The reflexive pronoun is in the nominative case. The reflexive pronoun itself has no form - the nominative case. Group of reflexive pronouns

Pronounservice unit speech that points to an object, sign, quantity, but does not name them.

To find out which pronouns do not have a nominative case, first let's figure out what pronouns are in general.

Types of pronouns

There are several groups of pronouns in Russian:

  • Personal - I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
  • Return - yourself.
  • Possessive - mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.
  • Interrogative - how, what, what, when, how much, etc.
  • Relative - how, what, what, when, how much, etc.
  • Indicative - this, this, that, that.
  • Definitive - each, most, everyone, etc.
  • Negative - nothing, no one, none, not at all, etc.
  • Indefinite - someone, something, some, etc.

Pronouns without nominative case

So, now, knowing what types of pronouns exist, let's sort by groups, which of them do not have a nominative case.

  • Every single personal pronoun is already in the nominative case. They also decline in other cases. For example, me, me, me, me, me, about me.
  • reflexive pronoun myself is in the accusative (whom?). It can also be declined in other cases : myself, myself, myself, about myself. But it cannot be put in the nominative case.
  • Possessive pronouns are also in the nominative case and are declined in the other five cases. My, my, my, my, my, oh my.
  • Interrogative and relative pronouns are also declined in all cases.
  • Demonstrative pronouns can be declined: this, this, this, this, this, about this.
  • Of the negative pronouns, 2 pronouns do not have a nominative case: there is nobody, there is nothing. In this case, you can think about the pronouns someone And something, which, it would seem, are the forms of the pronouns of nobody and nothing in the nominative case. But don't be confused different types pronouns! Someone and something are indefinite pronouns, not negative ones.

So, we have identified only 3 pronouns that cannot be put in the form of the nominative case:

  • myself;
  • no one;
  • nothing.

All other pronouns can be declined in all cases (except for indefinite pronouns someone And something ).

→ Reflexive pronoun declension "myself"

Declension of the reflexive pronoun "myself"

In russian language reflexive pronoun "self"(genus. pad.) has no nominative case, has no gender and number. Reflexive pronoun "myself" changes in cases in the following way:

  • accusative - myself,
  • dativeyourself,
  • instrumental case - yourself,
  • prepositional - About Me.

The reflexive pronoun "myself" indicates the relation of the action to the person who performs this action (replaces the meaning of the personal pronouns of any person and number) [In English. lang.: myself, yourself, himself; in French lang.: me, moi, te, toi, se, soi, nous..; in him. lang.: mich, dich, sich, euch, uns].

In a sentence, the pronoun "self" denotes the object of the action, the same as the subject, and can refer to any person and both numbers: I (you, he) bought myselfé book, we (you, they) returned to oure home.

Usage examples:

She bought seb é dress. He is pleased yourself. I'll pour seb é tea. Tell about yourself é . We have delivered in front of big task.

Phraseological turns with the reflexive pronoun yourself:

beside myself— in great agitation. He was overjoyed.

Take on (take on) something- to promise to do, to do something. Make a commitment.

Pull yourself together- overcome your anxiety. (See for details)

behave like- to have some behavior. Example: Children well behaved in the theatre.

To piss off (to piss off) someone- make someone angry. Example: Don't piss me off .

Get out (get out)- get very angry. (See for details)

To give out (to give out) oneself (with one's head)- discover what you would like to hide (your feelings, actions, etc.)

Contain- to contain (in itself). Example: Letter included important information.

Keep yourself in hand- do not show your excitement, be calm.

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Which pronouns do not have the nominative case?

    To answer this task, we need to remember our great and mighty Russian language and its grammar. So, the nominative case does not have a reflexive pronoun YOURSELF, or MYSELF, he can not be forced to answer the question who, what?. You can also find two more negative pronouns, SOMETHING and NOTHING, they also cannot be in the nominative case.

    The pronoun itself does not have a nominative case form, it is a reflexive pronoun, as well as the words of nobody and nothing. At the same time, the named pronouns are declined in all other cases, but do not change in numbers and genders.

    Negative pronouns of nobody, nothing. Reflexive pronoun of self.

    r nobody nothing yourself

    no one has nothing to themselves

    in no one's nothing myself

    t nobody nothing

    about no one about nothing about yourself

    In order to correctly answer a question from the Russian language, you need to remember the rules of the Russian language. After refreshing your memory, you can write your answer. So so.

    Pronouns that do not have a nominative case are the following - themselves, nobody and nothing.

    Self is a reflexive pronoun.

    Nobody and nothing are negative pronouns.

    These pronouns do not have a nominative case.

    Some pronouns do not really have a nominative form. This is the reflexive pronoun of self. It is inclined, but it cannot be put in the nominative case. The negative pronouns of no one, nothing, also do not have a nominative case. But they have other forms.

    The nominative case does not have a reflexive pronoun myself, as well as negative pronouns no one And nothing. If the first case is clear, the second gives rise to some questions and doubts.

    Other pronouns immediately come to mind: someone, and at the same time something, standing in the nominative case. How are things with them? Bad situation: they have no other forms than the nominative case singular. No one, no one, nothing, etc. - these are not at all indirect forms of these pronouns. This other pronouns! Places someone (something) can be replaced by synonymous somebody And something because these pronouns not negative, but indefinite.

    When there is nothing to eat, the plate is literally empty, and when there is something on the plate that there really is something on it, but whether it is tasty or at least edible is a completely different topic.

    The regiment of negative pronouns has its provocateurs: nobody And nothing. Not only do they just have all the case forms, they are also written differently and pronounced differently too. It should be understood that these pronouns have different meanings.

    When there is nothing, then on a plate lies nothing. someone- This no one, except that he has such a surname in his passport (Ivan Ivanovich Nobody). When we say that nothing clouded its existence, then we mean the absence of unfavorable factors, and if it was something, that is something, then it would certainly darken this very existence.

    Note that the negative pronouns nothing (no one) require verbs With negative particle Not, and the pronouns themselves cannot be synonymous with the words someone or something. They are antonymous.

    In Russian, indeed, there are pronouns that do not have a nominative case. For example, such a pronoun - myself, it is reversible. In addition, negative pronouns also do not have a nominative case - nobody, nothing, they have the stress on the first syllable.

    There are pronouns that do not have only the nominative case. For example: yourself, no one, nothing. You can put them in other cases.

    And there are pronouns that do not change at all in cases: when, where, therefore, because, here, here, and so on.

    reflexive pronoun myself does not have a nominative form. Its declination begins immediately with genitive : oneself, oneself, oneself, oneself, about oneself.

    Negative pronouns nobody, nothing also do not have a nominative form. They are declined starting with the genitive form:

    R.p. nobody, nothing

    d.p. nobody, nothing

    c.p. nobody, nothing

    etc. nobody, nothing

    p.p. not about anyone, not about anything

    Some pronouns have a feature - they do not have a nominative case. These include the reflexive pronoun self, and the negative pronouns of nobody and nothing.

    Genitive case - yourself, nobody, nothing.

    Dative case - to oneself, nobody, nothing.

    Accusative case - yourself, no one, nothing.

    Instrumental case - by yourself, by no one. nothing.

    Prepositional - about yourself, not about anyone, not about anything.

    There are three such pronouns:

    yourself, nobody and nothing.

    The word itself is a reflexive pronoun, there is nobody and nothing are negative pronouns.

    They can't answer the question who? (what?), therefore they do not have the form of Him. case. In other cases they decline.

    Such a question can be found in tests in the Russian language, where out of three answers:

    you have to choose the second one.

    Him in the nominative case he, me in the nominative case I.

The more points you have, the more developed your listening skills are.

Do you avoid engaging in conversation with an unknown or unfamiliar person.

A list of questions.

Processing and interpretation of results.

Calculate the percentage of situations that cause you annoyance and annoyance:

70% -100% - you are a bad conversationalist. You need to work on yourself and learn to listen.

40% -70% - you have some shortcomings. You are critical of statements. You still lack some of the virtues of a good interlocutor, avoid hasty conclusions, do not focus on the manner of speaking, do not pretend, do not look for the hidden meaning of what was said, do not monopolize the conversation.

10%-40% - you are a good conversationalist, but sometimes you refuse your partner full attention. Repeat politely his statements, give him time to reveal his thought completely, adapt your pace of thinking to his speech and you can be sure that communication with you will be even more pleasant.

About% -10% - you are an excellent conversationalist. You know how to listen. Your communication style can be an example for others.

Option P.

Instruction: "10 questions should be answered, which are evaluated":

"almost always" - 2 points;

"in most cases" - 4 points;

"sometimes" - 6 points;

"rarely" - 8 points;

"almost never" - 10 points.

1. Do you try to "curl" the conversation in cases where the topic (or interlocutor) is not interesting to you?

2. Do the manners of your communication partner annoy you?

3. Can an unsuccessful expression of another person provoke you to be harsh or rude?

5. Do you have a habit of interrupting the speaker?

6. Do you pretend that you are listening carefully, but you yourself are thinking about something completely different?

8. Do you change the subject of a conversation if it touches on an unpleasant topic for you?

9. Do you correct a person if there are incorrectly pronounced words, names, vulgarisms in his speech?

10. Do you sometimes have a condescending-mentoring tone with a touch of disdain and irony towards the interlocutor?

Typically, the average score of listeners is 55 points. If more than 62 points are scored, then the listener is “above average”.

4. Vocal sounds include all vowels and sonorants [l l’m m’n n’r p’], voiced.

5. Vowel sounds are divided into: shock and unstressed.

6. The grammatical meaning of the word is considered - in the grammar of the modern Russian language (gender, number, case, etc.)

7. The two main varieties of speech are − colloquial and bookish.

8. Speech is characterized by a sign - dynamism

9. In order for speech to arise, it is necessary - need for communication.

10. Significant parts of the word are - prefix, root, suffix.

11. Non-verbal means of communication include - facial expressions and gestures.