Onr presentations for parents and educators. Presentation of the project “Formation of lexical and grammatical concepts in children with special needs through a system of educational games. I level of speech development

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I level of speech development

“Lack of common speech” is characterized by a complete or almost complete inability to use ordinary speech means of communication. Children at this level communicate using babbling sounds and gestures.

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Basic provisions for the characteristics of the first level of speech development

1. Active vocabulary in its infancy. It consists of onomatopoeia, babbling words and only a small number of common words. The meanings of words are unstable and undifferentiated. 2. Passive vocabulary is wider than active, but understanding of speech outside the situation is very limited. Phrasal speech is almost completely absent. 3. The ability to reproduce the sound and syllabic structure of a word has not yet been formed.

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I I level of speech development

The beginnings of common speech At this level, communication is carried out not only with the help of gestures accompanied by undifferentiated sound complexes (snippets of words), but also through a fairly constant, although very distorted and limited stock of common words.

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Basic provisions for the characteristics of the I I level of speech development

1. The active vocabulary is expanded not only through nouns and verbs, but also through the use of some (qualitative) adjectives and adverbs. 2. There is some enrichment of speech through the use of certain forms of inflection. Children are observed trying to change words by gender, number and case, and verbs by tense. 3. At the second level of speech development, children begin to use the phrase. 4. Understanding of speech improves, passive and active vocabulary expands, and understanding of some simple grammatical forms arises. 5. The pronunciation of sounds and words is severely impaired. It is revealed that children are unprepared to master sound analysis and synthesis.

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I I I level of speech development

the presence of extensive phrasal speech with pronounced elements of underdevelopment of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics

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Basic provisions for the characteristics of the I I I level of speech development

1. Inaccurate knowledge and use of many everyday words. Children's active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are few words that characterize the qualities, signs, states of objects and actions, as well as methods of action. A large number of errors are observed in the use of simple prepositions and almost no more complex prepositions are used in speech. 2. Insufficient development of grammatical forms of the language - errors in case endings, confusion of tense and aspectual forms of verbs, errors in agreement and control. Children almost never use word formation methods. 3. In active speech, mainly simple sentences are used. There are great difficulties, and often a complete inability to extend sentences and construct complex sentences (composed and subordinate).

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4. Most children still have deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds and violations of the structure of words, which creates great difficulties in mastering sound analysis and synthesis. 5. Understanding of everyday speech is sufficient, but sometimes ignorance of individual words and expressions, confusion of semantic meanings of words that are similar in sound, and unsteady mastery of many grammatical forms are revealed. This is especially evident when reading educational and literary texts. 6. In writing and reading, many errors of a specific nature arise, which are directly dependent on the level of speech development.

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IV level of speech development

Mildly expressed residual manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech. Minor violations of all components of the language are identified during a detailed examination when performing specially selected tasks.

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Basic provisions for the characteristics of the IV level of speech development

Individual violations of the syllabic structure of words and sound filling: elision - in the reduction of sounds, omission of syllables; paraphasia, rearrangement of sounds, syllables; perseveration and addition of syllables and sounds. Insufficient intelligibility, expressiveness, somewhat sluggish articulation and unclear diction leave the impression of overall blurred speech. The incompleteness of the formation of the sound structure and the mixing of sounds characterize the insufficient level of differentiated perception of phonemes.

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Basic provisions for the characteristics of the IV level of speech development

Individual violations of semantic speech: there are no words denoting some animals and birds (penguin, ostrich), plants (cactus, loach), people of various professions (photographer, telephone operator, librarian), parts of the body (chin, eyelids, feet); generic and specific concepts are mixed (crow, goose - bird, trees - fir trees, forest - birch trees). when denoting the actions and characteristics of objects, they use typical names and names of approximate meaning: oval - round; rewrote - wrote; the nature of lexical errors is manifested in the replacement of words that are similar in situation (uncle paints a fence with a brush - instead of “uncle paints a fence with a brush; the cat rolls a ball - instead of “ball”), in a mixture of signs (high fence - long; brave boy - fast; old grandfather - adult).

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Errors when using: diminutive nouns (coat - coat; platenka - dress; skvorchik, birdhouse - skvorushka; strap - strap, etc.); nouns with singularity suffixes (pea, pea - pea; puff, cannon - fluff; raisin, raisin - raisin; sand, sand, sandbox - grain of sand, etc.); adjectives formed from nouns with different meanings of correlation (downy - downy; cran'ovy - cranberry; s'osny - pine); adjectives with suffixes characterizing the emotional-volitional and physical state of objects (boastful - boastful; ulybkiny - smiling); possessive adjectives (volkin - wolf; fox - fox).

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The originality of coherent speech: 1. In a conversation, when composing a story on a given topic, a picture, a series of plot pictures, violations of the logical sequence, “getting stuck” on minor details, omissions of main events, repetition of individual episodes are noted. 2. When talking about events from their lives, composing a story on a free topic with elements of creativity, they mainly use simple, uninformative sentences. 3. Difficulties remain in planning your statements and selecting appropriate linguistic means.

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It is customary to distinguish 4 levels of speech development in OHP. Level I of speech development Level I of speech development is characterized by the absence of speech (the so-called “speechless children”). For communication, children at this level use mainly babbling words, onomatopoeia, individual nouns and verbs of everyday content, and fragments of babbling sentences, the sound design of which is blurred, unclear and extremely unstable. Often the child reinforces his “statements” with facial expressions and gestures.

Level II of speech development The transition to Level II of speech development (the rudiments of common speech) is marked by the fact that, in addition to gestures and babbling words, distorted but fairly constant common words appear (“Alyazai. Alyazai children kill. Kaputn, lidome, lyabaka. The Lithuanians are handing over the land" - Harvest. Children harvesting the harvest. Cabbages, tomatoes, apples. Leaves falling to the ground). At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this occurs only in relation to words with stressed endings (table-tables; sing-sing) and relating only to some grammatical categories. This process is still quite unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced. Children's statements are usually poor; the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

III level of speech development Level III of speech development is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Free communication is extremely difficult. Even those sounds that children can pronounce correctly do not sound clearly enough in their independent speech. Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonorants), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group. For example, a child replaces with the sound s", which is not yet clearly pronounced, the sounds s (“syapogi” instead of boots), sh (“syuba” instead of a fur coat), ts (“syaplya” instead of a heron). However, at this stage children are already using all parts of speech, correctly use simple grammatical forms, try to build complex and complex sentences (“Kola sent a little squirrel into the forest, got a little squirrel, and Kolya got a cage” - Kolya went into the forest, caught a little squirrel, and Kolya lived in a cage) .

IV level of speech development IV level of speech development is characterized by minor changes in all components of the language. Children do not have any obvious disturbances in sound pronunciation; they only have deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds [R - R"], [L - L"], [j], [Shch - Ch - Sh], [T" - C - S - S"], etc. and is characterized by a unique violation of the syllabic structure, the child understands the meaning of the word and does not retain the phonemic image in memory, as a result of which there are distortions in sound content in different ways: perseveration (persistent repetition of a syllable) “librarian” - librarian; rearrangements of sounds and syllables “kosmonaut” - cosmonaut; elision (reduction of vowels during confluence); paraphasia (substitution of syllables) “motokilist” - motorcyclist; in rare cases, omitting the syllables “cyclist” - cyclist; adding the sounds “toy” - pear, and the syllables “vovaschi”. The degree of lag in the use of words with a complex structure in spontaneous pronunciation and speech contact. All this can be traced in comparison with the norm, i.e. the fourth level is determined depending on the ratio of violations of the syllable structure and sound filling.

The teacher must remember: only the correct form of presenting comments and recommendations for correcting speech errors has a positive effect on the development of the child’s speech; when correcting a mistake, you should not repeat it - you need to invite the child to listen to how to speak correctly, warning him that he said incorrectly, which means he must repeat the correct word or sentence after the teacher.

Techniques for working with children The opportunity to enrich children’s vocabulary is provided by the teacher’s daily communication with children. It is necessary to ask children questions: what are you doing? What are you playing? What are you building? What do you put on the doll? What dress did they buy you? What do you wash your hands with? What do you wipe with? Etc. The teacher instructs one of the children to explain to the child where in the group he can get toys, pencils, books, board games, and tell him about the rules for using them.

Role-playing games are always accompanied by speech: children agree on the terms of the game, argue, conduct dialogues on behalf of the characters; The teacher must introduce active games into children’s everyday life, which are accompanied by nursery rhymes, dialogues, and onomatopoeia; in classes on the formation of coherent speech, it is good to use various graphic diagrams to help build phrases (a similar gaming technique can be used in didactic games)

Game "Shop". Its goal is to reinforce the names of items of clothing and teach them to use a simple sentence with a direct object in speech. The teacher plays the role of a seller, the children play the role of buyers. Cards are used depicting children and actions Girl Boy Buy Children choose a purchase, approach the teacher and compose a phrase based on symbolic images I am buying a shirt I am buying a skirt At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to consider each purchase, laying out the children’s “records” on a flannelgraph.

Undressing, dressing During the day, children take off and put on outerwear at least five times (this takes a lot of time in winter). Indoors, children change clothes for music and physical education classes, as well as getting ready for bed. Part of this time can be devoted to clarifying and expanding vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”: the teacher attracts children’s attention to the names of items of clothing, enriching the vocabulary with adjectives and verbs.

Vocabulary Nouns: jacket, coat, dress, trousers, sweater, T-shirt, panties, tights, socks, leggings, apron, skirt, blouse, shirt, shorts, fur coat, scarf, mittens, hat, gloves, sleeves, belt, buttons, collar , pockets. Verbs: put on, take off, hang, tie, tuck in, unbutton, untie, clean, wash, iron, rinse, dry, put away, knit, sew on. Adjectives: beautiful, comfortable, warm, light, soft, new, clean, old, elegant, festive, cold, leather, knitted, wool, fur.

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast (for lunch, lunch; for afternoon tea, afternoon tea; for dinner, dinner) The teacher invites children to the table, teaches them how to sit at the table correctly, use cutlery, and improves self-service skills. During meals, he clarifies the names of dishes, draws children's attention to the aroma and taste of food, to the methods of its preparation.

Dictionary Nouns: soup, cabbage soup, borscht, salad, omelet, compote, jelly, puree, porridge, solyanka, tea, coffee, milk, juice. butter, sausage, egg, etc. Adjectives: appetizing, aromatic, tasty, hot, warm, salty, sweet, fragrant, juicy, vegetable, dairy, rice, buckwheat. Verbs: cook, fry, peel, cut, pour, spread, boil.

Vocabulary work Nouns: deep plate, spoon, fork, knife, shallow plate, teaspoon, cup, saucer, glass, saucepan, frying pan, bowl, ladle. Verbs: wash, put, cut, break, serve, bring, put, hold, take care of, drop, dry, wipe. Adjectives: glass, plastic, wood, metal, clay, clean, dirty, shiny, fragile, shallow, deep, beautiful, painted, transparent.

Games, preparation for classes, activities The teacher makes sure that the children who leave the table are busy with games that do not require a long time. Preparing for classes with children. Involves children in preparing equipment for the lesson (arrange jars for water, distribute paints, brushes, paper, etc.). They are conducted in subgroups, alternating with speech therapist classes.

Preparing for a walk, a walk Selects toys for a walk with the children, organizing dressing, and continues to develop relevant skills. In groups for children with ODD, classes on familiarization with fiction in the warm season are recommended to be carried out during a walk. During the period of studying lexical topics, it is advisable to use the walking time to conduct excursions on similar topics: “Autumn”, “Plants”, “Insects”, “Transport”, etc. When preparing for a walk, the teacher selects games with speech accompaniment, in which children quickly memorize short poems and willingly recite them in chorus. When choosing an outdoor game, it is necessary to take into account the lexical topic being studied during this period - for example, when studying the topic “Pets”, the games “Shaggy Dog”, “Cat and Mice” are played; when studying the topic “Wild Animals” - the games “Bunny”, “Fox and Geese”, “At the Bear in the Forest”. While walking, he watches children play.

Getting ready for bed, sleep. Gradual rise, games. The teacher organizes the undressing and putting the children to bed, and may invite the children to listen to a fairy tale or story (the content of what they read corresponds to the lexical topic being studied). The teacher organizes the dressing of children and involves them in cleaning the beds,

Vocabulary work Nouns: pillow, mattress, blanket, sheet, pillowcase, duvet cover, bed, bedding, bedspread. Verbs: lay, spread, shake, smooth, straighten, tuck, cover, cover, put, hang, dry, wash. Adjectives: dirty, clean, ironed, smooth, calico, wool, colored, white, warm, soft, neat, fluffy, dry, wet, damp.

Going home. The teacher talks with the parents, distributes notebooks with the speech therapist’s tasks, explains their essence, if necessary, involving the children: invites them to perform this or that exercise. In conversations with parents, he gives advice on organizing verbal communication with the child and explains the requirements for his speech.

The goal of the game is to develop children's word formation skills. The game is used when working individually with a child or when working in small groups. Children's age is 5-6 years. The game is aimed at strengthening children's ability to form relative adjectives on various topics, at activating children's vocabulary and at developing coherent speech.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The presentation was created for children with severe speech impairments in order to practice the use of singular nouns in indirect cases (dative/genitive) or practice the use of possessive adjectives. Depending on the goal setting of the lesson, you can change the questions: Who will we give the tail to?/Whose tail is this?/Whose tail?”
Animation when you click the desired picture, changing slides when you click a trigger button.
The last slides are a surprise moment and resources used.

In a playful way, children learn to identify the first sound from the names of pictures and determine its softness. Bunnies help determine whether tasks are completed correctly.
This simulator can be used both in lessons when covering the topic “indicating the softness of consonants by vowels of the second row,” and in speech therapy classes. The resource can be used during frontal work, during classes with a group and individually. This type of work develops phonemic hearing, sound analysis, and if given the task of writing down the names of pictures, it also strengthens the skill of indicating the softness of consonants in writing.

This work can be used in a group lesson or during individual work with students who are experiencing substitutions of paired consonants in writing.
Work on the development of phonemic hearing (distinguishing P-B by ear) is carried out in an entertaining and interesting way for children. Writing exercises are then given to spell these letters correctly in words.
All tasks are given in stages: first, paired consonants are given in words in a strong position, then in a weak position, when you need to use the rule for the correct spelling of consonants in words.
This activity can also be used to work with preschoolers who have phonemic hearing impairment.

Target audience: for speech therapist

This interactive didactic game is intended for both individual and subgroup lessons on the formation and development of phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills. Can be used on an interactive whiteboard and computer.

The child identifies the first sound in the name of the object and gives a description of this sound.
The consonant hard sound is indicated in blue by clicking on the corresponding circle.
Consonant soft sound - green by clicking on the corresponding circle.
Vowel sound - in red by clicking on the corresponding circle.
If the answer is correct, a bell sounds, the corresponding circle remains on the screen, the rest disappear.
If the answer is incorrect, the sound of a hammer sounds.
When you click on the picture, a letter appears indicating the first sound in the word.
We form a word from the first sounds of the names of objects.

Target audience: for speech therapist

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of children with various speech disorders. Writing and reading disorders are especially common. Reading disorders in children have been studied for a long time, but even today it is one of the most pressing problems in speech therapy. Correction of these types of disorders requires targeted and painstaking work by teachers, speech therapists, and parents. To make this process interesting, educational and not boring for students, it is necessary to diversify the work with various games and exercises that would break the stereotypical idea of ​​reading as a boring activity.

Target audience: for speech therapist

Children with phonemic processing disorders may find it very difficult to identify identical sounds in words. This material is intended for the stage when students can not only divide words into syllables, but also find the common syllable in two words. When all the syllables are highlighted, you need to make a sentence out of them, writing it down correctly.

To determine the correct answer, you need to click on the envelope. If a child is experiencing difficulties, you can get help by pressing a button. The “Magic Envelope” technological technique was used to create this simulator.

Target audience: for 1st grade

Presentation on the topic: "Prevention of Dysgraphia."
The problem of written language disorders in schoolchildren is one of the most pressing, since writing and reading become the basis and means of further learning. I.N. Sadovnikova
The development includes exercises aimed at correcting dysgraphia.

Margarita Tikhanova
Presentation of the project “Formation of lexical and grammatical concepts in children with special needs through a system of educational games”

"Timely formation grammatical structure of a child’s language is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform a leading function in development thinking and verbal communication, in planning and organizing the child’s activities, self-organization of behavior, in formation of social connections.

Language and speech are the main means of manifestation of the most important mental processes - memory, perception, emotions."


Children with special needs, even by the age of 7, are not sufficiently prepared for schooling, for mastering the Russian language program, prerequisites mastery of which is the awareness of the elements of language, speech and, above all, words. Therefore, it is obvious that there is a need for additional developments in speech therapy work in groups of preschool children with ODD to vocabulary formation through purposeful action to clarify the meaning of a word, its semantic structure, awareness of the word as an element of language and speech, as a set lexical and grammatical meaning.

The urgent moment is to solve this problem through an educational game, as the main activity of an older preschooler.

U educational game two goals: one of them is educational, which the teacher pursues, and the other is playful, for the sake of which the child acts. These two goals complement each other and help ensure high performance in formation of vocabulary-grammatical categories.

The solution to this problem is directly related to the child’s successful education at school.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of lexical and grammatical categories in the summer Consultation for parents In the summer, you can expand your children’s vocabulary on the topics “Berries”, “Flowers”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Insects”, “Trees”.

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Topic: Preposition POD Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical concepts Topic: Preposition POD (second lesson on the topic) Program tasks: 1. clarify the spatial meaning of the preposition “POD”; 2. teach to perceive.

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