The Witcher 3 wild hunt game plus

Truly, there is nothing more disgusting than these monsters, contrary to nature, called witchers, for they are the fruits of vile magic and the devil. These are scoundrels without dignity, conscience and honor, true fiends of hell, only adapted to murder. There is no such place as one among respectable people. And their Kaer Morhen, where these dishonest people nest, where vile things do their business, should be wiped off the bosom of the earth and sprinkled with salt and saltpeter. Monstrum or Witcher description.

Oil painting: "Geralt of Rivia"

Hello dear readers of this post.

Today I decided to write this article, and it will focus on survival tips and Geralt's "BUILD" in The Witcher 3 game.

Builds, as well as styles of play, full of full.

"Alchemist"- very common, but very demanding on the level, since the entry threshold is very high in terms of points)

"Mag"- for those who like to use colossal damage from Signs

"Swordsman"- in other words, a swordsman and a grunt, one of the most recognizable.

These builds are described in more detail Furrion, I ask for familiarization (many thanks to him):

They all vary greatly and each one is unique in its own way.

I will consider my style of the game, my build, since it is very rare in the game, and there are few similar to it, the so-called "HYBRID BUILD". This means mixing skills and abilities from different branches. It is sometimes referred to as "universal".

Special thanks to the player with the nickname wonder.. It was he who showed me this way of playing.

Now questions will immediately fly, and the most important is “why”? Why are you going to write some nonsense now, buddy? We have all gone through this game for a long time and more than once, we all know, we all know how, and there are a lot of these builds, each is described up and down.

Yes, I partly agree with you, but this is a description of my build, my walkthrough, which I picked up through trial and error, which helped me complete the game in the death mode.

Question number two: why put such complexity? I answer, for pleasure and complete immersion in the harsh world. After all, it is in this mode that you can learn all the books, the bestiary, oils, elixirs and decoctions, you will understand that a simple bandit is not a stupid piece of meat, but a fighter who will reflect 60 percent of your blows and 100% give you cuffs. This is not a simple "calling enemies" with a mouse or a gamepad, here your Geralt cannot withstand a ton of evil spirits, in this mode everything is serious! It's the Witcher!!!

"Move the roach"

P.S. There is a lot of money in the screenshots - the result of Geralt's manipulations and unnecessary gestures in freeplay.

P.S.S. Everyone in the know, please stop reading this post, so as not to cause the hair to move on the goose. Thank you.


Paragraph 1. We set the cherished difficulty and start, and we start with a beggar, as the dwarves say, with a bare ass. Somehow, carefully, we will get to the tavern in the White Garden, immediately stock up on food, and along the way begin to collect grass from the fields. It will still be useful to us, and food is our life, because it is in this mode that meditation sends us beyond the dragon mountains and does not replenish HP, and we see such a wonderful picture.

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Clause 1.1. Set autosave to 3 minutes. There are moments when they played well, it seems that there are no barriers, they relaxed a little, and the end.

Clause 1.2. Save before each quest, before each bunch of enemies or some important, in your opinion, action, preferably in different cells. On PS4, the number of save slots is limited - this is where you need to pervert and set priorities for saving data.

Point 2. Any NPC is dangerous (somewhere up to level 5), enemies hit painfully, and Geralt has almost no health. The battle with random drowners can drag on and require a replay. Don't be a hero at this stage of the game.

Point 3. It’s hard only up to level 8-10, yes, yes, because we don’t really have anything, neither pumping, nor weapons, nor armor. Then it will go much easier, as if the difficulty was rolled back by one point (according to sensations)

Item 4. Don't forget about Places of Power: you can run up, use and die, but it's better to use a Place of Power and run away (each place of power gives 1 skill point, provided you used it for the first time).

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Geralt meditates at the place of power in the "White Garden"

Item 5. First, go through all the side tasks at the location and only then proceed to the main tasks. So you will collect a maximum of experience and by 90% avoid "white" quests, for which 1 experience point is usually poured. And I will not describe the entire route of passage, because there are wonderful articles on this subject that I wrote Elle.Follow her amazing posts, and you will be happy (thanks to her for her efforts).

P.S. For the main quests in any case, you will get a lot of experience..


Item 6. Actually, when we have the very first skill points, we will begin to gain strength. The entire build will focus on HEAVY blows, Quen And alternative Aksy.

I recommend spending the first points specifically on pumping the blue branch: the Aksy sign (for dialogues), the alternative Aksy and Quen (Quen in the first place: sometimes my hands are also wrapped in a donut, and I get hit in the neck, and Quen will not only save you from 1 hit, it will also throw the enemy back in response (sometimes players fundamentally do not use this sign, considering it "cheating").)

You should not rush into the red branch, it will not help much in the early stages of the game. (Although you can scatter it in the way that is more convenient: first, a couple of skills for hitting and a couple for Signs, there’s nothing critical here.)


Item 7. Do you still collect weed in the fields? Great, go to vendors and herbalists, loot everything that catches your eye, buy recipes for elixirs. When you get hold of the Swallow, consider the job done. Over time, we will completely abandon food in favor of two elixirs, such as "Swallow" and "Potion of Raffar the White."

1) Martin

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Accelerates health regeneration, damage taken interrupts recovery for 2 seconds.

1x Krasnolyudsky alcohol

5x Swallow Grass

1x Drowner's Brain

2) Potion of Raffar the White

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Instantly restores a portion of health

1x Krasnolyudsky alcohol

2x Speed ​​Aim

4x Naker Heart

Item 8. Use sword oils. At first it will be unusual (long), but with the updated interface in patch 1.20-1.21, finding and using oils has become easier.

Oils are a mandatory attribute of every self-respecting witcher. Used against monsters of the right type (or humans), they greatly increase the offensive properties of your blade, also giving different effects depending on the skills of the Alchemy branch taken. Study the bestiary before the battle with the monsters.

"Most used oils":

1) hanged man's poison

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

10% Attack power against people.

1x dog fat

4x Arenaria

2) Oil against corpse eaters

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

10% Attack Power against corpse eaters.

1x dog fat

4x Dandelion

3) Oil against ghosts

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

10% Attack Power against ghosts.

1x Bear fat

4x Arenaria

Use other oils as needed.

IMPORTANT: Oils, bombs, elixirs can be common, improved And excellent, that is, they can be improved when finding recipes, respectively, the benefits from them will increase (as well as their indicators).

Item 9. Bombs... Bombs are a secondary tactical weapon in The Witcher 3.

Very useful both in tactical terms and in the case when your damage from swords or signs is not enough to kill the enemy. Bombs also have 3 stages of upgrades.

I used 3 bombs from the beginning:

1) Buckshot

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Deals damage to all enemies in the affected area, including fire damage. Can destroy monster nests.

2x Saltpeter

2x Calcium Equum

2) North wind

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Freezes enemies. Frozen enemies take more damage.

1x Saltpeter

1x Prince's Water

1x crushed pearl

2x Allspice Root

3) dancing star

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Creates a large fire explosion at the point of impact that damages and has a chance to set enemies in the area on fire.

1x Saltpeter

Item 10. Don't neglect the Brews from the monsters you kill and don't be greedy on their recipes, and don't chase the head of a "succubus" or "doppler" so that you have all the concoctions in the piggy bank. From this, your Geralt loses karma, self-respect, but in the end, a maximum of 3 decoctions or even one will still be used, otherwise you will die from intoxication.

IMPORTANT: Broths cannot be improved.

What decoction do we need?

1) Decoction of katakana

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Increases critical strike chance.

1x Krasnolyudsky alcohol

1x Katakana Mutagen

1x Arenaria

1x Verbena

2) A decoction of a water woman

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

At maximum level health damage dealt is increased.

1x Krasnolyudsky alcohol

1x Doppler mutagen

1x Bezmer

1x Khan fiber

3) A decoction of echidna

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

(Here it is, here it is, for the sake of which it is generally worth carrying all these cones, test tubes, a bunch of grass and tons of Krasnolyudsky alcohol)

Actions that reduce energy restore health. (Translated into Slavic, any use of the sign restores health)

1x Krasnolyudsky alcohol

1x Echidna Mutagen

1x Berbera fruit

1x Speed ​​Aim

4) Decoction of Troll

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Restores health during and after combat.

1x Krasnolyudsky alcohol

1x Troll Mutagen

1x raven eye

IMPORTANT: For the decoction of the Troll, many thanks to the player under the nickname Suepan. I forgot about it myself, but I will definitely use it in the new game.

Note: There are many useful decoctions, some are narrowly focused on some effect, but I personally use only these three, subsequently using only a decoction of echidna.


Item 11. Are you level 10? Then we put skill points into a heavy branch. There are many builds with fast attacks, but I was not interested. I decided it was better to hit hard once than hit ten lightly.

Heavy hits are good because they deal tremendous damage, cause bleeding more often and inflict critical hits (just a song). But we can’t do without a branch of light blows - we put skill points there too. Sooner or later we will reach the skills "Break" (for single targets) and "Whirlwind" (for those moments when there are a lot of enemies and nowhere to retreat). The gap is such a powerful blow that destroys any armor of the enemy. It is more effective against single targets (high damage).

"Hybrid Build". Heavy hit line + 2 light hits, Signs.

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt


Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Signs Description of skills in screenshots

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Additional skills. Choosing a Cat School skill to increase the chance of a critical hit

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Alchemy We need these skills so that Geralt can use more than 1 Decoction without the threat of an overdose.

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

As a result, we will get such a Witcher

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

"STATISTICS AND INDICATORS" This is what we get to level 39 (without the use of potions, oils and decoctions).

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Item 12. The conduct of the battle and its style will be as follows: we run up to the crowd (any crowd), drink a decoction of Echidna, use Quen and switch to Axii, zombify the enemies, wait until they either kill each other or seriously injure if you are tired of all this , we break into the crowd, a heavy blow, a rebound, a blow and a rebound again. And so on until victory. When we get hit in the neck, move back and use Quen until we have all HP restored.

The fight with Imlerich in my performance is one of the most difficult bosses in the game!

This video also proves that you can safely enter the DLC "Hearts of Stone" and "Blood and Wine" without fear of getting a goose. You can even run like this for the sake of interest, and you won’t get anything for it.

Very important: I did not consider mutations from the new DLC "Blood and Wine", because I did not use them in the whole game. Mutations are most useful in NG+ (which, unfortunately, I don’t really like and always start playing from scratch)

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Geralt on hardcore wearing only underpants


Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Item 13. Equipment. You can use any swords, but collect armor better schools Cat. And yes, up to lvl 10 run in Temer armor (you can buy them from a friend whom you saved at the beginning from a griffin), up to lvl 20 you can safely collect the Cat's clothes, being in Nilfgaard, which are bought in Vronitsy.

You ask, what is the equipment of the Cat School for? Heavy punches are more suitable for the "Bear" school, but I do not agree with this stereotype. The Cat Set provides benefits to swordsmen, and most importantly, it is light armor that regenerates energy faster. And since strong hits consume more energy, we need it to be replenished faster.

We will be constantly on the move, and constantly inflicts 1 or 2 heavy blows.

Also, even in such a difficult mode, you can kill "monsters" that are several times higher than you in level. For example, this little animal fell at the hands of the White Wolf, the glorious Witcher, who owns heavy blows.

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Tips for Death Mode in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Selfie with Griffin

If you considered what I described above to be idiocy, then it doesn’t matter, guys, don’t get into a fight, don’t drink elixirs, play Gwent, gentlemen, especially on our website there is a wonderful article on this game from the authors Lady_Beatrice

In one of the patches for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the developers added a new mode called New Game+. This mode allows the player to start a new playthrough with recipes already learned, equipment saved, and all the skills they have.

New Game+ does not offer any new unique armor sets or monsters like in some other games - this mode was created more for some variety, as it allows you to develop skills beyond the maximum level in the original game and create slightly more diverse builds. In addition, it saves the player from some gameplay routine associated with the study of alchemical recipes and buildup at the initial levels.

New Game+ can also be used to unlock the "Witcher on the Highway" achievement, which is awarded for completing the game on the highest difficulty level. Despite the fact that the level of opponents in this mode grows in proportion to the level of the player, it is still much easier to do this than in the original game due to the presence of a whole pool of useful skills and potions.

About witcher gear in New Game+

Keep in mind that various armor and swords will have to be collected again (it is called legendary in the New Game +), starting from the weakest to the grandmaster. The weakest set of legendary equipment is better than grandmaster equipment in terms of characteristics. And the strongest equipment option is called, respectively, the legendary grandmaster set.

All elements of armor and swords are in the New Game + in the same place where they were in the original.

How to level up a character in New Game+?

The original game puts the player in a pretty tight box, limiting the amount of skill points they can get. Indeed, in order to unlock high-level skills, you must first spend a certain amount of points on the entire class of skills as a whole. In New Game+, however, these restrictions are removed, since the second playthrough of the game can score about the same number of points as in the original.

What does this give us? And this gives us the opportunity to assemble a fairly unique build, which at the same time will not be weak. Let's analyze one example of a build that is closest to the classic options - for damage.

Swordsmanship and Alchemy - the strongest attack build

Main slots

Vortex Precise strikes body memory
Determination Immortality Razor blade
Binding Strikes Lightness of the legs reflection of arrows
Metabolic control Cat School Technique Killer Courage

Additional slots

Acquired Fortitude Synergy
tissue mutation refreshing drink

All pumping in the proposed version is built around the main fencing skill, which is called Vortex. It allows the witcher to fly through enemies like a hurricane, leaving behind heaps of chopped up bodies. But in order for the bodies to be chopped up, you need to take the right skills. Pay attention to the fact that the Whirlwind spends your energy exactly until it is completely used up. The skill then begins to rapidly consume Adrenaline Points.

Adrenaline, so necessary for the Whirlwind, we will accumulate with the help of skills Razor blade And Determination. A controversial skill can be called Immortality, which replenishes health points at the expense of adrenaline (since adrenaline is constantly consumed), but this choice can save our life on a high level of difficulty from an accidental mistake.

From the fencing branch, in addition to the Whirlwind, those skills that increase the damage from a quick attack are also required, namely Precise strikes And body memory. All the rest are quite optional and are taken to enhance the attack with Big red mutagens. Instead, you can pick up some much more useful skills from alchemy, gaining some damage reduction and at the same time many other useful bonuses. But this build is not about that.

The main skills from the alchemy branch here are Acquired Fortitude, expanding the threshold of intoxication (later it gets to additional skill Metabolic control- this will allow us to drink four decoctions at a time), Synergy, enhancing the action of mutagens, as well as Killer Courage, allowing you to quickly gain a high chance of critical damage.

Adding to existing skills tissue mutation, we will get 4000 health on top. refreshing drink, which restores a quarter of health when using elixirs, is a survival classic. After acquiring the last skills, thin Geralt becomes no longer so thin.

Alternatives: what can be replaced with what here?

ViewWhat are we changingViewWhat are we changing toFor what
reflection of arrows River of WrathFor a fan. River of Wrath uses the energy needed for the Whirlwind and the adrenaline needed for the Whirlwind, therefore making the overall build not as efficient, but much more interesting. The River of Wrath skill allows you to use Signs of the second level, and opens up a different side of the gameplay for the swordsman.
reflection of arrows Deadly Accuracy With Lethal Accuracy, you have a chance to kill an opponent in one hit, so overall your offensive ability will be stronger. The problem is that the one-hit kill mechanic itself is pretty dull. In addition, the skill will give only +2 points to the increase in adrenaline.
Immortality CounterattackIn itself, Immortality is not as good as it could look next to the Whirlwind, which is consuming energy and adrenaline, despite the fact that you will gain adrenaline very quickly. Instead, you can rely on alchemy skills and potions, and stuff something to your taste into swordsmanship, for example, Counterattack.
refreshing drink hunting instinct I really don’t know if the developers will ever fix the bug related to the fact that the instinct skill does not work properly and always adds 20% to critical damage instead of 100%. The gaming community did it with their own hands - there is a mod lying around the net that fixes the bug. If you installed it, then this skill is required.
refreshing drink Contempt for pain A refreshing drink makes the witcher almost immortal, but when used in conjunction with Rapid Metabolism. There was no place for a fast metabolism in this build, and in addition, we did not take Increased resistance, which reduces the overdose threshold, so the Contempt for Pain skill will go in as well as possible, increasing the overall amount of health.

But, alas, there is no such fine balance in the game and even in this situation, this alternative will be weaker than Refreshment, since the latter restores a quarter of the health of the current maximum value, and Contempt for Pain works with the base value of health.

tissue mutation Contempt for pain You can replace it, but you don't have to. Four decoctions give us 4000 health, and Scorn of Pain gives us a little less. That's the whole calculation.


All mutagens are tuned for increased attack. Red mutagens that give this effect are the least common in the game.


Euphoria- one of the best mutations for increasing damage, if not the best. Fencing analogue - Blood bath, does not compete, since for its work it is necessary to dodge all blows. If you choose Bloodbath, you will no longer be able to insert alchemy skills in place of additional ones.


Blades, of course, can be taken from the set of armor you have chosen to get the second level bonus for wearing a whole set, or you can prefer the option with more damage.

Cm. And swords in The Witcher 3.

Blade Enchantment

dissection significantly increases the radius of the Whirlwind around which this build is built, and in the game this enchantment looks quite impressive. But Inspiration gives a significant bonus to attack. Decide what exactly to choose.

Cm. in The Witcher 3.


The Armor of the School of the Cat gives an increase in basic attack, and the Armor of the School of Manticore gives an increase in critical damage. But on average, the attack turns out to be approximately equal. Here you need to choose according to your taste, although I personally prefer Manticore.

If you choose the Bear, you will get more adrenaline and defense, but less intoxication and, as a result, damage from Euphoria, and also lose bonuses to critical hit.

Cm. in The Witcher 3.

Cm. in The Witcher 3.

Equipment Enchantment

If you have chosen the Manticore or any other armor except for the Cat, then in order to receive a bonus from the skill Cat School Technique you need to do the whole set armor light, for which you need enchantment Ease. If you already wear a light set of armor, then choose an enchantment to taste.


Decoction of hellPrevents enemies from attacking Whirlwind
A decoction of a water womanSignificantly increases damage while at full health
A decoction of ekimmaAllows you to replenish health during an attack, which is great when using the Water Baba
Troll decoctionPlanted here for even more survivability of the witcher due to Tissue Mutation and damage due to Euphoria (and when using the troll, your health will not fall, despite the four activated decoctions)

The game has many useful decoctions in addition to those listed above. All of them are described in a separate article.

Cm. in The Witcher 3.

As we already wrote, the New Game Plus mode will be the sixteenth free add-on for the game (that is, the last one). ; PS4 users in Europe will be able to download it today, and North American owners of the console will be able to download it tomorrow.

We can't say anything about the expansion's release on PC yet. This is expected to happen this week.

We also note that most of the new mode is contained in patch 1.08 - this explains why, in fact, the addition that brings it to the game weighs very little.

In this post, we've compiled information about what items will be available in New Game Plus and what will have to say goodbye, as well as data on what the player will be able to change before starting their new journey in the world of The Witcher 3. And what will automatically change in game world after it starts.

What will be carried over to the new mode

Experience points in full, character level.

If you don’t have time to level up to level 30, you will be brought up to it (in the New Game +, this level is the minimum; there is no maximum, as in a regular game - pump at least up to level 200, if, of course, you can)) .

If the level of your character exceeds this indicator, you will start the game with the level to which you were able to pump Geralt.

Your character build (skills, full skill points) will be saved. Skills and mutagens placed in slots will remain there.

Equipment in the Inventory, including armor sets that you managed to get during the course of the game, .

All equipment for Roach.

Components for alchemy and crafting (but herbs will not be transferred to NG+).

All recipes and drawings that you have - but only basic.

In the new mode, you lose all blueprints and recipes purchased or found during the passage The Witcher 3 - you will need to search/buy them again.

Items for quests (for example, a magical lamp and a medallion given to Geralt by Keira Metz; here are a few more examples of such items: chest keys, phylactery, potestiquisitor, bait for the devil).

Cards for Gwent (including those that were bought from vendors).

The difficulty level of the game can be changed before the start of the passage.

Marks on the map, including fast travel points. In the New Game Plus mode, the game universe will need to be explored anew.

Glossary entries for monsters and characters.

Contracts - they will need to be searched again on the Bulletin Boards.

ABOUTworldThe Witcher 3New Game Plus

According to users who started the game in NG+, the level of all quest requirements, enemies, etc. the developers have added 30 more. For example, the enemies of the 6th level in the new mode have already become the 36th.

None of the decisions made earlier in the game will carry over to NG+. You have to go through the entire storyline from the very beginning.

Places of power will be located at the same points. They will give you an increase to the power of another sign - not the one that was in "standard" mode.

All armor and weapon blueprints found and purchased will now give you higher level items - but they will also be available at a higher level.

The level of armor you start the game with will also be higher.

Here's what you'll be facingNewGamePlus inThe Witcher 3. When the time of the release of this add-on on PC becomes known, we will definitely write about it. Follow the news with us!

A small update has just been released for the game. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which added one interesting twist to the game. If you have completed the game and you do not like something? For example, you got a bad ending, but you wanted a great one. Perhaps you want the bloody baron not to die. Or you didn’t meet Summer, but you wanted to. Perhaps, in the hunt for achievements, you just want to complete the game on the highest difficulty level? So, now there is a good incentive to replay everything with your old equipment, level and skills.

How to start a new game plus in The Witcher 3?

If you downloaded an update containing this mode, then you first need to re-save, because. a new game supports saves that were made after its release. To do this, simply load your save and save. Next, go to the main menu and click "New Game". First, you will be asked to import saves from The Witcher 2, then whether you need training and the third option is - On/Off new game plus.

What carries over to the new game plus The Witcher 3:

  • Your level (if below 30, it will be 30)
  • Armor and swords (including various schools such as bear, cat, griffin)
  • Recipes, ingredients, blueprints and crafting materials
  • Money

The plus is not transferred to the new game:

  • Books and letters
  • Trophies from monsters
  • Quest Items
  • Cards
  • Places visited

Deciding start a new game plus in The Witcher 3 you will be pleasantly surprised, because the developers made sure that you have in your bag Potion of Purification, so you can immediately reset your skill points and try something new.

By the way, to make the game seem even more unusual, we suggest installing free DLC, such as - an alternative image

Studio CD Projekt RED, known for The game Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, announced the release date of their new game from the Witcher universe instead of announcing the game "".

The developers announced that their new game, called "", as well as "" will be released on PC on October 23 on the platform, and on PS4 and Xbox One a little later - December 4th. According to the site, Thronebreaker is a new single-player role-playing card game from the world of The Witcher that combines a strong storyline, exploration, card battles and unique puzzles at once. The plot of the game tells about Meve, the Queen of Lyria and Rivia, who, due to the threat of an invasion by Nilfgaard, is forced to re-enter the warpath. In addition, it is noted that the people responsible for the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt took part in the creation of the script. Gamers, on the other hand, will have an unforgettable adventure through the previously unexplored lands of the Witcher game world with interesting tasks and bright characters.

The second game is GWENT: The Witcher. Card game will soon leave the public beta test with the release of a new big expansion called "Homecoming". It was announced back in April of this year. Homecoming includes many different changes that will bring back the gameplay elements and mechanics that Gwent gamers loved in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In addition, the developers said that in the update they took into account all the feedback and wishes of the players that were received during the public beta test. It is also noted that game boards will appear in the game, which will be real 3D fields with two rows for each of the players. In addition, gamers should expect a new deck builder, new game mechanics, design and visual effects.

According to the site, CD Projekt RED previously planned to make a regular story mode for Gwent, but in the end, it turned out to be a whole game. In addition, the developers noted that the new project will give gamers as much as 30 hours of gameplay and will allow them to immerse themselves in the fantasy world of The Witcher again.