The deepest seas. The deepest seas. Tallest building in the world

Man has always been interested in the seas; he was irresistibly drawn and fascinated by their wild, unbridled beauty. On modern stage there are ninety of them in the world. It is interesting to know what is the largest sea on Earth and the deepest, what is it called and where is it located. Let's take a closer look at the amazing places on the planet.

What is the sea?

This is a certain area in the World Ocean, which is isolated by land or underwater elevations. It differs markedly in climatic, meteorological and hydrological properties. There is a certain classification of seas according to the degree of their isolation:

  • outlying;
  • internal;
  • interisland;

From a geological point of view, even the largest sea in the world is very young education. They took their final form in the Anthropocene. The deepest ones were formed in places where the earth's crust was broken, and the shallow ones are the result of the flooding of the continent by the waters of the World Ocean.

The Sargasso Sea is a unique place on the planet

It is unlike any other. This is the largest sea in the world. It is a special area in the Atlantic Ocean, which is limited by currents, including the Gulf Stream, and not by continents and underwater hills. Its area covers about 7 million km 2, and most of it is covered with algae, which gave it its name - sargassum (sea grapes). Their large thickets create an obstacle in the path of ships and have long been the subject of many legends and fictions. The warm waters of the Sargasso Sea are home to many species of amazing creatures, such as the clown fish. Many fish specifically come there to spawn, since there is no threat from large predators. The sea is unique and stands apart from the rest.

The largest and deepest sea

Its area is almost 6000 square meters. km, and the maximum depth reaches 11022 m. This is the Philippine Sea, located in the western part of the Pacific waters. It does not have smooth and clear boundaries on land, and is separated from the ocean by groups of islands. This is the second largest sea after the Sargasso, but the first in depth. Some researchers attribute the famous Mariana Trench to its territory, but officially it still belongs to the Pacific Ocean. Fishing and whaling are active in the waters of the Philippine Sea.

Largest sea by area: top 5

If we do not take into account the already mentioned Sargasso and Philippine Seas, the rating will look as follows.

Seas on Russian territory

The territory of the country is washed by the waters of thirteen seas, which belong to three oceans. They are not so big and not so warm compared to the world giants.

  • Atlantic Ocean: Baltic, Azov and Black Seas. The latter is the warmest of all, with an average summer water temperature of 23-25°C.
  • Arctic Ocean: Chukchi, Barents, Pechora, East Siberian, Kara, White and Laptev Sea.
  • Pacific Ocean: Japan, Bering and Okhotsk Seas.

The largest and deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea (pictured above), located in the Pacific Ocean. It is very cold and even in summer the water temperature in it fluctuates between 7-10 °C. However, it is very rich in commercial fish species and shellfish. The main mammals are representatives of pinnipeds, seals and bearded seals, walruses, seals - the latter form large rookeries on the shores of Chukotka. The Bering Sea is also home to whales, including blue whales, bowheads and humpback whales.

Having learned about the largest sea in the world, do not forget about the smallest sea on Earth - Marmara. It got its name from the nearby island of Marmara, where white marble was once mined, a place known since the times of Ancient Greek civilization. Located in the Atlantic Ocean between Asia Minor and European part Turkey. Its area is only 11,472 square meters. km. The waters of the Sea of ​​Marmara are very salty and warm, so the shores are densely populated.

How many seas and oceans are there on our vast planet? A huge variety. I will tell you about one of the most beautiful seas of the Pacific Ocean, which is rightfully considered the deepest on our planet.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, between the coasts of Australia and New Guinea, is the deepest sea in the world - the Coral Sea. According to the most accurate calculations, its maximum depth is nine thousand one hundred and seventy-four meters, with a total area of ​​four thousand sixty-eight meters and an average water volume of eleven thousand four hundred and seventy meters.

I would like to note that the second deepest sea in the world is also located in the Pacific Ocean. Its name is Banda, its depth is about seven thousand four hundred and forty meters.

Let's return to the deepest sea on earth. The Coral Sea gets its name from the large number of coral reefs and islands that make navigation very difficult - you have to be constantly on guard. In this sea there are such famous islands as Willis Island, Tregross Island, and Chesterfield Island. As for reefs, the most famous is the Great Barrier Reef, which is also the largest reef in the world.

The islands located in the sea are not inhabited by anyone, however, for example, on the Willis Islands there is a meteorological station.

The bottom topography of the Coral Sea is highly dissected. Its currents form a cyclonic gyre, and on the western edge the world-famous East Australian Current originates.

The average water temperature in the south of the Coral Sea at the surface is from 19° in August to 24° in February, and in the very North the whole year it is 27-28°C. The salinity of the sea is 34.5-35.5‰. Currents on the surface of the sea form a cycle.

Among the living creatures in the sea there are a lot of sharks and so-called flying fish.

Since the end of 1969, the sea territory began to belong to Australia and belongs to Canberra.

The most important ports of the Coral Sea: Cairns (on the coast of Australia), Port Moresby (on the island New Guinea), Noumea (on the island of New Caledonia).

The geographical coordinates of the sea are as follows:

Latitude: -16.934167

Longitude: 155.11

If you sail along the Great Barrier Reef described above, you can see flying fish fluttering everywhere. These fish reach a length of up to 50 cm, they can fly up to 200 meters (can you believe it?!) above the surface of the water. Beauty!

If you engage in scuba diving, you need to be extremely careful and remember about safety, since even such, at first glance, safe sea ​​urchins if desired, they can cause enormous harm to health, or even touching them can lead to fatal outcome. Some of them can be poisonous. The needles of these animals are equipped with special glands that produce poison.

Another abomination can also pose a danger - various types of worms or jellyfish. The density of worms in water sometimes reaches several thousand per 1 cubic meter. When pricked by the bristles of these worms, severe pain and fever occur.

The reef fish are very beautiful, they are painted in bright colors. They swim in schools near corals and feed on them.

The deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea, named after the Danish-born Russian naval officer Vitus Bering, who explored this rough, deep northern sea in the mid-18th century. Before accepting your official name The Bering Sea was called Kamchatka or Bobrov. Its average depth is about 1600 meters. In the deepest places, a depth of 4151 meters was recorded. About half of the area is occupied by spaces with a depth of more than 500 meters, while its entire area is more than 2315 thousand square kilometers.

The Bering Sea is not only the deepest, but also the northernmost body of water in Russia. The sea becomes covered with ice in September and is cleared only by June, while ice can cover up to half the area of ​​this reservoir. In the coastal zone and bays, ice forms impassable fields, but the open part of the sea is never completely covered with ice. The ice in the open part of the Bering Sea is in constant movement under the influence of winds and currents, and ice hummocks up to 20 meters high often form.

Despite its depth, the Bering Sea is not even among the ten deepest seas in the world rankings. It belongs to the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands, and along it runs a section of the water border between Russia and the United States. The Bering Strait connects the Bering Sea with the Chukchi Sea and the Arctic Ocean.

The shallowest sea in Russia

The shallowest sea in Russia is the Azov Sea. Its average depth is only about 7 meters, the maximum does not exceed 13.5. The Sea of ​​Azov is the most shallow sea not only in Russia, but also in the world.

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin, is an inland sea in eastern Europe, connected by the Kerch Strait to the Black Sea, and is located between Russia and Ukraine. The Sea of ​​Azov is not only the shallowest, but also one of the smallest seas in the world. Its maximum length is 380 km, its maximum width is 200 km, its coastline is 2686 km, and its surface area is 37800 sq. km.

The influx of river water into the Sea of ​​Azov is abundant and amounts to up to 12% of the total water volume. The main influx is in its northern part, so the water there contains very little salt and easily freezes in winter. IN winter period covered with ice up to half the area of ​​the sea, ice can be carried into the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait.

In summer, due to its shallow depth, the Sea of ​​Azov quickly and evenly warms up to an average temperature of 24 - 26 degrees, which makes it an excellent place for relaxation and fishing.

The world's oceans are the most amazing and least studied object on our planet. How many mysteries it contains, and how many discoveries remain to be made by people studying the deepest seas and oceans on our planet.

The deepest seas in the world

The Pacific Ocean has broken all records for depth and is home to four of the six deepest seas in the world. If you line up the seas by depth, both by height, in meters and kilometers, then their leaders are: the Philippine Sea and the Coral Sea, followed by the Banda Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Weddell Sea and the Tasman Sea.

In first place is the Philippine Sea. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, near the Philippine archipelago. It is to this sea that the deepest oceanic trench is attributed - the Mariana Trench, thus the greatest depth of the Philippine Sea is 11022 meters. Even the average depth of this sea is more than 4 km, while the depth of the Sea of ​​Azov, for example, does not exceed 14 meters.

There are volcanoes at the bottom of the Philippine Sea. Because of enormous depth Marine life here are not fully studied, mainly those that are found in surface and coastal waters. It is known that in the Philippine Sea they live sea ​​turtles, dolphins, swordfish, various shellfish. In addition, there are a lot of sharks that are dangerous to humans, including tiger and gray sharks. But the large deep-sea inhabitants of the Mariana Trench are definitely predators, and what kind of ones at that! Most of all they look like monsters with many teeth and huge jaws. Not all deep-sea fish have eyes, and if they do, they are not at all like the ones we are used to, because at the bottom of the depression there is complete darkness. But many have very developed organs that detect sounds. There are also simple organisms there that have existed for billions of years.

The second place is occupied by the Coral Sea, with a depth of 9140 meters, one of the most beautiful seas in the world. This sea is also located in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of New Guinea and Australia. The Coral Sea is characterized by a large number of islands, and of course, many coral reefs. The most famous of them is the Great Barrier Reef. Among the inhabitants of the Coral Sea are starfish, urchins and turtles, flying fish, many various types shrimp, crustaceans and crabs.

Third place rightfully belongs to the not very large, but very deep (up to 7440 meters) Banda Sea. It is located off the coast of Indonesia, and also belongs to the Pacific Ocean. This is a volcanic zone and the islands in the Banda Sea are of volcanic origin. This sea is home to dolphins, squids, jellyfish, octopuses, nautiluses, sharks, stingrays, and even sea snakes.

The Caribbean Sea is in fourth place in the depth ranking. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean between the South and Central America. The depth of this sea is 7090 meters, and among the depressions and rises at the bottom lie sunken frigates and galleons. The search for sunken treasure continues to this day, and many countries dispute the ownership of these treasures.

How deep is the Black Sea?

The Black Sea is not the deepest sea in the world, but among the inland seas of our country it ranks first - its greatest depth is 2258 meters. Compared to the Sea of ​​Azov, whose depth is only about 14 meters, or the Baltic (500 meters is the longest distance to the bottom), the Black Sea is very deep. It also differs from other seas in our country in that part of its shores are mountains (Caucasus, South coast Crimea), which go into the water at a steep angle. Because of this, the bottom slope in these places is greater. But there is also shallow water - this is the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

The deepest sea in Russia

Russia is a huge country, and its shores are washed by many seas, but most of them are in the North and East of the country. But the seas of the Arctic Ocean do not have the same depth and size as the seas of the Pacific Ocean, located off the eastern coast of our country. This is explained by the structure of the earth's crust in those places. Three seas are located in the Pacific Ocean in eastern Russia: the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the most northern of them - the Bering Sea. They are separated from the ocean itself by islands (Kuril, Japanese and Aleutian).

Next come the ocean depressions, including one of the deepest in the world - the Kuril-Kamchatka depression with a depth of 9717 meters. If we arrange these seas in order of decreasing depth, we get the following: the leader will be the Bering Sea with a maximum depth of 4151 meters. Then comes the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, its depth is 3916 meters. And in last place will be the Sea of ​​Japan, since it, although slightly, is inferior to the Okhotsk Sea, its maximum depth is only 3742 meters. As you can see, the deepest Russian sea - the Bering Sea - is far behind world leaders.

However, this is not all the most interesting things that can be said about the deepest sea in Russia..

Which sea is the deepest in the world?

There is no clear answer to this question, because depth can be assessed in different ways. Usually they still take the maximum depth for comparison, but you can also consider the average depth of the sea. Or the depth of most of the sea. True, no matter how deep the sea is, it still cannot be compared with the ocean depressions. The greatest depth was measured in the Mariana Trench - 11,022 meters.

It is essentially a deep-sea trench, and the name of the depression is given after the Mariana Islands located nearby. And, since the Mariana Trench is now classified as part of the Philippine Sea, it has become the leader in depth among all the seas on the planet. True, even without this depression, the Philippine Sea is the deepest in the world; the maximum distance to the bottom, according to some sources, is 10,265 meters.
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What is the deepest sea in the world? After all, there are a huge variety of different seas on Earth. But the deepest sea in the world is the Coral Sea. This is the Pacific Ocean, which is located between the coasts of several countries - New Caledonia, Australia and New Guinea. The total area of ​​the deepest sea on Earth is 4,068 thousand square kilometers. The deepest place in the sea is 9,174 meters, and the average volume of its water is 11,470 thousand cubic kilometers.

The deepest and clearest sea gets its name from the abundance of coral reefs and islands that make navigation difficult. In this sea there are such islands as Tregross, Chesterfield, Willis, Bampton. The most famous reef, which is located in the deepest sea on the planet, is the Great Barrier Reef. This reef is considered the most big reef in the world. It is worth noting that the islands listed above are not inhabited. And on Willis Island there is a weather station.

The bottom of the deepest sea on earth is highly dissected. Currents can form a cyclonic gyre. The water temperature of the deepest sea in the south reaches 19 degrees Celsius, and in summer it warms up to 24 degrees. The salinity of the sea is estimated at 34.5-35.5%. There are a large number of sharks and flying fish in the sea. Since 1969, the territory of the deepest sea in the world began to belong to Australia and belongs to Canberra. In 1942, a naval battle took place on this sea between Japanese and naval forces allies. This battle prevented the capture of Port Moresby by Japan. The main seaports are: Port Moresby (New Guinea), Cairns (Australia) and Noumea (New Caledonia).

But Russia is washed by as many as 12 seas. But which sea is considered the deepest? The deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea. The sea was named after Vitus Bering, who was the first to explore this body of water. Before this, the sea was given such names as Kamchatka, Bobrovoye, but Beringovo still took root. The deepest sea in Russia is located in the northern part of the country and, like the previous deepest sea in the world, belongs to the Pacific Ocean. It is in this sea that a section of the border between Russia and the United States passes.

The deepest sea in Russia is large. Its area is 2,315 thousand square kilometers. But the main feature of the sea is its depth. The deepest place in the sea has a depth of 4,151 meters, while the average depth of the sea is 1,612 meters. It is worth noting that the Bering Sea does not even make it into the top ten deepest seas in the world. It is worth noting that the Black Sea is also included in the list of the deepest seas in the world. The deepest point of the Black Sea reaches 2,000 meters. And the officially registered deepest place in the Black Sea is a depth of 2,211 meters. The deepest depression in the sea is the Yalta depression.

The Caspian Sea is also included in the list of the deepest seas in the world. The deepest point of the Caspian Sea reaches 1000 meters. Wikipedia gives 12 names for the deepest seas of Russia. Among the deepest seas washing Russia are the Bering Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Baltic Sea and others.