Double runic formula for finding a job. Runic staves for all occasions. The runes of victory include

Nautiz is the tenth rune of the ancient Germanic runic series. It can be literally translated as “need.” It is from this rune that the English verb need (demand, need) comes from. You can get an idea of ​​what the Nautiz rune looks like from the photo.

Photo of the Nautiz rune

Nautiz is the rune of need, deprivation, poverty, constraint and limitation. It is directly related to such concepts as “fate” and “fate”. The rune is responsible for the area of ​​a person’s dark and selfish aspirations, embodying his lower self. In occultism, the Nautiz rune is a symbol of the powerful forces dormant in every person.

General meaning of the Nautiz rune

Nautiz is a rune of difficult science. This sign seems to tell a person: do not look for easy paths to success - they simply do not exist! Life experience, as a rule, is gained through trial and error, through overcoming difficulties and solving difficult problems. At the same time, the rune reassures a person: everything will work out if you show patience and common sense. But vanity and excessive haste will only harm progress towards the cherished goal.

The meaning of the Nautiz rune can be interpreted differently. Thus, it can symbolize the physical or spiritual development of a person, which he acquires by overcoming his weaknesses and extraneous temptations.

The inverted Nautiz rune almost always means the wrong path. And it’s good if a person has just started walking along it, because then something can still be changed. If he is in the middle of the wrong path, then in this case he has only one thing left: try to minimize his losses.

The use of the Nautiz rune in magic

The Nautiz rune has a protective meaning

The Nautiz rune gives a person strength during difficult periods of his life and helps him survive certain adversities. In ancient times, this sign was often painted on the palms to protect against evil spirits and harmful entities. At the dinner table, you can mentally draw it over food in order to sanctify and charge the food with positive energy.

Nautiz is the rune of coercion. It supports a person’s spirit in difficult times, and this is its main purpose. At the same time, the rune calls for restraint in emotions and actions. In the Speeches of Sigrdriva, this sign is advised to be applied either to the hand or to the nail of the thumb.

The Nautiz rune is also often used in sessions of so-called “suppressive magic”, directing its powerful energy to some external object. However, this practice of using the Nautiz rune requires great caution and accuracy from the magician.

The meaning of the Nautiz rune in fortune telling

The runic environment affects the Nautiz rune differently

The main magical meaning of the Nautiz rune is a limitation, in particular in relation to oneself. Having seen this symbol in the layout, you should understand one thing: you will have to do not what you want, but what is necessary at a given moment in time. Runa Nautiz also promises help from loved ones.

During fortune telling, the proximity of a symbol to other runes can tell a lot. Let's look at what these or those rune combinations can mean:

  • Nautiz +: necromancy;
  • Nautiz +: love spells;
  • Nautiz +: tragedy due to the uncontrollability of something;
  • Nautiz +: murder for political reasons;
  • Nautiz +: crown of celibacy;
  • Nautiz +: useless conjunction;
  • Nautiz +: a loved one needs help;
  • Nautiz +: defeat, failure of the operation;
  • Nautiz +: loss, deprivation, bankruptcy;
  • Nautiz +: long-term disaster;
  • Nautiz +: lust and debauchery;
  • Nautiz +: violent death;
  • Nautiz +: suspiciousness, self-flagellation;
  • Nautiz +: adventurous enterprise;
  • Nautiz +: long separation;
  • Nautiz +: defeat in battle;
  • Nautiz +: losses due to deception or scam;
  • Nautiz +: violence (physical or moral);
  • Nautiz +: conflict, failed alliance;
  • Nautiz +: collapse of an enterprise due to the activities of competitors;
  • Nautiz +: defeat;
  • Nautiz +: arrest and investigation;
  • Nautiz +: doubts, depression, lack of vitality;
  • Nautiz + Wyrd (empty rune, Odin's rune): real danger; the Forbidden fruit.

Runa Nautiz and love relationships

The Nautiz rune in a love scenario does not bring anything good

In the upright position, the Nautiz rune can mean a deep crisis in an existing relationship or the risk of linking one’s destiny with the wrong person. Another possible meaning of the Nautiz rune: the emotional impulses of one partner do not find the proper response in the heart of his “half”. Sometimes this rune in love scenarios indicates the pettiness and selfishness of one of the partners.

One way or another, the Nautiz rune in fortune telling for love indicates the presence of some kind of internal discord in the relationship between two people. This discord can arise for two reasons: either one of the partners does not reach the level of the other, or there is disappointment in his companion (companion), which came over time.

Nautiz reversed can mean a break in relationships

The inverted Nautiz rune indicates a certain emotional incontinence in a relationship. This means that one of the partners often acts rashly, without thinking about the consequences, which greatly offends the loved one. A combination with an empty Odin rune indicates a possible break in relations due to some dark episode from the past.

Runa Nautiz and career

The direct Nautiz rune in career fortune-telling should be perceived as a danger. First of all, for new projects and endeavors. However, we are not always talking about a total collapse or unequivocal failure of the enterprise. Rune Nautiz, first of all, reminds a person of the wise principle “measure seven times - cut once.” That is, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail before embarking on the immediate implementation of your idea.

The reversed Nautiz rune in a career chart makes you think before making decisions

The inverted Nautiz rune indicates that the questioner is seriously confused. Most likely, he does not fully understand what he wants and what he needs to do for it. In such a situation, you absolutely cannot turn a blind eye to the existing problem. You need to understand yourself and your desires in detail, sort everything out and set priorities.

Runa Nautiz: possible problems and difficulties

Living in need or under duress, pressure, the shadow side of the personality coming to the fore. Here is a list of the main problems associated with this rune. A deep study of one’s inner impulses and motives will help a person free himself and jump out of a series of troubles. It will help you find and make the only right decision.

Runa Nautiz gives a person the following ultimatum: you need to stop lying to yourself, it’s time to accept the whole truth about your beloved self, even if it is not very pleasant. And when this happens, absolutely everything will change: circumstances, people and outlook on life.

Many psychologists, when dealing with an inert client, use one interesting method: they try to anger him, provoke him. It is important to give birth to energy in a person, even if it is negative. The Nautiz rune is trying to do the same. She encourages a person to plunge headlong into a difficult situation, cutting off all avenues of retreat, and to lose their usual comfort zone. This should stimulate a person’s desire to move forward, overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Moreover, each failure will only strengthen and strengthen faith in success.

The inverted rune Nautiz has a negative meaning

The inverted Nautiz rune carries within itself a whole complex of negative emotions, including hatred, irritation and despondency. The activation of all these moods should lead to one thing - to a better acquaintance with your “I”, to mastering your real self. All this will entail a revision of key values ​​and positions, and will also help individuals gain their integrity.

Man is the deepest and darkest well. Runa Nautiz calls for immediately starting a thorough study of this well and searching for its bottom. It is important to start studying yourself. After all, only in this case is the development of the human personality and the human spirit possible. And the path to perfection never ends.

It is important to understand one more point: if a person is faced with a series of major troubles, this means that he has the strength to cope with them. “If a lot is asked, then a lot is given!” - this is the main motto of the Nautiz rune.

Runa Nautiz always warns against cruelty and ruthlessness towards other people. However, he encourages the manifestation of these qualities towards himself. Runa Nautiz also says that it is pointless to resist current events. You are unlikely to be able to change anything, but you will spend a lot of energy in vain.

What advice can the Nautiz rune give to a person? You need to believe in a higher power - this is her main recommendation. Such faith will help you move forward in any situation. Runa Nautiz calls for patience. This is another force that will help you overcome any obstacles. Runa Nautiz teaches not to lose courage and optimism under any circumstances. “Difficult times teach you threefold” - this truth should also not be forgotten.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money


Do you want all your wishes to be fulfilled on time? Then in this article you will learn about what runic formulas there are for the fulfillment of difficult desires, and the features of working with them. Happy reading and good luck!

How to use runes to make your wishes come true

There are a number of runes, the specifics of which are aimed at fulfilling innermost human desires. To obtain the desired result, the operator is required to clearly formulate the final goal. You can find out more detailed information about ancient Scandinavian symbols and methods of working with them in Sergei Savchenko’s free book “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards.”

Applying an image to a person’s personal item will help to enhance the effect of the runic formula on the fulfillment of a wish. It is allowed to use a temporary tattoo with the necessary symbols. You should carry it with you until your plan comes true.

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Note. The most famous rune that fulfills wishes is Vunyo. This sign will help any person realize the existing potential necessary to achieve their goal.

A runic wish fulfillment with a reservation, like a formula, will help you achieve your plans in the shortest possible time. This effect is achieved due to the presence of several powerful symbols - the desired energy becomes more concentrated and targeted.

Note! When independently compiling the necessary runic staves, keep in mind that some ligature runes can conflict with each other

Basic rules for drawing up runic staves

When working with stakes, it is important to strictly adhere to a number of the following rules:

  • Indicate the main purpose for which you need to become
  • When combining different runes into one script, remember - they should not conflict with each other
  • For negative actions, use dark runes and vice versa
  • The first rune in the formula is the symbol that begins its work. Others may come in no particular order. The desired outcome must be known before drawing up the bet
  • The combination is drawn in a circle. The lines of the ligatures are located vertically or diagonally - it all depends on the specifics of the stave
  • Use only runes in an upright position. The exception is specific bets
  • Symbols should not be located close to each other

Popular bets on achieving what you want

Here are examples of popular bets aimed at achieving what you want:

Becoming "3 thrones"

The purpose of the stave is to fulfill desires. Consists of a combination of Vunyo - Teyvaz - Vunyo

Symbols can be carved into wood or lignite. After making a reservation about the final result, it is burned, the ashes are carried with you in a linen bag until the required result appears.

Becoming "Sauromat"

The goal of this combination of runes is to achieve your goal, to get what you want. Consists of the following runes - Uruz, Teyvaz, Raido, Yera, Soulu, Thurisaz, Kveort, Eyvaz, Fehu, Nautiz.

When working with the above stav, you should clearly indicate the end result. When making a reservation, you can list the barriers that may stand in the way of achieving the goal (optional).

Runic formula “Straight to the target”

The combination allows for a breakthrough in certain areas of the operator’s life, achieving the desired result regardless of existing obstacles. Consists of the following runes: Yera, Kano, Inguz, Soulu, Teyvaz, Gebo.

The use of a runic formula allows you to collect and accumulate energy from the surrounding world, with the exception of factors that prevent you from achieving a certain goal. The combination does not harm the operator, highlighting only the qualities necessary to achieve the intended goal.

To make difficult desires come true faster, use one of the runic staves listed below.

Becoming "Getting Everything You Want"

The purpose of this formula is to fulfill any, even difficult to achieve, goals, to make a breakthrough in an area previously specified by the operator.

A brief explanation of the runes included in the stav.

  • Vunyo: Luck, prosperity, well-being
  • Gebo: Receiving a Gift
  • Soulu: Victory, dominance, integrity, power
  • Perth: Creating Gateways to Achieve Your Goals
  • Laguz: Development of operator intuition, which will suggest optimal solutions
  • Fehu: Material/spiritual property, well-being

Runic combinations used in the formula.

  • Gebo + Vunyo: Getting the desired result
  • Soulu + Fehu + Gebo: Wealth in all spheres of life
  • Soulu + Fehu: The combination can be used to charge the financial sphere

Note. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the area to which the runic influence will be directed

Runic becoming “Dreams come true”

The goal of the stav is to achieve goals, to make your wildest dreams come true. Consists of Fehu, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Yera.

The agreement must contain the following points

  • Achieving the set goal without harm to the operator
  • Finding comfortable ways to implement your plans
  • Work without harm to amulets charged for similar or other purposes

Becoming "Golden Fish"

The runic wish fulfillment “Goldfish” has been repeatedly tested for success, like previous formulas. You can use it to achieve any goal. Consists of the following Scandinavian symbols: Dagaz, Fehu, Otala, Jera, .

As in previous examples, the clause is drawn up taking into account the specific purpose to which the influence of the runes will be directed. Compiled randomly.

When can I expect results?

If you have followed all the above instructions correctly, the result will not take long to arrive. Typically, the effect manifests itself in the range from three days to a month - it all depends on the strength of the runes used.

Note! The main task of the runes is to open the gates to new opportunities, the implementation of plans in all spheres of life. The most important thing is not to ignore the chance you get, otherwise the formula will slow down or stop working. Be carefull!

You can get this knowledge at free mini-course “Secrets hidden in the Runes”.

Magic is a concept as comprehensive as, for example, medicine. This includes hundreds of directions and religions. ​Rune formulas for all occasions belong to the northern tradition, where the Gods of Scandinavia are at the head.

All magic can be divided into two types:

  • on the power of the upper world;
  • on the power of the lower world.

Runes work on the power of the Gods. All rituals of this direction of esotericism are accompanied by prayers or, as runologists say, hangings. It would seem that working through the Gods should not be accompanied by various negative consequences and setbacks. However, it all depends on whether the impact is positive or negative.

There are several Gods in the northern pantheon. If you look closely at them, you can find similarities with the pagan Gods of Rus'. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life and when making an impact, you should contact exactly the one who is assigned to do this.

In order to start working with stakes, need to buy a runic set. They are often sold in stores and magic shops on the Internet, but it is best to make them yourself. Then, every day in turn, a person must “live” the runes. Take one of these and carry it with you all day. For example, on Monday take ansuz, on Tuesday - laguz, on Wednesday - geby (gebo). So you need to feel the whole set. Understand the nature of the runes.

Runostavs exist for any occasion. They help in love, work, with magical negativity, when it is impossible to find a common language with a person. There is no problem in life that the runic formula cannot solve.

The only thing that may be difficult is easy money. Runes for winning the lottery, for example, will not work, since the magic of money is much stronger and when large sums are involved, completely different forces are activated.

We draw runes and make reservations

Runes are applied in different ways . If you are making an impact for yourself:

  1. Draw symbols towards you.
  2. Apply to your body, on paper, wooden objects.
  3. Carry it with you or put it away from prying eyes.
  4. Runes written on the body should not be visible to others.

If the ritual is performed on another person:

  1. You can apply runes on his photo, on paper with the object’s data.
  2. Do not apply symbols with your biological material (saliva, blood, etc.). The impact will fall on you.
  3. Under no circumstances should you reveal what you have done to the person on whom the runic ritual was performed.

Runic formulas are proven and powerful magic. You can choose runostavs for all occasions. Therefore, many remain adherents of this type of witchcraft for life.

Runes for attracting love are most in demand. The strongest bets can be easily found on the Internet. There are runic staves and clauses to them. On thematic sites, users actively discuss how this or that runescript worked. They share their mistakes, victories and results. You will read about the meaning of runes, rune writing and the meaning of combinations of different symbols. Thanks to such forums, you can not only get acquainted with runes, but also become a competent, experienced runologist.

Over time, you will form a piggy bank with useful rune articles, ready for use in everyday life. If you wish, you can start compiling a complete catalog of runograms that can bring good luck in any business and improve your health. Runes can be mastered even by a person who does not have a family of sorcerers and magicians. The main thing is purpose and diligence in studying this topic.

Simple runic formulas

The formula for good physical well-being looks like this:

Ingvaz - physical health. Algiz - subtly detects the slightest change in health, an approaching illness. Uruz is a stable physical force that repels all ailments. Yera - neutralizes everything harmful that can undermine health. Teyvaz is a barrier to disease and personal resistance to infections, good health. Gebo - internal harmony of health. Soul - the forces that fuel the entire formula to be healthy.

Runic betting for quick money. Always gives a positive result. It needs to be updated daily. Around the third or fourth day, money begins to arrive.

If there is a negative impact on the financial sector, then the amount will be either scanty or not at all.

As it becomes clear, runes are a fairly affordable and effective way to achieve what you want. The main thing is to enter this type of magic gradually, understanding the theory and only then starting practice.

The Nauthis rune is most often associated with need, restrictions and constraint. One of the most difficult runes of the Elder Futhark, because a person is not always able to perceive obstacles and limitations as a path to development and humility. Let's talk about the meaning of this magical symbol in more detail.

The photo of the Nautiz rune looks like this:

Thus, Nautiz is:

  • Unfavorable at first glance phenomena. But they do not harm a person, but help to become stronger. Initially, a weak personality will be destroyed, and if there is potential, they will give a powerful impetus to development
  • Opposition and tension coming from outside

Very often, Nautiz, like other runes, is used in magical rituals.

Using the Nautiz rune for magical purposes

In magical rituals, the Nautiz rune is used for the following purposes:

  • Helps a person gain strength to successfully overcome the difficulties and obstacles that arise in life
  • Provides reliable protection from everything negative that can come into life. Including from evil thoughts, bad people and bad energy
  • Used to protect the home from evil magical influences
  • Used to consecrate food, water or some things
  • Rune of support in difficult times for a person
  • Helps you stay emotionally restrained when needed
  • Used for making amulets, talismans, amulets

The meaning of the Nautiz rune in fortune telling

The rune, when used in fortune telling, can indicate a situation, help determine the opportunities provided by fate, and warn against taking any actions.


If in fortune telling the Nautiz rune falls on any situation, it means that the fortuneteller is in a difficult situation. He is not yet able to adequately and correctly assess what is happening, or come up with an adequate solution to the problems that have arisen. External forces are still stronger than the internal state.

The fortuneteller's position can be compared to a situation where a person is lost in a labyrinth and cannot find a way out. But there is only one way out and you need to find it. At such a moment, it is very important to stop analyzing, stop controlling and completely trust Fate - it will show you the right direction and provide all the opportunities.

Now is not the best time for active actions - relax and let events develop as Fate wishes. Resistance will only make the situation worse.


If the Nautiz rune appears in fortune telling, it can help you choose the right direction in life and determine where to look for opportunities to realize your goals. At the same time, a person does not have to strain - the rune gives so much energy that it will last for a long time.


If the Nautiz rune appears in fortune telling, beware:

  • Cruel and unfair treatment. Be friendly, kind and make fair decisions, otherwise your negativity will come back to you many times over.
  • Resistance to external circumstances - active attempts to change something will complicate the situation very much. Better relax

Rune advice: You must be filled with joy and show humility at the current stage of life, no matter how difficult it may be. Give up Fate to the power of the Higher Powers, and you will not be disappointed.

What problems does the rune promise?

Nautiz most often has a negative meaning. But for a person, this is rather good - you can pay attention in time to those areas of life that are currently under threat, and take timely measures.

What does Nautiz mean:

  1. Currently you are in a subordinate position, living and acting under strong duress. Because of this, your personality, your own “I” practically does not manifest itself, it is in the shadows. This is bad because there is no development
  2. You are in the center of events, living in constant tension. You feel like a driven horse, but you can’t stop - there is a feeling that as soon as you relax, the world around you will collapse. In fact, it is necessary to relax, otherwise you will completely exhaust your spiritual strength and lose all your energy.
  3. You have a lot of complexes, fears, phobias. All this depresses your state of mind and prevents you from developing. You often experience negative emotions, which you take out on others. We urgently need to get rid of the burden of old complexes and become a free, happy person
  4. A lot of troubles have fallen on you, but you don’t need to give up. Trials are sent to toughen you and make you better. So put up with them

Very often Nautiz seems to say: stop all active actions. You need to relax, get to know yourself, learn to work with the subconscious. You lack strength of character and will - strengthen these qualities and life will radically change for the better.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The ancient Scandinavians left behind a unique heritage - rune staves and formulas. To this day, humanity uses these magical symbols to achieve specific goals and solve life problems.

There is probably not a single person on earth who, at some stage of his life, would not want to change something. Usually such periods are called a black streak or simply a series of failures. We are rushing in different directions, trying to find a way out, but everything is in vain - misfortunes pursue us as if under a spell.

But the great rune magic provides a choice of formulas for all occasions. They will help you achieve what you want and return your luck.

For a long time, magic has been present in people's lives. Thanks to special rites and rituals, our ancestors defended themselves from enemy attacks, maintained youth and health, and attracted success. Thanks to centuries of practice, runologists have vast experience and knowledge in creating runescripts.

And this should not be a secret for you, because runic wisdom can make fundamental changes in your life and help you achieve any result.

What is a rune stave?

The runic alphabet is presented from a number of individual symbols, each of which is complete and indivisible. Absolutely all runes and staves, without exception, are responsible for a certain aspect of a person’s life. All of them are connected with an endless series of universal processes.

But, despite the strength of individual elements, their energy is sometimes not enough for a real magical effect. And in this case, it becomes necessary to use rune staves for all occasions.

The Universe has decreed this - and we are sincerely grateful to it for this - that runic signs can be combined and combined. Such formulas are excellent for creating talismans and amulets, for fortune-telling practice, and for magical rituals.

When runic symbols are depicted in a single diagram, this is a runescript - an ancient and very effective tool in magical circles.

But do not forget that the ease of use of staves does not mean that you can forget about caution. Runes help only those who unquestioningly follow all the rules and recommendations, who do not contradict magical laws, and who do not try to replace the technique developed over the years with ordinary improvisation.

Carefully study the staves from the runes, the meaning, description and their interpretation, and only after that start working with the formulas. Remember that in one day you will not be able to comprehend all the knowledge - even to naturally gifted people, the runes do not immediately reveal all their secrets.

If your desire is sincere, if you firmly decide to work with the heritage of northern magic, you will succeed. A little time will pass and you will learn how to use staves, create them and solve them.

Types of runic staves

A huge number of bets can be divided into several groups. This is necessary so as not to get confused in a specific situation.

Before using rune magic, decide for what purpose you want to resort to its methods. And then consider the formula options:

  • Protective

From the name it is clear that such staves help protect yourself from physical and energetic danger.

  • Cleaning

Each of us periodically needs recharging to restore strength and get rid of negative external influences.

  • Medicinal

Such formulas help cope with health problems.

  • Love
  • Ansuz – Uruz – Yer – Ansuz

The next rune formation is called “Help of the Gods” - it really is divine support:

  • Ansuz – Mannaz – Uruz

The runes of Odin make up especially strong and effective formulas.

For example, the combination of Raido and Teyvaz attracts great luck. This is a real magnet for fortune.

Runescripts for health and longevity

Runic staves are especially useful for all cases - fast - such that they give an effect instantly. Such options are designed to get rid of various ailments - they are called. After all, sometimes the disease does not wait, and immediate measures must be taken.

To carry out a comprehensive preventive procedure, use the following:

  • Kenaz – Uruz – Eyvaz

The following will help you recover after long-term treatment, surgery or difficult childbirth:

  • Perth – Eyvaz – Berkana

Sometimes all health problems are caused by mental problems. Due to depression and emotional stress, any physical illness can occur. This combination works with the nervous system:

  • Vunyo – Soulu – Yer

Instant first aid that stops the development of a disease of any complexity:

  • Nautiz – Berkana – Nautiz

To consolidate the achieved results and never return to the disease:

  • Dagaz – Berkana

But this one made from runes will help restore youth and strength:

  • Hyères – Perth

Remember one very important thing: the result will only come when you believe in what you are doing. It all depends on the right attitude.

Quick bets on changes in life

Often we don’t want to put in the effort and rely on fate – and sometimes change is simply necessary. There are several effective runic combinations that are very popular in the magical environment.

For example, becoming, the effect of which is felt instantly. He will fulfill any of your wishes (of course, if it does not contradict moral issues). It looks like this:

Soulu – Kenaz – Fehu – Vunyo

First character Soulo represents solar energy, the great force of nature. His task is to collect a powerful energy ball and then direct it along the right path.

Kenaz will help you find your bearings in time and not stray from your intended goal.

Fehu And Vunyo act in pairs and are responsible for direction.

The runic formula can be applied to any surface. The main condition: while depicting it, you must concentrate on your dream.

As soon as all your plans come true, destroy the runescript.

The best staves from Slavic runes

Not only the Scandinavians, but also the Slavs used runic formulas to achieve their goals.

Stav Yar the runes of which are connected in a special pattern, is aimed at healing the body, strengthening the physical body, and rejuvenating all systems. It also helps improve the performer's appearance.

Our ancestors applied the combination to the body; now it is most often depicted in photographs.

This runescript rightfully occupies a leading position among magical Slavic symbols.

Disclaimers for runic formulas

Any combination cannot help you until it is specified. During or after applying the symbols, you must say the name of the runes, as well as your desire. They do this quietly, but clearly.

Thanks to the correct reservation, you convey your thoughts to the ancient signs, share your most secret things with them.

The scheme of the clause is quite simple:

  • when depicting a rune, you name it;
  • describe your goal - do it specifically so that there are no misunderstandings later;
  • tell the runes how you would like to get to the final result, and how you see yourself at the end of the path;
  • When concluding your speech, clarify that you do not want to harm anyone, and also thank the symbols for their help.

P. S. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site
