Leasing office space as a business. Workplace is the best alternative to renting offices for business

For a new entrepreneur working alone, own office is an unaffordable luxury. But an apartment, alas, is not the best place to do business. To say the least, conducting business negotiations at home is inconvenient. New York startup In Good Company (literally, “in good company”) offers aspiring businessmen workspaces for meetings, training, and actual office work. Moreover, the founders of the company decided to find their own specific niche, since their offer is aimed exclusively at women.

The company's office, located in one of the prestigious areas of Manhattan on the top floor of the Flatiron Building, provides participants with all the conditions to impress a client or just get on with work. The decoration of the offices is designed in accordance with the target audience - the floor has wooden flooring, brick walls are decorated with artwork, upholstered furniture, fresh flowers.

The office space includes: a large conference room, meeting rooms, an open room with separate work desks and a small library. Conducted conferences and practical seminars will help expand the professional knowledge of participants. You will have to pay a membership fee to use the workspace - the basic rate starts at $300 per year (one workspace with a time limit). The price includes wireless Internet access points, a printer, fax, drinking water and coffee. If you wish, you can pay extra for extra space in the warehouse, reception services and training seminars. According to the company's own estimates, there are more than 10 million women businesspeople in the United States today. So the unusual business incubator will find someone to accommodate.

Naturally, in Russia there are much less than 10 million businesswomen, according to a general estimate there are no more than 250 thousand of them in the whole of Russia, so for our country this start-up needs to be changed to another target audience - aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs with a specific business, where Having a permanent office is not a necessary condition for success or an unaffordable luxury. For example, when office space is needed 1-2 times a month, then few people will agree to pay office rent for the entire month, when it will be possible to pay only for the time that the office is rented. Moreover, in times of crisis, it is more profitable to rent out offices on a daily basis than on a permanent basis - the landlord’s revenue will be greater, and the tenant will pay less.

Now - advice for those who decided to rent a full-fledged office. How to choose a room and what details should you ask the owner? Director of Marketing and Sales of the MIAN24 real estate agency Andrey Petukhov told Theories and Practices what you should focus on when choosing a workspace.

Andrey Petukhov

Director of Marketing and Sales of the real estate agency "MIAN24"

Decide on your priorities

Depending on the role of the premises in the business, we can roughly distinguish the so-called front-office and back-office. Free translation into Russian - “selling” and “serving”, respectively. Are you going to serve clients in the office? How many customers are expected per day? If there are supposed to be a lot of clients (retail business), then it is quite natural that the front office should be located in a walk-through location near the metro. If, for example, you are organizing a design studio and the main communication with the client is online, then almost any space will suit you. Therefore, it is important to first decide how you will work with clients, and only then look for an office.

Choose an office for people

A typical mistake of a business owner is to rent an office near your home or “in a prestigious location.” In this case, problems arise with finding staff and attracting clients. Not everyone is ready to travel to a remote industrial zone or pay 500 rubles for a business lunch. Think about ordinary workers: how will they get there, where will they have lunch, etc. An important problem is parking - immediately decide how many parking spaces your employees and clients need.

Classes and prices

Offices are conventionally divided into different classes - A+, A, A-, B, C and D. The higher the class, the better the location, quality of premises and infrastructure development. But be careful and choose by the sum of characteristics, and not just by class. The average rental price is now 22.5 thousand rubles/m² per year, but the price range starts from 9 thousand rubles/m² and indefinitely. Of course, renting an office in a business center is the most convenient option. For example, if expansion is necessary, it will be possible to move or rent additional premises next door.

Crisis is the best period for renting

Since the summer, due to geopolitical factors, office rental prices have fallen by 8–15%. Even many large companies are giving up some of their space or moving back offices to cheaper business centers. Therefore, right now you can encounter very profitable offers. You can safely bargain with the owners and ask for concessions.

Combine formats

But, despite the price correction, prices in prestigious business centers remain sky-high. At the same time, modern communication technologies allow you to work with the whole world online - take advantage of this opportunity. For example, you can place a small front office in the center of Moscow, and service units in the near Moscow region. Some employees can be hired to work remotely with weekly meetings in the office.

Underwater rocks

Do not hesitate to ask questions to the owner from whom you are going to rent a workspace. The key question is “legal registration”: will you be able to obtain a legal address and will you be officially included in the list of tenants. Without this, for example, not a single serious bank will open a settlement for you. Immediately discuss all the associated costs: who takes care of the maintenance of the premises, what Internet provider is allowed in the building, etc. If you need a sign and other outdoor navigation, discuss this “on the shore”: according to the law, any outdoor advertising is unacceptable without the consent of the owner.

Consider subletting

Subleasing is a common business practice. If the space you like is too large for you, the “extra” space can be subleased, earning a fixed income every month. Ideally, subletting can cover most of your office expenses. You can also use sublease when renting an office. In this case, be sure to require written confirmation from the landlord of the owner's consent.

Rent or buy?

Clients often ask the question: what is more profitable - renting or buying? Each situation is individual: it is necessary to compare the increase in rental rates and the increase in prices for commercial real estate. The choice of most, even large companies, is rent. At the same time, alternative instruments such as commercial mortgages and real estate leasing cannot be excluded.

How to search

You can look for an office yourself or entrust this work to a realtor. But even if you contact a realtor, first do the preparatory work yourself - look at the offers on the Internet, talk with the owners and their agents. This will allow you to clarify your requirements and also feel more confident when working with a realtor. When choosing a contractor from among agents, pay attention to the realtor’s personal experience, and not just the agency’s overall work experience. And do not hesitate to demand a replacement realtor if his work does not suit you.

Leasing commercial real estate is one of the most profitable types of business and is almost always in demand. Many small firms and beginning entrepreneurs are looking for office space to house themselves and organize their business. Their desire to buy a roof over their head, and for relatively little money, allows them to receive a constant income from renting out space. In addition to small entrepreneurs, often the premises can easily be rented out for small shops, where former owners of small kiosks and trading places in industrial markets are increasingly forced to leave.

A striking example of the success of the commercial real estate rental business is the numerous office buildings filled to capacity with small firms.

The attractiveness of this direction also lies in the fact that its organization usually requires only initial investments, and all ongoing costs can be passed on to customers. Naturally, to create such a business, you must have a suitable property.

For the reliability of the enterprise, it is advisable to purchase such an object as a property so as not to depend on the whim of its owner.

However, if there is a lack of funds, you can rent a building, subject to the right to sublease its space. Often, for the owners of a building, renting it out entirely is more profitable than painstakingly searching for many small tenants and formalizing relations with them. This is all true, but still, a decrease in the share of profit significantly affects the overall profitability of the project, so purchasing a building as a property is always a priority compared to renting, and carries fewer risks for the entrepreneur.

It is absolutely not necessary to choose real estate in the city center, where their cost exceeds all imaginable limits.

It is often much more profitable to buy a building or premises on the outskirts of the city or somewhere in a residential area, which will require a significantly lower level of investment.

The only important condition when selecting real estate is the availability of public transport stops nearby.

A good option for purchasing such an object are old abandoned buildings of bankrupt industrial enterprises, offices of shopping centers. The poorer the technical condition of a building, the cheaper it can be purchased, which is what many entrepreneurs who make money by renting out commercial real estate take advantage of. On the other hand, if there are sufficient funds, sometimes it is easier to erect a new building, planning in advance its space for renting out.

When renovating an old premises or equipping a new one, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of renting out commercial real estate.

Since the premises of the office building will be rented to different tenants, it is necessary to provide for separate communications and the possibility of disconnecting any room from heating and electricity in order to avoid unnecessary costs for empty space. In addition, it is advisable to pre-design common areas, toilets, eating areas, and locations for shared office equipment. This will create comfortable working conditions for small businesses and increase the attractiveness of real estate. As a rule, tenants do not have special requirements for the finishing of premises, so repairs and finishing can be done using cheap building materials. This reduces the amount of investment required.

Particular attention must be paid to connecting modern communications, especially high-speed Internet, as well as organizing wi-fi.

Moreover, among the tenants it is beneficial to have an accounting firm, as well as a company offering office services: photocopying, printing texts, and so on. This makes it possible to provide tenants with the necessary office services and fully fill all the premises for rent. To attract clients, you can also use common areas, the lobby of an office building, allowing tenants’ advertising products to be placed in them, installing special advertising structures for this purpose.

An excellent addition, from the point of view of technical equipment, is also the connection of a mini-PBX and the provision of city telephone numbers to tenants, which will help secure permanent tenants in the allocated places.

When organizing a business for leasing office real estate, it is necessary to pay special attention to the legally correct execution of contracts and the possibility of recovering damages from unscrupulous tenants. The efficiency of leasing office real estate is confirmed by experts who estimate the growth of rental rates by approximately 10% per year. Experience shows that it is possible to recoup investments in the creation of an office real estate center in 2-3 years.

Naturally, for the proper organization of a business it is necessary, which can be ordered on our website.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

Average bill (one-time visit)

Net profit:

Payback period:

With the growing number of professionals working remotely, the popularity of coworking centers is growing. This is a profitable and promising business that can bring in monthly about 200 thousand rubles of net profit.

Coworking centers are still a novelty in Russia, although they have long become commonplace in the West. They are establishments similar to anti-cafes. The only difference is that anti-cafes are a place of leisure, relaxation and entertainment, while coworking centers are designed for work. What they have in common is that visitors can rent a place for themselves for a certain time, collaborating with like-minded people to solve different problems.

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At its core, a coworking center is a large office where you can temporarily “settle” and work. This organization of the work process is becoming increasingly popular - this is facilitated by the development of freelancing and remote work. And since the demand for such services is increasing, why not take advantage of it?

Coworking as a business in Russia is a promising area, since competition in this market is still low, and the area has room to grow. In addition, there is now active support for entrepreneurs in this segment. For example, Sberbank issues loans at a lower interest rate for the implementation of campaigns for the arrangement of youth co-working spaces. The state also supports entrepreneurs: for example, the government program “Coworking 2.0” involves subsidizing businessmen in this industry.

As for the territorial location, it is better to organize such workspaces in large cities. This is where your target audience is concentrated. In a small town, such establishments simply will not pay off.

A coworking center is not a cheap business. To open a decent establishment, you will need a capital of 1 million rubles. In addition to financial resources, you should have creative and entrepreneurial abilities, since the success of the business is related to how well thought out the establishment is. Thoughtful both from a business point of view (organizational issues) and from a creative point of view (concept, space design, programs and events). A coworking center is not a business for everyone. But if you're looking for a creative, multidisciplinary business idea, this is a great option.

To turn an idea into a profitable business, you need to know the nuances and specifics of a coworking center. This article will help you navigate the new business segment.

Why coworking is a promising business

The development of the economy and entrepreneurship is very dynamic. Changes affect all organizational processes of a business. Today, no one will be surprised by the words “outsourcing” and “freelancing,” although a few years ago most people did not know about them. Modern business adapts to new requirements. Individual specialists and professional groups are looking for alternative options for organizing their workspace. Conventional offices, for which significant amounts of money are spent on rent, are being replaced by so-called coworking centers - a place where you can work, hold business meetings, use Wi-Fi and relax.

In recent years, coworking centers have been gaining popularity as there is a trend for professionals to switch to remote work. Photographers, designers, IT specialists, writers, lawyers - representatives of completely different professions come to the conclusion that using coworking centers is much more convenient and cheaper than renting expensive offices in the city center.

The idea of ​​coworking centers appeared in the USA in 2005, but is relatively new for Russia. The first coworking center in Russia was opened in Chelyabinsk in 2008. Today, there are about 300 coworking centers registered in Russia, more than 100 of which are located in Moscow. However, it is too early to talk about market saturation.

Ready ideas for your business

This format has taken root well in many countries, but in Russia it is still at the initial stage of its development and has not acquired the same scale as abroad. The reason for this lies in the specifics of the domestic economy: firstly, remote employment of specialists in Russia does not exceed 5% of the total active economically employed population (for comparison, in the USA, 45% of employees work remotely or have such an opportunity); secondly, tenants are reluctant to rent out premises intended for coworking centers, as they consider this business to be rather fickle. Despite this, positive trends in business allow us to talk about coworking centers as a promising direction, because:

    Every year the percentage of remote employment in Russia is growing. According to J’son & Partners Consulting, by 2020 the share of remotely working employees in Russia will grow to 20%, which will provide employers with savings of more than 1 trillion. rubles

    large Russian companies are already demonstrating a tendency to switch to remote work. For example, the VimpelCom company announced the closure of 70% of its offices and the transfer of employees to remote work. Small and medium-sized businesses also support this trend. According to the results of a survey conducted by Bitrix 24, 27% of companies plan to transfer more than half of their staff to remote work.

    67% of applicants show a desire to work remotely. And the number of vacancies offering such work is about 35% of the total share of advertisements.

    the desire of small and medium-sized businesses to save on renting office space during the crisis.

Thus, the opening of a coworking center will allow us to take into account the trends of modern economics and entrepreneurship and occupy a free niche in anticipation of the development of this area.

How do coworking centers make money?

The term “coworking” can be literally translated as “working together.” Consequently, coworking is a form of self-organization, a community of people united in one space to do some work. At their core, coworking centers are “communal offices” and provide space for work, business meetings and various events. In such a space, you can rent a permanent workplace or periodically visit the establishment as needed. It is this variability that determines the main advantage of coworking centers.

In addition, coworking centers are very convenient, as they are equipped with everything necessary for organizing comfortable work. Here you can rent an entire workplace with a table, a personal locker for things, use free wi-fi, and drink coffee. Coworking centers are especially popular among intellectuals and creative professionals. In the space of a coworking center you can meet entrepreneurs, freelancers, small companies for which it is not profitable to rent a separate office, and creative groups gathered to develop one common project.

Coworking centers have the following advantages:

    savings on renting premises;

    versatility of use: in the center you can rent one workplace for a certain period, or periodically visit the center, using the free space;

    the centers are suitable both for organizing individual work and for holding various meetings, seminars, video conferences and other events. For this purpose, the centers have various zones;

    the business environment contributes to increased productivity;

    coworking centers can become a platform for useful business contacts;

    the centers are equipped with everything necessary for work: office equipment, Wi-Fi, etc.

However, the following disadvantages of coworking centers should be taken into account:

    the open layout of a “communal office” is not suitable for people who are used to working in silence and privacy;

    Not every specialist is ready to pay daily rent for a workplace.

Thus, when opening a coworking center, you need to clearly understand which categories of specialists will be interested in this offer. The coworking center project involves making a profit from renting workspaces to various specialists. In addition to the main source of income, coworking centers also make money by renting conference rooms and training rooms, conducting training courses, master classes, and so on.

In accordance with the list of services offered by the coworking center, the organization of the space itself, the required area, and tariffs are determined. Some coworking centers are created with a specific theme - for example, it can be a space that brings together creative people, industry employees or aspiring entrepreneurs. Such thematic coworking centers allow you to unite specialists from the same field of activity, which is regarded by visitors as an additional advantage. Managing such thematic coworking centers is much easier, since there is a clear understanding of the target audience and the requirements it makes. Therefore, creating a coworking center that is a creative space is a great option.

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Often the concept involves the creation of three functional zones: isolated workplaces that allow you to work in privacy and silence; a common room where negotiations and meetings will be held; as well as a separate room for conducting seminars, trainings, and so on. The coworking center will host various trainings, creative evenings, exhibitions of creative works, etc.

In connection with a certain concept, a list of services should be established:

    permanent or one-time rental of a workplace (the price includes the use of office technicians, free Internet, use of a coffee machine and cooler);

    rent of a hall for seminars (price includes the use of equipment for presentations);

    renting a hall for exhibitions, concerts, creative evenings, etc.;

    organization of free seminars, workshops or theme evenings by the center itself. This service is aimed at attracting visitors.

It is important to understand that in order to effectively run a coworking center business, it is necessary to create an active community on its basis, which constantly participates in various events and organizes them itself.

To make money, a coworking center needs to be more than a space to work. You won’t get far with just “renting a workplace.” Therefore, be sure to organize additional events or services.

Registration of a coworking center

The initial stage of opening a coworking center is registering the business with government agencies and completing all the necessary documentation. You can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. The difference is that if you are the only owner of a business, you should register it as an individual entrepreneur. This will significantly facilitate accounting and simplify taxation conditions. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following documents: passport, application for state registration. registration, a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles), as well as a copy of the TIN certificate.

If you decide to open a coworking center together with the founder, you will have to register as an LLC.

Also, for registration you will need to indicate the appropriate OKVED-2 codes. Suitable for a coworking center:

    68.20.2 Rent and management of own or leased non-residential real estate

    77.33 Renting and leasing of office machinery and equipment, including computer equipment

    77.2 Hire and lease of personal and household items.

The next step is to obtain all necessary permits from Rospotrebnadzor and similar state authorities. institutions. You will have to spend about 10,000 rubles to obtain all permitting documentation. The SES requirements require the preparation of the following documents to open a center:

    production control program;

    conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with standards;

    permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

    fire inspection permit;

    regulatory documents for the premises. The entrepreneur must prepare a lease agreement or property documents, a sanitary passport of the premises, an act from the BTI confirming the commissioning of the premises;

    contracts for the removal of waste, hazardous substances, disinfection.

In addition, you need to open a bank account and purchase a cash register, which is subject to mandatory registration with the Tax Inspectorate.

Choosing a location and premises for a coworking center

Having a suitable space for a coworking center is 90% of success.

When choosing a location for a coworking center, preference should be given to the city center. Firstly, this is where the bulk of business processes are concentrated; secondly, it is equally convenient for all clients to get there; thirdly, such placement is prestigious, which is important for those clients who plan to hold various business meetings and negotiations at the coworking center.

When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the presence of a convenient transport interchange, parking for cars, as well as the landscape outside the windows - it has been found that visitors to coworking centers pay attention to the view from the window.

There are also certain requirements for the coworking space itself. Zoning of a coworking center involves the use of a large area. The minimum area for a coworking center is 100 sq.m. Rent area 130-160 sq.m. in the central part of the city will cost an average of 110,000 rubles/month.

Design of a coworking center

Proper zoning and design of space is one of the key parameters for the success of a coworking space. If you manage to organize comfortable conditions, visitors will be willing to return to you and pay for special conditions that cannot be achieved in other places. In other words, a coworking center should become a unique space that can attract visitors. Comfortable furniture, interesting interior, correct zoning - all these are elements that create a special atmosphere. Creative people especially value the aesthetics of their surroundings, so it is recommended to use the services of a designer to create an attractive interior. Prepare to spend 300,000 rubles on designer services and room renovations.

Take care of sound insulation, high-quality lighting and air conditioning. Be sure to provide unlimited high-speed Internet, which will operate throughout the center.

To create an interior design for a coworking center, attract your potential target audience - young, ambitious professionals who prefer to work for themselves. As the experience of other entrepreneurs shows, most of the work on the design and arrangement of an office can be done on barter terms. Surely, among your future clients there will be those who are engaged in video broadcasts, office landscaping, among them there will be architects, teachers of art schools, specialists in the field of graphic design, video editing, manufacturers of frameless furniture, board game stores, etc.

Purchase of furniture and equipment for a coworking center

Coworking provides a comfortable work space. Therefore, you should carefully consider the content of a coworking center. The table provides an approximate list of necessary equipment, based on the organization of a coworking space for 30 workstations and a conference room with a capacity of up to 100 people. According to calculations, the total cost of equipping a coworking center will be 450,000 rubles.

Costs for furniture and equipment of a coworking center

It is important to understand that the more complete and multifunctional the equipment is, the more time the client will spend within the walls of the coworking center.

Recruitment for a coworking center

A standard coworking center does not require large staff. The main position is administrator. His responsibilities include: monitoring the serviceability of equipment and order in the premises, monitoring supplies of consumables, selling subscriptions to visitors, informing clients about promotions, tariffs, planned events, maintaining an account on a social network. It is recommended to invite girls to the position of administrator, as they usually inspire more confidence among visitors.

For a small coworking center, two administrators working in shifts will be enough. In addition, you may need the services of an accountant, a cleaner, and an IT specialist who will maintain the coworking center website. You can minimize labor costs in the following way: delegate some functions to the business owner (for example, accounting), and outsource an IT specialist. Under such conditions, the wage fund will be about 100 thousand rubles.

How to advertise a coworking center

The target audience of coworking spaces can be divided into three large groups:

    freelancers constitute the majority of users of coworking center services. These include IT specialists, copywriters, translators, copywriters, designers and other specialists working remotely. This group mainly includes representatives of intellectual work;

    aspiring entrepreneurs– some of them do not need a permanent office, while others do not have the opportunity to rent an expensive office on a permanent basis;

    self-employed population- usually this group includes representatives of creative professions (photographers, writers, coaches, etc.).

We can also separately highlight people who strive for self-development and attend various events in coworking centers. Thus, the audience of coworking centers is quite diverse and numerous.

Ready ideas for your business

Due to the fact that the format of coworking centers itself is quite specific, a certain set of advertising methods should be used to promote them. Coworking centers need advertising, since the very concept of workspaces is relatively new for Russia, and marketers have a primary task of telling potential consumers about all the advantages of coworking centers.

The following advertising methods are suitable for promoting coworking centers:

    Internet promotion using a website and groups on social networks;

    organizing educational and entertainment events for visitors;

    provision of content: photo reports, live broadcasts, video lectures, useful information;

    creating a comfortable workspace and relaxation area;

    partnership with local media.

Advertising methods include the location of coworking centers. The most convenient option is to locate the premises in the city center, where business activity is usually concentrated. This will attract more visitors.

The key advice for promoting a coworking center is to not skimp on advertising. The faster you make yourself known, the more visitors you will attract. Be prepared for the fact that during the first months you will work on behalf of your center, investing all your profits in its promotion. It is quite possible that most of your first clients will use the services of a barter office. Experts advise budding entrepreneurs to rely on thematic conferences and various weekend events. Sometimes in such cases it turns out to be more profitable to take a percentage of the proceeds rather than rent. These may include educational programs (their implementation brings in up to half of the coworking center’s revenue). Such programs usually come in two formats - selling a product or service (in this case, participation in it is free or at a symbolic price) and in the format of a regular educational course. Don't be afraid to take on multiple directions at once. At first, it is more important for you not to get immediate profit, but to earn a name for yourself and determine demand. Then you can choose the most profitable directions.

How much does it cost to open a coworking center?

Initial Investment

The initial investment in a coworking center is 1,045,000 rubles. Variable costs consist of the cost of consumables (paper and ink for office equipment, water and drinks that are generally available, etc.). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs can be calculated based on the amount of the average check (approximately 400 rubles) and a fixed markup of 300%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utility bills and Internet payments, payroll, advertising costs and depreciation charges. Fixed expenses also include taxes - this table shows their approximate amount, because... they are calculated based on the revenue indicator.

Fixed costs

How much can you earn from a coworking space?

Practice shows that coworking centers pay for themselves within 1.5-2 years. According to the analytical site DeskMag, “any coworking space that lasts two years turns out to be a plus.”

On average, prices for coworking center services are:

    one-time visit: 300-500 rub.

    monthly subscription cost: RUB 5,000-15,000.

    cost of renting a conference room: 5000-10000 rubles.

Based on the average prices for the basic services of coworking centers, we will calculate the planned income. To do this, we determine the average number of visitors per day - 20 people and the average bill is 400 rubles: 20*400*30=240,000 (rubles).

The number of monthly passes sold is 10, with an average cost of 8,000 rubles: 10*8000=80,000 (rubles).

Number of events held per month: 20, average cost of renting a hall is 8,000 rubles: 20*8000= 160,000 (rubles).

Thus, the estimated monthly income of the coworking center is 480,000 rubles.

Expenses must be subtracted from this amount. Then the net monthly profit will be approximately 150-180 thousand rubles. You can reach the planned sales volume after 3-4 months of work.

With such indicators, the payback period will be 15 months. If compared with the industry average, this is a completely optimistic forecast. It is possible to achieve such results with proper business organization and effective use of opportunities. All this will ensure a sufficient level of sales.

What difficulties may arise for the owner of a coworking center?

Risk assessment is an important point in a business plan for a coworking center. Risks in this area include:

    low attendance of the establishment due to the unpreparedness of specialists and entrepreneurs to switch to working in a coworking format. This problem can be solved with the help of a well-thought-out marketing strategy that will convey to the target audience all the advantages of coworking centers;

    a decrease in the reputation of the coworking center itself among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to reduce the risk by carefully selecting personnel and monitoring the quality of services provided, as well as monitoring visitor reviews;

    seasonality of sales: during holidays and holidays, the number of visitors to coworking centers decreases. To mitigate this risk, it is proposed to use alternative methods of obtaining benefits. For example, during the holidays it is recommended to use the space of a coworking center as a platform for exhibitions, concerts, themed evenings, etc. Another method of attracting visitors can be a loyalty program, promotions and discounts. In the summer, you can adapt the center’s program for students and schoolchildren, providing them with discounts on visits;

    behavior of center residents. Since coworking involves bringing together different people in one space, discipline may be difficult. Work requires maintaining a certain atmosphere and following the rules outlined for visitors to the coworking center. This risk is specific and quite difficult to combat. This risk can be minimized through proper planning of the workspace, which includes isolated workstations.

    the presence of stronger and more popular competitors. It is possible to reduce the impact of this risk by creating a unique offer that competitors cannot offer. Each coworking center should have its own feature. Some are trying to place it in a park, setting up greenhouses and winter gardens with rattan chairs. Some people install conceptual designer furniture, some combine coworking space with a hostel, and some buy skateboards for moving around the office. Study in advance the experience of other entrepreneurs in our country and abroad, look at photographs of the interiors of large companies, and collect interesting ideas. Their implementation does not always require large expenses. But do not forget that the main competitive advantages that a coworking center should strive for are high quality services and a flexible pricing policy.

    increase in the cost of purchasing materials, rental premises. This risk can be mitigated by choosing partners wisely and including all necessary requirements and conditions in the contract;

    reduction in the cost of renting traditional office space due to the crisis, which will make coworking less competitive. To avoid this risk, it is necessary to create a multidirectional center and diversify sources of income.

Success factors for a coworking center

The creators of a coworking center need to take into account the following factors that affect the success of the entire business:

    Location. There will not be a single visitor in your comfortable room with an original interior if it is located in a residential area on the outskirts of the city. But they will definitely come to you even in the old building of a former factory, if it is located in the center. Almost any room can be profitably converted into a coworking center. Therefore, when choosing a room, first of all pay attention to those parameters that cannot be changed, i.e. location and area. They must initially fully comply with the requirements.

    Layout. There is no point in creating a second office. The room should be interesting. However, you should not overuse creativity. Original design solutions are good, but the workspace, first of all, should be comfortable. The interior should not distract from work. In addition, when designing, remember what audience your center is designed for. After all, different categories of clients will have different requirements for their workspace. For example, freelancers and representatives of creative professions will appreciate an informal setting more, while budding businessmen providing consulting services will suit a more conservative design. Organize as many private places and meeting areas as possible - this will also create additional comfort for visitors.

Renting office space is one of the main expenses of any business. If we are talking about a startup, then the cost can be critically expensive, so the choice of a “second home,” as an office can rightfully be called, should be approached as thoughtfully as possible.

It might seem absurd, but the first thing you need to consider when choosing an office is its intended purpose.

Managing partner of EVANS Anna Levitova believes that it is necessary to clearly decide on the location. Thus, a separate entrance is needed by companies that, due to the nature of their activities, receive a large number of visitors every day. In this case, the display window and location in a walk-through location can attract additional customers. Such tenants are notaries, travel agencies, mass segment real estate agencies, banks, etc. But a business that sells goods and services to other businesses (B2B) rarely receives clients and does not need a separate entrance.

Maxim Zhulikov, director of development of the office real estate department at Penny Lane Realty, in turn, notes that each company that decides to rent an office has its own goals. “Someone needs the first premises for a business that is focused on goods - a show room, an offline point of an online store. In this case, for example, the requirements for office accessibility are low, since visitors will come by prior agreement. , say, about a travel or legal company, where the flow of clients is quite dense, then the requirements are completely different. Still others for business generally need a quiet, calm office where they can set up desks and start working. So you need to immediately highlight important criteria and focus on them ", the expert emphasizes.

Check availability

A very important factor that many people forget is limiting access to the office. Many office centers or buildings restrict access to offices on weekends or late evenings and early mornings during non-standard business hours. “If a business provides services or involves working in different time zones, this can interfere with the normal conduct of business. This can also be a significant limitation for startups, whose employees can literally live in the office, spending 16 hours a day there,” says Anna Levitova. If a building has a strict access control system and visitors are required to show their passport at the entrance, this can also upset customers who are concerned about privacy issues.

Purity of the transaction

Particular attention should be paid to the office lease agreement - this is a necessary and important stage of the transaction.

“Legal purity is what unites all rental transactions in all segments. It is necessary to rent the premises from the owner, in addition, it is better to consult a lawyer regarding the lease agreement. Some landlords, through the terms of the agreement, can influence the tenant, change the terms of the transaction, for example, increase the cost. In general, it’s useful to look at reviews about the landlord, fortunately there are quite a lot of them on the Internet,” emphasizes Maxim Zhulikov.

The agreement comes into force from the moment of state registration. If the contract term is less than a year, then it is not necessary to register it. Sometimes, some landlords specifically enter into contracts for 364 days or for an indefinite period in order to avoid registration.

What should be included in a standard contract:

Detailed description indicating address, area and location on the floor plan.
- Duration of the lease agreement. If it is not specified, the contract is automatically recognized as unlimited. In this case, either party to the contract may terminate it with three months' notice.
- Rental period. It is important to remember that if the signing of the acceptance certificate does not coincide with the effective date of the agreement, the validity periods of the agreement and the lease will not coincide.
- The obligation to register a lease agreement by one of the parties to such an agreement, if the lease agreement for non-residential premises is concluded for a period of more than one year.
- Rights of third parties to the rental object.
- Rent (utilities or other expenses may also be taken into account).
- The procedure for returning the premises to the landlord.
- Responsibility of the parties to the contract for failure to fulfill its terms.

Another important point is the conclusion of a sublease agreement for non-residential premises.

Such an agreement requires the owner’s consent to be documented. Moreover, if the owner of the premises is any legal entity or individual, the owner’s visa with a signature and seal in the upper right corner: “I do not object” or “Agreed” is sufficient in the contract for a period of up to a year. But all long-term (one year or more) lease agreements must be registered with the appropriate authorities, regardless of the form of ownership. The fact is that a sublease agreement executed without a visa or registration deprives the tenant of the right to obtain a license or place a sign. Expenses for paying bills under such an agreement cannot be credited to cost accounts and charged to cost.

Additional factors

When evaluating a property, do not blindly follow the landlord's offer. Remember that the price is influenced by many factors, and some of them may be in your favor - point this out to the landlord. Consider as many criteria as possible: location of the premises, its readiness for occupancy, renovation, condition of the administrative building in which the office is located, floor, availability of communication networks, security, parking.

General requirements for a good office include the availability of communications and the Internet. If the company is large enough, you should think about how easy it is for employees to get from the metro and whether there are cafes or canteens nearby.

Personal experience

Development Director of Navigator Real Estate LLC Svetlana Arkhipova spoke about how she managed to solve the problem of renting the first office. “The fact is that any person is guaranteed to have a certain number of business centers near their place of residence,” says the aspiring businesswoman. “I collected their contacts and systematically called to see if they had premises suitable for me. For It was important for me that the office was located in a decent location, and not in an industrial zone on the territory of the plant, that it had its own infrastructure. But the issue of parking, by the way, was not critical, although for many it is extremely important. Communication and Internet access available in 99% of office and business centers, the only question is the number of providers, sometimes there are two, sometimes ten. As for the possibility of staying at work after a certain time, this issue is resolved by an additional agreement. Actually, based on the results of clarification "We signed the lease agreement and the acceptance certificate for all the details. The problem was solved quite simply, although it took time. However, the result is worth it."

Ksenia Alieva