How many Vikings could fit in a longship, a knorr? Knowledge items Longships or longships

Norway is famous for its fjords and great Viking heritage, so when visiting the capital of this amazing country, we made Viking ship museum.

Although, to be completely honest, I insisted on this point, and my wife resisted as much as she could, but ultimately gave in. She probably just realized that a person who was once an active biker, but then was forced to give up his favorite hobby, doesn’t just want to admire the ships of the mighty Scandinavian warriors, who also look a little like bikers. Just as hairy, proud and freedom-loving :).

In general, Oslo is an amazing city; there are so many sights and interesting places collected here that you are simply amazed. Starting from a huge variety of museums, parks and ending with the famous Glass Opera and Akerhus Fortress. And all this wealth with a population of only 600 thousand people! I don’t know how it is for anyone, but I had an involuntary desire to move here to live).

Well, now about my most desired museum of Viking ships. Three of the best preserved examples are on display here.

The first exhibit found at the beginning of the 20th century. The studies carried out allowed scientists to establish the time of use of the vessel - 820–834.

After which, it was used as a funeral ship. The remains of two women were found on board, and so far it has only been possible to find out that they belonged to the nobility, without any names or clarifications.

The shape of the ship is slightly flattened and widened in the center, probably for greater stability and spaciousness.

Some design elements are decorated original carving. Very beautiful. My companion, as I expected, did not share my delight, now and then reminding me of the “incredible beauty and sophistication” of the Vasa museum ship. By the way, I also recommend visiting the latter, but still the local longships look somehow more courageous, which is what won me over.

This beauty reaches almost 22 meters in length, and its width is 5 meters. The team to operate such a vessel could consist of up to 32 people.

Many gifts for the afterlife were found on board, including unusual sleighs, carved animal heads, beds, a carriage and horse skeletons.

With the same width, its length is slightly larger - 23 meters. 32 shields, painted yellow and black, were attached to the sides. Although there was evidence of the looting of this burial place by looters, the researchers still managed to discover several surviving gifts.

Next exhibit - ship from Tune. This is the first of the longships found. No restoration work was carried out, so it is exhibited as it was found.

The approximate date of construction dates back to the 9th century. When the ship was discovered, chain mail, a number of weapons, parts of skis, dice and some other items were found on board.

Almost everything found on board ships can be viewed in a separate room.

The exhibition captivated me. But still, giving due credit to my wife’s comments, I note that even though there are few visitors here, and the premises are spacious, you won’t stay here for long. Therefore, I advise all lovers of maritime affairs to complement their impressions with a trip to another two museums: Kon-Tiki and Fram. In the first you can see and learn a lot about the expeditions of Thor Heyerdahl, and in the second the wooden ship on which the South Pole was conquered is exhibited. Also very interesting museums.

Emphasizing the knowledge of Rus', described by me in the book AZ BUKA IZTINY, and the film I shot about Andrei's yard, I want to highlight and tell you who Apostle Andrei is. An - night starry sky (according to supposed mythology), d - two, rey - rey. The name indicates that mythology is a real story. The Apostle is also deciphered in the book just as simply (the surface of the table in the strict horizon of the earth). The Apostle's Cross - two rays, between which there are 66.6 degrees (on the day of the min. and max. solstice) (ratio 3:2 as on the flag), to calculate the longitude between the vector directed using the rays of the ridge to the 13 ecliptic constellations RA from vector to the polar star. Do the navies even know this? Or do they now only pray to the saints in robes (similarity in mathematics - pido) having forgotten their skipper Andrew and the apostolic meridian? Why do these guys in robes now perversely tell the navy about the cross on their own flag, and they also kiss their hands? What kind of perverts are both one and the other? Where is everything going? It is easier to become pious than to study business... How could officers forget their craft and humiliate their honor? Let's decipher this term again. And on the table - the ground, the border, the table. An D Rey - night, two, reiki. A table and some kind of rack-and-pinion fixing tool. Do you remember the icon? Of course, no one was crucified on this cross. The Neopops, because of their unsteadiness, distorted and substituted faith, adjusted everything to their Faith. From all the coats of arms of ancient Rus', George the Victorious was made a Jew. I’m generally silent about Jesus, read the book... In what places did Apostle Andrew install his Cross and why and for what purpose? Read in the book... Why did Apostle Andrew choose the Dnieper itself? Previously, people traveling from the sources of the Nile in Africa, through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, along the Black Sea, the Dnieper and the Velikaya River, noticed that the rack and pinion structure of the Ra ring coincides with a certain logbook by dates, which was kept in order not to verbally lose sight of the calendar date , recording important events of the day. Therefore, this path was called the Apostolic Line and was taken as the prime meridian. If you deviate from the Apostolic Line, for example, by 30 degrees, at midnight, according to the constellations, the ring will show a deviation from the real calendar of 30 damn days. This is how man learned to determine longitude while moving. Now the prime meridian was moved without any reason to England in 1884, and it became known as Greenwich. And we are just Ivans. This ancient Apostolic line coincides with the Nile-Lapland lineament. It is now almost 30 degrees from Greenwich. Read about it yourself here, so much mystical nonsense has been invented, it would take half a day of reading. Now about latitude. Not only did Apostle Andrew move up the river, looking for the source of many rivers, he moved with two tools - a table with a graduated ring of Ra and two slats crossed and fastened together like scissors. What is all this for? we remember that the table was installed strictly at the horizon along a trough with water. Now let’s simply place this Cross on this strict horizontal surface with the axis of the connections of both yardarms and direct its rays at midnight to the polar star and the star in the ecliptic strictly to the south. So Andrey walked until both yards began to show the same angles to the table surface - a perfect result. We check everything from a scientific point of view... We know that the plane of the ecliptic deviates from the plane of the equator by 23.44 degrees. We know that from the equator to the north pole, the right angle is 90 degrees. The rack and pinion device is a deployed polar star pointer from north to strictly south, and, therefore, divides all degrees in half relative to the vertical. We count... (90-23.44) / 2 + 23.44 = 56.72 degrees. To summarize: 30 degrees east longitude and 56.72 degrees north latitude. We open an electronic map on the Internet and point the cursor at the height of 338 meters of the Bezhanitsky Upland... Some kind of devilry. After this discovery I could not fall asleep for a long time. I kept thinking how much knowledge was eventually closed into one. When I wrote the first book and indicated this place... I didn’t know that this would happen with degrees. And after this the neo-popists tell us to simply Believe. There is no Faith on earth, just like there is no faith in the Neopopians. Christianity has been replaced! Proof! Our FAITH has been replaced. It's time for everyone to know this! I ask you to purchase the book AZ BUKA IZTINY (you can from me) and spread the knowledge. Distribute links to my films from my YouTube channel “Kulanoa Vyacheslav” to all sites, groups and friends. No one but us will restore Great Rus'.

The latter type of boats also includes Scandinavian longships - Viking ships. Such ships are now rarely seen on the waters, although they once plied the seas and oceans, not just the coastal waters of Norway, and, according to historians, even reached the shores of America before Columbus's caravels.

"Dragons" from the Norwegian fjords

Translated from Norwegian, the name of the Vikings sounds like “dragon ship”, which is associated with the characteristic frightening decorations in the form of carved sculptures (most often dragons) in the bow of such ships. Another name for drakkars is Langskip, i.e. “long ships”, which is also associated with the peculiarities of shipbuilding of the Scandinavians, who make their wooden ships narrow (up to 2.6 m wide), long (from 35 to 60 m), with a highly raised curved stern and bow. Drakkars were also called the entire flotilla of Scandinavian warships on which the Vikings carried out their raids from the sea into foreign territories.

This is interesting! It was customary to remove the knob in the form of a dragon's head from the bow of a longship when the ship approached friendly lands. The Vikings believed that this way they could avoid the wrath of good spirits. In addition, such “decorations” were present only on combat longships, while similar Viking fishing and trading ships had nothing of the kind.

Drakkars moved across the expanses of water by rowing with oars (on particularly large ships there were up to 30-35 pairs of oars), as well as by the assistance of a fair wind blowing into a rectangular (less often square) sail spread out in the middle of the ship. The sails were made from sheep's wool. One extensive cloth could take up to 2 tons of wool and a couple of years of work to create it, so sails were a very valuable component of longships.

Steering was carried out by a steering oar installed on the starboard side of the vessel. With such “engines”, longships could reach speeds of up to 10-12 knots, which at that time could be equated to fairly high “technical indicators”. Viking boats could navigate both narrow bays and wide expanses of sea. It is known for certain that Scandinavian longships reached the shores of Greenland and, and even the coast of North America (which was later proven more than once by repeating the route on similar replica ships).

This is interesting! In addition to drakkars, the Vikings also had snekkars - “snake ships”, which were smaller in size and capable of speeds of up to 15-20 knots, and knorrs - merchant ships. Knorrs were wider than longships, but at the same time they developed less speed and were not intended for walking in shallow river waters.

Longships with low sides often merged with high waves, which allowed the Vikings to make a sudden landing on the shore, being completely unexpected opponents. It is likely that the name “Vikings,” literally sounding like “people from,” also arose due to ships with terrifying dragon heads suddenly appearing from the coastal bays.

Drakkar - home of the Viking

Drakkars were wooden ships, in the construction of which preference was given to ash, oak and pine. For the manufacture of the keel and frame, trees with natural bends were initially selected. For the side cladding, only oak boards were used, which were overlapped. In addition, the sides of the ship were protected by shields.

This is interesting! It was believed that to build a drakkar it was enough to have only an ax (or several of its varieties), although other tools were often used.

The Scandinavians considered the ship their home. Like a horse for a nomad, a ship for the Vikings was the main treasure for which they did not mind giving their lives in battle with enemies. Even the Scandinavian kings (tribal leaders) were sent on their last journey in longships. Some burial vessels that have survived to this day can be seen in Norway.

The Vikings’ particularly reverent attitude towards their ships is evidenced by the original names of the longships: “Lion of the Waves”, “Sea Serpent”, “Horse of the Wind”, etc., which are known from the ancient Scandinavian sagas. And the seaworthiness of these ships fully justified such poetic names. When, in 1893, a copy of a medieval longship, called the “Viking,” overtook other sailing ships in 27 days, it was clearly proven that few could compete with the Viking ships during their existence for the best seaworthiness.

Ships from the Scandinavian sagas today

Lines from Hetfield’s song “Slowly the longships sail into the distance, you don’t expect to meet them anymore...” they remind you that the era of the Vikings and longships has long sunk into oblivion, but there are enthusiasts who are not indifferent to the historical heritage of the Scandinavians, who are trying to recreate a piece of the past in the present.

For example, the largest modern drakkar, which took almost 5 years to build (or rather, recreate an ancient copy), was created specifically to cross the Atlantic and be able to clearly prove that Viking ships could reach the coast of North America (which was done in the summer this year).

This is interesting! On the Vyborg embankment you can see typical Viking longships with an unusual history.

The ships are not historical, but created at the Petrozavodsk shipyard specifically for the filming of the film “And Trees Grow on Stones” (1984), which took place in this city. The real-life Gokstad ship was taken as a model. The director of the film, Stanislav Rostotsky, after the completion of filming, gave the boat to the residents of the city in gratitude for their help in filming the film. But now you can only admire the new models - created in 2009 at the Vyborg shipyard to replace the blackened “movie” ships.

Many fans of historical reconstructions repeatedly attempt to recreate one or another real-life Scandinavian longship, using the same simple Viking shipbuilding technologies. For example, to recreate one of the most famous longships in history - the 30-meter long "Havhingsten fra Glendalough" - it took about 300 oak trees, 7000 nails, 600 liters of resin (all ships made by the Vikings were impregnated with resin) and 2 km of ropes.

Reconstructions of historical Viking ships are popular among residents of Denmark and, but most often they reconstruct not longships, but snekkars, which do not require large teams to operate.

Although the Vikings went down in history as sea robbers, no worse than the pirates of the Caribbean, it can be said that their shipbuilding traditions served as the basis for the creation of medieval Western Europe, which adopted the successful designs of Scandinavian longships.

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Drakkar(Norwegian) Drakkar, from Old Norse Drage- "dragon" and Kar- “ship” is the name given today to a wooden Viking ship, long and narrow, with its bow and stern raised high. In Europe it is also called Draka/Dreka depending on the language.


Image of warriors in a longship on the Stura Hammar stone I

The sizes of longships varied from ten to 19 meters, and later, with the development of shipbuilding, they began to reach up to 30 meters. Drakkars were used both for everyday tasks, such as trade, and for military purposes (most often for the latter), as well as for long sea voyages, which became possible due to the special design of the ship. On longships, the Vikings first sailed to the shores of Iceland, England, Greenland and North America.

Carved dragon heads mounted on the bow often made it clear what the social and financial status of the ship's owner was. Because Due to their status and capabilities, dragon heads were decorated in different ways. The dragon's head on the bow of the ship was also used to intimidate enemies. This was especially true when raiding new lands. For example, when the Vikings first set out for the Western Lands, they sailed to the shores of an as yet unknown country - it was Northumbria.

When the Viking ship sailed to the shore, the monks noticed it and were frightened by the mere sight of the ship with a dragon on its bow. They then believed that it was the devils who came down to earth to punish Christians for their sins. When soldiers saw such ships, they often abandoned their posts and fled.

Safety and success in navigation largely depended on the design and properties of the ships that the Vikings used - their strength and stability, seaworthiness, and carrying capacity. It was during the Middle Ages that shipbuilding radically changed navigation. The longships of the legendary northern Viking warriors and travelers are a prime example of these changes. The abundance of wood - oak and pine, as well as the presence of first-class iron ore, which allowed the Scandinavians to make excellent iron tools, contributed to the rapid construction of many ships. Which became the real basis of their civilization. Warships were called "drakkar" (dragon).

Many of the heads (noble Normans) had ships with purple sails embroidered with gold, and on gilded masts they had golden lanterns or weather vanes in the form of birds with outstretched wings. An important advantage of the drakkar was the keel - a longitudinal beam made of a single oak trunk, running along the entire bottom from bow to stern. The keel gave the ship strength and stability in the waves and allowed the ship to be dragged ashore without damaging the hull.

In the middle of the ship there was one mast 10-12 meters high, which could be removed and stored on deck when there was no wind. The length of the oars could be 4-6 m, the number of rowers from 14 to 20 rows or even more. The steering oar, which was turned using a short transverse handle - a tiller - was usually located at the stern on the right.

Drakkars were very well designed, which made it possible to sail along rivers and fiords. For the same reason, longships made it possible to land troops deep in enemy territory. The low sides made the drakkar barely visible against the background of sea waves, which made it possible to merge with the waves.

Some longships, discovered during archaeological excavations and carefully restored, have survived to this day. Nowadays they are exhibited in Viking ship museums in Norway and Denmark.

The sides of the drakkar were covered with shields to protect the rowers. There was nothing on deck that would weigh the ship down. A Viking merchant ship similar in design, the knorr, could even transport livestock.

Scientists know about this thanks to the most famous embroidery of the Middle Ages - the “Queen Matilda Carpet”, which immortalized the exploits of her husband, King William I the Conqueror.

On a huge strip of canvas, 68.3 m long and 50 cm wide, that has survived to this day (the “Bayenne Canvas”), 58 scenes of the conquest of England by William I the Conqueror are embroidered.

The ships on which William I transported his army from Normandy to England were also embroidered on this canvas. Striped sails and masts decorated with “golden” weather vanes are clearly visible - wind indicators, most likely made of slotted gilded tin. Then, in 1066, to transport troops and cavalry, William I assembled a fleet of more than 100 longships, on which he crossed the English Channel. Due to their design, longships were able to enter the shallowest waters, which allowed soldiers to quickly leave the ships.

Types of Drakkars

The Norwegians challenged Columbus's primacy in the discovery of America by sailing to Chicago on an exact copy of the Gokstad longship.

One of the representatives of the drakkars can be called Gokstad ship(Norwegian) Gokstadskipet) - this type of Viking ship of the 9th century was most often used as a funeral ship. Discovered in 1880 in a mound on the shores of the Norwegian Sandefjord (Vestfold province). This is a ship from Gokstad, exhibited in the Drakkar Museum, has a length of approximately 23 m and a width of 5.1 m. The sailing rig consists of one large rack sail, sewn from vertical panels. The length of the rowing oar is 5.5 m.

A beautiful and slender vessel with a steeply raised side line on both sides, it was built entirely of oak and richly ornamented. The excellent seaworthiness of this type of vessel was proven by 12 young Norwegians in 1893. They built an exact copy of the Gokstad ship, after which they crossed the North Atlantic and arrived in Chicago for the Columbus Exhibition, the ship showed an average speed of 9-10 knots, which was a very good indicator for later large sailing ships.

Oseberg boat.

Oseberg ship- an oak Viking ship (schneckkar), discovered in 1904 near Tonsberg in the Norwegian province of Vestfold. The ship was dug out of the ground and with all its contents is in the Drakkar Museum in Oslo. Judging by the data found, the ship was launched around 820 and was used in coastal waters until 834, after which it was used as a funeral ship.

The length of the ship was 21.6 meters, width 5.1 meters, the size of the mast could vary from 6 to 10 m. With a sail area of ​​90 m², the ship could reach speeds of up to 10 knots. 15 pairs of barrels indicates that there were about 30 oarsmen on the ship. The bow and stern were painted in the form of intertwined animals.

Although the mound was plundered back in the Middle Ages, archaeologists were able to discover in the vessel the remains of two women of high social status (young and old), fragments of oriental silk fabrics, a well-preserved wooden cart and even the bones of a peacock. This indicates a thriving trade.

Scandinavian scholars have been trying for a long time to connect these women with the Yngling dynasty. But preliminary DNA analysis indicates that the youngest of them had haplogroup U7, which is virtually absent among Europeans but is common in the Middle East, especially among Iranians.

Thun ship, exhibition in the museum

Thun ship(Norwegian) Tuneskipet) - this 10th century ship was used by the Vikings for funeral events. Discovered in 1867 by archaeologist Oluf Rygev in a boat mound at the Haugen farm in the village of Rolvsey in Tyn, Østfold, Norway. Exhibited at the Drakkar Museum, Oslo.

The ship was built around 900 AD. e., the paneling is made of oak with overlap. The vessel is partially preserved and was probably 22 meters long with eleven or twelve rows of oars. The width of the vessel is 4.35 meters, the length of the keel is 14 meters. The ship is a massive structure with frames made of unbent logs of the appropriate shape, thick beams and a solid rail.


The number of people on the ship depended on the size of the ship itself. One rower sat behind each oar. The captain and his assistants also formed part of the team. When the Vikings went on campaigns on longships, it became their home, where each Viking had his own place. During military campaigns, much more people were transported on drakkars. There are cases when drakkars transported relatively large detachments (up to one and a half hundred Viking warriors), but in this case the ships most often sailed in coastal waters, and at night the detachments always landed ashore.


This is how the skin on the longships was attached.

Drakkars were built from wood of many species, among which the most important were ash, pine and oak. Shipbuilders specifically chose trees with natural curves for the keels and frames of Viking ships. As soon as the tree was cut down, they did not wait for it to dry, the tree was split in half with wedges, and then the resulting blanks were split further, exclusively along the fibers. The resulting boards could be bent without fear of them cracking. To give the boards additional flexibility, they were moistened with water and held over the fire. The most important tool was the carpenter's axe. It was believed that one was enough to build a ship, but other tools were also used: chisels, drills and others.

For cladding, boards were used, laid overlapping. Depending on the tradition of the builders, the boards were fastened with iron nails and rivets, wooden nails, or even tied together. Then the entire structure, just like now, was caulked and tarred. Thus, when moving through the water, an air gap was created, which increased stability, stability and speed of movement: the higher the speed, the more stable and smooth the ship moved.

Construction of Drakkars today

Various historical organizations have tried to recreate this or that ship using original technologies. For example, “The Seahorse of Glendalough” (dat. Havhingsten fra Glendalough), a 30-meter warship, is an almost exact copy of the ship Skuldelev II, built in 1042 in Ireland and sank at the end of the 11th century in the Danish fjord of Roskilde (the ship is named after the village of Skuldelev, not far from which in 1962 marine archaeologists found the bottom of the fjord is the remains of 5 ships). About 300 oak trunks, 7,000 iron nails and rivets, 600 liters of resin and 2 km of ropes were spent on the creation of the Sea Horse from Glendalough.