Church of Demetrius of Rostov

The wooden Church of the Praise of the Virgin with a chapel of St. Demetrius of Rostov was built in 1711-1717. Twenty years later, a stone church was built, which at first was a manor. In 1934 the wooden temple was destroyed and the stone one was closed. Partially restored in the 1970s. In 1992 it was re-consecrated.



  • Icon of St. Dimitry of Rostov
  • Ark with relics of saints

Address, phones and directions

Driving directions from the site

Schedule: Sun. and holiday. Liturgy at 9 a.m., All-Night Vigil at 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Matins and Liturgy at 8 o'clock. Announcements are held.

Address: st. General Dorokhov, 17

Directions: M. "Kuntsevskaya", author. 11, m. "South-West" bus. 226, 699, m. "Teply Stan", author. 781, plat. "Ochakovo" (Kyiv railway station).

nearest metro:

  • Metro station "Kuntsevskaya"
  • Metro "Yugo-Zapadnaya"
  • Platform "Ochakovo, from the Kyiv railway station."


Rector - Priest Dimitry Ivanov.

Attention! Information on the composition of the clergy and the schedule of services may be out of date.
If you have additional information about the composition of the clergy of the temple, about changes in the schedule of services, about the history of the temple, about upcoming and past events in the parish, about shrines and icons of the temple, about options for getting to the temple, etc. - please let them know in

It often happens that there is not a single temple in the city for a whole block. But in Moscow there is a church around which there is not a single residential building and there is not a single house at all! Church of Demetrius of Rostov in Ochakovo. Church in the middle of the industrial zone.

Church of Demetrius of Rostov in Ochakovo

This is a thermal power plant on General Dorokhov Street. Left, right, front and back too: roads, warehouses and former factories. Everything is truly dead, iron and concrete.

And suddenly, like a small miracle - in the middle of this industrial - the ancient temple of Demetrius of Rostov in Ochakovo. Like a blade of grass in the middle of asphalt.

How did he get here?

Temple in Ochakovo: history

Now Ochakovo is one of the districts in the south-west of Moscow - not far from Michurinsky Prospekt. Nearby - the platform of the same name of the Kyiv direction railway.

But once Ochakovo was a large village in which there were two churches and which passed from one owner to another - many times.

IN Soviet time Of the two churches, only this one survived: Demetrius of Rostov. It was built in 1759.

The communists closed it, and there was a vegetable warehouse:

The church in Ochakovo, like most churches in the country, was reopened in the early 90s. By this time, this part of the district - General Dorokhov Street - had long ceased to be a residential place. Factories, warehouses. Many residents of Ochakovo (“on the other side of the railway”) did not even know that there was a temple next to them. And in the 90s and 2000s, everyone went to - which is located much further, near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, and which, it was believed, was the only one in the entire endless sleeping district.

But no - it turns out, much closer, right in Ochakovo, there is also a church:

Quiet area.

Friday morning, Great Lent. Service. Weekday. But there are parishioners in the church! In many busier areas, there are not so many people who come to the temple on weekdays:

Who are these people, where did they come from, if there is no house around for a kilometer? A woman in a church shop at the temple says: “Inhabitants of Ochakovo go to the temple. We have very good fathers.”

By the way, here is the house where the shop is located:

A small area at the temple of Demetrius of Rostov. The house is also pre-revolutionary:

Area guard:

Fits, checks:

An island of silence and life in the middle of roads and industrial buildings.

In spring, foliage somehow closes the CHP pipes, but in winter and early spring they are clearly visible:

As well as the temple itself is also visible from the outside. In the spring there will be green foliage:

And if you stand behind the temple - it seems that you are in the village 🙂

Temple in Ochakovo: address and schedule of services

The address of the temple of Demetrius of Rostov in Ochakov: General Dorokhov street, house 17.

It is better to get there on foot from the Ochakovo railway station - this is a couple of stops from the Kievsky railway station.

Divine services in the church in Ochakovo are held daily. The beginning of the Liturgy is at 7:40. Evening worship - beginning at 17:00

But better time the beginning of the services is still specified on the official website of the temple. It's always up to date there.

  • About the place of money and credit banks. Who is the debtor: God or man? author Timur (David) Rakhimov In recent decades, the opinion about the "life-giving" property of money has been actively promoted. At the same time, the demands of economists for greater freedoms for entrepreneurship and for the abolition of restrictions in the form of state regulation. Less and less money is perceived as an intermediary in exchange for the result of human labor, but much more as an end in itself. This led to the fact that the selectivity of means and methods in money accumulation is significant.but decreased and began to wear a rudimentary character.The modern economic school claims that the elimination of barriers and the presence of entrepreneurial freedom develop talents, expand the possibility of involving new objects of value in the exchange turnover. The amount of money in circulation is indicated as the main factor in the development of the economy. That is, the more money in the country, the more goods and services in it. ...
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  • Economic Behavior Who has known the mind of the Lord? (Rom. 11:34). by Timur Rakhimov. Many economists indicate that the best strategy for an individual's economic behavior is the desire to maximize personal profit, accumulate the greatest sum of money, in almost any way. Others, confirming the general postulate of a material goal economic activity, point to the non-optimality of the strategy, when everyone is “for himself”. At the same time, it is recommended to reasonably adhere to the common benefit for all participants and be content with what is available in the business “game”. Otherwise, in their opinion, there is a high probability of violation of the established balance. This study was illustrated by an episode with five pretty girls in the film A Beautiful Mind (2001). If all the friends rushed to the most beautiful of them (that is, they began to play each for themselves), then, firstly, pushing each other aside, they would not achieve it, and secondly ...
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  • THE WORK OF GOD OR THE “INVISIBLE HAND” EURASIA Timur Rakhimov Who is unreasonable: me or the Lord? In this article, we have come to the main postulates on which the further economic thought of a rational scientist is built. Having excluded the Almighty God from the system of the cognizable universe, man faced the most difficult task: to find an explanation for everything that surrounds him and what he encounters on the path of life. Deviating from the Truth of God, mankind was completely disoriented: who is unreasonable: me or the Lord? The changing world prompted to look for a justification for the observed patterns. Relying on his own mind, a person began to choose a trajectory according to his own understanding, taking the effect for the cause. Economists note that the market always returns to balance and calm after unrest. In the new equilibrium state, new prices and changed volumes of goods were established. To explain this fact in scientific terminology, the term appeared: "the invisible hand of the market", which restores the broken...
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Church of Demetrius of Rostov in the village of Ochakovo on the river Navex (Veshka) - the first, stone winter temple

st. Generala Dorokhov, against house 18

"The owners of the village: Lobanov-Rostovsky - 1623-1717; Opochinins - 1757-1781; Khreskovs - 1781-1788; E. N. Naryshkina - 1812-1852; N. P. Golovin - 1855-1861.

Masons Trubetskoy lived in the house of the estate, Mason Schwartz was buried in the cemetery.

"The Church of 1761. A linden alley and a dug pond remained from the park."

"The village was owned by Mikhail Matveyevich Kheraskov, rector of Moscow University."

"In 1781, Ochakovo was bought by the poet M. M. Kheraskov, who settled here with his half-brother Nikolai Nikitich Trubetskoy. The famous poet and theater-goer of the late 18th century. I. M. Dolgoruky recalled that in Ochakovo "there was an office in the garden, in which the monograms of all those involved in literature are placed ... Enchantments took place there daily; diverse rural feasts: theatres, illuminations, fireworks and everything that can amuse the mind and feelings ... Our immortal piit, the elder Kheraskov ... in a linden grove, walking in thought, invented his songs, while in a regular garden the whole family Trubetskoy offered all sorts of surprises to the guests. Moscow was transported all into their peaceful and magical amusement. "Peter Ivanovich Strakhov, a prominent physicist, translator, theatergoer, who became the rector of Moscow University in 1805, lived with Kheraskov in Ochakovo; at one time he was Kheraskov's personal secretary, who helped the talented The poet Yermil Ivanovich Kostrov, the son of a simple peasant, also lived here, with the assistance of the same Kheraskov, he received the position of official "university poet". to whom his master gave an education, and at his death bequeathed to let him go free. With the death of Kheraskov, the lively literary and musical (let's add: Rosicrucian. - P.P.) activity in this wonderful corner of the Moscow region ceased. In 1812, the estate was destroyed by the French. I. M. Dolgoruky, having been there after their expulsion, wrote: "Now all these are ruins, everything is dead."

According to the old-timers, recorded by N. I. Yakusheva, the temple was closed in 1934 or 1940 and turned into a vegetable warehouse. At the same time, they unsuccessfully tried to wash off the wall paintings. Then the gilded domes were stripped from the temple to remove the gold leaf.

As noted in the late 1960s. M. L. Bogoyavlensky, when at that time they began to restore the church, the locals thought that it would be reopened and they would not have to go to the temple far away now. Yes, it wasn’t there: they announced that even burials from the church graveyard, whoever wants, were taken out of Moscow, because the cemetery would be demolished (it was demolished by the beginning of the 1980s). In 1972, there were scaffolding around the temple and restoration was underway; the paintings inside were still preserved. By 1978, the scaffolding had been removed, repairs from the outside had been completed, and crosses had been placed on the dome and bell tower again. But inside everything burned out: the walls were sooty, only charred logs remained from the iconostasis.

The building of the temple is under state protection under number 380.

Until 1967, an old manor house, converted into early XIX V. to the second church. Then this wooden structure was demolished.

In 1990, at the request of Patriarch Alexy II, the executive committee of the Moscow City Council returned the church to the believers. Divine services resumed in the autumn of 1992.

Address: st. General Dorokhov, 17

About the Temple of Demetrius of Rostov in the village of Ochakovo, I would say this: an extremely interesting interweaving of names and events. I will not focus my story on them - you yourself will think of everything.

However, first things first. On May 5, 1757, the owner of the village of Ochakovo, Privy Councilor Mikhail Stepanovich Opochinin, appealed to the Synodal Office with a request to allow the construction of a church on his estate in honor of Metropolitan Demetrius of Rostov, who had just been canonized and glorified as a saint. Thus, this temple became the first not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, dedicated to this new saint. By the way, we note that this was the only saint glorified in the 18th century.

Dimitri Rostovsky is a very remarkable and extraordinary personality. The brightest preacher, a tireless fighter against drunkenness and ignorance, a zealot for the purity of Orthodoxy, a talented writer who even wrote plays - yes, yes, don't be surprised, these are the plays written for the monks to perform. A talented teacher - he founded the Slavic-Greek school in Rostov with the teaching of Greek and Latin.

Or here's a fact. In the spiritual history of Rus', only five works were created under the name "Cheti-Minei".

Readings are books of the lives of saints, intended for reading, but not for worship (that is, in a certain sense, civil, secular literature). The Menaion, on the other hand, comes from the Greek "one-month" - which means that the story is told in the order of the months and days of each month.
So, I repeat, there are only five of them, works called “Cheti-Minei” in Rus'. There are also five authors. And one of the authors is St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Especially for his labors for the glory of the Church and Rus', Dimitri of Rostov became famous in Rostov the Great near Yaroslavl, where he was buried in the Trinity Cathedral of the Yakovlevsky Monastery and where in 1752 his imperishable relics were found. It was from the city of Rostov that he received his name - Dimitri Rostovsky.

Have you ever wondered how the second city of Rostov appeared in Russia - Rostov-on-Don? Quite right: in 1760, the newly founded Fortress of St. Dmitry Rostovsky. It was she who eventually became the city of Rostov-on-Don. The saint was given the name of the city where he worked, and then he himself gave the name to the new city.

Here's another interesting coincidence. Long before the construction of the temple of Dmitry of Rostov, the village of Ochakovo was owned by Prince Yakov Ivanovich Lobanov. I must say - a rare thief and robber. He was even tried for attacking the carriers of the royal treasury. So the second part of his last name was Rostov. What a strange combination of sin and holiness...

Where holiness still wins. And the best proof of this is the current church of St. Demetrius of Rostov in Ochakovo.

Contacts: Church of Demetrius of Rostov in the village. Ochakovo

Address: st. General Dorokhov, 17

How can I get to:
From Art. metro "Kuntsevskaya", the last car from the center, bus. No. 11 or fixed-route taxi No. 498 (along the route No. 11) to the stop "Ochakovskoe highway, 16", metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya", buses 630, 699, from Kievsky railway station to the platform "Ochakovo").

Driving directions: