Tarot cards for a dream alignment. Divination - a modern dream book

Symbols make up the language of our subconscious. Tarot cards and dreams speak to them in the language of symbols; they also help us better understand ourselves, plunge into the depths of the subconscious, but, besides this, dreams help us better understand the Tarot, and Tarot cards help us better understand dreams.

Jung believed that the images of the Tarot come from archetypes associated with transformation. Among the archetypes there are several that are considered primary, higher archetypes. These include the shadow, animau animus, and the sage. Tarot cards also have symbols associated with other important archetypes of the transformation process. These include the archetypes of the hero, mother, one's own, self-sacrifice and rebirth. In Jung's analytical psychology, they are combined into the main dynamic components of the subconscious, which can have a certain effect on the psyche of the individual. When you dream of reading Tarot cards, it means that you are open and ready to explore your subconscious, you want to know what thoughts and feelings are born there. Remember what the meaning of prediction in a dream was reduced to.

The deck of cards, which is called the Tarot, consists of two groups - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The very word "lasso" in translation into Latin means "secret", "mystery". Major arcana include twenty-two cards, each of which has its own name. These cards depict symbolic images - the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, the Empress, as well as the elements of the universe, such as the Star, Moon, Sun, and, in addition, human experience - spiritual quests, joys, hopes, fears, grief. All of these characters are associated with ancient legends, universal symbols and faith in the power of magic. Usually, the Major Arcana become the object of serious research, giving rise to a lot of controversy. At their core, they are archetypes, and their numerical values ​​from 0 to 21 symbolize the quest of the soul and the path of self-knowledge, when the process becomes one and is comparable to the process of alchemical spiritual transformation. Each card of the Major Arcana reflects certain stages of personality development - from non-existence, birth, love, marriage and death to spiritual uplift, and then back to non-existence.

Most of the Minor Arcana Tarot cards reflect our daily worries, events, qualities. The minor arcana are divided into four suits: Cups (Bowls), Pentacles, Wands and Swords, each of which consists of cards numbered from O to 10, and also each includes cards of the Page, Knight, Queen and King. The suits of the Minor Arcana are the progenitors of the suits of modern playing cards (hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades). Each suit of the Minor Arcana has its own special meaning. Traditionally, the suit of Wands is associated with the element of Fire and symbolizes inspiration, action, initiative, and the soul. The Suit of Swords is associated with the element of Air and symbolizes determination, certainty, predestination, strength, loyalty and victory over fears. The suit of Cups (Bowls) is associated with water, emotions, purity of outlook on the future. And finally, the suit of Pentacles is associated with financial position, money, comprehensive knowledge and the elements of the Earth. Keep this in mind when you see some cards in a dream.

If you dreamed of a card, then refer to the descriptions of its characteristics below.

Major arcana cards 0. Fool. Jester The figure of the jester in the cards of the Major Arcana symbolizes impulse, birth or youth. The jester is at the beginning of the path, and he is accompanied by a dog. If this card appears in your dream, then this is due to the beginning of something new and the endless possibilities that open up before the sleeper. This card also means movement, for example, associated with moving to a new place of residence, new job or a new way of thinking. It's not just a change, it's not just a renewal, it's not just new, it's completely new. This new is connected with movement, something fresh and exciting. However, the barking dog on the map is a sign warning you to be careful once you're on this path. You need to stop dreaming and fantasizing, you should carefully monitor your every step so as not to stumble and fall and not look like a fool.

1. Mage

The magician is often portrayed as a magician, an illusionist who plays with cards of all four suits. It symbolizes consciousness, self-control, dexterity and skill. This card in dreams may suggest that we can see more than we see. The magician can symbolize some idea, a magical mental image of what you want more than anything in the world. It can be a solution to some important problem for you, a successful career growth or real all-consuming love.

2. High Priestess

She is depicted on the map as a praying woman, the spiritual leader of all women and symbolizes their freedom, wisdom, independence, mental development. This is a card of knowledge, intuitive vision, the highest creation of nature. This card is associated with secret knowledge. Like the moon that lights your way on a dark night, it helps you find your way in this life. The woman depicted on the card sits between two columns - dark and light, which symbolize the conscious and the unconscious, ascending and descending. All secret knowledge is concentrated in her hands.

3. Empress

She is depicted as a queen on a throne or as a mother goddess. It symbolizes Divine illumination, mind, motherhood and creativity. The Empress symbolizes the creation of life, romance, the art of doing business. The card says that if you are waiting for new romantic adventures, you are striving for career growth, business success, if you want your brainchild to turn into something significant, then you should not leave it to its fate. Like a pregnant woman or a good gardener, you must be patient. There is a time for everything, this card says. Everything needs time to mature and sprout.

4. Emperor

He is often depicted seated on a throne and holding an orb and a scepter in his hands. It symbolizes vision, vision, judgment, point of view, an all-encompassing picture of what is happening, realization and power, strength and power. With a favorable set of circumstances, he symbolizes a leader whom everyone wants to follow, because they understand that he rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. However, sometimes the throne becomes a real trap for those sitting on it, and then the Emperor can feel tired, exhausted, lose peace and sleep.

5. Hierophant, or Pope

This card depicts a religious leader. He is also depicted seated on a throne. He symbolizes the connection between God and people, he rules on behalf of God and is the embodiment of spiritual enlightenment. This is the spiritual father, transcendence, teacher. His only problem is stubbornness. At his best, he symbolizes wisdom, soothes, offers good advice, and at his worst, he is a die-hard traditionalist.

6. Lovers

This card usually depicts a couple in love surrounded by cupids. But in fact, not everything is so beautiful. In reality, it symbolizes struggle, beauty, sovereignty and union. This card in our dreams is a symbol of the choice that the sleeper has. Love is the power to make right choice and make a decision based on arguments that are beyond understanding. In such cases, control rests with the higher Forces. In our dreams, this card indicates that we should listen to the voice of our intuition in matters related to a career, difficulties, a subject that especially attracts you, and it does not matter how terrible, difficult, irrational and tragic the circumstances are. .

7. Chariot (Wagon)

Sometimes this card depicts warrior-heroes on parade, who move in a gilded chariot. This card symbolizes victory, the triumph of man over nature, power, war and self-control. When she appears to you in a dream, this means that you must learn to control your conflicting feelings, desires, needs, people and circumstances. It is important for you to connect and direct them in a single direction. This card indicates new motivations, promises inspiration, a second wind, which can move some kind of stagnation situation off the ground.

8. Strength (Lust)

This card symbolizes love as a source of strength, endurance, the desire to survive, strong desire, and perseverance. In dreams, the card reflects not just some situation, but control over it and over oneself. It is associated with anger and irritation, managing one's impulsiveness, creative solutions, leadership and inner composure. The card may indicate a true friend.

9. Hermit

This card often depicts a man in monastic robes. He holds a lantern or an hourglass in his hands. The hermit is a symbol of solitude, avoidance of worldly fuss, refusal from the contract, when a person is guided by a deep inner conviction and is completely absorbed in details. This card indicates that the time has not yet come for socialization, rotation in society, and a person is looking for peace and solitude. She also says that the time has not yet come for action, discussion or decision; you have the opportunity to think about a situation, to reflect, to analyze. The card may indicate disappointment and dissatisfaction with the circumstances when a person has to remain isolated from society. But the card indicates that such isolation is a necessary evil that can lead to insight, enlightenment, enlightenment.

10. Wheel of Fortune

This card symbolizes karma, reincarnation, the consequences of chance, the cyclical nature of all things, optimism and generosity. It implies changes, movement, evolution, but most importantly - this card is connected with everything that happens suddenly, falls like snow on your head.

11. Justice

This card depicts justice as a blindfolded woman holding a scale. It symbolizes decision and balance. Justice implies cold objectivity, balances the forces of nature. In dreams, it can indicate to the sleeping person that you can drink and smoke without fear of harming your health. The card says that you need to get rid of everything superfluous, and calls for a certain correction in life in order to achieve a balance of its aspects - physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

12. Hanged Man

This is a card of sacrifice, violence, transition. She says that sometimes a person must step back from the won positions and try to take in the whole picture with a glance in order to see that there is a different truth and other perspectives. All this should help him make an important decision. But no matter how deep or superficial your inner vision is, no matter what level it captures - spiritual or everyday - if in a dream you see yourself hanged, then this is a sure sign that you will never see things like that again, as you have seen them before.

13. Death

She is often depicted as a skeleton or a white figure with a scythe in her hands. This card speaks of stagnation and routine, but new beginnings are also associated with it, a blank sheet that opens the way for something new, liberation. This card marks the onset of change, when a certain period in life ends and another begins. You may feel sad, devastated, downhearted, but this card also indicates that after the fall, the rise will follow, which means that the phoenix will be reborn from the ashes. Death is not the end. It only heralds the resurrection.

14. Moderation

This card is associated with enthusiasm, moderation in everything, truthfulness and honesty, mixing various components in the right proportions. At first glance, it may seem that the card serves as a warning that you need to be patient and be able to change your behavior. But it can also serve as a reminder that what seems uncontrollable can be irreversible.

15. Devil

This card is perhaps one of the most misunderstood cards of the Major Arcana. In fact, the devil here is not Satan at all. This is the god Pan, half goat and half god. This is Dionysus, the god of fun, winemakers and fertility, known for his immorality. This card symbolizes superficiality, embarrassment, apathy, ignorance, narrow-mindedness, frustration, sexual problems. This card is associated with pleasure and abundance, thoughtless behavior and licentiousness, promiscuity, ambition, temptations and bad habits. However, this card can also warn the sleeping person that he is too constrained in his feelings, actions, self-expression, not allowing himself to show passion, be sloppy, behave thoughtlessly and unrestrainedly, forgetting that we all have the right to our ambitions.

16. Tower

This card symbolizes the awakening of spirituality, predestination. It is often depicted as the abode of the gods or as a ruin. This is a map of war, a war between a chaotic pile of lies and the truth that makes itself known as flashes of bright light. When this card appears in our dreams, then expect a shock, a revelation that can blind you. Sometimes we must experience the greatest shock in life in order to see the truth that we are afraid to confront, in order to have the strength to challenge and destroy to the ground well-structured and deeply ingrained beliefs in our minds. But the important thing is that the destruction of such a structure in our real life makes room for the construction of something new.

17. Star

This card is often depicted as a woman kneeling by the sea. It symbolizes clear vision, spiritual insight, meditation, inspiration and hope, and at the same time the immortality of the soul. Most importantly, the card indicates that the sleeping person will receive unexpected help and support, and this will be only the first step on the path of change, which the star predicting the future speaks of. The card literally says that everyone must see their future for themselves and accept it.

18. Moon

This card is associated with dreams and nightmares. The moon symbolizes illusions, self-deception, confusion and faith in intuition. The card frightens and warns that you may have secret enemies, that you may be a victim of someone else's intrigue, prey in the nets of a trap set by your ill-wishers and liars. Trying to interpret its meaning, it should be remembered that this card is associated with our creativity, the power of magic, the ability to experience feelings, intuition. If we see her in a dream, then this indicates that we are facing serious emotional and mental tests. At the same time, the card indicates that the time has come to use your creativity, the power of your soul, the ability to see the present and foresee the future. The card says that we should trust our intuition.

19. Sun

Just as the Moon card is associated with intuition and inspiration coming from our subconscious and our dreams, so this card symbolizes everything that is connected with our consciousness, suggesting that we are fully awake from sleep and ready for insight, ready to think clearly, understand, understand, understand. This is a card of wisdom, happiness, greatness, and nobility, brilliance and glory, intelligence and clarity of mind. It is associated with the sciences and precise calculations, beautifully composed music and thoughtful philosophical views.

20. Judgment

This card often depicts angels blowing prophetic trumpets. She is a symbol of awakening to something new, rebirth. Although the wounds of the past have not yet healed, the card encourages us to gain strength and leave the past to the past, let it go from us unconditionally and forever. This is a card of healing the soul from pain, recovery from an accident or serious illness. She talks about transformation, renewal and change.

21. World (Universe)

This card tells us that the successful completion of a long project is just around the corner, and also that our achievements deserve the highest praise. The card symbolizes triumph, completion, rewards, perfection, the unity of good and bad, and on a more ordinary level indicates the end of a trip, but not a business trip, but a long, fantastic trip. This is a card of wholeness, satisfaction and happiness.

Often dream books offer different interpretations dreamed in a dream of things, events or situations. To unravel the meaning of sleep, use the online Tarot layout “Dream Interpretation”. The cards will tell you what the dream was about, what events will affect you, what is the best thing to do, and how the events inspired by the dream will develop.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before divination, we recommend.

Scheme and interpretation of the online layout "Dream Tarot"

Card 1 - What does the dream mean
Card 2 - How or what events will affect you
Card 3 - What is the best thing for you to do
Card 4 - The result or result of the events to which the dream was dreamed

So, focus and ... look at the alignment!

What does it mean, what did the dream mean

The Ten of Cups has fallen to you, symbolizing family happiness, joyful reunion, peace and carelessness. Strengthening partnerships, cooperation, teamwork and recreation. Wedding. Deep love, confidence in the future, good neighborliness, a sense of gratitude in a relationship. Excellent reputation, respect. The ability to get out of trouble with minimal losses.

How or what events will affect you

You have the Seven of Wands, indicating a good position for forced self-defense. The inevitability of attack, aggression, the need to be vigilant and defend one's point of view without hesitation, to fight for convictions with the attacking majority. The presence in the life of envious people, enemies preparing to strike. Quarrel, jealousy, threat. Urgent adjustment of plans, upcoming difficulties.

How do you better do

You got the Seven of Cups - illusions and delusions. Inability to concentrate, to see circumstances soberly and clearly due to excessive fascination with the question, strong embellishment of things; throwing from one desire to another, fraught with failures and disappointments. The likelihood of deception, self-deception. Excessive daydreaming, sentimentality, wishful thinking. "Castles in the air", nothing durable and long-term. Idleness and laziness.

The result or result of the events to which the dream was dreamed

You got "Lovers", which always means Decision, Choice (even if it's not about love). This Choice carries implicitness and irreversibility to the rejected option. “A medal has two sides” - The Real Truth can be seen only by examining all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and appreciate it.

Divination and divination - all these sacraments are of great interest to people in real life. But, how to understand the meaning of a dream in which one of the magical attributes was seen? What, for example, can Tarot cards dream of? If we open the dream book, we will read that this is a symbol of indecision, confusion in which the sleeper is.

A dream will help to make a decision if the person who observed him remembered the meaning of the cards. Such a dream can be called prophetic, prophetic, with a special meaning.

The meaning of the layout

If in a dream you are guessing on Tarot cards, then this, according to the dream book, is confirmation that you are not satisfied with the current situation in reality. Do you want life to be more dynamic? In this case, if the Tarot layout was positive, then feel free to move forward without fear of any obstacles. You will succeed, and all changes will be only for the better.

It is easy to guess what a bad alignment promises - a series of adversities, failures, mistakes. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn supports this version, also warning about troubles in family life and unhealthy work environment. Hold on!

About relationships

Had a dream about playing solitaire? In this case, be prepared for minor troubles. However, sometimes this vision should make you wary and think about how relationships with a partner are built? There is every reason to believe that there is some misunderstanding, alienation between you. If your loved one is dear to you, and you do not want to bring the matter to separation, divorce, then think about what your mistake is. Yes, yes, correct your mistakes first, and then you will see how your heart friend or spouse behaves.

When in night dreams you are guessing on the cards, then this is a good omen. She reassures you, suggesting that at a difficult moment you will not be left alone with trouble. An experienced, reliable person will definitely come to your aid.

From laughter to medicine

Miller's dream book predicts a cheerful and carefree life to those who in a sleeping state guessed the Tarot. And if you laid out cards in order to predict the fate of relatives and comrades, then they will have a wonderful period - without worries and problems.

A different interpretation of the dream, in which the oracle predicts health problems for someone. However, any fortune-telling with the participation of an oracle should, according to the dream book, force the sleeping person to urgently make an appointment with a doctor. And all because it is very likely that a person has begun to progress a serious disease. The first signs of which, while not obvious, are imperceptible. But if you do not start treatment at the initial stage, a tragedy is possible.

Twists of fate

Have you dreamed that you are playing the role of e, and with the help of Tarot you predict someone else's fate? Then show stamina, patience - in reality, trouble is coming. If in a vision the position of the runes is safe, then in reality you can avoid especially serious trials and obstacles. But if the dreamed runes suggest trouble, then in reality the dreamer will have to endure, go through a lot. Do not despair - the black bar will end.

great events, sharp turns fate, that's what the Book of Changes is dreaming of. It is difficult to say in what way this will manifest itself most obviously, but the main thing is that changes will occur in the worldview, the attitude of the dreamer.

Interpretations from various sources

Carefully studying the dream books, you can see that sometimes one of them contradicts the other. Therefore, we propose to get acquainted with some explanations, in which there may be discrepancies.

So, to someone who read a horoscope in a dream or compiled it, in real life important steps, decisive actions are ahead. When you sleep and see that you have turned to the oracle for help, then this is not enough for you in reality, ask a friend, older relatives, experienced colleagues for advice.

It is interesting that one of the suits of the Tarot - the wands seen in a dream - indicate that the sleeping person is ambitious, conceited.

Tarot of shadows in a dream, predicts mental anguish, torment. The sleeper will reflect on something, worrying, not finding an unambiguous solution.

When in a dream you looked through all the arcana, then, alas, in reality you found yourself in a difficult situation, close to despair, due to a feeling of hopelessness. Don't give up, everything will change for the better!

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 04/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Many people have a desire to know about their own future. Fortune telling on Tarot cards allows them to get answers to questions that concern them. And why dream of divination on Tarot cards in night dreams? Interpreters attach special importance to dreams in which this attribute of divination was present.

What if you dream of divination on tarot cards?

According to Felomen's dream book, the Tarot cards dreamed up in a dream personify the attitude of a sleeping person to the reality around him. After carefully analyzing their alignment, the dreamer will be able to understand what his problems are. If in a dream an outsider was guessing on the Tarot cards, then in reality a difficult life period awaits him. The troubles that he will face will knock him out of the usual rhythm of life for a long time. To overcome the obstacle course, the dreamer will need a lot of time, effort and financial resources.

How does Felomen's dream book explain a dream in which a sleeping person independently guesses for himself on Tarot cards? The interpreter portends him minor troubles and minor problems. But do not be upset, as a series of troubles will quickly end and it will be replaced by a life period filled with good luck. Did you happen to watch from the side how the fortuneteller makes a deal on the cards to an outsider? A dream promises the dreamer tangible material losses.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century divination by tarot cards considers it a sign hinting to the dreamer about the infidelity of his judgments. Most likely, a person is deeply mistaken in relation to people close to him. In order to maintain normal relations with them, he should not trust gossip and perceive everything he hears about them exactly the opposite.

Miller's dream book, a dream in which a person was guessed at Tarot cards, personifies an important matter that requires an immediate decision. If the dreamer continues to put off his problem for the future, he risks losing peace of mind. Why dream of divination on Tarot cards for a young girl? The dream interpreter is sure that night vision portends her a difficult choice that she needs to make on her own, guided by her own inner voice. If the dreamer listens to the recommendations of other people, she can make a fatal mistake that can change the course of her fate for the worse.

The dream in which the fortuneteller made a deal on Tarot cards and predicted the future to the dreamer is very important. Yuri Longo warns about this in his dream book. The white magician advises the sleeping person to try to remember everything that the fortune teller told him about in a dream, since important information about his future may be hidden in her words.

What portends?

In order to correctly interpret the dream, Denise Lynn's dream book advises paying attention to the layout of the cards, which resulted from fortune-telling. If it turned out to be positive, then fortune will accompany the dreamer in the near future. He can take on the implementation of long-cherished plans and not be afraid of defeat. Had a bad card layout? Higher power they warn the sleeping person to refrain from making important decisions, as difficult times await him in the near future. For married people, such a dream promises family troubles, and for those who are building a career, serious difficulties with colleagues or superiors.

A dream in which a powerful and experienced sorceress reads Tarot cards to a sleeping person predicts difficult times for him. But do not despair, since the Modern Dream Book promises the dreamer help in overcoming difficulties from strangers, whose support he did not even hope for. They will not only help him adequately endure the trials prepared by fate, but will also make it clear that he is not alone in this world.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards in a dream will allow the dreamer to look into the future and find out how favorable the events prepared for him by fate will be. Often a dream carries a warning about future problems. By listening to him, a person will be able to avoid the troubles awaiting him and maintain peace of mind.

Archetypes in cards and archetypes in visions (dreams) are similar to each other.
Dreams, like Tarot, speak to us through symbols and signs, divination for the interpretation of sleep is a very good tool for training intuition, feeling the subtle plan, opening your inner “I”.
Dreams are connected primarily with our unconscious, all our fears, desires, passions that we suppress or do not notice at all in a conscious state, awaken in a dream and begin to remind ourselves. If you don’t deal with what your subconscious wants to tell you about, then dreams begin to repeat, and after all, at an hour these are painful nightmares. And this means that they try to tell you something over and over again, but you do not hear!

The interpretation of a dream or even a series of dreams is a rather complicated process that requires dedication and a desire to unravel this tangle from the interpreter, because psychoanalysis skills and work with intuition are required.

There are several divination options for interpreting dreams. We will give the most working and simple options for "dream books" for Tarot cards. Fortune telling on Tarot cards in order to read a dream will help not only to understand the meaning of the pictures that the subconscious shows you, but also the direction of development of events in the future.

So, before laying out the cards, immersing yourself in the details of the dream, remember your entire dream as colorfully as possible, especially concentrate on what excited you or made you distinguish this dream from all the others. Shuffle the deck well and lay out the layout.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep No. 1

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep "Moon" is based on the symbolism of the 18th Major Arcana. Very beautiful symbolic and informative alignment.
1,2 - Towers, Scylla and Charybdis, Black and White, Pillars of Hercules: the main conflict in the dream.
3 - The way: how to understand a dream, a method of working with it. In this position, a ritual for working with a dream can also be recommended.
4 - Dog. Betrayal: that in which you are deceived.
5 - Cancer. Subconscious: what you are trying to forget, you push into the subconscious, do not attach any importance to it.
6 - Wolf. Hostility: What you actively reject.
7 - Moon: An easy-to-read message of a dream, its meaning is clear, but false, illusory, intended to lead astray and cover up traces.
8 - The sun obscured by the moon: the main meaning of sleep. Answer to it. The key to dreams.

Alignment for the interpretation of dreams No. 2

Dream tree.
1,2,3 - Trunk of the Tree
1 - base from the past.
2 - current situation.
3 - peak (development in the future).

4,5,6,7 - Branches of the Tree: dream images.
8,9,10,11 – Roots of the Tree: real situations from Querent's past.

  • Choose from the "Branches" the card that most accurately reflects the essence of your dream.
  • Open the "Root" lying directly below it. This kata nourishes her, she caused her to incarnate in a dream. Interpret these cards, find analogues in real events. Explain how the situation from the past is connected with the present, why this branch has grown on the trunk of the Tree. So you will understand what the subconscious mind is trying to tell you by sending these images in a dream.
  • Similarly, analyze each pair in positions: 8 and 8; 5 and 9; 6 and 10; 7 and 11.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 3
This alignment will help to identify which event from the past caused the image in a dream, what valuable information it brought to you, what lessons you need to learn.
1 –Reason: the most important position, because it is she who points to an event from the past that caused the dream. This is especially important if the Major Arcana fell out!
2 - The leading theme of sleep: this card talks about what is happening right now. A warning about loss or separation will also lie here, indicating a problem that causes a feeling of anxiety due to an anxious foreboding.
3 – Interference: what interferes with the perception of information from sleep. Block. What events or feelings have become blinders in front of your eyes.
4 - Help: here is information about what and how to do to solve the problem.
5 - Outcome.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 4
1, 2, 3 - Dream images.
4, 5, 6 . - Meaning of images.
7, 8, 9. - How will it affect real life what it will lead to.
10, 11, 12 How best to use the information from the dream to make changes in your life. What lesson should be learned.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 5
This alignment is used in the analysis of nightmares.
1. What caused the bad dream?
2. Why is he so scary for you?
3. What is the real threat in it for you? And does it exist at all? Or an empty dream.
4. How can the nightmare threat be dispelled? How to protect yourself?

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 6
This layout is called "Sweet Dreams" and is used to analyze pleasant dreams, for example, about meeting a loved one. At first glance, it may seem that there is no need to analyze “sweet dreams”. But you really want to know whether the dream is prophetic and whether its prediction will come true, or whether it is empty and just the fruit of an inflamed fantasy.

3 _________ 4 __________ 5
___________ 2 ___________
__________ S/1 __________
____ 6 ____________ 7 ____
___________ 8 __________

S - significator - is laid out at the very beginning of the scenario.
1 Does the Questioner live in reality or in dreams?
2 Is there a connection between dream and reality?
3 What symbols from the dream are real?
4 What symbols from the dream are the fruit of Querent's inflamed fantasy?
5 What symbols from a dream speak of the most important events? What should be paid special attention to?
6 Why does reality not correspond to images from a dream?
7 What prevents what you see from becoming reality?
8 How will this dream manifest itself in the future?

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 7

1 - What was the dream about?
2 - What events from a dream will affect you in reality.
3 - What is the best way to deal with this?
4 - The result of events that were predicted in a dream.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 8

This alignment is shaped like a cross:
1 position- prerequisites that will explain the appearance of an image from a dream. This is something that has already happened or is happening in your life right now.
2 Position- what this dream does not exactly mean, you should not pay attention to it. This position dispels doubts, refutes all the fears and fears that this dream aroused in you.
3 Position- this is exactly what the dream means, read this card carefully and, if necessary, take out 2 additional. Here are the motives of actions hidden from consciousness and the results obtained from this, what will affect your life.
4 Positionfurther development events. Secret message from the future. How to change your life information or event from the 3rd position.
When interpreting the spread, highlight the key difference between cards in 2nd and 3rd position. Sometimes this can be difficult to do if the cards are similar and overlap in their meaning. But it is precisely in the difference between these two positions that the whole essence of sleep in general and this alignment in particular lies hidden.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 9


1. Is it a prophetic dream;
2. What does it refer to from the past?
3. What do dream symbols mean?
4. What does it encourage?
5. What does he warn against?
6. How it will help in solving current problems;
7. What will be the result.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 10

1. Cause.
2. Meaning.
3. Advice.
4. Outcome.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep number 11

The layout is quite simple and informative.
1,2 - a kind of dream: prophecy - a prophetic dream, transformation, psychology, spirituality.
3,4 - the message of sleep for you, its essence.
5,6 - advice: how you can use the message of sleep in your life.
7 - this card is placed face down and opened only after all the positions of the layout have been read. It is the connecting link of all the previous six positions.

Alignment for the interpretation of sleep No. 12
This alignment does not work with images, but with the energies of the map and sleep.
S - Significator of sleep, its main characteristic. Choose a card from the deck that, in your opinion, fully reflects the dream or the sensations that it caused you.
1 - dream situation
2 – Sleep energy
3 – The meaning of sleep in the context of reality
4 - The reason for the dream
5 - Subconscious processes that caused the dream.
6 – How the energies from the dream will appear in Querent's life.