What to learn 40 hadiths of the prophet muhammed sav. Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad about life. Authentic Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. Description of the end of the world

Islam is one of the most mysterious religions on our planet. It consists of a number of written and unwritten laws, which every Muslim adheres to with enviable accuracy and fidelity. Among them are the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad known to everyone - short stories about his life path. They can be embellished, modified somewhere, but they are very reliable. About what is so interesting about them, and how they affect the life of Muslims, read below.

So, the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad are important events recorded on paper from the life of this religious figure, the founder of Islam. Every Muslim is obliged to know them, honor and accept them as a basis for the formation of his worldview and the worldview of his descendants. It is believed that Muhammad compiled these records specifically so that in the future his people could be based on the life experience he acquired. Today, in terms of importance, these historical reports are in second place after the Koran, the book that is considered the most sacred in the religion of Islam. The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad are also considered autobiographical. They were given special attention at the dawn of Islam itself, and now they are often retold in families and mosques as legends. It is also believed that by studying these texts, one can comprehend all the mysteries of this Eastern religion.

The nature of the origin of the word

Considering the issue from the point of view of etymology, it becomes immediately clear that the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad are literally stories about what happened. People who know Arabic can easily draw an analogy between “hadith” and “hadsa”, which sounds in Russian like “tell something”, “know”, “transmit”. Thus, it turns out that each of the stories that belongs to this category is not the basic law of religion, but a tradition. Previously, this tradition was passed down by word of mouth, but later it began to be written down on paper. It should be noted that all these customs of the Islamic people, which were formed in this way, acquired their perfect appearance not right away. For three centuries after the death of the Great Prophet, there was a lot of discussion in Eastern society on this subject, and all records were formed, as it were, in leaps and bounds.

Geography of tradition

The religious fate of all those peoples who are now Muslim, was determined long before the official birth of the religion inherent in them today. The Middle East, some states of Central Asia and North Africa from time immemorial were considered one whole cultural region, where identical gods were honored, practically the same cults were erected and similar traditions were established. In 632 AD (the date of the death of Muhammad) religion only acquired official status and written confirmation. Also in the seventh century, the influence of the Koran began to spread throughout all the above-mentioned regions, which the prophet personally received from Allah. Following the Holy Book, first in oral and then in written form, the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad reach the people, which become a reinforcement of customs and faith. It is worth noting here that each individual people interpreted these lines in their own way. Also, for different powers, far from the same hadiths from all existing have more or less value.


Researchers, comparing generally accepted historical reports and these written documents, managed to divide the latter into three main categories. Thus, we have authentic hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, good and weak. These statuses are great importance, if they are used in a jurisdiction, in history, or in other teachings. If it is necessary to mention the hadeeth in order to conduct a moral conversation or to establish a certain moral value in society, then such scrupulousness becomes unnecessary.

About life in marriage

Today we are all used to the fact that in the Muslim world the attitude towards the female sex is extremely humiliating. In fact, the philosophy of the East is much more subtle than it may seem to us, European people. A striking example of this are the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad about women, which he compiled during his life. Here are some of them: “When you yourself have a meal, share the meal with your wife; when you buy clothes and other things for yourself, do the same for her! Do not hit her in the face, do not swear in her direction, and when you quarrel, do not leave her alone with you ”; “When a husband’s wife is righteous, she can be compared with the golden crown that flaunts on the king’s head, sparkles and shines for hundreds of meters. If the wife of a righteous husband is characterized by sinfulness, she is comparable only to the heavy burden that hangs behind the back of an old man. These words give us the opportunity to understand that the attitude towards wives among Muslims is fundamentally different, but this does not mean at all that it is worse.

About the main parent

Like many other nations, despite their patriarchal social charter, Islamists hold mothers in high esteem. This is confirmed by the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad about women who have become or are preparing to become mothers. Lines such as “All women who bear a child, give birth to him and favorably treat all children, their own and others, will surely fall into Paradise” or “If you look for Paradise for yourself, look for it under your mother’s feet” are the basis of the entire philosophy of Islam . Their parents are treated with honor throughout their lives. The traditions compiled by Muhammad say that mothers must be constantly cared for, respected and never forgotten.

Perpetual motion machine of faith

One of the foundations of Islam is the fivefold prayer, which every Muslim strictly adheres to. It manifests itself in the form of a prayer, which must be repeated on each of the five days in order to merge with the Almighty, to achieve a state of spiritual happiness. This sacred philosophy, of course, is reflected in the traditions of the Eastern peoples. During the 7th century, the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad about prayer were compiled, and today they teach us to honor Allah and sacrifice our most precious treasure - time and reason - to him. This is what the Almighty promises to those who will be faithful to him: “Everyone who carefully performs ablutions, after which he goes to read the obligatory prayer and performs it according to the imam, receives the forgiveness of one of his sins.”

life instructions

The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad about life are considered to be of particular value in the Muslim world. We will not retell their texts, as this may take an uncountable amount of time. In general, we can say that these legends and stories contain the maximum number of those dogmas on which Islam itself was based. They teach justice, righteousness, wisdom. Many of them are accurate descriptions of certain situations that happened in the life of the prophet. It is generally accepted that, based on his life experience, every Muslim should draw analogies in his life, acting identically to the universal mentor. The most important thing in every text is that a person should love and honor Allah. And if Muslims on Earth are faithful to its laws, then after death they will go to a paradise.

About the underworld

Similar to all the previous ones in Islam are the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad about death. Reading and studying them, it is impossible not to notice some similarities with our Orthodoxy, but the difference between them is also great. Firstly, it is worth saying that the hadiths preach to appreciate and honor Allah because he grants eternal and beautiful life after death to everyone who was faithful to him. The stories claim that the earthly path of a person is only a temporary refuge, therefore there is no point in clinging to the various benefits of the material world. Also, like Orthodoxy, in Islam there is only one God - Allah, and only a Muslim can worship him. characteristic feature of the hadiths that tell us about death and its coming, is also the continuity of the story. The dogmas that are brought to the fore are against the backdrop of events that again tell about certain events in the life path of the Prophet Muhammad.


The Islamic world, unlike our usual Orthodox or Catholic, is characterized by much stricter rules for observing not only official laws, but also traditions and religious teachings. An integral part here are the hadiths, which teach every person who has become a Muslim to adhere to his faith conscientiously and in accordance with all dogmas. These historical texts fully reveal the essence of Islam to us, give us the opportunity to understand how this religion came into being, how people within its framework perceive it, and how an outsider should treat all these rules.

Mankind has always thought about the essence of the universe, believing that the universe is eternal and has no end. Such an understanding formed the basis of materialistic philosophy. However, today science has undeniably proved that life on earth had an exact moment of beginning and our Universe is finite, as well as all people and living beings are mortal. Sooner or later the End of the World will come and there is no doubt about the truth of this command sent down by Allah Almighty in Quran 1400 years ago.

People have always been worried about the question of when the inevitable end will come, but only Allah knows the time of the Hour of Judgment, knowledge about the moment of its beginning is hidden from people.

The Prophet Muhammad (S) gave us the secret knowledge about the signs of the approach of the Day of Judgment, as well as descriptions of the period preceding it. The time when the signs of the day of the End of the World will come true and become visible is called the "Last Time" in Islamic sources. After the Prophet Muhammad, a number of great theologians of Islam also deeply studied this problem and gave their comments, and they all indicate that the approach of the End Times will be marked by a series of events that will happen one after another in the predicted sequence.

"The signs of the End of the World will come one after another, like beads falling from a necklace."

The first period of the End Times will become an arena for the militant domination of godless ideologies and philosophical teachings, humanity will be on the verge of moral degradation. People will forget about the purpose of their creation, their souls will be enveloped by a great spiritual emptiness and moral decline. Mankind, going through a series of great, most difficult cataclysms, wars and upheavals, will seek an answer to the only question: "Where is salvation?"

It is during this period of complete hopelessness and despair in the souls of people that the Almighty Lord will assign to the blessed person chosen by Him the mission of calling people to the true path: "Mahdi" will appear.

"The End of the World will come when high-rise buildings will be built..."
"The Hour will not come until these hadith come true... People will compete with each other in the construction of high-rise buildings."

The End of the World will not come until these events happen... Time will be reduced and space will be reduced.

"Prophet Mohammed, sas, said: "The End of the World will not come until time accelerates. It will accelerate so that the year will become as fast as a month, a month like a week, a week like a day, and a day like one hour, while an hour will pass as quickly as a flash of a torch.

The message in the final part of the above hadith is clear. It is reported that in Lately long distances will be shortened by new means of communication and transport. Nowadays, thanks to supersonic aircraft, trains and other advanced vehicles, journeys that in the past could take months are now completed in a few hours and, moreover, in an incomparably safer, cozy and comfortable environment. Thus, the sign, reported to us in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (S), was fulfilled.

For example, if many centuries ago communication and communication between the continents took weeks, or even months, now it is possible to connect with another continent via the Internet and means of communication in just a few seconds. Goods that in the past could only be obtained after months of waiting for the caravan to return can now be delivered instantly. Not so long ago, just a few centuries ago, writing one book took a period of time, during which millions of books can be printed today. Such everyday activities as cleaning, cooking, childcare are almost no time-consuming thanks to the devices of the "miracle of technology".

Many more such examples could be cited. But the main thing that should be paid special attention here is the exact implementation in our days of the signs of the Day of Judgment, reported by the Prophet back in the 7th century.

The Hour will not come until the end of the kamcha (whip) speaks to a person.

If you carefully study this hadeeth, the truth hidden in it becomes clear. As you know, kamcha (lash) is a tool widely used in ancient times, mainly for driving riding animals, horses, camels, but let's ask our contemporaries the following question: What of our everyday life can be likened to kamcha and what is this talking object?

Phones, cordless Cell phones and similar means of communication are the most logical answer to this question.
Considering that wireless means of communication, such as a mobile or satellite phone, appeared quite recently, it becomes clear how significant the description of the Prophet Muhammad (S), made by him 1400 years ago, was.

The End of the World will not come until (his) own voice speaks to a person.

The message in the hadith is quite obvious: it is noted that if a person hears his own voice, this is one of the signs of the End Times. Undoubtedly, in order for a person to hear his voice, it is necessary to first record the voice and then hear it. Sound recording and sound reproducing technologies are the invention of the 20th century; this event was a turning point in science, served as the birth of the information and mass media sector. Sound recording has reached perfection with the latest improvements in computer and laser technology.
Thus, the electronic devices of our day, microphones and loudspeakers, allow us to record and listen to the sound of any voice and prove to us the evidence of the message given in the hadith.

Sign of that Day: A hand will be stretched out from heaven, and people will look at it and see.

The sign of that Day is a hand stretched out in the sky and people looking at it.

Obviously, the word "hand" in the hadeeth has a figurative meaning. The word "hand" (ar. "yed"), used in the hadith, in Arabic has another meaning - "power, strength, energy, means."

The object that people look at did not have any semantic meaning for past times. However, devices such as television, camera and computer, which are an integral part of modern world, fully reveal the event described in the hadith. The word "hand" in the hadith is given in the meaning of "power, strength." It becomes obvious that the image sent down from heaven in the form of ethereal waves points to television.

"When people sow one measure of wheat, and receive a harvest of 700 measures of grain... A person will throw several handfuls of grain into the ground, and receive 700 handfuls of harvest... There will be a lot of rain, but not a single drop of rain will be wasted. "

The Prophet Muhammad (S) reported in many hadiths about the technological advances that will be celebrated in the End Times. The hadiths point to the development of farming technologies, new land cultivation techniques, dams and land irrigation systems, genetic engineering and the improvement of grain quality, and other achievements of agriculture. Today, technologies are developing extremely rapidly, we can observe a colossal quantitative and qualitative growth in the yield. Great progress has been made in the field of genetics, which has revolutionized the technology of farming and agriculture.

Life will be lengthened during his period.

Fourteen centuries have passed since this message of our Prophet Muhammad (S). Historical chronicles and documents show that in our time, life expectancy is much longer compared to all other periods of history. There is a big difference in life expectancy even between the beginning and the end of the 20th century. For example, a child born in 1995 is expected to live an average of 35 years longer than someone born in 1900. Another clear example confirming this verse is that if in the past it was quite rare to meet people who lived more than 100 years, then today their number has increased significantly.

If the signs that we have spoken about were performed separately and at different periods of time, then perhaps they would seem to be ordinary phenomena that do not have any continuation. However, the events described many centuries ago happened exactly and in the sequence as they were described by the Prophet Muhammad (S), which strengthens us in faith in the imminent coming of the Mahdi, www.muhammad-sas.ru reports.

Allah hid the exact time of the end of the world. People who predict it for a certain date are simply lying. The wisdom of hiding this time with the Almighty lies in constant readiness people to him. Many nations have asked their prophets about the coming of this Day. The Qur'an says this about it: "They ask you, but only I know the true time, and you must constantly remind people of this."

Small signs

Small signs come up all the time, but people don't pay attention to them. They happen over a period of time, while the big ones appear overnight and entail significant events. Minor features include:

FIRST SIGN - birth of the Prophet Muhammad). Each of the previous prophets claimed that the End of the World would not come until the last Prophet (S) appeared.

The Prophet Muhammad (S) himself said that "between him and the End of the World is a distance similar to the difference in the length of the index and middle fingers." This means that after him there will be no other prophets.

SECOND SIGN - this is a war (clash) between two great Islamic powers.

THIRD SIGN - "A slave will give birth to a mistress". Muslim scholars interpreted this as if the master marries a slave. But perhaps there is a different meaning here: children, as is happening now, will not obey their parents, but will command them. There is also such an interpretation: the former poor man, who could not buy shoes for himself, will build tall houses, i.e. the poor get rich quick.

FOURTH SIGN - people will start committing big sins: adultery, drinking alcohol en masse etc., which will cause the wrath of the Almighty. When Umm Salama asked the Prophet (S): "Will the wrath of Allah overtake all if among them there are good people"Yes," he replied.

FIFTH SIGN - the disappearance of knowledge and scientists, the spread of ignorance. Society will be led by uneducated people. Many will begin to consider themselves scientists and give advice to others, personally make Sharia decisions. People will generally follow these pseudo-scientists, reliability and devotion will disappear in the society. When one person asked the Prophet (S): "When will the End of the World come?", he replied: "When hope and faith in people disappear." - "When it will be?" - "When ignorant people will lead, and betrayal and meanness will reign in society."

SIXTH SIGN - an increase in the number of women relative to men. In some countries, this ratio will be 7 to 3, 7 to 1 and even 50 to 1.

SEVENTH SIGN - appearance of false prophets, which, according to the hadeeth, will be about 30.

EIGHTH SIGN - the number of earthquakes and natural disasters will increase.

NINTH SIGN - time will speed up. This will happen because the goodness of time will disappear. Then people will be surprised how it is possible to do something in one day or comprehend science in a year. Another interpretation: with the advent of high-speed modes of transport, people will quickly move in space.

TENTH SIGN - the number of murders will rise.

ELEVENTH SIGN - there will be many rich people, so there will be no one to give zakat to if they wish. People, especially believers, will lose their desire to live because there will be a lot of sin around. Even one bow to God will be more important for them than all wealth, because everything will be in abundance, all problems will be solved, and people will want to get closer to Allah.

TWELVE SIGN - prophecy will end. First there will be a caliphate, then a kingdom, and then an empire. Various ideologists will appear, as if they will stand at the gates of Hell and invite them into it. There will also be righteous people who will call people to the path of Islam.

The appearance of such people is divided into periods:

First period- the life of the Prophet (S).

Second period- Arab caliphate: Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali, Usman, Hassan, Hussein, Muawiyah.

Third period- power in the states will be inherited.

The fourth period- leaders will confer with their parliaments.

Fifth period- dictatorship, i.e. rulers will decide everything individually. People will appear - ideologists, leading people with their calls to Hell (Marx, Engels, Lenin).

Then the caliphate will be revived and the flourishing of Islam will begin.

All these are small signs. They can appear either simultaneously or sequentially.

big signs

Large signs can appear along with small ones. This can happen suddenly and be accompanied by cataclysms. These include:

FIRST SIGN - appearance of the Mahdi- a just leader of Muslims.

SECOND SIGN - sunrise and sunset in the West. After this sign, Allah will not accept the repentance of either disbelievers or apostate Muslims. On this day, many will want to convert to Islam, many will deny this sign, explaining it physical phenomenon. But in history this day will become significant and will be celebrated. By this sign Allah shows His omnipotence. Everyone from young to old knows about the sunrise and sunset, therefore, Allah chose this to assert His omnipotence.

THIRD SIGN- the appearance of a talking animal, which will address people, dividing them: you are a Muslim, you are an unbeliever. It will appear on the same day that the sign with the sun occurs, and will also appear in the west.

FOURTH SIGN- great smoke that will cover all the people of the earth. He will contribute to their torment. Great Allah says in the Qur'an that all people will turn to Him with a request to release them from this torment, to which He will answer: "I will free you, but even greater torment awaits you."

FIFTH SIGN - appearance of ad-Dajjal who will claim to be God. But this is a liar. All the prophets mentioned it. The Prophet Muhammad (S), in addition, described him in detail: “He will look with one eye, while the other will be covered with two eyelids and see badly. He will say:“ I am God. ”But God cannot be half-sighted. His hair will hard, twisted and tangled. Between the eyes will be written "kafir. Every Muslim will be able to read this and determine that he is an unbeliever. He will come to people and call on them to believe in him, promising a rich harvest, etc. His promises will be come true, and some will follow him. Others will not follow, however, their cattle, which he commands, will follow him. At his command, gold and jewels will come out of the earth. He will cut a person into two parts so that between the halves of his body there will be a distance. And then, at his command, he will come to life and, laughing, come to him. Ad-Dajjal will have two rivers. One is fiery, and the other is white. You go to that river where the fire is, and closing your eyes, drink water out of it, it will be cold, while in the white river, on the contrary, there is fire. This is magic." The Companions asked the Prophet (S): "How will he move?" - "Like the wind. And people will not be able to understand who he is. It will appear between Sham (Syria) and Iraq. Having gathered an army, he will go to Mecca and Medina. At his approach, the earth will tremble. A believer from Medina will come to him and say: "You are ad-Dajjal, about whom the Prophet (S) spoke." Ad-Dajjal will cut him in half and then revive him. The revived one will again say that ad-Dajjal is in front of him. The second time, ad-Dajjal will not be able to kill him, since all his strength will dry up. After that, he will rush towards Jerusalem, where he will be killed by the prophet Isa (peace be upon him)."

This hadeeth is considered more than authentic. Every Muslim is obliged to know the qualities of al-Dajjal and everything connected with him.

The Prophet (S) said that ad-Dajjal will be on earth for 40 days, when the 1st day will be equal to a year, the 2nd to a month, the 3rd to a week, the rest are like ordinary days. The Companions asked the Prophet (S): "And how to pray on such days?" - "Divide this day into ordinary days and pray at regular intervals."

The evil of ad-Dajjal is so great that our Prophet (S) asked Allah to have mercy on this day.

SIXTH SIGN - resurrection of Jesus (peace be upon him). The Prophet Muhammad (S) said that he would descend from heaven to Damascus, resting on the wings of an angel. He will appear in Arabic clothes. First he will defeat ad-Dajjal, then he will break the cross and kill the pig. Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) will spread Islam and live on earth for 40 years. After his death, he will be buried as a Muslim.

This will be the golden age of Islam, and there will not be a single non-believer left. All people under Isa (peace be upon him) will accept the Muslim religion.

SEVENTH SIGN - emergence of the Yajuj and Majuj people. These will be people who are strong in physique, sowing debauchery and all that is bad. Between Syria and Palestine there is a lake, passing by which this people will drink all the water from it. And when the last one passes, he will say that there was once a lake here. This testifies to their power and strength.

Their whereabouts are not reported anywhere. Some Muslim scholars believe that they are near the Derbent wall, others - near the Chinese wall, but the truth is known only to Allah.

Great Allah will destroy this mighty people with an insignificant thing. He will create such worms that, having penetrated into their body, will kill them.

EIGHTH SIGN - three major earthquakes: 1st - in the West, 2nd - in the East, 3rd - in the Arabian Peninsula.

NINTH SIGN - raising the Koran, i.e. Allah will take away all the Holy Scriptures when there is not a single believer left on earth.

TENTH SIGN - no believers left.

ELEVENTH SIGN - a light, pleasant breeze will blow, through which Allah will kill all the believers. The Kaaba will disappear. Islamic scholars say that people from Ethiopia will break into Mecca and desecrate the Kaaba. Allah will take it away the moment the Ethiopians start destroying it.

TWELVE SIGN - the emergence of a large fire in Yemen near the city of Aden. All the people of the earth will run away from him and eventually gather in one place, and the fire will spread everywhere and surround people.

Description of the end of the world

The onset of the End of the World will be as unexpected as the manifestation of its signs. The Prophet (S) said: "Its attack will be so sudden that you will not have time to eat a piece of bread, make a bargain, a deal or drink milked camel milk."

The end of the world is so terrible that by that time Allah will take all the believers to Himself, and they will not see it.

Much is said about the End of the World in the surahs of the Koran and in the hadiths of the Prophet (S). For example, the Prophet (S) said: "Great Allah will destroy the Universe on the Day of Judgment, just as a minaret is destroyed ...", "The earth will begin to shake with everything that is on it", "There will be such a high temperature, and everything, even water will burn, the Sun will approach the Earth", "Everything in the Universe will be mixed up, including the planets", "At the command of Allah, Israfil will start blowing the horn, and all living things will die, except for the One God".

How much time will pass after that, only Allah knows. Then, at His command, the revived angel Israfil will blow the horn a second time, and each body will find its own soul. By the command of Allah, the earth will uproot everything that is buried in it. First of all, unbelievers, who, being naked, will start crying and shouting: "Who woke us up, who revived us?" The believers will answer: "Allah." Our Prophet (S) will also be the first to come to life. He told Aisha about it. She asked him: "Are people going to be naked?" - "Yes, only no one will care about this and no one will notice this from great grief." Many philosophers ask: "How will the souls find the exact bodies in which they were, because these bodies have already lost their appearance?" Allah answers in the Qur'an: "Allah knows best what is in the earth, and it is all written down." Each body will find its own, even if during life it was deprived of any organ. Perhaps it means that even burnt or chopped into pieces of the body will be collected in its original form.

On the Day of Judgment, the angels will gather everyone in the Al-Mahshar Valley, this will be the gathering place for all people. This is stated in the Koran. Then the angels will give the believers clothes. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) will be the first to receive it. Whoever helped the needy with clothes during his lifetime, Allah will give clothes to him on this Day. Sweat will pour from the people so that some sinners will drown in it. People will be in such torment that they will wish for death, cry, scream, run away, etc. But at the same time there will be people who will be under the shadow of the Heavenly Throne. The Prophet (S) divided them into 7 categories: a just leader; imam, a believer from childhood to death; a person who constantly worships in a mosque; two people loving each other for the sake of Allah; a person who gives alms so that left hand does not know what the right gives; person who is seduced beautiful woman but he refuses it for the sake of Allah; a person who is in solitude and sheds tears in fear of Allah. There is a hadith: "The people who protected Muslims from enemies will not see the fire of Hell."

People who are in torment will pray to Allah to free them from them, but Allah does not heed them. Then they will turn to the prophets, but they will refer them to each other. Then they will turn to their parents, relatives, etc. As a result, they will turn to our Prophet (S) and he will say: "I will help." Having fallen on his face, he will turn to Allah, and He, having accepted his request, will give instructions to start the Judgment. And the Great Interrogation begins. The help of our Prophet (S) is nothing but intercession for all.

Then the angels will come with scrolls, in which all our deeds are taken into account. The faithful will take them right hand and the hypocrites and unbelievers behind the left. Then, by the command of Allah, everyone will read their notes. The Quran says: "Read your book and you will know where you will go." There will not be a single slave with whom Allah does not speak. Among the believers there will be people who read only good things in their scrolls. Allah will rejoice at them and say: "You hid your bad deeds, asked for forgiveness, and I hid your sins in this world." This conversation will only take place between them. From among the believers there will be 70 thousand people who will go to Paradise without interrogation, the Prophet (S) said so.

Believers who have more bad deeds will be interrogated by Allah harshly, and they will be punished.

On this Day, believers who have suffered in this world (if they were robbed, humiliated, etc.) will receive good things from offenders, thieves, murderers, etc. for their grievances. This will be a tough interrogation, therefore, the Prophet (S) said: "In this world, it is necessary to resolve your mutual grievances and ask for forgiveness from each other."

Some of the sinners will deny their bad deeds, but the angels, the earth, the believers, and even their own organs will testify against them. A person will ask his organs: "Why are you testifying against me, because I want to save you from torment?" But they will answer that Allah forced them. Every place where we have prayed will testify in our favor.

After the interrogation is completed, Allah will command that all our good and bad deeds be weighed, and each of them will gain weight. This is stated in the Qur'an: "The scales on this Day are true, and the deeds of the prophets, angels and the faithful will not be weighed." For example, martyrs, the rest are forgiven everything except debts to other people.

Allah will ask a scholar how he used his knowledge, and he will answer: "I taught others." - "No," Allah will say, "you taught only in order to become famous." Therefore, on the Day of Judgment, everyone will seek their good deeds. "They will all run away from each other," the Koran says, "to solve their problems."

The Hadith of the Prophet (S) says: "And on the Day of Judgment you will see all your good deeds, on the left - all your bad deeds, and in front - the fire of Hell."

On the Day of Judgment, even the smallest deed can be huge. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity provided by the Almighty in this world.

When our deeds are weighed on the scales and Allah asks about sins, the believers will be ashamed of this. For example, Allah will ask: "Why didn't you repay the debt?" The slave will begin to explain that he did not have time, died, etc. Then Allah will say that He is the best repayer, and that He will repay his debt. Then Allah will ask: "Why did you not visit Me when I was sick, when I was hungry?" He will answer: "You are the Lord of all the worlds, all good things come from You." "When someone was sick or hungry or in need of something, you in his place would have found Me, My grace, My reward," Allah will say. And the person will regret the missed opportunities.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in hadith predicted a number of events that happened in the past and will happen in the future. He knew all the answers to questions, and when you start reading the authentic hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, you are surprised how clearly and clearly the Prophet spoke. But do not be surprised at this, because Muhammad (ﷺ) is the messenger of the Almighty, to whom the Creator gave knowledge to convey to us. The prophet said:

“Whoever saves forty hadiths for my Ummah, they will say on the Day of Judgment: “Enter Paradise from whichever gate you wish.”

The hadiths of the Prophet (ﷺ) are the second authentic and undeniable source of Islamic doctrine. The first is the Quran. The main difference between hadith and the Quran is that the hadith is just an element of Divine revelation, while the Quran is Eternal Word God. In the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) we find great knowledge that puts us on the right path and helps to understand many life situations.

Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) about women, family, mother, prayer, death and life

“The husband who puts up with the hard character of his wife, Allah will give as much reward as Ayub, peace be upon him, received for his steadfastness in relation to passion. And the wife who puts up with the difficult character of her husband will be rewarded in the same way as Asiya, who was present at the marriage of Pharaoh (Firaun).”

“If you eat yourself, then feed her too, if you buy clothes for yourself, then buy her too! Do not hit her in the face, do not call her names, and after a quarrel, do not leave her alone in the house.

“Clothed and at the same time naked, swaying while walking and thus seducing men, women will not enter Paradise, and will not even inhale its fragrance.”

“Under the grace of Allah will be that woman who gets up for prayer at night, wakes her husband, and they read it together, and that woman who, when her husband does not wake up, splashes water in his face.”

“The debauchery of one lecherous woman is like the debauchery of a thousand lecherous men. The righteousness, the piety of one woman is like the piety of seventy righteous men.”

“Pregnant, giving birth, women who are merciful to children, if they obey their husband and fulfill the prayer, they will certainly enter Paradise.”

“A righteous wife of a righteous husband is like a crown adorned with gold on the head of a king. A sinful wife of a righteous husband is like a heavy burden on the back of an old man.”

“The blessed wife is the one who asks for a small dowry and is the first to give birth to a daughter.”

“Indeed, Allah Almighty loves such a father who is patient with his daughters and knows the reward for this.”

“To whom 4 things will be given, it will be the best blessing of this world and the eternal world: a noble heart; a tongue occupied with the remembrance of Allah; distress-tolerant body; a wife who does not betray her husband either in body or in his property.

"Paradise is under the feet of your mothers."

“The joy of parents is the joy of Allah. The wrath of parents is the wrath of Allah! "Allah has forbidden you disobedience, disrespect and callousness towards your mothers."

“The woman who dies while pregnant will be among the martyrs.” “If the spouses look at each other with love, then Allah looks at them with mercy.”

“Eat, drink, wear clothes and give alms, with only one condition: do not spend money unnecessarily and do not engage in extravagance.”

"Whoever has a feeling of superiority over people in his heart, even with the size of a seed, he will never enter paradise!"

"Do not skip 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah of the morning prayer, even under especially emergency circumstances."

"Allah will prohibit Hellfire for the one who regularly performs 4 rak'ahs of the sunnah before and after the obligatory Zuhr (daytime) prayer."

“O soul that has found peace! Return to your Lord satisfied and contented! Enter the circle of my slaves! Come into my paradise!"

(ﷺ) predicted in hadith a series of events that happened in the past and will happen in the future. He knew all the answers to questions, and when you start reading the authentic hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, you are surprised how clearly and clearly the Prophet spoke. But do not be surprised at this, because Muhammad (ﷺ) is the messenger of the Almighty, to whom the Creator gave knowledge to convey to us. The prophet said:

“Whoever saves forty hadiths for my Ummah, they will say on the Day of Judgment: “Enter Paradise from whichever gate you wish.”

The Prophet (ﷺ) are the second authentic and undeniable source of the Islamic creed. The first is the Quran. The main difference between hadith and the Quran is that the hadith is just an element of Divine revelation, while the Quran is the Eternal Word of God. In the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) we find great knowledge that puts us on the right path and helps to understand many life situations.

Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) about women, family, mother, prayer, death and life

“The husband who puts up with the hard character of his wife, Allah will give as much reward as Ayub, peace be upon him, received for his steadfastness in relation to passion. And the wife who puts up with the difficult character of her husband will be rewarded in the same way as Asiya, who was present at the marriage of Pharaoh (Firaun).”

“If you eat yourself, then feed her too, if you buy clothes for yourself, then buy her too! Do not hit her in the face, do not call her names, and after a quarrel, do not leave her alone in the house.

“Clothed and at the same time naked, swaying while walking and thus seducing men, women will not enter Paradise, and will not even inhale its fragrance.”

“Under the grace of Allah will be that woman who gets up for prayer at night, wakes her husband, and they read it together, and that woman who, when her husband does not wake up, splashes water in his face.”

“The debauchery of one lecherous woman is like the debauchery of a thousand lecherous men. The righteousness, the piety of one woman is like the piety of seventy righteous men.”

“Pregnant, giving birth, women who are merciful to children, if they obey their husband and fulfill the prayer, they will certainly enter Paradise.”

“A righteous wife of a righteous husband is like a crown adorned with gold on the head of a king. A sinful wife of a righteous husband is like a heavy burden on the back of an old man.”

“The blessed wife is the one who asks for a small dowry and is the first to give birth to a daughter.”

“Indeed, Allah Almighty loves such a father who is patient with his daughters and knows the reward for this.”

“To whom 4 things will be given, it will be the best blessing of this world and the eternal world: a noble heart; a tongue occupied with the remembrance of Allah; distress-tolerant body; a wife who does not betray her husband either in body or in his property.

"Paradise is under the feet of your mothers."

“The joy of parents is the joy of Allah. The wrath of parents is the wrath of Allah!

"Allah has forbidden you disobedience, disrespect and callousness towards your mothers."

“The woman who dies while pregnant will be among the martyrs.”

“If the spouses look at each other with love, then Allah looks at them with mercy.”

“Eat, drink, wear clothes and give alms, with only one condition: do not spend money unnecessarily and do not engage in extravagance.”

"Whoever has a feeling of superiority over people in his heart, even with the size of a seed, he will never enter paradise!"

"Do not skip 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah of the morning prayer, even under especially emergency circumstances."

"Allah will prohibit Hellfire for the one who regularly performs 4 rak'ahs of the sunnah before and after the obligatory Zuhr (daytime) prayer."

“O soul that has found peace! Return to your Lord satisfied and contented! Enter the circle of my slaves! Come into my paradise!"

We present to your attention short hadiths full of life wisdom for each of us.

1. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Religion is sincerity, good instruction (nasyha). The Companions asked: "For whom?" The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Regarding Allah and His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and the common people” (Muslim).

2. "Islam is the highest morality" (Kanz al-Ummal).

3. “He who is not merciful towards other creatures will not see the mercy of Allah” (Muslim, Tirmizi).

4. “Facilitate and keep it simple; give glad tidings and do not cause disgust (from faith) ”(Bukhari, Muslim).

5. "If you do not feel shame, do what you want" (Bukhari, Abu Dawud).

6. “The one who opens the way to a charitable deed is like the one who performed this good deed” (Tirmizi).

7. “The believer will not be stung twice from the (same) hole” (The believer does not make the same mistake twice). (Bukhari, Muslim).

8. “Fear Allah, wherever you are, and let every bad deed of yours be followed by a good one that will make up for the previous one, and treat people well” (Tirmidhi).

9. “Avoid speculation, verily, speculation is the worst of lies. And don't eavesdrop, and don't be curious, and don't compete, and don't envy, and don't be at enmity, and don't turn your back on each other. And be, servants of Allah, brothers” (Tirmidhi).

10. “Faith includes more than seventy (or: sixty) branches, the best of which is the pronunciation of the words “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah / La ilaha illa-Allah /”, and the smallest is the removal from the path of what causes harm (to people), and shame is (one of) the offshoots of faith ”(Bukhari, Muslim).

11. “If one of you sees what is blamed, let him change it with his own hand. And if he cannot do it with his hand, then with his tongue. And if he cannot with his tongue, then with his heart, and this will be the weakest manifestation of iman ”(Muslim, Abu Dawood).

12. “The eyes of two on the Day of Judgment will not see the Fire: the eyes that wept out of fear of Allah and the eyes of the one who was a guard in the path of Allah” (Tirmidhi).

13. “Let the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good or be silent, and let the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day show respect to his neighbor, and let the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day well receives his guest ”(Ibn Maja).

14. “None of you will believe until he wishes for his brother (in Islam) what he wishes for himself” (Bukhari, Muslim).

15. “A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, and he (should not) either oppress or betray him. Whoever (helps) his brother in his need, Allah (will help) in his own need, whoever delivers a Muslim from sorrow, Allah will deliver from one of the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever covers a Muslim, Allah will cover on the Day of Resurrection "(Bukhari, Muslim).

16. "None of you will enter Paradise unless he has faith, and none of you has true faith until you love each other” (Muslim, Tirmidhi).

17. “A true Muslim is one whose tongue and hands do not harm other people” (Tirmizi, Nasai).

18. “Do not hate one another, do not envy one another, and do not turn away from one another, but be brothers and servants of Allah! And it is not allowed for a Muslim to continue breaking off relations with his brother for more than three (days)!” (Bukhari).

19. “Be honest, because honesty leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. Beware of unrighteousness, for it leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell.” (Bukhari)

20. “Do not argue with your brother, do not mock him and do not give him promises that you will not keep” (Tirmidhi).