The number of budget places per year. In search of students: Crimean universities were left without state employees. What is a Threshold Score

On the budget in 2018 - another test. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this issue, it is on the websites of universities and other official sources. To help you understand, we have collected all the data in one article. in front of you step-by-step instruction, which will help assess your chances of free education.

Step 1. Studying how many free places there are

Each state university is obliged to allocate places on a budgetary basis. The number of places in the free department depends on the popularity of the faculty and specialty. And you can get a budgetary higher education not only in Moscow universities. In some places, the number of free places reaches 1.5-2 thousand. For example, in Belgorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, Kirov, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

In Russia, the state pays for about 50% of places in universities

Step 2. Understanding the terms

Consider the concepts without which it is difficult to assess your chances of admission:

  • the minimum threshold for USE scores;
  • the minimum number of points for admission;
  • passing score in universities.

What is a threshold score?

To get a certificate, you need to score a certain number of points in each subject. Here's how it was in 2017:

  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics - 27 points;
  • social science - 42 points;
  • computer science - 40 points;
  • foreign language- 22 points.

For example, you have chosen passing the exam foreign language, then you need to score 36 points in Russian, 27 in mathematics and 22 in a foreign language - a total of 85 points. In theory, this is enough to apply to the university. But in practice, this is very little to enroll in a free department.

What is the minimum score?

Each university sets its own minimum number of USE scores for admission. Many technical schools are not ready to accept those who scored less than 50 points in mathematics. Humanitarian - put forward increased requirements for languages.

What is a passing score

The passing score depends on the results of the USE with which applicants were enrolled last year. Especially important is the result of the last lucky person who entered the budget with a minimum number of points.

Example. 200 people wanted to enter, and there were 50 state-funded places. The student with the lowest result is considered to be passing. For example, with 150 points, while the rest had a higher score.

The average USE score in 2017 is 68.2

Step 3. Choose a university by passing score

If you can figure out what score you will get on the USE, then it's time to choose the right university. By the way, trial exams help to assess your chances well.

All universities with free places, they are also called budget institutions higher education, for convenience, we will divide into three categories:

  • the most popular, or top;
  • medium;
  • unpopular.

Typically, top universities put forward increased requirements, while the rest lower the bar to attract applicants. Let's look at the passing scores of universities in all three categories in 2017.

If your GPA is above 85: passing scores in popular universities

Conclusion. To enter top universities, the average USE score must be above 80-85. It’s hard to get into the number of such excellent students, do you agree? If you are unsure of good results, consider schools with less stringent requirements.

If your GPA is between 65 and 80 points: passing scores in secondary universities

Conclusion. With an average USE score of 65-80 in 2017, it was possible to enter budgetary and leading regional universities.

If your GPA is 55-65 points: passing scores in unpopular universities

Conclusion.If you score below 65 points, don't panic. Passing scores in many regional universities are below this bar. And today you can get a good higher education not only in the capitals.

Step 4. Evaluate your chances by the number of points

280-300 points- the best universities in the country, any specialty.

200-250 points- popular universities, specialties: linguistics, foreign language, law, economics, management, health care, mathematics, physics.

200 points- secondary universities, specialties: computer science and computer technology, pedagogy, chemistry and biotechnology, automation and control, electrical engineering, energy. Or leading regional universities, any specialty.

150-200 points- secondary universities, specialties: geology, ecology, vehicles, agriculture and fisheries. Or unpopular universities, any specialty.

Less than 150 points- unpopular universities, some specialties.

Sometimes, even with a high score, you can not get into the cherished twenty, and with a low one, by a lucky chance, you can enter the desired university. The main thing is to use all the chances and do not forget about fallback options.

Their number has decreased by 100,000 people

Due to demographic problems, applicants have become less. The number of universities has changed little, which creates a real threat of "subsidence" of the average score of the entrance exams. True, in the leading metropolitan universities, as MK found out at a meeting of the presidium of the Russian Union of Rectors, this does not happen. But in the regions there is not enough abitura. Yes, and the distribution of budgetary and targeted places is secret and non-transparent - the rectors' community complained about this to the new Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova and the head of the Ministry of Science, Mikhail Kotyukov.

- I ask the rectors to catch up: we are passing the entrance exams! - opened the rector's meeting the head of the RSR, the rector of Moscow State University. Lomonosov Viktor Sadovnichy. On that day, at his university, in fact, an exam was being held, which is required at Moscow State University in addition to USE results. However, fortunately for the entrants, universities with such additional tests, in addition to those where creative contests, by country units. And their list will not expand in the foreseeable future.

However, the rectors will have to “pull themselves up” in the course of the current acceptance in any way. It is too early to sum up even the most preliminary results of the admission campaign: the circle of real applicants for enrollment, and with it the passing score, will be determined only after July 27, when universities will announce the preliminary lists of applicants indicating the amount of USE scores they have scored. Then, those wishing to enroll in this university will have to bring the original certificates there before August 1 inclusive and agree to be enrolled, and only then will the endgame loom in the gambling game called “Admission to the university”. However, it is already obvious: due to demographic problems, the number of applicants applying for places in the 1st year has decreased by 100 thousand people. So the management of universities will not be able to relax in the current situation: there is fierce competition for literally every applicant.

For an applicant, this may be not bad: the chance to "slip" into a good university with not very good grades The USE in this situation seems to be growing. But for the system of higher education, and subsequently for the country's economy, a "light" set is not a gift. The risk is too great that the level of passing scores, and with it the quality of recruitment, will noticeably drop this year: after all, in the absence of fish, as we are taught folk wisdom and cancer is a fish. True, the leading universities of the country, as the rectors of MK assured, this threat has not yet touched:

– Despite the fact that there are much fewer graduates this year, the number of applications submitted to the RSUH turned out to be even higher than last year. So the quality of preparation of the students striving for us has not deteriorated: I think that the average USE score will be slightly higher than in 2017,” said the president of the university, Yefim Pivovar.

at Moscow State University general competition have already been calculated, and it also turned out to be higher than last year - about 7.6 people per place, Viktor Sadovnichy specified. The average USE score of applicants to Moscow State University in 2018 also grew slightly - 81.13 (in 2017 - 80.6). This year, 502 applicants were enrolled at Moscow State University without exams. Of these, 286 are winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, 216 are winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads from the list.

But less branded universities, it seems, will really have a hard time this year.

- Well, everyone is going to Moscow! - complained the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev. - With 146 points - and then they go! We ask: why? Answer: to enter the commercial department. But we also have it! We are even ready to pay for the way home for our guys - let them return, we will assume that this was such a business trip for them!

The rector of St. Petersburg Mining University Vladimir Litvinenko also added a fly in the ointment: “There are problems that prevent rectors from calmly managing their universities,” he said. And the most up-to-date this moment- "so non-transparent system of allocation of places for budgetary and targeted reception that I would like to call this procedure in a different word." (Targeted students, unlike ordinary applicants, are sent to universities by enterprises where, having received a diploma, young specialists are required to work out their free education for several years. — "MK").

Whether Mikhail Kotyukov will heed the voice of the rector, who was in charge of universities during the division of the Ministry of Education and Science into the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science, time will tell.

About implementation public policy in the field of education, it is said that the demographic gap is shifting from the level of general education to the level of secondary vocational and higher education. The number of applicants in the new academic year reduced by 40% compared to 2009. Should universities prepare for shortages? Does this mean that the best students from the regions will flow to the capital's universities? How is higher education being transformed against the backdrop of a decrease in the number of potential students? And will it not work with universities the same way as with kindergartens, which were first closed due to low birth rates, and the premises were given over to commerce, and then faced with an acute shortage of places when the demographic situation improved? Rosbalt talked about this with the director of the Center for the Economics of Lifelong Education of the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEI) of the RANEPA Tatyana Klyachko.

"The number of students in Russian universities declining for the tenth year in a row. The peak was passed in 2008, when the student population exceeded 7.5 million people. In 2017, it fell to 4.2 million, that is, it decreased by 44% in relation to the peak value. But somehow there was no particular panic all these years, ”Klyachko noted.

According to her, the decline in contingents will continue, based on the demographic forecast of Rosstat, until 2024, but will be more gradual. In 2024, according to calculations, 3.7-3.9 million students will study in Russian universities.

What has the decline in the number of students led to, and why is everything going relatively smoothly?

First, according to the expert, there was a reduction of about 1.4 times in the number of universities. In 2010, there were 1115, in 2017 - 818.

If we talk about the branch network, then it decreased much more - by 1.7 times. True, this process did not occur simultaneously with the reduction in the number of universities. The largest number of branches was recorded in 2013 - 1482, in 2017 there were less than 840 of them.

“Thus, the university network was very actively shrinking, private higher education institutions left the higher education system to the greatest extent: admission to state and municipal universities in last years decreased by 15%, to private universities - almost twice, ”the interlocutor of Rosbalt emphasized.

Secondly, the reduction of the teaching staff of universities has also been going on for 10 years. But, compared with the decline in the number of students, it was small - by 27.5%. “This is due to two points: first of all, teachers worked (work), as a rule, in several universities, sometimes in two or three. In one - for example, private - he was reduced, in the state he continued to work, ”explained the expert.

So, according to her, in recent years, universities have reduced almost all part-time workers and hourly workers, which led to an increase in the burden on full-time staff, but most of the teaching staff retained their jobs.

“Another reason for the relatively small decrease in the number of university teachers is a change in the structure of the student body: until 2014, correspondence and evening students accounted for 55%, in 2017, on the contrary, the full-time contingent amounted to 51%,” Klyachko noted.

Thirdly, an increase in the proportion of full-time students leads to an increase in the number of faculty members. Thus, in 2017, the number of teachers for the first time since 2010 increased by two thousand people, since in distance learning there are about 100 students per teacher, and in full-time - 10-12.

“Thus, there will be no shortage in universities. By 2020, there will be another slight reduction in the number of state and municipal universities, their total number will be 500. Let me remind you that in the RSFSR in 1991 there were 514 universities in which 2.7 million students studied, ”said the interlocutor of Rosbalt.

Will we not get education for the elite as a result of the optimization of higher education against the background of the demographic gap? After all, by 2024 there will be about the same number of universities as in 1991, and at least one million more students.

According to Klyachko, such a situation does not threaten us. By 2030, the number of university students is projected to be approximately 4.2-4.3 million people. The number of universities will not grow, but the number of places in them will increase. In addition, it is possible to transfer some students to remote mode - new technologies will actively penetrate universities.

“As for the redistribution of students between regional and metropolitan (Moscow, St. Petersburg) universities, it has been going on over the past few years, and this is due, first of all, to the introduction of the Unified State Examination. In 2016, 7.5% of school graduates from the regions entered Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, in 2017 already 9%. Before the introduction of the Unified State Examination, there were 1.5-2% of such people. As for the interregional flow, in 2017, 16.5% of school graduates entered universities not in their region, not counting Moscow and St. Petersburg, in 2018, 15% reported their intention to enter universities in another region,” Klyachko said .

Anna Semenets

If one of the graduates of this year wants to get an education completely free of charge, you need to take care of submitting relevant applications to universities that have an order from the ministry for budget places. True, we should not forget that the number of such places is limited, and even having managed to submit an introductory application on time, you can not pass the selection due to the presence of more gifted children. Therefore, most of the universities of the capital, which have “in reserve” budget places, are trying to inform future applicants in advance about the passing score for a particular specialty, as well as other rules for admission and admission.

Main information

At the moment, I want to know the latest information about which universities in Moscow will be able to enter on the budget of 2017-2018, the passing scores in which are not too strict. All that graduates and their parents need to know is that this year the number of state-funded places has significantly decreased (by approximately 40%). However, every graduate high school, as before, has every right to continue his own education. In order not to get into an unexpected situation, experts strongly recommend that applicants apply to several suitable universities at once for the desired specialty, having found out on the eve of such a step the exact information regarding the composition of the selection committee or the number of budget places.

In order to make life a little easier for schoolchildren already overwhelmed with studies, let's consider the situation in the most popular universities of the capital.

List of universities in Moscow

1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The minimum passing score is 265, the lowest cost of a year of education is equal to 8 thousand rubles, and the number of budget places this year is 4893.

2. Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. In 2017, the university received only 197 budget places, while the minimum score for admission is 263. The lowest annual tuition fee is 160 thousand rubles.

3. Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after. S. G. Stroganov. With a minimum passing score of 161, the number of places for budgetary education is limited to 186. For one year of study, each student will have to pay at least 76 thousand rubles.

4. Russian national research medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. The minimum passability threshold is 155 points, and the number of budget places is slightly more than 1300. Payment for one year of study is almost 100 thousand rubles.

5. Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov. For admission, you should count on a passability threshold of 276 points, while for a year of study you will have to pay at least 97 thousand rubles. In 2017, the number of budget places is only 63.

6. Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. The passing score is 199, while the annual tuition fee starts at 26 thousand rubles. The number of places paid by the state in 2017 is 127.

7. Moscow State Technical University them. N. E. Bauman. The minimum score is 263, the lowest annual payment is 187 thousand rubles, the number of free places of study is 3536.

8. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation them. V. Ya. Kikotya. Information on the announced institution will be available to applicants only on the day of their direct admission.

9. Moscow Architectural Institute.
The situation is similar to the previous paragraph.

10. School-studio them. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. For admission, you should count on a passability threshold of 276 points, while the number of paid places allocated by the state is only 45. Annual payment starts at 78 thousand rubles.

11. Moscow State Academy of Choreography. There are only 35 free places this year, and applicants who fall within the threshold of 30 points can count on them. Annual training costs at least 95 thousand rubles.

12. Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleev. The passing score is 177, the minimum cost of education is 63.4 thousand rubles, the number of state order places is 1028.

13. Russian State University for the Humanities. With a minimum tuition fee of 82 thousand rubles, the number of budget places is only 902. True, you can use it only if you have passing score 175.

14. Moscow State University of Culture and Art. Payment - 75 thousand rubles per year, the number of places paid at the expense of the treasury of the Russian Federation - 1017, the minimum passing score - 160.

15. Moscow State Institute of Music. A. G. Schnittke. Information is told to applicants during direct admission to an educational institution.

16. Russian State University of Oil and Gas. I. M. Gubkin. The minimum passing score is 160, the number of budget places this year is 611, while the cost of education starts at 78 thousand rubles.

17. Russian International Tourist Academy.
Such an institution does not provide for the availability of budget places, while studying at the academy costs at least 73 thousand rubles.

18. Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina. The state order for 2017 has not yet been set, and the minimum passing score is unclear. Payment for training starts at 74 thousand rubles.

19. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. With an admission score of 156, only 70 applicants can enter the institution on a budgetary basis. At the same time, the annual cost of training is 57 thousand rubles.

20. Russian State University physical education, sports, youth and tourism. Budget places in 2017 - 183, the minimum passing score - 129, the annual tuition fee - 96 thousand rubles.

21. State Classical Academy. Maimonides. The passing score is 124, while the number of places under the state order is 255. For a year of study in this place, students will have to pay at least 115 thousand rubles.

22. Moscow City Pedagogical University. The passing score is only 60, and therefore the number of budget places reaches as much as 2059. Annual payment with such indicators starts from 107 thousand rubles.

23. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. This year, 1366 budget places are provided, with a passing ball of 146. At the same time, payment for a year of study at a university starts at 35 thousand rubles.

24. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry economic development Russia. The passability threshold for admission is 253 points, with a maximum amount of budget funds of 270. For a year of stay within the walls of the academy, you will have to pay at least 160 thousand rubles.

25. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. The number of budget places is 617, the minimum passability score is 141, and the annual payment is estimated at 62 thousand rubles.

Even from such a small list of the most popular educational institutions in the capital, it becomes clear that the number of budget places in many of them is very limited. Therefore, in order to still manage to enter the desired specialization, it is necessary to take care of good scores when passing the exam.

Higher education will remain accessible to school graduates. For every 100 students in universities, 57 places will be opened.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, there are now almost 24 million young people aged 17 to 30 in the country who can be considered as potential students.

For two and a half years the network educational organizations, having state accreditation, decreased by almost a thousand universities and branches. In September 2013 there were about 2300 of them, in January 2015 - 1990, now there are less than one and a half thousand, - said the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov.

By the summer, this figure is likely to change slightly. Some universities may disappear, merge and change names. Now the Ministry of Education and Science has applications from 15 universities that want to become flagship universities and prepared new development and modernization programs.

Which faculties will have the most free places? Most a large number of budget places will receive engineering specialties - almost 45 percent. In priority, among others, the IT direction. By the way, the most popular specialties among future programmers are applied computer science, business informatics, computer science and computer engineering.

Following the number of allocated budget places are social sciences, education and pedagogy, mathematics and natural sciences.

As before, foreigners have the opportunity to study for free at our universities. Universities will receive 15,000 places under quotas. According to statistics, there are now students from 131 countries in Russia. These are, including, the CIS countries, the Baltic States, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Iran, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy. In general, today there are about 200 thousand foreign students in the country.

According to Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov, more than 30 percent of foreign students enroll in engineering and technology specialties, and about 15 percent in medical faculties.

More than three thousand state-funded places will be given to universities for preparatory departments. In total, there are 65 universities on the list. Including Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Siberian Federal University, Chelyabinsk State University.

This year there are changes in the admission rules. If earlier universities took into account only a school certificate with honors, now they will also take into account a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors. The conditions for admission of "profile" applicants have been preserved. For them, the university can establish entrance tests in accordance with the profile of secondary vocational education. Suppose a graduate of a construction college enters a construction institute. Exams for him can be in specialized disciplines. Universities will take into account the essay, the TRP badge and volunteering.

Many universities have the right to set additional tests or conduct an interview. For example, an additional test may be in the specialties "aircraft operation", "stomatology", "philology" and some others. The interview is allowed to be conducted on "special (defectological) education". Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University may conduct additional entrance examinations in any subject.

Whom will universities enroll without exams? These are members of the Russian national teams, winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, which is held in 21 academic subjects, including law, ecology, technology and life safety.

Benefits for admission to universities in 2016 are given by 71 Olympiads, which are included in the List approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Most of the Olympiads have mathematical, physical, chemical and natural-technical profiles.

Many universities can apply by email. Information about this should be indicated on the official website. As well as the number of places in the hostel for freshmen.

Unfortunately, there are cases when universities violate the rules for informing applicants. According to Rosobrnadzor, almost 500 universities and branches did not post information for applicants in due time (until November 16) or do not update it.

Many universities this year did not take into account the changes in the admission procedure and published information for applicants according to the old standards. Meanwhile, information on the admission campaign should be published in a timely and complete manner, - said the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov.

By the way

The highest USE scores this year were among applicants from MGIMO (94.7), Phystech (93.8), Higher School of Economics (91.5), St. Petersburg State University (88.1), Moscow State University (87.1).