Prosecutor's supervision in cases of juvenile delinquency. Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna: biography, photos and interesting facts Personal life of prosecutor Stepanov for minors

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Wonderful lawyers in Moscow

Victoria Danilchenko explains not only the legal side of the crime, but also the moral one. It draws attention to the circumstances to which the act led or could lead, and also illuminates possible reasons to the commission of a crime, the actions or inaction of the defendant by people around him, which led or pushed him to the act or aggravated the consequences of its commission. Active Edit

  • Judge - Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko.
  • Prosecutor - Stepanov Alexey Alexandrovich.
  • Prosecutor - Ilyin Pavel Valentinovich.
  • Lawyer - Razumovsky Alexander Lvovich.

Those who left the project Edit

  • Prosecutor - Lebedev Alexander Alexandrovich.
  • Lawyer - Stassiy Anton Dmitrievich.
  • Lawyer - Kim Eduard Vladimirovich.
  • Lawyer - Yashena Elena Vladimirovna.

Chronology of releases.

Alexey Stepanov lawyer

I am very interested in the future of my clients, what kind of life, what kind of legal destiny they want to live. Thus, I am more of a strategist than a tactician. I believe that we can all become smarter, wiser, more competent in the issues that life poses to us, creating fewer legal problems and problems in principle.
I am convinced that we are able, using the example of one dispute, to understand the reasons for its occurrence, our true role in it, to see the dynamics of development, to evaluate possible consequences, and prevent their occurrence in the future. While studying the mechanisms by which a legal problem develops, at the same time, I am aimed at getting my clients a real result as quickly as possible, preferably right away at the first meeting. I prefer to work outside institutions, outside rules, outside the system.

Stepanov Alexey Alekseevich

My name is Alexey Alexandrovich Stepanov. I am a lawyer, a specialist in the field of jurisprudence, civil law specialization; creator of an effective methodology for the pre-trial settlement of disputes; Etendre le texte... for more than 10 years I have been helping people in courts, in drawing up and concluding contracts, representing interests in organizations of all forms of ownership, etc.; I conduct receptions as a family lawyer; I provide legal and business advice to managers of large companies; My main activity is pre-trial dispute resolution, using a method developed by me, based on the knowledge of “Transactional Analysis” by E. Berne, “Holistic Hypnotherapy of Fate” by P.F. Lebedko and others. I receive people in my office, located at the Avtozavodskaya metro station.

In addition, in certain cases (when in my opinion it is appropriate) I go to clients’ offices or homes.

Juvenile Affairs

Mylov Eduard Eduardovich Founder of KOTLOVAN-ROY LLC My company has been serviced by Alexey Stepanov since 2003. This will sound pompous, but for me, my family and my business, Alexey Stepanov did the impossible - he helped return our family capital in the amount of 49,500,000 rubles, which we lent at interest. I never believed in the laws of psychology, but after this incident I know that they are more effective than legal laws.


By using court decision, enforcement proceedings I couldn't do anything. It’s just that the person who took the loan no longer had anything by that time, and what was available was pledged to the bank. Alexey Stepanov found an approach to him and convinced me to make peace with the debtor, explaining that the conflict was also my fault.

When I did this, I apologized, everything suddenly began to improve. Yes, not immediately, but within 3 years the Debtor was able to earn and pay back the money.

Stepanov Alexey Alexandrovich

My views on jurisprudence do not always coincide with generally accepted ones. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I had experience in many areas of law (preliminary investigation authorities, legal department municipality, correctional facility, energy industry enterprise, own consulting business), in addition, he received additional knowledge and skills in the field of psychology. I have discovered that the problem of people who turn to me for legal help, in most cases, is much more serious, and it is necessary not just to help in a separate issue, but to intervene in the client’s life.

Practically, like doctors, it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the person. I know how to seriously intervene in the lives of my clients, but respect is key for me. Respect for the path of realization of their rights that a person who turns to me for help wants to follow.

Alexey Stepanov. biography of Maria Kirilenko's husband


Moscow Government, starting from leading specialist to deputy head of the Department for Coordination and Development of Administrative Reform of the Moscow Government. In September 2008, he was appointed first deputy chairman of the Moscow State Services Committee. From January 2009 to the present – ​​Chairman of the Public Services Committee of the city of Moscow.

Winner of the Russian competition “Manager of the Year in State and municipal government– 2009.” Awarded with gratitude from the Presidential Administrative Officer Russian Federation for his great contribution to the preparation and holding of international events related to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Hobbies – swimming, tennis, alpine skiing, literature, chess.

Alexey Stepanov lawyer biography

One of the most beautiful tennis players in Russia, Maria Kirilenko, got married. This became known on Sunday, January 24. The name of Maria Kirilenko's chosen one is not mentioned. But according to SUPER, the tennis player’s husband is 38-year-old government official Alexey Stepanov.

Since 2009, Stepanov has headed the Public Services Committee of the city of Moscow. There is a short biography of him on the department’s website. Alexey Stepanov was born in 1977 in the village of Nakhabino, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region. Graduated from Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov. Master of Management. Candidate of Economic Sciences. From 1997 to 2003 worked in senior positions in commercial organizations engaged in production activities in the development and implementation of cleaning technologies drinking water. From 2003 to 2008
For minors" is a court show aired on the Domashny TV channel since February 7, 2011, and aired on REN TV from November 1 to December 30, 2010. Contents [expand] The legal show “For Minors” examines criminal cases against minors accused of committing crimes of varying degrees of severity. Taking part: in the role of judge - lawyer Victoria Danilchenko; in the role of prosecutor - lawyer Alexey Stepanov; in the role of defense attorney - lawyer Alexander Razumovsky; defendant; victim; party witnesses; legal representatives of minor participants in the process; bailiffs. One episode usually covers two cases.

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Are you familiar with the name Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko? This is a fairly famous woman in certain circles who has achieved a lot in life and shares it with others. In the article we will look at short biography Victoria, as well as her life path. The heroine of the article is an excellent mother and a professional lawyer. She is one of those women who set new standards for development in the professional and personal spheres. For many, she is an example, since she managed to solve one of the most difficult problems for women - how to be a successful mother and realize herself professionally.

A little from childhood

Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko was born into a family of philologists. The girl's father was a doctor, writer and professor. Since 1974 he was a member of the Writers' Union. In 1985, he became editor-in-chief of the popular magazine Ogonyok. Today, Victoria's father works in them. Gorky. The girl’s mother is also associated with philology. She taught at Moscow State University.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna, whose date of birth is November 1, 1969, had older sister. She followed in the footsteps of her parents and connected her life with languages, but the youngest, Victoria, chose her own path. From an early age, she knew that she wanted to become an investigator, catching intruders, punishing them and walking down the street with a gun. The parents did not stop the girl from dreaming, but they thought that with age she would choose something else. But after graduating from school, Victoria refused to enter the Literary Institute. She decided to go to Moscow State University for Faculty of Law. No one could stop her, and thus our heroine began to realize her childhood desire step by step.

Student years

Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko, whose biography we are considering, did not waste her time. She knew perfectly well what she wanted and went for it. In my second year of study, I got a job as a secretary in one of the legal clinics on Kuznetsky Most. It is worth noting that the consultation was the most famous and authoritative in the city. She was the one who assigned the work. Here Victoria was met and accepted into their ranks by the stars of the Russian legal profession - G. Padva, M. Borshchevsky and V. Danilchenko. These people have made professionals whose names are well known. They also helped Victoria a lot to grow professionally.

Carier start

Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko, whose photo we see in the article, after graduating from a higher educational institution, continued to work in a consultation on Kuznetsky Most. She began her career as a lawyer. During my work, I conducted many criminal cases for free. As she herself later admitted, this became a good experience, and also marked the beginning of her first serious professional victories.

Finally, having already had decent experience and respect in her circles, Victoria decides to devote herself to civil affairs. In 2007, she changed jobs and joined a law office called Heifetz and Partners. Three years later, she receives a personal offer from Pavel Astakhov. The latter is appointed Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights. For this reason, he could not pay enough attention to the legal profession, so he decided to transfer some of the cases to a worthy colleague. Knowing firsthand how Victoria works, Astakhov immediately offered her the position of chairman of the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association. Of course, the woman accepted such a lucrative offer.

Cases of honor and dignity

It is worth saying that to date, Victoria has already handled more than 300 cases of varying degrees of complexity, from protecting human dignity to disputes in arbitration. She won most of her cases. A striking feature of our heroine’s professionalism is that she knows how to achieve unprecedented solutions. An example can be given of a case where Victoria defended the interests of an influential businessman. One of the magazines published very negative material about his person. Victoria Borisovna managed not only to prove the guilt of the journalists, but also to receive full moral compensation from them. And this is in judicial practice is very rare.

Arbitration proceedings

The woman is also successful in arbitration disputes. She managed to brilliantly win a debt collection case from legal entity. At the same time, she reduced the amount of debt by 10 times. During the consideration of the case, the court rejected the plaintiff's demands for payment of the principal amount, interest and even a penalty.

When he received a new position, his law agency began to receive an increasing number of cases involving children. Many of them are very serious and international in nature. Victoria Borisovna and the members of the board fully support Pavel, believing that Russia must guarantee respect for the rights of its little citizens.

International Affairs

Now we will look at one of the cases discussed above. We are talking about Tori-Ann Hansen, a US citizen. It is worth immediately noting that this high-profile case caused a great stir not only in Russia, but also abroad. A woman adopted a boy from Russia. After a while, she stopped liking the child, and she simply put him on a plane and sent him back to Russia. P. Astakhov was personally involved in the fate of the baby. The man was stunned by the behavior of such a “mother” and expressed his opinion on the Commissioner’s website. After a while, Hansen decided that Astakhov had humiliated her by calling her “adoptive mother.” She sued. Victoria Borisovna was in charge of the case. It was very complex, as it affected foreign law. Despite this and the close attention of the media and the public, Victoria managed to brilliantly win this case. Later, the woman told how she learned that Hansen had sued Astakhov’s note, although she herself did not even know Russian and could not read it.

Refugee from the USA

Lawyer and judge Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko, whose biography consists mainly of professional practice, recently handled another high-profile international case, which cannot be ignored. Victoria helped a woman, a US citizen, escape from the abuse and harsh attitude of her US citizen husband, Marine. At the same time, the woman managed to leave the country with two children in her arms, aged 9 and 13 years. By the way, this trial was brightly covered in the media. After some time, the would-be father came to Russia to bring his family back. What made the defense more difficult was the fact that the kids could not speak Russian. However, the experience and professionalism of our heroine helped ensure that the woman and her children remained on the territory of the Russian Federation.

A new frontier of development

Judge Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko discovered herself in a new way on television. Since 2010, she has been the host of the television program “Juvenile Affairs.” The woman herself admits that this work for her is not at all entertainment or pleasant relaxation, but a lot of work. The program talks about what can bring a child to the dock. Much attention is paid to social responsibility and the psychological aspects of crime among teenagers. Filming lasts 12 hours, and it’s not that easy. At the same time, Victoria is glad that she works in a pleasant and friendly creative team. She makes decisions based on the laws of the Russian Federation and her own experience, and not from the script. Because of this, conflicts sometimes arise on the set, but still the team values ​​Victoria and will not let her go anywhere.

Working with youth

The activities of Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko are not limited to the practice of law. The woman believes that great attention should be paid to training younger generation. It is very important to convey to him moral and ethical values ​​and teach him to defend them. Moreover, she believes that this is one of the most important tasks for every professional. The woman loves to work with talented young specialists and take them on internships. Victoria herself says that she was taught the same way. The best minds in the legal profession came and shared their experiences. The woman considers it her duty to continue this tradition of passing on experience and knowledge. However, winning the favor of a famous lawyer is not easy. She has said more than once that she values ​​motivation and desire to learn in young professionals. If a person is driven only by the desire to get rich, then fruitful communication will not work.

Working with young professionals allows you to understand where difficulties arise. This, in turn, allows us to focus on such moments. Practice and communication with an experienced lawyer is a huge investment in the future that will bear fruit. Victoria is happy for those who really need knowledge and experience, and happily shares it.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna: personal life

Despite the fact that a woman is extremely busy, she still tries to find a balance between family and work. In 1997, daughter Anna was born. By that time, Victoria was already a lawyer, had her own clients and a certain authority. For some time the woman had to forget about her career, but then she returned to this path again. In interviews, she always admitted that the work attracted her very much. But at the same time, she is a very anxious mother, by her own admission. Continuing to work as the chairman of the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association, the woman manages to find time for her loved ones - her husband and daughter.

Summing up the article, I would like to say that our heroine is a woman and a professional with a capital P. She raised a wonderful daughter, has a great marriage and a rewarding career path. Not everyone can do this, but those who strive for the same can take note of Victoria Borisovna’s example. Things will be best when each person does what he loves and does it professionally. Why not learn all this from the living and bright example of Judge Victoria Borisovna Danilchenko? How many years has this woman worked not only for the benefit of her family, but also for the benefit of society! Let's lead by example!

Victoria Borisovna, is it true that teenage crime in our country is not only growing, but also becoming more severe?

What is growing is true, but what is becoming more cruel, I would not say. The most common cases in practice are drug addiction, petty domestic thefts and the consequences of addiction to games on the Internet. This is when I went crazy, mixed up virtuality and reality - fathers, I actually killed him! I would call current teenage crime not cruel, but modernized.

What preventive measures does society have? Does anyone work with troubled teenagers?

Juvenile affairs commissions have become very fashionable in the last two years. I won’t say that they provide real help; I also can’t say what their function is. There is a juvenile affairs inspectorate that controls whether a teenager can be prosecuted based on age. What else? The guardianship, which doesn’t give a damn, is an absolutely incomprehensible organization. Unfortunately, we do not have any other social services for teenagers.

And school psychologistsare they useful?

There is probably some – in mild cases. For me, there is the concept of a psychiatrist: the doctor sees the whole picture, can stop it and prevent it from developing. And a conversation with a psychologist... I know cases when people turned to a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist and it ended very sadly. Schools for children with deviant behavior(does not correspond to accepted moral and legal normsEd.) - that's what you need. We have very few of them, but they are really good, they employ excellent specialists, the workload is different... And, of course, within the entire country there is a need for a body that would deal with difficult children.

Why did the idea of ​​juvenile justice appear in Russia cause such opposition?

The main negative comes from the church, which considers it impossible to interfere in family affairs, and, accordingly, juvenile justice - a threat to the family as the fundamental basis of everything. From my point of view, there is a substitution of concepts. Why is juvenile justice necessarily the scary aunts from the guardianship who check the contents of your refrigerator and the number of sleeping sets of linen? The concept of “child rights” is different. I don’t care what it will be called - juvenile justice or not, but what irritates me immensely, and what is one of the main problems of our society, is the lack of juvenile judges. You come to court and see a list of 50 cases scheduled for today: invalidation of the purchase and sale agreement, division of property, insurance payment... and determination of the child’s place of residence. And you realize that this is impossible: the judge, who has just divided the garage and established ownership, moves on to the next case: “Okay, boy, now you.” There is no need for separate courts - why not separate them? specific person, a narrow specialist on this issue, who will be ready to objectively understand from a legal and psychological point of view?..

Have you heard that our valiant deputies proposed introducing criminal liability from the age of 12?

And even with 10. I am categorically against it, because it happens that even 14-year-olds, who are subject to criminal liability, have the mind of a child, the brains of a three-year-old. When making a decision, everything must be taken into account - from physiology to mental development. I believe that the age of criminal responsibility should not be lowered. And 14 years are not enough for this. On the contrary, I would raise the age limit to 16 years.

This is your third season as a judge hosting the Juvenile Justice program. And similar court shows on television - about a dozen. Why do you think this topic is so in demand?

I do not agree that our program can be called “similar”, and reflecting the same goals and objectives as other court shows. How does everything happen in them? Stand up, the trial is underway, sentenced to this and that for that. Everything is very strictly according to the law, no one is drawing any morals. Ours is a little different, our main thing is a dialogue between an adult and a child, a dialogue between a judge and a child, a dialogue between a mother and a child... Why is judicial topics in demand on television? Perhaps because society is beginning to realize its legal illiteracy, perhaps because court hearings look like mini-detectives...

Or is it because in real court practice everything happens completely differently that television greatly sweetens the pill?

In life, of course, people don’t judge like that. On the screen everything happens as it should ideally be. The viewer, seeing a blissful picture on his TV, thinks: “Oh, it’s not so bad, it turns out.” And when he gets to a real court, he receives, at a minimum, an emotional shock from the disgrace that is happening in our courts...

In the program, Victoria acts as a judge, but by specialization and by nature she is a lawyer. Are real cases considered in the program “On Juvenile Affairs”?

Partially - yes, those that were once considered, but we in no way repeat the decisions of those courts - we make our own. We look for a reason, a fundamental principle in every case: what little man prompted, how it all began, what worked there? In the program I act as a judge, but by my specialization - and by nature - I am a lawyer. Finally, I tell the child some parting words, which are not at all written in the script, I say what I came up with at the end of the meeting, which I now, in this moment, I wanted to tell him.

Have you chosen to specialize as a lawyer while already studying at the Faculty of Law?

From the third grade - and in the fifth, and in the eighth - I wanted to be an investigator, and always with a pistol. You remember this wonderful series - “The investigation is conducted by experts” (moreover, in that top three I looked up not to expert Zina Kibrit, but to investigators Znamensky and Tomin). No arguments like the fact that an investigator is a male profession had any effect on me. But by the third or fourth year of study at the university, after practicing in the prosecutor’s office and court, I came to the realization that an investigator is not quite that.

But also the profession of a lawyerrather, masculine, requiring willpower and...

Will, strength, strong character, business stubbornness - you understand even when you are wrong that you are right. The professional brain is primary - it doesn’t matter what’s inside your soul. It was like this: at night I was informed that my mother had died, and the next day I had a very difficult trial scheduled, and I understand that I can’t not go, I just can’t. There are people behind me, I can’t do this to them. There is a debt, there are obligations that I personally cannot cover with anything. In such cases, you gather your will and go. And I packed up and went. My colleagues will probably not agree with me, but I believe that one must be born a lawyer, and not acquire a profession. I meet a lot of people whom I don’t want to call colleagues... There are people behind me, their human pain for me, but they don’t come to me with joy, not chatter for a catchphrase. In the first years of work, I simply lived every case, passed each one through my heart, my client called me 154 times to clarify some little thing... Now I have learned not to burn to the ground every time, but human value remains above all for me. With any person I start working with, I enter into more than just a formal relationship. Since they came to me with a problem or a problem, I must help. If I consider myself a specialist and a decent person.

I think self-respect is very important to you.

For me, everything is important through “self” - self-respect, self-control, self-control, dedication.

P.S. Watch episodes of the program “On Minor Affairs” on the “Home” website.

May 23, 24, 25, 26, 2018 - we invite professional and non-professional artists to casting, - main and supporting roles in TV shows
"On juvenile affairs" (PDN), t/k Domashny.
Filming dates: May 28, 29, 30. Duration 30 min. with all the heroes.
CASTING HOURS: from 14.00 to 18.00, at:. m.VDNKh, st. Academician Korolev, house 21, MOSKINAP plant.
from 15 to 60 years. (youth, mothers and fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, other characters in the scene).
Many roles, many scripts.
Plaintiff, defendant - 1700 rubles, witness - 1500 rubles.
Rehearsal on the day of shooting.
- WOMEN and MEN: 20 - 60 years old (mothers and fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, other characters in the scene). FOR YOU,
Many roles, many scripts.
Payment to prof. actors: plaintiff, defendant, witness - 3000 rub. In 30 min. shooting.
Rehearsal on the day of shooting.
If you professional actor, having a diploma vocational education Necessarily.
But first, there is a casting, where they will select a role that suits your type.
You will be given a form, please fill it out correctly and check that you have indicated your mobile phone number.
and be sure to indicate in the column - who invited you to the casting
"Svetlana and Tatyana" (not the Internet) - IT IS IMPORTANT that your profile be put in our folder." Casting is free.
Registration and citizenship do not matter. Get your role!
To the actors who starred in the show PDN and Let's Get Divorced from November to January 2017. You can't take off temporarily.
Quarantine - six months. And those who previously starred in these shows are waiting for YOU at the casting.
Thank you.
Terms of payment
3000, 1700, 1500

Of all the violations of the law committed by minors, the most dangerous are criminal offenses.

When exercising supervision over juvenile cases in criminal proceedings, prosecutors

supervision during initiation of criminal cases, for compliance with the requirements of the law on jurisdiction.

A preliminary investigation is also mandatory in all cases of crimes committed by minors. Carrying out supervision, the prosecutor ensures that in all cases, regardless of the severity of the crime committed or the resulting consequences, a preliminary investigation is carried out. The prosecutor is obliged to give instructions to transfer the case or materials to the investigator of the internal affairs bodies or initiate the case himself and send it to the investigator for investigation;

requirements on age limits for criminal liability- that a criminal case against a minor who, although he has reached the age when criminal liability may arise, is subject to termination, is due to shortcomings mental development(in the absence of mental illness) could not understand the actual nature and social danger of his actions;

the possibility of terminating a criminal case with the use of compulsory educational measures. In the case of committing a minor crime or one that does not pose a great public danger, with the obvious evidence of the offense, the minor could be measures of social influence were applied. In such cases, the prosecutor agrees, without initiating a criminal case, to transfer the materials for consideration by the commission on juvenile affairs.

the need to establish the exact age of a minor, including in the manner established for cases where there are no relevant documents - through a forensic medical examination;

constant supervision for the observance of the rights granted to a minor in terms of protecting his interests, especially in cases of:

a) detention as a suspect;

b) bringing charges;

c) deciding on the choice of a preventive measure;

d) about the procedure for interrogation, in particular the participation of a teacher, a legal representative, and, if necessary, a specialist psychologist.

§ requirements for an in-depth study of the personality of a minor, the conditions of his life, his upbringing, his environment, bearing in mind the need to identify the organizers, instigators on the part of adults, who very often, due to shortcomings in the investigation, evade responsibility, framing minors as the main perpetrators of the crime.

§ The prosecutor must constantly know and study the criminal case filed against a minor in order to:

a) ensure compliance with the law;

b) be ready to take part in the consideration of the case by the court.

§ The law established mandatory participation of the prosecutor when the court considers criminal cases involving juvenile crimes.

§ P when supervising preliminary investigation, when participating in court hearings, the prosecutor must pay special attention to finding out the reasons for committing crimes, the conditions conducive to this, especially on the part of organizations, institutions, enterprises that must exercise control or fulfill certain requirements of the law. This will undoubtedly help in preventing violations of laws on the protection of the rights and interests of minors and in preventing criminal behavior on their part.

§ In the indictment speech, the prosecutor must deeply argue the emergence of criminal intent in the minor, reveal the circumstances that influenced the formation of his personality. When presenting proposals on the type and extent of criminal punishment, the prosecutor should proceed from the law to make full use of the opportunities for re-education of adolescents who have committed crimes, without isolation from society, resorting to imprisonment as a last resort.

§ the law prohibits the use of capital punishment - the death penalty; the term of imprisonment cannot exceed 10 years; such a measure as deprivation of liberty in the form of imprisonment cannot be applied to them.

§ If the sentence against a minor is illegal or unfounded, the prosecutor files a cassation appeal for its cancellation or modification. Carrying out supervision at the stage of cassation proceedings, the prosecutor is obliged to take mandatory participation in the consideration of the case by the cassation court.

63 . Supervision of the prosecutor over compliance with the legislation on the labor of minors.

Prosecutors supervise compliance with requirements 1) employment law minors and 2) labor legislation in relation to minors.

In accordance with Art. 280 TC at enterprises reception reservation is established for work and industrial training of young people who have graduated from secondary schools, vocational schools, as well as other persons under 18 years of age. District and city executive committees approve youth employment plans, sending them to heads of enterprises and institutions. Refusal to hire and professional education the specified persons sent to account for the reservation are prohibited. They can appeal such a refusal in court. In the event of a refusal to hire, the prosecutor sends a corresponding order to the head of the enterprise, which is subject to mandatory execution.

Prosecutors must exercise strict supervision over compliance with labor laws on the provision of certain benefits to minors:

§ prohibition of the use of labor persons under eighteen years of age in heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions in underground and mining operations. The list of jobs in which the employment of persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited is approved by the Government;

§ It is prohibited for minors to lift or move heavy objects manually exceeding the maximum standards established for them.

§ with the written consent of one of the parents(adoptive parents, trustees) an employment contract can be concluded with a person who has reached fourteen years of age to perform light work that:

1) is not harmful to his health and development;

2) does not harm the attendance of secondary schools.

§ all persons under eighteen years of age are hired only after a preliminary medical examination and thereafter, until the age of eighteen, are subject to mandatory medical examination annually. Mandatory annual medical examinations of minor workers are carried out during working hours with the preservation of average earnings;

§ it is prohibited to attract workers under eighteen years of age for night and overtime work, work on public holidays and public holidays, work on weekends;

§ labor holidays employees under eighteen years of age are provided in the summer or, at their request, at any other time of the year;

§ for workers under eighteen years of age, production standards are established based on production standards for adult workers in proportion to the reduced working hours provided for by law for this category of workers.

§ For employees hired after graduating from general education, vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions, courses, who have undergone training directly on the job, they can reduced production standards are established.

§ wage workers under eighteen years of age with reduced daily work hours paid in the same amount, as employees of the corresponding categories with the full duration of daily work;

Remuneration for students of general education, vocational and secondary special educational institutions working in their free time from school is made in proportion to the time worked or depending on output. Employers may set additional payments to students' wages;

termination of employment contract with employees under eighteen years of age on grounds that, in addition to compliance with the general procedure, are allowed only with consent or after prior, not less than two weeks in advance, notify the district commission on juvenile affairs.

The education system has created and operates special secondary schools for juvenile offenders aged 11 to 14 years and special vocational schools for juvenile offenders aged 14 to 18 years.

The prosecutor supervises that minors are sent to these special educational institutions only on the basis of decisions of commissions on minors for a period of up to three years

Prosecutors are obliged to systematically and comprehensively check compliance with the law in the activities of educational institutions and strictly ensure that their work with students is effective. They should pay special attention to the work and living conditions of persons released from these institutions.