Ritual for the deprivation of male power. Damage to potency on a traitor husband - how to do it? Possible causes of impotence


The problems of men's health in intimate terms are familiar to many: weak potency, caused by many reasons, no longer surprises anyone. How important masculine strength is for anyone, I think, there is no need to say either. On this depends the happiness of two people who are married, the strong bonds of the family, the birth healthy children and so on. Male strength is the essence of a young man!

Causes of a decrease in male potency

I won’t list the causes of impotence here, I’ll just designate them a little as ways to correct them:

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle, bad habits, hypodynamia;
  • nervous stress, congestion with problems, too high a bar of life, to which many do not reach;
  • hard physical labor, and non-physical one, also depletes the nervous and endocrine systems of men.
  • malnutrition, replete with preservatives, harmful additives, fats and carbohydrates;
  • promiscuity, easy accessibility of women, does not cause an erection in the opposite sex;
  • The main reason for the weakness of men is heredity.

We will talk today about how prayers and conspiracies will help in solving problems with increased potency.

There is an abundance of medicines that increase potency. But everyone should understand that they only temporarily stimulate male power and, as a rule, their action leads over time to a bad result: to the complete impotence of a man. Therefore, be careful with all advertised means, you can not only lose money, but also your health.

Prayers for potency

If we consider weak potency as a violation of health, then you can pray to God and ask for healing in front of any icon of any Saint and read. But there are special prayers that should be read to increase the strength of men's health. First of all, this is the prayer of the Mother of God before Her Feodorovskaya icon, the holy righteous Joachim and Anna, the Monk Roman the Wonderworker, the Monk Euthymius the Great, the Monk Ferapont of Monza the Wonderworker

Prayer for potency to the Monk Ferapont of Monza wonderworker

“Oh, reverend father, great intercessor, quick to hear, pleasing to God and miracle worker Feraponte! Do not forget us, as you promised, visit your children; even more so, and departed from us in body, but in spirit, always with us. We pray to you, O Reverend Father: deliver us from fire and sword, from the invasion of foreign and internecine strife, and from corrupting winds and from sudden death, and from all the enemy’s attachments that find sinners in the world, accept our prayer and prayer, hedgehog to to you, like a fragrant censer and like a favorable sacrifice, we offer.

mortified evil deeds, words and thoughts of our soul, reverend father, revive and restore.

And as many who come to your whole-bearing tomb with faith, you healed the suffering with all sorts of sorrows and diseases, so heal us from mental and bodily ailments. Pull us out of the depths of sins and guide us on the path of repentance, with your gracious intercession from the visible and invisible enemy redeeming. Help us in this life and in the outcome of our souls and in the future life, forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for the potency of the Monk Pelageya of Antioch (Palazhka)

Among Christians, the patroness of family happiness and male power has long been considered Reverend Pelageya(Her day of worship is celebrated on October 21). According to legend, Pelageya was an excellent dancer and not a single man could resist her wondrous beauty. And she did not really watch her chastity, she led a free lifestyle, indulging in carnal pleasures.

But one day, listening to the sermons of Bishop Nonna, Pelageya repented of her wrong life, gave up her business, distributed what she had acquired to the poor, took monastic vows and became a hermit. By praying, she earned God's forgiveness, and all women who experienced dissatisfaction from men began to turn to her with prayers.

My children! I am writing this to you so that you do not sin: and if anyone sins, then we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 Epistle of John II, 1-2). “The Lord upholds all who fall and raises up all those who are cast down. The Lord is near to all who call on Him. He fulfills the desire of those who fear Him, He hears the cry and saves them”… (Psalm CXLIV).

The Grace of God descended on Pelageya and cleansed her soul, and gave her the strength to renounce the World to which she was bound by sinful love.

Prayer of St. Pelagia of Antioch

Oh, our holy and God-wise mother, Rev. Pelagia. You loved the Lord Jesus in one hour, you left all earthly things irrevocably, you rushed to great and saving deeds, even you did the gospel many times over. Oh, ever-memorable, you appeared to the monastics with spiritual beauty, you learned well your immaculate life, you loved the life of Angels on earth and unceasingly sang of Him in seclusion, Who, by Your great mercy, strengthened female weakness to fight the insidious enemy of human salvation . For this reason, today, on the day of your blessed memory, we bless you, we ask: pour out your all-powerful prayer for us sinners before the throne of the Holy Trinity for the mercy of God to us still here in the deplorable vale of the earth, about the hedgehog to reach us with your prayers of life in the villages the righteous, where you abide with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies for male potency

Before proceeding with the execution of conspiracies, be sure to read this: Remember that conspiracies do not do any harm and can be applied along with prayers, they also fulfill our aspirations and bring the cherished closer.

Potency plot for men of all ages

There are times when a man does not have power, but in every possible way rejects and does not recognize this, considering the state to be normal. And while maintaining ethics, a suffering woman cannot admit to her beloved that she does not receive satisfaction. Of course, this situation cannot be considered normal, it’s better to try to get through to your man. But you can, in secret from him, slightly raise his masculine strength.

This is a conspiracy for male power of any age and any condition, even if a man has almost lost his potency. Perform the ceremony for five nights, be sure to the growing moon. Then the desire of a man will increase every day, as the night luminary increases. When the husband falls asleep, approach him, quietly bending over, say the magic words of the conspiracy:

“God Almighty help and bless. As the neck of the bottle stands cheerfully and evenly, so would the servant of God (name) have the organ of male power day and night, at any time. He fulfilled all bodily desires and always loved passionately and passionately the servant of God (name). Amen".

Conspiracy for male power

It is necessary to speak the cherished words when there is uncertainty in one's abilities.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is a holy Ocean-Sea, on the holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, a damask top. The circle of that damask oak will not be bent by the wind, it will not be broken by a whirlwind. So would I, a servant of God (name), have 70 veins and a single vein on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would become better than before, braver than before, like a turium horn, like a spruce bough. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever. Amen"

A conspiracy on the potency of a husband on linen. Reading wife

In the early morning at sunrise, take your husband's underpants and carefully iron them with a hot iron and quietly pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

« The sun rose red and beautiful. Birds and animals have woken up and roam the forest and admire the outlandish flowers and lush trees. I ask the guardian angels to help the servant of God (name) be proud of his male strength, heroic health and reasonable speeches. To make everyone jealous of his power and strength. Amen".

Speak the words of the conspiracy five times, put the hot laundry in the closet. The next morning, the man should wear them. After the time has elapsed, the ritual is repeated, but after a while you will notice the effect.

Conspiracy for male potency for water

The conspiracy is done on pure holy water, fill it with a clean glass and put it at the icon for the night Mother of God. In the morning you need to visit a church, if possible, a service, or put a candle at the icon of the Mother of God and be sure to pray for the HEALTH of a man, or he must do it himself.

In the evening at midnight, you need to say the following words to the water from the glass:

From the earth and from the moon, and from the month to the sun, heavenly powers, come, heavenly powers, help. In God's servant (say the name of the man), move in and triple, and multiply tenfold. Light and day, night and darkness I call for friends, I am hungry for help. I ask and conjure water, I ask and beg water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then return this glass of water to the icon again for the night, and in the morning you need to add it unnoticed to the man’s drink. If he makes himself for himself, then just drink it.

Conspiracy for male power in the bath

In a hotly heated bath on Thursday, you make a conspiracy, preferably for a growing month. Urinate through your wedding ring into a bucket, pour the contents over yourself and say:

On an oak tree, a trunk and a hundred branches stand like iron.On my body sticks out ...,

How stone corners stick out.From now on and forever and forever and ever.Amen.

Conspiracy from male impotence

They say words to the water, with which they then wash a man who wants to raise his masculine power. Conspiracy words:

Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, And you, Saturday, have no friends. So the servant of God (name) no longer has male weakness. Amen

Conspiracy for potency with a nail

The potency plot is quite simple and effective, but for those who drink alcohol. The nail is lowered into the glass with the cap up, clinging to the edge. Pour vodka into a glass, any volume, you can half a glass, while making a slander:

“On the high mountain Buyan stands a green oak, in it is a red-hot nail. With rage and pity, so that the servant of God (the name of the man) on the servant of God (the name of the woman) stood like a nail.

They drink vodka. The nail must not be removed from the glass. Then you need to take the nail in a glass to a deserted place and stick it into the ground so that it completely disappears into the soil.

Believe in the power of the prayer word, follow all the recommendations correctly and know how to wait patiently. And you will succeed. If your health is completely at risk and nothing helps in increasing potency. Well, take it easy.

Life is not only about sex, there is enough meaning in the world to live interestingly, create, enjoy and be happy. After all, love can be not only physical in the merging of bodies, but in joy and extraordinary sensations that brings spiritual love, platonic. The main thing is to meet such a person who is able to love you with all his heart and soul.

Joy to all from life and health!

  • Lisa: Hello, Vladimir! Tell me, do you know any conspiracy to read on male impotence? so that he could not look at others but me? I want to take revenge on my husband.
  • Hello Vladimir, you have no idea how all these words worked just super! Thank you very much, but is there anything for a loved one to remember, not a love spell, but just to remember?
  • Imagine how your method works on the husband that you suggested to me.
  • Well, let's say he didn't become impotent, but they don't have sex, they are generally put to sleep, they go to bed back to back. Yes, and it seems to communicate with me already more or less better.
  • I did everything as you told me, and the next day they quarreled with his woman and he called me and said that I was better than her, no matter how far I was. then he brought her home. she lives 400 km from the city where my husband lives. in general, then a week later I untwisted the pigtail and everything became smooth.


  • Prepare a rope, cord or black thread of arbitrary length. To enhance the effect, you can use three threads of white, red and black.
  • Light a candle.
  • Drink three sips of water before and after the ritual.
  • Choose the energy of any patron you turn to for help (to the Russian Family, or to the saints, even easier to the elements of Fire, Water, etc.).
  • Formulate your goal and mentally create its image.
  • Charge the rope (threads) with the energy of purpose and good luck, to do this, tie on a rope or tie three threads together with eternal knots.

The number of nodes must be equal to the numbers of the goal and luck. The target number is the number of the person's name, for example: Anna = 1 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 14 = 5. The lucky number is the number of the date of birth, for example: 1975 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 22 = 4.

On a rope (thread), tie nine knots for each while saying:

  • I am depriving you of energy and male power.
  • As long as this thread is tied, twisted,
  • So will you (person's name)!
  • My word is power!
  • This is how I want it to be!
  • And toil for you (person's name),
  • As long as this thread is tied,
  • And no potions or slander will help you!
  • So it will be! So I said!

After shaking three times and saying three times: "Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a tie to it."

This conspiracy to induce impotence is always loved by all witches. Usually the rope (thread) was buried, or sewn into a rag and hung up to the lintel. But, most strong action a conspiracy will occur if the charmed thread is placed in a man’s clothes through a “snake bite”.

Ritual - Snake bite.

We make nine knots with a black thread in a man’s clothes, and the above-described conspiracy is sentenced for each. This method effective in conspiring to quarrel people.

How to quarrel people.

On the thread, tie seven knots for each, saying:

  • For them to fight.
  • Among themselves.
  • So that between them.
  • The hostility was fierce.
  • And hatred serpentine!
  • Let it be so!
  • And my word is strength!

After shaking three times and saying three times: "Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a tie to it." Keep the rope or thread until the wish is fulfilled. Usually they were hung (wound) on a tree, a pole or on a rival's fence.

Since ancient times, male strength has been measured by physical strength and the number of children (in marriage and out of it). It was believed that the strong men are also strong in the sexual sense. But is this true? After all, Casanova's most famous lover in the history of mankind was no different athletic body. He did not bend horseshoes, did not carry horses, and did not lift barrels of wine. However, it was wildly popular with women. The ladies were crazy about a witty, sexy and charming man who knew how to give such pleasure in bed that many aristocrats were not even afraid of the wrath of their own husbands.

Since then, the name "Casanova" has become a household name. And many men are proud of this "title", and dream of gaining it. After all, male power is not only the ability to satisfy a woman, but the most important factor affecting the self-esteem of any man, regardless of his parameters and physical strength.

Problems with sexual health, or rather the lack of it, have always been the biggest problem for every man. The representatives of the stronger sex preferred to fight the disease alone or, in extreme cases, resorted to the services of a healer, whom they could unconditionally trust.

Such a term as impotence appeared quite recently. Previously, the people called this business simply - a non-stand. It was from the non-stay that they performed rituals, part of which were conspiracies.

Early in the morning, a man suffering from impotence, you need to go to the well for water, you need to get up with the first roosters and have time to take water first of the day. Coming back, you can not pause, turn back.

At home, in front of the icons (triptych), you need to pour water from vessel to vessel, reading the prayer “Our Father” three times. Then go outside and pour water over the axle of the cart with the words:

“As the skeleton stands, so stand at (man’s name) rubbish on (woman’s name) from now on forever”

After that, water must be poured onto the eastern side of the capital building.

With a nail

Hang a large nail on the edge of the glass by the hat. Pour vodka over a nail into a glass and say the following words:

“On the high mountain Buyan stands a green oak, in it is a red-hot nail. With rage and pity, so that the servant of God (the name of the man) on the servant of God (the name of the woman) stood like a nail.»

Then you need to drink vodka from a glass without removing the nail. Drive a nail into the ground in a remote place and trample down with your foot. After the procedure, the cap should not be visible.

Conspiracies for the potency of men are still being used. Such conspiracies are valid for those who believe in them. Perhaps it psychological factor, but how to explain the effect of the spell, if the object of its application was in the dark, about the conduct of magical manipulations.

Conspiracy for potency

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is a holy Ocean-Sea, on the holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, a damask top. The circle of that damask oak will not be bent by the wind, it will not be broken by a whirlwind. So would I, a servant of God (name), have 70 veins and a single vein on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would become better than before, braver than before, like a turium horn, like a spruce bough. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever, amen "

You can pronounce it quite often, as soon as there is a need and uncertainty in one's own sexual powers.

three mondays

Every first Monday, for three months, before going to bed, read this plot in half a glass of water. Drink one sip in the morning and use the rest of the water while washing, special attention, paying the suffering organ.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, a tree grows not a tree - an iron cypress. It does not break with the wind, does not bend with hail, and is not incinerated by lightning. Its roots are strong, its branches are damask. He stands in the middle of the sea-ocean - he won’t bend, he won’t bend, so I, the servant of God (name), would have seventy lives and one life, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen ”

wedding candles

Let's talk about spouses. If you have saved wedding candles, they can help. On the eve of the wedding anniversary, you need to light one candle, thread both wedding rings through it and say:

“The candle is hot, there is gold on it, there is fire above it. Where it is dark - light it up, where it is weak - strengthen it. Amen"

Any conspiracy or magical rite can help a person if you really believe in his miraculous power. There is practically no difference in who supports this faith. If the ceremony is performed loving woman, the action will be stronger than the conspiracy of an outsider.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the strength of men for the spiritual life of a believer.

The life of a real man cannot be called easy: constant stress, hard work, responsibility not only for himself, but also for his family. Well, if the body can withstand. But impotence may occur. Then the young man cannot feel like a full-fledged man, his body ceases to obey.

The cause of impotence may be a disease. In this case, it is necessary to listen to the doctor's recommendations. But magic can help too. It is worth reading the conspiracy to male power, and everything will work out.

Constant stress can cause serious illness and cause male impotence

Causes of impotence

Before using a potency plot, you need to understand why this problem arose. Sometimes a person needs treatment from a specialist. You can combine therapy and reading conspiracies. Then there are more chances to get a positive result.

  1. psychological reasons. Sometimes impotence can appear even in physically strong and healthy men. The cause is tension and stress. The young man can long time be in a state of nervousness, and this will not affect his well-being in any way. But at some point, an overabundance of adrenaline will affect his abilities. Such impotence can occur suddenly. Sometimes it goes by very quickly.

If you have impotence psychological reasons, then it can also suddenly disappear as it appeared

Often the cause of impotence is a disorder of the endocrine system.

Conspiracies that can restore male power

If you suddenly have problems in bed, you need to be examined by a doctor and treated. At the same time, you can read a conspiracy from impotence. These magical methods, proven over the years, will help a man overcome problems in his sexual life. And it is important not only that he will be able to satisfy his partner. It's about his self-esteem, about whether he will feel like a real man. Such problems are a real disaster for representatives of the strong half of humanity and are hard to experience. Therefore, it is very important to restore this ability to him, even with the help of magic.

If traditional methods of treatment do not help, there are special conspiracies that can restore male power.

Conspiracy with a nail

This plot for potency is very simple and effective. You need to take a glass and a nail. The nail is hung by the hat, so that it is on the edge of the glass, and vodka is poured into it, speaking it. Vodka must be consumed. The nail must not be removed from the glass. Then you need to take the nail to a deserted place and stick it in the ground. It should completely hide in the soil.

“On the high mountain Buyan stands a green oak, in it is a red-hot nail. With rage and pity, so that the servant of God (the name of the man) on the servant of God (the name of the woman) stood like a nail.

A conspiracy that helps from male impotence

It is necessary to speak the cherished words when there is uncertainty in one's abilities.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is a holy Ocean-Sea, on the holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, a damask top. The circle of that damask oak will not be bent by the wind, it will not be broken by a whirlwind. So would I, a servant of God (name), have 70 veins and a single vein on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would become better than before, braver than before, like a turium horn, like a spruce bough. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever, amen.

When there is uncertainty in their abilities, it is enough just to read the plot.

Three Mondays Conspiracy

These words of the conspiracy must be pronounced 3 months in a row. You need to wait for the first Monday of the month, take half a glass of water and speak the plot. The next day, in the morning, you need to take a sip from the glass. The remaining water must be used for washing, not forgetting about the organ for which the conspiracy is being read.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, a tree grows not a tree - an iron cypress. It does not break with the wind, does not bend with hail, and is not incinerated by lightning. Its roots are strong, its branches are damask. He stands in the middle of the sea-ocean - he will not bend, he will not bend, so I, the servant of God (name), would have seventy lives and one life, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

There is another version of this conspiracy. Only not water is used, but a man's belt. It is also read at bedtime on the first Mondays of three months. After pronouncing these words, the charmed belt must be put on or put under the bed. This is an old conspiracy. With it, you can attract unprecedented energy to a man. It also helps improve your sex life.

A conspiracy on a belt will help from male impotence

“I will get up, the servant of God (name), blessing, go out into the open field, cross myself, go to the east side, to the sea-ocean, the island of Buyan. There, a mighty cypress grows, its roots are strong, damask branches, it does not break with the wind, it does not get knocked down by hail, it does not incinerate with lightning. So let the strength of the servant of God (say the name) never bend, never bend, serve faithfully. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with a bottle

You need to find a bottle, the neck of the bark would be straight and long. It is necessary to pour half a glass of holy water into it. Then you should read the words of the conspiracy and let the man drink some of this charmed water.

“God bless, Lord help me. Just as this bottle’s neck always stands cheerfully and straight, so would the servant of God (name) always have mihir on the servant of God (name) day and night, both for bodily lust and for hot love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Holy water conspiracy

This rite is useful to wives who dream of returning male power to their spouse. You have to wait for the full moon. In the church you need to take holy water and purchase candles, 13 pieces. Leaving the church, you must say:

I leave weakness, I call strength. And all failures, let them go to the grave. Amen".

With impotence, holy water will come to the rescue

Left alone, you need to light candles, bring a vessel with consecrated water and repeat the plot several times. This water should be given to the man for at least 13 days. If the plot does not help, you need to repeat the ceremony on the next full moon.

“As the trunk does not bend from the wind, so let my man gain strength. In bed, in practice, in worries and in the body. His weakness will leave, fatigue will leave. If there is filth on him, let him get away, he will return to the instigator of the disease. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Conspiracy to drink

It is necessary to say these words over some drink (tea or milk).

“On the eastern side, In the depths of the sea lies a bough. It does not bend and does not break, It does not wriggle like a snake. It cannot be broken, it cannot be interrupted. Whoever takes on the bitch, That one ... will wake up. He will not sleep, rest, He will disturb all the women. With a clear dawn, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the sun and in the evening. As a bough is strong in the depths of the sea, So let a strong hollow place be on me. Key to my words, Lock to my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A conspiracy for a mug of tea is very effective for impotence

Prayer for the establishment of married life

Prayer, appeal to Higher powers is a good way to solve any problem. There is a special prayer that will help with impotence.

“Bring, O Lord, an equal and natural attraction to the marriage bed, and do not great power the universal life principle to fade away and become only a memory. All my youth, come into my members and fill them with new strength to continue and strengthen bodily intimacy. Every night will become a blessing, as well as for me, and for the woman who has merged with me with the Light of the Lord, who with her whole body gives immeasurable bliss to my body. In the name of the Lord, I call on the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen".

To establish a married life, use a special prayer

A conspiracy that gives male power

It is best to perform this rite on a full moon. It is necessary to stand in the middle of a room in which there is no one. On four sides you need to put lighted candles, hold a cup of water in your hands. Before reading the plot, the prayer “Our Father” is said three times, then a prayer is read to St. Panteleimon. Now you can start reading the plot itself:

“From the earth, from the month, from the moon - a light, come and settle, triple - multiply, submit to God's servant (name). Light, day and dark darkness, on all four sides, to the east, and to the west, and to the north, and to the south, I ask, I conjure, I pray for water. So that there are strong forces, strong forces, boil water, extinguish a candle, melt wax, add strength. Amen".

When these words are spoken, you need to drink 6 sips of water. And take the remaining water into the bath and pour over yourself, trying to wet the whole body, starting from the head.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, you need to drink 6 sips of water

Conspiracy with scissors

This ceremony is performed on the full moon, at 12 o'clock at night. You need to buy scissors and not use them for their intended purpose, as well as take a mug of water. You must leave the house at night. Neither neighbors nor relatives should see this. Then you need to put the scissors in the water and speak them. All water must be drunk in one gulp. Heading home, you can not touch the threshold with your foot, you need to step over it with your left foot.

“Just as this iron does not bend, so Efim would not bend with God’s servant (name). As these scissors do not bend, do not break, so God's servant (name) should stand. As a bull has a horn, so would God's servant (name) stand. From now to the century. Amen".

Visitor reviews


Especially this remedy helps in the treatment of impotence caused by non-Enhancement of male power. Conspiracy to win the lottery. Conspiracies from loneliness for a guy, girl or widow. A conspiracy is a prayer for all diseases. Conspiracy if there are no children for a long time.

They can seriously complicate not only your marriage, but also your life, because it is not difficult to bring such an evil eye even on young man. If your husband is ill, then you should focus on treating the disease, and only then use a conspiracy that gives male power.

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How to return male power with the help of a conspiracy

If your loved one has become cold to you in bed, then he has health problems. You should not leave everything as it is, try to help him, because not every man is ready to talk openly about his sexual difficulties. This ailment can occur at any age. Frequent stressful situations, hard physical work, worrying about your family often lead to impotence. Then a person does not feel like a full-fledged man, which leads to frequent scandals with his beloved woman. In addition to the fact that a married couple turns to a specialist and adheres to all his recommendations, sexual activity and attraction can be restored with effective, magical conspiracies. Reading a conspiracy to male power, the former joys of life will return in a short period of time.

You can return sexual activity and attraction with effective, magical conspiracies.

Conditions for the successful completion of a conspiracy for male power

Before starting the ceremony, be sure to read "Our Father", ask the Lord for help, healing your loved one. No need to use a lot of unnecessary words, clearly formulate your request and desire. In order for the impotence plot to be successful, then it is necessary:

  • Read the plot at sunrise or after midnight in the light of the moon. It was during this period energy force will be doubly directed.
  • Before the start of the ceremony, be calm and focused on the final, positive outcome.
  • If the plot is laconic, try to read it in one breath. But there is no need to rush, pronounce the conspiracy words clearly and clearly.
  • Unauthorized people should not be in the room. Say a prayer in complete silence. Imagine in your mind a vivid image of your loved one.
  • When you ask the Lord for help, bow your head.
  • Conspiracies from impotence will work faster if you fast for seven days before the ceremony.
  • The effects of magic words will be greatly enhanced if they are repeated several times.
  • It is forbidden to perform rituals during the menstrual cycle.

Strengthening male power at 55 years old

This plot for impotence is very simple and effective, especially if you perform it when the disease is not very pronounced. Early in the morning at sunrise, take your loved one's swimming trunks, turn on the iron and start ironing. When the underwear is hot, say in a whisper:

“The sun rose red and beautiful. Birds and animals have woken up and roam the forest and admire the outlandish flowers and lush trees. I ask the guardian angels to help the servant of God (name) be proud of his male strength, heroic health and reasonable speeches. To make everyone jealous of his power and strength. Amen".

The impotence plot is very simple and effective

Speak the plot five times, put the hot laundry in the closet. The next morning, the man should put on exactly these swimming trunks. You will already see a positive result in 3-4 days. Keep panties for a very long time, do not throw away even when they break. Let them always lie on a shelf with other linen.

Ancient conspiracy from impotence

This impotence conspiracy is suitable for men of all ages. In ancient times, many marriages were saved in this way. Perform the ritual for five nights, on the growing moon. Then the desire of a man will increase every day, as the night sun increases. With this conspiracy, you can even get rid of infertility.

When your loved one fell into a sound and carefree sleep, approach him, bend over to his face, and quietly say the magic words:

“God Almighty help and bless. As the neck of the bottle stands cheerfully and evenly, so would the servant of God (name) have the organ of male power day and night, at any time. He fulfilled all bodily desires and always loved passionately and passionately the servant of God (name). Amen".

The result will not make you wait long. In a few days, life will get better.

The strongest conspiracy from male impotence

This conspiracy is intended for men whose sexual activity has faded a few years ago. When for many years there is no intimacy with his wife. In this case, you must do the following. Sweep away debris and dust from all corners of the apartment. Determine the dust composition in a wide container, add five branches bay leaf and the same number of cloves. After midnight, read “Our Father” three times over this container, and then whisper the plot:

“The forces of the great mother of Earth, Water and Fire, come to my house and reward the servant of God (name) with male power. Like a candle burning with a bright flame, let his desire ignite, like water boils and seethes, let his lust wake up, and let the flame of a candle melt impotence and ailments. Amen".

When for many years there has been no intimacy with his wife, a simple conspiracy will help

After reading the plot, cross yourself and set fire to the entire dust composition. While the fire is burning, imagine your loved one, your love and endless desire. After that, wrap all the ashes in cotton cloth and put away from prying eyes and hands. Together with the ashes, all diseases and hardships will go away.

A simple prayer for male power

Many women are afraid to use white magic for your purposes. In these cases, you can read a simple but effective prayer. When you wake up early in the morning, say:

“The Lord Almighty give my beloved a carnal desire and a heroic strength. Give him youth and bodily intimacy, strengthen his body and soul. Send an angel to protect him, let every night be a joy to him. Amen".

Prayer words must be spoken at least three times. Going to bed, wait until your beloved falls asleep, and pray again, ask the Lord for a cure. Whispering words of prayer until changes occur. Literally in two weeks, the man will take the initiative, begin to desire you, the male power will return to his body again.

Thanks to prayer, in two weeks a man will take the initiative

The charmed water will return the man to his former strength

This ritual is performed after midnight on the new moon. Before the ceremony, go to the temple, pray, draw holy water. At the appointed night time, go to the crossroads with a glass of holy water. There should be perfect, deserted silence on the street. Whisper over the glass:

“Holy, mighty water, return to my dear servant of God (name) male strength, protect from illness and grief. Let him, as before, be a brave young man and look at me as a servant of God (name) with lust and desire. Lord bless my righteous thoughts and humble desire. Forever and ever, amen."

Then take a sip of the charmed water and carry it into the house. Before the threshold of the dwelling, read the "Our Father" several times. In the morning, the beloved man should take at least one sip of the magic liquid. If the water remains, drink it up, but mentally pronouncing the same plot. By conducting this conspiracy from impotence, in five days you will see how your young man has changed.

Sexual impotence can be returned by various conspiracies and rituals, just believe in the power of white magic and support your loved ones in difficult situations. Then sexual activity will return to the man, and you will be able to rejoice and enjoy.

  • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person, so that he can.
  • 10.12.2017 Maria I wonder if I can get the very first napee.
  • 12/09/2017 and the obscurantism of the authors is impressive. black magic devils.
  • 08.12.2017 Aki I want to kill God.

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A conspiracy to impotence is a strong damage to a man, a blow below the belt. Potency for a young man is his dignity and pride. Most often, such a curse is sent by a woman offended former lover or a person envious of the family good. One way or another, there is little good in this for a man.


Corruption and spells have existed since the creation of the world. People have long resorted to the services of sorcerers and witches. Of course, a conspiracy to impotence is also among the commonly used among the people. There are varieties of damage to the strength of the penis:

  • full - will not be able to even look at women;
  • partial - will be with only one lady;
  • cause cold to the beloved;
  • conspiracy to bad life and loss of health.

On the waning moon, let the man drink water from the bowl, then put it on the windowsill, saying:

"There is less water in the bowl, your wins in the box are rarer."

We wait until the water from the vessel evaporates completely, we perform the ceremony every day. If you are with the man you are performing the ceremony on, are married or are in intimate connection, then the ritual will directly affect you. So consider this moment. Bringing damage, will suffer not only sex life, damage tends to be reflected in the person who induces it. Be careful! Think before hurting a guy.

Often, a woman will rashly do things, and then repent of the sinful, but it is not easy to cancel everything - only a strong magician can do this. Moreover, without knowing the magic case, you can screw it up well.

Spells on a string

For this conspiracy to impotence, you will need: from a rope or lace, braid a pigtail, two fingers long, a centimeter thick. Tie a pigtail, symbolizing male power, into a knot, whispering the words:

"I'll bind your strength! While the knots are on the spit, your troubles will not end! (Name of the person) Let it be so, my word is strong, (Name) is directed at you, the scythe is tied tightly, no potion or drug will help you from your misfortune.

Then, a rope, bury or hang on a tree or under the ceiling.

Take a thread of any color and size, tie it into seven knots and put it under the man's pillow:

“I’m tying your sin, on a strong knot, you won’t want anyone. I deprive you of your strength, now as the thread is twisted, so will you! My words are true, directed at you.

Tie nine knots:

“You have become a stranger, and not mine, so suffer now, you will cry and lament on fate, until you untie all the knots.”

Spell on the figurine

The most ancient and strong conspiracy so that a young man becomes impotent, it is considered a figurine spell. Preparation for such a ritual must be taken very seriously, otherwise nothing will come of it. Such a ceremony is done only on the waning moon at midnight. It is advisable not to go anywhere on this day, so as not to lose your anger. Prepare all the components of the ceremony in advance: a black candle, a knife (necessarily new), wax, fabric, threads.

  1. Take a black candle and cut out the offender's name with a knife. Set fire to it, it should burn during the entire ritual.
  2. Make a doll out of fabric or wax, give it the name of your offender.
  3. Attach a wick to the figurine, symbolizing the masculine principle.
  4. Attach the hair of the guy you are spoiling to the doll's head.
  5. Tie with black thread crosswise to the body, and wrap in foil.
  6. Burn with the words: "You, traitor, go without a girl for a long, long time, until you repent, no one will love you." Read three times.
  7. Bury the remains of the burned scarecrow in the ground, preferably in a cemetery.

How to recognize damage on yourself, its consequences

The spell on impotence will have the strongest magical influence in the life and fate of a person. Signs may not be noticed immediately, due to the similarity with other diseases. A guy who is spoken for the loss of sexual desire not only loses a regular erection, but also begins a number of other problems:

  • inability to express oneself at the right moment gives rise to complexes and self-doubt, hence neurosis and depression;
  • general weakness of the body occurs as a result of a magical ritual;
  • aggression, migraine attacks, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • lack of normal sleep for two weeks.

If your betrothed has poor potency, and doctors only shrug, this is definitely damage. So someone cast an eye on your lover and bewitched in order to break your married couple. Perform a ceremony that allows you to find out about the presence of magic, for this you need a glass of water and egg. We seat the person on a chair and roll the testicle all over the body three times, saying:

"Show yourself bad, come out."

  • yolk and protein, remained the same - there is nothing;
  • the yolk surfaced, and the protein clouded the entire glass, the damage is weak;
  • a little cooked protein - things are bad.

It is difficult to predict what conspiracy to impotence will give consequences among them will definitely be:

  • partial loss of desire;
  • poor erection;
  • weakness and exhaustion;
  • loss of vitality;
  • drowsiness and depression.

Fortunately, if you turn to a professional path in time, there is a chance to fix everything. And all the consequences will pass like a bad dream.


Egillet. Conspiracy "Close a man from all women"

In India, there is a ceremony for which you need juniper, incense, salt from the bottom of the sea. We mix all the ingredients and put them in a lamp, kindle incense. We circle ourselves seven times, while reading the mantra. The Slavic ritual is an ancient rite, according to which a married man had to jump over a fire, inflamed on a full moon, while saying:

“As the fire didn’t burn me, and ailments don’t take me, don’t try in vain, you witch, don’t look at my strength.”

In any situation, you need to believe in yourself even if the question has become an edge and you are still cursed. Stay true to yourself and your principles. The one who does not believe, does not take any ailment, put yourself a protective barrier from foul language and damage:

“Hello, clear sun, good day, forget me bad weather. Let there be only happiness, whoever brings damage to me, let the goblin lead him. Amen".