How to open chakras. Levin stanislav applications Each person chooses for himself the most suitable option for opening the chakras through meditation

Chakras 1.0

After looking at a good part of the pages on the net, I realized that there are a lot of misconceptions about the chakras and working with them. People are too addicted to spirituality, the search for some kind of hidden secret meaning. Although it all comes down to the fact that you need to generate energy. This book will be of interest not only to beginners. By reading this, you will open the chakras as quickly as possible without studying the theory for years. On the very first day, you can open the chakras in 15 minutes of your time. Sometimes people are too lazy to work on the chakras, and they download pictures or listen to meditations "kindly" posted by someone. But among them there are also not entirely useful ones, sometimes programs are sewn into such pictures or music, through which egregors are subsequently connected. that feed on human energy. Also, very often on magical sites, people cling to damage. Be careful and selective in such matters. In matters of working with energies, I prefer to do everything myself and understand what I am doing, what I wish you too! The book describes a method that you completely control and start working on the chakras yourself. About scanning your chakras!!! I scan for a review of this book. In the review, write what you liked, what is missing, what results you would like to get in the end. Many people send questions about what literature to read in order to be more enlightened on this topic. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend anything to you, there are many books on this topic, and there is even more water in these books. I'm afraid you'll get too bogged down in reading like nothing before you start doing it. I, like many practitioners in the field of esotericism, got my knowledge not from books, but exclusively in personal communication. I wish you all success! Looking good part of the pages on the web, I realized that a lot of mistakes at the expense of the chakras and work with them. People are too addicted to spirituality, the search of the hidden secret meaning. While allboils down to what you need to turn out the energy. This book will be interesting not only for beginners. After reading it, youquickly open the chakras, without studying the theory for years. Onthe first day you will be able to open the chakras, spending a timeof 15 minutes. Sometimes people are too lazy to work on the chakras, and they download pictures or listen to meditation"courtesy" posted by someone. But among them are not very useful,sometimes in such pictures or music program sewn through whichsubsequently connected egregors. That feed on the energy of man. Itis also very often on the magical sites people cling porchu.Budtecareful and selective in such matters. In matters of work with theenergies I prefer to do everything himself and understand what I "mdoing, and what you want! The book describes a process that you have complete control over themselves start elaboration of thechakras. About the scanning of your chakras!!! Scanning spend for a review of this book.V Review Write thatyou liked, what is missing what results would like to receive as aresult. , a lot of books on the subject, and the water in these books even more. I "m afraid toouvyaznite reading so do not start doing. I, like many esoteric practices in the subject got their knowledge not from books, but only in person. I wish you all success!

Before the Esoteric of Money, I never took business training, so I watched a couple of videos on Youtube and everything, from some it was in my head and it’s cool to do it, but everything was forgotten as soon as I got up from the computer, and from others you get a set of terms, and the certainty that without a loan you can't do anything. I’m familiar with Evgeny from the training “Basic course of esotericism”, therefore, as soon as I saw the information about recruiting money for the “esotericism”, I immediately signed up and, as it turned out later, not in vain.

1) Firstly, no complicated terms and schemes.

2) Secondly - you do not listen to the monotonous and boring voice that lulls you to sleep, and you cannot listen to the end of the training, because thoughts about sleep are slowly winning.

3) Thirdly - nothing superfluous, only real methods of work, they never went into the jungle.

4) Fourth - immediately after explaining the topic, excellent examples are given that help to better understand the material, even if someone did not understand, Zhenya answers a question in an online chat almost immediately, for a specific question (business) of the student, chewing so that it remains only to swallow.

At the beginning of the training, I had already worked for 6 years as a commercial director of a large company selling climate equipment, during which time I gained tremendous experience. 60% of the information that Eugene gave at the training, I personally went through my own experience. And I will tell you that the training is a real BOMB, I worked for this for 6 years, sometimes from 8 am to 10 pm, accumulating this knowledge, and here you can get all this in a compressed form in 1 month, this is a real gift. Just take on faith all the knowledge.

Despite the fact that the information was familiar to me, it turned out to be useful to me. I lacked those 40% to qualitatively step further.

At the moment, I quit, decided to work for myself, the first orders have already gone, from which I get a profit 2 times more than my last salary. At what I spend on it not a whole month as before, but a week. Which is what he was trying to achieve. Productivity increased by 8 times!

I remember the phrase, "If you did not write on paper, but left everything in your head, then this does not count." After it, I bought myself a diary, and I write all my ideas and plans there. Thus, I figured out the mess in my thoughts.

Who did not understand the training, and believes that they spent money in vain, keep doing what you were doing, wait for the princess on a white horse, while successful people will enjoy life.

Each of us at least once in his life had to hear such a term as "chakra". But not everyone knows the correct meaning of this word. Chakras are, first of all, part of our consciousness and soul. Sometimes we don't understand why we need open chakras how to do it and how can it really help our soul? It is in our body that all the energy hidden potential of the human soul is contained (talents, skills, memory abilities, spiritual strength, charisma).

How to open a person's chakras

To open the chakras, you must first clear them, prepare your mind for such an important moment. To develop the hidden capabilities of your body, you need to know how to open the chakras separately. The most suitable technique for this is meditation. If you decide to do this, then remember that at first it will be even dangerous to open your energy clots without the help of specialists in this field. A person who works hard to develop his chakras reveals his potential and energy.

For example, thanks to the opening of a certain chakra, a person receives the key to developing any talent in himself that he did not even know about. If you have a desire to work on your mental abilities, do chakra opening through meditation for Anahata. If your relationship with your soulmate is not going well, purify the Atman and Svadhisthana. It is the strengthening of the aspirations of the necessary chakras, first of all, that gives the initial energy for their development. Each time we set new, higher goals. Then the already open chakras are automatically connected, which feed our life potential.

There are many different types of meditation for working with the chakras. Therefore, it is desirable to master at least the slightest entrance to meditation and master its initial technique.

Each person chooses for himself the most suitable option for opening the chakras through meditation.

  • For example, you can use meditation to directly draw energy into the chakra, its radiance grows, filled with a light shade.
  • The second option is to talk to . No need to be surprised at this - quite naturally, you can mentally convey your wishes to her.
  • When the forces of the Subtle World work with the chakras, they heal it, they can unblock it so that it works better.

If you did not manage to successfully conduct meditation on your own and you are upset because you do not know how to open the human chakras on your own, an experienced bioenergetician will help you quickly solve these problems. &1

After looking at a good part of the pages on the net, I realized that there are a lot of misconceptions about the chakras and working with them. People are too addicted to spirituality, the search for some kind of hidden secret meaning. Although it all comes down to the fact that you need to generate energy. This book will be of interest not only to beginners. After reading it, you will open the chakras as quickly as possible without studying the theory for years. On the first day, you will be able to open the chakras in 15 minutes.
Sometimes people are too lazy to work on the chakras, and they download pictures or listen to meditations "kindly" posted by someone. But among them there are also not entirely useful ones, sometimes programs are sewn into such pictures or music, through which egregors are subsequently connected. that feed on human energy. Also, very often on magical sites, people cling to damage. Be careful and selective in such matters. In matters of working with energies, I prefer to do everything myself and understand what I am doing, what I wish you too! The book describes a method that you completely control and start the study of the chakras yourself.
About scanning your chakras!!! I am scanning for a review of this book. In the review, write what you liked, what is missing, what results you would like to get in the end.
Many send questions about what literature to read in order to be more enlightened in this topic. Unfortunately, I can’t recommend anything to you, there are a lot of books on this topic, and there is even more water in these books. I'm afraid to get too bogged down in reading without starting to do anything. I, like many practitioners in the topic of esotericism, received my knowledge not from books, but exclusively in personal communication.
I wish you all success! Looking good part of the pages on the web, I realized that a lot of mistakes at the expense of the chakras and work with them. People are too addicted to spirituality, the search of the hidden secret meaning. While all boils down to what you need to turn out the energy. This book will be interesting not only for beginners. After reading it, you quickly open the chakras, without studying the theory for years. On the first day you will be able to open the chakras, spending a time of 15 minutes.
Sometimes people are too lazy to work on the chakras, and they download pictures or listen to meditation "courtesy" posted by someone. But among them are not very useful, sometimes in such pictures or music program sewn through which subsequently connected egregors. That feed on the energy of man. It is also very often on the magical sites people cling porchu. In matters of work with the energies I prefer to do everything himself and understand what I "m doing, and what you want! The book describes a process that you have complete control over themselves start elaboration of the chakras.
About the scanning of your chakras!!! Scanning spend for a review of this book. V Review Write that you liked, what is missing what results would like to receive as a result.
Many send questions about what kind of books to read to be more enlightened in this topic. Unfortunately recommend you can not do anything, a lot of books on the subject, and the water in these books even more. I "m afraid too uvyaznite reading so do not start doing. I, like many esoteric practices in the subject got their knowledge not from books, but only in person.
I wish you all success!

Each person has certain psychic abilities, but for most people they are in an undeveloped, rudimentary state and remain so until the end of life. How to open chakras? A child is not born a cyclist or a chess player - all this is taught to him, and he, further developing his abilities, subsequently becomes a famous cyclist or a good chess player.

Similarly, in extrasensory perception: systematic work with the chakras should be carried out, since the balanced work of the open chakras of our body directly affects our physical and mental health, and in general for our entire life as a whole. Each person is born with a certain amount of energy, but during his life he can replenish this energy or waste it. Each chakra of the human body serves to transmit and receive subtle energy. Learning how to open the chakras, activate them and be able to do this regularly with the help of mantras is the first step in the development of psychic abilities.

There are 7 chakras in the human body and the "open" work of each chakra is important for a person. But it is worth noting that for clairvoyance, communication with the "subtle" worlds and other extrasensory abilities - the Ajna chakra is responsible, or it is also called the "frontal chakra" (third eye).

This chakra interacts with the pineal gland (third eye) and the human pituitary gland. Regular training of the "third eye" leads to the development of "subtle vision" and contributes to the rejuvenation of the body.

By concentrating your consciousness and repeating the mantra “OUM” 8 times, you stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands, opening the “forehead chakra”. Mantras are meaningless, specific sounds that, according to the properties of resonance, affect certain parts of the body (in our case, the chakras).

To cleanse the chakra - the mantra should be pronounced on one exhalation. To pump energy into the chakra, you need to enter a state of meditation, imagining a pleasant blue color corresponding to the “forehead chakra”, and pronounce the OUM mantra three times on one exhalation.

Exit to the astral

The next step in the development of psychic abilities can be called the use of. The simplest and most well-known astral projection entry technique is the "rope method", which allows entry into both the astral and lucid dreaming.

Assuming a comfortable body position (lying on your back or any other position of the body - it does not matter), you relax and enter a trance state. You mentally imagine yourself lying on your back, and a rope hanging from high heavens to your chest. You stretch your imaginary phantom hands to this rope and begin to pull your body up the rope, slowly moving your hands.

As you pull up your phantom body, you should feel your chest rise up. At chest level, there is a feeling of space outside the body, which increases with every minute. Do not think about your physical body: it is not it that rises, but its phantom. Very important is the feeling of lifting, concentrated in front of the chest, this is the main moment of entering the astral plane. Then the “vibrational reflex” should work, followed by the movements of your phantom body already in the astral plane.

Of course, the neophyte may not fully understand how to open the chakras the first time. However, it can be safely noted that the astral exit, out-of-body sensations (OBE) and lucid dreams are very interesting phenomena that open up great opportunities for the development of human extrasensory abilities.