"Delphic Oracle": free online fortune telling. Fortune telling using an oracle

The Delphic Oracle, which opened the veil of the future in Ancient Greece, enjoyed unprecedented fame, which the accuracy of its predictions brought to it.

The Secret of the "Delphic Oracle"

Since ancient times, Delphi has been famous for its seers. No major decision regarding war or peace, political or economic union, was made without the advice of the sages of this glorious city-state.

Fortune telling is based on belief in fate or fate, which cannot be changed. For this reason, you can find out exactly what awaits a person, a family or an entire country by lifting the veil of the future, resorting to the help of famous oracles.

According to legend, the temple and its seers were patronized by Apollo himself, who became the founder of the temple at the foot of Parnassus. He laid it in honor of the victory over the serpent Python, who guarded the Oracle. Having collected the ashes of the murdered Python in a sarcophagus, Apollo went in search of priests who would serve in his temple. Near the sea, paying attention to a ship sailing in the distance, he took the form of a dolphin, swam up to the sailors and told them about the destiny prepared for them. Those, imbued with what they heard, founded the Delphic altar in honor of Apollo on the shore.

There is another legend that describes the founding of the temple. She says that goats that wandered through the rocky terrain of Parnassus discovered a gorge from which an unknown steam was emanating. It caused the animals to have convulsions. The people who came running to help the goats felt a similar effect: they began to babble incoherent words, which turned out to be predictions. At the site of the divine vapors, a temple was erected, the priests of which were famous for their truthful and accurate predictions.

The walls of the temple were covered with wise sayings, the authorship of which was attributed to Apollo himself. Here are some of them:

  • “Nothing in excess”;
  • "Know yourself";
  • "Watch the end of life";
  • "Everything has its time";
  • “The worst are always the majority”;
  • “Don’t vouch for anyone,” etc.

From all over Greece, as well as from its borders, those who wanted to lift the veil of their future came with gifts. The flow of those wishing to find out their fate continues today. Many tourists travel to Delphi, not least in the hope of finding out what the future holds for them.

"Delphic Oracle" online

Of course, the most accurate fortune telling is performed directly in the temple. To do this, the Oracle, having received an order to perform the ritual, reads prayers for three days and adheres to a strict fast. Only after this he plunges into a meditative state and prophesies, giving an answer to the question of interest.

At the same time, in order to touch the innermost mysteries of the ancient Greeks, it is not at all necessary to make a long journey. You can always use free fortune telling online in an Internet resource. The answer you receive will be as accurate as if Apollo himself answered you. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of fortune telling.

The cuisine of the freely revived Delphic Oracle is food for your soul! When you reject bad thoughts and turn to your heart, you will become not a servant of others, but a master of yourself.

There is no reading of the future or the past, the answer is dictated by the present moment and its possibilities. It carries a healing message to the soul, a warning, an advice. Don't be afraid to get any answer.

In the end, there is no yes or no: agreement on one thing is a refusal on the other, and vice versa. Everything here is true, and everything here is false at the same time. Only the choice between them decides everything.

Don’t let anything gnaw at you, seize the moment. Know yourself in everything that happens.

Think about your question!!!

Hints to the texts of Delphic Dumplings

Varenik's answers are divided into 6 cycles.

1 cycle is associated with Mastery, if you come across similar words: “master”, “genius” - this is an indication that, thanks to the events you are asking about, you can improve your experience and receive a powerful impetus for change. Events that occur invite or push you to self-realization or fulfillment of your destiny.

Cycle titles: Effort, Patience, Control, Love, Development, Relief, Merit.

Cycle 2 is associated with Obstacles, which it is important to learn to overcome without shying away from personal responsibility. The answers of the cycle are associated with the passage of obstacles and development-limiting conditions or events, due to which you can reach the bottom if you give up, or strengthen your character and reveal your strength.

Cycle answers: Quarrel, Enemy, Luck, Past, Parting, Struggle, Obstacle, Loss, Deception.

Cycle 3 is called Dream, and is associated with beginnings, ideas, adventures, and travel. Mostly the answers from the cycle are motivating or encouraging. If you come across the words: guiding star, angel, inspiration, help, advice - this is a call to ensure that you do not stop hoping for the best and believe in yourself in the given question.

Loop responses: Beginning, Travel, Help, Advice, Honors.

Cycle 4 is associated with Society: order, rules, permissions or prohibitions, which often form certain stereotypes and reactions, and require standard behavior from you, while the way out often lies beyond the choices provided and is associated with your personal creativity and awareness of your freedom and uniqueness. It is also the influence of your environment on the issue.

Cycle answers: Patron, Woman, Child, Family, Law, Conversation, Solitude, Power, Passion, Error, Sacrifice.

Cycle 5 symbolizes Destiny– events of an irreversible, unpredictable nature, which often occur unexpectedly, take you by surprise and leave behind a rich life experience. This includes both positive and negative responses, which indicate gifts worth accepting or wounds that are important to heal in relation to the question being asked.

Cycle names: Loss, Despair, Loss, Fate, Knowledge, Gift, News, Completion.

6 cycle Personality associated with your personal priorities, abilities and capabilities that are worth recognizing, developing, applying or learning to control. The cycle also indicates the months of the year, by which you can determine the time of the event, as well as understand what mood is important or necessary in your situation.

Cycle names: Healing, Strength, Friend, Money, Success, Intuition, Intelligence, Weakness, Spontaneity, Achievement, Opportunity, Emotions.

New project coming soon!

Today, fortune telling is allowed not only in a specially designated place with the obligatory use of magical attributes and knowledge in the field of magic. Digital fortune-telling Oracle can also give an accurate prediction.

Popularity of Digital Oracles

The question of the veracity of the new unusual Oracles is gradually disappearing, because people are starting to trust online sources. Digital fortune telling is as truthful as what people used in the past. Now everyone can find out the future with just a few clicks of the mouse. Anyone can tell fortunes, men and women of any age.

Many modern digital sources are based on the works of famous healers, magicians and sorcerers of the past and present.

A lot of information on this topic is contained in N. Stepanova’s book entitled “The New Modern Oracle.” Experience accumulated over centuries is stored in the PC. All new amazing discoveries in the world over the past decades are related to digital technologies.

You shouldn’t underestimate the magic that has migrated to the Internet. It still has the same power, mystical and even healing effect. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions attached to such fortune-telling and believe in their help.

healing oracle

This online Oracle is unique. It contains several magical decks of cards: D. Verce, Tarot, gypsy cards, etc. The healing digital Oracle answers any questions that a person needs to ask mentally. The system itself will give a detailed answer. A person will only have to read and analyze it.

Mystical oracle

The mystical predictor is easy to use. It is based on the famous Mahjong cards, gypsy cards, Scandinavian and Slavic runes. This digital Oracle contains a large amount of information accumulated by different peoples of the world. The fortuneteller needs to make one mouse click on the window that pops up on the monitor screen. The system provides an answer with all explanations and nuances automatically.

Star Oracle

This Oracle is the only one in the World. The star digital interpreter is able to answer the PC user's questions. They should be short and clearly stated. Questions may concern love, work, health, etc. Anyone can use a star interpreter. He needs to ask a question by writing it in a special field. Within 1-2 seconds information will appear on the screen. The oracle will respond with one or more sentences. They will not be veiled. Information is formulated clearly and competently.

Fortune telling with 3 cards

In this kind of digital fortune-telling, Letitia's cards are used. This magical tool for obtaining predictions has its own characteristics. Both main and additional cards participate in layouts. The secondary ones always explain the meaning of the main ones.

Fortune telling on Letitia's cards is not difficult. You need to go to the fortune telling page, and then perform the following actions:

  1. From the proposed positions, choose 3 main and 3 additional cards.
  2. Wait for the values ​​of the selected cards to appear.
  3. Carefully study the interpretations received and connect them with each other.

The information provided by such fortune-telling is striking in its detail. It indicates not only certain turning points in life, but also cause-and-effect relationships.

Unicorns are mystical creatures that fulfill bright human desires. Fortune telling is based on mysticism. To get an answer to the question, go to the Oracle page, read the instructions for use and follow it. The closed cards of the magic deck appear on the monitor screen in front of the fortuneteller. A person’s task is to mentally ask a question to the Higher Powers and choose 3 cards from those offered. Each of them will have a specific meaning:

  • the first position displays what is worth taking a closer look at;
  • the second card shows important events of the future;
  • the third position gives the person advice.

The interpretation is presented in expanded form. Everything is spelled out clearly and without omissions. All that remains is to study the received prediction and use it as a tool to create your own future.

Online fortune telling: ON THE KNIFE. FOR THE FUTURE. Oracle + Tarot



There are a large number of online fortune telling that help solve any problems. With just a few clicks of the mouse, a person will find out his future or receive intimate knowledge about the future. Fortune telling is allowed on any topic: love, work, financial well-being, relationships in society, etc. You should not turn to Higher powers for help often; it is important to maintain faith in the mystical powers of fortune telling.

An oracle is a fortune telling that has come to us from time immemorial. It is known as the Druid Oracle or the Druid Tarot. The ancients believed that the world we live in represents only one level of existence. Besides it, there is another world - a world of energies, spirits and forces that guide us and help us if we recognize their existence and accept their reality.

The oracle includes 33 cards, each of which features an animal representing a specific symbol. By reading with the help of the Oracle, you can discover what energies can help you, better understand yourself, another person or the situation you are asking about. Remember that the Oracle does not predict the future. This fortune telling offers ideas and interpretations that can give you new insight into your life, people or events.

How to guess?

The oracle provides answers to a variety of questions. It is important that you feel calm before fortune telling, because a subconscious connection is established between you and the Oracle, and your anxiety can be transmitted to the Oracle, which will affect the results of online fortune telling.

Ask the Oracle a question and move your cursor over the cards. Once you feel their vibrations, select three cards and click "Show". Your cards will be revealed and their value will be shown to you. Oracle cards are laid out in order from top to bottom. The first of these denotes the dynamics, impulse, guiding idea or motive behind the situation. The second represents the situation at the level of emotions or relationships. The third card shows the situation on a physical or material level.

How to conduct free online fortune telling on our website. To get the right result, you need to tune in well; it is best to retire and ask the cards to answer your question. After preparation, click on the deck with the left mouse button and hold it until you feel an internal impulse, then release the mouse, the system will automatically finish shuffling and display the shuffled cards on the computer screen, after which you yourself (following the prompts) can select the number of cards required for fortune telling.

Description of online fortune telling, the purpose of free fortune telling. Oracle by Matthias Mal. First, let's define what an oracle is, as follows from the translation from Greek: Oracle - to speak, to ask. People have long sought to understand what awaits them in the future. For these purposes, they resorted to oracles. In general, an oracle has such a collective meaning that it can mean any phenomenon, object or person who somehow, with the help of magical rituals, made it possible to obtain an answer to a question asked. Naturally, the more complex the oracle, the more detailed and truthful its interpretation, the more respectful the attitude towards it. It is not for nothing that we all know, or at least have heard, about the Delphic Oracle, although only a few imagine what, or more precisely who, he was. But back to our topic, we present to your attention the Oracle of Matthias Mal, who is one of the most prominent representatives of prophetic art. Because of the variety of possible answers and the breadth of their interpretation. It is based on well-known methods of fortune telling: Arabic dice, Roman coins and cards. You can guess using any of these tools, but in our version we will focus on cards. For you to understand the technique, I will point out that it is necessary to use a deck that has an equal number of cards of each of the four suits; this can be a deck of 32, 36 or 52 cards. We will not take into account the denominations, and we will only need the suits of each of the four cards we draw. And interpretations will be given based on the combination of suits with each other. To explain working with an oracle, a very lengthy description is needed, there is a whole book about this, so I will not go into too much detail, I will only say that there is a division into 16 oracles, each of which, in turn, is divided into 16 small oracles. There are quite serious difficulties in remembering all the meanings, but this is not required; if you guess on your own, you will need an oracle book to interpret the cards that have fallen out. Don't guess too often and don't ask for information about the same events multiple times.

Methods of fortune telling online for free. To get answers to your questions, we will need a deck of playing cards, 36 or 52 pieces. Think about your question and shuffle the cards. After finishing, move some of the cards with your left hand towards you and take out 4 pieces one at a time, laying them out in a row from left to right. During interpretation, the first and fourth cards will indicate the oracle, and the second and third will indicate the small oracle - its interpretation will be the answer to your question. I understand that everything that is written above is very difficult to understand and for a clearer understanding of the work of the oracle, as well as for fortune telling and answering questions, you can perform divination using our resource, for which click on the map just below on page.