Riddles about water in nature and its states. On a hot day I am the most desirable. Riddles about water for children Children's riddle about water short

Riddles about water carry a lot of knowledge accumulated over centuries, useful information about water. Riddles about water open up new facets of it for us and make important accents.

Note that riddles are one of the forms that reflect deep folk wisdom. We have already gone back to the origins folk wisdom, in our materials such as and.

Everyone knows that questions, as such, arise at the moment of greatest concentration and interest in a particular subject. It can be assumed that questions on the most important and significant topics were “sublimated” into riddles and became a form of folk wisdom that is passed on from generation to generation. Each riddle focuses our attention on one or more important qualities or "essences" of an object, many of which are intangible.

Article title - "Riddles about water, with answers" confirms our agreement with the French writer, poet and pilot Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry, who said in his world famous work"The Little Prince" that... the truth does not lie on the surface.

To illustrate the above, we present one of the possible interpretations of the Riddle - “I have sleeves, Ruk, although I don’t. And even though I’m not made of glass, I’m as bright as a mirror. Who am I, give me the answer?!” This Riddle states that the River is a Mirror, and a mirror, as everyone knows, reflects something or someone. If, for example, we assume that the waters of a river suddenly become polluted, then we can argue that this reflects general level technology development, society's attitude towards nature and ecology, as well as the quality of life of people in this region...

So, we bring to your attention a small selection of Riddles about water and other natural phenomena close to it, in Russian and Ukrainian.

Riddles about Water with answers

  • They drink me, they pour me out, everyone needs me. Who am I? / I don’t love me. Everyone needs me, Who am I? (Water)
  • Who is the strongest in the world? (Water)
  • I am the gloom, and the fog, and the stream, and the ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be cursed! / I am a cloud, and a fog, And a stream, and an ocean, And I fly, And I run, And I can be glass. (Water)
  • She doesn’t drink the drink herself, but she makes us sick. (Water)
  • I’m very good-natured, I’m soft, I’m well-heard, and if I want, I’ll pour out the stone. (Water)
  • What can't you hold in your hands? (Water)

Riddles about the River / Riddles about the River / Riddles about Water with answers

  • I have sleeves, Ruk, although not. And although I am not made of glass, I am as bright as a mirror, Who am I, give me the answer?! (River)
  • I am born small, I emerge from a stream, and when I run to the sea, I can become wide. (River)
  • We set off on a hike along the silver road. Let's stop for a rest, and she goes for herself. (River)
  • It’s a year and a half, and there’s no mention of it. (Richka)
  • We seem to be: out there; We seem to be playing; Let's run forward again, but we're not going anywhere. (Richka)
  • It runs in the summer and stands still in the winter. (River)
  • It flows, it flows - it won’t leak out, it runs, it runs - it won’t run out. (River)
  • In winter I hide, in spring I appear, in summer I have fun, in autumn I go to bed. (River)

Riddles about the Stream / Riddles about water with answers

  • A golden horn bull runs. (Creek)
  • Drink - don't drink, pour - don't pour. (Creek)

Riddles about Rain

  • He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden, but he does not get into the house. And I'm not going anywhere while he goes. (Rain)
  • They often ask me, They often wait for me, But as soon as I appear, they will start hiding. (Rain)
  • It began to grow in large quantities and watered the whole earth. (Rain)
  • I live right under the mountain, It’s scary to look down. I could live more, if only the dahus were known there. (Burulka) then hits and taps on the roof all night, and mumbles and sings, lulls you to sleep? (Rain)

Riddle about Hail / Riddles about water with answers

  • Cereals are falling from the sky. There is a commotion in the yard: Peas are whistling from the sky. (hail)
  • There is a commotion in the yard - peas are falling from the sky. (hail)
  • Nina has eaten six peas, and now she has a sore throat. (hail)
  • Broken peas On seventy roads: No one can pick you up. (hail)

Riddles about Snow / Riddles about Snow / Riddles about water with answers

  • Having been busy with the right all hour, I can’t walk for nothing. Here we go and farb the white everything we need to go to the road. (Snow)
  • A white blanket lay on the ground. Summer has come - it's all gone. (Snow)
  • The white blanket was not made by hand - It was not woven or cut, It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow)
  • It is fluffy, shiny, white, white, pure, pure, like cotton wool. (Snow)
  • It plays white and vibrate on the fly. In the bright, cold dance On the valley and in the mouth. (Snow)
  • The white yak of kreyda, flying from the sky. It lay through the winter, stuck in the ground. (Snow)
  • The white carpet sucked in the earth. The sun was hot - the carpet was leaking. White, but not a tsukor, There is nothing, but I’m moving. (Snow)
  • Sits on everyone, fears no one. (Snow)
  • The carpet was white, not hand-knotted, not woven or cut, but fell from heaven to earth. Winter is warm, Spring is smoldering, Spring is dying, Spring is coming to life. (Snow)
  • Live - lie down, Die - win. (Snow)
  • Lying, lying, So I escaped into the river. (Snow)
  • The white tablecloth covered the whole earth. (Snow)
  • In the yard there is a mountain, And in the house there is water. (Snow)
  • No bucket, no pencil, No hands, And he will whiten everything completely. (Snow)

Riddles about Snowflakes / Riddles about Snowflakes / Riddles about water with answers

  • What kind of little eyes are there on the coat and on the shirt, Everything is sketchy, dirty, And if you take it, there is water in your hand? (Snizhinki)
  • The little star circled in the wind of a little, sat down and grew up on my valley. (Snizhinki)

Riddles about Waves / Riddles about Khvyli / Riddles about water with answers

  • I walk and walk along the sea, and when I get to the shore, I’m lost. (Khvilya, hvilya)
  • The calm weather keeps us away, As the wind blows - We run on the water. (Khvilya, hvilya)
  • He walks and walks along the sea, but when he reaches the shore, he disappears. (Wave)

Riddles about Fog / Riddles about water with answers

  • Gray cloth stretches out the window. (Steam, Fog)
  • The gray-haired grandfather at the gate covered everyone's eyes. (Fog)

Riddle about Cloud / Riddles about water with answers

  • Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, No legs, but walking, No eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

Riddles about the Sea / Riddles about water with answers

  • There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)
  • The width is wide, the depth is deep, Day and night beats on the shore. (Sea)
  • The water is not drinkable because it is not tasty - both bitter and salty. There is water all around, and there is trouble with the drink. Who knows where it is? (Sea)

Riddles about Waterfall / Riddles about water with answers

  • She screams day and night, but her voice never gets tired. (Waterfall)

Riddles about Icicles / Riddles about Burulki

  • What grows upside down? (Icicle)
  • Hanging behind the end of the Krizhany Kulok is a reminder of dripping and the smell of spring. (Burulka)
  • What's up with the roots? (Burulka)
  • She climbed onto the ledge, Nice hung down. There are tears in the night, and tears in the sun. (Burulka)
  • It grows upside down, It does not grow in summer, but in winter. And the sun is hot - Cry out and die. (Burulka)

Riddles about Ice / Riddles about Ice / Riddles about water with answers

  • Doesn't sink in water and doesn't burn in fire? (Ice)
  • Without planks, without sap, Across the river the place is ready. (Lid)
  • The place is like a blue slope: Slimy, fun, clear. (Lid)
  • In Tanya's hands is Winter in a bottle. (Lid)
  • The fire doesn't burn, the water doesn't drown. (Lid)
  • Not a gem, but glowing. (Ice)
  • It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (Ice)

Riddles about the Rainbow

  • The red yoke hung over the river. (Rainbow)

Riddles about the Swamp / Riddles about water with answers

  • Not water and not land, you can’t sail away on a boat and you can’t walk with your feet. (Swamp)

Riddles about Lakes and ponds / Riddles about water with answers

  • In the middle of the field lies a mirror: blue glass, green frame. (Pond)

Riddles about the Snowman / Riddles about the Snowman / Riddles about water with answers

  • I am alive in the middle of the yard, playing with children. Ale from sleepy exchanges I transformed into a strumok. (To Snow Baba)
  • They didn’t raise me - They kept me in the snow. Instead of the nose, they inserted carrots, Eyes - domes, Lips - knots. Cold, big. Who am I? (Snigova Baba)

Riddles about Dew / Riddles about water with answers

  • It sleeps on the ground at night and runs away in the morning. (Dew)

Riddle about Waterfall / Riddle about Waterfall / Riddles about water with answers

  • From the great heights you see, the roar is ominous, and, breaking against the stones, you rise with foam. (Waterfall)

PUBLICATION DATE: Sep 28, 2014 21:32

They drink me, they pour me out.
Everyone needs me
Who am I?

We say: it flows;
We say: she plays;
She always runs forward
But he doesn't run away.

I am both a cloud and a fog,
And the stream and the ocean,
And I fly and I run,
And I can be glass!

Lives in seas and rivers,
But it often flies across the sky.
How will she get bored of flying?
It falls to the ground again.

She doesn’t drink on her own,
And it forces us.

Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want,
I will even wear out a stone.


Falling from a great height,
He roars menacingly
And, breaking on the stones,
He gets up foaming.


wide in width,
Deeply deep,
Day and night
It hits the shore.

You can't drink water from it,
Because it's not tasty -
And bitter and salty.
There is water all around,
But drinking is a problem.
Who knows where this happens?


White cotton wool is floating somewhere,
Whether you catch it or not,
You won't catch it.

Wave, waves

It goes and goes along the sea,
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear.

In calm weather
We are nowhere
How the wind blows -
We run on water.


I'm running like up a flight of stairs,
Ringing on the pebbles.
From afar by song
You will recognize me.

Shakes a little in the breeze
Ribbon in the open
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - into the sea.

It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,
He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out.


Two brothers through mother
They look at each other.
Two brothers looking at each other
But they can’t get along.


Not water, not land -
You can't get away on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet.
You won't pass, you won't pass -
You'll bypass it.
And you won’t drink water
With a bluish veil.

Not the sea, not the land,
But ships cannot sail.

Everyone goes around this place:
Here the earth is like dough;
There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...
No leg support.


In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
Blue glass,
Green frame.
Young birch trees
His own in front of him
They straighten their hair.
And the month and the stars -
Everything is reflected in it...
What is this mirror called?


He has no arms, he has no legs.
I was able to break out of the ground,
He us in the summer, in the heat of the moment,
Ice water gives you water.

Where the roots curl,
On a forest path
small saucer
Hidden in the grass.
Everyone who passes
It will fit - it will bend over
And again on the road
It will gain strength.


Under the sedge on the sand
They dropped the belt.
And he lies - but cannot be lifted,
And he runs but can’t be caught.

I run to my mother river
And I can’t remain silent.
I am her own son,
And he was born in the spring.

Who runs along the mountain slopes,
Chatting with myself
And in the thick green grass
Hiding his blue tail?


In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered all the grass with themselves,
And we went to look for them during the day,
We search and search, but we won’t find it.

To be born in the evening
The night lives
In the morning he dies.

I always fall in the morning -
Not a raindrop, not a star -
And I sparkle in the burdocks,
On the edges and meadows.


He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

He is fluffy, silver,
White, white,
Clean, clean,
He lay down on the ground with cotton wool.

He flies in a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth.

White as chalk
Came from the sky.
I spent the winter
He ran into the ground.

White blanket
It covered the earth.
The sun is hot -
The blanket began to leak.

Bel, but not sugar,
There are no legs, but he walks.

Sits on everyone
Not afraid of anyone.

Blanket white
Not made by hand
It was not woven or cut,
It fell from the sky to the ground.

Warms in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in the summer
Comes to life in autumn.

Lives - lies,
If he dies, he will run.

Lying, lying,
Yes, he ran into the river.

White tablecloth
Covered the entire earth.

There's a mountain in the yard,
And in the hut there is water.

No bucket, no brush,
No hands
And it will whiten everything around.


What kind of stars are they through?
On the coat and on the scarf,
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand?

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.


I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play.
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream.

Snow woman

I wasn't raised
- Made from snow.
Instead of a nose cleverly
Inserted a carrot
Eyes are coals,
Lips are bitches.
Cold, big.
Who am I?


Roll through the snow -
I'll grow up.
Warm you up at the fire -
I'll be lost.


Cereals fall from the sky.

There's a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky.

Nina ate six peas
She now has a sore throat.

Peas spilled
On seventy roads:
Nobody will pick him up.


Without boards
without axes,
The bridge across the river is ready.

The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light.

In Tanya's hands
Winter in a glass.

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water.

Winter glass
It started flowing in the spring.

Fishes live warmly in winter:
The roof is thick glass.

Ice hole

The fur coat is new,
And there's a hole in the hem.

In the new wall
In the round window
During the day the glass is broken
And it was inserted overnight.


What grows upside down?

Under our roof
A white nail hangs
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall.

Climbed onto the ledge
She hung her nose down.
She hides her tears at night,
And in the sun he cries.

She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
And the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die.

Hanging outside the window
Ice bag
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring.

I live under the very roof,
It's scary to even look down.
I could live higher
If only there were roofs there.



riddles about water"

Proverbs and sayings.

Water wears away stones.
Pound water in a mortar and there will be water.
You can't collect spilled water.
Still waters are deep.
Run away from that water that does not make noise or gurgle.
You can't sail without water and on a good boat.

Water and steel also harden people.
Water doesn't like dirty people.

Sometimes it happens that the water flows like a mountain.
Fill yourself with water, try it, get drunk!
Shallow water makes louder noise.
There are no safe fords in unfamiliar waters.
Water is the master of everything, he is afraid of water and fire.An hour with kvass, sometimes with water.

This is written on the water with a pitchfork.
Water and fire are good servants, but bad masters.
The water goes down, and the underwater rocks rise.
Water flows down, man strives upward.
If you fall into the water, you won't come out dry.
You can't see the reflection in muddy water.
He takes water from one and gives it to another.
Water does not know fatigue.
In deep water, stones float up.
My legs are weak on the water.
You can't collect spilled water.
Even though the sea is big, the water in it is nowhere!
Don't joke with fire, don't make friends with water, don't trust the wind.
Where the water is up to your neck, everyone can swim.
If you become arrogant, you will drink too much water.
Wait until you drown (drown) the water is cold.
Measuring water with a sieve is a waste of time.
You can't hang a lock on flowing water.
Fire is trouble and water is trouble, and there is no worse trouble than neither fire nor water.
He walks on water, but is afraid to get his feet wet.
Don't jump into the water before the boat capsizes.
Needed like water in a sinking ship.
On which water to swim, drink that water.
The truth does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.
Truth saves you from water and from fire.
It's hard to swim against the water.
Carry water in a sieve.
And the boat is on the water and the oars are in hands - there is nothing to argue about.
The jug goes through the water so often that it eventually breaks.
Bread and water, but not pie with interest.
When you can't see the bottom, don't walk through the water.
I got burned on milk - and it blows on the water.
Peace drinks water, and anxiety drinks honey.
The water is close, but walking is slimy.
Standing water rots.
The cat loves the fish, but I don’t want to get into the water.
To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Hops is not water, it's a disaster for a person.
If you skimp on water, you won’t be able to cook porridge.
Look into the water at your nature.
It is better to drink water in joy than honey in sorrow.
The island was surrounded by water, and we were in trouble.
The trouble is that water comes into the yard accidentally.
A quick wedding is like hollow water.
Like a goose without water, a man without a wife.
Pound the water and there will be water.
A thin cauldron does not hold water.
Water is off a duck's back.
If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water.
Our truth does not sink in water, nor does it burn in fire.
The water of the Kuban River went where the Bolsheviks ordered.
The shore avoids the water. Storm in a teacup.
Be lower than the grass, quieter than water.
Getting married is not drinking water.
Every miller takes water to his mill.

Fishing in troubled waters.
Come out dry from water.
Go through fire and water (and copper pipes).
A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart people will not remove it.
He disappeared and disappeared, as if he had fallen into water.
For our October freedom - through fire and water.
The enemy will not hide anywhere under water or on the water.
Love is intoxicating wine, friendship is refreshing water.
Love like the devil loves holy water.
The ox is not called to drink beer, but they want to carry water on it.
Spring floods the river, labor adds value to man.

Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world:

    Water is the head of everything(Arabic proverb)

    The water covers everything and digs up the banks.(Armenian proverb)

    Water drop by drop chisels the stone(Armenian proverb)

    Water cleanses from the outside, but tears cleanse from the inside.(Armenian proverb)

    Water will find its way(Armenian proverb)

    The water will flow away, the sand will remain(Armenian proverb)

    The water has carried away the entire mill, and you ask where the groove is(Assyrian proverb)

    Water washes out the channel weak point (Afghan proverb)

    Water itself will not do, thirst will do(Bashkir proverb)

    Water flows downwards(Bengali proverb)

    Water wets, fire burns(Indonesian proverb)

    Water will merge with water, and garbage will be thrown ashore (Indonesian proverb)

    Water goes from source to mouth, crime returns to the criminal (Kalmyk proverb)

    The water is muddy from the source (Kyrgyz proverb)

    Water is purified from the upper reaches (Kyrgyz proverb)

    Water can carry a boat, or it can capsize it (Chinese proverb)

    The water will rise and the boat will be high (Chinese proverb)

    Water flows down, but man strives upward (Chinese proverb)

    Water is more important than flour (Creole proverb)

    Water is not polluted without a reason (Creole proverb)

    Water flows into the depression (Kurdish proverb)

    Water will make its own way (Neeg proverb)

    The water in the river, no matter how formidable, does not pull the tree to the bottom: it cannot drown what was born of itself (Persian proverb)

    The water is muddy from the spring itself (Persian proverb)

    Water erodes the channel at a weak point (Pashtun proverb)

    The water will reach your nose and the calf will swim (Tuvan proverb)

    Water is clean at the source (Chechen proverb)

    Water and fire do not argue with each other (Evenki proverb)

    Water and fire do not compete (Evenki proverb)

    Water, which easily demolishes a house, does not carry away the stones lying in its path (Evenki proverb)

    Water drips, stone chisels (Japanese proverb)

    Water washes everything, but it does not wash away dishonor (Japanese proverb)

Russians folk proverbs and sayings:

  • April is glorious with water.

    April will get everyone drunk.

    April opens the springs and water.

    April with water - May with grass

    April streams awaken the earth.

    It happens sometimes that water flows like a mountain.

    The story is like resin, but the story is like water.

    In March there is water, in April there is grass.

    The king will not stop the spring water, the water will find its way.

    Water carries you down, and bondage leads you up.

    Water wears away the earth and chisels stones.

    The water even breaks the mill.

    Water wears away stones.

    Water doesn't cloud your mind.

    Water doesn't cry for water.

    The water is breaking the dam.

    The water is cold - the body is vigorous.

    The water is close, but walking is slimy.

    Pound water in a mortar and there will be water.

    If you dig a well deep, the water will stand high.

    Where the water was, there it will be; where the money went and accumulated.

    Where the water runs, it will find its way.

    Where there is water, there is trouble.

    Where there is water, there is a willow, and where there is a willow, there is water.

    Where there is water, there are ships.

    Where the sun warms up, the water will become shallower.

    Long drips (icicles) - long flax.

    Waiting for water is not a problem, but the water would come.

    Wherever the water flows, it carries wood chips.

    Better water in joy than mash in sorrow.

    Human happiness is that the water is in delirium.

    Hollow water will demolish the gate.

    The water is calm, but the pools are deep.

    February will let in the water, March will pick up the water (about frosts).

    Doesn't sink in water and doesn't burn in fire

    If there is no water in the tap, the Jews drank the water.

    He fell silent as he filled his mouth with water.

    And in troubled waters they catch fish

    You can't spill them with water (Friends, you can't spill water)

    As soon as a jug gets into the habit of walking on water, he should put his head there

    Like water off a duck's back

    Better bread and water than cake and disaster

    A frog will never be an ox, no matter how much water you drink

    Much water has passed under the bridge since then

    They carry water to the offended

    If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water

    To teach the foolish to pour water into a bottomless tub

    You have to bend down to drink water from a stream.

    Having been burned by milk, they blow on the water

    He will come out dry

    I swam in the sea but didn’t see water

    A rolling stone gathers no moss

    The promise made with a pitchfork is written on the water

    Went through fire and water and copper pipes

    Throwing out the baby with the bathwater

    Don't drink water from your face

    Talking to you is like carrying water with a sieve

    No matter how much you boil the water, it will still be water.

    Bread and water are peasant food.

    To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.

    You can't collect spilled water.

Chuvash folk proverbs and sayings:

Riddles about water.

Too many of me - the world would disappear,
It's not enough for me - the world would disappear,

It flies down in droplets,
And at the top - invisible.


On a hot day
It happens to be the most desirable.

No arms, no legs,
And it destroys the mountain.

(A drop)

What can't you roll up the mountain?
You can’t carry it in a sieve,

Can't hold it in your hands?


It's not a horse, it's running
It's not a forest, but it's noisy.


Flows, flows -
It won't leak

Runs, runs-

He won't run out.


Sleeps in winter
And in the summer it is noisy.

Runs days and nights
And there is no end to this run.

In winter I hide
I appear in the spring

I have fun in the summer

In the fall I go to bed.


It pours into her
It pours out of her
She trudges along the ground on her own.

Two brothers
They look into the water
The centuries will not converge.
(river banks)

One says - let's run,
The other one says - let's lie down.

(River and banks)

She ran and made noise,
She fell asleep and began to sparkle.
(River under ice)

It flowed, it flowed -
And lay under the glass.
(River under ice)

They feed on it
They also ride on it.
(River under ice)

Egor is coming from the high mountains -
Covered with carpet and stapled.
(River under ice)

Worth a trough
It's full of water.

In the middle of the field lies a mirror,
The glass is blue, the frame is green.

(Lake, pond)

To the sister river
The water runs and gurgles.


Walks underground
Looks at the sky.

In the summer heat
He will treat you with ice water.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.


Not water and not dry-
You can't sail away on a boat

And you can't walk with your feet.


Hidden under the moss -
Neither walk

Nor ride on horseback.

Where can you neither walk nor drive?

Not the sea, not the land -
Ships don't float

And you can't walk.


It goes, it goes,
Sing a song by the shore
And it will disappear.

It walks and walks across the sea,
And it will reach the shore -

This is where it will disappear.


White lambs
They are walking in the blue meadow.
(Sea and waves)

There is water all around,
But drinking is a problem.

The lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground.

They are waiting for me, calling me,
And when I come, they run away.

Large, fractional, frequent,
The whole earth was watered.


Lives in the sky
Will go for a walk -

He will lower his feet to the ground.


Born in the sky
Buried in the ground.

I'll look out the window -
Long Antoshka is coming.


One pours, the other drinks,
The third one is growing.
(Rain, earth, grass)

It's long
He's huge
He is from the clouds to the ground...
Let him go faster, faster,
So that the mushrooms grow faster.

Gray-haired grandfather at the gate
Everyone's eyes were covered.


It swirls, not smoke,
It's falling, not snowing.


Over the river, over the valley
A white canvas hung.


Cereals fall from the sky.

There was a blanket lying
Soft, white.

The sun is hot -

The blanket leaked.


Lives - lies,
If he dies, he will run

The girl Belyan came,
Whitewashed all the clearings.


Fluffy carpet
Not fabric with your hands,
Not sewn with silks,
In the sun, in the month
Shines like silver.

There's a mountain in the yard,
And in the hut there is water.

Warms in winter
Smoldering in the spring

Dies in the summer
Flies in autumn.


The tablecloth is white
Dressed the whole world.

Bel, not a hare,
It's flying, not a bird

Comes quietly
Lays down softly.


The mother has a white scarf -
Covers the earth

But the sea is not enough.


White as sugar
Soft as wool

Light as a feather.


Sits on everyone
Not afraid of anyone.

White Tikhon was pushed from the sky,
Wherever he runs, he covers it with carpet.


Knee-deep water
Won't you get drunk?

Lying, lying
Yes, he ran into the river in the spring.

Gray geese were flying
They picked up white fluff.

(Snow and clouds)

White as chalk
Came from the sky.

I spent the winter

He ran into the ground.

Blanket white
Not made by hand
It was not woven or cut,
It fell from the sky to the ground.
V. Fetisov

The children sat on the ledge
And they grow down all the time.


Under our roof
A white nail is hanging.

The sun will rise-
The nail will fall.


What grows upside down?

Water floats on water.

Winter glass
It started flowing in the spring.


Fishes live warmly in winter:
The roof is thick glass.

Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window.


Pure and clear like a diamond
There are no roads
He was born from his mother,
He gives birth to her himself.

There is a stone in the yard,
There is water in the house.


In the new wall
In the round window

During the day the glass is broken,

And it was inserted overnight.

(Ice hole)

Yes, because without water - neither here nor there! 🙂 This funny riddle Not only everyone over thirty knows about water, but also many younger readers.

But the youngest children need other riddles about water. Which not only captivate and develop imagination, but also introduce the child to the world around him. These are the riddles about water and its different states that we have collected for you on this page.

Riddles about water for children

She doesn’t drink herself, but forces us to.

Very good-natured - soft, obedient.

But when he wants, he will wear away the stone.

She is both a cloud and fog.

She is a stream and an ocean.

She flies and runs

And it could be glass.

Everyone says it flows.

Everyone says she's playing.

She always runs forward

But he doesn't run away.

Without legs, but running.

Without arms, but has sleeves.

Lives in seas and rivers,

But often my head is in the clouds.

And how bored she gets of flying,

It falls to the ground again.

And - not land, not water.

You can't swim on it and you can't walk on it.

Hidden under the moss

Neither walk

Nor ride on horseback.

Young aspen trees look at him,

Colored people trying on their headscarves.

Young birch trees look at him,

Putting on your earrings in front of him.

Both the month and the stars - everything is reflected in it.

Tell me, what is this mirror called?

Everyone goes around this place

The earth here is like dough.

Sedges and mosses everywhere.

No leg support.

Neither walk

Nor ride on horseback,

What is hidden under the moss.

In the morning the beads sparkled.

They covered all the grass with themselves.

We went looking for them during the day.

We search and search, but we won’t find it.

In the evening - it is born,

At night he enjoys it.

In the morning he dies.

She doesn't exist during the day

It will always fall out in the morning

Not a rain, not a star.

And sparkles in the meadows,

On trees and bushes.

There is a trough filled with water.

Winding, winding in the distance

Ribbon in the open.

The narrow tip is in the spring,

And wide - into the sea.

In the summer he runs, walks,

And in winter he rests.

In winter it hides

In spring he wakes up.

In the summer - having fun.

In the fall, he goes to bed.

It pours into it, it pours out of it,

She trudges along the ground on her own.

Under the grass on the sand

They dropped the belt.

He's lying there, but he can't get him up.

He runs, but he can’t catch up.

To my little sister

The water runs and gurgles.

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

And without arms and without legs

I was able to break out of the ground.

All of us in the summer, in the hot heat

Gives him ice water.

Where the grass curls, on the forest path,

The blue saucer is hidden in the grass.

Anyone passing by will come up and bend over.

He will gain strength for his journey.

He runs along the mountain slopes,

Chatting to himself.

And in the dense green bushes

Hides his blue tail.

White as chalk.

Came from the sky.

I lay there all winter

And in the spring he ran into the ground.

In these watery deserts

Waves like dunes.

And among the bottomless blue -

Storms, hurricanes.

(Seas and oceans).

Wide, deep

A wave hits the shore.

There is always a lot of water in it,

But she doesn't drink.

(Sea ocean).

White cotton wool floats on the water somewhere.

There is a commotion in the yard.

Peas are falling from the sky.

Zina ate five peas,

She now has a sore throat.

He's busy all the time

He can't help but go.

And when he goes, he paints it white

Everything that comes along the way.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

And if you touch it, it quietly melts

On the palm and in the mouth.

White tablecloth

I covered the whole earth.

What kind of stars are these?

On your coat and on your hand?

All funny, cut-out,

And if you take it, there is water in your hand.


Lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids played.

But from the sun's rays

Suddenly it turned into a stream.


The mirror lies in the middle of the field.

The frame is green, the glass is blue.

There is water all around,

And drinking is a problem.

White lambs

They are walking along the blue meadow.

(Waves, sea).

The day was good at first.

Suddenly peas fell out.

I put about thirty in my pocket,

And in his hands there is only water.

And it doesn't burn in fire,

And it doesn't drown in water.

It is transparent, like a diamond.

There are no roads.

Born by his mother,

And he gives birth to her.

Transparent like glass.

But you can't put it in the window.

It is warm for fish to live under it.

The roof is thick glass.

This is winter glass

In the spring it flowed under the bridge. (Ice).

The sun makes me cry.

I can't do otherwise!


Climbed onto the ledge

The nose hung down.

At night he hides his tears,

Cries from the sun during the day.


Hanging under the eaves

The bag is icy.


I'm not there - everyone is waiting for me.

And when I come, everyone runs.

Born in the sky

Useful on earth

Buried in the ground.

It goes on and on all day.

Flimsy weather.

Maybe it's a helicopter

Is it pouring water on the ground?

No! Water from the clouds.

Tell me, who is he?

Small, large, often

And the whole earth was watered.

It's long and huge

He lay down from the cloud to the ground.

Let it go stronger, more powerfully,

So that the mushrooms grow faster.

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

It grows upside down.

And the sun suddenly gets hot,

It will flow away like water.


Above you and above me

She grows upside down.


The kids sat on the ledge

And they grow head down.


There is a white nail hanging under the roof.

The sun will get hot and the nail will fall.


She ran and made noise.

She fell asleep and sparkled.

White, not sugar.

Without legs, but he walks.

The white blanket was not made by hand.

It was not woven or cut -

It fell from the sky onto the fields.

Gray geese flew by

They picked up white fluff.

(Clouds, snow).

The water is up to your knees, but you won’t get drunk.

Light as a feather.

White like sugar.


White, not a hare.

It is flying, not a bird.

Comes quietly.

Lays down softly.

The fluffy carpet is not woven by hand or sewn with silk.

In the sun and moonlight, it glitters like silver.

Girl Belyan

I whitened all the clearings.

A white blanket covered the ground.

The sun was hot - the blanket began to flow.

In winter - a star!

In spring - water.

It flies and is silent.

Lying down - silent.

And when he dies,

It will roar.

There's a mountain outside!

And in the room - water.

Gray-haired grandfather near the gate

Everyone's eyes were covered.

Over the river and valley

A white canvas hangs.

It swirls, but not smoke.

It's falling, but not snowing.

These are the riddles about water and relationships with it that we have collected for you. Of course, many of them are already somewhat outdated. And the situation with water now is simpler than thirty years ago. You can, for example, call one of the companies involved in the supply of water, and they will bring water directly to our home. But this is on the one hand. On the other hand, who would have thought relatively recently that ordinary water would need to be purchased? However, this is a completely different song.

And we hope you liked these riddles about water, snow, rain, steam and other states of water. And you will be happy to look at others on our website. There is a lot of interesting things there: from to. And 44 more different collections. See for yourself!

... And about water

Every living thing needs pure water. And in many places it becomes polluted because harmful substances enter it from factories and factories. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to build treatment facilities at enterprises.
Water must be used carefully, not wasted, and do not forget to turn off the tap on time.

Guess a riddle. Write the answer.

What can’t you take away in a sieve? Answer: Water

Come up with and write down your own riddle about water.

Runs, flows, walks, falls, drips.
Answer: Water
A person consists of 80% of it.
Answer: Water
It can be alive or dead.
Answer: Water

These are the miracle ships that the Question Ant and the Wise Turtle launched into the river! If you place the boats correctly, you get a very important phrase. Write it down. Explain this phrase.

Water is life.

Water is necessary to sustain the life of all living things. Life originated in water and without water it is not possible. Water plays an extremely important role in human life, because humans themselves are 80 percent water.

Look at the pictures. What water is safe to drink? (Mark with a blue pencil.) What kind of water can be hazardous to health? (Mark in red pencil.) Explain why you think this.

It is safe to drink water that has been purified, so we marked with a blue pencil tap water, bottled water, as well as water in a kettle, where the water is purified by boiling. Water from open sources that has not been purified is dangerous to drink.

Here write down your story about the beauty of water.

Water gives us the joy of life every day. This is a simple, very well-known substance on Earth. So familiar that we can stop noticing its magic! But water is not only that colorless liquid that is poured into a glass. This is the Ocean, which covers almost our entire planet, our entire wonderful Earth, on which life originated millions of years ago. Clouds, clouds, fogs that carry moisture to all living things earth's surface, - this is also water. The endless ice deserts of the polar regions, snow covers covering almost half of the planet - and this is water. The diversity of life is limitless. It is everywhere on our planet. But life exists only where there is water! Flowing water is extremely beautiful, be it the majestic flow of a wide river or the murmuring waters of a small stream in the rocks. She can bewitch, calm, and console. How nice it is to just look at the quiet surface of the water, admire the shimmer of sunlight or the beauty of the moonlit path on the water. Colors of many different shades can be seen in the water, depending on the lighting and depth. Water is the main sacrament, the main miracle of the Planet.