Riddles about fish for children and adults. Riddles about fish for children and adults Riddles about a fairy tale about a goldfish

Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all I am...

I don't walk and I don't fly
And try to catch up!
I am golden.
Well, look at the fairy tale!

Young mountain ash look at him,
Colored people try on scarves,
Young birch trees look at him -
They straighten their hair in front of him.
And the month, and the stars - everything is reflected in it.
What is this mirror called?

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.
Who is this?

He is a fighter and a bully,
Never knows fear
On the back - needles,
And needles are pegs.

For parents and children
All clothing made from coins.

Like after washing
And on it -
Solid holes.

Going out hunting
She like to work.
Roach and carp,
Don't ask for mercy!
She is the mistress of the pond.
Who is this? Guess!

Across the sea-ocean
The miracle giant floats,
Hiding a mustache in your mouth
Stretched out for a mile.

He sits in the water
And I'm on the beach.
I look at him
I can not.

At the little cattle
One hundred silver coins on the back.

Lives without air
Cold as ice
He does not want to drink, but he drinks.
Armor shines, but does not ring
And everything is silent, silent.

I don't walk on earth
I don't look up
I don't build a nest
And I take the kids out.

Wherever we want, we sail there,
The river is our home, we live in it.

I'm all stained
But the fish is not river.
I am a predator of the sea
Tell me who am I?

Shines in the clean river
The back is silver.

A shoemaker is not a shoemaker
A tailor is not a tailor,
Holds stubble in mouth
In the hands - scissors.

In water
She lives.
No beak
And he pecks.

Rain in Scandinavia
And yet there were:
Fish fell from the sky
And what was the name of the fish?

We can't speak
You better not ask
We love to live in the water:
Crucian, stellate sturgeon, ivasi.

There is a head, but no hair,
There are eyes, but no eyebrows,
Has wings, but does not fly.

Not a river. But they live here
Various fishes.
Glass house. Light. Cosiness.
And there is food - crumbs.

Swimming under the bridge
And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on earth
I have a mouth, but I don’t say
I have eyes - I do not blink,
I have wings - I can't fly.

It has wings, but doesn't fly.
There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.

Big, with a mustache, under the bridge
Before a thunderstorm it beats with its tail.

Look, the house is standing
Filled to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides.
Residents in this house
All skilled swimmers.

Glass House,
And in that house
To all ends
Residents scurry.

Wags its tail
Back and forth -
And she's not there
And there is no trace.

Glass house on the window
With clear water
With stones and sand at the bottom
And with a goldfish.

There is minnow, crucian carp, bleak,
Eel, roach and roach.
But you can tell us
In one word, all words.

We live in water
We'll be lost without water.

The king called me
The sovereign called
For dinner, for lunch:
- I'm not that kind of person.
I walk on earth
I don't look at the sky
I don't count the stars
I don't know people.

He lives in the very pool,
Depth master.
He has a huge mouth
And the eyes are barely visible.

tail wags,
Toothy, not barking.

I lay down at the bottom
I would swim in silence, -
So he might think
Looks like a log....

See how it goes:
Right back to front!
This, brothers, is not a trifle!
It only knows how...

Big fight in the river
Two quarreled...

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.

Not a man, not a beast, but with a mustache.

Sitting on the rocks
Mustache moves,
And go for a walk -
I'll ask ahead.

This is a predator, but river,
And has great growth.
He loves to live in the pool,
And guard the prey.

Not a blacksmith
And with ticks.

Lives in the pool of the river
He has a huge mouth
Have you heard of this?
Well, of course it is...

She had a drink in her mouth.
She lived underwater
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
Now it's in the cauldron.

People live under water
Walks backwards.

Floats in the sea, in the river,
With fins in scales.
She doesn't talk to anyone
Blows bubbles and is silent.

This fish is very toothy.
She is a predator, hunt more often at night
Vision is good, not nearsighted at all,
And what kind of fish is this, the answer is so simple, because it is (pike)

Floats in the water
All in silver scales.
And he will be glad to the worm,
River fish this (carp)

An important fish swims in the river,
Very mustachioed, you will recognize everywhere.
She is so gluttonous, she eats night and day.
An amazing fish called (catfish)

She lives in the rivers
And it happens in the seas.
Chervyachkov loves so much
He is afraid of people.
All because they will lure her with a worm,
And they will catch you on your bait.

Sometimes gold, sometimes silver
It flaps its fins and swims in the river.
His mouth opens, but always silent,
And he never speaks to his brothers

He hides in a mule, roasts in flour.

In the cold it is caught in the summer,
A fisherman or himself in the net.
And when he gets scared
He immediately hides in the mule.

I will take the dark viper, right in the hand, but it will not sting me.

Crazy, with a mustache, under the bridge,
Applauds with his tail before the rain.

Don't put your hand in her mouth
And don't go overboard
This fish in one swing,
Can eat you. Like this!

There is a big bug in the lake
This toothy and predatory

Kohl is alive - black, but how cooked - red.

Brother cancer, lives in the sea, walks sideways.

In the ocean I live at the bottom
It's much calmer there.
Like jelly my sides
Smooth and transparent
But if you catch me
I can burn my hand!

The fish lives in the river.
Sharp teeth, predatory luck -
Everyone in the river is crying!

Stas threw a fishing rod into the river,
Caught a small fish.
And let her out of my hand
So biting fins!

Children! What's a divina?
Eight legs and one head!

It's big and flat
He walks the ocean
Has a poisonous tail
Look out for him my friend
It stings everyone around.
This electric

This guy is very kind
You can get to know him
Swimming in the sea, diving
Saves people from the water.
Rises from the depths
Very sweet friend

Not in the deserts, not in the mountains.
And she lives in the seas.
In a river, in a lake, in a pond.
She swims at night
And early in the morning.
In scales with a beautiful sheen,
Afraid of a fishing rod, fishing line.
And especially the hook
Who is this? Answer my friend

I live in a big river
All of me in shiny scales.
I keep my mouth open
I often swallow water
I am not an algae and not a lump,
Silent me (fish).

There are many of us in the aquarium
And we are all swimming now.
And often we give smiles,
We are colorful aquarium (fish)

I live deep
In sea and river water.
I can breathe underwater
But I don't say.
I often open my mouth
This is how I breathe.
Scales shine beautifully
Who am I? Sure (fish)

We can swim in packs
We can do one.
We breathe through the gills.
And only underwater.
We cannot live without water
Who can we answer?

My home is the river
The tail is very long, the shirt is scales.
Do you want to catch me on a hook
I'll steal the worm and swim away again.
I'll just slap my tail, right on the water.
What's my name? Answer me quickly!

Among algae, corals,
In the depths of the sea, oceans.
She swims well
Scales sparkle in the sun.
Open your mouth, take a sip of water,
Eat a worm.
She has a tail, gills, fins,
And she breathes through her mouth. (fish)

Riddles for children 6-7 years old

Picture Fish

Kids will enjoy spending time with their moms and dads. The task of parents is to organize unusual leisure activities so that everyone has fun and interesting. Riddles about a goldfish will certainly amuse and delight boys and girls of different ages. Therefore, it is worth knowing such logical puzzles.

Why do kids need riddles?

Questions that need to be answered will certainly please your daughter or son. But still, it will not be superfluous for parents to find out how useful such a pastime is for a child. Riddles about a goldfish or other marine life will help develop the following qualities in a son or daughter:

  • perseverance.
  • Logical thinking.
  • Ability to quickly make the right decisions.
  • Sociability.
  • Self confidence.

These are just some of the qualities that are important for the full development that can be brought up in a child by organizing an event with logical questions.

Questions that you need to look for answers on your own will be interesting even for the smallest boys and girls. Having found the answer, the child will feel like an adult, significant in this society. Therefore, it is worth arranging an event with riddles even for those kids who have recently learned to talk. For the smallest, the following riddles about a goldfish are suitable:

This fish is not simple,

And the miraculous dashing.

All desires are fulfilled

He knows everything about everyone in the world.

We have a fish in a fairy tale,

Its golden color.

Who makes a wish

He gets everything from her.

She doesn't run, she doesn't fly

Only the lucky one will catch her.

Fulfills wishes instantly

Tell me what it's called?

The old grandmother had a trough,

It is not whole, but broken.

Grandfather will catch this fish in the sea,

This sorceress turns grandmother into a princess.

This fish is from a fairy tale, what is it called?

Everyone knows this fish

Even those who are not experts.

Three wishes are fulfilled

What is that fish called?

Such riddles for children about a goldfish from a fairy tale will certainly appeal to even the smallest. Moms and dads should take note of these logical questions.

Children who are already in secondary school will easily find answers to more complex questions. For example, you can take such riddles about a goldfish:

There are piranha, pike, catfish,

But this fish is the best around.

Fulfills all desires

Say her name.

Beauty appeared from the waves of the sea,

Golden fins and tail, movements are smooth.

This fish can work wonders

Will fulfill all your desires.

This fish from a fairy tale

Its golden color.

All desires listens and fulfills,

What is this wonder called?

There are many different fish

But this merit is countless.

And beautiful and sweet

Wishes come true for one or two.

Her tail is magnificent, a huge fin,

Eyes blacker than resin.

The one who catches her, fulfills his desires.

This fish is not simple, it came to us from a fairy tale.

I live in your aquarium

I'm not talking to you, my friend.

But if you let me into a fairy tale,

I will turn your wishes into reality.

Boys and girls will definitely like such riddles about a goldfish. Moms and dads will notice how happy their child is, remembering the sorceress who knows how to grant wishes.

How to motivate a child for educational play

Do not tell your son or daughter that you want to arrange a learning session for them. Kids, especially those who go to school, are unlikely to be interested in such an offer. It is better to tell your child that this is a game for which you can get a prize. The presentation may be symbolic. Nevertheless, he will give pleasant emotions to his son or daughter. For example, you can give your child:

  • Favorite sweet.
  • Little toy.
  • Organize a trip to your favorite entertainment venue.

In general, it can be anything, the main thing is to motivate your child to play.

If you now part with your loved one, you will suffer greatly. But in the end you will meet a person much better than before, he will bring you joy, happiness and love.


The goldfish has arrived
A little boy is crying on the shore
The fish sparkled in the sun
- What do you want old man?

I am not older
Said the boy through tears
And I don't need anything
I have everything for joy, happiness ...


Didn't swim. There are a lot of stones around, so I look out for this place. small fish, the water is calm and clean, I see a gray stone bottom through it. My husband screams for me to come back, I promise him to look at it one last time and come back. I lower my head and see a small golden small fish right before my eyes, it was so bright against the gray background...


A strangled cry escaped my throat, "Didn't I leave you out there to die?" And I heard the voice of this vile creature, gold fish: "The one you only loved came to you ..." And why didn't the old man make an ear out of her, why did he leave her to live? Suddenly I realized ... way. First tell me why you New life?" "Because I want to enjoy forever, but I can't!" And she told me golden small fish: "Well, I will help you, I will give you the strength that will create a new desire in you, draw you to a New Life. This ...

Children's riddles about fish and various sea and river inhabitants are designed for older children. The section presents riddles about fish for children from the simplest to the very complex.

Not all parents have the opportunity to introduce their child to fish while relaxing on a river, lake or sea. However, do you have an aquarium or do you go to the zoo with your child? Somewhere you need to show him the natural diversity. It is precisely after such trips that it will be relevant to solve riddles about fish in order to consolidate what they saw.

This section contains riddles about fish with answers by category. They should please you and your child. Each category also has Interesting Facts and notes on riddles.

  • Riddles about sharks

    The shark is an amazing creature of nature. Riddles about sharks for children are not at all scary and not evil, but very funny and explanatory: jokes are bad with sharks.
  • Riddles about dolphins

    Riddles about dolphins - our kind and charming friends. Dolphins are very, very smart and amazingly advanced mammals.
  • Riddles about a whale

    Whales are the largest animals on earth. Riddles about the whale are wonderful descriptions of the huge, but not at all evil inhabitants of the oceans.
  • Riddles about the aquarium

    Riddles about the aquarium are poems for children about a house for domestic fish. An aquarium can be very small, or it can be a real work of art.
  • Riddles about fish are designed for the youngest children. These riddles are simple and based on the fact that the fish, although with wings, cannot fly.
  • Riddles about pike

    Riddles about pike - predatory fish bizarre shape. The pike, like a torpedo, rushes along the rivers and attracts the attention of fishermen.
  • Riddles about perch

    Perch is one of the most common fish. Everyone heard about it, but few of the children saw a live perch.
  • Riddles about the seahorse

    The seahorse is an amazing creature that looks more like a child's toy than marine life, with it is also associated with many fairy tales.
  • Riddles about catfish

    Catfish - quite large freshwater fish, it can often be seen in water bodies and quickly recognized by its mustache and brown color.