Basic rules of proper nutrition and a healthy menu. The meaning and rules for compiling a regimen with proper nutrition for a healthy person It is necessary to adhere to the regimen of his diet and content

Nutrition plays an important role in human health. Proper nutrition allows a person to feel good, be in a great mood and live long years no problem. The essence of proper nutrition is simple rules and recommendations in your diet every day.

Many people begin to take care of their health only when problems with well-being begin - and this is not right. It is necessary to take care of your health and strengthen it when you are absolutely healthy, so that diseases and problems bypass you. Eating right doesn't mean you have to box yourself in and eat multiple foods. Below you will find 8 basic recommendations for proper nutrition and make sure that a healthy diet is varied, tasty and balanced.

8 basic rules for a healthy diet

Eat vegetables and fruits every day. The basics of proper nutrition - they say that vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and nutrients that the human body needs to healthy lifestyle life. Fiber, which is part of their composition, improves metabolic processes in the human body. A couple of fruits or a couple of vegetables will cost you about 50 rubles, and the benefits you will receive are 10 times more than this amount. Vegetables and fruits are useful for the prevention of many diseases. Fiber maintains a normal level of cholesterol in human blood, normalizes weight, improves the functioning of the digestive tract. In addition, fiber removes toxins from the body and controls the amount of sugar in the blood. Include vegetables and fruits in your proper diet and after a while you will notice how they positively affect your health.

Clean water improves everyone's performance internal organs and not only. Correct Mode Nutrition involves drinking on an empty stomach in the morning 1 glass of water. So you prepare your stomach for the upcoming meal, improve the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Daily to maintain the health of the whole organism, it is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of water. It is necessary to divide this volume into 5 parts. Remember these water nutrition basics, especially when you can drink water. It is necessary to drink water before eating for 15-20 minutes. You do not need to drink during meals, and after 40-60 minutes, after eating, you do not need to drink either. The body of an adult is 65-70%, in children it is 65-70%, and in older people the body is 55-60% water. Water helps fight excess weight, because if you drink 200-300 ml of water 30 minutes before a meal, your appetite will decrease. Sugary carbonated drinks and other unhealthy foods should be reduced to a minimum or eliminated from your diet completely.

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Follow the correct diet. Try to eat 4-5 times a day every day. Thus, you will accelerate your metabolism, you will not stretch your stomach, and you will feel light during the day. It turns out that every 3-4 hours you need to sit down at the table or take pre-prepared food with you and eat where it is convenient for you. Food in containers is convenient during work, leisure, etc., always at hand.

The diet should be balanced every day. Proper nutrition includes a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you lead a normal lifestyle, then the amount of protein per 1 kg of your weight should be 1 gram, carbohydrates 3-4 grams, and fat 0.5-1 g per kilogram of your weight. As a percentage of total calories, it looks like this: proteins 20-30%, carbohydrates 40-50%, fats 10-20%. This ratio will allow you to get enough energy for the whole day, maintain your weight and feel comfortable. For example, if your weight is 70 kg, then to maintain your current weight, you need to eat 70 g of protein, 210-280 grams of carbohydrates, 35-70 grams of fat. If you are losing weight, then increase the calorie content of your diet, if the weight is increasing, then, accordingly, reduce the calorie content of your diet.

Chew your food well. Proper nutrition means not to overload the stomach, but to help it. If you chew food well, then already crushed food enters the gastrointestinal tract, and it is easier to digest and assimilate, and thereby reduce the load on the internal organs. Additionally, you will protect yourself from overeating and from excess body fat. Approximately 15 minutes after eating, the human brain understands whether you are full or not. Therefore, eat slowly, at an average pace at the table.

You should not fast for a long time. Each person has busy everyday life, work, study, training, and it is not always possible to eat on time - and you have to go hungry for 5 hours or more. If you often go hungry, then while eating, your body will take this into account and store food in subcutaneous fat in order to create a reserve when you are starving. Thus, a person can collect excess weight, namely fat. Metabolism is disturbed, the condition worsens with frequent hunger strikes. Try to take food in containers with you and do not starve. Then your weight will be normal, and your metabolism will be good.

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Don't get distracted while eating. Do not train yourself to eat while watching TV, laptop, etc. While eating, your brain and stomach should focus on the food. So your digestive system will work better and food will be better and faster digested and assimilated. Eat calmly, do not rush. Rush in proper nutrition nothing.

Proper nutrition includes separating incompatible foods according to chemical composition. Some scientists believe that you can not eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, and it should be separated in your diet. During the digestion of protein foods, an acidic environment is needed, and during the digestion of carbohydrate foods, an alkaline environment. Protein products, this is fish; chicken; bird; cottage cheese 0-2%; milk 0.5-1%; eggs without yolks, legumes, nuts and others. Carbohydrates predominate in rice, buckwheat, cereals, cereals, durum pasta, wholemeal bread, and others.

  1. Breakfast is the most important trick food. Proper nutrition means that in the morning the human body receives a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for a good energy boost for the whole day. It is advisable to eat porridge every day in the morning. Proteins of animal origin are also necessary, you can include cottage cheese, milk, eggs without yolks, chicken or fish fillet.
  2. Lunch - during lunch, the body got hungry, because about 3-5 hours have passed since breakfast. It is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates and proteins of animal origin. From carbohydrates, you can eat rice, buckwheat, durum pasta. From proteins, you can chicken, fish, lean meat. So you get enough nutrients until evening.
  3. Afternoon snack - for an afternoon snack, eat a light fruit salad or fruit separately.
  4. Dinner - dinner should be light, contain products of protein origin and complex carbohydrates preferably vegetables. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. If hunger torments, then 1 hour before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir 0.5-1% fat.

Healthy food

Proper nutrition includes the following foods:

Animal proteins:

  • Curd 0-2%
  • Milk 0.5-1%
  • Kefir 0-1%
  • Chicken fillet
  • Fish fillet
  • Lean meat (pork, beef)
  • Turkey fillet
  • Chicken eggs without yolks

Complex carbohydrates in foods:

  • Rice (brown)
  • Buckwheat
  • Durum macaroni
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Lentils

Vegetable proteins:

  • Beans
  • Peas

Products with vegetable fat and Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Seafood
  • Vegetable oils
  • Olives
  • Corn
  • Pine nuts
  • Walnut
  • Peanut

Foods rich in vitamins and fiber:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

Harmful food

Proper nutrition excludes the following foods:

Animal fats:

  • fat meat
  • fat milk
  • fatty cheeses
  • egg yolks
  • fast food (fast food)
  • Chips
  • sausages
  • Sausage
  • Mayonnaise

Simple carbohydrates:

  • sugar
  • chocolates
  • cakes
  • cakes
  • buns
  • baking
  • White bread

Other junk food:

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The concept of diet includes: the amount and time of eating during the day; distribution of the daily ration according to energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight for breakfast, lunch; the intervals between meals and the time spent on it.
The human body is complex. The equilibrium of this system, which is under constant influence external environment, is what we call health. An important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body is played by the diet.
Correct diet extremely important for our body. This means not only that meals should take place at the same time, but the foods that we consume must be correctly distributed throughout the day in terms of calories, volume and their chemical properties.
The most optimal diet is considered four meals a day. With this mode, the intervals between the main meals are about 4-5 hours. Due to this, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is uniform, and the food is completely digested and well absorbed.
How to distribute food throughout the day? With four meals a day, breakfast and dinner should be about 25% of the daily diet, lunch - 35%, and afternoon tea or lunch - 15%. In this case, dinner should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Unfortunately, not everyone can eat four times a day, most often we eat three times a day. With three meals a day, the caloric content of the diet should be distributed in this way: for breakfast 30%, for lunch 40-50%, for dinner 20-25% of the daily diet. At the same time, it is important to avoid long breaks between meals (maximum 6 hours).
For breakfast and lunch, it is best to eat protein foods (meat, fish, bean dishes) that increase the excitability of the central nervous system. It is best to start with salads or snacks, they whet the appetite. Meat, fish, mushroom broths and, to a lesser extent, vegetable broths stimulate the production of gastric juice, but fats, on the contrary, reduce it, so you should not start eating with them.
Dinner is recommended 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is best if there are dairy, fruit and vegetable, cereal dishes on your table in the evening. They do not overload the work of the organs of the food system. It is also worth excluding hot spices, coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate and other products that stimulate nervous system. Overeating and hunger impair sleep.
The temperature of hot dishes should be 55-62 °, cold - not lower than 12 ° C.

It would be strange to assume that the diet should be the same for everyone. Each person has his own preferences, his own preferences, his own routine of life, after all. Often we eat not when we feel hungry, but when we have time. What kind of diet should be followed? To get started, try to follow the basic rules of nutrition.
First and perhaps most important: eat when you feel hungry. Only the physical need for food is a real indicator that it's time to eat. The clock hands are not a reason to grab a fork and a spoon, unless, of course, you are in this moment don't feel hungry. Note that appetite is not the same as hunger. Learn to distinguish true hunger from appetite and stick to this rule.
Second: do not eat shortly before, after, or during mental or physical exertion. Eating is a big deal for the body, so you should not distract it with other activities - let it cope with one 100% than with a few by half. After hard work, it will be more correct to relax, and it is best to sleep.
Third: always chew your food thoroughly. Well-chewed food is digested faster and better. Much more energy is spent on food swallowed in pieces. Keep this in mind and save your energy.
Fourth: do not drink food with water. Drink water 10-15 minutes before meals. This is due to the fact that the water that has entered the stomach leaves it after 10 minutes, taking with it the diluted gastric juice, as a result, digestion is difficult. Food taken with water is badly chewed and swallowed unready for digestion.

Here are the basic rules that must be observed while eating. As for the optimal meal schedule, there can be no exact guidelines that satisfy everyone. You can get up at sunrise, have breakfast, and this can be convenient, and most importantly, useful, especially if your working day starts in an hour and a half. And it is not at all necessary to wake up neither light nor dawn, to eat, simply because it is “time” to have breakfast. It will be better if you get enough sleep, gain strength, get up and only then, feeling hungry, start eating. It will be better for you and for your stomach.
Don't chase an hourly meal plan. If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself. Food eaten for the future gives nothing but heaviness, poor health and bad mood. By the way, the diet can change throughout life - and this is logical, because you are not a robot. A person is not programmed: he cannot consume the same amount of food at the same time every day. Eat when you need it, when you are hungry. Eat properly, slowly, savoring every bite, enjoying its taste, then you will be able to appreciate the charm of food and the efforts of the cook. And the question of what kind of diet you follow, you can always answer - natural.

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Olesya 16:57 05.03.2012
very good, simple and clear written)

concept diet quite broad and includes the following components:

  1. The number of meals or frequency of meals.
  2. The time of meals and the intervals between them.
  3. Diet distribution according to energy value(calorie content), chemical composition, by weight and food set for individual meals.
  4. A person's behavior or behavior while eating.

The number of meals and the intervals between them

The earliest people, due to failures in hunting, ate about three to four times a week.

The ancient Greeks, like the ancient Romans, adhered to two meals a day.

As time went on, the number of meals increased. For the first time, breakfast appeared with noble ladies who took chocolate in bed.

The practice of feeding rest homes, sanatoriums, pioneer camps uses four meals a day.


Different nutrition systems and programs may offer two, three, and four meals a day.

A little about rational nutrition

In this case, we will consider a rational diet, which is based on the principles of balance and calorie theory.

The word "rational" in translation from Latin means science, reason, there are also such meanings as accounting, counting, counting. Rational nutrition is a scientifically based, precisely calculated supply of food to a person, enhances the body's resistance to the effects of toxic substances and infections.

The principles on which rational nutrition is based:

  1. The timeliness of the intake of substances into the human body that are needed to compensate for the energy costs of a person. To control the replenishment of energy, knowledge of the level of energy consumption and the energy value of the diet is necessary.
  2. Qualitative usefulness of products, when the body receives in sufficient quantities the main food ingredients - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  3. The optimal ratio of basic nutrients - the above.

Four meals for healthy person considered the most rational.

Proper diet: number of meals

Power multiplicity or number of meals affects the body's metabolism. Factors to consider when determining the frequency of meals:

  • age;
  • labor activity (mental, physical labor);
  • the state of the human body;
  • work schedule.

Benefits of multiple meals (four meals a day):

  • The most complete food processing.
  • Better digestion of food.
  • The highest absorption of nutrients.
  • Maintaining the constancy of the internal environment due to the timely receipt of vital substances in the body.
  • Ensuring a better outflow of bile.
  • Disadvantages of two meals a day with a large interval between meals (up to 7 hours or more)

    Rare meals cause an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, contribute to the accumulation of body fat, reduce the active work of the thyroid gland and tissue enzymes.

    In most cases, a person immediately eats a large amount of food, as a result, the stomach overflows, stretches its walls, restricts mobility, and, therefore, worsens the mixing of the contents and its processing with juices, the process of evacuating food from the stomach is slow.

    Stretching the organ can adversely affect the functioning of the heart. A full stomach raises the diaphragm, complicating cardiac activity.

    In the first hours of digestion, a large food load inhibits the work of the gastric glands, reduces the secretion of juice and lengthens the digestion period. Chronic overeating leads to obesity.

    In addition, taking a large amount of food can provoke a strong contraction of the muscles of the biliary tract and significant pain in this area.

    In addition, due to the fact that an excess amount of blood fills the internal organs, the functional state of the brain blood becomes worse. Therefore, efficiency decreases, weakness and drowsiness appear.

    Also, rare meals, when the breaks between them reach 8-10 hours, worsen the rhythmic activity of the intestines, leading to constipation.

    Proper diet: intervals between meals

    The duration of the intervals is determined by the period of time that is sufficient for the digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

    Large breaks in food can provoke:

    • overexcitation of the food center;
    • the release of a large volume of gastric juice, which has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of an empty stomach and can lead to inflammation. If spasmodic contractions of the vessels of the stomach occur, damage to the organ is possible.

    The intensity of the synthesis of digestive juices significantly decreases in the first hours after a meal, by the 2nd hour it is restored, by the 4th hour it becomes maximum. For this reason, eating earlier than two hours after the previous meal is not advisable.

    During short intervals, there is not enough time for the full process of digestion and absorption of nutrients to the next meal. This can cause a disorder of the motor and secretory work of the digestive canal.

    In addition, the following factor is important. A healthy stomach is a muscular bag that can stretch and contract. However, he lacks the ability to grab food, turn it over and process it with juices if there is not a certain amount of it. Therefore, the statement “eat more often and little by little” in the absence of pathologies of the digestive tract is not true.

    The most optimal intervals between meals for an adult healthy person are four to six hour intervals. In addition, the digestive glands need rest for 6-10 hours per day, when the ability of the digestive organs to normal work for the next day is restored.

    The temperature regime of food

    In order for the digestion process to be carried out properly, it is important temperature regime food. The temperature of hot food should be no higher than 50 - 60 degrees, cold - no lower than 10 degrees.

    Regularity and eating disorders

    The regularity of eating at the same time is extremely important. A conditioned reflex of appetite excitation to the time factor is formed. By a certain time, a feeling of hunger arises, which excites the food center and triggers the reflex secretion of gastric juice. clear, organized, correct diet is the most beneficial for digestion and absorption. In most cases, two to three days is a sufficient period for the body to adapt to the diet. In some situations, it is difficult to strictly observe the regime, there may be some deviations from the usual hours of eating - optimal - within 30 minutes.

    In case of violations diet the conditioned reflex begins to fade. Food enters the stomach, which is not prepared for digestion. This affects the food center - appetite decreases and the food mass is poorly absorbed. Irregular and erratic nutrition perverts the physiological rhythms of the digestive glands, reduces digestibility and in some cases provokes the development of diseases - gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.

    If the choice is made in favor of one or the other human diet, it is necessary to strictly observe it, since sudden changes in nutrition, nutritional stresses are not indifferent to the body.

    Diet includes frequency of meals, distribution of food by individual methods,intervals between them, meal times. An optimal diet ensures the rhythm and efficiency of the digestive system, normal digestion and assimilation of food, a high level of metabolism, good performance, etc.

    Frequency of meals. In modern conditions, the most physiologically justified 4 -x single diet. 1 or 2 meals a day is unacceptable. Studies have shown that a large amount of food consumed at one time adversely affects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion is disturbed, health, heart function, work capacity worsen, obesity, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, etc.

    Distribution of the daily ration with 4 meals a day: breakfast - 25%, 2nd breakfast - 15%, lunch - 35%, dinner - 25%. If necessary, the second breakfast is transferred to an afternoon snack. Considering various conditions work and study, three meals a day are allowed: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 45%, dinner - 25%.

    Intervals between meals should not exceed 4-5 hours. Long breaks can lead to overexcitation of the food center, the release of a large amount of active gastric juice, which, coming into contact with the mucous membrane of an empty stomach, can have an irritating effect, up to inflammation (gastritis). Short intervals between meals are also inappropriate, because. the food taken does not have time to be completely digested and assimilated by the time of the next meal, which can lead to a violation of the motor and excretory functions of the digestive tract.

    Fixed meal times is important, because allows the digestive organs to adapt to the established regimen and to secrete at certain hours a sufficient amount of digestive juices of high activity and rich in enzymes. With any diet, the last meal should be taken 2.5-3 hours before bedtime, because. the digestive organs need rest. The continuous work of the secretory systems causes a decrease in the digestive power of the juice, reduces its separation, leads to overstrain and exhaustion of the digestive glands. To restore the normal activity of the digestive glands, 8-10 hours of rest are needed every day.

    Lecture 11 Principles of rationing nutrients and caloric content of the daily diet depending on gender Physiological nutritional norms for certain population groups

    The most important section of nutrition is the substantiation of the physiological needs for nutrients and energy for various population groups - physiological nutritional norms (hereinafter referred to as Norms). The substantiation of the Norms involves World Organization health care and specialists of individual countries who develop national nutritional standards. When characterizing these norms, the following are taken into account.

    1. Nutritional standards are based on the basic principles of rational (healthy) nutrition, in particular, on the doctrine of balanced diet. They are average values ​​reflecting the energy and nutrient requirements of various population groups.

    2. Nutritional standards are the basis for the following work:

      planning the production and consumption of food products;

      estimates of food reserves;

      Development of social protection measures that ensure health;

      organization of food and control over it in collectives (in the army, children's institutions, schools, etc.);

      assessment of individual nutrition and its correction;

      nutrition research

    3. Nutritional norms are periodically (approximately every 10-15 years) reviewed, since ideas about the needs of a person and certain groups of the population for energy and nutrients are not exhaustive. The revision of nutritional standards is dictated by changes in living conditions and the nature of the work of the population of different countries.

    4. Nutritional standards are not designed for an individual, but for large groups of people united by sex, age, nature of work and other factors. Therefore, the recommended average nutrient and energy requirements may or may not be the same as those of specific person, taking into account its individual characteristics of metabolism, body weight and lifestyle. Differences between the recommended consumption rates and the need for them for a particular person can average 20-25%. Therefore, there are many healthy people who consume less or more food than calculated according to the norms. However, the body of many people is able to adapt to this within certain limits. For example, with a lack of iron, calcium or magnesium in the diet and the resulting deficiency in the body, absorption from the intestines of these substances increases, and with insufficient energy intake from food, its consumption to ensure the vital activity of the body decreases due to basal metabolism and heat production. If the adaptive mechanisms of the body are exhausted and cannot cope with inadequate nutrition, then eating disorders of the body develop, including alimentary diseases.

    5. In many countries, including Russia, food labeling includes information about nutritional value product compared to recommended dietary allowances for a conventional average person. Such "super-average" nutritional standards are also used on the packaging of vitamins, minerals, biologically active additives.

    Currently, Russia has nutritional standards developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and approved by the Ministry of Health in 1991. These standards are the result of the revision of the 1982 standards and are also subject to revision.

    Nutrition standards are state normative document, which determines the magnitude of the optimal needs for energy and nutrients for various contingents of the population of the Russian Federation. The values ​​recommended in the Code are based on scientific data from physiology, biochemistry, food hygiene and other branches of medicine.

    The current Nutrition Standards are provided for: children and adolescents, adults, the elderly and old people, pregnant and lactating women. They include physiological needs for energy and basic nutrients depending on gender, age, body weight, nature of work, physiological state of the body, climatic conditions.

    The entire adult working-age population is divided into five groups according to the degree of physical activity due to professional activity:

    1st group - predominantly knowledge workers (very light physical activity);

    2nd group- people engaged in light work (light physical activity);

    3rd group - workers engaged in moderate labor (average physical activity);

    4th group- people engaged in heavy physical labor (high physical activity);

    5th group - people engaged in especially hard physical labor (very high physical activity);

    Each of the physical activity groups is divided by gender into three age categories: 18-29, 30-39, 40-59 years. The division by sex is due to the lower body weight and less intense metabolism in women compared to men. Therefore, the need for energy and nutrients in women of all ages and professional groups lower than in men. The exception is the need for iron, which is higher in women of childbearing age than in men. For women, there is no 5th group, which includes professions with particularly heavy physical exertion.

    When determining nutritional standards for the population aged 18-60 years, 70 kg for men and 60 kg for women were taken as the average normal body weight.

    Nutritional standards provide for a division into three climatic zones - central, northern and southern. The energy requirement of the inhabitants of the northern zone is higher than that of the inhabitants of the central zone by 10-15%, which should be provided by increasing the consumption of fats and, to a lesser extent, protein and carbohydrates. For the southern zone, compared to the central zone, the energy requirement is reduced by 5% due to a decrease in the proportion of fats replaced by carbohydrates.

    Table 13 shows the average daily physiological need of a person for nutrients and energy of a conventional average person. Currently, these values ​​are taken into account when labeling data on the nutritional value of food products.

    Proper diet

    No matter how large the variety of factors included in the concept of diet, they all obey certain rules - these rules define such a thing as a proper diet. A proper diet is a regime that ensures the most efficient functioning of the digestive system of the body, contributes to the most optimal metabolism Metabolism: the basis of the life of all living things and the assimilation of food. Good health largely depends on the correct diet, but an improper diet can cause a number of rather unpleasant health problems, primarily from the digestive system. Improper diet leads to a variety of digestive disorders, bloating. Bloating - if you are bursting from the inside, an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, overeating and, in general, feeling unwell.

    The most adequate diet for adults is considered to be three or four meals a day, and the time interval between meals should be at least four to five hours - it is during this period that the contents of the stomach are completely digested. Another option for a normal diet is three main meals a day and several "snacks", in such cases the interval between meals is two to three hours. Eating more than once every two hours is not recommended by nutritionists, since such a diet can disrupt natural digestive rhythms.

    Diet and amount of food

    The diet determines, in particular, the amount of food that a person should eat at a time. The correct diet implies an adequate portion size - they should not be too small or, conversely, too large. Too much food consumed at one time reduces a person’s performance, provokes a feeling of drowsiness, lethargy, and does not allow maximum concentration on work. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of dishes: "heavy" food - in particular, fatty fried foods- digested longer and harder, providing extra work stomach

    Breakfast lunch and dinner

    The correct diet largely depends on what kind of food a person eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast, provided for by a normal diet, should consist of those foods that provide maximum energy and provide a feeling of satiety for a sufficiently long period. From this point of view, fruits and vegetables are especially useful as one of the main components of breakfast: the fiber found in fresh fruits and vegetables is not only good for the health of the digestive system as a whole, but also quickly provides a feeling of satiety and suppresses hunger for a long time. Lunch is about a third of all calories a person should consume during the day. So that lunch does not affect performance, it is recommended to exclude poorly digested food from the lunch menu. And the dinner menu should not include those foods that can potentially disrupt digestion and normal sleep Therefore, for dinner it is better not to eat fatty fried foods, a large amount of fiber.

    Diet: strictly individual

    No matter how strict the rules that determine the correctness of the diet may seem, in fact, the diet for each person is purely individual and should be developed taking into account individual characteristics. Diet is influenced by the most different factors- from the place of residence (hot climate, for example, suppresses appetite) to the individual biorhythm of a person. If some people have an increased activity of the digestive system in the first half of the day (such people need a hearty breakfast for normal functioning during the day), then others have it in the afternoon, so they need a light breakfast and a more hearty dinner.

    Fundamentals of nutrition for a healthy and sick person


    The concept of "diet" includes:

    • 1) the number of meals during the day (the frequency of meals);
    • 2) the distribution of the daily ration according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into separate meals;
    • 3) the time of meals during the day;
    • 4) intervals between meals;
    • 5) the time spent on eating.

    Proper diet ensures the efficiency of the digestive system, the normal absorption of food and the course of metabolism, and good health. For healthy people, 3-4 meals a day with 4-5 hour intervals are recommended. 4 meals a day is most conducive to mental and physical work. Intervals between small meals can be 2-3 hours. Eating earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal is not advisable. Eating in the intervals between the main meals "interrupts" the appetite and disrupts the rhythmic activity of the digestive organs. With fast food, food is poorly chewed and crushed, insufficiently processed by saliva. This leads to an excessive load on the stomach, deterioration of digestion and assimilation of food. When eating in a hurry, the feeling of fullness comes more slowly, which contributes to overeating. The duration of the meal during lunch is at least 30 minutes. In the first hour after taking a heavy meal, drowsiness occurs, working capacity decreases. Therefore, during a break in work, the food consumed should not exceed 35% of the energy value and mass of the daily diet, and should not include indigestible meals (fatty meat, legumes, etc.). Dinner should not contain foods that burden the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, causing increased gas formation, bloating (flatulence) and nocturnal secretion of the stomach (fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, extractives, sodium chloride - table salt). The last meal should be taken no later than 1½ - 2 hours before bedtime. It should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, fermented milk drinks, fruits, juices, bakery products.

    Systematic violations of the diet (dry food, rare and plentiful meals, erratic food, etc.) impair metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis. A large meal at night increases the possibility (serves as a risk factor) of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer and other diseases.

    In the considered basic requirements for the diet, changes can be made taking into account the nature and time (shift work) of work, climate, and individual characteristics of a person. At high air temperatures, appetite decreases, the secretion of the digestive glands is inhibited, and the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. Under these conditions, it is possible to increase the energy value of breakfast and dinner, and reduce the energy value of lunch to 25-30% of the daily one. It has been established that the need for food intake is associated with the individual characteristics of the daily biorhythm of body functions. In most people, an increase in the level of these functions is observed in the first half of the day (" morning type"). These people normally perceive a hearty breakfast. In other people, the level of body functions is lowered in the morning, it rises in the afternoon. For them, a hearty breakfast and dinner should be shifted to later hours.

    In sick people, the diet may vary depending on the nature of the disease and the type of medical procedures. The Ministry of Health has established for medical and preventive and sanatorium institutions at least 4 meals a day. The same regime is desirable in sanatoriums. Eating 5-6 times a day is necessary for exacerbation of peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, circulatory failure, condition after gastric resection, in postoperative period etc. With frequent, fractional meals, a more even distribution of the energy value of the diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner is necessary. With 4 meals a light 2nd dinner is more desirable than an afternoon snack, since the night break between meals should not exceed 10-11 hours. With 5 meals, an additional 2nd breakfast or afternoon snack is included, with 6 meals a day - both of these meals food. Some patients may receive a small amount of food at night (in the case of "hungry" night pain with peptic ulcer). Patients who have a fever in the evening and feel worse should receive at least 70% of the daily energy value in the morning-day hours. In hot weather, you can increase the energy value of dinner by 5-10% at the expense of lunch. An approximate distribution of the energy content of daily rations in hospitals is presented in Table 29.

    Features of the diet in sanatoriums are associated with drinking mineral waters and balneological (mineral and sea baths) procedures. Balneological and mud procedures are better tolerated 2-3 hours after a meal, somewhat worse - on an empty stomach and worst of all - after a meal, especially a massive one (worse after lunch than after breakfast). Thus, an interval between meals and treatments or a reduction in the amount of food eaten prior to treatments is desirable. Therefore, at balneological resorts, the 1st breakfast before taking the procedures should be light - 5-10% of the energy value of the diet (tea, bun), and the 2nd breakfast should be 20-25% of the energy value of the diet. The diet in sanatoriums can be either 4 or 5-6 meals a day. It depends on the profile of the sanatorium and local conditions. For example, in sanatoriums for diseases of the digestive system, 5-6 meals should be organized.

    In sanatoriums and dietary canteens, it is necessary to link the regimes of work and nutrition. In the "Recommendations on the principles of organizing dietary (therapeutic) nutrition at the place of work, study and residence of the population in the system Catering"(data by the ministries of trade and health of the USSR, respectively, 17. 12. 79 and 24. 01. 80 and the Department of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions for State Social Insurance on 11. 02. 80) gives an approximate distribution of dietary rations with a 4-time diet (Table 30). These recommendations are also applicable in sanatoriums.

    Diet includes frequency of meals, distribution of food by individual methods,intervals between them, meal times. An optimal diet ensures the rhythm and efficiency of the digestive system, normal digestion and assimilation of food, a high level of metabolism, good performance, etc.

    Frequency of meals. In modern conditions, the most physiologically justified - x single diet. 1 or 2 meals a day is unacceptable. Studies have shown that a large amount of food consumed at one time adversely affects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion is disturbed, health, heart function, work capacity worsen, obesity, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, etc.

    Distribution of the daily ration with 4 meals a day: breakfast - 25%, 2nd breakfast - 15%, lunch - 35%, dinner - 25%. If necessary, the second breakfast is transferred to an afternoon snack. Given the different conditions of work and study, three meals a day are allowed: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 45%, dinner - 25%.

    Intervals between meals should not exceed 4-5 hours. Long breaks can lead to overexcitation of the food center, the release of a large amount of active gastric juice, which, coming into contact with the mucous membrane of an empty stomach, can have an irritating effect, up to inflammation (gastritis). Short intervals between meals are also inappropriate, because. the food taken does not have time to be completely digested and assimilated by the time of the next meal, which can lead to a violation of the motor and excretory functions of the digestive tract.

    Fixed meal times is important, because allows the digestive organs to adapt to the established regimen and to secrete at certain hours a sufficient amount of digestive juices of high activity and rich in enzymes. With any diet, the last meal should be taken 2.5-3 hours before bedtime, because. the digestive organs need rest. The continuous work of the secretory systems causes a decrease in the digestive power of the juice, reduces its separation, leads to overstrain and exhaustion of the digestive glands. To restore the normal activity of the digestive glands, 8-10 hours of rest are needed every day.

    The most important section of nutrition is the substantiation of the physiological needs for nutrients and energy for various population groups - physiological nutritional norms (hereinafter referred to as Norms). The World Health Organization and specialists from individual countries who develop national nutrition standards are involved in the justification of the Norms. When characterizing these norms, the following are taken into account.

    1. Nutritional norms are based on the basic principles of rational (healthy) nutrition, in particular, on the doctrine of balanced nutrition. They are average values ​​reflecting the energy and nutrient requirements of various population groups.

    2. Nutritional standards are the basis for the following work:

      planning the production and consumption of food products;

      estimates of food reserves;

      Development of social protection measures that ensure health;

      organization of food and control over it in collectives (in the army, children's institutions, schools, etc.);

      assessment of individual nutrition and its correction;

      nutrition research

    3. Nutritional norms are periodically (approximately every 10-15 years) reviewed, since ideas about the needs of a person and certain groups of the population for energy and nutrients are not exhaustive. The revision of nutritional standards is dictated by changes in living conditions and the nature of the work of the population of different countries.

    4. Nutritional standards are not designed for an individual, but for large groups of people united by sex, age, nature of work and other factors. Therefore, the recommended average values ​​of the need for nutrients and energy may or may not coincide with those of a particular person, taking into account his individual characteristics of metabolism, body weight and lifestyle. Differences between the recommended consumption rates and the need for them for a particular person can average 20-25%. Therefore, there are many healthy people who consume less or more food than calculated according to the norms. However, the body of many people is able to adapt to this within certain limits. For example, with a lack of iron, calcium or magnesium in the diet and the resulting deficiency in the body, absorption from the intestines of these substances increases, and with insufficient energy intake from food, its consumption to ensure the vital activity of the body decreases due to basal metabolism and heat production. If the adaptive mechanisms of the body are exhausted and cannot cope with inadequate nutrition, then eating disorders of the body develop, including alimentary diseases.

    5. In many countries, including Russia, the labeling of food products includes information about the nutritional value of the product in comparison with the recommended nutritional norms for a conditional average person. Such "super-average" nutritional standards are also used on the packaging of vitamins, minerals, biologically active additives.

    Currently, Russia has nutritional standards developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and approved by the Ministry of Health in 1991. These standards are the result of the revision of the 1982 standards and are also subject to revision.

    Nutrition standards are a state regulatory document that determines the magnitude of the optimal needs for energy and nutrients for various contingents of the population of the Russian Federation. The values ​​recommended in the Code are based on scientific data from physiology, biochemistry, food hygiene and other branches of medicine.

    The current Nutrition Standards are provided for: children and adolescents, adults, the elderly and old people, pregnant and lactating women. They include physiological needs for energy and basic nutrients depending on gender, age, body weight, nature of work, physiological state of the body, climatic conditions.

    The entire adult working-age population is divided into five groups according to the degree of physical activity due to professional activity:

    1st group - predominantly knowledge workers (very light physical activity);

    2nd group- people engaged in light work (light physical activity);

    3rd group - workers engaged in moderate labor (average physical activity);

    4th group- people engaged in heavy physical labor (high physical activity);

    5th group - people engaged in especially hard physical labor (very high physical activity);

    Each of the physical activity groups is divided by gender into three age categories: 18-29, 30-39, 40-59 years. The division by sex is due to the lower body weight and less intense metabolism in women compared to men. Therefore, the need for energy and nutrients in women of all age and professional groups is lower than in men. The exception is the need for iron, which is higher in women of childbearing age than in men. For women, there is no 5th group, which includes professions with particularly heavy physical exertion.

    When determining nutritional standards for the population aged 18-60 years, 70 kg for men and 60 kg for women were taken as the average normal body weight.

    Nutritional standards provide for a division into three climatic zones - central, northern and southern. The energy requirement of the inhabitants of the northern zone is higher than that of the inhabitants of the central zone by 10-15%, which should be provided by increasing the consumption of fats and, to a lesser extent, protein and carbohydrates. For the southern zone, compared to the central zone, the energy requirement is reduced by 5% due to a decrease in the proportion of fats replaced by carbohydrates.

    Table 13 shows the average daily physiological need of a person for nutrients and energy of a conventional average person. Currently, these values ​​are taken into account when labeling data on the nutritional value of food products.

    Table 13

    Great value for physical health as well as a good thought process has a normal regular meals. Here immediately arises interest Ask about the optimal mode of eating foods. Today, social conditions dictate the right attitude to one's health.

    Experts have long recognized that regular nutrition has a beneficial effect on the body. If the meal schedule is disturbed, then the digestive organs cease to function normally. Even the mood from this state of affairs worsens. The frantic rhythm of life makes us turn a blind eye to maintaining health. A large number of bad habits they lure workaholics into their nets who do not have the opportunity to stop for a minute and think about things not related to work.

    In general, the correct ordering of the flow of food entering the stomach leads to good results. rhythmic and effective work will be provided only by digestion, which is built according to a certain system. Universal remedy in this situation does not exist, since each person is individual. Here it is necessary to take into account both age, and gender and the specifics of the activity. Diet promotes the secretion of saliva, digestive juices.

    Pledge healthy eating- this is not only the distribution of products over time, but also accounting for calorie content, the duration of meals, and the intervals between meals. All the energy that helps us move and live comes from food. The body maintains a certain body temperature right job internal organs, metabolic processes.

    Most importantly, the diet allows you to protect the body from overeating. You should always consume as much food as you need to satisfy your hunger. Eating too much leads to obesity, ulcers, and more serious complications such as heart disease.

    How to make a diet

    Calorie content of food should be considered with national characteristics and traditions. If the diet is about three times a day, and energy costs do not go beyond the usual norms, then special attention should be paid to eating during breakfast.

    Breakfast must always be hearty. It should contain 40 percent of all calories a person takes in a day. 'Cause all the power to work for the day human body draws from breakfast. Lunch is the main moment of eating, it should contain about 40 percent of calories from daily allowance. It is easy to calculate that the remaining 20 percent of the total daily allowance is allocated for dinner. If you switch to four meals a day, then 10 percent of breakfast and lunch just need to be taken for an afternoon snack. Each meal should be chewed thoroughly for 25 minutes.

    The diet should be such that a person's performance does not decrease after meals. With the exclusion of useful substances from the name of the products consumed in food, apathy and fatigue appear. That's why it's so important to include different products in your daily diet. During the adoption of meat, fish and dairy products, the body receives protein. Such substances are necessary for the creation of new body cells and the maintenance of existing ones. Vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps to remove acids, speed up the process of removing toxins.

    Carbohydrates are no less important for the normal functioning of all vital systems. You should eat bread, pasta, brown rice, mushrooms. To prevent obesity, you need to count the total number of calories consumed per day.

    The liquid helps to cleanse the body. Carbonated drinks can cause some discomfort. Drinking liquids during a meal does not have negative effects.

    There are rules for healthy eating that affect the quality of meals.

    • First, you should strictly adhere to the diet. Only a systematic approach will give good results. The body will get used to the fact that food arrives at a certain time, after which it will be ready for its most efficient processing.
    • Secondly, you should not take food during the breaks between meals. The proper interval is at least four hours. If you take food with various snacks, then the digestive system will begin to work incorrectly and malfunction, as it will be loaded all day.
    • Thirdly, you should eat only when you are hungry. In order not to be deceived once again, you need to take 200 grams of water inside 30 minutes before the start of the meal. Here you get rid of unnecessary calories.
    • Fourth, you should not eat food when you are indisposed, have a fever, or have other physical weaknesses. It is better to replace food with water. The food taken during illness will take away the body's resources to fight.