For what needs do they pray to St. George the Victorious? Great Martyr George the Victorious. Prayers. Prayer after work

Difficult moments happen in the life of any person. It is at these moments that believers turn to God for support. One of the famous great martyrs and defenders is Saint George the Victorious - a warrior who suffered for Christ during the persecution of the Church by Emperor Diocletian.

During his lifetime, he converted many people to Christianity, but now the prayer to St. George the Victorious for help saves Orthodox people in difficult periods of life and supports them every day.

What prayers to offer to the saint

The Great Victorious helps everyone who comes to him with true faith and sincerely asks for help. If a person does not know the text of the Orthodox prayer to a saint, then it is not forbidden to address him in his own words.

The miraculous image of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

Prayer to St. George the Victorious for help and protection

O all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help, and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God for a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us by you from the All-Bountiful God into evil, but into the glory of the Holy One in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and all the God-loving army victory over the adversaries and strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing.

May His angel protect us saints with a militia, so that we, upon our departure from this life, may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals, and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that by His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession we may find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the world, and He will be glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Saint George for help in work

The Holy Great Martyr, the Wonderworker George, who did not give up on his convictions and intentions, but persevered with the Christian faith. Thank you Higher power for what I have. I pray, Georgy, for increased faith in your strength in production. Please, soften the hearts of my enemies, turn their faces away from me, a sinner. Give everyone wisdom and patience to follow their own path. I ask you for help in my work, for a successful solution to my problem. I hope and trust in you, Saint George the Victorious.

Prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious for victory from enemies

(The prayer is also read for victory in sports).

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and in front of your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His benevolence, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy Victorious: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Meaning and prayer help

The saint lived during the reign of the pagan Diocletian. Being a warrior, he publicly declared himself a Christian, not wanting to subject his fellow believers to the torment of torture and persecution.

He was martyred for his faith around 303.

Other Orthodox martyrs:

After his death, a great many miracles were performed. The most famous of them is the victory over the monstrous serpent. In memory of this event, it is customary to depict the Victorious in images sitting astride a snow-white horse and slaying a snake with a spear.

St. George the Victorious (Lydda)

Once, while still alive, the saint, by the power of his prayer, destroyed the idols in the temple. Therefore, the great martyr is considered a protector of people from evil and the machinations of dark devilish forces. His holy face can be found in any Orthodox church, in the chapel of any military unit - he is a great symbol of protection, patronizing both military personnel and people in trouble.

Important! In front of the image of St. George the Victorious, they pray for peace, for protection from enemy attacks, for salvation from serious illnesses, for the gift of a long-awaited child.

How to properly address the Holy Great Martyr

Before you begin praying to the Victorious, you should visit an Orthodox church, confess, take communion, and ask the priest for a blessing for your prayer work. The priest may inquire about what prompted the parishioner to intensify prayer.

The Holy Great Martyr is especially revered in Georgia.

There is no need to hide your motives, no need to be shy. The cleric is a “conductor” between a person and Christ. It turns out that by telling a cleric about his problems, a person involuntarily confesses them to the Almighty.

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Usually the priest gives his blessing to work in prayer in the Name of Christ for 40 days.

  • When you get up to pray, you should be a sincere suppliant with a humble heart. Requests for selfish desires are not appropriate. It is necessary to sincerely forgive all enemies and offenders and wish them health and peace.
  • Women must wear a scarf or thin scarf on their heads. Every Christian, both a baby and a gray-haired old man, should wear a pectoral cross. Having overshadowed myself Sign of the Cross and having offered prayers of thanks to God, it is necessary to begin a prayer to St. George the Victorious. It is not enough to just read the text, it is important to understand it, think about the sacred lines and feel that the prayer shield is protecting the petitioner from all adversity.
  • On days of honoring the memory of the saint, it is recommended to order a prayer service in the church before his icon, read his life and pray from the heart. Requests to the great martyr will safely help you survive the pain of loss loved one, will show you the path to spiritual improvement and help you cope with any difficulties.
  • To order a prayer service (if possible, with the blessing of water), you must submit a note to the church shop and list the names of those for whom you need to pray. Names should be included in genitive case(they must answer the question “who?”). If a water-blessing prayer service is performed in front of the icon of the Victorious, then at its end the blessed water will be distributed to the parishioners. It must be drunk with prayer in the morning on an empty stomach.
Important! Saint George is canonized as a great martyr who suffered for his faith in Christ the Savior. The saint's memorial day is celebrated annually on November 23. Many temples and monasteries were consecrated in his honor.

Watch a video about prayers to St. George the Victorious.

If you are faced with any problems, sorrows, or sorrows, ask for help in prayer from the Great Martyr George, because praying to St. George the Victorious for help helps you strengthen your faith, feel strength, and gain victory in the desired solution to the issue.

Prayer to St. George the Victorious (read every day)

There is also a short prayer to St. George the Victorious for daily reading. Start each morning by turning to the Holy One. You will feel your life begin to change miraculously:

“Saint George, Great Martyr, forgive me, a sinner, help me in daily affairs, protect me from fierce enemies. Give me a strong faith, strong in life, necessary. Intercede for all my relatives, protect them in all ways, Great Lover of Mankind. Amen"

Write down prayer words for all members of your family. Thus, each of you will ask for help both for yourself and for your neighbor.

Defense lawyer in court cases – Georgy Pobedonosets

If some kind of misfortune has happened to you in life, a lawsuit or hearings are coming, contact the Victorious One with a request for help in court cases so that they are honest, quick, and decided in your favor:

“Holy Great Martyr, George, I turn to you for help, I pray and trust in you alone. Ask our Father, the Lord, to call on the Holy Angels for help, not to turn their faces away from me, a sinner, because there is nothing more just than the Supreme Court according to our merits. I have only hope for him. And now, George, let the trial be honest, fair, for me, the servant of God (name), decided well, in favor. Thank you, Great Martyr, Lover of Humanity"

Help in business from prayer to St. George the Victorious

Helps well too orthodox prayer to this Great Martyr in business, so that things go successfully, profitably, without losses. You can read it every day, or before important meetings, negotiations, or signing Cooperation Agreements. The business will be profitable and prosperous:

“George the Victorious, hear me, a sinner, pay attention to my righteous works and guide me on the right path. Give me intercession and protection in my honest deeds, aimed at achieving benefits. I will glorify you and, in turn, patronize the disadvantaged. Thank you, Great Martyr. Amen"

Victory in competitions - prayer to St. George the Victorious

If you are interested in winning competitions for you, your children, your acquaintances, your relatives, St. George the Victorious will help with his intercession. For his faith in you will strengthen him and lead him to victory. And the request addressed to him in the competition is as follows:

“Miracle-worker, Victorious George! I appeal to you as a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse me, God’s servant (name), the next help. I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition. I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong. Let it be so. Amen"

This is a prayer to St. George the Victorious for help in various everyday needs, and this general Orthodox prayer will definitely help, calm, and strengthen faith: ask and you will be heard.

History of St. George the Victorious

He was a warrior outstanding for his intelligence, beauty, agility and courage, basking in the rays of glory. The ruler of the country was a fanatical adherent of paganism, who believed that Christians should be exterminated. Knowing his future fate, because he was not going to renounce his God, the saint gave all his wealth to those in need and prepared to accept his fate. George remained faithful to the teachings of Christ, despite the torture of the Emperor of Nicomedia, to which he was subjected for seven whole days. On the first day, the spear with which they tried to push George into prison broke in two as easily as a straw. Then the enraged pagans tied him to the pillars, placing a heavy stone on his chest. On the second day, the saint was tortured with a wheel strewn with knives and swords. Emperor Diocletian had already considered that the staunch martyr had died, but Gregory, seeing the angel who appeared to him, greeted him like a warrior. Finding that he was alive, he was removed from the wheel and all his wounds were miraculously healed. It is this event that is remembered on November 23, as a memory of the divine grace that descended on George and on everyone who will be a faithful servant of God. However, the saint’s torment did not end there: he was left in a pit full of caustic lime, the bones of his hands and feet were crushed, needles were driven under his nails, his teeth were knocked out, the hair on his head was burned, he was forced to run in white-hot iron boots full of sharp nails, he was flogged with whips until the skin peeled off my back, they forced me to drink drugs that deprived me of my mind and life. But God, for his steadfastness and courage, averted all troubles, and George remained alive and unharmed, subsequently performing miracles that converted many to Christianity.

The enraged Diocletian offered to pray and sacrifice to the pagan gods for the last time; having been refused, he imposed the death penalty. In a dream, the Savior appeared to George with a shining golden crown on his head and said that the path to Paradise was prepared for him. On the appointed day, George asked to be taken to the temple of Apollo and there, making the sign of the cross over himself and the idols, he freed the fallen angels from them. All the idols of the temple turned to dust. Seeing this, Empress Alexandra of Rome agreed to accept martyrdom along with the saint, having become established in Christ. Having prayed, the martyr calmly and with dignity accepted the execution.

Image of St. George the Victorious

The saint himself became a symbol of the indispensable victory of Good over Evil in spiritual battle. Therefore, one of the most common among the numerous iconographic images of St. George the Victorious is the one where he, on a white horse, pierces the terrible Serpent with a long spear. And after his death, the saint worked miracles, protecting people. There is a legend according to which hometown Great Martyr, Beirut, a monster appeared - the Serpent, demanding young men and girls as sacrifices. Residents of the city tied up the unfortunate people and sent the monster to be devoured. One day it was the turn of the ruler’s beautiful daughter. In fear, the girl waited for her sad fate, when suddenly a beautiful young man on a light horse, struck the Serpent with a spear. The Savior was the Great Martyr George. Since then, the extermination of girls and boys in Beirut has ceased, and all the inhabitants of that land believed in Christ, seeing the power true God and true faith.

Prayers to St. George the Victorious

Prayer to St. George the Victorious helps to be courageous and brave in the face of life's adversities. You can also ask for a daily piece of strength that will not allow you and your loved ones to stray from the true path and despair. St. George the Victorious is the main patron of all military personnel and provides support to people living in wartime.

Listen to audio prayer online

First prayer

O all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help, and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God for a quiet and God-pleasing life, health spiritual and physical, the earth's fertility, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn into evil the good things that you have given us from the All-Bountiful God, but to the glory of His holy name and to the glorification of your strong intercession, may He give to our country and to all the God-loving army may he overcome his adversaries and strengthen him with indispensable peace and blessings. May His angel protect us saints with a militia, so that we, upon our departure from this life, may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals, and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that by His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession we may find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the world, and He will be glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and in front of your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer words help people even in the most difficult situations. According to legend, St. George the Victorious is able to help all the weak and innocent, protecting them from danger.

George the Victorious was directed by the Lord himself to protect people. They prayed for salvation from misfortune, deliverance from blood sacrifice and liberation from oppression. The Victorious One slayed the serpent with his spear, terrifying for the entire human race, and died as a holy martyr, believing in the Lord and his fair Judgment until the end of his days.

Prayers to Saint George the Victorious for protection

If in your life not everything is going as smoothly as you would like, you are overcome by doubts and timidity, you cannot defend yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers.

“Saint George, savior of the human race! You, sent by the Lord, delivered us from oppression and great misfortune, and stopped blood sacrifices. Stopped the flow of human fear and grief. The sinful servant (name) prays to you for protection and intercession. With the God-given sword, protect me from negativity, give me strength to fight for the righteous faith and instill in my heart confidence in my abilities. Help me not to be angry with those who offend me, to leave timidity and to do deeds pleasing to God. May my faith be indestructible. Amen".

“Holy Great Martyr George! I bow to your name and brave deed! I pray you, hear the words of God’s servant (name) and provide all possible assistance in protecting my home from malice and negativity. Heal our souls from timidity, drive out fear from the most hidden corners of our hearts. Strengthen our faith in righteous and fair judgment and take away adversity from our home. Troubles and sorrows have entered the lives of those who ask you. The house has ceased to be a protection and a place of rest from the labors of the righteous. With God's help, stand as a warrior-defender of our family, raise your just spear and drive out enemies and enemies. Amen".

Prayers for help in work

“O great St. George the Victorious! I beg you for help. By your indestructible will you proved the justice of your actions and faith in our triune God. You, who have not given up or stumbled, give me confidence in my abilities, help me resist anger and lies, soften the hearts and thoughts of my enemies. Do not turn away from (name) who asks you. Give me great wisdom to follow my own path, helping the desperate. I humbly ask you to help me resolve the problem at work safely. I hope with my thoughts for your help and glorify our Lord. Amen".

“Merciful and just St. George the Victorious! Hear the prayers of God's servant (name). I appeal to you, patron of the human race, give me courage and courage to conduct my own business. Do not let spiteful critics destroy my righteous and selfless works, protect my work and my deeds from unjust anger and envy. Guide me along the path of wisdom and forgiveness. Amen".

Each prayer can be said in any words. The main thing is that it comes from the heart, and that you are confident in your rightness and desire not to harm your neighbors. Pray tirelessly, asking the Lord daily for protection and guidance. We wish you happiness and success in everything, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Since ancient times, in Christian society, each layer of it has had its own heavenly patron, and the life of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, the text of the prayer to whom is conveyed, encouraged believers to consider him the protector and guardian of all who are related to the defense of the fatherland. This is no coincidence - George himself was directly related to the army. Born in Lebanon, he decided to devote his life to the imperial military service, and, thanks to his strength, dexterity and ingenuity, he rose to the rank of centurion.

Orthodox akathist to St. George the Victorious, praising his moral and spiritual qualities, tells that the saint was a very holistic person - in him, along with his courage and courage, such qualities as compassion and kindness easily coexisted.

You can read the prayer to St. George the Victorious for protection from unjust oppression and insults

The author of the akathist to St. George the Victorious, describing his exploits, begins with the period of anti-Christian persecution, erected by Diocletian in the 4th century. This period went down in the history of religion as the era of the bloodiest persecutions, leading to the death of several thousand Christians. Saint George, being a military man, was drawn to these persecutions, but, having common sense, he saw in them the extreme of cruelty towards defenseless, innocent people.

The akathist to Saint George the Victorious says that, having come to Diocletian, the centurion denounced him for an unheard-of atrocity, and declared that he himself wanted to become a Christian.

Troparion to St. George the Victorious: a short prayer protecting from evil

The extraordinary popularity of the Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious is explained by the love of Christians for this great saint. Undaunted by the torture to which the embittered emperor subjected him, George until the very end professed faith in Jesus Christ, who gave him strength and consolation. For this, God gave him the grace to intercede for those who most need support: the troparion of St. St. George the Victorious sings of him as a liberator of captives, a healer of the sick, an intercessor of pious rulers, and also a saint who asks those who pray for forgiveness of sins. It is recommended to read the akathist and troparion to Saint George on the day of his memory, May 6.

Listen to the video prayer to St. George the Victorious

Read the text of the prayer to St. George the Victorious for help

O all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help, and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us by you from the All-Bountiful God into evil, but into the glory of the Holy One in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and army victory over the adversaries and may it strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing. May His angel protect us saints with a militia, so that we, upon our departure from this life, may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals, and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that by His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession we may find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the world, and He will be glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious for victory

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and in front of your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all our needs and requests in life , and grants our country victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Listen to the video akathist to St. George the Victorious

Read the canonical text of the akathist to St. George the Victorious for protection from enemies

Let us praise the chosen commander and victorious George, as our intercessor and quick helper: you are the holy great martyr, as you have boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles, and let us call to you: Rejoice George, great victorious.

The Creator of angels and creator of all creation, having revealed you to the Church of His faith as a champion, and for the faith of an invincible passion-bearer, inspires us to praise you, Saint George, for the deeds of your suffering:

Rejoice, you who loved Jesus the Son of God to the end;

Rejoice, having laid down your soul with love for His name.

Rejoice, called confessor from God;

Rejoice, glorified ascetic by God's grace.

Rejoice, fellow angels; Rejoice, equal leader of the prophets.

Seeing the persecution of the wicked against Christians, you were not afraid of their intrigues and torment, O wise God, but like a good warrior of Christ, having given all that was yours to the poor, you flowed with your unrighteous will to their advice, singing to Christ the leader and to your God: Alleluia.

Having rationally comprehended the one God, in three Hypostases who is divinely worshiped, with a firm mind you confessed Him at the gatherings of the wicked, and thus you denounced the insane king for the insane worship of the creature. For this reason, for your lofty wisdom, receive from us, Georgie, zealous praise:

Rejoice, preacher of the one true God;

Rejoice, faithful protector of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, having shown the great secret of the Orthodox confession to the infidels;

Rejoice, you who expose the charm of idolatry's service.

Rejoice, divine rhetorician;

Rejoice, full of wisdom!

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

The power of God, enlightening every person coming into the world, and in prison visited you who suffered, the humble and wise George: because you have despised the whole of this corruptible life, as if you had despised the knowledge, you have clung to the one Christ, and having fought well for His name, you have been vouchsafed to sing with the angels forever: Alleluia .

Having a mind and heart illuminated by the Holy Spirit, you, at His inspiration, were jealous of you to strive for the name of Christ, standing to the blood of courage in faith, you denounced the pride raised by the wicked congregation. For this reason, we praise you, all-wise George, sitsa:

Rejoice, shield erected to protect piety;

Rejoice, sword raised to cut off wickedness.

Rejoice, pillar of faith;

Rejoice, wall and strengthening of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, fertilizer of the faithful;

Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

The mad tormentor, breathing murder upon you, the passion-bearer George, thirsted for your blood like a greedy dog, commanding crucifixion on the wheel your body, and give over to the worst torment: but you, in pain in the Lord, with firm trust in God, you cried out: Alleluia.

Having heard from you Diocletian and the priests of idolatry the words of wisdom, they flared up with anger at you, especially when you said: “O king tormentor! Why are you torturing me in vain, for I have Christ to live and gain to die. It’s hard to eat against the pricks.” For this reason we call upon you, great name Georgie, here:

Rejoice, you who shed your blood for your courageous confession of faith on the wheel;

Rejoice, having magnified the triumph of faith with your blood.

Rejoice, rival of the apostles;

Rejoice, imitator of the free passion of Christ.

Rejoice, unshakable champion of the faith;

Rejoice, most steadfast passion-bearer of adamant.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

You were like a godlike star, George, for with miraculous healing from an angel and visible renunciation from the wheel, you taught the infidels to believe in the Trinity of the Consubstantial One, and together with you to sing: Alleluia.

Having seen the people wonders of the power of God, they manifested themselves with meekness and received the teachings of Christ from you and cried out saying: “Great indeed is the Christian God!” For this reason, praising you, most glorious George, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, having dispersed the darkness of unbelief with the luminous word of salvation;

Rejoice, having converted the unfaithful to Christ by the martyr's confession of faith.

Rejoice, lead legions of earthly warriors into the heavenly army;

Rejoice, as a warrior of Christ, stay with the heavenly warriors.

Rejoice, glory to the warriors;

Rejoice, beauty of the martyr's bright face.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

A preacher of truth, jealous of the spirit-bearing apostle, you were crucified with the cross of the world, more passionately: behold, like Jonah, you were thrown headlong into the belly of the whale, into the cave of undissolved lime, so that for your sake the wondrous Lord among the saints may be glorified, for whom you are known even in the pit, as in the temple of glory. , you cleverly cried out: Alleluia.

Who shone forth in His three-day rise from the grave, the omnipotent of hell and death, the Conqueror Jesus, saving you from hellish corruption, the passion-bearing George: three days later you were found alive in the limelight, and in the lifting up of your hands singing to God: for this reason the great one was afraid and terrified. We rejoice and sing a victorious song:

Rejoice, having cast down the shameful pride of the devil into the well-known ditch;

Rejoice, wondrous salvation from God, conqueror of the brutality of the tormentor.

Rejoice, for thou who were not evil, for thou didst pray for those who committed this misfortune, as for benefactors;

Rejoice, for you were troubled by their conversion, as Paul was by the Jews.

Rejoice, man of desires;

Rejoice, chosen vessel.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

Although the wicked tormentor tries to seduce your heart into the charm of an idol, the wicked tormentor intends to seduce you with magical enchantments: you are God’s chosen one with David, exclaiming: O God is my salvation and my glory, to Him you sang faithfully: Alleluia.

A new demonstration of the evil of this evil servant of Satan, Diocletian, when in his insane jealousy of idols, he commanded to give you poison, George: but you are filled with faith and hope, even if you drank mortal things, you remained without harm, O praiser of God, and we also cry out ty:

Rejoice, for in your trust in God you are alive and have not been put to shame;

Rejoice, for you did not impute anything to the tormentor.

Rejoice, demon driver!

Rejoice, magical wiles of the destroyer.

Rejoice, for God is marvelous in you in His saints;

Rejoice, for through you the name of Christ is glorified in honor.

Rejoice George, great victorious one.

Strange and terrible advice came from a certain sorcerer to the wicked king, so that he would command you, as proof of the righteousness of the faith of Christ, to resurrect the dead with a word: but you, George, without hesitation, sang to Him Who is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: Alleluia.

All-desired and Sweetest Jesus, Whom you loved with all your soul and with all your heart, O all-blessed George, hearing your warm prayer of faith, soon commanded, according to your word, the dead will be resurrected, for the sake of glorification for the sake of His name, and true statements, unfaithful and blinded to wonder and knowledge of God. For this reason, out of duty, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, for the Lord has shown wondrous powers upon you;

Rejoice, for through you you raised the dead from the grave.

Rejoice, thou who bestowed insight of faith upon the blinded sorcerer;

Rejoice, many who suffered for Christ's sake, showing the way to the Holy of Holies.

Rejoice, Rome's surprise;

Rejoice, Christian exaltation.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

All the angels praised God, who gave you such courage, George, as even in prison you did not cease to be vigilant in prayer. For this reason, as the great hidden place of God’s grace, you were worthy to see in a vision the Lord, crowning your head with the crown of incorruption, and we also cry out with you: Alleluia.

With their rhetorical tongues they will not be able to utter praise worthy of you, George, many for the sake of your exploits and illnesses, which you raised by your will for Christ and the Church. For this reason, we, too, perplexed to praise you according to our heritage, sing to the sitsa:

Rejoice, you who were free to suffer for Christ and the Church, who crucified the old Adam within you;

Rejoice, for your valiant suffering, you received the crown of righteousness from the hand of the Lord.

Rejoice, rule of pious zeal;

Rejoice, image of spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, for you have pleased not yourself, but Christ alone;

Rejoice, for you were ready for manifold deaths for Christ.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

To save the souls of those perishing in the darkness of idolatry, God-loving George, you, jealous, were jealous like Elijah for God: having entered into the temple of the idols, by the power of God you drove away the demons, crushed the idols, put the priests to shame, and, like a winner, not from men, but You and the angels sang to God: Alleluia.

The walls are more insensible, your tormentor, stoned in heart, George, not knowing God, you manifested miracles, but remained until the end, like an asp, stop your ears. For this reason, I commanded that you be placed at the head of disgrace, like a villain: you, sick of the destruction of his soul, joyfully accepted your death, for the sake of it we please you with love:

Rejoice, having preserved faith, hope and love to the end;

Rejoice, having done many and great miracles in your dormition.

Rejoice, thou crowned upon the earth with the weapon of God's favor;

Rejoice, adorned with glory and splendor in Heaven.

Rejoice, man of God;

Rejoice, good soldier of Christ.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

You, the Holy Great Martyr George, rendered the singing of the Most Holy Trinity more than others, not in words and in your mind, but by sacrificing your whole self alive: imitating the immaculate Lamb Christ crucified for us, you laid down your soul for your friends by your own will. Moreover, even if we are dissatisfied with such praise of your valor, for there is no one else to love so much, but give thanks to the being, we sing to the wondrous thing in the saints: Alleluia.

The light-receiving lamp of the true Light, God’s chosen one George appears to those on earth, enlightening the hearts of the faithful, and instructing everything in the Divine mind, teaching us to cheerfully cry out:

Rejoice, for you dwell in the bright angelic devils;

Rejoice, for you are partaking of the non-evening Trinity Light not in fortune-telling, but face to face.

Rejoice, nourisher of the poor and protector of the offended;

Rejoice, physician of the weak and champion of kings.

Rejoice, champion of the Orthodox warrior in battle;

Rejoice, warm intercessor for the salvation of sinners.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

The grace given to you from God, leading, we celebrate your memory, Great Martyr George, and with fervent prayer to miraculous image with your flowing, with your omnipotent help in the Lord, we are protected, like an insurmountable wall. For this reason, praising you, we earnestly call to God: Alleluia.

Singing your glorious death, by which you have been magnified as a good warrior of Christ, we pray to you, passion-bearing George: be your helper in everything for our good, and hear us who earnestly cry out to you:

Rejoice, for through you the Church of the faithful is enlightened;

Rejoice, for your name is also glorified among the unbelievers.

Rejoice, wondrous glory of confessors;

Rejoice, high praise of the martyrs.

Rejoice, healer of our bodies;

Rejoice, O prayer book for our souls.

Rejoice, George, great victorious one.

O all-blessed and holy Great Martyr George, accept this song of our praise, and deliver us from all evil through your warm intercession to God, so that we may sing with you: Alleluia.

/This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion/

Troparion to the Russian Orthodox Saint George the Victorious,

As liberator of captives and protector of the poor, physician of the infirm, champion of the Orthodox, victorious, Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Another troparion, tone 4 (same)

You fought a good fight, you were more passion-bearing than Christ, you denounced wickedness even to your tormentors by faith, and you offered a sacrifice acceptable to God. In the same way, you received the crown of victory and through your prayers, holy one, you granted forgiveness of sins to all.

Kontakion, tone 4.

Cultivated by God, you showed yourself to be a most honest worker of piety, having collected the virtues of the handle for yourself: having sowed in tears, reaped with joy, suffered through suffering with blood, you accepted Christ and through your prayers, holy one, granted forgiveness of sins to all.