Who checks the exam results? How experts check the Unified State Exam essay. Who checks exam papers

The start time of the Unified State Examination in all academic subjects is 10:00 a.m. local time.

Admission of Unified State Exam participants to the PPE is carried out from 09.00 local time.

Unified State Exam participants should not be late for the exam, since for such exam participants the duration of the exam is not extended and general instruction, including how to fill out the registration fields of Unified State Exam forms, is not provided.

When entering the PES, the Unified State Exam participant must present an identification document (hereinafter referred to as a passport).

If, for objective reasons, a student does not have a passport, he is admitted to the PPE only after written confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the school.

If a graduate of previous years and other categories of Unified State Exam participants do not have a passport, such Unified State Exam participants are not admitted to the PPE.

In the PPE, the Unified State Exam participant takes with him:

  • pen;
  • passport;
  • medications and nutrition (if necessary);
  • teaching and educational means (in mathematics, a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator);
  • USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people - special technical means.
Other personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications equipment and other prohibited means and materials) must be left by Unified State Exam participants in a specially designated place before entering the PPE for storing personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants.

In the PPE, organizers outside the classroom assist Unified State Exam participants in moving around the PPE. The organizers inform the USE participants of the classroom numbers in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany the exam participants to the classrooms.

The organizers in the audience re-check the passport of the Unified State Exam participants and send the Unified State Exam participant to workplace according to automated distribution lists.

Take the place indicated by the organizer. Changing the workplace is not allowed.

When distributing sets of examination materials, all Unified State Exam participants must:

  • listen carefully to the instructions given by the organizers in the classroom;
  • pay attention to the integrity of the packaging of the safe package with electronic media and listen to information about the procedure for printing examination materials (hereinafter referred to as EM) in the classroom;
  • receive printed complete sets of EM from the organizers. The USE participant's electronic document contains:
    • black and white registration form (when conducting the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages, only the registration form for the oral exam is in the EM);
    • black and white answer form No. 1;
    • black and white one-sided answer form No. 2, sheet 1 (with the exception of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics);
    • black and white one-sided answer form No. 2, sheet 2 (with the exception of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics);
    • check sheet with information about the registration form number, CMM number and instructions for checking the kit for the participant.
Additional answer forms No. 2 are issued separately by the organizers at the request of the Unified State Exam participant.

Note. The written part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​includes a “Listening” section, all tasks for which (instructions, texts, pauses) are completely recorded on audio media. The organizer must set up the playback of the recording in such a way that all participants in the Unified State Exam can hear it.

Receive drafts from the organizers, with a stamp educational organization at the base where the PPE is located (in the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued).

  • Compare the unique CMM number on the CMM sheets and the CMM number indicated on the control sheet;
  • compare the digital value of the barcode on the registration form with the value indicated on the control sheet;
  • make sure the values ​​in both pairs of numbers match. In case of a discrepancy, inform the organizers (who will replace the entire EV set);
  • check the quality of the printed set (absence of white and dark stripes, the text is clearly readable and clearly printed, security marks located over the entire surface of the CMM sheet are clearly visible), and also check the correctness of the region code and PPE number in the response registration form. If any defect is detected, it is necessary to replace the entire EM set.


Carefully listen to the instructions on how to fill out the registration area of ​​registration forms, answer forms and how to work with exam materials;

Under the guidance of the organizers, fill out the registration form and registration areas of answer forms No. 1 and 2.


After the organizers announce the start time of the examination work (the start and end times of the examination work are recorded on the board), proceed to the examination work.

Follow the instructions of the organizers.

During the exam, Unified State Examination participants are prohibited from:

  1. Have with you:
    • notification of registration for exams,
    • means of communication,
    • electronic computer technology,
    • photo, audio and video equipment,
    • reference materials (except those permitted, which are contained in the KIM), written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.
  2. Remove examination materials (hereinafter referred to as EM) from classrooms and PPE in paper and (or) electronic media.
  3. Remove writing materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information from classrooms.
  4. Take photographs of EM.
  5. Talk to each other.
  6. Exchange any materials and items with other USE participants.
  7. Rewrite KIM assignments into drafts with the stamp of the educational organization of the Unified State Examination.
  8. Arbitrarily leave the classroom and move around the PPE without the accompaniment of the organizer outside the classroom
Note. In case of violation of these requirements and refusal to comply with them, the organizers, together with members of the State Examination Commission (hereinafter referred to as the State Examination Commission), have the right to remove the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. In this case, the organizers, together with the State Examination Committee, draw up an act on the removal of the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. A mark indicating the fact of removal from the exam is placed on the forms.
The examination work of such a Unified State Examination participant is not checked.

Unified State Examination participants can leave the classroom by good reason(to the toilet, to the medical room) only when accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom; the organizer in the classroom first checks the completeness of the exam materials left by the USE participant.

If you have a complaint about the contents of the CMM, inform the organizer about it.

IMPORTANT: when writing down answers to assignments, DO NOT use the back of the forms. All records are kept ONLY on the front side (to record detailed answers, first on answer form No. 2, sheet 1, then on answer form No. 2, sheet 2, then on DBO No. 2). Entries on the back of the forms will not be checked, and the conflict commission will also not consider appeals regarding entries on the back of the forms as appeals on issues related to incorrect formatting of the examination paper.

If the Unified State Exam participant has completely filled out answer form No. 2, the organizer in the audience must:

  • make sure that both sides of the answer form No. 2 are completely filled out, otherwise the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be assessed;
  • issue, at the request of a Unified State Examination participant, an additional answer form No. 2;
  • fill out the top field in the additional answer form No. 2 (when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, in the “Additional answer form No. 2” field of the main answer form No. 2, enter the number of the issued additional answer form No. 2, and on the issued additional answer form No. 2, put the number sheet in the corresponding field of the form);
  • record the number of additional answer forms No. 2 issued in the form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the classroom” and write down the numbers of the additional answer forms No. 2 issued in the form PPE-12-03 “Statement of the use of additional answer forms No. 2”.


Unified State Examination participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule may leave the PES. The organizer needs to accept all EM from them.


Unified State Exam participants put exam materials, including CMMs and drafts, on the edge of their desk. Organizers in the audience: collect exam materials from Unified State Exam participants, including CMMs and drafts.

Note. Organizers in the audience:

  • Collected from Unified State Exam participants:
    • Unified State Examination forms;
    • drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PES is located.
  • Place the “Z” sign on the margins of one-sided answer forms No. 2, intended for recording detailed answers, but left blank (including on the reverse side), as well as in the issued additional one-sided answer forms No. 2.
  • Fill out the protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the classroom.
  • Unified State Exam forms are sealed in return delivery packages.
  • In the center of view, the CCTV camera announces the end of the exam and loudly announces all the protocol data.
  • They go to the PES Headquarters and hand over all materials to the head of the PES.

Usually, from the moment the exam is written until the results are announced, it takes up to two weeks(from 8 to 14 days).

How many days are the Unified State Exam results checked?

  • Processing of data in RCIO in compulsory subjects should not exceed 6 calendar days after the exam.
  • Processing of data in RCIO in elective subjects should not exceed 4 calendar days after the exam.
  • Centralized testing at the Federal Testing Center should not exceed 5 working days.
  • The approval of the Unified State Examination results by the State Examination Commission is carried out within 1 working day.
  • Within 1-3 days the results become known to the PES, and therefore to the Unified State Exam participants.

Who checks the Unified State Examination

After the Unified State Exam, forms with graduates’ work are sealed and sent to regional information processing centers (RTC). During this period, your work is scanned by specialists and sent for machine checking of the tasks of the first part, and subject commissions are engaged in checking the tasks of the second part of the exam (with a detailed answer).

Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other and assigned points. The results are entered into the inspection protocol and transferred for further processing.

If the score given by two experts is the same, then this result is final. If the scores differ, the final result will be the arithmetic average of the scores of the two experts, rounded up. If the discrepancy is significant, then a check by a third expert is assigned.

After checking at the RCOT, graduates’ work is sent for centralized verification to the Federal Testing Center (FTC) to compare the answers of exam participants with the correct answers and determine the primary and test scores of the Unified State Examination.

Then the FTC transmits the results of the Unified State Examination to the State Examination Commissions, which, after approval, distribute the results to examination reception points (PPE).

When will the results of the Unified State Exam be known?

After making calculations, you can preliminarily determine the approximate date for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam:

  • : June 4-8
  • Literature: June 4-8
  • : June 7-11
  • : June 28 - July 2
  • : June 22-26
  • German: June 22-26
  • French: June 22-26
  • Spanish: June 22-26
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of): June 10-14
  • Mathematics (major level): June 12-18
  • : June 16-20
  • : June 28 - July 2

The Unified State Exam 2012 has already died down, but many questions remain regarding its conduct. Let's try to answer at least some of them. The chairman of the subject commission for checking tasks with a detailed answer of the Unified State Examination in mathematics 2012 in the Republic of Mordovia, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of the department of mathematics and theoretical mechanics Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogareva Syromyasov Alexey Olegovich.

How is the commission responsible for the inspection formed? By what criteria are inspectors recruited and who recruits them?

The commission should include school teachers (as a rule, of the highest category), teachers of secondary educational institutions and universities, and representatives of secondary and higher education- approximately on a parity basis. This is logical: schools graduate students, and universities accept them. This side of the process is somewhat reminiscent of the delivery and acceptance of work: the commission includes both the handing over party (secondary education) and the receiving party (universities).

In winter, several months before the exam, the Ministry of Education turns to the education departments in Saransk, Ruzaevka and regions of the republic with a request to nominate school teachers - members of the commission. It makes the same requests regarding teachers to universities and colleges. The ministry decides to appoint the chairman of the commission.

All experts in the spring undergo mandatory preliminary training according to FIPI programs ( Federal Institute pedagogical measurements). We must immediately clarify that FIPI is precisely the organization that oversees the preparation of exam tasks.

Most of it takes place remotely, via the Internet - at the request of the Ministry of Education, FIPI provides the required number of accounts to enter the training system. The rest of the committee listens to lectures in person. In any case, training takes place on training (approximate) criteria that are publicly available and ends with a test. Experts who have not completed one form of training or have not passed the test are not allowed to check the Unified State Examination papers.

The chairman gets acquainted with the presented list. He may reject any of the candidates or propose someone else's candidacy. But approval of the composition of the commission is the prerogative of the ministry.

All these appointments take place in agreement with the educational institutions where potential experts work.

Who appoints the chairman of the commission? And how did you become chairman?

This is my second year as chairman (that’s why I speak with such confidence about how everything was handled last year). In the winter of 2010-2011, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova turned to the rector of our university S.M. Vdovin and the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, I.I. Chuchaev, with an official request to approve my candidacy. Perhaps the role was played by the fact that at the Unified State Examination in 2010 I was one of the employees of the RCIO.

This offer was unexpected for me. Of course, at first there were serious doubts whether I could cope or not. Judging by the fact that in 2011-2012 academic year The ministry again asked to approve my candidacy; it was satisfied with the quality of the work done.

Most schoolchildren and even teachers do not have a complete understanding of how assignments are checked. Where should they get this information? And how is the inspection actually organized?

When the time allotted for completing the Unified State Exam tasks comes to an end, all forms filled out by schoolchildren are taken to the RCPI (regional information processing center). Only copies of forms No. 2 (i.e., forms on which solutions to group “C” problems are written) are received from the RCIO for verification by the commission. Forms No. 1 (with tasks “A” and “B”) are checked automatically on a computer, the commission has nothing to do with them.

Here I would like to immediately draw attention to 2 circumstances:
- The commission checks the copies. The originals are inviolable, so you cannot “add on” anything on the form during verification.
- Answer forms No. 2 (respectively, and their copies) are anonymous. They are combined with registration forms and forms No. 1 only by a special barcode program. Accordingly, experts do not know whose work they are checking.

The criteria for checking the assignments of part “C” are sent to the RCIO mailbox in the evening of the day when the exam for the subject was conducted (naturally, after the exam is completed). The commission gets acquainted with these criteria the next morning. They are printed in the required quantity and verification begins.

The entire procedure takes place in the same building in which the RCIO is located (this is more convenient). Special program automatically assigns work that should be checked by one or another expert, then these works are printed along with a protocol form, where the results of the check are then entered. Those. experts are faced with a fact: you are checking such and such work. There are no names or other data of the Unified State Exam participants in the protocols - only a conditional work code (in my opinion, 12 or 13 digits). Each work is checked independently by two experts, and experts cannot consult with each other. Next, copies of the work are submitted along with completed protocols, the protocols are scanned and automatically checked against each other. If the difference in points for the same task is 2 or more, the work is sent to a “third expert”. Thus, each work is checked at least twice, or even three times.

Web cameras are installed in the classrooms where the commission works, and the image is displayed on the screen to the director of the RCIO. Members of the State Examination Commission (SEC), which in Mordovia includes deputy. Chairman of the Government M.S. Sezganov, the leadership of the Ministry of Education, university rectors, etc. They can also view these videos at any time if they wish. Therefore, the commission’s actions during the inspection are under constant control.

General information about the verification procedure can be obtained on the official Unified State Exam portal: www.ege.edu.ru.

So, summary:
- works are anonymous;
- copies are checked, not originals;
- the verification criteria become known only after the end of the Unified State Exam;
- verification takes place under external control.

In your personal opinion, how objectively does the Unified State Exam show the knowledge of schoolchildren? Is it safe to say that a stronger student is likely to get a higher score?

Let's put it this way: a stronger student, all other things being equal, will receive a higher score. But all sorts of accidents are possible, not documented in any way: the night before I had a fight in the family, put on a new, unworn shoe that is too tight, etc. There can be many reasons for failure, even absurd ones, and all of them will be valid, although they cannot be confirmed by any certificate. As with any university exam, however.

In addition, there is a small group of guys who are fundamentally unexamined. Simply by their psychological organization - they can solve problems well from the seat and at the board, but they cannot pass the exam (or they can, but show results worse than their usual ones).

The Unified State Exam is standardization. But it is impossible to standardize a million people; there will definitely be deviations in some direction. Therefore, along with the results of the Unified State Exam, all kinds of Olympiads are taken into account when enrolling in universities.

The question of the objectivity of the Unified State Examination is also closely related to the question of the content of the verification criteria. At the end of the Unified State Exam, the commission can express its opinion both on the students’ work and on the criteria themselves. The chairman includes these opinions in a report, which is submitted to the Ministry of Education and sent to Moscow. Thus, FIPI maintains feedback with subject commissions in the regions.

What opinion did the Mordovian commission express about the criteria?

In general, it was proposed to slightly soften the verification criteria. (This opinion is official, it has already gone to Moscow, and Moscow took note of it.)

Were the verification criteria too strict? How did this manifest itself?

Without going into the specifics of specific tasks: in order to get a certain score, the student needed to reach some control point in his decision and get the corresponding intermediate result. If this result was not achieved due to some error (even an accidental typo), the USE participant no longer received the corresponding points. Figuratively speaking, to get 2 points you need to run 2 km over rough terrain. But if you run 1 km 900 m, you will receive no more than 1 point - because the finish line has not been reached!

At the same time, in school, as a rule, not only the result itself is assessed, but also the process of achieving it.

There were cases when, when checking assignment C3, a student made one single mistake, but it turned 3 primary points (which are the maximum value for assignment C3 in mathematics) into 1 point. Naturally, this solution was rated 1 point.

Here it must be said that regardless of whether the commission likes the criteria or not, the commission works according to the criteria sent from Moscow.

As one of the characters of the Strugatsky brothers said, “When I come to another country, I don’t ask whether the laws there are good or bad. I ask whether they are being implemented.”

So, the commission, within the framework of its powers, is trying to influence the criteria and content of tasks, but this may be reflected in the criteria for next year. At the end of the inspection, we expressed our opinion (see above), and until the inspection is completed, we are obliged to adhere to the existing rules.

Is there any control over cheating during the verification process? If, for example, 2 identical works are discovered, can the commission apply any sanctions?

The question is more theoretical.

Experts, as already mentioned, should not confer with each other and compare works, so it is required that two identical works go to one expert. I don’t know how likely this is, because I’m not aware of the details of the program that assigns copies of forms to experts for verification.

When checking papers in mathematics, such situations did not arise.

If any emergency situation arises, the commission will contact the RCIO (to resolve the issue of technical problems) and the State Examination Committee. The task of the subject commission is to check anonymous works in accordance with the criteria developed by FIPI.

How should appeals be filed? How successful were schoolchildren's appeals this year?

As far as I know, in mathematics less than half of the appeals filed were successful (I think about 30%). At the same time, some experts check the work, and others consider appeals. This is natural: an appeal is a kind of quality control of the inspection, and this quality is controlled by other people - not those who participated in the inspection. Of the members of the subject commission, only the chairman is present at appeals: in some controversial cases, he may be contacted for clarification.

It makes sense to file an appeal when the Unified State Examination participant is more or less confident that this can increase his scores. The fact is that during an appeal, all work (tasks “C”) is rechecked. Therefore, a Unified State Exam participant can not only increase, but also lower their scores (if a recheck reveals a previously unnoticed error).

Before filing an appeal (and before writing the exam, for that matter), it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the sample review criteria. Of course, even experts become aware of the “combat” criteria for checking Unified State Examination tasks only after the exam. But the type of tasks for each subject, the demo version and the so-called specification (description - which USE task tests which skills) can be completely freely downloaded from the official website of the previously mentioned Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, at least from December-January. There, in the demo version, there are also approximate criteria by which tasks “C” will be checked. Here is their address.

Who checks exam papers, what to do if the form is spoiled, how to file an appeal and is it possible to get the answers in advance?

Coordinates public observers

Who checks exam papers

Computer.The test part forms are processed using a computer: information processing center specialists scan the work, then the program compares the answers from the form with the correct answers. To avoid errors during automatic verification, write legibly and only with a black pen. If you suspect that you have lost your score technical reason, for example, due to an unclearly marked answer, it is better to file an appeal.

Unified State Exam experts.Assignments with detailed answers are checked by a subject commission of teachers in the region. Each work is checked by two expert teachers at once. If the assessments of the inspectors differ significantly, the work is transferred to a third expert.If the discrepancy in scores is small, then the arithmetic average of the two experts’ scores will be rounded up.

What to do if the Unified State Examination form is damaged

Contact the organizer.If you spoil the form before you start the exam, the organizer will replace it along with the set of tasks. If you spoil the form when you have already started completing the tasks, you will have to hand it over to the organizer and come to the exam on a reserve day. Keep in mind that errors in answers are not a reason to change forms.

Enter your answer in the reserved field.Most often, graduates make mistakes when filling out short answers. If you gave an incorrect answer and notice an error, use the special field at the bottom of the page. In the correction field you need to enter the assignment number and the correct answer.

Learn to fill out the form correctly. To avoid annoying mistakes, mistakes and not waste time on formalities, practice at home. Open demo versions of CMMs for your subjects on the FIPI website. Read carefully and memorize the rules for filling out forms: how to fill out this or that task, which punctuation marks to enter with spaces and which without, which symbols to put in one cell and which between cells.

In what cases should you file an appeal?

An appeal is filed in two cases:

  1. The procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam has been violated.If extraneous noise or actions of other participants in the audience interfered with your exam, report this immediately. If the exam procedure is violated, file an appeal before leaving the PET.
  2. Do not agree with the exam result.If you disagree with the assigned scores, an appeal is filed within two working days after the official announcement of the results. In this case, you write an application addressed to the head of the organization that admitted you to the exam (school, department of education). The manager must submit the application to the conflict commission, which will review your work.

How to appeal the Unified State Examination

Results of the appeal. The appeal may be rejected. If the appeal is not granted, you will keep your scores and will not be allowed to rewrite your work. If your appeal is successful, your work will be re-checked and your scores may be increased or decreased as a result.

Is it possible to get the Unified State Exam answers somewhere in advance?

It will not be possible to get 2018 KIMs.In previous years, it was theoretically possible to open the CMMs in Vladivostok, solve them and transmit the answers to Moscow by the time the exam began. There are no ways to get KIMs this year. The fact is that all forms are delivered to the examination points in encrypted form on disks. Paper CMMs are no longer used; paying someone and deciding options in advance is now impossible.

The registration form and CMMs will now be printed on a printer right during the exam in front of the children. Rest assured: if someone offers to buy Unified State Examination answers, they are scammers. Don't pay anyone any money, believe in yourself and your knowledge.

Today the main wave begins in Russia passing the Unified State Exam graduates of the eleventh grade of secondary schools. The Unified State Exam campaign will last more than three weeks, until June 20. For the eleventh graders, the most crucial moment had arrived, which had frightened them so much for many years and for which they had been intensively preparing. Passing the exams successfully and getting good scores means guaranteeing yourself budget place at the chosen university. And the main intrigue that will keep yesterday’s schoolchildren for several weeks after each exam is how many points they will be able to get for each of the Unified State Examinations. When the results of the Unified State Exam 2018 will be known - the official schedule for the appearance of the results of the unified state exams after the forms are checked by commissions.

How long does it take to check Unified State Exam forms in 2018?

Depending on the subject, it will take from 15 to 19 days to check the work and announce the results of the Unified State Exam in 2018.

Unlike the Unified State Exam, which ninth-graders take, Unified State Examinations are tested not only at the regional level, but also at the federal level, which also explains such a long period.

It takes three or four calendar days for the work forms to be scanned, the information on them to be recognized and verified with the entries in the Unified State Exam forms. The anonymized scans are then checked by a commission at the level of the region in which the exams were taken. The commission assigns points for each work.

A further seven or eight days are required for exam papers to be processed. federal level, where they are sent for rechecking. The same period includes sending the Unified State Exam results back to the regions.

A few more days (from one to four) are needed for the Unified State Exam results to be approved. The actual publication of the Unified State Exam 2018 results, as well as their announcement in schools, takes a few more days.

All these deadlines are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, which describes the procedure for organizing the Unified State Exam as a whole.

When will the results of specific Unified State Examinations be known in 2018?

A schedule for checking and publishing the results of each of the Unified State Exams for 2018 has been published on the official Unified State Exam portal. This schedule contains the deadlines by which the organizers are required to complete all procedures for checking the Unified State Exam forms, receiving and approving the results, as well as publishing them on the Internet in a closed form (only the graduate himself or someone to whom he entrusts his passport details).

The dates when the results of a particular Unified State Exam in 2018 will become known are as follows:

  • Geography (exam 28.05) - June 15.
  • Computer Science and ICT (exam 28.05) - June 15.
  • Mathematics base (exam 30.05) - June 15.
  • Mathematics profile (exam 1.06) - June 18.
  • History (exam 4.06) - June 20.
  • Chemistry (exam 4.06) - June 20.
  • Russian language (exam 6.06) - June 25.
  • Social studies (exam June 14) - June 29.
  • Biology (exam June 18) - July 4.
  • Foreign languages(exams 9 and 13.06 oral part, as well as 18.06 - written part) - July 5.
  • Literature (20.06) - July 5.
  • Physics (20.06) - July 5.

In addition to the main wave of passing the Unified State Exam in 2018, as usual, an additional period is provided. These reserve dates are mainly intended for those graduates who have chosen exams that coincide in date with the main period of the Unified State Examination. For example. If a student wants to take geography and computer science, which are taken on the same day, May 28, he will be able to take only one of these exams during the main period, and take the second on the reserve dates.

Schedule for publication of USE results for the additional period in 2018:

  • Geography (exam June 22) - July 5.
  • Computer Science (exam June 22) - July 5.
  • Mathematics base (exam June 25) - July 10.
  • Mathematics profile (exam June 25) - July 10.
  • Russian language (exam June 26) - July 11.
  • Biology (exam June 27) - July 11.
  • History (exam June 27) - July 11.
  • Chemistry (exam June 27) - July 11.
  • Literature (exam June 28) - July 11.
  • Social studies (exam June 28) - July 11.
  • Physics (exam June 28) - July 11.
  • Foreign languages ​​(exams 27.06 - written part, and 29.06 - oral) - July 12.
  • All subjects (exams 2.07) - July 17.

How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam 2018 using passport data

Graduates do not have to wait for exam results to be announced to them at school. You can find out in advance the number of points scored on the Internet, for which there are several official services.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the service for checking the results of the Unified State Examination on the official portal of the unified state exams - check.ege.edu.ru.

For those who have an account on “State Services”, there is also another opportunity - the corresponding service on this portal. It will be useful, for example, in cases where the main portal is overloaded.

In addition, in most regions of Russia there are regional portals on which the results of the Unified State Exam are also published, which can be viewed either by passport data or by the registration code for the Unified State Exam. Their list is given in Russian educational portal.

All other services, if you come across them, are not official and, most likely, were created by attackers.

They definitely do not have access to the database with USE results, so using them means, at a minimum, giving away your personal data to scammers or infecting your computer with viruses. Be carefull!