Basal temperature by day of the cycle table. Basal temperature chart: normal. When and how to measure

Difficulties with conception occur in almost 50% of women. For a sperm to fertilize an egg, ovulation must occur. Ovulation is monitored by ultrasound, special tests or analyses. All these methods are quite expensive, especially in combination. You can find out the timing of ovulation at home without spending money. To do this, calculate the basal temperature during ovulation. The knowledge gained can be used not only for successful conception, but even for planning the sex of the baby. In addition, the constructed graph of basal temperature will show the correct operation of the reproductive system. Certain indicators may indicate ovarian dysfunction, anovulation, and other problems.

What is basal temperature and how to measure it

Hormones influence the correct functioning of the girl's body. Their balance is reflected in all processes in the body, in particular, on the value of basal temperature.

Unlike body temperature, basal is low and is sometimes referred to as resting temperature. It accurately indicates the temperature of the internal organs. During pregnancy or pathologies, the body begins to work in an enhanced mode, so the indicators increase. It is important to consider that in case of any diseases, even with a slight runny nose, the temperature of the internal organs will increase and the result of thermometry will be ineffective.

Therefore, measure in a state of complete rest. Before going to bed, you need to put the thermometer on the bedside table. Only cavities that are associated with internal organs body. These include:

  • mouth (goes into the oropharynx);
  • vagina (passes into the uterus);
  • rectum (connected to the intestines).

Measurement of basal temperature to determine ovulation is carried out daily, starting from the first day of menstruation. Before installing the thermometer, sudden movements should be avoided. Ideally, you just need to reach out and take a thermometer. Since, after getting out of bed, she rises sharply. For the accuracy of measurements, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

  1. Doctors recommend taking measurements in the rectum. The vaginal method is less accurate, and to measure in the mouth, you need to buy a special thermometer.
  2. The temperature in different cavities may vary slightly, as a result, tenths of a degree affect the result. Therefore, the measurement cavity cannot be changed.
  3. It is necessary to bring down the temperature from the thermometer in the evening. Even shaking the thermometer can distort the test result.
  4. The thermometer is inserted 3-5 cm, the measurement is carried out without moving for 3-5 minutes.
  5. For thermometry, you need to choose a high-quality mercury thermometer (with a gray liquid inside), since its measurements are the most accurate.
  6. After testing, the resulting indicator must be written next to today's number.
  7. You need to measure at the same time. The maximum difference is half an hour. It is optimal to test at 6-7 in the morning. After that, you can sleep as much as you want. Early in the morning, the hypothalamus and adrenal glands work most actively, which produce the necessary hormones that affect the resulting indicator.
  8. Before taking thermometry, you need to be at rest for at least 6 hours. If less time has passed since the night rise, measurements should be postponed.
  9. Alcohol, physical activity, sexual intercourse affect temperature indicators. After the described processes, at least 6 hours must also pass before thermometry.
  10. In case of illness, even mild, the measurement should be postponed until complete recovery.

The value of indicators is influenced by estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen "holds back" progesterone and prevents it from raising the basal temperature to critical values.

Keeping a schedule will help you find out about pregnancy before a positive test. If you do not give up measurements in the first weeks of gestation, then according to the schedule, you can determine whether the pregnancy is developing correctly. With a decrease in indicators, there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, the schedule helps to control the course of pregnancy.


The easiest way to track ovulation is with a basal body temperature chart. To build, take a notebook in a box. A horizontal line is drawn at the top of the sheet and the days of the cycle are indicated on it. The remaining space at the bottom of the page is for additional records of well-being, secretions and events that may affect the measurement result.

Draw a vertical line from the leftmost point. Possible temperature indicators from 35.7 to 37.6 are recorded on it from bottom to top. Use a difference of 0.1 degrees (36.1; 36.2; 36.3, etc.). At the level of 37.0 degrees, a horizontal line is drawn in red. It is used for the convenience of determining the result. An indicator of 37.0 degrees is considered the lower threshold for the onset of the ovulation phase.

Every morning, you need to put a dot at the intersection of temperature with the day of the cycle and connect them into a solid curve. For convenience, you can print a ready-made template.

Normal performance

In the absence of pathologies, the basal temperature per cycle varies from 36.0 to 37.5 degrees. In this case, the body temperature before ovulation greatly decreases, and during the time it rises rapidly.

It must be borne in mind that taking contraceptives prevents ovulation. Therefore, the temperature at the reception oral contraceptives uninformative.

Before ovulation

At the beginning of the cycle, the hormone estrogen dominates. Depending on the processes taking place in the body, the temperature before ovulation varies around 36.0-36.6 degrees. It fluctuates, so the graph does not display a straight line, but a curve. Shortly before ovulation, the measurement gradually rises by 0.1 degrees per day. The exit of the female cell is preceded by an upward jump of 0.3 degrees or more. For most girls, before the onset of ovulation, the indicators drop sharply, after which they rise to 37 degrees.

During ovulation

The temperature during ovulation increases rapidly. The value for some girls can reach 36.5 degrees, for others - up to 37.3 degrees. The indicators are influenced by individual characteristics. The main thing is that the temperature after ovulation should be at least 0.4 degrees higher before it.

After ovulation

For 8-10 days, the temperature after ovulation is kept at about 37 degrees and above. It reaches its peak about a week after the release of the egg. The body is preparing for the introduction of a fertilized female cell into the uterus. If this process does not occur, the value gradually decreases towards the end of the cycle.

At fertilization

Fertilization can occur 7-10 days after ovulation. Keeping a schedule, a girl can surely find out the date of conception. On the day of the introduction of a fertilized female cell into the uterine cavity, the temperature drops significantly. This process is called implantation retraction. It is not always displayed on the chart, but in most cases at this stage a woman can find out about the onset of pregnancy. After implantation retraction, the basal temperature increases to the highest values ​​for the cycle.

Relationship with ovulation

The basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred, will not fall for a long time. If 12 days have passed after ovulation, and the high temperature persists, it can be assumed that conception has occurred. At this stage, the woman has a chance to see a faint line on the test device (for pregnancy). A more informative result will show a blood test for hCG. With successful fertilization, the basal temperature does not fall, high rates remain for a long time.

For the greatest information content, measurements should be carried out for at least 3 months. Based on individual characteristics, the indicators can vary greatly for different girls. If you follow all the recommendations, thermometry will help you find out about successful fertilization earlier than positive ones.

Basal temperature allows you to determine the time of ovulation, pregnancy on early dates, the presence of inflammatory gynecological pathologies. With correct and regular measurement, scheduling, you can identify the most favorable days for conception, any deviations indicate a failure in the body.

Basal temperature you need to know to determine ovulation

What does basal body temperature mean?

Basal body temperature (BT)- the most low temperature human body at rest. Measurements can be taken orally, in the armpit, but the most accurate are rectal values ​​when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum.

Why you need to measure BBT:

  • – the method is suitable for long, short, standard and irregular cycles;
  • pregnancy can be determined even before the delay;
  • identify inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs early stages before the onset of symptoms;
  • for pregnancy planning.

To measure BT, it is better to use a conventional mercury thermometer, use the same thermometer throughout the entire cycle.

How to measure BT?

In order to correctly draw up a schedule, to avoid errors, when measuring basal temperature, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of actions.

Measurement rules:

  1. In the evening, prepare a thermometer, bring it down, put it next to the bed so that it can be easily reached.
  2. In the morning, without getting out of bed, insert the tip of the thermometer 5 cm into the rectum.
  3. Measure the temperature for 5-7 minutes, try not to be nervous, breathe evenly and calmly.
  4. Before measuring the temperature, at least 5-7 hours of restful sleep should pass.
  5. It is necessary to measure BT at the same time, deviations of 1 hour up or down are allowed. The indicators are recorded from the first day of the menstrual cycle, the data is entered into a special chart.

You can also measure BT during the day after 4 hours of sleep, but such data are often unreliable. The method is suitable for women who have been working at night for many months, their body has managed to adapt to a new mode of sleep and wakefulness.

At correct compilation schedule after 3 cycles, you can learn how to plan a pregnancy at home, signs of the inflammatory process will be noticeable after 1-2 months. In gynecology, average BT temperature indicators are used to assess the state of the reproductive and genitourinary systems, but often there are deviations caused not by pathologies, but by individual characteristics of the body.

How to build a graph correctly:

  1. Draw 2 lines on a sheet in a cage, they should come out of one point and be perpendicular.
  2. On the vertical axis, make markings for temperature indicators - write numbers from 36.0 to 37.5, each cell is equal to 0.1 degrees.
  3. On the horizontal line you need to put down the days of the calendar.
  4. At the level of 37 degrees, draw a red horizontal line, draw a vertical line between 12–14 days, it conditionally divides the two-phase cycle into periods I and II.
  5. Every day, put a dot at the intersection of the date and temperature values; when they are connected, a monthly cycle curve is formed.
  6. On the chart, the day of ovulation is the highest point.
  7. The optimal difference in indicators in phases I and II is 0.4–0.5 units.
  8. The length of the cycle is also clearly visible on the graph, normally it is 28 days, doctors do not consider pathologies if the interval between periods is 21–35 days. But a long or short cycle can be a sign of ovarian failure.

Thanks to the BT schedule, you can understand how well your period is going

Deciphering the BT schedule allows a woman, and if necessary, a gynecologist, to check how normal the cycle is, whether maturation and ovulation occurs, and whether pregnancy has occurred.

In addition to temperature indicators, the graph should display the amount and nature of discharge, general well-being. If the day before a woman drank alcohol, had sex, was very nervous, there were signs of a cold - all these factors are also recorded in the table, since they can distort the values ​​​​of BT.

How does BT change?

The change in basal temperature is affected by the state of the hormonal background, so the fluctuation of values ​​in different phases of the cycle is a normal phenomenon.

The value of BT by day of the cycle

When measuring BT, the length of the cycle also matters, the ideal duration is 28 days, but intervals between periods of 21–35 days are considered normal. The length of the first phase can be different, but the luteal period should normally always be 12-14 days.

Phases of basal body temperature

When drawing up a BT schedule, several types of curves are distinguished, which makes it possible to assess the state of the reproductive system.

Curve types:

  1. I - temperature indicators in the second phase increase by at least 0.4 units, the luteal period lasts 12–14 days, the values ​​decrease before ovulation and menstruation. Such a schedule corresponds to a normal two-phase cycle of 28 days.
  2. II - the luteal phase lasts 12–14 days, during this period the temperature rises by no more than 0.2–0.3 degrees, slightly decreases before the release of the egg from the follicle and before the onset of menstrual flow. A similar curve indicates a lack of estrogen, progesterone, which often causes infertility; special tests will help assess the level of hormones in each phase of the cycle.
  3. III - an increase in indicators by 0.4 degrees is observed only shortly before menstruation, the second phase lasts 10 or less days, BT does not fall before menstruation. Such a schedule indicates luteal insufficiency, which is fraught with the development of infertility, miscarriage, correction is carried out with the help of hormone therapy.
  4. IV - there are no ups and downs on the curve, the entire cycle of rectal temperature is in the range of 36.1–36.7 degrees, there is no ovulation, the cycle is considered anovulatory. In a healthy woman of childbearing age, such a deviation occurs 1-2 times a year, if more often, it is necessary to pass hormonal tests.
  5. V - the BT curve looks chaotic, the increase and decrease in values ​​occurs regardless of the phase of the cycle. Such a graph indicates a low level of estrogen, the chances of getting pregnant are minimal. Single jumps in indicators can occur against the background of stress, after a long flight, with exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

Knowing the exact day of ovulation, you can plan the sex of the unborn child - if fertilization occurs directly on the day the egg is released, it is likely to give birth to a boy. Girls are born after sex, which was 48-72 hours before ovulation.

Causes of deviations from the norm

Slight fluctuations in BT values ​​occur during stress, climate change, after sexual intercourse, against the background of taking some medicines. Strong deviations of the curve from the norm are a sign of endocrine pathologies, inflammatory processes; using the graph, you can establish the primary cause of infertility.

Uterine fibroids is one of the reasons for the failure of basal temperature

Why deviations occur:

  1. Problems in the luteal phase - diseases of the ovaries, pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps and tumors in the genital organs. Progesterone deficiency is observed in inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, diseases of the liver and digestive tract, after exhausting diets and excessive physical exertion.
  2. Frequent anovulatory cycles are observed in adolescence, indicating the approach of menopause, endocrine diseases, ovarian pathologies.
  3. An increase in temperature before menstruation to 38 degrees or more - endometritis, adnexitis, endometriosis, cystitis, intestinal infections, ectopic pregnancy. Additional symptoms are sharp pain in the lower abdomen, discharge with pus impurities, discomfort when emptying the bladder, vomiting, weakness.

During the bearing of a child, an increase in BT indicates inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, infectious pathologies in the body. A decrease in indicators occurs with a miscarriage, a missed pregnancy.

BBT measurement is a simple and affordable method for self-diagnosis of the state of the reproductive system, hormonal levels, and allows you to track disorders of various origins in the early stages. Minor and short-term deviations from the norm occur under the influence of external factors - overwork, stress, regular fluctuations indicate endocrine and inflammatory diseases.

Seeing two long-awaited strips on the test, you begin to carefully monitor any changes that occur in the body.

The basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages responds to the smallest fluctuations in the hormonal system and allows you to calculate deviations from the norm and promptly seek help from a antenatal clinic.

What is basal body temperature

  • The basal or basic temperature (hereinafter referred to as BT) is the one that is practically not affected by the external environment;
  • You can get its values ​​\u200b\u200bin the morning hours, without getting out of bed, after a full night's sleep;
  • Measurements are taken using a thermometer placed in the mouth, vagina or rectum;
  • BBT values ​​are influenced by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, the level of which varies according to the days of the menstrual cycle.

Know! Obstetrician-gynecologists consider BT an indicator of the health of the female reproductive system. Comparison of schedules for several cycles can reveal hormonal disorders, the period of ovulation, as well as inflammatory processes.

Even at the stage of planning a child, BBT values ​​will help determine the favorable period for conception without the use of expensive tests and ultrasound diagnostics. The only caveat is the strict observance of all norms during the measurements.

Why can you trust your basal body temperature?

The menstrual period consists of two phases.

  1. During the transition from one phase to another, ovulation is observed. The whole essence of the method is to build a graph based on daily BT readings;
  2. The first half of the cycle is characterized by low numbers, and the second half is high, due to the influence of progesterone.

Ovulation on the chart looks like a sharp drop.

The value of BBT about a day before the onset of ovulation drops rapidly, and the next day it also rises sharply. Evidence of the imminent onset of menstruation is the reduced values ​​of BT, but during fertilization in the second phase, they will be steadily increased.

You can use the basal temperature measurement method if:

  • trying to get pregnant lasts longer than a year;
  • it is necessary to identify violations in the work of sex hormones;
  • you need to predict a good time for conception;
  • it is necessary to determine the presence of pregnancy before the fact of delayed menstrual bleeding.

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature?

The entire menstrual period can be tracked on the basal temperature chart. During pregnancy, the picture is significantly different from that which can be seen during a normal cycle.

  1. The very first phase of the female period is follicular (hypothermic). At this time, the formation of the follicle occurs, inside which the egg matures. The first phase is characterized by increased production of estrogen due to the increased work of the ovaries;

Favorable values ​​of BT are from 36.1 to 36.8 degrees. Values ​​at the upper end of the range are usually accompanied by a lack of estrogen. In such cases, doctors recommend appropriate hormone therapy.

  1. The moment of ovulation. The follicle ruptures under the action of LH (luteinizing hormone) and the egg is released, and a hormonal surge occurs. At this stage, BT values ​​increase sharply to 37.0-37.7 degrees;
  2. The last phase is luteal (hyperthermic). Instead of a bursting follicle, a corpus luteum begins to form, which is a source of progesterone.
  • In the case of fertilization of the egg (during the implantation, the BT decreases) - it enters the uterus. At the same time, the corpus luteum continues to grow, releasing hormones that allow you to maintain pregnancy and prevent uterine contractions;

It is these hormones that make the BBT values ​​stay at the upper limits. The corpus luteum functions until the complete formation of the placenta.

  • Favorable values ​​of BT are above 37 degrees;
  • If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum collapses and hormone levels drop. BBT values ​​also decrease and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Temperature is below ovulation

Usually, the value of basal temperature during early pregnancy is 37.1-37.3 degrees.

It happens a little lower, within 36.9 degrees.

You can find this out by recording your basal body temperatures over several cycles.

The only constant sign of the possible fact of pregnancy is the absence of a lower basal temperature after the release of the egg from the ovary.

Features of "pregnant" and "non-pregnant" charts

To understand which basal body temperature is characteristic of the body during pregnancy, and which one is for various pathologies, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics of the graphs.

"Pregnant" schedule:

  1. low BBT in the follicular phase of the cycle;
  2. ovulation is clearly identified (a sharp jump in BBT up);
  3. increased BT in the luteal phase of the cycle;
  4. somewhere on the 21st day, the values ​​​​of BT decrease noticeably (implantation of the egg occurs) and then the temperature rises again;
  5. there is a third phase of the cycle - gestational - with a BBT value equal to or greater than ovulatory.

Normal "non-pregnant" schedule:

  • in the first phase, BT values ​​​​are below 37 degrees;
  • immediately after the ovulation phase, BBT begins to rise and continues to be at the level of 37 degrees almost until the end of the second phase;
  • a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, the value of BT drops sharply.

The anovulatory schedule is characterized by chaotic bursts of BBT throughout the cycle. Such periods occur in women up to three times a year.

How to measure the temperature to determine pregnancy

The most accurate readings will be with the rectal insertion of a thermometer. In this case, the thermometer can be either electronic or mercury, depending on personal preferences. The following are the basic rules for how to measure basal body temperature to determine pregnancy:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature when planning pregnancy should be done daily in the morning at a certain time after sleep, lasting more than six hours. Do not leave bed soon after waking up or sit up abruptly;

In addition, frequent walking during the night rest distorts the research data.

  1. In the daytime and evening hours, there are quite strong fluctuations in BBT due to stress, increased activity or banal fatigue. It is not necessary to double-check the morning measurements during the day and in the evening, as this is not informative;
  2. With a mercury thermometer, the temperature is measured within 6-10 minutes, with an electronic thermometer - from 2 to 3 minutes or until the sound signal;
  3. For clarity, it is best to start taking measurements and build a graph from the day of the onset of menstruation. This will allow you to see the temperature difference during the transition from one phase of the cycle to another and evaluate the hormonal background;
  4. For the convenience of taking measurements, you can use a regular paper sheet, a printed template, or applications that automatically build graphs based on the entered data.

For your information. The following factors influence the BT indicators:

  • alcohol;
  • sex a few hours before the measurement procedure;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • too warm bed, for example, from a heating pad;
  • hypothermia of the lower extremities.

If any of the above factors took place, it is worth making a note about it.

What indicators allow us to conclude that the pregnancy did not take place?

High basal temperatures that persist long time, with a possible pregnancy, before confirming the fact of a delay, unfortunately, are not always a sign of a successful conception.

In some cases, such a change may be associated with inflammatory processes in the appendages, and sometimes indicate complications during the gestational period.

Important! It is worth paying attention that there is no need to start panicking when abnormalities are found, since each organism is unique. In case of any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.

BT at risk of miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage is associated with insufficient production of the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy. This happens when there are problems with the hormonal background and an incorrectly functioning corpus luteum, which normally appears instead of the follicle.

Know! With this pathology, the values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not exceed 37 degrees.

Thus, if the basal temperature during pregnancy is 36.8 or one tenth of a degree higher, you should pay attention to this and try to understand the reasons for such changes.

BT in missed pregnancy

If the development of the embryo stops, the gland formed at the site of the follicle begins to break down, and the level of progesterone, therefore, falls. This leads to a decrease in BT values ​​\u200b\u200bto 36.4 - 36.9 degrees.

There are times when, when the embryo freezes, the temperature continues to be kept at a fairly high level. True, it happens when a lower temperature is not at all an indicator of fading. You should always listen to yourself and your inner state.

BT in ectopic pregnancy

Important! In this case, the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum does not stop, as in the normal course of pregnancy. It is impossible to draw conclusions on the basis of BT values ​​in this case.

In the second and third trimesters, it does not play a significant role. It is important to remember that accuracy in measurements is necessary, as any deviations affect the interpretation of the results.

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Ovulation is a process that takes place in the body of a healthy woman, which is associated with the release of an egg into the fallopian tube for further fertilization. Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan your pregnancy or prevent unwanted conception. There are several methods for determining it, but the most accessible and simple is the measurement of basal body temperature.

What is this?

Basal body temperature (BBT) is an indicator that is measured in a state of complete rest, in the anus, immediately after waking up in the morning. It is a reflection of the hormonal background of a woman and allows you to identify problems in the work of the sex glands. However, more often BTT is used to determine the days favorable for conception.

Many gynecologists advise women to keep their own basal temperature chart. Especially for those who are planning to replenish the family. The schedule of basal temperature during ovulation has its own characteristics. It allows you to calculate the most suitable day for getting pregnant. The basal temperature directly depends on the hormonal processes in the woman's body.

and its phases

Created for procreation, therefore, all the processes occurring in it are aimed at ensuring conception and preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth. The menstrual cycle has three consecutive phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal.

The first phase begins with menstrual bleeding, then the formation of a follicle in the ovary and the formation of a new endometrium. Its duration can suggest a graph of basal temperature. Its normal duration is 1-3 weeks. In this phase, the follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen play a role. It ends with the maturation of the follicle.

The second phase is ovulation itself. The walls of the follicle rupture, and the egg passes through the fallopian tube towards the sperm. The phase lasts about 2 days. If fertilization occurs, then the embryo attaches to the endometrium, if not, the egg dies. On a normal day, ovulation is at its lowest level for the entire cycle.

In the third phase, the production of progesterone begins. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which formed at the site of the ruptured follicle. The basal temperature after ovulation changes upwards - by 0.4-0.6 ° C. During this period, the female body prepares for bearing and preserving the fetus. If conception does not occur, then the concentration of female sex hormones decreases, and the circle closes, the follicular phase begins. Its duration is normal for all women is about 2 weeks.

Why do temperature fluctuations occur?

The measurement of basal temperature during ovulation as a method characterizing hormonal changes in a woman's body was proposed in 1953 by the scientist Marshall. And now approved by WHO as an official method for detecting fertility. Its basis is a regular change in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain, which causes a local increase in temperature in the organs and tissues of the small pelvis. That is why a sharp increase in temperature in the anal region occurs in the luteal phase.

Thus, ovulation divides the menstrual cycle into two parts: in the first, the average temperature is approximately 36.6-36.8 ° C. Then it drops by 0.2-0.3 ° C for 2 days, and then rises to 37-37.3 degrees and stays at this level almost until the end of the cycle. A normal basal temperature chart during ovulation is called biphasic.

Measuring your BBT can help you pinpoint a fertile day with high accuracy. According to statistics, it is known that the highest probability of getting pregnant will fall on the day before and after the temperature rise - 30% each. 2 days before the jump - 21%, 2 days after - 15%. Pregnancy can occur with a 2% chance if fertilization occurs 3 or 4 days before the temperature rises.

What is this method used for?

If you constantly draw up a graph of basal temperature, the norm and pathology begin to be traced literally after 2-3 cycles. The resulting curves can answer many questions. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend this method to solve the following problems:

  • Definition have a good day for conception.
  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy.
  • As a method of contraception.
  • Identification of malfunctions in the work of the sex glands.

Basically, basal temperature is measured to calculate the day the ovulatory phase of the cycle begins. This is the easiest and cheapest way. It is very easy to determine ovulation by basal temperature if you take measurements regularly and follow all the rules.

Correct measurement is the key to the effectiveness of the method

In order for the results of the method to be true, it is necessary to follow all the instructions when measuring BBT, because it is very important that the basal temperature chart during ovulation includes only accurate and reliable data. There is a set of basic rules:

  • Temperature measurement is carried out daily at the same time (optimally - 7.00-7.30) in the rectum.
  • You must sleep for at least 3 hours before the procedure.
  • If a woman needed to get out of bed before the measurement time, then the readings should be taken before taking a vertical position.
  • The thermometer must first be prepared and placed near the bed. Shake it off before bed.
  • You can measure the temperature only in a horizontal position, lying motionless on your side.
  • During the cycle, you can not change the thermometer.
  • It is better to enter readings in the graph immediately after the measurement.

For measurements, both a digital and a mercury thermometer are suitable. And here infrared thermometer it is absolutely not intended for this method, since it has a high probability of errors in the results. Since the basal temperature before ovulation and on the day it starts differ by only 0.2-0.3 ° C, such a thermometer may not show this difference. An electronic thermometer gives large errors if you do not follow the instructions for its use. The most accurate readings can be obtained using a mercury thermometer, but it requires special care when handling.

When the received indicators may be incorrect

It must be remembered that the basal temperature during ovulation, the norm of which is individual for each woman, may fluctuate depending on the influence various factors. Often, external influences on the body lead to the fact that BBT indicators are highly distorted and have no informative value. These factors include:

  • Flights, transfers, business trips.
  • Stress.
  • Excessive intake of alcohol.
  • Taking psychotropic and hormonal drugs.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body, fever.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Short sleep.
  • Failure to follow measurement instructions.
  • Sexual intercourse a few hours before the measurement.

If something from the above list happened, then you should not trust the measurements. And the day on which there was a violation can be ignored in the construction of the schedule.

How to plot a basal temperature chart

To build a graph of basal temperature, it is necessary to take measurements every day and make notes in a specially designated notebook. The graph is the intersection of two lines at a right angle. The vertical axis contains data on temperature, for example, from 35.7 to 37.3 ° C, and on the horizontal axis are the days of the menstrual cycle. Each cell corresponds to 0.1 °C and 1 day. After making the measurement, you need to find the day of the cycle on the graph, mentally draw a line up and put a dot in front of the desired temperature. At the end of the cycle, all points of the graph are connected, the resulting curve is an objective display of hormonal changes in the female body.

In the chart, you should indicate the current date and build a column for special notes. In order for the data to be sufficiently complete, you can describe your state of health, the symptoms that appear, or situations that could be reflected in a change in basal temperature.

If it is not very clear to a woman how to draw up a schedule of basal temperature, then a gynecologist from the antenatal clinic will definitely explain how to do this, and also help to decipher the data received.

Now there are many programs with which you can create an electronic schedule that will always be at hand. In this case, the woman just needs to enter the temperature. The program will do the rest.

Chart decoding

In this method of determining fertility, it is important not only to build, but also to decipher the basal temperature graphs. The norm for each woman is individual. However, there is an approximate view of the graph, which should be obtained if the gonads are working properly. To analyze the resulting curve, you need to build the following elements: overlapping line, ovulation line, duration of the second phase.

The overlapping (middle) line is built over 6 points of the follicular cycle without taking into account the first 5 days and days when the indicators deviated greatly due to external factors. This element has no meaning. But it is necessary for clarity.

The basal body temperature decreases on the day of ovulation, so in order to determine the day for a successful conception, you need to find successive points that are under the overlapping line. In this case, the temperature values ​​of 2 out of 3 points should differ by at least 0.1 °C from the midline, and at least 1 of them should have a difference of 0.2 °C with it. The next day after that, you can observe a jump of the point up by 0.3-0.4 degrees. In this place, you need to draw an ovulation line. If there are difficulties with this method, then you can use the "finger" rule to plot. To do this, it is necessary to exclude all points that differ by 0.2 degrees from the previous or subsequent indicator. And based on the resulting schedule, build an ovulation line.

The basal temperature after ovulation in the anus should be kept above 37 ° C for 2 weeks. Deviations in the duration of the second phase or a small jump in temperature indicate ovarian dysfunction or low productivity of the corpus luteum. If 2 cycles in a row the duration of the second phase does not exceed 10 days, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since this is the main sign of progesterone deficiency of the luteal phase.

The basal temperature chart during ovulation should also correspond to the norm for such a parameter as the temperature difference between the follicular and luteal phases. This indicator should be equal to more than 0.4 ° C.

What does the schedule look like in the presence of ovulation and pathologies

The normal ovulatory schedule consists of two phases. In the first one, an average temperature of 36.5-36.8 °C can be observed for 1-3 weeks, then a drop by 0.2-0.3 °C and a sharp rise to 37 °C and above. In this case, the second part of the schedule should be no shorter than 12-16 days, and before the onset of bleeding, there is a slight decrease in temperature. Graphically it looks like this:

You should also give examples of basal temperature charts in which pathology is traced. The curve in this case will differ from the norm in various ways. If there is, then the temperature jump will be no more than 0.2-0.3 ° C. This condition is fraught with infertility, therefore, it requires an appeal to specialists.

If the second phase on the graph is shorter than 10 days, then this is a clear sign of progesterone deficiency. Usually, there is no decrease in temperature before the onset of menstrual bleeding. In this case, pregnancy is possible, but under the threat of interruption.

If there is a lack of estrogen in a woman's body, then the schedule will be chaotic, strikingly different from the norm. It may also be due to the influence of external factors (flights, excessive alcohol intake, inflammation, etc.).

When the curve does not have sharp jumps in temperature and is a monotonous graph, then this is called This happens in healthy women, but not more than 1-2 times a year. If this is repeated from cycle to cycle, then this may be a sign of infertility.

If, after the second phase, there is no decrease in temperature, then most likely the woman is pregnant.

Deciphering the basal temperature charts, examples of which are presented above, require specialist knowledge. Therefore, you should not independently draw conclusions, diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of the method are its absolute availability, simplicity and complete absence of costs. When the basal temperature chart during ovulation is maintained by a woman regularly, this makes it possible to determine the days of ovulation, recognize early pregnancy in time or detect hormonal abnormalities and consult a gynecologist.

However, there are also downsides to the method. This method is not very accurate due to the individual characteristics of each organism. Here are its main disadvantages:

  • It does not make it possible to predict when the ovulatory phase will come.
  • Does not give accurate information about when ovulation occurred.
  • It does not guarantee, even in the presence of a normal two-phase schedule, that ovulation really took place.
  • Cannot give specific information about the quantitative content of progesterone in the blood.
  • Does not provide data on the normal functioning of the corpus luteum.

In order to know exactly how informative the method is, it is necessary in the first couple of cycles to take blood tests for female hormones and do an ultrasound scan. If the data of the graph and research coincide, then the woman can easily keep a graph of basal temperature. The norm and deviations displayed on the curve, in this case, will correspond to reality.

This method is convenient, simple and does not require financial expenses. If you follow all the rules exactly and know how to decipher the basal temperature chart, then finding out the day of ovulation and planning conception is very easy. However, if there are any deviations from the norm, it is worth contacting a specialist to prevent the development of pathological processes.

Measurement of basal body temperature (BBT or BBT) is a home diagnostic method that allows you to get information about the phase of the menstrual cycle, the approach and onset of ovulation, the state of the hormonal background, confirms pregnancy and gives an idea of ​​the nature of its course. It is also used as natural way contraception. BT is the lowest temperature mark that the body reaches in a state of complete rest, in particular during sleep.

Today, the measurement of basal temperature and the analysis of the graphs obtained during ovulation are rarely used in medical practice. Modern equipment, the availability of ultrasound reduce the relevance of this study. However, the method is suitable for self-control, is easy to use at home. Reviews of women confirm this.

What is the method based on?

The body temperature of a woman depends on many factors, the main of which is the change in the concentration of sex hormones during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, fluctuations can be observed not even by weeks, but by hours and minutes.

  • First phase of the cycle. It is caused by the work of estrogen, under the influence of which the egg matures. During ovulation, levels of these hormones, regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), peak. As a result, a mature egg leaves the follicle for fertilization. An increased concentration of estrogens inhibits metabolic processes. Accordingly, the temperature in the tissues of the pelvic organs decreases.
  • Second phase of the cycle. regulated by progestins. After ovulation, the concentration of these hormones increases and affects the formation of the endometrium. Also, progesterone is responsible for the normal course of the gestation period, for which it received the name “pregnancy hormone”. It stimulates thermoregulatory processes, which causes an increased basal temperature during pregnancy, before menstruation.

By measuring your basal temperature regularly over several months, you can determine how the phases of the menstrual cycle change, when ovulation occurs and the most likely days of conception. And also to find out if it took place.

For this, BT indicators are recorded every day in a special schedule. You can compose it yourself or use separate calendars, electronic applications.

Basal temperature indicators are rather relative, since the concentration of sex hormones is constantly changing in absolute terms. But that doesn't stop this method be one of the most common when planning pregnancy due to its availability and information content. Also, knowing how the basal temperature changes, a woman can calculate the “safe” days for intimacy. Of course, subject to the stability of the cycle.

What does basal temperature show?

BT data are informative not only for the patient, but also for doctors. With the correct interpretation of the basal temperature graph, pregnancy can be determined, as well as:

  • the relative concentration of estrogens and progestogens;
  • approaching and onset of ovulation;
  • deviations in the menstrual cycle;
  • gestation pathology in the 1st trimester:
  • suspicion of infertility;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

6 rules for accurate results

Basal temperature is a very sensitive indicator, it can be affected by various factors. Therefore, the reliability of the conclusions depends only on the accuracy of the measurements. To achieve this, it is necessary to prepare for the construction of a BT schedule. Here are the main recommendations:

  • limit sex - a few hours before measuring BBT;
  • avoid stress- physical and emotional at the time of measurements;
  • follow a diet - it is useful to limit the consumption of salty, fatty, fried foods;
  • rest - before measuring basal temperature, you need to sleep for at least three hours.

It is necessary to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation by adhering to the following six rules.

  1. Measurement frequency. Temperature readings should be recorded every day at the same time, marking them in a special graph (table). BBT measurement before and during menstruation should also be carried out.
  2. Method . BTT is measured rectally - in the rectum. Oral and vaginal methods are not standard for this procedure and do not give accurate results.
  3. Times of Day . The procedure is carried out in the morning. Before her, a woman must be in a state of complete rest (preferably sleep) for at least three hours. If there was a night shift at work the day before, a note should be made, as this may affect the result. It is pointless to conduct research in the evening - it is not informative at this time. Any physical activity should be limited. It is not even recommended to shake the thermometer before taking a measurement. Any activity changes the readings of the basal temperature, so the procedure is carried out at the moment of waking up and before getting out of bed.
  4. Thermometer. Measurements should be carried out with the same thermometer, without changing mercury to electronic and vice versa. The most reliable readings are given by a mercury thermometer. It must be brought down to the minimum mark the night before, so as not to make efforts immediately before the procedure.
  5. Duration. It is acceptable if a woman does not ovulate every month, especially closer to 40 years. Therefore, measurements should be carried out over a long period of time (at least 12 weeks). During pregnancy, it makes sense to measure up to the 2nd trimester, in the 3rd - the hormonal profile "at its discretion" changes the temperature.
  6. Fixing indicators. It is best to mark the result immediately in the graph: since the difference in performance can be tenths of a degree, it is easy to forget or confuse them. As the points-marks of the basal temperature are put down, it is recommended to connect them with each other with lines. The graph should also note any factors that could affect the changes and validity of the data.

BT indicators: normal ...

There are relative norms of basal temperature, according to which it is possible to calculate, without the help of a specialist, what phase the cycle is in and the days of the highest female fertility.

  • First phase (downgrade). Regulated by estrogen. It falls on days 1-13 of the cycle. Immediately after menstruation, the basal body temperature drops to 36.6-36.2°C.
  • Ovulatory phase (oscillations). Peak activity of estrogens, FSH and LH. Lasts up to three days. A day or two on the eve of ovulation, BBT reaches 36.6-36.7 ° C. Basal temperature during ovulation rises by 0.1-0.4 ° C. After the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, the indicator is 37-37.4 ° C.
  • Second phase (upgrade). It is regulated by progesterone and falls on days 16-28 of the cycle. During this period, BT is increased, its indicators vary between 37-37.4°C.

A few days before the onset of menstruation after ovulation, the level of progesterone rapidly decreases and a low basal temperature is again noted (in the range of 36.8-36.6 ° C).

… and deviations

The basal temperature chart is a kind of indicator of a woman's health status. Deviations from the norm of BT indicators may indicate the following.

  • Inflammation . If an elevated basal temperature is recorded before and during menstruation, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • The disadvantage of the second phase. BBT indicators in the luteal phase of the cycle below the norm indicate a progesterone deficiency.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Small deviations (in tenths of a degree), which persist throughout the cycle, may be individual manifestations of the body's work.
  • Offset ovulation. Moving the BBT jump horizontally along the schedule (to the right or left side) indicates early or late ovulation. Only a specialist can judge its success.
  • double ovulation. It is characterized by two peaks of temperature increase. Moreover, the second one is possible in the late second phase, it is superimposed on the main value and therefore it is difficult to notice it.

no ovulation

If the cycle passed without ovulation, there are several options for basal temperature charts.

  • High temperature in the first phase. When in the first half of the cycle the temperature is more than 36.6 ° C, this indicates that the level of estrogen is lowered. They are not enough to keep the temperature down, so the egg cannot mature.
  • Smooth, not rapid rise in temperature. Such dynamics of BT during ovulation indicates the inferiority of the egg, which is why the follicle does not rupture.
  • Sudden drop and then rise in temperature. In the second phase, this indicates that the egg has died.
  • Consistent temperature readings throughout the cycle. The complete absence of a jump in basal temperature indicates the absence of ovulation.

The use of hormonal drugs (for example, Duphaston, oral contraceptives) changes the basal temperature. Jumps depend on what type of hormones were used.

Values ​​during pregnancy

Often women resort to the method of measuring basal temperature in order to increase the chances of conception. Many rely on BBT readings to determine if a pregnancy has taken place and how it is progressing. This method is effective (including with twins, triplets), but only in the early stages - more modern and reliable diagnostic methods are available from the 2nd trimester.

Basal temperature during pregnancy may have the following indicators.

  • Successful pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred, after ovulation, until the delay in menstruation, an increase in basal temperature is observed, which will continue to be kept at a high level. This is due to the influence of progesterone. If menstruation does not occur, and the temperature value has decreased, this indicates a cyclic failure. The norm of basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy is in the range of 37-37.5 ° C.
  • Frozen pregnancy. If the fact of conception is established, but there is a sharp decline BT during early pregnancy, which later remains at the same level, this indicates the death of the embryo.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Most often, in the early stages, such cases do not affect the basal temperature and the schedule corresponds to the developing pregnancy.
  • Risk of miscarriage . Often the cause of a miscarriage is progesterone deficiency, as indicated by a low basal body temperature both before and after the delay. If at the same time spotting appears, you need to sound the alarm and seek medical help.

Many factors can affect the basal temperature chart during pregnancy, so it should only be an auxiliary, and not the main method of monitoring health during this period.