. They are great at dealing with any negativity. But Muslim magic requires compliance with a number of rules.

  1. Only people of this faith can use the power of Muslim prayers from the evil eye and the negative effects of corruption. Christians must find other means of purification.
  2. Sincere faith is needed that prayers from corruption will help
  3. You can read the suras of the Koran only at night. Early morning, just after sunrise, is the time of shaitan, sorcery. But you can turn to Allah after noon. The best time is in the evening, at sunset. Then the Almighty is not as busy as during the day, and can listen to requests.
  4. The most suitable time to remove damage and the evil eye is Friday. This is the best day when you can ask the Prophet for the fulfillment of a desire.
  5. It is good if a person who reads prayers falls into a meditative trance. Then the removal of damage occurs much faster. But reaching this state is not easy.
  6. You need to read suras against corruption only in Arabic, using the text of the Quran

Prayers that help against the evil eye and damage

One of the main books of Islam is the Quran. It is on it that all religious rites are based. The holy book is able to get rid of any negativity if its suras are used correctly.

Usually, people involved in removing damage begin the ceremony by reading the very first sura of the Holy Book, which is called Al-Fatiha. After it, you can start reading 36 Surah Ya-sin. It is quite voluminous, contains 83 verses. It takes about 15 minutes to read. This surah has great power, the Prophet himself said that it is the heart of the Qur'an. You can end with Surah An-Nas. It is best to purchase the Koran and take all the necessary prayers from it.

A person who wants to get rid of corruption, as well as his relatives who want to help, must definitely read Surah Al-Baqarah. The prophet himself advised her to those who are tormented by evil spirits or who are trying to tempt the shaitan. He also said that the sorcerer would never be able to read this sura. It is in it that one of the greatest verses “Ayatul-Kursi” is contained. No jinn or shaitan can tolerate the words of this verse. It perfectly heals from damage and does not allow evil spirits to enter the house.

The person on whom damage is directed should read the surah "Al-Baqarah"

Also, one of the most effective means is the end of the Surah "The Believers" (Al-Mu'minun). Her strength is legendary. If a believing person reads it next to a mountain, then it will split and a key will hammer from its depths. You can also read Al-Falyak and Al-Ikhlas.

Prayers to protect a child from the evil eye

Children are especially vulnerable and often suffer from the evil eye. Muslims, like any parents, fear that their child may be jinxed. This is especially true for newborns. To protect the child from the evil eye, the suras of the holy book are also read: the first, last, 112 and 113.

Surahs are recited to protect the child from the evil eye.

The very first sura or "Al-Fatiha" or "Opening". One of the greatest suras of Islam, which will protect your child too.

“Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamin. Arrahmani rrahim. Maliki yau middin., Iyyaka nabudu va iyyaka nastain, Ihdina al sirata al mustakim Sirata l azin anamtu alaihim gairi l magzubi alaihim wa la ddallin.

The last surah is "An-Nas" or "People". All nights before going to bed, the Prophet himself read the three final suras from the Koran, among which was An-Nas (also Al-Ihlyas and Al-Falyak). Then he wiped his entire body 3 times with his palms, from head to toe. This helped to protect a person from bad things, including witchcraft, until morning.

"Bismillahi l rrahmani rrahim Kul auzu birabbi l nnas Maliki nnas Ilahi nnas Min sharri waswasi l hannas Allazi yuvasvisu fisuduuri nnas Mina l jinnati wa nnas".

112 sura "Al-Ihlyas" (Sincerity) The Messenger of Allah once said that this sura in its significance is equal to a third of the entire Holy Book, despite its small size.

“Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim Kulhu in Allahu ahad Allahu samad Lam yalid wa lam yulad Walam yakun llahu, kufuwan ahad.”

113 surah Al-Falyak "Dawn" The Prophet Muhammad said that the best words uttered by those who seek protection from Allah are the last suras of the Qur'an - "Al-Falyak" and "An-Nas". They can also protect others and jinn from the evil eye. When these surahs were presented to the Prophet, he began to pronounce them, forgetting about other prayers for protection. Therefore, parents who are worried about their child can use these prayers.

“Bismillahi l rrahmani rrahim Kul auzu birahbi l falak. Min shari mahalak Wa min shari gasikyn iz va kab Wa min shari l naffasati fi l ukad. Wa min shari hasidin isa hasad.

What is Dua? How to use Dua from damage and the evil eye so that no negative impact can harm you - we will talk about this in this material.

What is Dua

The concept of "Dua" came to us from Islam, where it acts as a direct appeal to Allah. In fact, this is an ordinary prayer, but not familiar to us, Christian, but supporters of another religious movement. But there are certain differences between Orthodox prayers and Dua, which are as follows:

  1. Dua cannot be used by non-believers or sinners who do not adhere to the norms of the Koran.
  2. Each sura (that is, Dua) ​​has its own meaning, it is used for a specific case. For example, you will not be able to apply a dua from damage to regain your lost health.
  3. The pronunciation of an Islamic prayer can be carried out exclusively in Arabic, while the words are always memorized by heart. It is permissible to repeat the sacred text not aloud, but mentally.
  4. You can’t use suras for fun - first you need to make sure that prayer is really necessary for you now.

Whichever Dua you choose, the initial surah of the Qur'an "Al-Fatiha" is always pronounced first. Its name can be translated as "opening the book."

Its text is as follows:

This sura at the same time expresses gratitude to the Almighty for his help and generosity, and also shows a person’s prayer to guide him on the true path. In addition, the first Dua promotes alignment with the flow of Divine energy for the fulfillment of your desires.

After reading the opening sura, you can take up the pronunciation of suras designed to solve various problems. Further we will give examples of sacred texts, with the help of which it becomes possible to eliminate any negative impact from the human energy plan.

Dua from corruption and from the evil eye

The Quran is the holy scripture of legitimate Muslims. Every self-respecting believer in Islam is obliged to know it from beginning to end. The Koran itself provides a very powerful protection against evil in the global sense of the word. For this reason, many people who profess Islam believe that there is no need to say any auxiliary prayers from the evil eye for a person who sincerely prays and strictly adheres to all the commandments indicated in the Quran.

But, despite this, the pronunciation of the Quran does not act as a 100% guarantee of the impossibility of encountering a negative energy message and suffering from a destructive impact.

So, for example, if we turn to Surah Al-Falyak, then in it we will find a story about how Allah teaches the Prophet Muhammad to save people from the damage that the Jew Labid inflicted on him, using eleven tied knots that were attached to a bowstring .

And the sura called “Yusuf” already tells how Mohammed was teaching the adherents of Islam (the spouses of Aisha and Yakub), he told them about the existence of the evil eye and advised them to pronounce verses (verses recorded in the Koran), as well as use protective amulets.

If you find signs of a negative impact on yourself or your baby, and your guesses are confirmed by clairvoyants (the main thing is that they are real and do not name specific amounts for the assistance provided), you should start reading special Duas from damage and the evil eye.

Sacred texts from corruption and evil eye in Islam

While studying the Quran, every believer learns that there are only 3 fundamental protective prayers from the evil caused by enemies, namely:

  • Surah Al-Ihlyas;
  • "Al-Falyak";
  • "An-Nas".

They are pronounced in complex, one after the other. Let us give examples of sacred texts.

Surah Al-Ihlyas (in it they ask for sincerity). Its text is:

Turning to this Dua, the prayer asks the Almighty to protect himself, as well as his family and friends from any negativity, from various temptations, evil spirits, jinn and enemies.

Surah Al-Falyak is represented by the following words:

Surah An-Nas is pronounced like this:

If you believe what is written in the Qur'an, then Muhammad regularly uttered the Dua described above daily, before going to bed. After that, with the help of his palms, he rubbed his entire body from head to toe. It was thanks to this rite that the prophet remained inviolable and inaccessible to the action of evil spirits until morning.

Prayer from the evil eye for kids

In very frequent situations, Islamic women pronounce the hundredth sura of the Koran, called Al-Adiyat, over the beds of their children. Traditionally, it allows you to protect the child from bad energy.

The Surah is represented by eleven verses. If you translate the text according to the words, then you will get the following analogy in Russian:

How to use dua for evil eye

To ensure the high effectiveness of suras from destructive energy, you should follow some recommendations for reading them.

  • First of all, you need to be 100% sure that you really have an evil eye. Do not take into account minor troubles, they are probably sent from above to temper your spirit. But if you regularly encounter continuous failures in all areas of life that do not end, this indicates the presence of damage.
  • One should turn to the Higher Powers for help not in the morning hours (as is customary in the Orthodox religion), but at night, when the sun hides behind the horizon. The reading of the prayer should be completed before sunrise. This is due to the fact that the Almighty cannot hear appeals to him during the day and therefore does not provide a person with his help.
  • Reading a dua from corruption or the evil eye is necessary for the person who has been negatively affected. If the patient is so exhausted that he is unable to do this, the mission can be entrusted to an older person in your family. At the end of the prayer, he should blow into the face of the sick person.
  • It is best to recite suras in the desert. But at this point in time, not many Muslims can afford this. Therefore, it is permissible to pronounce suras in your home, but always in complete solitude. Provide complete isolation from the sounds of the outside world.
  • Sacred texts are not translated. They are read exclusively in the original (for convenience, you can use Russian transcription).
  • When you make a request to the Almighty, hold the Quran in your hands.
  • During healing from damage, the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking are prohibited.
  • It is important to get rid of lustful and depraved thoughts.
  • The most successful day for the pronunciation of suras is Friday.
  • In no case do not change the sequence of suras from damage and the evil eye. Start expelling corruption from the first sura of the Koran, and complete this process with the one hundred and fourteenth. In the middle it is allowed to insert the thirty-sixth sura, but only for those cases when there is a very strong negative impact.
  • One day (or, more precisely, night) is not enough to eliminate damage or the evil eye, the ceremony should be repeated for seven days.
  • If possible, include all people who wish you well in reading the dua.

To feel more confident when reciting the texts of Islamic prayers, we advise you to watch the following video clip. In it, believers pronounce the sacred Surahs, you can learn from them the technique of reading Dua. May Allah be with you!

"Bismillahi-r-rahmani r-rahim. Allahu la ilaha illa hwal-hayul-kayyum. Laa ta" huzuhu sinatyn Valyaa naum Lahu maa fissamaauyaati Wa maa fil ardz. Man zallazi yashfau "indahu illya-a bi-iznih Ya" lyamy maa bayna aydiyhim Vamaa halfakhum Valyayhiytuuna bishyai im min "ilmihii illyaa bi maa shaaaaa. Vasi" I kursiyyhu-s-samaaVaati Val ard Valya uduhuu hifzuhumyaa Va hval "aliyyilaziim".

Meaning: "Allah is the One besides Whom, there is no deity. He is the Living, Eternally Existing, neither slumber nor sleep overcomes Him. Everything in Heaven belongs to Him, and everything on Earth, whoever intercedes before Him, without His permission? He knows what was before them and knows what will be after them, they seize from His knowledge only what He wills. His throne embraces Heaven and Earth, and His guarding them does not burden, verily. Great".

Hazrat Babafariduddin Janj (rahmatullah aleyh) reported that

When Ayatul-Kursi was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu aleihi wa sallam), the Angel Jibrail (aleihis-salaam), surrounded by 70 thousand angels, transmitted this verse, saying that He who sincerely reads it will receive a reward like for 70 years service to the Almighty. And the one who reads Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house will be surrounded by 1000 angels who will pray for his forgiveness.

1. This is the greatest verse in the Holy Quran;

2. Ayatul-Kursi will be protected from the evil of genies from morning to evening and from evening to morning;

3. Ayatul-Kursi is equal to a quarter of the Holy Quran;

4. Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi constantly after each obligatory prayer, then only death separates this person from Paradise;

5. Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi after the obligatory prayer will be protected until the next prayer;

6. If you read Ayatul-Kursi, blowing on food and drink, then this will give a blessing;

7. Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi at the entrance to the house, then the shaitan will run away from there;

8. And the reader himself, and his children, and his house, and his wealth, property, and even the houses of neighbors will be protected;

9. The thief will not come close to the one reading Ayatul-Kursi;

11. The genie will not be able to open the dishes over which Ayatul-Kursi was read;

12. Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi before going to bed will be protected until two angels until morning;

13. If you read Ayatul-Kursi and blow on your things, then the shaitan will not come close;

14. Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house, he will be under the protection of Allah until his return;

15. Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi and the beginning of Sura N 40 Gaafir in the morning will be safe until the evening, and if you read in the evening, then there will be safety until the morning;

16. Kutbubbin Bakhtiyar (rahmatullah aleih - may Allah be merciful to him) conveyed, Allah will relieve the house of the person who reads Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house;

17. If you read Ayatul-Kursi and blow on a sick person, then Allah will ease his pain;

22. Who on Fridays, preferably in solitude, begins to read Ayatul-Kursi 70 times after the Al-Asr prayer (the third in a row), he will begin to see the inner spiritual light, and every dua made at that moment will be accepted by Allah;

23. If you have to communicate with a stern boss, then before that you should read Ayatul-Kursi;

24. For blessings and peace of mind, it is recommended to read Ayatul-Kursi and suras 109, 110, 112, 113 and 114 before going to bed.

The Great Caliph of Islam "Ali (glad to Allah anhu) said:

I cannot understand those Muslims who do not read Ayatul-Kursi before going to bed. If you only knew how great this verse is, you would never neglect reading Ayatul-Kursi, because it was given to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) from the treasuries of Al-Arsh. Ayatul-Kursi was not sent down to any of the Prophets before the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu aleihi wa sallam). And I never go to bed without first reading Ayatul-Kursi.

Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad:

Every day two angels accompany a person. One of them often repeats: O Allah! Increase wealth to those who spend their property on sadaqa for the poor and other noble deeds! Another angel says: O Allah! Deprive the good of the one who keeps his wealth only for himself!

Dua ayat Kursi are sacred words in the Islamic religion, which are contained in the second sura of the Book of Allah. The Muslim text is one of the most popular references to the Creator. The name in translation means "Throne", the prayer is the personification of the absolute power of the Almighty over the people and all living beings.

Appeal to Allah - 255 verses of the sura from the book of Al-Baqar. Dua Ayatul Kursi is the greatest text that truly believing Muslims honor. The prayer call rises above all the sacred words that are contained in the Qur'an.

Why is it considered the greatest in the Quran

Dua ayat al Kursi was attributed to the most powerful Muslim holy writings by the prophet Muhammad. Prayer glorifies Allah, his greatness, the ability to control all earthly creatures. The sacred text is evidence of the existence of one God.

The Almighty Himself speaks with the words of Ayat Kursi. He reminds devout Muslims of his superiority over all that exists. Dua contains the idea that the Lord is the creator of the world, the arbiter of destinies.

When reading the greatest verse of the Qur'an, a person should meditate on its meaning. Only those who have comprehended the meaning of al Kursi will fill their hearts with faith, with the understanding that Allah protects his children from all evil. Reading the dua of the Throne is an appeal to God with a request for salvation from the deeds of Satan.

The messenger of the Creator said that the ayat Kursi is higher than 7 heavens. The magnificence of God's government cannot be imagined by any living being.

Dua is not to be taken literally. Allah does not need a throne in order to be sovereign. His power is not limited by anything.

Dua al Kursi is listed in the fourth part of the holy book in Islam. The power of the verse is undeniable. Ali, the successor of the great prophet Muhammad, recommended that believers recite the text daily before going to bed. He spoke of the greatness of sacred conversion given by God. Ali himself repeated the prayer three times at night, glorifying Allah.

Text and Meaning

For a better pronunciation of the words of the dua, you can use the transcription of the ayat Kursi:

“Allahu Laya Ilyayahe Illyaya Huwal-hayyul-kayyuum,

LayaTa - HuzuhuSinatuv-flyingNavm,


ManZal-lyaziiYashfya‘u ‘indahuIllyaybiizih,

Ya'lamuMaaBeineAydiihimWaMaaHalfakhumValayaYuhiituuneBisheyim-min 'ilmihiIllyaBiMaa shaa'a,



In a semantic translation, the text of the dua of the Kursi ayat sounds like this:

“I glorify Allah, the only God who created all things. The Lord is not subject to sleep or slumber. He is the lord of heaven and earth. Everything is in his will. The Lord knows what has been and what will be. It is not given to man to comprehend his wisdom in its entirety. He knows only what the Creator has allowed. The throne of the Father is above the earth, heaven. The power of God is unlimited. Indeed, He is almighty, great."

Benefits of reading Ayat Kursi

Reading the dua benefits for the soul, body:

  • pronunciation of the words of the greatest text of the Qur'an protects from all evil. Satan will not be able to harm him;
  • reading an ayah is equivalent to reading a quarter of the holy book of Muslims;
  • the faithful, praising the Almighty by repeating Kursi every time after prayer, can expect that the desire to be in Paradise after death will be fulfilled;
  • reading the dua of the Throne will protect from troubles until the next prayer;
  • reciting sacred material from the second sura of the Book of Allah over food will bless it;
  • voicing the words of the verse before crossing the threshold of the house, expels the shaitan from the dwelling. Prayer provides cleansing from evil spirits;
  • thanks to the greatest text of Kursi, households will always be under the protection of the Lord. He will give the believer prosperity, happiness;
  • regularly reading the dua from the second sura of the Book of Allah, they protect the home from thieves;
  • offering a prayer with the final words of a powerful verse of the sura from Al-Baqar, they achieve the fulfillment of their cherished desire;
  • the genie will not penetrate into the vessel, over which the invocations to God sounded;
  • the pronunciation of the text of the Throne before leaving for the night's rest will protect the sleeper from all evil. His sleep is guarded by two angels;
  • a shield on clothes from shaitan will ensure the reading of the words of Kursi;
  • Dua will protect the traveler. The Lord will protect him on the road, help him return home safely;
  • whoever reads in the morning an ayat from Surah Gafir with a prayerful glorification of the Almighty, a good day awaits. Allah will save him from problems, misfortunes, anger;
  • the believer will receive a shield from poverty, need;
  • reading the greatest text will endow the sick with healing. It is enough for relatives to voice Kursi, to blow on the sufferer. The Lord will give him strength to heal;
  • you can receive a blessing, the mercy of the Almighty, if every day with faith you read the dua from the great verses of the Koran.

How and when to read

It is recommended to offer the Prayer of the Throne (Kursi) to Allah before leaving for a night's rest. The text will provide protection to the sleeper from all evil during the dark time of the day. Reciting the dua three times is recommended for those who are troubled by nightmares. It is advisable to combine verses with suras 109, 110, 112, 113, 114 to calm the soul.

In cases of threat to life, one resorts to the mercy of the Creator by reading the words of the Heavenly Throne. If danger is approaching, with the help of Kursi, they call on Allah, magnify him. Faith in the power from above will save life. Dua is read during natural disasters and natural disasters.

Those who go on a journey should glorify God, voice the verse from the second sura of Al Bakara. Dua will protect the traveler from danger, troubles, misfortunes on the road. Prayer will become an impenetrable shield from damage, the evil eye. Kursi will help you safely return home from your journey.

You should call on the Creator, voicing the dua before communicating with the authorities. Ayat will protect from unfair attacks, help to achieve a respectful attitude.

Turning to the Heavenly Father requires respect from a Muslim. Kursi is a prayer for mercy to Allah himself, and not to his throne. It is in the power of the Almighty to give a person a long, happy life, to protect from all evil. Dua requires the believer to concentrate his thoughts on the words of the verse of the second sura of the Book of Allah. To receive a blessing, the appeal is read every day 33 times. The best effect is repeated 99 times.

To the reader of the greatest of the verses after prayer, the Lord says: “My beloved child! You have a place in the Garden of Eden. You will be rewarded with it, having passed a life path full of trials, having known mortal torments. Dua is offered in any difficult situations. Kursi will help you to be rewarded with Paradise after death.

The Friday pronunciation of the sacred words of the verse in the amount of 70 times after the third prayer will endow the believer with enlightenment. Each appeal to the Almighty with the help of Kursi will be heard.

It is advisable to listen to the recording of the sound of the verse from the second sura of Al Bakara in Arabic. Dua will protect from evil, enemies, damage, any negativity, and help improve health.

The text of ayat al-Kursi, consisting of nine sentences, is a statement of the greatness and perfection of the Creator. Glorifying Allah, recognizing unlimited power, the dua relieves troubles, misfortunes, needs.

One of the most frequently repeated and well-known verses of the Final Revelation of the Almighty is "Ayatul-Kursi" (or the verse "al-Kursi" - "Ayat of the Throne"). It is given in the second sura of the Book of Allah - "Al-Baqarah" ("The Cow") at number 255.

From Abu Hurairah (r.a.) it is transmitted that the Messenger of the Lord Muhammad (s.g.v.) admonished his ummah: “Verily, everything has a peak, and Surah Bakara is the peak of the Koran. And in this sura there is an ayat, which is the master of all the verses of the Koran - Ayatul-Kursi ”(transmitted in the collections of Hakim and at-Tirmizi).

in Arabic text "Ayat of the Throne" looks like that:

اللّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاء وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

Transcription: Allah la ilaha illahu, al-khayyul-qayyum. La ta-huzuhu sina-tuu-wa la naum. Lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-ard. Manzallazi yashfa-u ‘indahu illa bi-iznih? Ya'lamu ma bayna aidihim wa ma halfahum. Wa la yu-hituna bi-shayim-min ‘il-mihi illa bima sha! Wa-si-’a Kursiyyuhus-Samaua-ti wal-ard; wa la ya-udu-hu hifzu-huma wa Huual-'aliyyul-'azyim.

Meaning translation: Allah - there is no deity but Him, and only Him we should worship. Allah is Living, Existing and keeps the existence of all people. Neither drowsiness nor sleep embraces him; He alone owns what is in heaven and on earth; and He has no equal. Who will intercede for another before Him without His permission? Allah - glory to Him Almighty! - knows everything that was and what will be. No one can comprehend anything from His wisdom and knowledge, except what He permits. The throne of Allah, His knowledge and His power is vaster than the heavens and the earth, and His protection of them does not burden. Verily, He is the Most High, the One and the Great!

The significance and greatness of this verse is devoted to many hadiths. Some of them are reliable, but there are also weak ones (in other words, there is a loss or doubtful transmitters in the chain of transmitters).

For example, it is reported that if a believer says the ayat “al-Kursi” to himself after completing the obligatory prayers before pronouncing the tasbih (33 times “SubhanAllah”, “Alhamdulillah” and “Allahu Akbar!”), Then after death nothing will prevent him from getting to Ray.

It is also known that the fourth righteous caliph Ali (r.a.) said: “I do not understand those who, going to bed, do not read the Ayat of the Throne.” According to him, if a person were aware of the degree of greatness of this verse, he would never neglect reading it, because this fragment of the Noble Quran was sent down to the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.) from Arsh itself.

It is believed that reading "Ayat al-Kursi" helps to overcome the devil and rid his home of him. You can learn this dua by repeating after the Quran hafiz in our video, which also contains a transcription in Russian letters:

No one has doubts and disagreements about the importance of constantly quoting Ayatul-Kursi. The reason is simple: here the highest qualities inherent only to Him are very often mentioned: Hayu (Eternally living, He who has neither beginning nor end); Qayum (Existing, Independent of anyone and nothing, not needing anyone or anything); Aliyu (the Highest, Most Honored); Azimu (The Greatest).

In addition, in the verse "al-Kursi" there are such signs of the Creator as:

  • Wahdaniyat (Unity): "Allah - there is no deity but Him ...";
  • Gyilm (Possession of knowledge): “... knows everything that was and what will be. No one can comprehend anything from His wisdom and knowledge, except what He permits”;
  • Malik (dominion): “He alone owns what is in heaven and on earth; and there is no equal to Him…”;
  • Kudrat (Power): "The Throne of Allah, His knowledge and His power is vaster than the heavens and the earth, and their protection does not burden Him";
  • Irada (Will): “Neither drowsiness nor sleep embraces Him”, “no one can comprehend anything from His wisdom and knowledge, except what He permits” (2:255).

This passage from Surah Bakara has such a name because of the word Kursi mentioned in it. Theologians gave him different interpretations. Hasan Basri believed that Arsh (Throne) of the Lord of the worlds is meant here. Ibn Kathir, on the other hand, assured that “Kursi” does not simply mean Arsh, but it is something more than a throne. Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a.), in turn, emphasized: “Kursi” means gylm (knowledge) of our Creator.