Alcomunchkin or card game Seven. Drinking games

King's Cup is a popular drinking card game that's great for small parties. There are many variations of this game, and it is known by several names, such as "Circle of Death", "Ring of Fire", or simply "Kings". This article describes the rules of the classic version of the game, as well as the main varieties and additional rules.


Game principle

Playing by classic rules

    Place a glass in the center of the table and place a deck of cards around it. Before the game, place an empty glass or plastic cup (the so-called “King's Cup”) in the center of the table. After removing the jokers from the deck of cards, place them face down around the glass. Surround the glass with cards on all sides.

    • Participants sit around a glass so that everyone can easily get a card during their turn.
    • If players drink from cans, instead of a cup or glass, an unopened can can be placed in the center of the table. This option is more hygienic, since players will not drink from a common glass, but from a freshly opened can.
  1. Give each participant their drink. Each player must have his own drink in front of him, which he will add to the king's cup during the game. Each card removed from the deck means that someone must take a sip of their drink, so if someone's glass or other container is empty, it should be filled or replaced with a new one.

    • It is not necessary that all participants have the same drink, although different drinks in the King's Cup will result in a mixture that will be more difficult to drink.
  2. Determine the duration of the “drink.” After each move, one of the participants must drink. This usually means taking one or more small sips. However, some players prefer to stipulate this with rules: for example, you should drink “within 3 seconds” each time, and the like.

    Define the rules for each card. The King's Cup game has a unique set of rules that each participant must familiarize themselves with in advance. With each move, a player draws another card from the deck, and each card means certain actions for one or more participants. You can change the rules of the game however you want, as there are an infinite number of possible variations; however, below is a list of the most common rules.

    Draw the first card. Choose the player who will draw the first card from the deck. He must quickly turn it over, showing it to the participants, after which everyone acts according to the rules. Then the player puts the drawn card aside, and the next participant gets the right to take out the card.

    • When using an unopened can as a goblet, the removed cards can be inserted under the ear of the can. As the stack of cards increases, the bank will open. The player during which the "opening of the king's cup" occurs will have to drink the entire contents of this "cup".
  3. Raise the stakes by introducing new rules. There are a ton of options for each card, but there are also some other rules that make the game more exciting. Most of these rules are aimed at getting participants to drink more often:

    • Ring of Fire: standard rules are used. Cards are placed so that adjacent ones overlap each other. In this case, the central glass is drunk by the one who “teared” the ring of cards.
    • Colored kings: for card numbers (all cards except jacks, queens, kings and aces), the drink is drunk within as many seconds as the number dropped on the card. A “red card” means that the person who draws it must drink for as many seconds as indicated on the card. The “black card” gives the player who drew it the right to choose who will drink for as many seconds as the value of the card.


  1. Remember that you can change existing rules and come up with new ones as you wish. It is the various “homemade” rules that give the game great interest. There are many versions of the game, and comparing them when playing in a new company often leads to changes in the old ones and the creation of new exciting rules. Below are 1-2 options for each card, and you can vary and combine them as you wish.

    Change the rules for aces. The Ace is a big card, and when it comes up, people usually drink the most.

    • Ace is a race. If a player draws an ace, they choose a partner and they drink the contents of their glasses at speed. Both players must empty their glasses completely.
    • Ace - get it in a watermelon. If an ace comes up, each participant slaps his hand on his forehead. The last person to do so must drink.
  2. Change the rules for 2. The deuce almost always assumes that the person who draws it will point to the player who should drink. However, some options are possible here too.

    • 2 – change places. If someone gets a deuce, everyone sitting at the table changes places with each other. The one who sits last in his new seat drinks.
  3. Change the rules for three-of-a-kind so that drawing it changes the direction of the game. As a rule, a three suggests some action by the player who got it. However, you can also assign it the role of "direction switch". If a three is rolled, the direction of the game changes, that is, players begin to move counterclockwise rather than clockwise.

    Change the rules for the foursome. Sometimes a four means "girls drink."

    • 4 – dinosaur. If a player draws a four, they can draw a dinosaur on another party's forehead with a temporary marker.
  4. Change the rules for the A's. The word "five" rhymes with verb endings, so there are many variations for this card, for example:

    Change the rules for the six. This card often means "the guys are drinking."

    • 6 – lord thumb. If a player draws a six, he becomes the "lord of the thumb." This means that every time he puts his thumb on the table, everyone must repeat after him. The last one drinks. This continues until someone else draws a six.
  5. Change the rules for seven. This card also has many options as per your choice. It is sometimes used for "lord of the thumb" or "never have I", depending on the meaning of the other cards.

    Change the rule for eight. There are also many options for this card.

    Change the rules for 9 and 10. Typically, these cards have actions left over that are not used for other cards. Here are some options:

    Replace the king's rule so there is no need to drink from the center glass. If desired (for example, in the case of a large variety of drinks or a motley group), you can do without this rule. There are many ways to do this:

It happens that you pass out during a violent drinking session, and the next morning you wake up with the inscription on your forehead “Kolyanych is a fool” and a Hitler mustache drawn under your nose. The most offensive thing is that you drank alone yesterday... After such cases, one has to admit that libation in itself is a valuable activity in itself. And yet, since ancient times, humanity has tried to turn this generally simple process into something more. So, apparently, alcohol competitions appeared.

The first written mention of drunken games can be found already in Plato’s “Symposium”. The ancient Greek feaster had to fill the cup with wine, drain it, slam the bottom and pass the vessel to his neighbor. Since then, the registry of alcohol games has grown greatly, and the rules have become more complex. However, not to such an extent that a drunk person would not understand them.

Well, let's go?


A game of attention or intelligence
Game of luck
Endurance game
or dexterity

Just fooling around

Autumn speed



Strong alcohol
Everything that has degrees
01 Sea battle

paper and two pens.

Divide into two teams and prepare a standard field for naval battle. Using fantasy (a fairly well-known free program that can be downloaded from any brain), set the rules for yourself. Agree on the number of ships; decide what the miss is (in grams or sips), how much the members of the team whose ship was sunk should drink, and so on. The game strategy itself does not differ from the classic non-alcoholic version.

02 This is a breakthrough!

What you'll need besides snacks: napkin, coin, cigarette.

Cover the glass with a napkin and place a coin on it. Light a cigarette. Now the players take turns piercing the paper with the smoldering tip of the cigarette. The one whose coin finally breaks through the napkin and sinks to the bottom must drink a glass. So be it, he doesn’t have to swallow the coin.

03 Drug Lord

What you'll need besides snacks: Card deck .

Leave as many cards from the deck as there are players at the table; you won’t need the rest. Dignity and suit do not matter, but you need to assign two main cards in advance. One (let's say an ace) will be a Drug Lord, the other (let's say a King) will become a Policeman.

Hand out the cards. The one who got the king is obliged to frankly admit this out loud. Now he is a Policeman, and he has to figure out the Drug Lord with an ace. The rest should remain silent for now. The drug lord, meanwhile, must quietly wink at one of the players, and he, in turn, must react by shouting: “I’m in!” Now it's the Policeman's turn. He must name the alleged Drug Lord. If he guesses correctly, the drug lord and the one to whom the underworld businessman winked (if there was such an agreement) drink the penalty. If the Policeman's accusation is wrong, he gets a penalty. Meanwhile, the Drug Lord winks at his new accomplice...

04 Cocktail “Tear of the Platypus”

What you'll need besides snacks: coin .

The first player pours as much as he wants into the glass and whatever he wants from any bottle on the table. The resulting mixture (even if it is only ten grams of vodka) is called the “Tear of the Platypus” cocktail. The player then flips the coin and, as it spins in the air, predicts whether it will land on heads or tails. If the guess is correct, the player passes the glass to the next participant. He also adds something to the glass according to his perverted taste and tosses a coin. The unfortunate person who couldn't guess which way the coin would fall drinks a cocktail. Then everything starts again.

05 Skillful hands

What you'll need besides snacks: at least two more drinking buddies.

Sitting at the table, the players take each other's arms and place their palms on the table. As a result, everyone faces left hand neighbor on the right, right hand neighbor on the left and Olivier (where would we be without him!). Now you can start playing. Someone shouts “Left!” (or “Right!”) and slams the table with his left palm. This is a signal to launch a “wave” of claps clockwise (or counterclockwise). Accordingly, the next clap, continuing the wave, should be made by the person sitting one to the left of the first, hitting the table with his right palm. Then the player sitting on the left next to the first must hit with his left, etc. Penalties are awarded for any errors that occur. He hit out of turn, missed the clap, smashed the TV with a stool...

06 Trained to drink

What you'll need besides snacks: paper and pen.

Ideally, this game should start with the very first sip of beer that you and your friends order at the bar. But, on the other hand, in order not to spoil the pleasure of savoring the foamy drink, prudent people prefer to start the competition no earlier than the last couple of glasses before leaving. So, that's what a friendly match is all about. You need to drink beer in fewer sips. The loser gets to pay for the drinks and hold a grudge against the stupid game.

07 Fingering

What you'll need besides snacks: saucer

A saucer (or, say, an empty glass) is placed in the center of the table, on which everyone present places a finger. On the count of three, everyone either removes or leaves their finger on the saucer. A penalty is awarded to that part of the drinking buddies (and sometimes it’s just one person, Igorek) that remains in the minority.

08 Torque

What you'll need besides snacks: coin

Here's another simple game that will help you pass the time while waiting for the intoxication to arrive. The first player spins a coin on the table and calls the name of one of those sitting next to him. The person named must, without stopping the coin, flick it with his finger to give it additional rotational energy and call the name of the next player. If the coin stops or flies off the table, the culprit will receive a penalty. For more excitement, you can set additional rules. For example, if a coin that has stopped spinning comes up heads, then you are required to drink two penalties.

09 Water all around

What you'll need besides snacks:set of identical dishes.

Hitchcock would have loved this play, full of suspense. Players fill all glasses with water, except one, into which vodka is poured, and mix them thoroughly. Then everyone takes a glass (without raising it to their nose, so as not to smell the contents), and everyone drinks on command. If desired, you can increase the nervousness of the game by periodically increasing the number of glasses of vodka (or, conversely, completely eliminating them).

10 Hard Nut

What you'll need besides snacks: salted peanuts.

Even if none of your friends likes salted nuts, still order them with beer. On command, simultaneously drop a nut into your glasses. If you don't get peanuts made from soy, the peanuts will immediately sink. But don’t rush to mourn them. Very soon, gas bubbles will stick around the peanuts and raise them to the surface. The loser whose nut pops up last must pay for the rest.

11 I have never...

What you'll need besides snacks: Nothing .

Another game for a motley crew. This fun will help guests who are seeing each other for the first time to get to know each other better and not feel constrained, otherwise, you know, the whole swing party will be in vain. Anyone can start the game. He says keywords: “I’ve never...” and then adds something like “...haven’t seen the movie Heat.” After this confession, everyone who has seen this film (in our editorial office, by the way, there are still no such people) immediately drinks. Then the next guest takes the floor and says: “I have never… refused to drink.” After which, even inveterate teetotalers have to drink a penalty drink amid hooting.

12 Russian beer roulette

What you'll need besides snacks:a lot of canned beer and a willingness to be nasty.

Before each round of drinking, one of the beer cans is shaken thoroughly (best done by your fellow epileptic) to turn it into a bomb. After shaking, the charged jar is mixed with the rest. Well, who do you think will get it?

13 Shooting Range

What you'll need besides snacks: coin

On the table, stacks are placed in a circle according to the number of participants in the game and one stack in the center. Each pile is assigned to a specific player. A coin is placed on the edge of the table. The goal of the game is to flip a coin and get it into one of the piles. Details: If the coin thrower hits his pile, everyone drinks a penalty; if he misses, only he drinks; if it ends up in someone else's pile, the owner of the pile drinks; If it ends up in the central pile, everyone drinks. Well, except for Igorka. He has an ulcer.

14 Words for the evening

Today we will have fun, have fun and drink!

What do we need?

  1. A deck of cards, 36 pieces. first throw out all 6s.
  2. A cheerful, moderately loose, but creative company. This is the most important point, because in the wrong, unprepared company the game will be boring.
  3. Alcohol. Preferably weak. The best option is a cocktail. A budget option is beer.
  4. A beaker or any other vessel, taken as a unit volume that the players will drink. The best option serve 125 -175 grams. I recommend having at least a couple of these beakers, so that while one is being emptied, the other is on alert.
Have you prepared it? Gorgeous. Seat your group in a circle, take the container, fill the first beaker, and stir the deck.

Now we will analyze the rules of how, who and when to drink. Read on immediately and remember. The rules are not complicated, but they are there and they must be strictly followed.

To begin with, I’ll tell you about one point: if a controversial situation occurs - who should drink first (well, they screwed up at once or something else), then, as in Munchkin, the situation is decided by the opinion of the owner of the deck.

The theme is this - everyone sits in a circle and draws 1 card per turn. Each card means something:

card one - Seven: the report begins from one to infinity, everyone speaks one number in order (OTHERWISE YOU DRINK).. DO NOT name numbers that contain the number 7 and which are divisible by 7 (otherwise YOU DRINK).
card two - Eight: it’s immunity.. I took it out of the deck, it’s kept with you the whole game.. if you don’t want to drink, then you just put the card back and that’s it.. Attention, you can’t pass the card on to someone else (OTHERWISE YOU DRINK). And one more nuance: if you get a glass of eight, don’t forget that you have it, otherwise you’ll drink
card three- Nine: Hmm.. the most fun card of the game: you take out a nine and dictate the condition. What does the condition mean: the condition is what everyone will do before drinking, attention, as you know, there are 4 such cards in the deck, respectively, at the end of the game there will be 4 conditions that must be met before drinking and these conditions must be fulfilled in the same It's ok how they were taken out of the deck (ORICE YOU DRINK). If you drank and did NOT fulfill the condition - DRINK, and you drink with conditions... the conditions can be ANY, absolutely, whatever comes to mind first... here are some conditions for example: touch the neighbor on the right by the left breast (if you feel the right one, you will DRINK); slap Evgeniy Varganov on the head, etc. and so on.
card four - Ten: The name of the card is OUTGATE. If you draw a ten, then you are an outcast, it’s not scary, on the contrary, it’s a bonus. You remain an outcast until someone pulls out a ten.. Attention, if any of the players ANSWER ANY, absolutely ANY QUESTION, the outcast will DRINK. You can talk to an outcast, but the main thing is not to answer his questions. People usually get caught asking questions like "What time is it?" "Got a cigarette?" "Who's pulling next?" "What's the first condition?"
card five - Jack: aka TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. Those who do not support the topic DRINK. The topic can also be ANY. For example: the topic of conversation is “car brands”, everyone in turn names one brand of car that they know, if your stock of knowledge about cars has dried up, then DRINK.. you can’t repeat it.. also for example, “brands of cosmetics” “name of beer” “names of condoms” “brands” household appliances" etc.

card six - Lady: if you are already drunk like Dmitry Kharatyan, then this is your salvation :) .. the card means that you miss a move and do nothing.
card seven - King: pulled out the king and DRINK YOURSELF
card eight - Ace: Ooh! This is the Overlord card. You point your finger at any player (one player) and he obeys you and DRINS. Only eight will help him)).

Today we will have fun, have fun and drink!

What do we need?

  1. A deck of cards, 36 pieces. first throw out all 6s.
  2. A cheerful, moderately loose, but creative company. This is the most important point, because in the wrong, unprepared company the game will be boring.
  3. Alcohol. Preferably weak. The best option is a cocktail. A budget option is beer.
  4. A beaker or any other vessel, taken as a unit volume that the players will drink. The best option is 125 -175 grams. I recommend having at least a couple of these beakers, so that while one is being emptied, the other is on alert.
Have you prepared it? Gorgeous. Seat your group in a circle, take the container, fill the first beaker, and stir the deck.

Now we will analyze the rules of how, who and when to drink. Read on immediately and remember. The rules are not complicated, but they are there and they must be strictly followed.

To begin with, I’ll tell you about one point: if a controversial situation occurs - who should drink first (well, they screwed up at once or something else), then, as in Munchkin, the situation is decided by the opinion of the owner of the deck.

The theme is this - everyone sits in a circle and draws 1 card per turn. Each card means something:

card one - Seven: the report begins from one to infinity, everyone speaks one number in order (OTHERWISE YOU DRINK).. DO NOT name numbers that contain the number 7 and which are divisible by 7 (otherwise YOU DRINK).
card two - Eight: it’s immunity.. I took it out of the deck, it’s kept with you the whole game.. if you don’t want to drink, then you just put the card back and that’s it.. Attention, you can’t pass the card on to someone else (OTHERWISE YOU DRINK). And one more nuance: if you get a glass of eight, don’t forget that you have it, otherwise you’ll drink
card three- Nine: Hmm.. the most fun card of the game: you take out a nine and dictate the condition. What does the condition mean: the condition is what everyone will do before drinking, attention, as you know, there are 4 such cards in the deck, respectively, at the end of the game there will be 4 conditions that must be met before drinking and these conditions must be fulfilled in the same It's ok how they were taken out of the deck (ORICE YOU DRINK). If you drank and did NOT fulfill the condition - DRINK, and you drink with conditions... the conditions can be ANY, absolutely, whatever comes to mind first... here are some conditions for example: touch the neighbor on the right by the left breast (if you feel the right one, you will DRINK); slap Evgeniy Varganov on the head, etc. and so on.
card four - Ten: The name of the card is OUTGATE. If you draw a ten, then you are an outcast, it’s not scary, on the contrary, it’s a bonus. You remain an outcast until someone pulls out a ten.. Attention, if any of the players ANSWER ANY, absolutely ANY QUESTION, the outcast will DRINK. You can talk to an outcast, but the main thing is not to answer his questions. People usually get caught asking questions like "What time is it?" "Got a cigarette?" "Who's pulling next?" "What's the first condition?"
card five - Jack: aka TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. Those who do not support the topic DRINK. The topic can also be ANY. For example: the topic of conversation is “car brands”, everyone in turn names one brand of car that they know, if your stock of knowledge about cars has dried up, then DRINK.. you can’t repeat it.. also for example, “brands of cosmetics” “name of beer” “names of condoms” “brands of household appliances” technology" etc.

card six - Lady: if you are already drunk like Dmitry Kharatyan, then this is your salvation :) .. the card means that you miss a move and do nothing.
card seven - King: pulled out the king and DRINK YOURSELF
card eight - Ace: Ooh! This is the Overlord card. You point your finger at any player (one player) and he obeys you and DRINS. Only eight will help him)).

Let's not lie, games with alcohol can cheer up even the biggest bore. Moreover, the rules of the games are almost always quite simple, and even familiar from childhood. Some of them are quite famous, for example Beer Ping Pong, thanks to American comedies for that. But this, of course, is not the limit! So make yourself comfortable, it offers you 13 best games for parties that will definitely allow you to overcome the awkwardness and start having fun to the fullest!

1. Four Kings

An unlimited number of people can participate in this game, but, one way or another, each round comes down to 4 main players. A standard deck of cards is taken, and each of the 4 participants takes turns drawing one card, and this continues in a circle over and over again until one of them draws a king. The first one to draw the coveted card chooses an alcoholic drink, the second chooses what we will drink/snack with, the third buys/prepares the drink, and the fourth, accordingly, drinks it. By the way, it may well turn out that one player will draw the king more than 1 time. So don't rush to choose the strongest drinks, because you may be the one. who will have to drink them!

2. Cherished word

The only one required element of this game is a TV, or any other screen showing something. What is the essence of the game: you choose a show or movie that you are going to watch with your friends. It could be anything: a hockey game, a presidential speech, or a Harry Potter movie. Before you start watching, you agree on a certain cherished word or sign, after hearing or seeing it on the screen, you must all drink a glass of something intoxicating together. Variants of such signs? For example, we drink every time there is a scoring situation in a hockey match between Russia and Belarus. Or when in that same Harry Potter film the name Harry or Voldemort will be heard. There are a lot of options, choose according to your taste!

3. Drunk Santa

The game is ideal for the New Year holidays. And its rules are as follows: take a Santa Claus hat and put it on the corner of the TV. Every time a TV character appears to be wearing this hat, immediately drink a glass of something containing a degree. It's simple, right?

4. Electric cards

Alcoholic version of the famous card game. The deck is drawn and the top card is dealt face up. Each player takes turns in a circle taking out one card and placing it on top of the previous one. If it happens that the card matches the previous one in suit or value, the lucky one drinks. For each card and each suit, you can assign a different drink. Or just drink shots when you are lucky enough to draw a “good” card!

5. Battleshot

An alcoholic variation on the theme of the game “Battleship” that everyone has loved since childhood. On large sheet paper, or better yet cardboard, outlines the field for playing “Battleship”. And the ships represent a different arrangement of glasses with alcohol on the board in combinations of three, two and one. Then you know the rules. From the start of the game, you try to figure out where the enemy ships are with your opponent's shots, and when you hit them, your opponent drinks the shot accordingly!

6. Sink the ship!

The marine theme, as you can see, is very popular among this kind of games. The name is similar to No. 5, but the essence of the game is completely different. So, a jug of beer is placed in the center of the table. A glass (preferably plastic) is lowered into the center of the jug. All players in a circle pour a little beer into a glass, which is kept on the surface of the jug, trying not to become the one who drowns the glass. And the lucky one who drowns him just has to drink. Not a pitcher of beer. of course, but just a glass!

7. Knock back the glass

This game is truly legendary, and right now we will learn how to play it. Participants are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the table opposite each other. In front of each participant is a glass of beer (1/2 or 1/4 full). The first participants on both sides drink their glasses in quick sips. Then they place the glass on the edge of the table so that part of the bottom of the glass is in the air, and try to turn the glass over with one blow and place it bottom up.
The next player in a row can only start drinking after the previous player has turned over his glass. The first team to drink all the beer and turn over all the glasses wins. And believe me, it's not that easy!

8. Alcohol checkers/chess

Who said chess is boring? Fools, they apparently never played the alcoholic version of this ingenious game. All you need to do is place glasses of alcohol instead of pieces on the chess board and start the game. When you lose pieces in a game, you must drink its contents. Important: you must not give in!

9. Russian roulette with beer

The game is very fast, but definitely fun. So, everyone gets a certain number of bottles of beer. One of them is shaken thoroughly and then hidden among the remaining untouched bottles. Everyone takes one for themselves, opens it and... And we find out who got the bullet!

10. Ring of Fire (sometimes also called Kings)

This game requires a deck of cards and alcohol for each participant. In addition, an additional bottle with some kind of food is placed in the center of the table. alcoholic drink, around which the cards are laid out face down. Players in a circle choose one card at a time and must follow the instructions contained on them. The rules are:

2 - the player chooses who should drink.
3 - drink it yourself.
4 - the last one to put his hands on the table right now drinks.
5 - all the guys drink.
6 - all the girls drink.
7 - the last one who raises his hands to the sky right now drinks.
8 - the player chooses someone who will drink with him until the end of the game.
9 - all participants must come up with a rhyme for your word, if not, they drink.
10 - everyone just drinks together.
Jack - The player who draws a jack selects a category for which everyone must give an example. For example, German cars: BMW, Mercedes, etc. If they can't, they drink.
Queen - the one who draws this card can ask any question to any player, and he must answer honestly. If he doesn't want to, he drinks.
King - Wave. The player who drew the card begins to move, and everyone else follows him in a wave.
Ace - The player who draws the Ace comes up with a rule that everyone must follow for the rest of the game.

11. I never...

A great game for late evenings when everyone is tired, or, conversely, for the very beginning of the party to get to know each other better. Each player takes turns finishing the sentence with "I've never..." and saying something they've never done. The rest of the players, if they haven’t done this either, bend one finger on their hand; if they did, drink. The first person to clench his fist loses (or wins, it depends only on you).

12. Beer ping pong

This list wouldn't be complete without talking about Beer Ping Pong, the king of all drinking games! The essence of the game is as follows: a certain number of glasses of beer (usually from 6 to 21) are placed in the shape of a pyramid. Opponents stand on both sides of the table opposite each other and try to hit the ping pong ball into the opponent's glass. If they manage to do this, the opponent must drink the contents of this glass. The game ends when all the opponent's cups are empty.

13. No hands

This game is only for those who are strong in soul and body, because it will require serious energy expenditure from you. So, a bottle of beer is attached to each player’s hand with tape, or whatever. And until the participant in the game drinks both bottles to the very end, he remains without hands. And since this is very inconvenient, you have to drink faster, which makes the game even more entertaining!