Larisa Chernikova biography personal life and domogarov. A friend of Alexander Domogarov died of lymphoma. Russian pop star

In the 90s, her songs occupied the top lines of domestic charts, men went crazy, and women wanted to be like this bright sexy beauty.

What was the path to success, and why did Larisa Chernikova leave Russia? Did the singer die in 2015? Learn more about these and more interesting facts from the life of a star, read on.


The girl was raised by her mother and grandmother. The father left the family when Larisa was not even six months old. Mother, Tatyana Shepeleva, played the piano and performed a lot. The mother's profession influenced her daughter, immersed her in the world of art and instilled a love for music. Already in childhood, Larisa arranged concerts on a bench near the house. Her idol was Alla Pugacheva.

The girl grew up as an obedient child. At school, she was distinguished by diligent behavior and active participation in the life of the school and class.

In connection with the work of her mother, at the age of 6, Larisa moved to Moscow.


Since 1980, Laura has been singing in the church choir. Her gentle voice sounded in the Epiphany Cathedral for 10 years. During this time, the girl learns not only church singing but also literacy.

In 1990 the singer enters the music school. Gnesins, but soon transferred to the Institute of Culture. In 1997, Larisa receives a red diploma of graduation from the university.

As a student, the artist enters the Song and Dance Ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina. Performances in a team give Larisa invaluable experience, help to understand the intricacies of the profession. At the same time, the young artist met many pop stars. Makes friends with the singer Shura.

After a year and a half, the singer leaves the ensemble and begins a solo career.

creative way

The debut of the vocalist took place in 1994 at the Luzhniki Stadium with the song "Rain Music". A little later, Larisa shoots her first video.

It was with this composition that the young artist interested producer Sergei Obukhov. He invited her to meet and discuss the terms of cooperation. The result of the negotiations was the signing of a ten-year contract. Joint work with Sergey was the start of Larisa to dizzying success and fame.

In the same year, a video was shot for the song "You fly, my star ...", and in 1995 the singer released her first album, "Lone Wolf". The first disc was well received by the public, but the second album, entitled "Give Me the Night", made a splash.

The presentation of the disc took place in the summer of 1996. The song of the same name occupied the tops of all domestic charts, it sounded from all sides. The singer dedicated this song to her husband. On the eve of the presentation of the record, he tragically died.

No less popular was the song "Don't you laugh" from the same album.

Sad events shook the health of the star. Larisa fails to follow the tight schedule that Sergey Obukhov compiled. The singer terminates the contract ahead of schedule.

Despite all the problems that have fallen on the shoulders of a fragile artist, she continues her creative path. Mom lends a helping hand, and becomes her producer. She also writes lyrics for some of her daughter's songs. To earn money, Larisa gets a job as a teacher at a music school.

Soon luck smiled at the talented artist, she signs a contract with a new producer. It was Alexander Tolmatsky.

Larisa Chernikova released her third album "The Secret" in 1997. This year can rightfully be considered the most successful in the career of an artist. The songs "Mystery" and "Airplane in Love" are known to everyone, and the artist herself is at the peak of popularity.

Larisa tries herself as a radio presenter. Records a cheerful song "Zhadina" in the style of "Eurodance".

In 1998 the artist gives the public a new composition called "Who?". She dedicates it to her dead husband. Larisa has been working fruitfully all year, recording new tracks, filming videos for the songs "Who?", "Don't Wake", "One Sip".

In 1999, Larisa recorded the album "Sunny City". Chernikova herself becomes his producer. In the same year, the vocalist pleases fans with a new soundtrack and a video called "I am Shura - a tender child." The year 2000 was marked by the release of clips for the songs "Sailor", "I want to be with you" and "This truth is love."

The following years were not so successful for Larisa Chernikova. She managed to release only three albums "I will become rain" (2003), "About love is not melting" (2004), "Angel" (2008). After that, the artist disappeared from the stage for a long time and only in 2016 it became known about her desire to return to show business again.

Personal life of Larisa Chernikova

Larisa got married while still a student. The husband was a Moscow businessman Andrei Chernikov, who helped his wife in every possible way in the implementation of her creative plans. He not only participated in the selection of material for songs, but also rented a recording studio. But happiness did not last long. Two years later, Larisa was widowed. The tragedy happened in the spring of 1996.

At this time, the singer was preparing to release her second record. Returning home late, Larisa did not find her husband at home. He did not come the next day either. Some time later, Andrei was found dead on his father's grave. One of possible causes tragedies called the debt for renting a recording studio.

Unknown people began to pursue Chernikova, demanding to pay her husband's debts. The star had no choice but to sell all the property and pay off creditors. Larisa returned to her mother empty-handed.

The young star was very upset by the loss of a loved one. She practically did not go out, sat in the room and looked at one point for hours. Creativity helped Larisa Chernikova to escape from depression and quickly recover from the tragedy, she plunged headlong into work.

The singer tried to find female happiness again with an American businessman named James. My new love Larisa found on the Internet. At the beginning of the acquaintance, the singer did not talk about her profession to the chosen one. The fact that Chernikova is a famous Russian singer, James found out a year after the marriage. The couple lived in America.

In the fall of 2005, Larisa gave her husband a son, Cyril.

Family happiness destroyed James' addiction to alcohol. The singer filed for divorce. But soon after the dissolution of the marriage, Larisa found a man. It turned out to be farmer Richard. Together they were not for long, the American was convicted of treason. Chernikova could not forgive the betrayal.

Today, the star of the 90s lives in the USA on his own farm, where he is engaged in agricultural activities: he raises cattle and cultivates the land. Larisa successfully sells natural products of her own production.

With son

In Russia, the star appeared in the program at. She said that she was ready to give birth to a child and was even considering the option of artificial insemination. But the sperm donor must be a Slavic man.

Not spared Larisa Chernikova and dirty rumors. In 2015, information appeared in the media about her love affair with, as well as about an incurable disease and death. The famous actor dispelled the gossip, he said that he had a girlfriend, the full namesake of the famous singer.

As for Larisa Chernikova, she looks great, feels great and, perhaps, we will see her again on stage soon.

Larisa now

In recent years, Chernikova lives with her son in a private house in the USA, Texas. They travel a lot together. Larisa and Kirill managed to visit California, Florida and New York. A quiet measured life is conducive to creativity.

In the USA, Larisa had repeated attempts to realize herself as a composer. She wrote several songs for one of the American youth groups. She failed to achieve great success abroad.

In 2016, the singer is finishing work on the new album "Mantras in Sanskrit". Experimental creativity helped her rediscover herself. Larisa became interested in Eastern philosophy after traveling to India.

Mantras are sacred words written in ancient Sanskrit. Sounds are pronounced in a strictly defined order. Every sound has a sacred meaning.

Inspired by the success, Larisa does not stop there. In the winter of 2017, she releases a new collection, The Law of Om, filled with new mantras. This is the singer's fourth album after her departure to the United States.

In Russia, Chernikova is loved and remembered as a star of the 90s. She is often invited to retro concerts. The singer does not plan a final move to Russia yet.

The beloved woman of Alexander Domogarov died on the night of October 7. Larisa Chernikova, who had been struggling with lymphoma for a long time, died in a clinic in Vienna, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.


For five recent months Chernikova was in a coma. About how it happened, on his page in social network said her sister Kira. "I want to tell you the story of my beloved and only sister. I love her very much and really look forward to her coming back to us. She has always been and remains very beautiful girl, special. Her beauty was combined with intelligence and kindness. She has a very kind heart and has helped many people in need. She herself earned a lot of money, was very successful in business, and such a girl could not help but like the wonderful actor Alexander Domogarov! They had a very touching relationship up until the moment when she fell into a coma. Sasha never turned away from her and also supported her as much as he could. Maybe now he just gave up. And we understand it. I hold on and believe only thanks to the perseverance of my mother, who does not give up and fights together with the doctors for the life of Larisa, "said Kira Chernikova.

As they wrote Days.Ru, eight years ago, young successful Larisa was diagnosed with lymphoma. Alexander Domogarov met her in 2010, he tried to support his beloved.

“This diagnosis was made a long time ago, even before we met. I knew it was true. Only now, no one knew when this X-hour would come. It’s scary to live and understand that it will come. She is really a fighter. She is a fighter even now, in this state. This is oncology. Such a serious oncology. She lived with this for many years, all those years that we knew each other. And periodically underwent rehabilitation courses in different clinics, "Domogarov said during the program" Live ".

Alexander Domogarov's friend Larisa Chernikova died of lymphoma on the night of October 6-7. Larisa Chernikova fought the disease for 8 years.

In the spring of this year, Chernikova's condition became critical - the girl fell into a coma, from which she left for a while, and again - her condition worsened.

Her mother was by her side all the time, and relatives and friends collected money to help the girl - one day of treatment in a Vienna hospital cost the family 1,100 euros.

Her close friend, the famous actor Alexander Domogarov, also helped. However, Austrian doctors did not see the prospects for Larisa's recovery.

The other day, the girl was supposed to be prepared for transportation to Moscow, but they did not have time, Larisa Chernikova died.

The fact that Larisa Chernikova and Alexander Domogarov are connected romantic relationship everyone found out in 2010 when the actor appeared at the premiere of the film with a new girlfriend.

Alexander Domogarov spoke about his acquaintance with Larisa Chernikova. The actor has long known that his beloved woman Larisa Chernikova is struggling with cancer.

According to Domogarov, Chernikova told him about it on the fourth day of their acquaintance.

“This diagnosis was made a long time ago, even before we met. I knew it was. Only now, no one knew when this hour X would come. It's scary to live and understand that it will come.

She is really a fighter, she is a fighter, even now, in this state. I will not specify what is there, it is not so important. This is oncology. Such a serious oncology.

And she lived with it for many years. Here are all the years we've known each other. And periodically underwent rehabilitation courses in different clinics, ”the actor said.

Alexander Yuryevich admitted that he considers his acquaintance with Larisa very funny and now he hardly believes that such amazing story could happen to him.

“I was flying from the city of Simferopol, and I was very annoyed by the girl sitting in the back, who was talking very loudly. At the same time, some such peculiar phrases were sometimes mentioned.

I turned around once, said: “Can I be quieter?” I was roughly shown where I should go. The second time he said: "Please, girl, be quiet."

We got off the plane together. Naturally. Her mother used to tell us, “You should have seen your eyes as you walked. Happy. For an hour and a half of the flight, people somehow converged, found mutual language, and then it was a fantastic discovery for me.

Because I could not meet such energy in such a small and fragile person before. She solved problems within seven, ten, fifteen minutes - this is the maximum. But then there was this terrible sentence, which had already been pronounced.

But one day Larisa Chernikova came to one of Domogarov's performances and handed him a bouquet of flowers with a note containing her phone number.

“How we got back together, how this connection of two souls happened, I don’t know this already. It was five years ago,” Domogarov specified.