Reading Psalms in various life situations. Reading Orthodox psalms for every need There are important tips on which psalm to read when for every need

For various everyday needs, they read special ones, the power of which helps to cope with serious illnesses, get out of the current situation, which is difficult to resolve in traditional ways, protect themselves from trouble, evil people, defeat the enemy and much more. For an Orthodox person, in order for the Lord to hear his petitions and prayers, it is necessary to read the psalms day and night.

Priests Orthodox Church teach and bless their spiritual children to know by heart the main psalms, in what cases to read them, and also at what time this prayer is valuable. It is believed that from midnight to three o'clock the sky is open, and therefore the prayer that is read at this hour is very strong. In addition, it is recommended to know the prayers as a keepsake - Our Father, the Symbol of Faith, read Psalm 90, pronounce prayer rule from Seraphim of Sarov and Psalm 50.

There are important tips on which psalm to read when for every need.

  1. So, psalm 90 is considered the most strong prayer, it is read when children are sick, when a person is in danger.
  2. If thoughts are unclean or longing and despondency gnaw, you should read the prayer “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice.” For the sake of the prayers of the Mother of God, the Lord will certainly give peace to the lost soul.
  3. Every day you need to read kathisma 17, which, as the priests say, will be in protection for the believer during ordeals.
  4. To protect yourself from serious sins, you need to resort to reading Psalm 18.
  5. With unfair accusations of slander, it is worth reading 45 and 67 psalms.
  6. Psalms 5.27, 43, 54, 78, 79 and 138 are used to humble the spirit.
  7. When enemies continue to pursue a person in order to kill him or cause him physical harm, it is worth contacting reading psalms 34, 25 and 42.
  8. Psalm 17 is recognized as thanksgiving, it is read by those who, with God's help, defeated their enemies.
  9. In adversity, in defense against the machinations of ill-wishers, a strong psalm 90 is read, as well as psalms 3, 37, 2, 49, 53.58 and 139.

The meaning of reading the psalms

The Word of God is food for soul and body. If the Divine Power does not penetrate into a person while reading psalms, then the empty space is filled with something else. If a person does not have the desire to pray, then the spirit of worries, anguish or fear takes possession of him. Reading Orthodox psalms for every person is a real help that has great importance. It is a source of strength and vitality. God's power strengthens people who put meaning into their lives.

Text in Russian psalm 39

I firmly trusted in the Lord, and He bowed down to me and heard my cry; he drew me out of the terrible ditch, out of the muddy swamp, and set my feet on a stone and established my steps; and put into my mouth a new song, praise to our God. Many will see and fear and trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who puts his hope in the Lord and does not turn to the proud and to those who turn to falsehood. You have done a lot, O Lord, my God: about your miracles and your thoughts about us - who will be like you! I wish I could preach and speak, but they outnumber them. Sacrifices and offerings You did not desire; You opened my ears; You did not require burnt offerings and sin offerings. Then I said: here I go; in a book scroll it is written about me: I desire to do Thy will, my God, and Thy law is in my heart. I proclaimed in the great congregation; I did not rebuke my mouth: You, Lord, know. I did not hide Your truth in my heart, I proclaimed Your faithfulness and Your salvation, I did not hide Your mercy and Your truth before the great assembly. Do not withhold, O Lord, Thy bounties from me; Thy mercy and Thy truth guard me unceasingly, for incalculable troubles have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, so that I cannot see: they are more than the hairs on my head; my heart has left me. Delight, Lord, to deliver me; God! hasten to help me. May all who seek the destruction of my soul be ashamed and put to shame! May those who wish me harm be turned back and ridiculed! Let those who say to me, “Well done! Fine!" May all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You, and let those who love Your salvation say continually: “Great is the Lord!” I am poor and needy, but the Lord cares for me. You are my help and my deliverer, my God! don't slow down.

Russian Orthodox text Psalm 46

Clap your hands, all nations, shout to God with a voice of joy; for the Lord Most High is terrible, the great King over all the earth; he brought nations and nations under our feet to us; chose for us our heritage, the beauty of Jacob, whom he loved. God ascended with shouts, the Lord with the sound of the trumpet. Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing, for God is the King of all the earth; sing wisely. God reigned over the nations, God sat on his holy throne; the princes of the nations gathered to the people of the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth are God's; He is exalted above them.

Christian text psalm 47

Great is the Lord and all-praised in the city of our God, on His holy mountain. Beautiful high place, the joy of the whole earth, Mount Zion; on the north side is the city of the great King. God is known in his dwellings as an intercessor: for, behold, the kings came together and passed all by; they saw and were astonished, they were confused and fled; fear seized them there and torment, like that of women in childbirth; with the east wind You crushed the ships of Tharsh. As we have heard, so we have seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish him forever. We meditated, O God, on Your goodness in the midst of

The purpose of this psalm is to encourage us and all nations to glorify God. This psalm (I) teaches us how we should do it - publicly, joyfully and intelligently (v. 2,7,8).

(II) Gives us themes for worship:

(1) the greatness of God (v. 3);

(2) His omnipotence and dominion everywhere (v. 3:8-10);

(3) the great things he has done and will do for his people (v. 4-6). Many believe that this psalm was written on the occasion of the bringing of the ark to Mount Zion, to which, apparently, v. 6 refers: "God ascended with shouts ...", but in reality it refers to a later event - the ascent of Christ to heavenly Zion , after He had done His work on earth and established His Kingdom on earth, of which the pagans became voluntary subjects. In singing this psalm, we must pay homage to the exalted Redeemer, rejoice in His exaltation and praise, confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

Choir leader. Psalm for the sons of Korah.

Verses 2-5. The psalmist, whose heart is filled with great and pious thoughts of God, makes an effort to involve everyone around him in blessed praise, as one who is sure that God is worthy of all blessings and praise, and mourns because of the slowness and uselessness of people in this ministry. Notice in these verses:

I. To whom the call is made to glorify God: "All the nations, all the people of Israel," who were in his subjection and in his care. Therefore, having influence over his people, David involves them in the glorification of God. Whatever others do, and he and his house, he and his people will praise the Lord. Or these words can be understood as: "All the peoples of the earth ..." Then these words can be taken as a prophecy about the conversion of the Gentiles and bringing them into the Church (see Rom. 15:11).

II. What they are called to do: “Clap your hands in evidence of your joy and satisfaction in what God has done for you. Show your approval and admiration for what God has done in general, and your indignation towards the enemies of God's glory (Job 27:23). Clap your hands like a man filled with joy he can no longer contain. Shout out to God, not to make Him hear (for He is not hard of hearing), but so that everyone around you will hear and know how excited you are about the works of God. Shout with a voice of joy, so that others may see how you rejoice in the Lord, rejoice in His power and mercy, and may join in your rejoicing.” Note, Such displays of piety and reverent feeling may seem obscene and rash to some, but they are not to be recklessly rebuked or condemned, much less ridiculed, for if they come from a pure heart, God will accept the power of feeling and forgive the weakness of its expression.

III. What is offered as a topic for praise.

(1.) The God we are dealing with is terrible in his majesty (v. 3): "The Lord Most High is terrible." He is infinitely superior to the noblest and greatest creations. In Him are the perfections that we should all be in awe of, especially His power, holiness, and justice. All those who oppose Him should tremble before these qualities.

(2) He is God almighty and has absolute power. He is the King ruling alone, the King over all the earth. All creations were created by Him, they obey Him, and therefore He is the great King, the King of kings.

(3.) He has a special concern for his people and their interests. So it was and so it will be. To do this, He gave him victories and success (v. 4), subjugated the peoples and tribes that stood in the way of Israel (Ps 43:3) and attacked him. All this God did for His people, planting them in Canaan, and continues to do to this day. He will certainly continue to do His wondrous works for them through His servant David, who was successful in every place wherever his winning hand turned. But there is also a reference here to the Kingdom of the Messiah, which is to be established throughout the earth and not limited to the Jewish nation. Jesus Christ will subdue the Gentiles; He will lead them, like sheep, into the yard (such is the meaning of this word), but not for the slaughter, but for safety. He will subdue their senses and make them ready in the day of His power. He will subdue their thoughts, tame those who have gone aside under the leadership of the Great Shepherd and Overseer of your souls (1 Peter 2:25).

Gave him rest and a place to settle (v. 5): “He chose our inheritance for us. He chose the land of Canaan as an inheritance to Israel. This was the land that God had chosen for their inheritance (see Deut. 32:8). This justifies their possession of this land and gives the right to possession. This delights their living on it and makes it enjoyable. They have reason to believe that a lucky lot has fallen to them, with which they should be pleased, since Infinite Wisdom has chosen it for them. And the establishment of God's sanctuary on it made it excellent and noble (Amos 6:8). The Lord chose such a magnificent inheritance for Jacob because he loved him (Deut. 7:8). Let's look at this spiritually. (a) The blessedness of the saints is that God himself chose an inheritance for them, and this inheritance is blessed, because it was chosen by He who knows the soul and can make it happy. The Lord chose him so wisely that he himself undertook to be the inheritance of his people (Ps. 15:5), and he keeps for them in the other world an incorruptible inheritance (1 Pet. 1:4). This, no doubt, was the superiority of Jacob, for whom God, through His love, had prepared such blessedness as no eye can see. (b) This testifies to the faith and obedience of the saints to God. This is what every gracious soul says: “God has chosen an inheritance for me; let him decide my lot, and I will approve his choice; He knows better than me what is good for me, and therefore I will not follow my own will, but His decision.”

Verses 6-10. In these verses there is a strong demand to glorify God and to sing His praises. We are so slow in fulfilling this duty that we need to be urged on to it by commandments and rules. So verse 7 says, “Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing." This is a necessary and excellent duty, which we must perform as often and for as long as possible. We can say the same words of praise over and over again - and this is not a vain repetition if each time we are filled with new feelings. Should not the people praise their God (Dan. 5:4)? Shouldn't subjects praise their king? The Lord is our God, our King, and therefore we must praise Him. We should sing His praises, demonstrating that we enjoy praising Him and are not ashamed of it. But then the obligatory rule is added (v. 8): “…sing all wisely. Maschil.

(1) "Reasonably, that is, as people who understand why, for what they praise God, and what significance this service carries." The gospel rule is: “I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding” (1 Corinthians 14:15). We must make a melody to the Lord, not only with the heart (Eph. 5:19), for God accepts only that service in which the mind is present.

(2) "Instructed, as a people desiring that others also realize the glorified perfections of God and learn to glorify Him." These verses mention three themes for our praise, each of which has a dual meaning:

I. We are to praise God by ascending (v. 6): "God ascended with shouts..." These words may mean:

(1.) The raising of the ark to Mount Zion was solemnly accomplished, David himself dancing before it, the priests blowing their trumpets, and the people following them with loud cries. This ark was an institutionalized proof of God's presence with them, so that when it was rightfully brought in, it could be said that the Lord had ascended. When God's ordinances come out of the darkness to be used in civil government, this is a great favor for any people, which gives them reason to rejoice and give thanks for them.

(2) The ascension of our Lord Jesus into heaven when He finished His ministry on earth (Acts 1:9). Then God ascended with exclamations as a King, as a conqueror, as the One who took away the strength of principalities and authorities, and then captured the captivity (Ps 67:19). He ascended as Mediator, of whom the ark was a type, and the throne of grace that covered it, and was carried like an ark into the most holy place, into heaven itself (Heb. 9:24). At the time of Christ's ascension, we do not read about exclamations or trumpet sounds - all this was present in the upper world and belonged to the sons of God, who then shouted for joy (Job 38: 7). The next time He will come in the same way He left (Acts 1:11), and we are sure that this will be accompanied by shouts and trumpets.

II. We are to praise the reigning God (vv. 8, 9). We are obligated to honor Him not only because He is our King; He is the King of all the earth (v. 8). He reigns over all earthly kings, and therefore from all places praise incense should be offered to Him. This may be understood, 1. As the kingdom of his providence. God, as the creator and God of nature, reigned over the heathen nations, disposing them and all their affairs as He pleased, although they do not know Him and have nothing to do with Him. He sat on His holy throne, which He prepared in heaven and from where He rules the whole world, even the Gentiles, forcing them to serve His purposes. Notice here the limitlessness of God's reign: we are all born into dependence on Him; true god, our God reigns even over pagans who worship other gods, whether they desire it or not. Note the justice of His reign: He sits on the holy throne, from where He issues His orders, orders, and executes judgments that do not contain iniquity.

(2) As the Kingdom of the Messiah. Jesus Christ is the God whose throne reigns forever and ever over the Gentiles. He is entrusted with the administration of the kingdom of providence, and He will establish the kingdom of His grace in the Gentile world, He will reign in the hearts of millions of people who are steeped in paganism (Eph 2:12,13). The apostle speaks of this as a great mystery, when the Gentiles become joint heirs (Eph. 3:6). Christ sits on His holy throne; His throne is in heaven, where everything is to show the holiness of God and to promote holiness among the children of men.

III. We are to praise God as a Lord honored by the princes of the nations (v. 10). These words may be understood, (1.) As a meeting or fellowship of the representatives of all the states of Israel, the heads and governments of the various tribes, assembled at a solemn feast or for the settlement of civil affairs in the state. The honor of Israel was that they were the people of the God of Abraham. The Israelites were descendants of Abraham and included in the covenant; and thanks be to God that the blessing of Abraham extended to the Gentiles (Gal. 3:14). Their bliss lay in the fact that the established government - the princes from their peoples - were the shields of the earth. State power is the shield of the people, and it is the greatest grace for any people to have this shield, especially when the princes of the people belong to the Lord and are consecrated to serve him and his honor, for then God will be especially exalted. Or these words can be understood as follows: the honor of God consists in the fact that the shields of the earth belong to Him. He establishes state power, which by its management serves His purposes on this earth, turning the hearts of kings, like rivers of water, wherever He pleases. Israel prospered when the princes of its people came together to discuss the public welfare. The unanimity among the rulers of the people to promote peace is a happy omen, promising abundant blessings.

(2) As a call to the Gentiles to enter the Church of Christ and as a prophecy of the Messiah and the time when the kings of the earth and their peoples will unite in the Church, bring their glory and power to the New Jerusalem, when they will all become the people of the God of Abraham, to whom it was promised that he will become the father of many nations. Volunteers from the people (you can read these words that way), since the same word is used in Ps 110:3: "... your people are ready ...", since those gathered at Christ did not come under compulsion, but voluntarily to belong to him. When the shields of the earth—the insignia of royalty (1 Kings 14:27,28)—submit and be given to Jesus (as the keys of a city are presented to a conqueror or monarch), when princes use their power to advance the interests of religion, then Christ will be exalted over them.

In the Psalter, in the book of praises, there are 150 inspired psalms and a special 151 psalms.

There are 15 psalms - songs of degrees, from 119 to 133; penitential 7 psalms: 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, 142.

Each psalm, inspired by the Holy Spirit, sings of the mysteries of God, good deeds, providence for the world and man, love, and most of all, about the coming of Christ the Savior to earth, His most pure passions, about mercy for man, about the resurrection, the building of the Church and the Kingdom of God - Heavenly Jerusalem.

In each psalm one can distinguish main idea
On this basis, all psalms can be divided into groups:

Glorification of the attributes of God: 8, 17, 18, 23, 28, 33, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 65, 75, 76, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 103, 110, 112, 113, 133, 138, 141, 144, 148, 150

Thanks be to God for the blessings of God's chosen people: 45, 47, 64, 65, 67, 75, 80, 84, 97, 104, 123, 125, 128, 134, 135, 149

Thanks be to God for good deeds: 22, 33, 35, 90, 99, 102, 111, 117, 120, 144, 145

Glorification of the goodness of God in relation to individuals: 9, 17, 21, 29, 39, 74, 102, 107, 115, 117, 137, 143

Asking God for forgiveness of sins: 6, 24, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, 142

Hope in God in confusion of spirit: 3, 12, 15, 21, 26, 30, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 68,70, 76, 85, 87

Turning to God in deep sorrow: 4, 5, 10, 27, 40, 54, 58, 63, 69, 108, 119, 136, 139, 140, 142

Petition for God's help: 7, 16, 19, 25, 34, 43, 59, 66, 73, 78, 79, 82, 88, 93, 101, 121, 128, 131, 143

Good luck - 89-131-9

Finding the right job 73-51-62 (If the job is dangerous to you and your safety, then the desired will not be received.)

For respect and honor in the service, work, read psalms - 76,39,10,3

For the fulfillment of desires - 1,126,22,99

To the aid of wealthy patrons - 84,69,39,10

Find a job- 49,37,31,83

Retribution for Mercy - 17,32,49,111

To get hired(before or after the interview) -

For a happy woman's lot - 99,126,130,33

Getting rid of money troubles - 18,1,133,6

amulet family life and happiness from witchcraft- 6,111,128,2

Exit the vicious circle - 75,30,29,4

For financial well-being - 3,27,49,52

For happiness in family life - 26,22,99,126

So that everyone in your family has a job - 88,126,17,31

From longing and sadness - 94,127,48,141

Change of fate (apply in special cases! At the beginning, specify the request what exactly and in what direction you want to change) - 2,50,39,148

To make aspirations come true - 45,95,39,111

To reach the goal - 84,6,20,49

From misfortunes and troubles - 4, 60, 39, 67.m

To overcome adversity - 84,43,70,5

Cleaning and protection - 3, 27, 90, 150.

To remove damage - 93, 114, 3, 8.

The most powerful psalms:

3 Psalm
24 Psalm
26 Psalm
36 Psalm
37 Psalm
39 Psalm
90 Psalm
17 Kathisma

Psalms for every need:

Psalm 80 - from poverty (24 times to read!)
Psalm 2 - to work
Psalm 112 - from getting rid of debts
Psalm 22 - to calm the children
Psalm 126 - to eradicate enmity between loved ones
Psalm 102 - from getting rid of all diseases
27 Psalm - from nervous diseases
133 Psalm - from all danger
Psalm 101 - from despondency
Psalm 125 - from migraine, headache
58 Psalm - speechless
44 Psalm - for diseases of the heart, kidneys
37 Psalm - from a toothache
Psalm 95 - to improve hearing
Psalm 122 - from pride
116 and 126 Psalm - to preserve love and harmony in the family

108 Psalm - prayer-curse. It contains the wish "Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow." Psalm 109 is David's prayer to the Lord, in which he asks for revenge on his enemies who relentlessly pursue him. This psalm is replete with curses, mostly directed at one of David's sworn enemies. Many people offer prayers for the death of their enemies. But not all of these prayers reach God. In addition, often evil thoughts directed against someone turn against the person praying. It means that in heaven they hear those prayers that should be heard. This psalm is analogous to the cabalistic ritual of Pulse de-nura.

Introductory Prayers:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

"King of Heaven, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls."

"Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us"(3 times)

"All-holy Trinity, God and Creator of the whole world, hasten and direct my heart, start with reason and finish good deeds inspired by this book, even the Holy Spirit will burp the mouth of David, even now I want to speak az, unworthy, understanding my ignorance, falling down I pray to You and asking for help from You: Lord, direct my mind and strengthen my heart, not about the verbal speech of the mouth, but to rejoice in the mind of the verbs, and get ready to do good deeds, I am learning, and I say: yes, I am enlightened with good deeds, Judges of the right hand of The land, I will be a partaker with all Your chosen ones.

Come, let us worship our King God.

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God.

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God."

"Our Father, Thou art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave the debtor ours, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."(3 times)

Closing prayers:

"King of Heaven, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls."

“Give thanks to the unworthy of Your servants, Lord, for Your great blessings on us who were, glorifying You, we praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Your goodness, and slavishly love crying out to You: Our benefactor Savior, glory to You. servant of indecent, vouchsafed, Master, diligently flowing to you, giving thanks according to strength, and glorifying you as the Benefactor and Creator, crying out: glory to you, God the All-Bountiful, glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

"Theotokos, Christian Helper, Thy intercession has been acquired by Thy servants, we cry out thankfully to Thee: Rejoice, Most Pure Theotokos Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Thy prayers, One who soon intercedes. We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy Thy servants (names), who were, theirs is also visible and not visible, about the revealed and the unrevealed, even the deeds of the former and the word: He who loves us, as if and Thy only-begotten Son for us to give, vouchsafe us worthy of being Thy love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if we sin willingly or unwillingly, forgive and do not blame, and save our holy soul, and present to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity; And remember, Lord, all who call upon Your name in truth; the same we pray to Thee, O Lord, grant us Thy benevolence and great mercy."

"The Cathedral of the Holy Angels and Archangels, with all heavenly powers, sings to Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, fulfill heaven and earth with Your glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. Save me, Izhe Thou art in the highest King, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; from Thee, for all creation is strengthened, To Thee, without number, they sing the thrice-holy song. Cleanse your heart, and open your mouth, that I may worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord, always, now, and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

"Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Holy Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen."

In detail: Psalm 46 in Russian - from all open sources and from different parts of the world on the site site for our dear readers.

To the end, O sons of Korah, a psalm

To fulfillment through the sons of Korah. Psalm.

1 Clap your hands with all the tongues, shout to God with a voice of joy.

1 All peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with a voice of joy,

2 As the Lord Most High is terrible, the King is great over all the earth.

2 For the Lord Most High is fearsome, a great King over all the earth.

3 Subdue people to us and tongues under our feet:

3 He has subdued nations under our feet, and nations under our feet,

4 choose for us his inheritance, the kindness of Jacob, love thee.

4 chose for us his inheritance, the beauty of Jacob, whom he loved.

5 God ascended with a shout, the Lord with a trumpet.

5 God ascended with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.

6 Sing to our God, sing, sing to our King, sing.

6 Sing to our God, sing, sing to our King, sing.

7 As God is the King of all the earth, sing wisely.

7 For the King of all the earth is God, sing wisely!

8 God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.

8 God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.

9 The princes of the people gathered with God Abraham. Like God's dominions of the earth, ascending greenly.

9 The princes of the nations gathered to the God of Abraham, for the mighty men of God were greatly exalted in the earth.

Clap your hands with all the tongues, exclaim to God with a voice of joy. As the Lord Most High is terrible, the King is great over all the earth. Subdue people to us and tongues under our feet: choose for us your inheritance, the kindness of Jacob, love the south. Vzde God in exclamation, the Lord in the voice of the trumpet. Sing to our God, sing, sing to our King, sing. Like the King of all the earth God, sing wisely. God reign over the tongues, God sits on His Holy Throne. The princes of the people gathered with God Abraham. Like God's dominions of the earth, ascending greenly.

  1. Choir leader. Sons of Korea. Psalm.
  2. Clap your hands, all nations, shout to God with a voice of joy;
  3. for the Lord Most High is terrible, the great King over all the earth;
  4. he brought nations and nations under our feet to us;
  5. chose for us our heritage, the beauty of Jacob, whom he loved.
  6. God ascended with shouts, the Lord with the sound of the trumpet.
  7. Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing,
  8. for God is the King of all the earth; sing wisely.
  9. God reigned over the nations, God sat on his holy throne;
  10. the princes of the nations gathered to the people of the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth are God's; He is exalted above them.

psalm 45psalm 47 List of books

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Forty-sixth Psalm in Church Slavonic with a translation into Russian (synodal translation)

No. In the end, њ sons of the core, pal0m, m7s. 1. Choir leader. Sons of Korea. Psalm.
at 7. All 2 kzchtsy, clapping your hands, exclamation with a voice of joy: 2. Clap your hands, all nations, shout to God with a voice of joy;
g. 3. for the Lord Most High is terrible, the great King over all the earth;
D 7. Conquer 2 people to us and 3 knuckles under 8 our feet: 4. he brought nations and nations under our feet to us;
є7. And # choose us worthy of our own, I will give kindness, love you. 5. chose for us our heritage, the beauty of Jacob, whom he loved.
*7. Vzde bg in exclamation, gd in the voice of the trumpet. 6. God ascended with shouts, the Lord with the sound of the trumpet.
h7. Drink to our sake, drink: drink to our flowers, drink: 7. Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing,
). “kw tRb allS of the earth2 bg, drink wisely. 8. for God is the King of all the earth; sing wisely.
f7. VotsRi1сz bGb over8 kzhki: bg sadi1t on prt0le with ™ take your own. 9. God reigned over the nations, God sat on his holy throne;
‹. 10. the princes of the nations gathered to the people of the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth are God's; He is exalted above them.

As is known from the interpretation of Psalm 46, its text is a song of accession, that is, it is one of the many psalms that are performed during the anointing of the rulers of Israel to the kingdom. His words, in addition to the quite logical glorification of the king, exalt the Lord who chose him.

Also, in the text of the Christian 46 psalm, the gratitude of the Israeli people to God is very clearly traced for the fact that He allocated the fertile and fertile lands of Palestine for their possession, as well as the mention that all the surrounding pagan peoples were conquered by the Israelites (multiple military victories of the Jews are meant here) .

Interpretation and meaning of prayer psalm 46

46 Christian psalm is taken from the Jewish book of psalms Tegilim, where he got thanks to the sons of Korev, the gatekeepers of the Jerusalem temple, authors and performers a large number psalms. This song is considered prophetic, because in it the Levites predicted the triumph of the God of Jacob in all the earth, which we see today, when the Christian religion occupies a dominant position in the world. Listening, watching online and reading Psalm 46 is recommended for people who have lost their jobs and become hardened.