Boarding pass and declaration form. Runetki swearing. Transit customs declaration

If goods intended for one’s own needs are transported across the border of the Russian Federation, it must be properly registered. In this case, a passenger customs declaration is issued. With such a document, individuals have the right to transport goods intended for home, family and personal use. The main condition is that the transported goods should not be transported for business purposes.

  1. Goods intended for personal use, which are transported personally or with the help of a carrier.
  2. Securities and money exceeding $3,000. In general, the maximum amount of cash that a citizen can transport across the border at one time is $10,000. There is no point in taking a large amount with you.
  3. Precious stones and metals. Moreover, both jewelry and unprocessed jewelry presented in “raw” form are subject to declaration. When leaving the country, personal jewelry may not be declared. But in practice it turns out that in this case you can run into trouble. For example, it is possible that when returning to the country you will have to prove that this is your jewelry and you did not buy it abroad. Thus, even personal jewelry is recommended to be included in the customs declaration.
  4. Radio-electronic and high-frequency equipment that are not complete equipment. For example, there is no need to declare a radio or cell phone. However, devices the use of which requires permission from special authorities are subject to mandatory declaration.
  5. Cultural values. Souvenirs that are mass-produced are not considered cultural property. Here we are talking about single copies that were created more than five decades ago: paintings, books, coins, etc. In addition to including them in the declaration, you will need to obtain a special permit from the relevant authorities to export them. There are also valuables that are generally prohibited from being exported.
  6. Weapon. To export it, you will also need to provide the appropriate permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  7. Plants and animals. Even on indoor flower You will need to issue a phytocertificate. As for animals, we are talking about species that are considered endangered.
  8. Psychotropic and narcotic drugs. Drugs sold without a prescription are not subject to declaration. Only potent narcotic substances need to be included in the document. At the same time, you must have confirmation that for health reasons you need to take these medications.
  9. Information that may contain state secrets. There is no need to register video discs or other electronic media. However, a customs officer has the right to review them to ensure that there are no records containing state secrets.
  10. Personal vehicle. When traveling abroad in your car, indicate its details in the declaration. Please note that this is a “temporary importation”.

Documents submitted with the declaration:

  • passport;
  • checks, receipts and other documents that are official confirmation of the value of goods included in the declaration;
  • transport documents;
  • documents on the basis of which benefits are provided, for example, a refugee certificate;
  • documents that can be used to identify a personal vehicle;
  • a power of attorney or other document proving that you own or have the right to use this car.

The customs declaration must be completed in two copies. The forms are freely available at each customs terminal. To fill out, it is recommended to use a ballpoint pen with dark ink. You can fill out the form not only in Russian, but also in English.

At many points, you provide information only by placing “crosses” in the appropriate boxes. Particular attention should be paid to the column in which the goods subject to declaration are indicated. Here, each item of goods is indicated separately. Its serial number is indicated, detailed description, characteristics and cost. In the lower part reverse side You must indicate the total cost of the goods transported.

If any documents are attached to the declaration, for example, checks, certificates, receipts, they must also be indicated on the form. If transported different types currencies, each of them must be indicated on a separate line. Do not forget to put the appropriate mark if the goods are transported using a carrier. In addition, the declaration must indicate whether your luggage contains goods that are prohibited from being transported across the border. If available, do not forget to attach special documents that constitute permission to transport such cargo.

To fill out the passenger customs declaration, you must adhere to the following algorithm.

Step 1. Obtain a passenger customs declaration form.

The passenger customs declaration form can be taken from special counters in the passenger registration halls at checkpoints across the state border, or you can print it yourself using a computer (convenient when declaring goods delivered to your address by the carrier). If there are no declaration forms at the counter, contact the customs officials (clause 3 of the Procedure, approved by Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 N 287).


When contacting a customs officer, do not cross the red line if the customs office uses a double corridor system. Otherwise, if there are goods subject to customs declaration, without filing a passenger customs declaration, such actions may be considered by a customs official as non-declaration of goods.

Step 2. Study the general rules for filling out the passenger customs declaration.

The declaration must be filled out clearly and legibly by hand or using electronic computer printing devices (clause 4 of the Procedure).

Information is indicated in Russian or English languages, and with the permission of the customs authority - in another language (clause 5 of the Procedure).

If one declaration form is not enough to indicate information about all goods, then (clause 6 of the Procedure):

The required number of declaration forms is used (additional sheets) or

A free-form inventory of goods is attached to the declaration form. This applies to goods exported in unaccompanied baggage or as goods delivered by a carrier, as well as to some goods imported with an exemption from customs duties.

Note. The list of goods imported with exemption from customs duties is provided paragraph 3 - , and Appendix 3 to the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 18, 2010.

In the inventory of goods it is necessary to indicate: surname, name, patronymic of the declarant, names of goods, details of documents confirming compliance with restrictions, quantity of goods of each name, total weight of goods and their cost.

Indication of information in the declaration is carried out, among other things, by crossing out the corresponding boxes. A crossed out frame means an affirmative answer, an uncrossed out frame means a negative answer (clause 8 of the Procedure).

As a general rule, the declaration is drawn up in one copy. The second copy is drawn up at the request of the declarant, and is also mandatory in cases of declaring goods imported in accompanied baggage, if the individual transporting them has unaccompanied baggage; goods transported in unaccompanied baggage; goods for which the declarant has expressed a desire to identify them; temporarily imported vehicles for personal use (clause 9 of the Procedure).

Reference. Definitions of accompanied and unaccompanied baggage

Accompanied baggage means goods for personal use, including hand luggage, directly movable an individual crossing the customs border.

Unaccompanied baggage means goods for personal use belonging to an individual, transferred or transferred to the carrier for actual movement across the customs border, that is, separately the following baggage ( Memo , approved Letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated July 19, 2011 N 04-30/34327).

When customs declaring goods imported in unaccompanied luggage or delivered to your address by the carrier, you can enter into an agreement with a customs representative who can fill out a passenger customs declaration and submit it to the customs authority on your behalf (clause 2 of article 179 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union) .

Step 3. Fill out the items of the passenger customs declaration in the following order:

Point 1 - provide information about yourself, details of an identity document (foreign passport, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation), information about children under sixteen years of age traveling with you (clause 12 of the Procedure).

Subclause 2.1 clause 2 - indicate whether you have goods transported in accompanied luggage. If available, in the “Number of pieces” line, indicate in numbers the total number of pieces of baggage (clause 13 of the Procedure).

Subclause 2.2 clause 2 - indicate whether you have goods transported in unaccompanied baggage. If available, in the “Number of pieces” line, indicate in numbers the total number of pieces of baggage (clause 14 of the Procedure).

Subclause 2.3 clause 2 - indicate whether you have goods delivered by the carrier. If available, in the line “Number of places”, indicate in numbers the total number of places of goods (clause 15 of the Procedure).

Subclause 3.1 clause 3 - indicate whether you are moving cash currency, including rubles, foreign currency, traveler's checks in a total amount not exceeding the equivalent of $10,000. In the "Name" column, indicate the type of currency or type of monetary instrument - "travelers' checks".

This subparagraph is completed at the request of the declarant. The amount is indicated in currency units (currency of denomination for traveler's checks) (clause 16 of the Procedure).

Subclause 3.2 clause 3 - indicate whether you are moving cash currency, including rubles, foreign currency, traveler's checks in an amount exceeding the equivalent of $10,000. If the answer is “yes”, you must also fill out a cash declaration (clause 17 of the Procedure).

Subclause 3.3, clause 3 - indicate whether you are moving vehicles for personal use. If yes, then the subparagraph indicates information about such vehicles separately for each vehicle. If more than one vehicle is declared, then the corresponding number of additional sheets is filled out (clause 18 of the Procedure).

Subclause 3.4 clause 3 - indicate whether you are moving goods that are subject to prohibitions or restrictions. If yes, then detailed information about such goods is indicated in clause 4 of the declaration (clause 19 of the Procedure).

Subclause 3.5, clause 3 - indicate whether you are moving indivisible goods weighing over 35 kg and (or) goods with a total weight of over 50 kg and (or) a total customs value of over 1,500 euros (for goods imported in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage by air, - customs value exceeding an amount equivalent to 10,000 euros). If yes, then detailed information about such goods is indicated in clause 4 of the declaration. In this case, information about indivisible goods, as well as about goods imported in excess of the established import standards, is subject to indication, in terms of such excess (Procedure):

1) name and distinctive features (material from which they are made, color, shape, brand, identification numbers (if any));

2) details of documents confirming compliance with restrictions and the names of the authorities that issued such documents;

3) weight (quantity);

4) the cost of goods in the currency of a member state of the Customs Union, euros or US dollars.

If an inventory is used, the following entry is made in this column: “Goods for personal use according to the attached inventory on sheets” (the number of sheets is indicated in words).

Step 4. Sign all copies of the declaration (main sheet, additional sheets, inventory sheets), mark them with the date the declaration was completed ( clause 23 of the Procedure).

Note. If an error is made when filling out the declaration, then you can make changes (additions) to the declaration before releasing the goods, provided that the changes and additions made do not affect the decision to release the goods and do not entail the need to change information that affects the determination of the amount of customs duties and compliance with prohibitions and restrictions. Any changes and additions to the declaration must be certified by the signature of the declarant and the imprint of the personal numbered seal of the authorized official of the customs authority who registered the declaration ( clause 7 of the Procedure).

From January 1, 2017, declaration of the customs procedure for customs transit in electronic form has become mandatory.

Currently, the declaration of the customs procedure for customs transit in electronic form is carried out as an experiment, in accordance with the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 62-r.

Declaration of the customs procedure for customs transit in electronic form presupposes that when the declarant submits a transit declaration and documents on the basis of which the transit declaration is filled out, interaction between customs authorities and foreign trade participants is carried out using cryptographic information protection tools and electronic signatures. In this case, before submission to the customs authority, electronic documents necessary for customs control are first placed in the electronic archive of the declarant’s documents.

When submitting an electronic transit declaration with an inventory to the UAIS of the customs authority, the compliance of the declaration with the established structure and data format, as well as the authenticity, is automatically checked electronic signature declarant. It is important to note that in the absence of grounds for refusal of registration, the declaration must be registered within an hour from the moment of its submission, and the declaration is considered submitted from the moment it is loaded by the customs authority of departure into a special software tool.

After the goods are released, the customs officer prints out one copy of the declaration and issues it, certified with a personal seal, to the carrier for presentation at the customs office of destination. The customs authority of destination accepts a printed copy of the declaration and, within an hour from the moment of receiving the printout, finds its electronic copy in the software using the declaration number, registers its submission and the arrival of the vehicle at the place of delivery. Moreover, if the carrier wishes, he may require the issuance of a written copy of confirmation of the arrival of the vehicle. If the customs authority does not identify any violations of the law, the customs transit procedure will be completed no later than 24 hours from the moment of registration of the declaration and arrival of the international transport vehicle at the place of delivery.

Advantages of declaring the customs transit procedure in electronic form:

Reducing the time required for completing customs operations when placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit;
- interaction between declarants placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit and customs authorities is carried out exclusively through the exchange of electronic messages;
- minimizing the paper storage of customs documents when performing customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit;
- no stamps from customs authorities are required on transport (transportation) documents;
- the ability to submit an electronic transit declaration through the portal of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Passenger customs declaration 2017

The procedure for filling out a passenger customs declaration (hereinafter - the Procedure) determines the rules for filling out a passenger customs declaration (hereinafter - the Declaration) by an individual.

The person declaring the goods fills out the Declaration in two copies, indicating in the columns of the Declaration the exact information about those transported across the customs border Russian Federation goods and other information necessary for customs purposes. Entries are made in pen clearly and legibly in Russian or English.

The information specified in the Declaration may be changed or supplemented in accordance with Article 133 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

Any changes and additions made to the Declaration must be signed by the person declaring the goods and certified by the customs official making the declaration. customs clearance, by affixing a personal numbered seal and signature.

The person declaring the goods indicates in the Declaration by crossing out the corresponding squares (a crossed out square means an affirmative answer, an uncrossed one means a negative answer) the required information.

The “entry”, “exit” and “transit” squares indicate the direction of movement of goods by an individual crossing the customs border of the Russian Federation. When moving goods in transit, the person declaring the goods also indicates the direction of movement, crossing out, in addition to the “transit” square, another square - “entry” or “exit”.

In paragraph 1 of the Declaration, the person declaring the goods indicates information about himself, details of a passport or other document proving his identity, and in the line “Quantity” - the number of persons under sixteen years of age (if any) and traveling with him.

Subclause 2.1 of clause 2 of the Declaration indicates the presence or absence of goods carried by an individual in accompanied luggage, including hand luggage. If they are available, in the line “Number of pieces” of subclause 2.1 of clause 2 of the Declaration, the total number of pieces of baggage is indicated in numbers.

Subclause 2.2 of clause 2 of the Declaration indicates the presence or absence of goods carried in unaccompanied baggage by an individual. If they are available, in the line “Number of pieces” of subclause 2.2 of clause 2 of the Declaration, the total number of pieces of baggage is indicated in numbers. This information is considered as a notification to the customs authority about the presence or absence of goods transported in unaccompanied luggage by an individual.

If there is a car (vehicle) transported as goods as unaccompanied luggage, information about it is indicated in subclause 4.2 of clause 4 of the Declaration.

Subclause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Declaration indicates information about the transferred cash foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation, traveler's checks, foreign and (or) domestic securities in documentary form, precious metals in any form and condition, precious stones.

Subclauses 3.2 - 3.12 of clause 3 of the Declaration indicate whether an individual has goods that are subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition to those specified in subclause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Declaration.

1) details about the goods declared in subparagraphs 3.2 - 3.11 of paragraph 3 of the Declaration (distinctive features (material from which they are made, color, shape, brand of goods, weight, etc.), details permitting documents, quantity, cost of goods (in the currency of the Russian Federation, US dollars or euros);
2) about goods subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition to those declared in subparagraphs 3.1 - 3.12 of paragraph 3 of the Declaration;
3) about goods that are not subject to declaration in writing (at the request of an individual).

Subclause 4.2 of clause 4 of the Declaration contains detailed information about the cars (vehicles) declared in subclause 3.12 of clause 3 of the Declaration to indicate the direction and purpose of movement of the cars (vehicles).

If goods subject to written declaration are moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation by a minor, information about these goods is indicated in the Declaration of the person accompanying him (one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardian or trustee).

When goods that are subject to written declaration are moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation by a group of minors unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, information about these goods is indicated by the head of the group in his Declaration.

In this case, it is allowed for the group leader to declare information about goods transported by a group of minors in any form in a separate list, broken down by goods for each minor. This list is an integral part of the Group Leader’s Declaration.

When accepting the Declaration, the customs official affixes a personal numbered stamp on the date of completion of the Declaration indicated by the person declaring the goods.

The official of the customs authority who accepted the Declaration draws a solid line around the entries made by the individual in subparagraphs 3.1 of paragraph 3 and 4.1 of paragraph 4 of the Declaration in order to avoid the possibility of subsequent additions and corrections, with the exception of changes made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Procedure, and certifies these records with an imprint personal numbered stamp.

In the column “For official notes”, after checking the Declaration, the customs official makes a record of the decision to release the goods on two copies of the Declaration, certifies the record with a personal numbered seal and hands one copy to the individual moving the goods. The second copy is stored at the customs authority that carried out the customs clearance, in accordance with the procedure and period established for storing customs declarations.

In the column “For official notes” of the Declaration, the customs official indicates information about the notification of the customs authority by an individual about the presence of goods transported in unaccompanied baggage, putting the mark “NB” and the details (date and registration number) of transport (carriage) documents (contract of carriage , baggage receipt, invoice, bill of lading, etc.), as well as other information necessary for customs purposes. If an individual fails to provide transport (transportation) documents, the specified marks are not affixed.

Sample customs declaration for 2017

Column 1 “Declaration”

In its first subsection, importers must enter the symbol “IM”.

The second subsection of this column must contain the code of the declared customs procedure corresponding to the classifier (Appendix 1 to the decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 378). If the declaration is submitted to in electronic format, then its third subsection must contain the symbol “ED”.

Column 2 “Sender/Exporter”

It provides information about the sender of the goods, which is indicated in the transport documents: the name of the company, its address, as well as the state code from the classifier of countries of the world (Appendix 22 to the decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 378).

Column 3 “Forms”

The first subsection of this column must contain the serial number of the declaration sheet.

The second subsection contains data on the total number of DT sheets, taking into account the main and all additional sheets.

If one declaration has two additional sheets, then on the main sheet they write “1/3”; on the first additional one – “2/3”; on the second extension – “3/3”.

In situations where the DT does not have additional sheets, “1/1” is written on the main sheet.

Column 5 “Total goods”

Here you can find information about total number declared goods in DT.

Column 6 “Total places”

It should contain information about the total number of packages. This quantity must correspond to the quantity of goods indicated in the transport documentation.

In cases where goods are transported in bulk, liquid or in bulk, and the transport documentation does not reflect the number of packages, “zero” is indicated in this column.

Column 7 “Reference number”

The code for the features of declaring goods is entered into it, corresponding to the classifier of features for declaring goods (Appendix 6 to the decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 378).

Column 8 “Recipient”

It provides information about the recipient of the goods contained in the transport documentation: company name, form of ownership, as well as the location of the recipient.

Box 9 “Person responsible for financial settlement”

This column indicates the details of the company that is responsible for settlements under the contract: name of the company, legal form, and location.

In cases where the responsible person is an individual entrepreneur, his first name, patronymic and last name, as well as the place of residence of this person, are entered in the column.

The upper right corner of the column behind the “No” sign must contain the Taxpayer Identification Number and Checkpoint.

Completing this column is optional.

Box 11 “Trading country”

Its first subsection must contain the state code corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world (Appendix 22 to the decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 378) in which the foreign partner is registered.

This subsection does not require completion when cash currency transported as a result of the sale of goods on planes, trains, and other transport is declared.

The second subsection of this column remains blank.

Column 12 “Total customs value”

It indicates in numbers the total customs value of goods subject to declaration in rubles. To correctly calculate this value, it is necessary to add up the customs value of all goods that are indicated in columns 45 of the main and additional sheets of the goods declaration.

The resulting amount is rounded to the second decimal place.

In cases where the declarant is directly the importing company, it is obliged to enter its name, form of ownership, as well as its location.

An individual entrepreneur is required to enter his first, middle and last names, as well as his place of residence. The upper right corner of the column behind the “No” sign must contain the Taxpayer Identification Number and Checkpoint.

The lower part of the column must contain OGRN or OGRNIP.

Box 15 “Country of departure” and 15 (a; b) “Country of departure code”

The column must be filled in with the short name of the country of departure of the goods, corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world (Appendix 22 to the decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 378).

Data about the country of departure of goods is obtained from the information specified in the transport documentation used for international transportation of goods.

In column 15a enter the code of the country of departure corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world. Column 15b remains blank.

Box 16 “Country of origin”

This column must contain the short name of the state of origin of the goods, corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world.

In cases where it is impossible to determine the country of origin from the labeling of a product or from the documentation submitted for it, but there is information about the origin of the product in the territory of a specific economic union or community, then indicate the product code that corresponds to the classifier of economic unions and communities (approved by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. 1003). On this moment only the European Union (EU, letter code - EU) is present in it.

In cases where several goods originating from different states (unions or communities) are declared in one DT, as well as in cases where the country of origin of at least one of the goods remains unknown, the column is filled in with the entry “Miscellaneous”. In situations where it is not possible to find out the countries of origin of absolutely all goods undergoing declaration, the column is filled in with the entry “Unknown”.

The column does not need to be filled out when declaring cash currency that is moved due to the sale of goods on planes, trains, and other transport.

Box 17 “Country of destination” and 17 (a; b) “Country of destination code”

This column must contain the short name of the state of destination of the goods, corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world.

The destination state of the goods is determined according to the data provided in the transport documentation, according to which the international transportation of the goods was completed.

In column 17a enter the code of the destination state corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world.

Column 17b remains blank.

Column 18 “Identification and country of registration of the vehicle upon departure/arrival”

This column provides information about the vehicle(s) that carried out the transportation of goods provided to customs for customs procedures. The exception is customs transit.

The first subsection of this column contains information about the amount of transport used. When transporting by road, vehicle registration numbers must be indicated. If transportation was carried out by rail, then enter the numbers of the cars (platforms, tanks). When moving goods by water, enter the numbers of the corresponding vessels. At air travel goods indicate flight numbers. The second subsection of the column must contain the code of the country of registration of the vehicle. In situations where the country of registration of the vehicle is unknown, this subsection is filled in with zeros.

When vehicles registered in different states were used to transport goods, this subsection is filled in with nines. If you used it to transport goods Railway, then the second subsection is left blank.

Column 20 “Delivery conditions”

This column must contain information about the terms of delivery if the declared goods were imported into the customs territory to fulfill obligations under an agreement concluded during a foreign economic transaction.

In the first subsection of the column, enter the code for the delivery conditions of the goods, corresponding to the existing classifier of delivery conditions (approved by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. 1003).

The second subsection must contain the terms of delivery corresponding to the classifier, as well as the name of the geographical location. This subsection requires filling in Latin characters.

If the declared goods have different delivery conditions, as well as when goods are delivered to different geographical locations, then the first subsection is filled in with the delivery condition code, and the second subsection is filled in with the entry “Miscellaneous”.

The third subsection of this column remains blank.

Column 21 “Identification and country of registration of the active vehicle at the border”

This column must contain information about the vehicle that delivered the declared goods to the customs territory. When transporting by road, vehicle registration numbers must be indicated. When moving goods by water, enter the numbers of the corresponding vessels. When transporting goods by air, indicate flight numbers.

In the second subsection of this column, enter the code of the state in which the vehicle was registered. In situations where the country of registration of the vehicle is unknown, this subsection is filled in with zeros. When vehicles registered in different states were used to transport goods, this subsection is filled in with nines. If the railway was used to transport goods, then the second subsection is left blank.

This column does not require completion in the case where the goods were not transported internationally before they were directly placed under the customs procedure.

Column 22 “Currency and total amount of the account”

The first subsection of the column must contain the currency code of the contract price or the payment currency code corresponding to the currency classifier (Appendix 23 to the decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 378).

The contract may provide for the use of more than one price currency. In this case, enter the currency that prevails. The agreement may also provide for the issuance of a transaction passport. If such a passport is available, information about the price currency is taken from it.

There may be no contract. In such a situation, enter the currency code reflected in the commercial documentation.

The second subsection of the column should include the total cost of goods, which is obtained by adding the amounts from column 42 of the declaration sheets (main and additional).

Column 23 “Currency rate”

This column requires filling out only when information on the exchange rate is needed to calculate the customs value or calculate customs duties.

This column includes the foreign exchange rate set by the Bank of Russia on the day the declaration is registered at customs.

Column 25 “Mode of transport at the border”

The first subsection of the column must contain the code for the type of vehicle specified in column 21. This code must correspond to a special classifier. The second subsection remains blank.

Column 28 “Financial and banking information”

The column does not require mandatory completion.

It may contain the bank details of the person responsible for the financial settlement, as well as financial information relating to the goods.

Column 29 “Entry/exit authority”

The column must contain the code of the specific customs office of arrival of the goods into the customs territory. This code must correspond to the classifier of the customs authorities.

In cases where goods subject to declaration were brought to different checkpoints, the codes of all customs offices located at the points of arrival of the goods are entered in this column.

Column 31 “Cargo packages and description of goods”

The column must contain information about the declared goods, as well as cargo packages. All data is entered on a new line, indicating them serial numbers.

The first number should contain the name of the product, as well as related information. This includes information about trademarks, quantity of goods, production date, etc.

Under the second number enter:

The number of cargo spaces occupied if the product has packaging. In addition, codes for types of packaging must be entered that correspond to the classifier of types of cargo, packaging and packaging materials, indicating the number of packages for each type through a dash “–”; "No packaging." This designation is entered if the goods do not have any packaging.

Goods transported in bulk, liquid or in bulk in specially equipped containers must be accompanied by the designation “Without packaging”, as well as a code that corresponds to the classifier of types of cargo, packaging and packaging materials.

Goods placed on pallets, in addition to the designation “Without packaging”, require the indication of the pallet code, which corresponds to the classifier of types of cargo, packaging and packaging materials.

Under the third number for goods transported in containers, enter the type of containers corresponding to the special classifier, as well as their quantity and numbers. In cases where the product does not completely fill the container, the designation “part” is added. Under the fourth number, marked and excisable goods require indication of the series, number, as well as the number of excisable or special stamps.

Under the fifth number are goods that were imported by different conditions deliveries require specific conditions corresponding to a special classifier.

The sixth line is filled in in situations where the goods require processing in the customs territory.

Column 33 “Product code”

The first subsection of this column must contain a special classification code of the product of ten characters, which corresponds to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union.

In the second subsection they write:

The symbol “C” is for goods that are subject to a ban or restrictions on import according to the classification code, but in fact do not correspond to the goods that are subject to a ban or restrictions;
The symbol “I” for goods that are objects of intellectual property;
The symbol "SI" is for products that meet both of the above conditions.

The third subsection of the column is created to indicate other coded data, if any.

Box 34 “Country of origin code”

This column consists of two subsections.

Subsection “a” requires the indication of the code of the country of origin, corresponding to the classifier of countries of the world, or the code of an economic union or community, also corresponding to a special classifier.

The entered code must match the data contained in the sixteenth chapter of the declaration. In cases where the sixteenth chapter contains the entry “Miscellaneous”, enter the code, the details of which are indicated in the thirty-first chapter.

In situations where the country of origin cannot be determined, the code is not entered, but three zeros are put in its place.

Subsection “b” remains completely blank.

Column 35 “Gross weight (kg)”

By “gross weight” we mean the total weight of the goods, which includes the entire package. The weight of the container and other transport equipment is excluded from it. This column includes the “gross” mass of the goods, the data about which is included in the thirty-first chapter of the declaration.

If the “gross” mass is more than one kilogram, it is rounded to the nearest whole value, and if the mass is less than one kilogram, its value is entered accurate to three decimal places. If the “gross” mass is less than one gram, enter its value accurate to six decimal places.

Column 37 “Procedure”

The first subsection of the column must contain a four-digit compound code:

The first two values ​​are the code of the declared customs procedure in accordance with the classifier;
the last two values ​​are the code of the previous procedure in accordance with the special classifier, if any. If the previous procedure is missing, enter the symbol “00”.

The second subsection must contain a code consisting of two characters, which characterizes the features of the movement of goods corresponding to the special classifier. If there are no special features, enter the symbol “00”.

Column 38 “Net weight (kg)”

The “net” mass, calculated in kilograms, is entered in the column. For goods that are transported in packaging, enter its weight, taking into account only the primary packaging, which cannot be separated from the product before its immediate consumption, and also in which the product arrives retail sales.

In situations where the goods were transported unpackaged, enter its total weight, rounding its value to the nearest whole value if the total weight is more than one kilogram.

If the total mass of the goods is less than one kilogram, enter its numerical value accurate to three decimal places.

If the total mass of the goods is less than one gram, enter its value accurate to six decimal places.

Column 41 “Additional units”

This column contains information about the quantity of goods, data about which is contained in the thirty-first column of the declaration, in an additional unit of measurement. However, this is done exclusively in relation to those goods to which the Unified Customs Tariff of the Customs Union applies additional units of measurement.

This column does not require filling in situations where the entire quantity of the product is expressed in the main unit of measurement.

Column 44 “Additional information/Documents provided”

Here enter data on documents that confirm the information provided about all goods reflected in the thirty-first column.

Information related to the next document is entered on a new line. In this case, the document code must be entered, which corresponds to a special classifier. This column may also contain other additional information.

Column 45 “Customs value”

The customs value of the goods, measured in Russian rubles, is entered into it in numerical values. The amount must be rounded to the second decimal place.

Column 46 “Statistical value”

This column must contain numerical values ​​of statistical value in US dollars:

The cost of the goods, which is reflected in the forty-second column of the declaration, reduced to the price base CIF - Russian port, or CIP - destination at the Russian border;
The cost that was paid for the goods indicated in the commercial documentation, and in the absence of such, the cost of identical or similar goods. If the forty-second column is not filled in, then indicate the cost reduced to the price base CIF - Russian port or CIP - destination on the border of the Russian Federation;
The total value of the currency that is subject to declaration.

When converting the price of goods, as well as currency or the nominal value of securities into American dollars, the Central Bank exchange rate is used, which is established on the day of registration of the declaration by customs. The procedure for converting currency into American dollars.

If the delivery of goods is carried out under conditions in accordance with which the destination is located outside the border of the Russian Federation, then the associated costs of their delivery to the place of import into Russian territory are added to the price of the goods.

In this case, the place of import means:

In cases of air transportation - the destination airport or the first airport in the Russian Federation, at which the plane transporting goods lands and the goods are unloaded;
In cases of transportation by sea - the first port of unloading or the port where the transshipment took place on the territory of the Russian Federation;
In cases of sending by mail - an international postal exchange point;
In cases of transportation by other modes of transport - the destination at the border of the Russian Federation.

For cases where the terms of delivery provide for a destination located in Russia, the costs associated with delivery after the immediate arrival of the cargo on Russian territory are removed from the cost of the goods.

In situations where the terms of delivery imply a destination that is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, transportation costs after import into the territory of the Russian Federation are deducted from the cost of the goods.

The calculation of the statistical cost to the price base CIF - Russian port or CIP - destination on the border of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with a certain algorithm.

The resulting statistical value is entered without separators or spaces and rounded to the second decimal place.

Column 47 “Calculation of payments”

This column must contain data on the calculation of customs duties or payments that are payable upon re-importation of goods, as well as on the method of payment.

The calculation of the amounts of customs duties, as well as payments for re-importation, is carried out separately for each type of payment, taking into account certain circumstances:

This column does not include data on the type of customs payment or payment for re-importation if the rate for the declared goods is not determined or a zero rate is set;
Enter numeric and symbolic characters into columns without separators (spaces);
In situations where a combined customs duty rate is indicated for the declared goods, implying the summation of the ad valorem and specific components, the calculation of the amounts of customs duties is carried out in two lines separately for each component. In this case, in column “B” of the declaration, the amount of customs duties paid for this type of payment is entered in one line.

In the “Type” column, enter the code for the type of customs payment or payment for re-importation corresponding to the special classifier.

In the column “Accrual basis” enter the base for calculating the customs payment or payment for re-importation.

In the “Rate” column, enter the rate of the customs payment or payment for re-importation.

In the “Amount” column enter the calculated value of the amount of the customs payment or payment for re-importation. This value is subject to rounding to the second decimal place.

In the “SP” (method of payment) column, enter a code corresponding to the classifier of methods and nuances of payment for customs, as well as other obligatory payments levied by customs. When goods undergo the procedure of temporary import with incomplete conditional exemption from duties and taxes, information is entered in the column in two lines in a certain order.

The first line is filled in with customs duties and taxes that would have to be paid when placing goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption. The first column of the second line “Accrual basis” is filled in with the total number of full and incomplete calendar months of the temporary importation period for which customs duties and taxes were paid.

The second column of the second line “Amount” is filled in with the amount of customs duties and taxes that were paid when placing the declared goods under the customs procedure of temporary import.

The first line is filled in with customs duties and taxes that would have to be paid if the declared goods were placed under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption, without deducting customs duties paid at the time of partial conditional release.

The second line in the “Amount” column is filled in with the customs duties and taxes that would have to be paid if the declared goods were placed under the customs procedure for release for domestic consumption, minus the amounts of customs duties that have already been paid at the time of partial conditional release.

When calculating import customs duties at specific or aggregate rates related to processed products that are placed under the procedure for release for domestic consumption and goods resulting from processing that are placed under the procedure for processing goods outside the customs territory, information is entered in the column in two lines in the prescribed manner .

The first line is filled in with the customs duty that would have to be paid if processed products were placed under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption, without multiplying by the ratio of the cost of processing operations to the customs value of processed products.

The first column of the second line “Rate” is filled in with the ratio of the cost of processing operations to the customs value of processed products. This value must be rounded to four decimal places.

The second column of the second line “Amount” is filled in with the product of the amount of customs duty indicated in the first line and the ratio indicated in the “Rate” column of the second line.

The “Total” line remains blank.

Column “B” “Counting details”

This column must be filled in with information about the amounts of customs duties or re-import payments that were paid for all goods subject to declaration, taking into account certain features:

Data for each type of customs payment or payment for re-importation is entered on a new line;
All elements are separated from each other by a dash “–”. Spaces are not allowed;
The amount of the customs payment or payment for re-importation is translated into the currency of payment, accurate to the second decimal place.

Information on payment of customs duties or payments upon re-importation is compiled according to certain rules.

If in the forty-seventh column the calculation of the customs payment or payment for re-importation is actually made conditionally, then information on this type of customs payment or payment for re-importation is compiled according to different rules:

This column may contain additional information. Column 48 “Deferment of payments”

The code for the type of customs payment or payment for re-importation, corresponding to a special classifier, is entered into it. This column also includes the number and date of the document on the basis of which a deferment or installment plan for the payment of customs duties (payment upon re-importation) was obtained, as well as the date (day, month, year) that corresponds last day payment.

All elements are separated from each other by the dash symbol “–”. Spaces are not allowed. In cases where the declared goods are declared for release against the security of payment of customs duties, enter the symbol “Secured”.

The column does not require completion in cases where a deferment or installment plan for payment was not provided.

Column 54 “Place and date”

This column must contain the data of the person who filled out the declaration.

Under the first number, enter the number of the document that confirms the inclusion of the person in the register of customs representatives (if the declaration of goods is carried out by a customs representative), as well as numerical designations - the date and number of the agreement between the customs representative and the declarant.

The data under the first is not indicated if the declaration of goods is carried out directly by the declarant.

Under the second number indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the person who filled out the declaration, as well as the type, number and date of issue of the document that identifies his identity, contact telephone number and his position.

Under the third number, enter information about the document that certifies the authority of the person who filled out the declaration form:

The number and date of the document that certifies the authority of the director of the organization - the declarant or the customs representative;
number and date of issue of the power of attorney to perform actions on behalf of the declarant or customs representative, as well as the validity period of the power of attorney, if filling out the declaration is carried out by an employee of the declarant company or customs representative.

In the fifty-fourth column, the person who filled out the declaration must put a personal signature and seal.

Cargo customs declaration 2017

Let's start with the fact that now the concept of “cargo customs declaration” does not exist. The forms that declarants previously had to fill out are also not used. Since Russia joined the Customs Union, the cargo customs declaration has been replaced by a TD (goods declaration). They are similar, however, they are filled out in accordance with different requirements. TD confirms the legality of the transaction and is provided at border customs points, as well as points at airports and seaports - in a word, wherever cargo is checked. The document contains basic information about the product.

This document must be completed in any case if you are dealing with cargo. Participants in foreign trade activities must fill out a TD.

First of all, so that the cargo can pass across the border. TD is checked at customs points in Russia and other countries. This is the main document for the cargo, which certifies the legality of the transaction. Without it, the goods are considered contraband.

In the document, the inspector puts down the appropriate marks certifying the transaction’s compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The number assigned to the declaration is subsequently used when preparing other documents.

The declaration must be submitted as soon as the cargo arrives at the customs point. The maximum period given for processing the document is 14 days. The period depends on the type of product. For example, for perishable goods it is better to provide TD on the same day.

The document should include the following:

Information about the sending and receiving parties, intermediaries;
List of documents that confirm the information specified in the declaration;
Country of destination or departure (origin);
Customs value, size and type of duties and fees, transaction currency;
Conditions of cooperation between participants in foreign trade activities;
Type and details of the vehicle transporting the cargo;
Quotas for goods (if any);
Payment term for the transported cargo, method of mutual settlements;
Location, name and other information about the customs point where the cargo will be cleared;
The order and place of storage of goods.

Fill out the customs declaration in Russian. It is best to download the forms and fill them out on your computer. Filling it out by hand is not prohibited, but if you have illegible handwriting or there are marks on the document, it may not be accepted at the customs point. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to current forms and enter only the information that is approved by law.

Errors, blots, erasures are excluded. If you made a mistake when filling out the declaration, you can cross out the incorrect data and indicate the correct data above it. Each amendment is certified by the signature and seal of the declarant.

Goods Declaration Form

A goods declaration is several sheets of A4 format, or a small brochure. The form was approved by the CU Commission. There are two forms - DT1n and DT2n. They must be filled out and presented to the customs inspector.

DT1n - main sheet shape. It is required to be submitted to customs.

The document contains:

Information about the seller, buyer;
Declarant's details;
Data of the intermediary - physical or legal entity, who deals with financial settlement;
Names, codes of the countries where the goods are sent, from where they are brought, where they were manufactured;
Consignment size, cargo cost;
Data of the vehicle used to transport cargo;
Delivery conditions;
Nature of the transaction, currency of mutual settlements;
Place of loading and unloading;
Data of the customs point where the goods will be processed;
Banking and financial data.

In addition, the document may contain other information. All of them must be indicated correctly and correspond to reality - this is checked at customs.

DT2n is an additional sheet that is used only as an additional document.

It contains information:

About cargo packages, the cargo itself;
about the documents that are attached to the cargo;
about the payments made.

In some countries, TD is issued temporarily, until the information is clarified. Such a preliminary document is filled out if there is no accurate information about the product before delivery to the border (airport, seaport). The temporary TD form is much simpler and shorter, and it does not need to indicate as much data as in the permanent one.

The declaration is not always submitted in printed form. Nowadays, most documents of this type are sent to customs via the Internet. Accordingly, you do not need to print it out and bring it in person. This greatly simplifies the work of the inspectors themselves and the participants in the foreign economic transaction.

After verification, the document is registered and assigned a number. Without a registration number, a TD cannot be used and has no legal force. An unregistered declaration does not give the right to transport goods.

Basic requirements for filing a goods declaration:

Complete absence of marks of one type or another, readability. A form filled out by hand may not be accepted if the handwriting is illegible. All amendments are certified by the declarant. Without certification, the amendment will be considered a blot and the document will not be accepted.
Credibility. If the information differs from reality, the cargo will not be allowed through.

If errors or data discrepancies are detected, the cargo is not accepted, and sometimes it is detained at the border until the circumstances are clarified.

We talked about the types of customs declarations in accordance with the EAEU Customs Code in ours and highlighted the passenger customs declaration among others. We will tell you about the form of the passenger customs declaration and the cases when it is used in this material.

When is a passenger customs declaration completed?

The passenger customs declaration is used when customs declaring goods for personal use, and in cases provided for by the EAEU Labor Code, when placing goods for personal use under the customs procedure of customs transit (clause 3 of Article 105 of the EAEU Labor Code).

Temporary criteria for classifying goods transported across the customs border of the EAEU as goods for personal use are established in clause 1 of Art. 3 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 18, 2010. Such criteria include, in particular, the nature and quantity of goods, the frequency of an individual crossing or moving goods across the customs border.

If an individual crosses the line for completing customs operations without submitting a passenger customs declaration, it is considered that he thereby declares the absence of goods subject to customs declaration (Clause 8 of Article 258 of the EAEU Labor Code).

What goods should I declare?

Features of customs declaration of goods for personal use are established by Art. 260 TC EAEU. So, in the general case, the passenger customs declaration is drawn up, in particular, on:

  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, transported across the customs border of the EAEU in unaccompanied luggage, or goods for personal use delivered by the carrier;
  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, transported across the customs border of the EAEU in any way, in respect of which prohibitions and restrictions are subject to compliance in accordance with Art. 7 of the EAEU Labor Code and the submission of documents or information confirming compliance with such prohibitions and restrictions is required;
  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, transported across the customs border of the EAEU in accompanied luggage, in respect of which customs duties and taxes are subject to payment;
  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, imported with exemption from customs duties and taxes in accompanied luggage;
  • cash or traveler's checks, if the total amount of such cash Money or traveler's checks when imported into the customs territory of the EAEU or exported from the customs territory at a time exceeds an amount equivalent to 10,000 US dollars at the exchange rate valid on the day of submission of the passenger customs declaration to the customs authority;
  • cultural values ​​in respect of which prohibitions and restrictions are subject to compliance in accordance with Art. 7 TC EAEU;
  • goods for personal use sent by international mail.

Documents submitted with the declaration

When submitting a passenger customs declaration, documents that confirm the information stated in the declaration are also submitted to the customs authority (Clause 9, Article 109 of the EAEU Labor Code).

Such documents, in particular, include (clause 1 of article 261 of the EAEU Labor Code, Letter of the Federal Customs Service dated November 16, 2010 No. 16-26/55640):

  • identification documents;
  • documents confirming the value of the declared goods for personal use;
  • transport (shipping) documents;
  • documents confirming the right to benefits for customs duties, incl. confirming the temporary import (export) of goods for personal use by an individual, as well as confirming the recognition of an individual as a refugee, forced migrant or moving to a permanent place of residence;
  • documents confirming compliance with restrictions, except for non-tariff and technical regulation measures;
  • documents containing information allowing to identify a vehicle for personal use;
  • documents confirming the right to own, use or dispose of a vehicle for personal use.

Passenger customs declaration form

The passenger customs declaration form was approved by Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 287.

You can download the declaration form in Excel format from the link below.

Passenger customs declaration:

The declaration must be filled out clearly and legibly by hand or using a computer.

Passenger customs declaration: sample filling

The instructions for filling out the passenger customs declaration were approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 287. This instruction contains general provisions, the procedure for filling out the main declaration form, incl. when placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit, as well as the procedure for filling out a cash declaration.

Here is how to fill out the passenger customs declaration.


1. The procedure for filling out a passenger customs declaration (hereinafter - the Procedure) determines the rules for filling out a passenger customs declaration (hereinafter - the Declaration) by an individual.

2. The person declaring the goods fills out the Declaration in two copies, indicating in the columns of the Declaration the exact information about the goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation and other information necessary for customs purposes.
Entries are made in pen clearly and legibly in Russian or English.

The information specified in the Declaration may be changed or supplemented in accordance with Article 133 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

Any changes and additions made to the Declaration must be signed by the person declaring the goods and certified by the official of the customs authority performing customs clearance by affixing a personal numbered seal and signature.

3. The person declaring the goods indicates in the Declaration by crossing out the corresponding squares (a crossed out square means an affirmative answer, an uncrossed one means a negative answer) the required information.

4. The “entry”, “exit” and “transit” squares indicate the direction of movement of goods by an individual traveling across the customs border of the Russian Federation. When moving goods in transit, the person declaring the goods also indicates the direction of movement, crossing out, in addition to the “transit” square, another square - “entry” or “exit”.

5. In paragraph 1 of the Declaration, the person declaring the goods indicates information about himself, details of a passport or other document proving his identity, and in the line “Quantity” - the number of persons under sixteen years of age (if any) and traveling with him.

6. Subclause 2.1 of clause 2 of the Declaration indicates the presence or absence of goods carried by an individual in accompanied luggage, including hand luggage. If they are available, in the line “Number of pieces” of subclause 2.1 of clause 2 of the Declaration, the total number of pieces of baggage is indicated in numbers.

7. Subclause 2.2 of clause 2 of the Declaration indicates the presence or absence of goods carried in unaccompanied baggage by an individual. If they are available, in the line “Number of pieces” of subclause 2.2 of clause 2 of the Declaration, the total number of pieces of baggage is indicated in numbers. This information is considered as a notification to the customs authority about the presence or absence of goods transported in unaccompanied luggage by an individual.

If there is a car (vehicle) transported as goods as unaccompanied luggage, information about it is indicated in subclause 4.2 of clause 4 of the Declaration.

8. Subclause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Declaration indicates information about the transported cash foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation, traveler's checks, foreign and (or) domestic securities in documentary form, precious metals in any form and condition, precious stones.

9. Subclauses 3.2 - 3.12 of clause 3 of the Declaration indicate whether an individual has goods that are subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition to those specified in subclause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Declaration.

1) details about the goods declared in subparagraphs 3.2 - 3.11 of paragraph 3 of the Declaration (distinctive features (material from which they are made, color, shape, brand of goods, weight, etc.), details of permits, quantity, cost of goods ( in the currency of the Russian Federation, US dollars or euros);

2) about goods subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition to those declared in subparagraphs 3.1 - 3.12 of paragraph 3 of the Declaration;

3) about goods that are not subject to declaration in writing (at the request of an individual).

11. Subclause 4.2 of clause 4 of the Declaration contains detailed information about the cars (vehicles) declared in subclause 3.12 of clause 3 of the Declaration to indicate the direction and purpose of movement of the cars (vehicles).

12. In the case of movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation of goods subject to declaration in writing by a minor, information about these goods is indicated in the Declaration of the person accompanying him (one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardian or trustee).

13. When moving across the customs border of the Russian Federation goods that are subject to declaration in writing, by a group of minors unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, information about these goods is indicated by the head of the group in his Declaration.

In this case, it is allowed for the group leader to declare information about goods transported by a group of minors in any form in a separate list, broken down by goods for each minor. This list is an integral part of the Group Leader’s Declaration.

14. When accepting the Declaration, the customs official affixes a personal numbered stamp on the date of completion of the Declaration indicated by the person declaring the goods.

The official of the customs authority who accepted the Declaration draws a solid line around the entries made by the individual in subparagraphs 3.1 of paragraph 3 and 4.1 of paragraph 4 of the Declaration in order to avoid the possibility of subsequent additions and corrections, with the exception of changes made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Procedure, and certifies these records with an imprint personal numbered stamp.

15. In the column “For official notes”, after checking the Declaration, the customs official makes a record of the decision to release the goods on two copies of the Declaration, certifies the record with a personal numbered seal and hands one copy to the individual moving the goods. The second copy is stored at the customs authority that carried out the customs clearance, in accordance with the procedure and period established for storing customs declarations.

16. In the column “For official notes” of the Declaration, the customs official indicates information about the notification of the customs authority by an individual about the presence of goods transported in unaccompanied baggage, putting the mark “NB” and the details (date and registration number) of transport (transportation) documents ( contract of carriage, baggage receipt, invoice, bill of lading, etc.), as well as other information necessary for customs purposes. If an individual fails to provide transport (transportation) documents, the specified marks are not affixed.