And Kuprin is a dog summary. The main characters of the story. Main idea of ​​the story

>Kuprin's works

Fast passage:

Very short content (in a nutshell)

Dog Jack, lagging behind the cook, was caught and put in a cage with other dogs. It turned out that they were being taken to the knackers, where they would all be killed by skinning them alive.The dogs were shocked by what people were doing. This was told to them by the poodle Artaud, who was already there, but his owner always took him away, so he believed that it was a dog's happiness to have an owner. When they entered the knacker and were let out of the cage, another dog said to Artaud - look what a dog's happiness is! He ran and, ripping off his skin, but still jumped over the fence and broke free.

Summary (detailed)

Cheerful dog Jack ran ahead of the cook in the morning, periodically looking back so as not to lose her. At one point, he turned around, but did not find her. He began to look for her, but was distracted by a mouse dog, and at that moment they were both seized and loaded into an iron cage.

There were already many other dogs in this cramped cage: the white poodle Artaud, the livery, the dachshund, the yard dog Buton and the unsociable dog, smeared with purple, to which everyone immediately arose antipathy.

Jack, after a while, joked to start a conversation. The old poodle did not like this joke and said that they were being taken to the knacker. Jack was frightened by this unfamiliar word and asked to explain what it was. Artaud explained that this was a place where several hundred dogs were kept. It is surrounded by a high fence. He's been there three times already, but he's always taken by the owner, as he works in the circus. It also turned out that the purple dog had been there six times already.

Poodle Artaud continued to talk about the horrors of the flayer. He said that sometimes one of the prisoners disappears, and then they are served dog soup. All the dogs were in terrible shock, only the experienced purple dog said that yes, the meat for the ladies is a bit harsh. Then Artaud said that the skins, so that they were of better quality, were torn off from a live dog.

Everyone began to scream in horror, what terrible people and that we need to get rid of them. But then they realized that they are stronger and smarter, it will be difficult to cope with them. In addition, they are greedy, they can have a lot of food, but they will not share it with others, unlike dogs. And also evil ones, because of love or anger, they can kill another person, and dogs, although they bite, will not kill another dog. Therefore, Artaud summed up, the happiness of a dog lies in the presence of an owner who can come and take you away from here.

Then they drove into the yard, where there were many other dogs. Coming out of the wagon, the purple dog suddenly said to the poodle - look what a dog's happiness is and, having run up, albeit with difficulty, he jumped over the fence. Arto realized his mistake.

Kuprin A., story "Dog happiness"

Genre: animal stories

The main characters of the story "Dog happiness" and their characteristics

  1. Jack, a pointer, a dog of a cheerful and playful disposition, a bully and a loafer.
  2. Artaud, old melancholic poodle, philosopher.
  3. Purple dog, mongrel, angry, brave, determined.
Plan for retelling the story "Dog happiness"
  1. Walking with Annushka
  2. Annushka got lost
  3. Great Dane
  4. unknown force
  5. In a cage
  6. old poodle
  7. The story of the livestock
  8. Story about people
  9. What is dog happiness
  10. Purple dog.
The shortest content of the story "Dog happiness" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Pointer Jack got lost, was caught by an unknown force and placed in a cage.
  2. In the cage, he met the old poodle Artaud and other dogs.
  3. The poodle Artaud said that they were taken to the knackers, where the dogs were skinned.
  4. Jack asked what could be done to avoid this.
  5. Artaud said that a dog's happiness is in the hands of people and they need to rely on the owner.
  6. The purple dog promised to show Arto's mistake and ran away by jumping over the fence.
The main idea of ​​the story "Dog happiness"
The happiness of any person or dog is only in their own hands.

What does the story "Dog happiness" teach
The story teaches never to give up, not to submit to circumstances, to fight to the end and look for a way out of any situation. Teaches you to believe in yourself. Teaches you to be confident and decisive. It teaches not to expect help from someone, but to help yourself.

Feedback on the story "Dog happiness"
I loved this story and was terrified at the same time. How can you be so cruel to dogs, and to any other animals? This is wrong and should not be. But I liked the purple dog for its courage, independence and determination. He showed that his happiness depends only on him, and not on people.

Proverbs for the story "Dog happiness"
Happiness is always on the side of the brave.
Trouble will come, knock you off your feet.
Whoever gives up in grief will never know happiness.
Whoever fights for happiness, to that it tends.
Every man is the smith of his own happiness.

Read summary, brief retelling story "Dog's happiness"
One and a half year old pointer Jack went for a walk with the cook Annushka. He ran ahead of the cook and sometimes looked back to see if Annushka was following. And so, looking around near the familiar sausage shop, Jack did not see Annushka. He rushed back, looking for Annushka on the trail, but a woman who passed by sprayed him with the smell of Chinese perfume and Jack lost the trail.
However, Jack did not lose heart, because he knew the city well, and just decided to take a walk. He was running past the post office when a Great Dane caught his attention. He also noticed Jack and the dogs began to converge. Jack understood that the dog was bigger, but he looked clumsy and not very smart, and therefore Jack was not afraid of a fight.
And suddenly an unknown force threw the dog to the ground and dragged it somewhere. And then Jack was carried away by the same force.
Jack came to his senses in a cramped cage, which stood in a wagon, on the goats of which sat two people of a very suspicious appearance.
There were already many other dogs in the cage. There was a Great Dane, next to it lay a calm old poodle, next to which a trembling Italian Greyhound perched. Near the grate stood a dachshund, utterly astonished at his position.
There were also two mongrels in the wagon. One redhead, with a tail curled up in the number 9, seemed to be looking for an opportunity to talk to someone for a long time. A last dog it was almost invisible, he was lying in a far dark corner. He was purple and his fur hung in ragged tufts.
Jack was silent for a while, then playfully asked if anyone knew where they were being taken.
The old poodle said they were being taken to the slaughterhouse and Jack sat down in fear. And the poodle explained that all the dogs caught were brought to the knackers, and that he himself was going there for the fourth time.
The purple dog mockingly said that he was going there for the eighth time.
The poodle continued and said that the food at the knacker was poor and scarce, and that they were even given dog meat soup. The society got excited, and the purple dog said that this soup was, in general, nothing.
The poodle continued to describe the horrors of the knackers and said that women's gloves are made from dog skin there, and to make them softer, the skin is torn off from living dogs.
All the dogs were horrified and Jack asked how they could get rid of this humiliating slavery.
The poodle said no way, and the dog said that everyone should have a bite. To this, the poodle told about a rapnik, a kennel, a chain, and said that even if dogs figure out how to get rid of these things, then people will come up with something new. He considered himself a wise philosopher and said that one must obey people, because this is the law of nature.
When the Italian greyhound politely turned to the poodle, he said that his name was Arto, and the Italian greyhound asked why people consider themselves worthy or better than dogs?
But Arto said that people are not worthier than dogs, they are just stronger and smarter. They are greedy, evil, hypocritical, envious, deceitful and cruel. But the dog's happiness is in their hands, and only the owner can come and free the dogs from the knackers.
Society became discouraged and at this time the wagon drove into a large yard and stopped. The doors of the cage opened and at that moment the purple dog turned to Artaud with the most insolent smile. He said that the professor said a lot of things, all sorts of smart words, but made one mistake. And he offered to show in whose hands is a dog's happiness.
And then the purple dog rushed forward past the watchmen at great speed. He reached the fence, pushed off, and in two jerks he went over the fence, leaving half of his side on it.
The old poodle silently looked after him, he realized his mistake.

Drawings and illustrations for the story "Dog happiness"

Year of publication of the book: 1896

Kuprin's work "Dog's Happiness" was first published in the fall of 1896 in one of the periodicals. The story is part of a cycle about animals, in which the author gave stories of dogs. The following year, after the first publication, the work was included in a collection of works called Miniatures, which, like other stories of one of them, received many positive reviews.

The story "Dog happiness" summary

It was an early September morning. A young pointer named Jack was walking with his mistress, a cook named Annushka, to one of the local markets. Jack was fun and energetic brown dog With long ears. If Kuprin’s work “Dog’s Happiness” is read in full, then we will find out that he knew the way to the market well, so Annushka boldly ran forward, only occasionally looking to see if she was following. But that morning, turning around, Jack saw that Annushka had disappeared. For some time he tried to get on the trail of a woman, but this idea failed. Unlike the main character, the pointer was not very scared, because he knew the way home well. He navigated the local stalls and shops and could be lying in his booth in a few minutes. But the morning was so good that Jack decided to take a walk.

In the work of Kuprin "Dog happiness" summary says that, passing by the post office, the pointer smelled the smell of an old dog. After a few steps, he saw a slowly walking dog with a belt around its neck. Noticing Jack, the dog began to growl. Pointer also responded to an unfriendly encounter with a stranger with a growl. He was about to start a fight with big dog, when suddenly the dog for some reason fell to the ground, and something pulled him to the side. The same fate befell Jack. From the fact that his neck was severely crushed, the dog lost consciousness. He woke up already in a small booth, which moved in an unknown direction.

In the story “Dog's Happiness” by Kuprin, we can read that, waking up, Jack noticed that around him there was a large number of dogs. There was also a dog, whom he met near the post office. Now he stood motionless and silent. In the middle of the iron cage, a large poodle lay imposingly white color. He was quite old and main character had small tassels on the legs and on the tail. Despite the dire situation, the poodle remained quite calm. Sometimes it even seemed that he was just sleeping. Near him was a small greyhound. The young dog was shaking with cold and fear and periodically yawning from fatigue. In the same cage, one could see a small black dachshund, which was horrified by everything that was happening. But for other dogs, her fright looked ridiculous and even a little funny. In Kuprin's work "Dog's Happiness", the description of the dogs ends with the image of two small mongrels, one of which was waiting for the moment when it could start a conversation. The second mongrel had a purple coat, because the workers had recently poured paint on it. She lay in the corner, not making a sound, and periodically got angry if someone came closer to her.

Jack, with his usual sense of humor, decided to find out where the wagon was going. The old poodle replied that the dogs were being taken to the knacker. He said he had been there three times already. The old silent mongrel, having interrupted the poodle, said that she had been taken there more than seven times, but no one began to listen to the non-pedigreed dog. From Kuprin's story "Dog's Happiness" we learn that the poodle continued to talk about the rules of life in the flayer. He said that the dogs there are fed very badly. In addition, several animals disappear from the cages every day, whose meat is later served in soup for the rest of the mongrels. Everyone who was sitting in the cage was horrified by these words of his. Continuing the story, the poodle said that the hair of the dogs was sent to make women's gloves. He said that in order for the wool not to be too hard, it is torn off from animals that are still alive.

Everyone present was horrified. They began to think about how cruel people can be. Jack began to wonder if there was a way to get rid of people forever. In Kuprin's story "Dog's Happiness", the summary says that someone offered to bite them all. However, the dog said that even if the dogs could get rid of the instruments of torture that people had invented on this moment, over time, new booths, collars, muzzles will appear. Therefore, creatures such as humans are not even worth fighting.

The poodle, who turned out to be a professor named Athor, said that dogs are much kinder people. After all, they do not bite each other to death and will always share a bone with others if they themselves are full. However, despite the cruelty of people, dog life and dog happiness depend on them. After these words, everyone in the cage fell silent. A few minutes later the wagon drove up to the flayer and all the dogs were released into the street. An old mongrel with purple hair turned to the poodle. She asked if the old professor understood that he had made a mistake in asserting that the happiness of dogs was in the hands of people. He did not answer, and then the mongrel decided to convince Ator. She accelerated and pushed off with all her might from the fence that was placed around the flayer. Now he wore a piece of her fur. A few minutes later the mongrel was free. Then the poodle understood Kuprin's story "Dog Happiness" the main idea - the happiness of animals is in their own hands.

The story "Dog happiness" on the site Top books

You can read Kuprin's story "Dog's Happiness" in full on the Top Books website.

>Characteristics of heroes

Characteristics of the main characters


Pointer dog, one and a half years old, brown color. This is a cheerful dog that lagged behind his mistress and got into the cage of the same unfortunate animals that were caught and taken to the knacker. Along the way, he meets other dogs, some of which turn out to be experienced captives, and tells all the horrors that are happening in the knacker's barn.


White poodle, works in the circus, professor of tightrope walking. He was rounded up for the fourth time, each previous time he was taken away by the owner. He told the newbies in the cage where they were being taken, and what a flayer is, and also what horrors are happening in it. In his opinion, a dog's happiness is when a dog has an owner who can save him from the knacker. The purple dog proved to him that every dog ​​can be the master of his own destiny.

purple dog

An unsociable dog, a cur, who lay curled up in the corner of the cage. I got to the flayers for the seventh time. It was purple, as it was smeared, for fun, by painters. He felt courage and strength. Sometimes he inserted some rude phrase into the conversation of other dogs. After arriving at the knacker, he told the poodle Artaud that he was wrong about the dog's happiness and escaped by jumping over the fence, although he was badly injured.

Great Dane

A dog with cropped ears and a leather strap around his neck. He almost had a quarrel with Jack, at the beginning of which they were captured together by flayers.


A mongrel, a red dog that was the very first to get into a cage. He had a lackey character.


A beautiful, long-legged dog that got into a cage with all the other dogs. She was very well-groomed and scared.