Fortune telling what a dream means. Twists of fate

If these are tarot cards or some other cards used for divination: this may symbolize your perception of fate.

Your future is in the cards.

That particular feeling you have for the cards can indicate future trends in your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Geographical Map

Consider it in a dream, plot a route, get a map, draw a map yourself - to changes in lifestyle and business. Such a dream means a lot of important responsible tasks that will be entrusted to you, exciting trips that combine business and pleasure, receiving profitable offers and interesting invitations. See interpretation: globe, atlas.

Losing a card, looking for it in a dream is a sign that you are passionately longing for change, you constantly have to face difficulties and be upset. Don't leave your attempts at real life- and you will succeed. This dream has such meaning.

If in a dream you still find a lost card, then expect success in life. A stolen card in a dream means that you have competitors. Try not to let them take advantage of your mistakes.

Mapping yourself or plotting a route on a map in a dream is a sign that you have a number of good plans, many of which will come true thanks to your foresight and assertiveness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Often dream books offer different interpretations dreamed in a dream of things, events or situations. To unravel the meaning of sleep, use the online Tarot layout “Dream Interpretation”. The cards will tell you what the dream was about, what events will affect you, what is the best thing to do, and how the events inspired by the dream will develop.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before divination, we recommend.

Scheme and interpretation of the online layout "Dream Tarot"

Card 1 - What does the dream mean
Card 2 - How or what events will affect you
Card 3 - What is the best thing for you to do
Card 4 - The result or result of the events to which the dream was dreamed

So, focus and ... look at the alignment!

What does it mean, what did the dream mean

The Ten of Cups has fallen to you, symbolizing family happiness, joyful reunion, peace and carelessness. Strengthening partnerships, cooperation, teamwork and recreation. Wedding. Deep love, confidence in the future, good neighborliness, a sense of gratitude in a relationship. Excellent reputation, respect. The ability to get out of trouble with minimal losses.

How or what events will affect you

You have the Seven of Wands, indicating a good position for forced self-defense. The inevitability of attack, aggression, the need to be vigilant and defend one's point of view without hesitation, to fight for convictions with the attacking majority. The presence in the life of envious people, enemies preparing to strike. Quarrel, jealousy, threat. Urgent adjustment of plans, upcoming difficulties.

How do you better do

You got the Seven of Cups - illusions and delusions. Inability to concentrate, to see circumstances soberly and clearly due to excessive fascination with the question, strong embellishment of things; throwing from one desire to another, fraught with failures and disappointments. The likelihood of deception, self-deception. Excessive daydreaming, sentimentality, wishful thinking. "Castles in the air", nothing durable and long-term. Idleness and laziness.

The result or result of the events to which the dream was dreamed

You got "Lovers", which always means Decision, Choice (even if it's not about love). This Choice carries implicitness and irreversibility to the rejected option. “A medal has two sides” - The Real Truth can be seen only by examining all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and appreciate it.

All sorts of divination in real life helps to find the right decision, way out in a difficult situation. No less prophecy carries a dream in which tarot cards were present. The dream interpretation believes that what he saw in night dreams is a sign that the dreamer is indecisive and does not know what is best to do. If you found the answer in a dream, use it in reality. This is the best explanation of why this plot is dreaming.

Interpretations by Denise Lynn

Fortune telling in a dream on Tarot cards is a clear sign that you are unhappy with the status quo and want to change something in your destiny. If in a dream the alignment was good, then in reality you feel confident in tomorrow and do not be afraid of any adversity and obstacles.

If you dream of an unfavorable alignment of Tarot cards, then in the coming months a series of failures and trials will fall upon you. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn prophesies disappointments and numerous difficulties at work, in family life, at home.

Predictions from the Modern Dream Book

Playing solitaire - to minor adversity. This can also be dreamed of if relations with the other half have cracked. Do you want to glue a "broken cup"? Make every possible effort to understand what is the cause of the disagreement and eliminate it promptly.

To see that fortune-telling on Tarot cards is carried out by an experienced magician - to receive help and support from the outside. Seeing this is a good sign. Modern dream book I am sure that you will not be left alone in a difficult situation and will be able to overcome all difficulties together with your “patron”.

Explanations of sleep by Miller's dream book

Fortune telling in a dream on tarot cards - to a fun and carefree life. If you did fortune telling to your loved ones, then together you will be able to spend many fun and joyful moments. Miller's dream book prophesies joy and sincere carefree fun.

Seeing an oracle predict misfortune is a health problem. If you dream of fortune telling on an oracle, consult a doctor without delay. It will help not to start the disease and cure it as soon as possible.

Opinion of the Universal Interpreter

Guessing someone on tarot cards is a major difficulty. If the runes gave a good forecast, then fatal consequences can be avoided. If you dream that the runes predict trouble, then misfortunes will not leave your life soon.

Dreaming of a book of changes? Get ready for life changes. The Book of Changes is a sign of major change. If you dream about this, then they will suddenly burst into everyday life and lead to tangible changes in your destiny and attitude.

The interpretation of our dreams is connected primarily with our subconscious desires (passions) and unconscious fears (phobias). In order to interpret the meaning and understand the prediction of a particular dream (or a series of dreams), and sometimes these are nightmares or very complex and intricate stories, you need to figure out what your subconscious mind wants to tell you, otherwise misunderstood dreams can be repeated, sometimes with minor changes, but their meaning and interpretation will remain unsolved for you. Hidden fears can haunt you all your life, and hidden desires will never become apparent to you if you do not reveal their essence and catch the meaning of the interpretation of dreams.

Dream interpretation is a long and complex process that requires the full dedication of the dream interpreter or the person whose dream is to be deciphered. Sometimes you have the same dream every night, over and over again, which means that your brain is trying to tell or show you something, but you don’t see or hear. The interpretation of such a dream involves all the skills of psychology and psychoanalysis, the anatomy of the mind and the inner cosmos. If, for example, we turn to dreams that affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpersonal growth and self-knowledge, then the likelihood that you will be able to understand and unravel the secret meaning of what you saw, as well as unravel the chain of events without outside help, is small, it is not always possible to penetrate the secret of sleep on your own …

Alignment "Interpretation of dreams and dreams"

On our site, much attention is paid to predictions and divination on Tarot cards. In this case, too, you can determine the meaning of sleep by resorting to divination on Tarot cards using the “Interpretation of Dreams and Dreams” layout. This tarot divination is convenient and simple, but at the same time it helps to interpret dreams and understand the meaning of sleep from various angles, and also predicts the direction of development. real events in future. Before starting fortune-telling, you need to sit comfortably and try to relax. Remember passages and details of your dreams, try to immerse yourself in your dream and before your inner eye you will see pictures from dreams. Analyze what dream images appear before you and what sounds you hear. Perhaps someone is talking to you or you hear someone's voice. Or you may hear some noise or you feel touches or cold - warm.

The structure of the layout "Interpretation of dreams and dreams"

Shuffle all the Tarot cards and draw the deck once. Then lay out 1 and 2 cards in a row from left to right, put the 3rd card on top and the 4th card on the bottom, as shown in the figure. The layout "Interpretation of dreams and dreams" is shaped like a cross.

The meaning of the cards in the layout

1 - Background of sleep, explaining the appearance of images from dreams;

2 - This is something that should not be paid attention to when interpreting dreams, this dream does not mean;

3 - This is what you should pay attention to when interpreting dreams, this is what the dream means;

Interpretation of card meanings

When interpreting dreams and dreams, pay attention to the cards in positions 2 and 3. At the same time, it is necessary to understand the difference between them, sometimes it can be difficult to do, especially if these two cards are similar in meaning. But it is precisely in the difference between these cards that the whole meaning of sleep and alignment can lurk.

1 card - in position BACKGROUND OF SLEEP determines what is already happening in your real life and determines further developments in future.

In our example, this is the Star card, which has general meaning: a happy union with a great future. If we consider the meaning of the Star card in more detail, then in the “Interpretation of Dreams and Dreams” layout it shows that your future is in your hands. The Major Arcana Star also indicates that a broad perspective opens up before you for the distant future, which goes far beyond specific plans and agreements. Your dream, as if, elevates you to a bird's eye view, from where you can clearly see all the obstacles that arise on your way to your goal. The first card in the spread also indicates the means by which you will be able to overcome difficulties and reveals the final goal, which is sufficient for you to realize that you have achieved success.

2 map - in position DREAM DOES NOT MEAN identifies your fears and concerns in connection with dreams and rejects them, dispelling your doubts.

In the example, in position 2 is the Tarot card of the Queen of Pentacles, which has a common meaning: a kind and faithful woman. Here, the detailed meaning of the Queen of Pentacles card is interpreted as an indication of what you are experiencing right now. difficult period the birth and nurturing of another new idea that will play an important role in your life. The Queen of Pentacles dispels your fears about other people's ideas and advice that make you doubt their usefulness and feasibility. You are now not carried away by fashionable concepts or vague dreams, you are looking for something that has long-term and practical meaning for you. Major Arcana Queen of Pentacles personifies sensual joys and fullness of feelings, she warns you against withdrawing entirely into yourself and from giving up the joys of life.

3 map - in position WHAT DOES DREAM MEAN determines the motives of your actions hidden from your understanding and the results of this activity that affect the achievement of the goal in your real life.

In our example, in position 3 is the Major Arcana Tarot card The Hermit, which has a common card meaning: peace in solitude and detachment from the world. The Hermit card in this position shows that your dreams mean your desire to free yourself from other people's opinions and from the whole world in order to return to your "I". Therefore, here the Hermit, most likely, means a period when you run away from other people, consciously or even unconsciously, for one day or a whole vacation, in order to sort out and focus on some of your problems. As a result of reflection and inner reflection, a person becomes wiser and more determined, he gains strength and courage. Maybe you just need to think and give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of life, so that understanding of the future will come by itself. The Hermit card advises during such periods of solitude and peace to abstain from everything, fast, meditate and observe a vow of silence.

4 map - in position DIRECTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF EVENTS determines the meaning of dreams and sleep, its secret messages from the future.

In position 4 is the Major Arcana Tarot card World, which has a common meaning of the card: a strong union, happiness and harmony. The interpretation of the World card in this position indicates your awareness of your calling and destiny, and means that you have already taken a small but important step on the difficult path of becoming a person. You are no longer afraid of the “problematic” elements of your horoscope, you do not perceive them as vile machinations of fate-villain. You are already on the right path to reconcile these tense aspects in your inner world and the world around you, and soon you will understand the true beauty and harmony of the World map. In position 4 in the “Interpretation of Dreams and Dreams” layout, it shows that from the initial Chaos of internal contradictions and opposites in the future, a happy life will gradually develop for you, an ordered, boundless and cleansed of all filth Cosmos.

If you want to understand yourself and open your eyes, comprehend the secrets of your inner peace and bring clarity to your thoughts, look at things in a new way and fill your life with meaning, embody hidden desires and get rid of internal fears, dispel all your doubts and become confident in your abilities, leave a request for the interpretation of your dream in the comments on the site " Magic Carousel" or contact the administrator via the contact form. You will find meaning in seemingly meaningless trifles and gain faith in yourself and other people, say goodbye forever to the nightmares that torment you and prevent you from sleeping peacefully.