Alena Apina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Alena Apina's daughter, born of a surrogate mother, dreams of her family and the ideal man Apina is a surrogate

Alena: Yes, this is a project project. When we have already acted, when we already understand that this is a fact that is inevitable and through which everyone goes through, everything is already calm. But a year before that, there was some kind of nightmare, because we did not know which school to go to. My God, someone says it’s good, someone says it’s bad, everyone has their own stories, connected with something, it’s not clear whether to return to live in Moscow or stay outside the city ... In general, the head is one that, like an owl, rotates around its neck, and you don’t understand absolutely anything.

KM TV: Aren't you worried, aren't you afraid to let your child go? He will spend some part of his life elsewhere.

Alena: There were two such stages in life. The first one was when we changed the furniture, or rather, not the furniture, but the bed in the children's room. The Karapuzov rocking chair no longer fit there, and it was already somehow funny: such a big three-year-old girl lies in this rocking chair ... And my daughter and I went to a furniture store and chose a bed for her, and when we had already put this furniture, i.e. i.e. a big bed, the locker is no longer a baby doll, I went in, sat on the sofa and thought: “That's it, the girl has already grown up, she is no longer a toddler, which you can vilify on the handles, and it won’t go away. And the second such moment clicked when we had already bought a school uniform and she came out in this uniform, with a briefcase, in golfs: “Well, how am I?” Here is the next stage. And then, probably, she will turn into a girl, then she will bring some miracle hero into the house, she will say: “Mom, he will live here.” This is the next step. This is inevitable, therefore, on the one hand, of course, a tear runs, and on the other hand, the heart rejoices: the one who gives a glass of water in old age grows, grows.

Best of the day

KM TV: But it means that you will have more free time.

Elena: No way. Why should there be more and why is it needed, free time? Free time happens to those who have nothing to do. And I like to live in a borderline state, when it is not there, when everything is packed, scheduled. It seems to me that life is much more interesting and correct this way.

Alena Apina tries to do everything in life, she says that it is possible. For example, she is a good housewife, even though she does not do household chores herself. But she knows how to organize everything so well that her house is always clean and comfortable.

KM TV: You probably personify a person who can combine both raising a child and a career. That is, you don't have to sacrifice.

Alena: Why donate? I just now left the air, where a healthy uncle tortured me: “But what if your husband said “leave”? I wouldn't live with this man then! Because we have been living together for 18 years already, and I know that his tongue will not turn to say such a thing. All this should be twisted into one big ball: family, husband, love, child. The child is growing, something needs to be done with him, because this is not grass or a flower, although they also sometimes need to be cut and watered, but still this is a child, a living being who still needs to put something into his head. And you yourself should be interesting to yourself, your husband, your child and everyone around you. This is one lump, nothing can be torn apart.

KM TV: Was there such a period that you had to postpone work when your daughter was small and she had to devote much more time?

Alena: It is clear that there were situations when a child suddenly fell ill, unexpectedly, and, of course, I canceled all shootings and even sometimes concerts, because this is much more important. The only thing that needs no explanation is health. Of course, I didn’t miss the first “aha,” I didn’t miss the first time she said “mom,” because all the free time that remained after other things, I was with her. Because she is a desired child and a long-awaited child, and, naturally, I could not miss the first step, all this. There won't be a second one! I come from the tour, and her face is different, the bones are growing.

KM TV: What would you like to convey to your daughter, some traits of your character...

Alena: I want absolutely nothing! Let it be a man as a man. It seems to me that no matter what I put into her, she still does this somehow in her own way. I'm just in favor of correcting some global things with regard to health, with regard to assistance with education, with some things that really only parents can give so far. And what she will represent herself there, she decides, no matter how we puff up to change her, we will only make it worse.

KM TV: Do you and your spouse have similar ideas about upbringing?

Alena: Absolutely different, and we argue about this. But my husband and I, as soon as she was born, came to such an undiscussable moment that all our disputes should take place without her participation. We only raise this topic when we decide to talk together. And so that they argue before her eyes: “How do you bring up?” - “And how do you bring up?” - this does not happen. Of course, then the child has no points of support, but she herself wants to rely on something, on a smart mom or a strong dad. Of course, she is now beginning to cheat, because she already knows all the reactions. Dad will now scream for two minutes, then he will thaw, I will come up, kiss him, and that's it. And mom is a bald fig, mom, if she starts scolding for something, then it’s better not to anger mom. That is, she has her own loopholes. So why should we be the same? Let's be different.

She doesn't like to give advice. Alena Apina knows what is right, only applicable to her own life. And therefore, distributing recipes for harmony and happiness is not in its rules.

KM TV: Are you in society and on stage the same as at home, or are they still two different people?

Alena: At home I go in shorts, sometimes without. I can't walk on stage like this. Here is the answer to your question. Of course, a public person, whether he is an artist, an astronaut or Abramovich, naturally, when he walks out the door, he understands that he is a public person. And here, point by point, there are many, many things to which, unfortunately, he does not have the right. Or maybe fortunately, because he chose this profession for himself, he likes to be in this state, otherwise leave, go to work at a factory or some other job, not public. And at home we can be like all mere mortals.

KM TV: I think you are quite a sincere person.

Elena: I think so too.

KM TV: And so it turns out that, in principle, both in the profession and in life, you are about the same ...

Alena: I understand, but, for example, in the profession I have no right to be sad and stupid, but at home I have the right. I have critical days, I feel bad, can I sit down and just be such an aunt feeling bad? Can! But I can't go through the door.

KM TV: May I ask such a banal question. You said that you and your husband have been living together for 18 years. For modern life, especially for artists, it seems to me such a small feat, because now people rarely save such long term relationship. How did you do it?

Alena: And why do you need it? Why do you have to live with one person for so many years? Here, for example, Oksana Robski is married for the fourth time, there is someone else for the fifth time, the tenth time. Maybe women's happiness is just in this? Now she will sit with her husband, picking his nose, scratching his ass, earning nothing, but she will think, they say, he is mine, he is my husband, I lived with him for 50 years, suffered, but lived ... Why is this necessary? Lord, drive him out with sticks, maybe he will come across some kind of woman who will make a peasant out of him, and he will be happy. And you will come across some hard-working man, and life will be beautiful and wonderful. And you will not suffer, building your life according to the pattern "we must live together for a long time." It just happened to me. This is how it is in my life, there are no recipes. If there was another person, there would be another life.

KM TV: There are crises when people can't stand it and disperse.

Alena: We had such crises, there were crisis situations, but there was enough common sense and something so wonderful, because of which no one filed for divorce, etc. Yes, there are quarrels, yes, of course, there are showdowns , shaking - it must be, you just need to be calm about it. Something must be above this. Or feelings, or understanding that without this person it is impossible to live. Let us quarrel with him, let him be terrible. But, probably, this is love, so until now no one has figured out what it is. Everyone is different.

Sings a song:

I fell in love with a guy, but I didn’t guess.

This is not at all what I saw in my dream.

I blinded him from what was

And then, what happened, I fell in love with it.

The knot will be tied, the knot will be untied.

And love, it is only what it seems.

Alena Apina wants to raise her daughter as a person. This is the most important thing, says the artist. She must have a strong character. Alena does not like indecisive women, probably because she herself is a person who knows what she wants from life.

Surrogacy allows many couples to become parents, despite medical conditions and other factors that prevent women from giving birth on their own. This service is used not only by ordinary people, but also by real stars. Today we present to you 6 cases that have become the most discussed among celebrity fans.

Not so long ago, the Russian-language Internet spread the news: Dmitry Malikov and his wife, Elena, became parents again. To experience all the joys of raising a young son, the couple turned to the service of surrogacy. Next, we will talk about other stars who became parents in the same way.

Children of Philip Kirkorov

7 years ago, fans of the work of Philip Kirkorov were dumbfounded by the news: the singer announced that he had become a father. The king of the Russian pop scene named the girl Alla-Victoria, in honor of the ex-wife of Alla Borisovna and her mother, Victoria. A year later, the performer again became a father. This time he had a son, whom Kirkorov named Martin.

Philip Kirkorov openly admitted that surrogate mothers gave birth to children. He considered it right to act openly and not invent "beautiful" stories about supermodels and mysterious girls who gave birth to him and left the kids in the care of their father. The singer does not want to create a web of lies, because, first of all, he protects his children, who sooner or later will want to get answers to questions about their mother.

Help in raising children is provided to the performer by relatives: Aunt Marie and Father Bedros. The name of the women who gave Kirkorov children remains a secret.

Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

A year and a half later, the prima donna of our stage herself, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, also used the service of surrogate motherhood. She and her husband Maxim Galkin became the parents of twins, Lisa and Harry. To conceive a child, the singer's eggs were used, which she prudently froze 11 years ago. According to the spouse of the prima donna, he found out about the presence of frozen cells only after the wedding.

The woman who played the role of a surrogate mother did not know for whom exactly she was carrying babies. However, the star couple did everything so that the surrogate mother did not need anything.

Son of Sergei Lazarev

Singer Sergey Lazarev became a father 3 years ago, but he told the public that he was raising his son only recently. This news gave rise to a lot of rumors and gossip: some believed that a fan of the performer gave birth to a child, others assured that the boy's mother was one of Sergei's former passions.

However, Philip Kirkorov shed light on this story. On the air of the Secret for a Million program, he said that Sergey Lazarev used the service of surrogate motherhood to become a father. Fans of Sergey Lazarev can watch how the singer is raising his son using the Instagram network, where the performer actively uploads photos with Nikita (that's the name of the boy).

Daughter of Alena Apina

One of the first Russian stars pop scene, which admitted that her child is being carried by a surrogate mother, was Alena Apina. By medical reasons the singer could not get pregnant herself (even the IVF procedure did not help).

Doctors suggested that the singer simulate a pregnancy in order to hide the truth from the public. However, Alena Apina decided not to put on a show and decided that she would rather tell about everything herself than become an object of gossip among representatives of the "star" party and fans. By her example, the singer wanted to inspire women who suffer from infertility.

As a surrogate mother, the singer chose a candidate from a small town who works in the field of science and is the mother of two children. During the entire period of pregnancy, Apina communicated with the woman who gave her a daughter, helped her in every possible way. The performer named the baby Ksyusha. By the way, last year Alena Apina's daughter already graduated from high school.

Daughter of Marianna Maksimovskaya

6 years ago, the host M. Maksimovskaya became a mother. Immediately after the dissemination of this information, there was a rumor in the media that the TV presenter used the services of a surrogate mother, since no one observed a single sign of pregnancy in the star, in particular, the abdomen.

Colleagues in the workshop were aware that Marianna would not give birth herself, but would entrust it to a surrogate mother, and they were completely loyal to this fact. Maksimovskaya herself did not comment on this issue.

Children of Olga Slutsker

Olga Slutsker is not only a successful businesswoman, but also a mother of five children. All of her babies were born by surrogate mothers. The reason for this is medical evidence. The first two children, daughter Anya and son Misha, were born in the USA. To date, both children are being raised by their father, Vladimir.

In 2013, Olga became the mother of twins, Maria and Ekaterina. This time, a Russian woman became a surrogate mother. Slutsker said in an interview that she chose this woman because she considered her responsible and was inspired by the way the future surrogate mother spoke about her own daughter. In 2015, another son was born to the businesswoman. Who became the father of the child is unknown. According to observers, the boy was also born by a surrogate mother. Olga plans to tell her children the story and origins.

The cost of surrogacy

In order to entrust the bearing of a child to another woman, it must be taken into account that not only a one-time payment will be required, but also additional material support for a surrogate mother, payment for medical supervision and childbirth itself, and a fee for lawyers. In addition, it is not a fact that the fertilization procedure will be successful the first time. In Moscow, this service will cost no less than 1.5 - 2 million rubles. In the regions, the price tag is lower - about 1 million rubles.

The artist's heiress accompanies her at concerts in Moscow, while Alena's husband, Alexander Iratov, recently told reporters that. In such a difficult time for the family, Apina and her daughter prefer to stick together.

The actress shared a photo of her baby on Instagram. "Beloved baby!" - with tenderness signed a portrait of Xenia Alena. "Your daughter is beautiful 💋💋💋 (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed)", "Xu! !!! You are our beautiful girl! 😘😘😘😘😘," the performer's fans are touched.

In another photo, Apina poses with Ksenia. But not very good quality The picture upset the singer a little. "For once I persuaded my daughter to come with me, but.... my favorite assistant Sveta has never been good at photography! People! Help her take pictures of me!" the singer asked.

Earlier, Alena commented on information about her for the first time. The artist asked the public not to make a fuss, because she is afraid for her daughter. The star decided to put an end to numerous rumors that are actively discussed in the media around information about the singer's divorce. On her official page, the artist published a photo where she was photographed with her husband Alexander Iratov. However, the picture was broken. Thus, Apina made it clear that her married life was indeed over.

In the caption to the photo, Alena explained in detail why she decided. It turns out that the popular singer is afraid for her daughter, who can be negatively affected by the media hype. "The very case when everything that happens around (your discussions, condemnations, assumptions, etc.) - have no meaning and meaning. All the hype that you raise flies only in one direction - to our daughter! She is only 14. All "who is to blame", why, why, etc. - do not make any sense! And they will not cancel the fact itself," Apina wrote.

Alena confirmed that her family life with Alexander Iratov came to an end: "YES. I'M FILING FOR DIVORCE. This period of my life is coming to an end. It was very big and very beautiful for many of you. But life is much wiser than many of us."

According to Alena, no third party is to blame for their breakup, and indeed there is no specific reason at all. “The time has just come. Thank you all for your participation and excitement. And try to discuss it less. Today, the most important thing is to cause less problems for our daughter. to the photo Alena Apina.

Ksenia has already decided on her future job, she wants to become a surgeon. “To study for eight years, but I really like it. I also thought about becoming a director, but in the eighth grade I definitely decided on the choice of profession, ”the girl said.

The girl never dreamed of a stage and always participated in school events with embarrassment. Alena did not insist that her daughter become a singer, since this is a very hard job. All Ksyusha's thoughts are busy with the upcoming exams, but at the same time she dreams of meeting the perfect man. “I just dream big beautiful house and the person next to you. In principle, this is all that is needed for happiness, ”admitted the heiress Apina.

Alena Apina did not tell anyone that her daughter was born from a surrogate mother. But this information could not but seep into the network. Then, back in 2001, the singer decided to take a desperate step, not because of her own whim. She experienced everything that a woman deprived of the happiness of being a mother can experience: nine miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, artificial insemination, “bombing” with hormones. All in vain. The doctors shrugged and said that they had the last chance with Alexander. They decided to take the risk...

Now fans of Alena Apina believe that outwardly Ksyusha is very similar to her mother. Maybe this is all because mom and daughter love each other very much and really created ideal family, albeit not in the usual way? What do you think? Do you see the similarities between mother and daughter?

Apina Alena (at birth - Levochkina Elena) - a popular Russian pop singer, poetess, composer, worked as part of a musical group.

Alena was born on August 23, 1964 in the city of Saratov in a family that had nothing to do with creativity (there is a version that the singer was born in 1967). My father worked as an engineer, and my mother worked as a salesman. Alena became the only child in the family, so the dreams, work and attention of her parents were directed to the girl.

Despite the small income, the parents bought a piano for their daughter when she was four years old. Then Alena first began to try herself as a singer. The girl gathered her parents in the room and arranged concerts. During these years, the future star realized that she wanted to connect her life with music. Alena's mother also dreamed of this, only the scale of their ideas about the future was completely different: Levushkina Sr. wanted her daughter to teach music in kindergarten.

At the age of 5, her parents enrolled the girl in a music school, in a piano class. Alena says that she literally ran to classes, loved madly and could not wait for the next lessons. Even then, the young singer showed purposefulness and responsibility.

Five years later, Alena entered the Saratov School of Music at the piano department. After graduation, the young star worked as an accompanist at the local Vostok club.

Alena decided not to leave hometown, and to enter the piano department at the Saratov Conservatory, but the competition was great - the girl failed the entrance exams. This did not break the spirit of the future star. A close friend of the girl advised me to study singing, and the next year to pass exams for the faculty of folk singing. Efforts and a special timbre of voice did not disappoint - Alena entered. Already while studying at the conservatory, the future artist had her own style of singing.


In 1987, while still a student at the conservatory, Alena Apina decided to earn extra money as a singer. It so happened that at that time an acquaintance told that the producer of the musical group "Combination" was selecting girls for the women's musical group. Alena went to the audition, and the producers liked her voice. The girl was invited to the group among the soloists. A stellar life began, including performances, tours and rehearsals.

Unconditional success came to the Combination group in 1988. The singer advised the girls to move from Saratov to Moscow. They were able to penetrate the hearts of Muscovites, and soon the songs of "Combination" were heard from the windows of Moscow, and then Russian houses. The group toured to different cities of the country. It was a period of take-off in the creative biography of the singer.

In 1991, Alena Apina decided to leave the group and start solo career. The debut solo work - the song "Ksyusha" - immediately became a hit. The successful beginning of the singer was the merit of producer Alexander Iratov, who played a significant role in her personal life.

Already in 1992, Apina's first solo album, entitled "Street of Love", was released. It also included the song of the group "Combination" - "Accountant", the author of the words of which is Alena. The second album of the singer - "Dance until the morning" - was awarded more success. All 8 songs from the album became absolute hits. The hits "Electric Train", "Knots", which appeared soon, were known by heart by the whole country.

In the winter of 1994, Alena Apina staged the musical Limita. The songs were composed by the poet. This performance was held in the capital, and then in St. Petersburg. Later, musical compositions were included in the singer's solo album of the same name.

The singer became popular and in demand back in the 90s. During the year, Alena released several albums, clips were constantly shown on Russian TV channels. In 1998, Apina was awarded the Ovation Award as the best singer of the year. In the same year, the joint hit of Alena Apina and Moonlit Nights thundered. In 2002, the artist was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Alena has repeatedly become the winner of music awards ("Super Disc", "Silver Disc", "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "Silver Galosh").

The artist has 16 solo albums, including, in addition to the replicated first records, discs of the late 90s - “Rival”, “Love like me”, “Topol”, as well as compositions of the 2000s - “About fate and about myself”, "Airplane to Moscow", "Once again about love." By the end of the 2000s, the fame of the artist began to subside, but in 2011 Alena Apina reminded herself of herself with a song about female friendship - the singer performed the hit "Girlfriends" in a duet with another Russian pop star.

In 2012, for charitable activities and achievements in the field of culture, Apina was awarded the badge of the Governor of the Moscow Region.

A television

In the late 90s, Alena Apina began hosting the Sunday program Field Mail, which aired on the TV Center TV channel.

Apina also tried herself in the film industry. The artist played leading role in one episode of the Russian television series called "Ambulance". The singer's work turned out to be so successful that Alena was invited to shoot several more series: "Parallel to Love", "Kill Bella", as well as "Girl from the North" and the series "Provincial Passions".

Alena Apina says that she is often invited to shoot films and TV shows, but the artist will never be able to change her songs.

Personal life

At the beginning of her singing career, Alena Apina married the artist Valery Apina, but the marriage lasted only a few months. After the divorce, the singer decided to leave her husband's surname. For a long time, there was a lull in the artist’s personal life, since Alena Apina, along with other soloists of the Combination, worked hard and practically did not stop touring. But thanks to her professional activities, the girl met new love.

With her second husband, Alexander Borisovich Iratov, Alena met in Tashkent. Then the singer was dissatisfied with the organization of the concert and asked to meet with the main manager of the event. At the meeting, sympathy arose between the young people. In 1991, Iratov suggested that Alena Apina leave the group and start a solo career, the girl in love agreed. Alexander Iratov became Apina's producer. Soon the relationship grew into something more, and after a while the couple decided to get married.

For a long time, the couple did not have children. Alena was treated for infertility, but in the end she decided to seek help from a surrogate mother. And in 2001, a miracle happened in the family - the couple had a daughter, Ksyusha. The name of the girl was chosen by the son of Alexander from Iratov's first marriage. From the age of four, Ksyusha was already studying at a music school. In order for her daughter to be supervised, Alena Apina got a job as a piano teacher at a music school.

Alena Apina loves the Peugeot 406 car. The star also loves dogs, and the artist has four dogs at home.

At the end of 2016, the artist on the official page in " Instagram"Published a post with a torn photo, in which the singer is depicted with her husband. In a comment to the picture, Alena wrote that.

Alena Apina now

Alena Apina still leads an artistic touring life, as the singer's fans have not diminished over the years. Now the artist performs solo and in group concerts. Alena Apina maintains the image of a free, strong woman, but at the same time vulnerable and tender. Fans noted that after the divorce, Alena appeared in the form of a fatal beauty, a conqueror of men's hearts.

In 2017, the artist released a number of provocative videos, including for the songs "Bond Girl", "Proximity". The second clip, in which Alena Apina appeared in the frame almost naked - in one lace underwear - caused a lot of gossip in the media and in social networks. The accusations concerned Apina's skimpy outfits and alleged plagiarism of the song's melody by British singer Jem. The excitement around the name of Alena influenced the increased popularity of the singer.

And in December, the premiere of the video took place, where Alena Apina appeared in a duet with a blogger, who is known by the nickname Black Russian Mama. The clip was broadcast on Krasnova's channel on video hosting YouTube.


As part of the "Combination" group

  • 1988 - White Evening
  • 1988 - "Knight's move"
  • 1989 - Russian Girls
  • 1991 - "Moscow registration"

Solo albums

  • 1992 - "Street of Love"
  • 1993 - "Dance until the morning"
  • 1994 - "Beach Season"
  • 1995 - Limita
  • 1995 - Lost Soul
  • 1996 - "Rival"
  • 1997 - "Declaration of love"
  • 1998 - "Love like me"
  • 1999 - Poplars
  • 2001 - "About fate and about myself"
  • 2007 - "Airplane to Moscow"
  • 2010 - "Once again about love"
  • 2014 - "Melody"
  • 2016 - "Alena Apina"