Beneficial and harmful properties of coffee. Is it possible to eat coffee beans? Is chewing coffee beans beneficial or harmful?

cups of coffee.

Contrary to popular belief, coffee beans were not brought to Europe along with tomatoes, tobacco and potatoes by Christopher Columbus. Coffee has traveled quite a long way from Ethiopia, where it grew wild, through the Arabian Peninsula.

Coffee is a product with a history of almost 1.5 thousand years, but, nevertheless, scientific discussions around it do not fade away. However, most scientists agree on one thing: small doses of coffee have a tonic effect, while large doses depress the nervous system.

Many vegetarians, adhering to a healthy lifestyle in everything, not accepting alcohol and tobacco products, also limit or completely eliminate the consumption of coffee. Is this fair?

10 facts about the health benefits and harms of coffee

  1. Coffee increases blood pressure. Moreover, the paradox of this drink is that people who drink it systematically do not have an increase in blood pressure. This fact applies to cases of rare or single consumption of coffee.
  2. Drinking coffee, or more precisely, the caffeine it contains, helps increase concentration. At the same time, drinking coffee in the afternoon is undesirable - it can cause insomnia.
  3. Coffee has a pronounced diuretic effect, so people who are addicted to this drink need to drink more fluid.
  4. According to some studies, coffee reduces the risk of developing certain diseases. We are mainly talking about such dangerous diseases as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and type 2 diabetes. Also, the results of some studies indicate that the risk of breast cancer is lower in women who drink this drink.
  5. Coffee constricts blood vessels, in some cases having an analgesic effect. For example, it reduces or eliminates migraine headaches. However, for other types of headaches, drinking coffee can only make the situation worse.

As we can see, a cup of aromatic, freshly brewed coffee is unlikely to harm your health, and if you are a big fan of this drink, there is no need to stop drinking it. Remember the rule of the golden mean, be moderate and do not drink coffee in excessive quantities. And to prevent insomnia, do not drink coffee in the afternoon.

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Can I eat coffee beans?

Some people enjoy chewing coffee beans. Sometimes they are even used in culinary dishes and drinks. But isn't this harmful? Is it possible to eat coffee beans, what effect does it give, who is useful, and who should not get carried away with them - we understand all the nuances.

A little history of chewing coffee beans

Historians claim that people initially started by chewing grains, following the example of wild goats. The shepherds noticed that the goats, eating leaves and fruits from the coffee trees, were active and full of energy. Following them, people began to chew the grains, appreciating all the benefits of the invigorating effect.

African tribes used coffee beans as an energy boost during long marches, and to keep them full they mixed them with animal fat and rolled them into balls. The food was stored for a long time, had a pleasant taste and gave strength to overcome the deserts. Today, raw grains are no longer eaten; roasted grains, which are not only tasty, but also healthy, are another matter.

Why is chewing coffee beans beneficial?

Coffee beans contain many essential oils, volatile substances and acids that have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity: they destroy harmful bacteria and freshen breath. Research by scientists from Italy has shown that such cleaning of the tongue, gums, tooth enamel and cheek surface prevents the development of caries, since chewing removes soft plaque, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Moreover, these same bacteria cause an unpleasant odor from the stomach and mouth, which means that chewing coffee beans is quite capable of replacing chewing gum.

It is believed that coffee beans mask the smell of alcohol. In small doses this is true, but if you drink too much, neither chewing gum nor coffee will help.

Recipes that use coffee beans

Cooks actively use coffee beans to prepare and decorate various desserts, and also make them into separate treats.

Chocolate covered coffee beans

Melt quality chocolate (without palm oil) in the microwave or in a water bath, add coffee beans, stir, and remove with a fork, placing on parchment. A couple of hours in the refrigerator for the chocolate to harden - and the dessert is ready.

Some manufacturers produce chocolate-covered coffee beans in industrial settings, producing delicious dragees.

If you’re too lazy to take out the beans, you can take a mold with low sides and pour a mixture of coffee and chocolate into it. After freezing, you will get a bar that you can break off and chew, something like chocolate with whole nuts. An excellent option for a hearty snack if you need concentration, composure and energy.

Those who are on a diet or trying to get rid of extra pounds can use as much dark, dark chocolate as possible, without added sugar. For added spice, you can add a little sea salt, pepper, or other seasonings to taste.

Sambuca con mosca

One of the traditional Italian uses of sambuca is called con mosca, that is, “with flies.” This is the name given to three coffee beans placed in a glass. They symbolize wealth, happiness and health. Drink the liquor and then chew and eat the grains to be rich, happy and healthy. At least in Italy they believe this.

Who shouldn't eat coffee beans?

Keep in mind that the kernels are quite hard and require some effort to break through. People with thin, sensitive tooth enamel and weak teeth are not recommended to chew coffee beans, as this can cause damage to the enamel or tooth decay.

Coffee beans in large quantities cause the same effect as a cup of the prepared drink, so they should not be eaten excessively or constantly, or consumed by people with high blood pressure and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Can you eat coffee beans?

Some people enjoy chewing coffee beans. And they are even used in preparing culinary masterpieces. However, some of them wonder whether this is dangerous to health. Is it possible to eat grains and what effect do they have? We will also tell you about important nuances - for whom this “snack” option is useful, and for whom you should not get carried away.

A little history about chewing whole coffee beans

It is known that drinking coffee originally consisted of chewing coffee beans. People learned this by imitating wild goats, who really liked coffee beans. The fact is that the shepherds noticed that the goats that ate the leaves and fruits from the coffee beans were more active and cheerful. It was for the invigorating effect that people began to chew coffee beans.

This is interesting: African tribes regularly used grains as an energy boost during long transitions. And in order to get not only vigor and a surge of strength, but also not to feel hungry, they mixed coffee beans with animal fat and rolled the mass into balls. This type of food was stored for a long time, while it allowed wild African tribes to charge themselves with strength to overcome the desert.

Of course, today they no longer eat raw grains, replacing them with roasted ones, which, by the way, bring great benefits to the body.

Benefits of chewing grains

You may already know that coffee raw materials contain a large amount of essential oils, which provide portions of your favorite drink with such a bright taste and luxurious aroma. In addition to esters, the grains contain volatile substances and acids that have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity. Scientists have been able to prove that they not only freshen breath, but are also able to fight pathogenic microorganisms that live in large numbers in the human mouth.

This is useful to know: Italian scientists have found that chewing coffee beans cleanses the tongue, gums and tooth enamel, which allows a person to avoid the development of caries. The grains are also useful for the inner surface of the cheeks. Because when chewing them, a layer of pathogenic microorganisms is removed, which can lead to the development of oral candidiasis or “award” a person with a “geographical” tongue.

We can safely say that chewing coffee beans is an ideal alternative to chewing gum.

This is interesting: in small doses, coffee beans can mask and suppress the smell of alcohol. However, if you have drunk too many strong drinks, then neither coffee beans nor traditional chewing gum will save you.

Recipes for treats that include grains

Coffee beans are used not only to decorate dishes and desserts, but can also be one of the main components.

Recipe for making chocolate covered coffee beans

To prepare them, you need to melt high-quality dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa beans in a water bath or in the microwave. If you choose the first option, then do not forget to constantly stir the chocolate mass, and also make sure that the surface of the bottom of the bowl in which the chocolate is located does not come into contact with water. Otherwise, the chocolate will curdle and the whole process will have to start from the very beginning.

After the chocolate has completely melted, you need to pour coffee beans into the mixture. Then place them on parchment using a fork. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours and serve with your favorite drinks - green tea, coffee, and so on.

If you do not want to take out each grain separately, we suggest you use the following practical solution. Pour the coffee raw materials into the melted chocolate, and then pour the whole mixture into a mold with low sides. Place the sweets in the refrigerator. After the dessert hardens, you will receive an original version of dark chocolate with crispy “nuts”.

By the way, this is an excellent option for a filling and very tasty snack. Especially if you need concentration and energy. Chocolate with coffee beans is suitable for people burdened with intellectual work, students and schoolchildren who are preparing for an exam. A piece of this energy delicacy will also find fans among fitness enthusiasts.

Attention: people who want to lose weight should not despair. This sweet option will suit them too. The main thing in this case is to use dark chocolate without additives. If desired, you can add spices and seasonings to the finished delicacy - starting with coconut flakes and ending with freshly ground black pepper. By the way, the latter option adds piquancy to the dessert. If you are struggling with extra pounds, then you should add red pepper powder. This spice is known to have fat burning properties.

Contraindications for chewing coffee beans

You should know that coffee beans are very hard. Therefore, chewing them requires a lot of force. That is why it is not recommended to chew coffee beans for people with thin tooth enamel and weak teeth.

In large quantities, coffee beans have the same effect as your favorite caffeinated drink. Therefore, those who suffer from high blood pressure or have ailments related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system should not get carried away with their use.

Sambuca Con Mosca

One of the most delicious options for preparing sambuca is considered to be the “with flies” option. This is the name given to three coffee beans that are placed in a glass of drink. First you need to drink the Italian alcoholic drink itself, and then crunch the grains.

Let's summarize and draw conclusions from the article:

  • Coffee beans are very healthy, so it is recommended to eat them to prevent caries and a number of diseases affecting the oral cavity.
  • Coffee beans are most often consumed as a dessert with chocolate. You can also find coffee jelly beans on sale.
  • If you have weak teeth, then you should definitely avoid this snack option. After all, such a gastronomic hobby can lead to damage to tooth enamel and gums.
  • Recommended dose for an adult: grains. Don't forget that they contain caffeine, so it is recommended to avoid consuming too much coffee raw material.

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Is it possible..?

Hot aromatic coffee is the favorite drink of many people. Some people cannot live a day without it. It turns out that you can not only drink coffee, but also eat it. Previously, this product was considered food. Coffee beans were taken on long journeys as dry rations, but they were first mixed with animal fat.

There is a myth in Russia that you can fool a breathalyzer using coffee beans. In fact, this is just a story: coffee beans have no effect on blood alcohol levels.

Is it harmful to eat coffee beans?

Chewing coffee beans is not only not harmful, but also beneficial. For example, they can be used as chewing gum to freshen your breath.

Delicious treat

Coffee beans are used in different countries to prepare all kinds of dishes. For example, they are often added to confectionery and ice cream. In some confectionery stores you can find chocolate-covered coffee beans.

They are prepared as follows. First, the grains are dried in a heated frying pan, and then chocolate melted in a water bath is poured into it. After that, the grains are carefully removed with tweezers and sent to the refrigerator. This delicacy can be made at home.

Sambuca with flies

Coffee beans are also added to a liqueur called sambuca. Three grains are thrown into a glass, each of them symbolizes something, for example, happiness, health and well-being. A person must drink this drink to the bottom and chew all the grains. This drink is called Sambuca with flies.

Despite the fact that coffee beans can not only be drunk but also eaten, this product has its own contraindications. People with heart and gastrointestinal diseases should not abuse coffee.

If you have serious illnesses, it is better to consult your doctor before consuming coffee beans.


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Can I eat coffee beans?

There is a certain difference between the forms “is it possible” and “is it possible”. The first form of the question involves getting an answer whether eating the product is harmful to health, and the second: is it possible to eat such a solid product?

Thus, one question was divided into two, and we will try to give comprehensive answers to both.

Chew rather than drink coffee... is that possible?

Quite, especially since the effect of eaten coffee on the body is no different from drinking it.

Once upon a time, coffee beans were not at all perceived as a basic product for making drinks. It was food - a kind of packed lunch. Representatives of many African tribes valued grains for their long-lasting properties and took them with them on long hikes. True, there was one significant drawback in coffee - its grains were not that nutritious, but Africans quickly solved this problem by rolling the grains into a layer of animal fat.

Now a civilized cook acts a little differently: after roasting the coffee beans, he pours them with a layer of chocolate dissolved in a water bath, after which it hardens he gets a delicious dessert.

Or you can do without the chocolate shell, but in this case the grains will act as a refreshing product. Coffee can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth and freshen breath.

If you consume whole coffee beans in reasonable quantities, you can get rid of asthma with their help. But this fact has not been confirmed by doctors and refers to traditional medicine. But it's still worth a try.

And, since the properties of the grains are no different from the properties of the drink, they should be used with caution by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Strong "coffee"

Coffee beans have a hard shell that can cause tooth enamel to crack if you chew the beans too often. Occasional consumption of whole beans will not harm people with healthy and strong teeth, but those for whom coffee beans may be stronger than their teeth are advised to refrain from the treat.

It is possible to chew a coffee bean; the pressure from the gums is quite enough to defeat the “strong one.” The main thing is not to risk the health of your own teeth.

In beans? The short answer is yes! People were eating coffee beans as a tonic long before the art of roasting was discovered.

Is it safe to eat raw coffee beans nowadays? Yes, although not everyone will like the taste of the beans. Raw or green, coffee beans are highly acidic and are said to have a "grassy" or "woody" aroma. They are much tougher than refried beans, making them difficult to chew.

If you brew coffee from unroasted beans, you will most likely be disappointed by the unpleasant taste of the drink. This drink does not contain the caramelized aromas that appear during roasting and are associated with the taste of coffee.

Catechins and antioxidants

Along with caffeine, coffee beans contain catechins. These organic compounds are known to increase
the amount of acid in the stomach. Increased stomach acid can cause heartburn and many other problems.
health related.

However, coffee beans contain large amounts of antioxidants, more than those found in traditional coffee. Coffee is Russia's No. 1 source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are linked to cardiovascular, immune and cognitive health, as well as cancer prevention, so generally, the more antioxidants you have in your diet, the better. , unfortunately, destroys a large number of antioxidants.

According to Dr. Daniel Perlman of Brandeis University, dark roasted coffees "leave almost no antioxidants." However, due to their rather unpleasant taste and hardness, unroasted coffee beans are unlikely to become a favorite food anytime soon.

In addition, when transporting raw beans, they may become moldy.

The coffee company Perlman approached the problem in an original way by creating baked coffee flour. Grinded at very low temperatures to prevent oxidation, this flour, made from unroasted coffee beans, is not much like the coffee drink we all know and love. Gluten-free flour can be mixed with wheat flour to create baked goods with a coffee flavor and powerful antioxidant benefits.

Mixing coffee flour

Dan Belliveau, who was an engineer at Starbucks, also created a product called "Coffee Flour", which tastes different from Perlman's unusual green coffee. Belliveau is made from coffee cherry, the fruit of the coffee plant that contains the seeds.

Coffee cherries, like beans, are edible. The flour, obtained by drying and grinding, is rich in potassium, protein, fiber and antioxidants. Belliveau coffee flour also serves an environmentally friendly purpose, making food from part of the coffee plant.


When you consume raw coffee beans, caffeine is absorbed into the blood faster. Caffeine makes you feel alert and elated by blocking the hormone adenosine. Adenosine causes a feeling of sleepiness in the body and is also associated with the perception of pain, especially sore muscles, after an intense workout in the gym. According to a study from the University of Georgia, caffeine reduces the perception of muscle pain after exercise.

The caffeine in coffee beans also stimulates intestinal contractions, so eating them may have a mild laxative effect. Even roasted coffee beans can act as a laxative if consumed in excess.

Caffeine can worsen symptoms of anxiety disorders. In pregnant women or nursing mothers, irritable bowel syndrome or some other conditions may occur. If you have questions about how much caffeine is safe for you to consume, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional.


In general, you can eat coffee beans, either raw or roasted, or ground into flour and baked into a morning muffin. Whatever type of coffee you choose, just don't overdo it.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Coffee is a drink made from roasted beans of the coffee tree.

Roasting is a process that is carried out at a temperature of +220°C - +250°C and lasts from 4.5 to 25 minutes. Roasting requires very even heating of the beans and strict temperature control.

Traditionally, people roasted coffee using a simple device, which was a drum rotating over a fire, into which beans were poured. The most common modern machines for roasting coffee, roasters (English roast - “roast”), use the same principle, but with minor improvements: electronic temperature control systems have been added, programming the roasting process and blowing the beans in the drum with hot air.

Roasting is often figuratively compared to alchemy, as it seriously transforms the coffee bean (calorizator). After roasting, up to 30% of the weight of the bean consists of new substances and compounds that were not present in green coffee!

Changes occurring in grains:

  • the color changes to brown - from light to dark, depending on the intensity of roasting;
  • moisture evaporates - weight loss 15-22%;
  • gases inflate the grain from the inside - an increase in volume by 25-50%
  • complex compounds are decomposed into simpler and more mobile ones - the characteristic aroma of coffee appears.

Taste characteristics change:

  • the acid content decreases on average from 7% to 4.5% (the higher the degree of roasting, the less acid remains);
  • as a rule, unpleasant tastes disappear or disappear: rotten, astringent;
  • positive tastes develop: fruity, nutty, chocolate, bread.

Types of roasting:

Immediately after roasting, the coffee beans have almost no smell; they need to rest and “come to life” for 12-24 hours.

Calorie content of roasted dry coffee beans

The calorie content of roasted dry coffee beans is 223 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of roasted dry coffee beans

Roasted dry coffee beans contain vitamins, especially P, and tannins (calorifier). Coffee beans contain two main elements: caffeine and trigoneline.

Interacting with high temperature, the grains form nicotinic acid. They also contain sucrose.

Beneficial properties and harm of roasted dry coffee beans

Roasted dry coffee beans, when consumed in moderation, can have a beneficial effect on skin condition, improve memory, performance, reduce the risk of cancer, burn fat, relieve depression and increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Harm of roasted dry coffee beans

If you overuse roasted schema coffee beans, you can harm your heart and acquire certain diseases and increase your blood pressure. This also applies to pregnant women; if consumed in excess, coffee can cause miscarriage, so its consumption should be minimized or completely eliminated from the diet.

Coffee- a drink made from coffee beans, which is currently very popular. About 2-2.5 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day in the world.
Contrary to popular misconception, coffee beans were brought to Europe not together with tomatoes, tobacco and potatoes by Christopher Columbus. Coffee has traveled quite a long way from Ethiopia, where it grew wild, through the Arabian Peninsula.

Coffee- a product with a history of almost 1.5 thousand years, but, nevertheless, scientific discussions around it do not fade away. However, most scientists agree on one thing: small doses of coffee have a tonic effect, while large doses depress the nervous system.

Many vegetarians, adhering healthy lifestyle In all cases, those who do not accept alcohol and tobacco products also limit or completely eliminate the consumption of coffee. Is this fair?

10 facts about the health benefits and harms of coffee

As we see, a cup of fragrant, freshly brewed coffee is unlikely to harm your health, and if you are a big fan of this drink, there is no need to stop drinking it. Remember the rule of the golden mean, be moderate and do not drink coffee in excessive quantities. And to prevent insomnia, do not drink coffee in the afternoon.

There is a certain difference between the forms “is it possible” and “is it possible”. The first form of the question involves getting an answer whether eating the product is harmful to health, and the second: is it possible to eat such a solid product?

Thus, one question was divided into two, and we will try to give comprehensive answers to both.

Chew rather than drink coffee... is that possible?

Quite, especially since the effect of eaten coffee on the body is no different from drinking it.

Once upon a time, coffee beans were not at all perceived as a basic product for making drinks. It was food - a kind of packed lunch. Representatives of many African tribes valued grains for their long-lasting properties and took them with them on long hikes. True, there was one significant drawback in coffee - its grains were not that nutritious, but Africans quickly solved this problem by rolling the grains into a layer of animal fat.

Now a civilized cook acts a little differently: after roasting the coffee beans, he pours them with a layer of chocolate dissolved in a water bath, after which it hardens he gets a delicious dessert.

Or you can do without the chocolate shell, but in this case the grains will act as a refreshing product. Coffee can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth and freshen breath.

If you consume whole coffee beans in reasonable quantities, you can get rid of asthma with their help. But this fact has not been confirmed by doctors and refers to traditional medicine. But it's still worth a try.

And, since the properties of the grains are no different from the properties of the drink, they should be used with caution by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Strong "coffee"

Coffee beans have a hard shell that can cause tooth enamel to crack if you chew the beans too often. Occasional consumption of whole beans will not harm people with healthy and strong teeth, but those for whom coffee beans may be stronger than their teeth are advised to refrain from the treat.

It is possible to chew a coffee bean; the pressure from the gums is quite enough to defeat the “strong one.” The main thing is not to risk the health of your own teeth.