Rune Laguz: meaning, interpretation

Quite often you can encounter a situation where you have a lot of plans and ideas, but there is absolutely not enough energy, time or finances to achieve your plans. As often happens, the fulfillment of a desire is delayed for many years.

But fortunately, these processes can be accelerated. To do this, you can ask for help from Runes and runic formulas: stavs and runescripts.

First, you need to prioritize your goals. Take two or three goals as a basis and direct energy in the right direction, and runic formulas will help attract and concentrate the necessary forces.

What you need to know before you start working with runic formulas for the fulfillment of desires:

State your desire clearly and clearly,

Follow the rules and sequence of writing runic signs,

It is always worth remembering that the chosen sequence of Runes determines a specific result; rearranging the Runes leads to a different result, even a favorable one.

Correctly pronounce the names of Runes,

Draw up a clause correctly - simply and clearly describe what is required from the formula.

Runes for fulfilling wishes:

Teyvaz – advancement, strength and courage.

Dagaz – transformation and transformation.

Feu + Otal – responsible for material well-being and successful achievement of what you want.

Turisaz - clears the way for the implementation of plans.

Vunyo - illuminates the path to the goal.

Raido is the very road to fulfilling desires.

Inguz – fertility and success.

Formulas for making wishes come true.

Everyone’s desires are different, therefore runic formulas are aimed at achieving different goals and solving specific problems.

When there is a realistically achievable goal, and there are all the resources to fulfill the plan, then you can use the following formula:

Vunyo + Teyvaz + Vunyo

Vunyo illuminates the path and removes all pitfalls from the path, Teyvaz leads to victory.

Also, to realize the goal you may need finance, the formula will help with this:

Soulu + Feu

Feu + Otal + Soulu

Feu + Feu + Feu

Feu is a money Rune, Soulu is light energy, Otal is property.

A powerful amulet to attract financial flow and prosperity:

On the one hand, the formula: Soulu+Soulu+Feu – written in a line.

On the other side is the formula: Feu + Otal + Soulu + Soulu - also written in a line.

Wish Granter:

Feu + Gebo + Vunyo + Vunyo + Gebo + Kano + Evaz + Uruz

Feu – what is requested.

Gebo - gifts, Vunyo - positive.

Vunyo and Gebo have fortunate circumstances.

Kano - illuminates human capabilities.

Evaz - movement of the requested towards the needy.

Uruz - gives strength to embody and fulfill the desire itself.

Talisman formula for good luck:

Perth + Feu + Algiz + Raido + Kano + Vunyo

Perth – attracting good luck from minimum to maximum.

Feu – acquisition and possession of a material component.

Algiz – receiving and accumulating protection.

Raido is activity and the path to the goal.

Kano – power, love, passion, desire to achieve results.

Vunyo is joy both from receiving what has been achieved and from the process of achievement.

Fulfillment of desires associated with material goods or property:

Hagalaz + Otal + Raido + Nautiz + Feu + Soulu + Naud + Kenaz + Mannaz + Otil + Gebo + Algiz

Feu + Inguz + Dagaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kenaz + Vunyo + Dzhera + Soulu

Hagalaz - removes obstacles.

Otal is a reference point for what is desired.

Raido + Naud – need and the road to achieving the goal.

Feu + Soulu is a necessary financial component.

Naud + Kenaz - indicates the path along which you need to go and discover yourself.

Mannaz - for whom.

Uruz is a force that moves and does not allow you to retreat.

Kenaz + Vunyo – breakthrough and light, changes for the better.

Jera – result, getting what you want.

Attracting and achieving what you want:

Laguz + Kano + Mannaz + Raido + Feu + Uruz

You can use the clause:

The power of Runes Laguz and Kano for the person (Name) Mannaz will be a successful development of circumstances to obtain the desired Raido and Feu, Uruz will soon be.

Attracting various gifts into your life:

Soulu + Nautiz + Vunyo + Gebo + Laguz

Soulu – solar energy formula.

Nautiz - need for what is desired.

Vunyo – joy of achievement.

Gebo and Laguz - receiving a gift.

To bring your plans to life:

Teyvaz + Soulu + Perth + Kano + Uruz + Soulu + Teyvaz

Teyvaz - achieving what you want, paving the way.

Soulu is the energy of the runescript.

Perth, Kano, Uruz - are intended to create a period of positive events during which it is necessary to have time to implement your plans.

Improving the situation:

Soulu Vunyo+Soulu Vunyo+Soulu Soulu

A constantly working formula for success and fulfillment of plans:

Soulu + Jera

With the only caveat - one formula, one desire.

Attracting assistants and defenders to implement plans.

Ansuz + Perth + Eyvaz + Nautiz + Dzhera – defense

Feu + Teyvaz + Uruz + Soulu – implementation of the task

Soulu + Feu + Teyvaz + Uruz + Soulu – wish fulfillment.

To make your dreams come true:

Ansuz + Feu + Inguz + Vunyo + Gebo + Turisaz + Dzhera

Ansuz - thoughts about a dream.

Feu – achievement and fulfillment.

Inguz – implementation of plans.

Vunyo – positive attitude.

Gebo – optimal execution.

Thurisaz – removes secondary goals, cuts off unnecessary things.

Jera is responsible for the execution process and monitors the realization of dreams.

Formula for achieving what you want, both material and spiritual:

Feu + Dagaz + Eyvaz + Uruz + Gebo

Feu – materialization of the requested.

Dagaz - transformation of the situation into the necessary position for the implementation of the plan.

Eyvaz is an impetus for embodiment.

Uruz is the stav engine.

Gebo – strength and acquisition of what is requested.

A more complex formula that fulfills wishes:

Perth + Gebo + Ansuz + Ansuz + Vunyo + Mannaz

Achieving what you want and making your dreams come true:

It is based on the solar Rune Soulu.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Berkana + Vunyo + Raido + Uruz + Algiz + Feu + Inguz + Dzhera

Turisaz and Teyvaz protect and protect the target, clearing the way for it.

Berkana is an additional amulet.

Vunyo and Raido light movement towards the goal.

Uruz provides new situations to achieve the goal.

Algiz – protection.

Feu and Inguz are a material component, recharge from an inexhaustible source.

Jera – time to achieve.

Runescript of good luck:

Raido + Teyvaz – fair movement.

Runes that bring success:

Feu + Soulu + Otal + Turisaz

Victory, success, self-realization, as a result of achieving desire fulfillment:

Soulu + Dagaz + Mannaz

Purchasing something:

Vunyo + Gebo + Soulu + Perth + Laguz + Feu

Vunyo – joy and light.

Gebo - gift

Vunyo in conjunction with Gebo getting what he wants.

Soulu – integrity, victory, results.

Perth - opening up opportunities.

Laguz – intuitive abilities.

Feu is a material component.

If it is necessary to acquire property or material well-being, then the formula can be strengthened by a combination of Soulu and Feu, thereby recharging finances.

To target a specific or end result:

Mannaz + Soulu + Dagaz

Completing what you started and entering a new stage of life:

Soulu + Dagaz + Feu

Wish fulfillment happy path:

Teyvaz + Algiz + Algiz + Ansuz + Turisaz + Raido + Soulu

Teyvaz - indicates the direction in which you need to move.

Algiz – increased help from above.

Ansuz - obtaining the necessary information to implement the plan.

Thurisaz is a push and expansion of the path.

Raido is the road to what you want.

Soulu is the fuel and energy of the entire team.

Achieving a change in life for the better. It all depends on the planned goals and objectives:

Evaz + Inguz + Soulu + Algiz

Achieving what you want:

Inguz + Teyvaz + Feu + Ansuz + Gebo + Algiz + Vunyo

Inguz – ensures easy achievement of the goal.

Teyvaz + Feu – speaks of the result.

Algiz – protects.

Vunyo – gives joy.

Rule: one desire or goal - one runescript. Once your wish has been fulfilled, you can begin to fulfill the second one, and so on.

Breakthrough and shift for the better, development and protection of higher powers:

Algiz + Dagaz + Soulu + Raido

Finding courage and resilience:

Teyvaz + Feu + Laguz

Some girls want attractiveness, the formula will help them with this:

Kano + Gebo + Laguz

Someone wants love:

Kano + Gera + Otal

A bright and successful way out of a difficult situation:

Soulu + Dagaz + Vunyo

To realize a desire, you need happiness and accompanying luck, which can be attracted using the following bet:

Ansuz + Uruz + Djera

Help from Higher Powers, Gods:

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Algiz – under the protection of the Gods

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Gebo - love and favor of heaven.

Attracting good luck from the Gods:

Soulu: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Attracting the protection of the Gods:

Algiz: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Opening cash flow to achieve the goal:

Feu + Otil: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Attracting good luck to fulfill your desires and realize your plans:

Ansuz + Uruz + Djera + Ansuz – is responsible for happiness and a successful state of affairs.

Hagalaz + Eyvaz + Laguz + Ansuz – a lucky coincidence.

Gebo + Feu + Perth + Otil - attracting the desired income or increase.

Feu + Laguz + Raido – directed movement and development.

Kano + Turisaz + Soulu – return of control over situations that are out of control.

Quite often it happens that a person doubts his abilities, is unsure of himself and, as a result, abandons his desires and does not strive for anything. To solve this problem you can use the following rescript:

Turisaz + Ansuz + Laguz – destruction of fears and doubts.

You can secure this stave with a stave to attract masculinity and stamina. (Teyvaz+Feu+Laguz).

Clearing negativity and finding a way to implement plans:

Gebo + Ansuz + Vunyo + Soulu + Algiz + Mannaz + Otal

The connection between Rune Ansuz + Gebo will add credibility to your words.

Where to put runes to make your wishes come true

When you have decided on the goal and have compiled the necessary runic formulas, you can begin to apply Runes and pronounce the slander.

The runes themselves, like staves, can be applied to several media, which can be either permanent or temporary.

Temporary media is usually used for a temporary task. For such talismans, you can use a simple sheet of clean paper, an ordinary piece of sheet, or you can also use cardboard. You can also draw runes and staves made up of a series of runes on yourself. Usually the forearm is used for this purpose (not so noticeable to others), they are also drawn on the leg, on the body (if the purpose of the stave is to attract beauty or fulfill a wish in the treatment of a disease).

After the rune has worked, the design is erased or (if paper or cardboard) burned in an open fire, and the ashes scatter in the wind, but sometimes the ashes are buried in the ground or the entire carrier with the runic formula is buried in the ground.

Staves or runes that are intended for long-term work are applied to a permanent carrier: for protection, to attract money, clients, as well as staves used for other desires. Such talismans are worn either around the neck - if it is made as a talisman. Or in your pocket, wallet, bag. They are created using objects such as stone, wood (bark, birch bark, dies cut from wood). These are mainly birch, oak, and aspen. Metal, silver.

You can apply runic formulas:

Place it on a sheet of paper clean on both sides and carry it with you.

For pre-prepared material that will serve as an amulet. It could be: stone, clay, wood, bone.

On yourself or your photo.

In some cases, it is possible to apply a stave to a desire without a carrier, simply with a finger in the air or by visualization. With subsequent activation.

Slander and activation

When applying a runic formula, it is necessary to pronounce the name of each Rune, then, pronouncing a clause, list the Runes and indicate what each Rune is responsible for.

To activate a runic formula or a single rune, you can use several methods, such as breathing, a drop of blood, saliva or 4 elements.

When activating a rune stave, words and phrases must be spoken that stipulate everything that is required from the work of the stave.

The clause is very important for working with runes; it can stipulate everything that is necessary both in poetry and in prose. And it is advisable for each case to come up with your own clause, including all the necessary points. Clarity and clarity are important in a clause. It is important not to make a mistake with the slip, so that later it does not turn out to be a joint.

After achieving what you want, you should thank the Runes for their help and work. If you applied it to wood, a photo or paper, you can burn it with gratitude. You can do the following with the rest of the materials: take them away from the house and gratefully bury them in the ground. Thus stopping the action. Some amulets can be left and simply recharged periodically by pronouncing a reservation.

Raido, runic formulas

Formula for traffic jams

The meaning of the runic formula:
Turisaz- The ability to resist the forces of chaos and keep them under control

Turisaz - Raido - Turisaz effective for removing various obstacles on the road. This runic formula will be especially useful when you are in a hurry somewhere. The runic formula Turisaz - Raido - Turisaz will help you reach your destination without obstacles, various misunderstandings and traffic jams along the way.

Formula “for a successful business trip”

The meaning of the runic formula:
Fehu— Abundance and prosperity
Raido— Travel, trip, change of scenery. Progress
Vunyo- Light, joy, good luck in business

Fehu - Raido - Vunyo especially effective for business trips, business trips, as well as in cases where travel is a source of income; for example, working in a taxi, logistics, etc. In order for the runic formula Fehu - Raido - Vunyo to “work”, you need to make an amulet with the image of this formula during the waxing Moon (you can use the Lunar calendar to choose a good day). This runic amulet is made from natural materials, preferably it has a round shape.

Formula “safe road, travel”

The meaning of the runic formula:
Algiz— Security, safety, opportunities
Raido— Travel, trip, change of scenery. Progress

Algiz - Raido - Algiz used for travel and travel, regardless of the type of transport. Using this runic formula, you can avoid possible delays, obstacles, as well as various unpleasant surprises. An amulet with the runic formula Algiz - Raido - Algiz can be made independently, for example, by writing it on paper, cardboard, or any object made from natural materials.

Very important: the runic formula Algiz - Raido - Algiz should never be in an inverted position during its use, otherwise it may attract danger on the road. It is necessary to ensure that this formula is always in the upright position.

Formula for “successful business development”

The meaning of the runic formula:
Fehu— Abundance and prosperity
Laguz— The power of intuition
Raido— Travel, trip, change of scenery. Progress

Fehu - Laguz - Raido used to improve the situation in business and its successful development. This runic formula helps to avoid rash actions, as it enhances intuitive perception. The runic formula Fehu - Laguz - Raido is especially effective if you make it yourself for the growing Moon.

Formula “drastic changes for the better”

The meaning of the runic formula:
Eyvaz— Rune of protection, defense, overcoming difficulties
Raido— Travel, trip, change of scenery. Progress
Inguz— The beginning of a new life cycle, a period of favorable changes

Eyvaz - Raido - Inguz an effective method to get out of a difficult life situation and initiate favorable changes. This formula is very effective, but acts gently, giving you the opportunity to correct your destiny. When you begin to apply the runic formula Eyvaz - Raido - Inguz, already within the first week you can notice a positive dynamics in the development of events: new opportunities appear that help resolve difficulties and problems. And yet, the use of the magical power of the runic formula Eyvaz - Raido - Inguz must be taken seriously: when dealing with this formula, you need to prepare for the fact that dramatic changes will begin to occur in your life.

The use of this runic formula is possible in the form of an amulet, a talisman, which you can make yourself. To do this, you need to apply the image of the Eyvaz - Raido - Inguz runes on paper, cardboard, fabric, leather or other natural material in the first phase of the Lunar cycle - on the waxing Moon. Carry it with you until you feel that you no longer need the magical power of the runes.

Formula "for travel between worlds or astral travel"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Raido— Travel, trip, change of scenery. Progress

Raido - Evaz- an effective means for astral travel. This runic formula opens the way to other worlds, allowing you to see the true meaning of both simple and complex things. The runic formula Raido - Evaz is especially necessary for those who strive for self-knowledge and spiritual development of their personality. You can use the Raido-Evaz formula during dreams and meditation. To do this, it is enough to visualize the image of this runic formula. To enhance the effect, you can make an amulet with the image of the runic formula Raido - Evaz from any natural materials. Can be worn as a pendant or pendant. However, you should not use such an amulet all the time, especially in everyday life, as this can lead to “blurring” the line between the material and spiritual worlds.

Formula "path to magic"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Raido— Travel, trip, change of scenery. Progress
Evaz— A very powerful rune that foreshadows big changes not only on the eventual plane, but also on the spiritual plane. Evaz can be considered as a “green” light on the way to the desired goal; Higher Powers are guiding you
Yera— Achievement of goals, reward for efforts, successful completion

Raido - Evaz - Yera helps a novice magician discover his abilities for magic. The runic formula Raido - Evaz - Yera can be used during meditation to understand in which direction to develop your magical abilities.

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Predictive values

Lagus - "flowing water"

The flow of events leading to the goal. Reliance on the female attitude to what is happening and intuition. Traveling by water. Easy things to do and success.

Advice: be subtle and sensitive, rely on intuition and sensations. Ask women for advice. Go with the flow of events and don’t resist. Flexibility.

Lagus reverse - “on the shore”

You fell out of what was happening for a while. They either resisted, hesitated, or decided to quit the game. Failures. Failure to comply. Difficulties.

Advice: use the time to reflect on what flow you were moving in, where you were being carried, and where you now want to swim. Choose the course of life and the business you need.

Magic meanings

Traditionally, it promotes the revelation of the active feminine principle: calmness, confidence in life as a process, natural sexuality, inclusion in life, intuitiveness. Helps to find the necessary life streams - a chain of events that are already occurring, including people, the events themselves, and their results. By joining the flow, Rune helps you flexibly adjust your perception, find your role, your place, your benefit. In consciousness, it develops a flexible and detached attitude towards both oneself and reality.



A river man, flexible, intuitive, involved in the current matter, merged with it. Looks at life as an extension and is not attached to the immediate.

Advice: Do not try to conflict or drag such a person aside - he will gently join you, your problem and carry him along. You will live his life - sometimes this is exactly what you need.

Laguz inverted

A person is outside the flow of life. It has either fallen out or is inactive. He weighs any proposal, but does not act, he waits. At the same time, it binds you with this expectation.

Advice: If you need freedom and speed of life, don’t count on him. He, like a funnel, collects suitable opportunities, but is inactive for now.

The rune of the inner circle of magic, “that which leads.” A complex but wonderful rune. The classic translation of the name (“water”) does not entirely accurately define its content. The name of this rune implies not just water, but flowing water, moving water - the one that forms a stream and carries along with it.

Like Berkana, the Laguz rune has a distinctly feminine character, but is more associated with magic. Can be associated with intuition, with the protection of the gods and showing the path.

Name: LAGU, LAGUZ - water (reservoir): lake, ocean. Running water. Water (Goth.), Sea (English), Water (Norwegian), Water (Islamic)

Runic formula — ᛚᚨᚷᚢᛉ

Action of Laguz: adjustment.

Tree: Willow.

Character: magnetic rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of Rune Laguz:

  • water takes the form of a vessel,
  • the pebbles are worn away by the tide,
  • the psychologist adapts to the client’s characteristics,
  • the speaker selects the volume based on the audience,
  • a right-handed person who has broken his right hand writes with his left hand,
  • the sedge bends in the wind,
  • the road goes around the cliff,
  • the river meanders between the hills,
  • the snake finds its way among the grass,
  • the businessman selects a work plan for each partner,
  • a broker on the stock exchange buys shares based on the market situation,
  • a diplomat changes negotiation tactics to suit his partner,
  • living beings adapt to environmental conditions,

Meaning of the Laguz Rune

Adjustment. There is always an external order that an actor cannot change “to suit himself.” In such cases, you need to comply with it. Those who do not adjust are pushed out or broken by this order, those who are adjusted and congruent effectively operate in it.

The external situation is constantly changing, and the old “form” of the activist is no longer suitable. Insufficient compliance with the “dominant” order is a stimulus for Laguz’s action.

The result of this action is the compliance of the actor with the external order.

This rune demonstrates the difference between the exoteric and esoteric approaches. The Laguz rune symbolizes water and flow. And this is her main secret. Many people who are not familiar with the tradition attribute to it the properties of Neptune, the elements of water, and sometimes Cancer and Pisces. In fact, this rune corresponds to Mercury, the great deceiver. It is a mistake to consider this principle superficially - as reason, mind, intellect. This principle hides many pitfalls. It is in the temptation of Mercury that many of the troubles of modern civilization lie. In an overly serious, naive and overly reverent attitude to the word. Mercury is truly a flow, it is truly water. It’s not without reason that they say: when a person talks a lot, he “pours water.”

Application of the Laguz Rune in magic

Magical meaning: sharpens intuition, helps the development and manifestation of occult abilities. Facilitates the process of cognition and penetration into the mystery, understanding of the laws of the Cosmos. In ordinary life, it helps to conclude a marriage, end a separation, or overcome a quarrel with a partner. Helps scientists complete their research and solve a problem. One of the most important feminine runes (water), used in most magical formulas and signs intended for women.

The Laguz rune is the rune of intuition, the rune of “that which leads,” and its magical use is connected with this. Its use sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world, helps in the study of the occult sciences and in penetrating the secret - this is one aspect of its action. On the other hand, the rune promotes marriage, the formation of new friendships and the restoration of old ones, ending a disagreement or quarrel.

Interpretation of the Laguz Rune in fortune telling

Mantic meaning: lunar qualities, intuition, spiritual intimacy; astral, sphere of emotions. Fruitful contacts. Inner voice. Self (see rune Anzus). Alchemical marriage.

Inverted: neglect of the inner voice, reliance solely on reason.


In straight position: you are guided and protected by high streams of Power, gently forcing you to act and including it in your streams of events - beyond your understanding and awareness.

Inverted: a warning about a breakdown, a dangerous situation - you have excluded yourself from the flow of Divine Will and are now paying the price.

Features provided

In straight position: live without making special efforts to achieve what you want. The Universal River of Divine Will has accepted you and your needs as part of itself - and now carries you through life.

Inverted: there is a real opportunity to get out of the situation before it becomes a disaster.

Rune's Warning

In straight position: you need to follow the flow of events very sensitively and carefully, corresponding to external, constantly changing conditions.

Inverted: your intuition turned out to be wrong - it was too strongly influenced by the desire to achieve a certain result that only you needed. Don't lean on it!

In straight position: trust your intuition, the feeling of your heart - now it is tuned in unison with the rhythms of the Universe.

Inverted: think more with your head and don’t trust your intuition.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic"
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of predictions"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Utark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runica. Directory of values"

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Eihwaz-Laguz-Raidho- Amulet for lucid dreams. But this formula is not very clear to me. Intuitively, based on some properties of individual runes, the essence of the formula is clear, but to compose an amulet you need not only to know the final result and the general effect of the formula, but also to understand how it works, to know the logical chain. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
I would like to know:
1) the order of operation of the runes in the formula
2) the meaning of each rune relative to this formula
3) what runes are the basis, action and result

Although I don’t work with OSes (usually they drag me there), maybe my reasoning will be suitable?

the formula can be considered like this

Eihwaz - when the subject wakes up, let him remember everything that happened to him
(we establish a connection between the conscious and the unconscious)

Laguz - help you quickly enter a state of lucid dreaming

Raido - Make traveling in OS safe and easy

influence of runes

in order: connection with other worlds - Eihwaz -> entering the dream - Laguz -> ensuring safe travel, respectively - Raido

mutual influence of runes

Eihwaz<- Laguz ->Raido setting consciousness to travel in the OS and sending it “for a walk” without losing the ability to be aware of the journey itself

Eihwaz -> Laguz<- Raido как бы прокладывание пути в миры, подключка твоего сознания к ОСу

in general, almost the might say interrelated influence

I hope it turned out more or less clear?

maybe we should add Perth to get to a more specific location? but it's a matter of taste

12.2.2007, 20:14

Weishe, thank you for your answer. I will give my vision of this formula.

Laguz- the basis of the formula, gives awareness by overcoming the “planned program” of sleep. But it does not give you an immediate awareness that you are dreaming, but a gradual one; during sleep you come across “clues” that will tell you that this is a dream.

Eihwaz- contributes to the emergence of the dream itself, bright and deep, the transition from the waking world to the dream world.

Raidho- movement in a dream, gaining experience through this movement, activity aimed at understanding the dream world, various kinds of creative activity in a dream, that is, exactly the purpose for which awareness occurs.

12.2.2007, 21:58

Keys of Avalon, yes... Search the Internet for the remains of the Island of Mages. There is also a transition key - a very powerful key. The formula of Jera Urus Naud - don’t ask the meaning, this is not a runescript, this is the key to transition in the MP basis. I counted the key itself, and Alpan did the ligature. Strong ligature. Double for a pendant or ring, Triple for a pentacle or a bandage on the forehead... I don’t know - they made the formula when our strength had already dried up, it didn’t work at full strength for us, but maybe you’ll be lucky? %))))))

P.S. There are symbols... A lot. Not all of them are on topic. And some are downright dangerous... Make no mistake! Can you identify the tea?
P.P.S. Yandex - everything is there. Look for Avalon. Island of Magicians...

12.2.2007, 22:02

Ledognev, MYRK!

and if it’s not a secret, how do you know all these formula names?

so beautiful and unusual they make me envious

strange......I never even thought that the formula could be called something

13.2.2007, 11:26

I recently started studying OSs, there is success, in 11 days of training there were 3 OSs, this is a significant result for me, since in my 20 years there were only 4 spontaneous OSs. I decided to make an amulet for OSes, I found the formula - Eihwaz-Laguz-Raidho

Isn't it better to replace Eyvaz with Evaz?