Riddles and proverbs on the winter theme. Ah, Mother Winter. Signs, superstitions, folk wisdom and sayings about winter. Folk calendar december

Our wise ancestors gave us many instructive sayings in the form of other stable expressions. Among them, one can distinguish such instruction as "prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter." The meaning of this expression is quite deep. We will consider it in this article. We also note how people interpret and use such instructive instruction in everyday life.

What is the meaning of the expression?

Saying “prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter,” our ancestors meant that you need to prepare for everything in advance. For what? In order not to get into a mess, be collected at the right time. This worldly wisdom is very useful if followed. This saves both time and nerves. The soul of a person is calm when he is ready and collected.

You need to live not only for today. It is worth preparing for the future. This is what lies behind the expression "prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter." Otherwise, then it may be too late, then both time and opportunities may be absent. By doing everything in advance, people make their lives easier. Preparing ahead of time for winter, our ancestors saved themselves from cold, hunger, inconvenience and other seasonal troubles.

proverb today

This saying was and remains relevant for people. He is often remembered when they talk about the opportunity to save money when buying out of season. So, they buy sheepskin coats and fur coats in the summer, winter boots - when winter is already over, sneakers - in the cold, sugar - long before the jam preparation season, school supplies - a few months ahead until September, summer vouchers - in the winter. This way people save a lot. It's practical enough to follow the advice "prepare the sled in the summer and the cart in the winter."

Not only consumers common people take note of this advice. Entrepreneurs also prepare for everything in advance: they fill warehouses in advance with goods that will soon be in great demand. Thus, they have time to purchase off-season products at lower wholesale prices, as well as think over its promotion and sale. So they will be more competitive in terms of the quantity of goods and the prices offered.

Expression synonyms

The proverb “prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter” can be replaced by a similar saying “prepare the sleigh from spring, and the wheels from autumn.”

There is also the expression “build the dam before the flood”, which means the same as the stable combination of words we are considering.

Car enthusiasts say: "Buy winter tires in summer, summer tires in winter."

Each person interprets this very useful and wise proverb in his own way.

Proverbs about summer for children. Proverbs about beauty summer nature, about the importance of summer, about the harvest, which then feeds the weight of the year

Proverbs about summer

Summer is a supply, winter is a pickle.

In summer, each bush will let you spend the night.

A summer day is for a winter week.

In the summer, dawn converges with dawn.

What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.

You can’t collect in the summer - you won’t find it in the winter.

In June, the yard is empty, but the field is thick.

June passed through the meadows with a scythe, and July ran through the loaves with a sickle.

July is the peak of summer.

In August, the sickles are warm, the water is cold.

Summer stores, winter eats.

Proverbs and sayings about summer for younger students

There will be winter, there will be summer.

It was summer and cow.

Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter.

There is no summer twice a year.

It's not a raspberry - it won't fall off in the summer.

Rainy summer is not autumn couple.

You will also remember the summer, when there is no fur coat.

Eat, horse, hay and remember the summer.

Women's summer on Peter's day.

Winter scares summer, but it still melts.

In winter with a harrow, and in the summer in a cart.

What is the summer, such is the hay.

Red summer - green mowing.

Red summer - no one bothered.

Summer is not without thunderstorms, seeing off is not without tears.

Summer is a supply, and winter is a pickup.

You will lie in the summer, you will run with a bag in the winter.

Summer works for winter, and winter works for summer.

Summer gathers, and winter picks up.

In the summer you litter, in the winter you will not collect.

In summer, each bush will let you spend the night.

Walk in the summer, get hungry in the winter.

You won't sweat in the summer, and you won't get warm in the winter either.

You can’t store in the summer, you won’t bring it in the winter.

In the summer we sing, in the fall we howl.

In summer - dust, in winter snow overcomes.

In summer with a fishing rod, in winter with a handbag.

Gather bread in summer, dung in winter.

Summer for a man is a habit, winter for a wolf is a custom.

It's always red summer on the stove.

Never seen, bought a cow: will there be grass for the summer?

Omitting the summer, they don’t go to the forest for raspberries.

Birdies chirped - summer ends.

Missing the summer - yes to the forest for raspberries.

Sun for summer, winter for frost.

After the summer, they don’t go through raspberries.

Warm, but not like summer; good, but not like a mother.

Warm, warm, not summer.

There is no sweetness between winter and summer.

God killed summer with flies.

Summer is bad when there is no sun.

What you drag with your feet in summer, you pick up with your lips in winter.

What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.

December is the last, twelfth month of the year - a month of cheerful and joyful holidays, but also of severe, severe frosts and deceptive blizzards. In Rus', it used to be called jelly, among the Poles - “gruzday”, and among the Serbs - “wolf month”.
“December ends the year, and opens the real winter.”

General December omens

Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow and deeply frozen ground in December - for the harvest.

In December, the water in the well is quiet - for a good winter, noisy - for frosts, storms and snowstorms.

In December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers.

In December, the frost increases, but the day arrives.

There are usually up to four thaws in December.

In December, there are seven weathers in the yard: blowing, blowing, circling, tearing and sweeping.

At the end of December, the sun for summer, winter for frost begins.

The year ends in December, winter begins.

December is the month when the old grief ends, the new year lays the path with new happiness.

December is the month of big packs of wolves.

December is the month of the first white trails.

December ends the year.

December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.

The December wind from the north portends bitter frosts.

If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.

If a lot of snow fell in December, which did not have time to melt, but lies in large snowdrifts, then expect a good harvest of bread in the coming year.

If there are frequent winds in December, then in March and April there will be slush in the yard.

If the snow sweeps close to the fence - wait for a cloudy and rainy summer, and if there is a small gap, then the summer promises to be bucketful.

Green sneezes on alder branches sing "tilly-tip" - to frost.

Hoarfrost in December - to the harvest of oats.

We are spruce in the house, and she is with her - a blizzard.

North wind in December - to bitter frosts.

Warm December - to a long winter and late cold spring.

Steady blizzard weather - to a good swarming of bees.

Folk calendar december

December 1 (Day of Plato and Roman). What is the weather on this day, and so it will be all winter.

The people said: "Plato and Roman show winter to us." If you say to the martyrs Plato and Roman: “Plato and Roman, pour it into my pocket,” then money will flow all year long.
Signs December 1

Look at winter from Plato and Roman to praise it on Maslenitsa.

What is the first day of December, such is the winter.

If a mosquito flies around the room on Roman, wait for the thaw.

A crow wanders along the road towards Roman - to warmth.

December takes everything and gives nothing back.

December 2 (Andrian's name day). If northern birds arrive on this day, then it is worth waiting for early frosts.

Also - Avdey the guardian.

The patron saint of this day was responsible for the economy and peace in the house. In order to prevent any evil spirits from sneaking into the house, it was necessary to take an ax and knock on all the jambs, door and window frames with its butt.

What is the weather on this day - such is the haymaking.

It was believed that from that day a winter sledge track was established, and Saint Proclus was asked to establish it. On Proclus, every evil spirit underground is cursed so that it does not come out.

Evil evil spirits are cursed on Proclus.

What is Proclus, such is June.

Before Proclus, do not expect any good from the road.

If it snows that day, then it will rain in June.

On this day, by folk omens, Winter herself passes on the ground in a snow-white coat and with her icy breath casts snow patterns on the window panes. From this day, the Vvedensky thaws often began, from which the roads completely became limp, but there were also Vvedensky frosts. They said about them: "Vvedensky frosts do not set winter."

Introduction - the gates of winter.

Introduction - thick ice (frosty).

Introduction breaks ice (thaw).

The introduction has come - the winter has brought.

If there is frost on the Introduction, then wait for hot days in the summer.

Vvedensky frosts do not set winter.

In the oven, millet porridge blushes - to the snow.

December 5 (Prokop). From that day on, a good sledge track is established, most often enough snow has already fallen, so that there is a need for winter roads suitable for both walking and sleighing. On Prokopiev day, it was supposed to do just that, usually the roads were laid by the whole village, after which they arranged a plentiful treat for all the workers.

Prokop came - he dug up a snowdrift, he steps on the snow - he digs the road.

Prokop steps through the snow - the roads are torturing.

December 6 (Mitrofan's day). If on this day there is snowfall and a north wind, then on June 6 it is worth waiting for a north wind and rains.

Also Memorial Day of Alexander Nevsky.

On this day, they always remembered the fallen soldiers and wondered about those who went to war or served in the army. To do this, you need to catch the spider and put it in a jar, which you then tie. After six (sometimes after eight) days, they look to see if he is alive. If he is alive. then the person they are guessing at is also alive. Or the spider should be planted in a pot. The insect begins to weave a web. If it starts doing this from the very top of the pot, then the person they are guessing at will soon return home.

The clouds are floating low - the cold is near.

Clouds - burn at sunset - the weather will be clear.

December 7(Katerina sannitsa). On this day, mass festivities were held among the people, a cart was opened, fortune-telling began, and sleigh races were arranged. On December 7, the girls looked out for their suitors, and the peasants prayed to Katerina that she would protect them from their harmful wife.

Saint Catherine among the Russian people is revered as the patroness of marriage and brides, pregnant women, as well as an assistant in childbirth. On the night of this day, one could tell fortunes about marriage. To do this, it was necessary to break off a branch from an apple tree, put it under the pillow and ask to show the betrothed. Young man could have been bewitched. To do this, they rolled a loaf of bread from the rye ear, which was placed at the door, to the thing, slowly taken from the guy they liked, and then around this thing in circles. The girls believed that the guy near her house would walk in circles. From that day on, a winter cart was opened, and merchants were going on a long journey with goods.

December rolls the road to Catherine.

December 8 (Klima is cold). On this day, according to legend, the frost is severe and wolves walk in a pack around the hut of a newborn.

At this time, a real winter was already established throughout the country, and from white snow the house became much brighter. Therefore, it was possible to do needlework, spin, embroider at the window, and not only at the torch. It was believed that any important business could be started on Clement only on an empty stomach.

Frost showered white roses on Clement.

Clement drives the peasant to tears.

A big frost wraps up on Clement.

Frost on Klim drove a wedge into the winter of cold.

December 9 (St. George's day). In the old days, it was on this day that peasants passed into possession from one master to another. In 1649, this tradition was canceled and it was from here that the saying “Here you are, grandmother, and St. George’s Day” came from.

Also - George the Victorious.

Memorial Day of St. George the Victorious, who is popularly called Yegoriy or Yury, and whose second name day falls on May 6 (Yuri is warm). After St. George's Day, people, according to custom, went out to the wells to listen to the water. If the splash of water was not heard, it foreshadowed warm winter. On this day, before the journey, a prayer service for well-being for the upcoming journey was sure to be served. By Egoriev's Day, it was customary to caulk windows and cellars.

In Rus', there are two Yuris - one cold (winter), the other hungry (spring).

Do not repay the debt before St. George's Day - go all your life in debtors.

Yuri collects cold dues.

If there is frost before Egor's Day, the sowing of oats next year will end on May 6th.

December 10(Sign of St. Roman). On this day, the future weather is judged by the stars and winds. If you stand with your face in the direction of the wind from the north, he will take away all sorrows and sorrows with him. People pray to the holy novel for deliverance from the punishment of infertility. All the fish by this day should already hide in pools and pits for the winter, but burbot, whitefish and frogs swim up to spawn.

From this day, they always expected something special and carefully looked at the starry sky, the flight of birds, clouds and listened to the wind. Everything in nature contained signs for those who mastered the art of interpreting signs and symbols. On this day, clouds and stars were used to predict the future weather. It was believed that if at dawn you stand facing north wind, then with him all the troubles and hardships will go away. They prayed to St. Roman the Wonderworker for the resolution of infertility - according to legend, this monk, through his prayer, asked "to give birth to many barren women." The people believed that by this day the fish had to be buried in wintering pits and whirlpools, prepare for wintering, and burbot, whitefish and vendace began to spawn.

December 11th. Irinarch's day. According to signs on Irinarkh, they “listen to the water” for success in future affairs. If some kind of tinkling is heard in the well, next year one should expect monetary profit, and if the water is silent, there is nothing to count on success.

Even on this day, they tell fortunes on coins. To do this, you need to throw a handful of coins into the nearest snowdrift, and then get them out of there. If the smallest coin comes across first, do not expect success in business, and if it is large, the year will be successful.

On this day, they tried to see the jay, which was considered a prophet. If on her day she flies to the window and starts screaming at him, this is a good sign: the jay heralds happiness.

December 12 (Paramon Winter Index). If this de There will be a lot of snow - it is worth waiting for week-long snowfalls.

On this day, snow was thrown from the roofs, and, according to legend, this had to be done with a broom and brooms, but not with shovels, so that the roof would not leak. In general, the broom was treated with great respect, it was believed that he was endowed with special magical properties. It was impossible to sweep the floor with different brooms in one hut, otherwise wealth would scatter in the corners. On this day, they predicted the weather for the whole winter, for this it was necessary to look at the morning dawn. Crimson dawn - to cold winds, clear morning - to clear December, snowy morning - to be snowstorms.

If the valleys are covered with snow, then the blizzard will blow for another seven days.

On Paramon the earth turns to stone, the river freezes.

December 13 (Andrew the First-Called Day). On this day, it is supposed to “listen” to the water; for this, in the evening they go to rivers, lakes or wells. If the water is calm, then this means that the winter will be warm, without blizzards. If the water is splashing, buzzing, then we have to wait for storms, severe frosts. If the water is very agitated - to trouble. On this day, the girls could tell fortunes about their betrothed. To see your fiance in a dream, you need to sow flax in a pot of earth. Above it, you need to read “Our Father” nine times while standing, nine times on your knees and sitting nine times, and then say such conspiracy words: “Saint Andrew, I sow flax on you, let me know who I will be that flax for. vomit," and go to bed. To find out if a girl will get married soon, you need to pick a branch of an apple tree or any other fruit tree that day and put it in water. If leaves bloom on it before Christmas, then in the spring the girl will marry. In order for fortune-telling to be truthful and accurate, one must certainly ask for the help of Andrew the First-Called and fast for a week before that day.

If it snows on St. Andrew's Day, then it will lie for 100 days.

December 14 (Naumov day). The people said about this day: “Nahum came, the winter wind blew”.

On the day of the holy prophet Naum, children were sent to school - this day can be called the original Russian September 1. They prayed to St. Naum, asking to be thoughtful - to teach, they said: “A head is crazy, like a lantern without fire”, “Not learning, and you can’t weave bast shoes.”

December 15th. Habakkuk Day. If there is a lot of snow in mid-December, there will be a rich harvest of herbs in summer.

December 16th. Ivan the Silent. This day is dedicated to the memory of St. John the Silent, and on December 16 it was supposed to chat as little as possible, talk about yourself in order to avoid absurdities and rumors, and in no case make promises. They said: "Ivan is silent, a good rumor grows things." As they say, people were afraid to "take dirty linen out of the hut." It was believed that the one who fulfilled this covenant would be eloquent all year long and would be able to resolve conflicts and reconcile those who quarreled with the power of the word.

December 17 (Barbarian day). Particularly severe frosts were expected on Varvara the Great Martyr, which continued for the next few days. It was believed that this is one of the coldest days, and the cold on Varvara is second only to Epiphany. Saint Barbara was considered the intercessor of women; pregnant women prayed to her.

To the cold - the sky is covered with stars, to the heat - blind, dull.

On Varvara, winter will make the road barbaric (brew).

December 18(day of Savva the omentum). According to legend, Savva continues Varvara's work “Varvara bridges, and Savva lays” - it becomes a little warmer. It is impossible on this day to swear with a topic who has a horse.

Even in the people they said that Savva continues the work of Varvara - he freezes rivers and lakes. It was with this day that the saying was associated: "Barbara bridges, Savva nails the nails, Nikola nails."

Savva is torovat in the cold (generous).

Savva rolls away - the earth will be covered properly.

The bullfinch sings - in the snow, blizzard and slush.

December 19 (Nikola Zimniy, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, cold Nicholas). St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was considered the patron saint of all sailors and travelers. By popular belief, December 19 Saint Nicholas in the form of a good grandfather passes over the earth, dispersing all the dark forces. Saint Nicholas is also considered the patron saint of marriages. They like to say to Nikola: “You can’t ride a betrothed by a horse”, “whoever you marry, he will be born into that one”, - thereby confirming the belief in the power of St. Nicholas to bind the fate of the betrothed. This day was considered the deadline for all sorts of transactions, payments and business contracts. The weather was also closely monitored that day.

Winter comes to Nikola with a nail.

Winter sweeps over Nikola - there is no road.

Nikola will nail that Yegoriy will pave.

Ask Nikola, and he will say: I will save you.

If on Mikhailov's day the winter will shackle, then it will unshackle on Nikola.

We drove the winter on sleds to Nikola, here's a thaw for you.

If winter covers the trail before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.

Nikolsky convoy for the boyar treasury is more expensive than gold.

Winter on Nikola covers roofs with ice resin.

If Nikola is cold and clear - by the grain-bearing year.

The height of the summer grass will depend on how much snow falls that day.

December 20 (Ambrose Day). It was on this day that all the winter holidays of the current year ended, and the girls sat down to sew on the upcoming dowry. The people said: "Ambrose threw away the holidays," - before Christmas there will be no more national holidays. It remained only to wait for the Bright Christmas and Christmas time.

Cold winter - hot summer, warm winter - summer cold.

Snow is dense and wet - to a wet summer, dry and light - to a dry one.

The sun is in a foggy circle - expect a blizzard.

The sun sets in the clouds - to the snowfall.

21 December. Anfisa Day. On this day, the girls were engaged in needlework: they spun, weaved, embroidered. It was believed that on this day an extra eye is for the evil eye, therefore, on these evenings, girlish beauty is dissuaded from damage. To protect yourself from the evil eye, you could also tie a silk thread around your wrist.

December 22(Anna Winter). The people believed that it was from this day that the real winter began. The shortest day of the year.

It was believed that on December 22, a real harsh winter begins. On this day, pregnant women had to observe a strict fast (on other days they are exempted from fasting), avoid any quarrels and troubles, and not be seen by the crippled and disabled. There were other prohibitions: you can’t make a fire, knit, embroider, so as not to accidentally harm the unborn child - it was believed that the fire kindled on that day could leave a red mark on the child’s body, tangled threads twist his umbilical cord, and the miserable and ugly people she saw his mother, can pass on their injuries to the baby.

The sun is for the summer, the winter is for the frost.

Opoka (lace) on trees for the conception of Anna - for the harvest.

Anna finally sets the winter.

December 23rd. Ming Day. The Great Martyr Mina is considered a healer of eye diseases—this saint really possessed the gift of miracles and really healed eye diseases. It was believed that he not only grants healing to the eyes, but also removes the veil from the eyes that prevents them from distinguishing good from evil, truth from lies. He was approached with a request for spiritual insight.

If the snow rolls down to the hedge - a bad summer, and if there is a gap - a fruitful one.

December 24th. Nikon day. On this day, it was supposed to pray to Saint Nikon so that he would calm the soul and drive away the evil spirits, which were trying with all their might to get into the house. The people said: "Nikon stands at the icons."

December 25 (Spirodon Solstice). If the sun shines brightly on this day, spring will be early, and the New Year will be frosty and clear. If there is a storm outside the window, expect long cold weather and the New Year will be gray and warm.

This is the day of the solstice - the longest night and the most short day in a year. “The sun for the summer - the winter for the frost,” they say about this day. It was believed that Spiridon himself turns the sun for the summer and watches that it does not hide from people, and from that day the sun dresses up in a festive sundress and kokoshnik, gets into a cart and goes to warm countries.

According to the weather of the first 12 days following Spiridon, the weather of each of the 12 months of the coming year was judged.

From the solstice of the day it will arrive at least at a sparrow's lope.

If the sun is bright, radiant - New Year it will be frosty, clear, and if it is gloomy and there is frost on the trees, it will be warm and cloudy.

Spiridon's Day determines the character of the whole winter.

December 26(the day of the martyr Eustratus, Eugene). The people said: "Martyr Eustrat is glad for the sun." From this day, they begin to observe the weather of the next twelve days, believing that every day they predict the corresponding weather of the next 12 months.

It was believed that on this day, witches arrange gatherings and gatherings, where they decide how to deprive people of sunlight and heat. It is impossible to use foul language on this day - otherwise the witches from the sky will fall directly on the head of the offender. It was impossible to leave a broom on the porch - otherwise the witches would drag it away.

27th of December. Filimonov day. The darkest days of the year have come, it was believed that at this time echidnas, kikimoras come out into the light of God, huddle up to the windows, scratch at the doors. To scare away evil spirits, it was necessary to wash more often on this day - the undead of water are most afraid of water.

December 28th. Trifonov day. From that day on, the day began to increase, and people in the fight against evil spirits had allies - the sun's rays that pierce the evil spirits and drive them away from their homes.

Red rainbows are visible in the sky - frost will be formidable.

Will hard frost if the cat is looking for warmth in the morning.

If the water drops in winter, the summer will be clear.

If there is frost in winter, dew in summer.

If there is little snow in winter, there will be little rain in summer.

If there is a lot of moisture in winter, then the summer will be good and warm.

If there was frost at night, it will not snow during the day.

If the snow is deep, the bread is good.

December 29 (Ageev day). If on this day there is frost on the windows in the morning, Christmas will be warm, and if the cold is strong, this will be the weather until January 7th.

It was believed that the prophet Haggai instructs on a righteous life and especially notes in a person the love of work. If a lot of hoarfrost falls on this day - deep snow will fall on Svyatki, frost will hit - the cold will last until Epiphany itself. It was also possible to learn about the weather at Svyatki in this way. On this night, according to an old custom, bonfires were kindled and little men made of snow were thrown into them. If the flame soon went out, clear, sunny weather was expected at Svyatki.

Haggai sows frost.

If the frost is strong, winding the spirit of curls (patterns on the glass), it will freeze for another twenty days.

If there is a severe frost on Haggai, he will crack all Christmas time, stand until Baptism.

If there is frost on the trees, Christmas time will be warm.

December 30th. On this night (from 30 to 31), people used to make bonfires, and throw snowmen there. If the flame continued to burn, Christmas time will be cloudy and snowy.

In the old days, this day was called Danilov's day, and since it is the penultimate one in the month of December, they usually said: "Daniel hurries December."

On Danilov's day, there was a smell of the Holy Spirit and incense.

On Danila's day, the hostess stoked the stove so that there would be enough heat for two days.

If there is frost on this day, it will be warm in a week.

In December, snowstorms - the bees will swarm well.

On the prophet Daniel, frost - warm Christmas time.

Danila December hurries.

31th of December(Simeon or otherwise Modestra, Novolet e ). On this day, the people slaughtered pigs for the festive table, and prepared for the holiday.

Saint Modest is known as the patron saint of livestock, and therefore, in the Legend of the Saints, a prayer is assigned to him in case of an animal case. According to popular beliefs, on this day, all the evil spirits that seek to harm people are released. Therefore, it was impossible to leave milk in an open container - evil spirits would climb in. In no case did they leave knives on the table unattended - the evil spirits would indulge, and there it was not far from trouble.

December old year finishes, lays a new path with new happiness.

The wind blew from the west or from the southwest - warming will come.

Winter at it's peak. December, January, February are her months. January is the second month of winter and the first month of the year. The name of the month is given in honor of Janus, who among the ancient Romans was the patron of all "entrance and beginning." January is the beginning of the year, the beginning of the addition of light. In the Russian calendar, he was endowed with the privilege of opening the year relatively recently. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree in which it was prescribed to celebrate the New Year on January 1 (before that, the New Year was celebrated on September 1).

About the seasons and months, the people put together a lot of riddles, proverbs and sayings. Most interesting riddles and proverbs about winter for children you will find in this article.


About the seasons

Every year they come to visit us:
one gray-haired, the other young,
the third jumps, and the fourth cries. (Seasons)

In the royal garden
There is a tree of paradise,
Flowers bloom on one side
On the other - the leaves fall,
On the third - the fruits ripen,
On the fourth - the branches dry up. (Seasons)

About winter

She was white and gray
came green, young. (Winter and spring)

I will not tolerate heat
I'll spin the blizzards
I will whitewash all the glades,
I will decorate the fir
I will notice the snow at home,
Because I ... (Winter)

It's snowing, under white cotton wool
Streets and houses disappeared.
All the guys are happy with the snow
- Came to us again ... (Winter)

Though she herself is both snow and ice,
And she leaves, sheds tears. (Winter)

I will decorate the branches with white paint,
I will throw silver on your roof.
Warm spring winds will come
And they'll kick me out of the yard. (Winter)

ABOUT natural phenomena winter

No arms, no legs
Knocking under the window
Asks for a hut. (Wind)

Noise, buzz
A whole century
Not a person. (Wind)

No arms, no legs
And no mouth
Eats a lot
There is no satiety. (wind and snow)

Under heaven
She spoke German. (Vortex)

The pike wagged its tail
The forest bent. (Vortex)

The eagle flies
Through the blue sky
Wings spread out
The sun has dimmed. (Cloud)

Flying - silent
Lying - silent,
When he dies
Then roar. (Snow)

Flutter flew
All over the shelves
No arms, no legs
Without half caftan,
No buttons. (Snow)

Warm in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in summer
Comes alive in autumn. (Snow)

In the deck - a mountain,
In the hut - water.
In the yard - a mountain. (Snow)

White bedspread
On the ground lay
Summer has come -
It's all gone. (Snow)

skinny fur coat
Covered the entire field. (Snow)

Yashka is coming
White shirt. (It is snowing)

The tablecloth is white
The whole world is dressed. (Powder)

Along the village
The mare is running cheerful
At the end of the tail
A purse full of oats hangs,
Runs and shakes. (Snowstorm)

Near the village
The horse is happy. (Snowstorm)

Perchol flew,
Caftan without floor;
Lie down - stretched out his neck,
Looked into the crack. (Snowstorm)

I twist
I don't want to know anyone. (Snowstorm)

little white dog
Looks into the alley. (Snowdrift)

Didn't get sick
Didn't get sick
And she put on a shroud. (Land under the snow)

Samson himself,
The bridge itself was paved
Without an ax
without a wedge
Without a wedge. (Freezing)

Grandpa is building a bridge without an axe. (Freezing)

The old man at the gate
Warmly dragged away,
Doesn't run on his own
And he won't stop. (Freezing)

Downhill - a horse,
And uphill - a piece of wood. (Sled)

Not snow and not ice
And silver will remove all the trees. (Frost)

Transparent as glass
Don't put it in the window. (Ice)

The children sat on the ledge
And grow all the time down. (Icicles)

About the winter months:

Pinches ears, pinches nose,
Frost creeps into boots.
You splash water - it will fall
Not water, but ice.
Not even a bird flies
The bird freezes from the cold.
The sun turned to summer.
What, say, for a month is this? (January)

The frost is strong at night
In the daytime, a drop is heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably.
Well, so what month is it? (February)

His days are shorter than all days,
All nights are longer than nights.
To fields and meadows
Until spring, snow fell.
Only our month will pass -
We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

Proverbs and sayings

Winter has come - do not turn away.
Winter scares spring, but it still melts.
The stronger the winter, the sooner the spring.
No matter how angry the winter is, it will submit to the spring.
Prepare a cart in winter and a sleigh in summer.
Summer works for winter, and winter for summer.
Winter builds summer: winter heat - summer cold.
Snowy winter - rainy summer.
Winter is cold - summer is hot.
The sun is warm in summer and cold in winter.
Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat.
Winter has a big mouth.
Everyone is young in the winter cold.
Take care of your nose in severe frost.
The winter of the idler freezes.
In winter, ice is not valued.
Winter day - sparrow lope.
How you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it.
New Year - to spring turn.
On New Year's Eve, the day will be added to the hare lope.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
Frost grabs the lazy by the nose, and takes off his hat before the nimble one.
Good snow will save the harvest.
Thanks, the frost that caused the snow.
In one night, winter will not rise.
In winter, the sun smiles through tears.
Fierce winter covered all the paths.
In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.
Summer for the soul, winter for health.
Winter will give you mind.
In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but it does not warm.
And in winter there will be a berry, if prepared ahead of time.
Winter has come and brought frost.
In winter, everyone is happy with a sheepskin coat to toe.
It's so cold that the stars are dancing.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.
This is not winter, but summer in a winter dress.
Frost disassembles, but stirs.
Frost chained the river, but not forever.

Winter is the uterus, you will sleep sweetly.
The year ends and winter begins.
In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.
Winter has come - do not turn away.
You wait, and you will win.
Don't worry, winter, spring will come.
The one who does not have a fur coat is grieving for the summer.
Summer is a supply, winter is a pickle.
What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.
You can’t collect in the summer - you won’t find it in the winter.
There will be winter - there will be summer.
Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter.
You will lie in the summer, you will run with a bag in the winter.
Walk in the summer, get hungry in the winter.
You won't sweat in the summer, and you won't get warm in the winter either.

December ends the year, winter begins.
December comforts the eyes with snow, but tears the ear with frost.
December nails, bridges, nails.
December is the cap of winter, July is the crown of summer.
December solstice is glorious. (winter solstice)
December came - brought jelly.
In December, the frost increases, but the day arrives.
In December, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, blows, circles, stirs, tears and sweeps.
December has one strength - many holidays, but frosts take dominance!

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
The month of January is the sovereign of winter.
January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.
January-father - frosts, February - blizzards.
January clematis - take care of your nose.
January is the middle of winter, but grandfather is spring.
January puts wood in the stove.
In January, the pot freezes in the oven.
In January, the frosts are meaner, and the burbot is livelier.
As the day grows in January, so does the cold.

February is a fierce month: he asks how shod.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March - with a drop.
February builds bridges, March breaks them.
February is rich in snow, April - in water.
Shorty-February is angry that few days have been given to him.
February is a fierce month, asks: how are you shod?
The February sun shines, but does not warm.
No matter how angry February is, how you, March, no frown, but it smells like spring.
Blizzards and blizzards swooped in February.
February in the bear's den warms the side.
January - frosts, February - snowstorms.
Bokogreyushka-February, he is usually a liar when warm.
February - a lie: one side warms, the other is cold.

Winter poems and riddles for preschoolers

Pantina Svetlana Valentinovna
Place of work: Educator, MDOU No. 63 "Cinderella", Vologda

Description: This material is intended for teachers of kindergartens.
Target: development of thinking and sense of rhyme in children.

- to teach children to guess riddles, thereby expanding their horizons and vocabulary;
- develop creative imagination;
- to cultivate a sense of beauty in children.***
Here is our Christmas tree
Dressed up. Hooray!
She has toys, an asterisk,
Colored ... (tinsel)

Light as an eyelash
White as a water lily
On the palm of your hand in water
Will turn ... (snowflake)

Winter ruled the earth
Snow white blanket
Blanket sheltered
Top with hard cover.
What kind of cover?

Under the roof of my house
Grow like real
Lollipops transparent
Crispy on the teeth

During the night, someone is all the windows
Painted with a white brush.
And flickers like a brooch
Those patterns carnival.
Who is the artist?

Under the snow covered
Our house is hidden like a treasure
The city is under the covers
Filled up everything ... (snowfall)

Pinch on the nose
Puddle covered with ice
Big Brother Frost
His sister- ... (chill)

Look out the window, and everything is covered in snow!
I clap my hands!
I take it in my hands and run into the yard
First ... (powder)
The first snow is so welcome
The first snow is so good
Given a winter from the sky
It's called ... (powder)

We took a walk today.
Red cheeks, red nose!
But a little scared
What will pinch us ... (frost)

We caulk the windows
Didn't find a reason
To get into our house
Prickly winter ... (cold)
It can be harsh, prickly, nocturnal,
Scary, fierce, real
piercing and icy,
Raw, doggy, chilly.

Everything around is white-white.
No roads, no paths.
Just a bunch
Under the name ... (snowdrift)

Hat, coat, beard,
Whoa, red nose!
Always waiting for you in winter
Beloved ... (Santa Claus)

Pulled on the rope
beautiful toy
Now the whole house is in confetti!
Thank you for ... (clapperboard)

We hang on the Christmas tree
Bunny, bear, chicken
So they will come to us soon
Santa Claus, ... (Snow Maiden)

Friend on friend three lumps
Carrot-nose, eyes-two coals.

Spinning fast fast
Went round the house
Raised in the air with a whistle
Snow from the tracks ... (blizzard)

Walked the paths
She covered the bench, spruce
The house was wrapped in matting
Snowy ... (blizzard)

On asphalt, on roads
Very slippery.
Sand covered from the threshold
Wipers ... (icy)

On a snowy branch
Red-bellied hero
In a black feather vest
Berries are pecking ... (bullfinch)
Dressed yellow apron
Small bird.
Arrived at the feeder
Visit us ... (titmouse)

Poems about winter for children

Fireworks exploded
Amazing toy!
What a miracle in the New Year ?!
It's a cracker!!
In the yard we have hillocks
Get on them and try
And then roll like a hill
We have snowdrifts in our yard!!
Letter to Santa Claus
The kindest grandfather in the world
Fulfills all dreams!
Cupcakes, lollipops, candy?
Bring what you want!

Doll, dress, bear,
plush bunny,
A book about cars
Bright mosaic.

Only I won't ask
Not a single toy
I will ask my grandfather
Quiet so in your ear

"Dear Santa Claus,
Bring me at night
A small bouquet of roses?
Need very, very much.

So we want our mother
to thank
On him with his brother themselves
Haven't been able to accumulate.

"Good Santa Claus
The best gift
To cause tears
Mom didn't have it.

For us to have her
Cheerful and beautiful.
Give me full health.
And I'll be happy"

You enchant your eyes unthinkably,
And there is a reason for this.
Blizzard-blizzard, you dance
And circling like a ballerina!

You play very clearly
Like a violinist.
Such a wonderful concert
We give you smiles!
hardworking blizzard
Santa Claus waved his broom
The blizzard has risen!
Wrapped up like a bee
Started to work.

Like a young cook
Sifted all the snow!
Cleaned up the park
She hid in a cave for the night.
Blizzard in a silver fur coat
Blizzard in a silver fur coat
Went out for a walk
Howling, screaming and whistling
Started to dance

And sparkled and sparkled
Raising the snow loach.
Rushed into the ravine and climbed
On a snow-covered boulder.

The blizzard got tired in the dance,
Downhill went to bed
And under the crust, as if under a shell,
Climbed to take a nap
The wind invited the blizzard
To a beautiful ball
In a waltz quickly spun
Her. Charmed.
The blizzard twists and turns!
As if angry at the city!
Lifting snow into the air
Starts your run!

All sweeping away on the way
He wants to take over the city.
And dance and howl
Woe to those who do not close

Windows of your house.
All a curtain of snow
Covers. You don't howl
Do not circle like a swarm of bees

After all, we are not afraid of you
We sit down to drink hot tea.
Opening a jar of jam
And we sing softly.

Who swept the paths
Cars hidden in a blanket?
Fluffy cat tail
Covered your white trail?

Cunning blizzard
Walked here at night.
Like a sorceress
Wrapped up in blankets

Houses, trees, lights.
swept with a broom
Yards are all inside.
Everywhere she was!

What a marvel? a house in fur,
And the trees are all down.
Blanket soft and gentle
Everything is covered in white.