Personnel number journal. Personnel Number. Video instructions for registration

Kind! Although it’s already day! I keep the Employee Reception Book - there is a column - Personnel number. And in order...

Kind! And I use automatic numbering in 1 C.

In 1C I already enter the assigned personnel number

And if an employee quits and, say, comes back to us a year later, is he assigned a new number? And is there a form for registering personnel numbers? Our organization has never had numbers and there is no such column in the employee reception book. Is it necessary to assign these numbers at all?

I feel like I won’t get’s what I “dug up”, maybe it will be useful to someone...
Personnel number register.
The enterprise must have a responsible employee who is responsible for assigning personnel numbers, communicating information about the assigned personnel number directly to the employee himself and the relevant officials of the enterprise, maintaining a register of assigned personnel numbers and monitoring compliance with the rules for the assignment, use and accounting of personnel numbers. numbers.
Personnel numbers must be assigned to hired employees at the time of execution of all other documents for the employee’s hiring or on his first working day.
Personnel numbers are assigned to each newly hired employee in ascending order (without missing any numbers) in chronological order.
The personnel number assigned to the employee does not change during the entire period of his work at the enterprise and remains with him after his dismissal from the enterprise (even if he switches to another IT program).
If an employee who previously worked at the enterprise is hired, he is assigned the same personnel number that was assigned to him when he was first employed at this enterprise;
The employee's personnel number must consist only of Arabic numerals, without any hyphens (dashes), indices, series or other characters.
Personnel numbers at the enterprise are kept in the Personnel Numbers Register.
Columns to fill out Personnel number log:
Fields to fill out
1. Full name
2. Hiring date
3. Specialty
4. Structural unit
5. Employment contract (No., date)
6. Personnel number
Rules for assigning personnel numbers A personnel number is one of the details of documents for recording labor and its payment. It is assigned at the time the employee is hired and is subsequently reflected in all personnel records. However, questions arise: how are personnel numbers kept track of, what is the procedure for assigning them, is it possible to assign numbers to previously dismissed employees, etc.
The procedure for assigning personnel numbers is not established by regulations. Therefore, due to the lack of regulatory requirements, the organization has the right to determine the procedure for assigning numbers independently.
However, it should be taken into account that in accordance with clause 18 of the Basic Provisions for Accounting for Labor and Wages in Industry and Construction (Letter of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the Central Statistical Office of the USSR dated 04/27/1973 N 75-AB/89/10-80) Each worker and employee hired for permanent, temporary or seasonal work is assigned a personnel number, which is given in all labor and wage accounting documents. In the event of dismissal or transfer of a worker or employee to another job, his personnel number, as a rule, cannot be assigned to another employee for 1 - 2 years.
However, from the very concepts of “personnel number” and “accounting” it follows:
The organization must have a responsible employee who is responsible for assigning personnel numbers, maintaining a register of assigned personnel numbers and monitoring compliance with the rules for assignment, use and accounting of personnel numbers;
personnel numbers must be assigned to hired employees at the time of execution of all other documents for the employee’s hiring or on his first working day;
personnel numbers are assigned to each newly hired employee in ascending order (without missing any numbers) in chronological order, except for the case specified in paragraph 6 of this list;
personnel number must be indicated directly in the order for hiring the employee;
the personnel number assigned to the employee does not change during the entire period of his work at the enterprise;
if an employee who previously worked at the enterprise is hired, he is assigned the same personnel number that was assigned to him when he was first employed at this enterprise;
The employee's personnel number must consist of Arabic numerals.
Dear experts! Please tell me the answer to this question: what personnel number should be assigned to an employee who comes to the company again: keep the old one or get a new one?
In accordance with the Procedure for submitting Unified Social Tax and Personal Income Tax data (Procedure for filling out forms of individual and consolidated cards accounting for the amounts of accrued payments and other remunerations, the amounts of accrued unified social tax, insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance) - old, since “If during the tax period between the taxpayer and an individual terminate the current one and then enter into a new employment (civil law, copyright) contract, then for the purpose of calculating tax base, amounts of unified social tax, insurance contributions for compulsory health insurance ( tax deduction) on a cumulative basis from the beginning of the year, the taxpayer can maintain one individual card for a given to an individual.", and in accordance with OST (OST 4.071.035-83 "Automated management systems. Personnel management. Classification and coding of information" - new, because the person is considered a new employee, and the old number can only be used after 3 years .
The procedure for assigning personnel numbers is not defined by law, although many regulatory documents (including those indicated by you, directly or indirectly, speak of the need to have a personnel number.) Taking this into account, organizations develop and approve with their internal documents the procedure for assigning personnel numbers. In general, this procedure is not complicated, but must be carried out in compliance with certain recommendations (recommendations - no more), in particular:

6) if an employee who previously worked at the enterprise is hired, he is assigned the same personnel number that was assigned to him when he was first employed at this enterprise;

1) the enterprise must have a responsible employee who is responsible for assigning personnel numbers, communicating information about the assigned personnel number to a particular employee directly to the employee himself and the relevant officials of the enterprise, maintaining a register of assigned personnel numbers and monitoring compliance with the rules assignment, use and accounting of personnel numbers;
2) personnel numbers must be assigned to hired employees at the time of execution of all other documents for the employee’s hiring or on his first working day;
3) personnel numbers are assigned to each newly hired employee in ascending order (without missing any numbers) in chronological order, except for the case specified in paragraph 6 of this list;
4) the personnel number assigned to the accepted employee must be indicated directly in the order for hiring the employee;
5) the personnel number assigned to the employee does not change during the entire period of his work at the enterprise and remains with him after his dismissal from the enterprise (even in the event of a transition to another IT program);
6) if an employee who previously worked at the enterprise is hired, he is assigned the same personnel number that was assigned to him when he was first employed at this enterprise; - this is for the "old"
7) the employee’s personnel number must consist only of Arabic numerals, without any hyphens (dashes), indices, series or other characters.
Author: Mitrofanova V.V. - Ph.D., director of the Center Professional Development", consultant at NS Consulting, author of evening courses on office management and labor law.
Recommendations for filling personal card T-2
The employee's personnel number should not be longer than 6 digits. It is assigned to each new hire or employee and does not change with any movement of the employee within the organization until his dismissal. Reuse of personnel numbers is permitted no earlier than three years after dismissal. - this is in principle
An employee who is dismissed and rehired in the organization can either retain the previous personnel number or be assigned a new one.
Let us remind you that the personnel number is used when filling out unified forms approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. However, this document does not provide for the procedure for assigning a personnel number to newly hired employees. Accordingly, the employer has the right to independently decide whether to maintain or change the personnel number in such situations. In any case, administrative liability is established only for violation of labor and labor protection legislation (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), to which the decisions of the State Statistics Committee of Russia do not apply (Article 5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Personnel Number
Please explain what a personnel number is? Should it carry any information and how is it assigned to the employee?
O.E. Oshovsky,
Syzran, Samara region.
Personnel number is a number that the employer assigns to each newly hired employee for personnel records. In fact, we are talking about the employee’s internal digital code, which is used to identify him.
At the time of filling out Form No. T-2, the employee’s personnel number has already been assigned and it is simply reproduced in the personal card. However, since there are questions about the rules for assigning personnel numbers, we will give them due attention.
As already mentioned, one of the goals of introducing standard interdepartmental forms of primary accounting documentation was the automation of personnel records. In view of this, the above-mentioned OST established that the employee’s personnel number should not be longer than 6 digits. At the same time, since the machine should have read this number without any problems, the digit (number of characters) was initially determined. So, if the organization had a staff of about 1000 people, 4 digits were entered - 0000. In this case, the first personnel number was written “0001”, the tenth - “0010”, the hundredth - “0100”, etc.
Now that the purpose of automated processing of accounting documents has almost been lost, personnel numbers are set without regard to rank, for example, “10”, “100”, “435”, etc. and are assigned to employees on an accrual basis.
In a number of organizations, the approach to establishing personnel numbers is not limited to simple numbers, determined in ascending order. Personnel numbers are formed as a real employee reference code, in which a sequence of characters carries certain information. For example, the first two digits may indicate membership in a structural unit. For example, “20135”, where the first two characters (20) indicate the code of the structural unit, and the last three (135) indicate the employee’s number itself. Often, the personnel number (usually the last character) codes the position category (1 - manager, 2 - specialist, 3 - technical executive); The worker's profession is indicated by the sign "0" or "4".
This approach cannot always be called productive, since the personnel number assigned to the employee should not change during any transfers or movements within the organization, up to and including dismissal. Coding in the personnel number information about the structural unit or the professional status of the employee does not allow keeping the personnel numbers unchanged.
With the traditional approach to assigning personnel numbers, the personnel number after the dismissal of an employee is “reserved” for a certain time (3 years - in accordance with OST, 1 - 2 years - in accordance with the Basic Provisions for Accounting for Labor and Wages in Industry and Construction (letter from the USSR State Committee for Labor dated 04/27/1973 No. 75-AB/89/10-80), and after this time is assigned to the new employee. This scheme applies to all those hired, including those who are hired under the condition of a probationary period. If a shortened period for reserving personnel numbers is introduced for the last category of employees, you need to think about their proper accounting.
All codes used in the organization are systematized in special directories, and the personnel number assigned to the employee is subject to registration.
With automated personnel records, a directory of personnel numbers is maintained in the form proposed by software developers. In the absence of such support, the form of the directory is developed by the HR department independently. For example, the form below can be used, in which the book (album) is divided into two sections: the first is intended for recording the assignment and removal of personnel numbers, the second is for recording already used personnel numbers placed in the archive until reuse.
Section 1 of the reference book
Section 1. Personnel numbers assigned to employees
Personnel Number
Last name, first name, patronymic of the employee
Hiring date, number and date of employment order<*>
Position or profession (indicating the structural unit)
Date of termination of the employment contract, number and date of order
Entry no.
Ivanov Sergey Petrovich
10.10.2000, order No. 123-k dated 09.10.2000
sales manager
10/11/2002 order No. 140-k dated 10/08/2002
Prokhorov Ivan Andreevich
10/18/2004 order No. 119-k
senior accountant
<*>Information about employee transfers is established using the employee’s personal card and entries in the work book.
Section 2. Personnel numbers placed in the archive
Personnel Number
Entry number in Section 1 of the reference book
Date of placing the personnel number in the archive<*>
Start time for personnel number reuse
Record number of Section 1 of the reference book reuse numbers
Entry no.
<*>The date of placing the personnel number in the archive must correspond to the date of dismissal.
The employee's personnel number is transferred to the personal card from the order (instruction) on hiring the employee.
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Personnel number is a unique number of an employee of an enterprise, institution, organization or its large structural unit, under which the employee appears in internal documents, primarily in the personal file, report card (from which the name comes) and documents for payment of wages.
An employee’s personnel number is unique within an organization or structural unit that has its own personnel department and accounting department; it is assigned once upon entry to work and never changes. In some organizations, after the dismissal of an employee, it can no longer be assigned to other employees entering work later, while in others this is permitted. Typically, personnel numbers are assigned starting from one (number 1 usually includes the first head of the enterprise), each subsequent number is one more than the previous one.
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Hello! Please tell me, can the same employee have two personnel numbers, if he holds two different positions in the same company - one is the main one, the other is an internal part-time job? When this employee is enrolled part-time, a new personal card is created, and accordingly a new personnel number is assigned, but this employee already has a personnel number for his main position. Please answer how many personnel numbers this employee should have. Thank you in advance for your answer!
We have repeatedly and in detail considered the issue of part-time work. We also answered your question dated July 16, 2007. The procedure for hiring an employee on a part-time basis, in your case as an internal part-time worker, is the same as when hiring a main job. An employment contract with a part-time worker is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. It is necessary to stipulate in the employment contract that the work will be performed on a part-time basis (clause 4 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). One copy of the employment contract is given to the employee, the other is kept by the employer. Besides. For the employee, you must fill out a personal card (Form N T-2), and assign a personnel number, and the employee will appear twice in the time sheet: as the main employee and as a part-time employee. In this case, the salary is calculated both for the main job and for work performed part-time.

It turns out that in 1C:8 you need to correct the personnel numbers given when received by the program? After all, like in 1C:7, it is impossible to hire the same employee twice.
When an employee returns to us, he has a new personnel number (the program assigns it, and I do not correct it) :)


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You ordered a thin magazine again.
Perhaps you need a magazine with more pages and other features.
Please use calculator

Article: 00803454
Year: 2019
Format: A4 (210x290 mm)
Binding: Paperback

Setting up a block of pages

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (Recommended 60 pages )

Select number of pages

Paper density: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used for printing newspapers or similar products. It has low density and, accordingly, low wear resistance. The advantage of this paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in household printers. The strength of this paper is significantly higher than the previous two types of paper. It is recommended to order magazines from this paper for production (dust, dirt), catering units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 customers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order page numbering


Page numbering starts with title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located in the lower corners of the magazine.


The magazine block is punched with two holes with a diameter of 6 mm, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, on the spine side in the middle of the magazine.


The magazine is laced with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secure with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

Setting up the cover

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Sewing-adhesive bonding ? Sewing binding

(makes binding more durable)

Sewing binding During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used, consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with paper vinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a sheet of paper. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the spine of the block for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing to the cover; gold foil is mainly used (but silver, blue, and red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can emboss it along with the magazine name

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it And traffic record book work records and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

More about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and quickly produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are fastened with a paper clip, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the bonding is carried out using a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Soft binding, due to its ease of execution and affordable price, is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of binding.

Bonding method:



Cover color: white

Laminate the cover: ?
Lamination- This is the coating of printed products with film. Lamination will allow you to maintain an attractive look for a long time. appearance printed products and reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out single-sided and double-sided lamination up to A1 format using special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users also know about another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image “appears” and the colors become more contrasting and richer. The "develop" effect gives inexpensive laminated paper the appearance of luxurious photo paper.

The relationship between employee and employer includes many nuances, one of which is compliance with the work schedule. Even during employment, the future employee understands that right time and during the designated hours he must perform his direct duties.

In turn, the employer pays for the time and results of the work. But different situations are possible, including conflict ones; accordingly, a mechanism is needed to control the responsibility of subordinates and the integrity of superiors.

Compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prevents controversial situations surrounding working hours as much as possible.

The time during which an employee must perform work duties as regulated by the employment contract and internal regulations is called working time. Organizations are required to keep records of the hours each employee actually works.

The law protects both parties to an employment contract.

From the employee's point of view, management does not have the right to force employees to work hours beyond the state limit. A normal working week should not exceed 40 hours. Overtime work also has a limit - no more than 4 hours for two days in a row and 120 hours per year.

An advantage for the employer is the ability to control business trips, lateness, absenteeism, sick leave, and vacations of subordinates. This data is used both to reward hardworking employees and to take disciplinary action against violators.

! Do not forget, that, according to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer can, on his own initiative, terminate an employment contract with an employee if the latter is absent from the workplace during the entire working day (shift) without good reasons, i.e. for absenteeism.

With hourly wage rates, control of working hours is necessary for both parties.

Monitoring employee working time: basic methods

The Labor Code does not strictly regulate how an employer should count hours worked. A person responsible is appointed to control time, overtime work, and compliance with the work schedule, whose responsibilities are specified in the employment contract or additional order.

In Russia, 3 methods of recording time worked in total for a specific period are considered generally accepted:

  • daily;
  • weekly;
  • annual.

The interval is taken as a basis, after which the result is summed up. The above methods are not the only ones; the employer is free to choose the period at his own discretion.

The only thing that the law clearly indicates is the maximum control period for summarized time recording - 1 year, and for workers engaged in hazardous work - 3 months.

Most often, the employer chooses a method depending on the employee’s work schedule. Let us explain: daily accounting becomes difficult if subordinates work in shifts around the clock. When working on a rotational basis, a situation may arise when in one period - for example, a month - there is overtime, and in another the number of working hours is reduced.

In this case, the employer uses summarized accounting of working hours and already in an extended reporting period - for example, for a quarter - there should be no surplus.

Due to possible overtime at different periods of time, when applying for a job, an employee must clearly understand that the schedule fits into a normal work week (40 hours) or cumulative time accounting will be applied to it.

This is a key point in the terms of the employment contract, and if it changes, the employer is obliged to notify the subordinate.

What is a piecework wage system and how to calculate wages using this method of payment - read

Keeping a working time log

Both in organizations with a large staff and in small firms, it is often customary to record the actual time an employee arrives at work and the time he leaves. The data is entered into the working time log.

Let us denote the information contained in the document:

1) serial number;

3) f. And. O. and the position of the employee;

4) the time when the subordinate came to work;

5) time of leaving work;

6) signature of the employee;

7) number of hours worked;

8) comments necessary if the employee was late or did not fully work the day (shift).

A sample time log with empty columns for entering specific data for the enterprise:

Sample of a working time log form.

Depending on the specific organization and the characteristics of the work, points may vary. The calculation of the number of hours worked will remain unchanged, which is controlled by the employer.

Working time log - sample filling for the enterprise:

Sample of filling out a working time log.

Logging Methods

The law does not establish an exact form for the log of working hours, but provides some freedom to the employer, so there are 2 options.

The manual version includes a special book, often with the possibility of lacing. As necessary, records are entered by the responsible employee. In a number of organizations with a “paper” log, each employee independently enters the time of arrival/departure and confirms the data with a personal signature.

You can purchase the prepared magazine from printing houses, in hard or soft cover, with the necessary columns and number of pages. Similar to a purchased book, an employer can print forms prepared on a PC and file the latter in a folder.

The electronic version of the document is determined by the choice of software. The spectrum begins with the simplest software into which data is entered manually.

But this program also provides for the generation of automatic reporting. In addition to saving the effort and time of the person in charge, the employer receives a sample based on specific parameters, such as overtime or vacation and sick leave.

More complex software involves automatically recording the time an employee enters and exits work. This is implemented using individual cards access and electronic locks (registration controller or turnstile).

The data received by the reading devices is systematized and directly transferred to accounting programs (such as 1C) for payroll calculation. Such software has another function - dividing employee access into different departments of the organization. Despite all the advantages, there is a drawback - the high cost of the program and related equipment.

Another view electronic systems, which are spreading in large cities, is biometric control of employees. The method is to use a fingerprint as a pass to work.

You can find out how to properly keep a log of orders for your main activities and why this document is needed.

Time sheet

So, as already clarified above, the employer is obliged to count how many hours the employee actually worked. But at the same time, a working time log, which records the time of arrival and departure of a subordinate, is optional. How then does the state monitor compliance with the Labor Code?

The government has approved a special document on the basis of which hours worked are recorded, payments to employees are calculated and labor reporting is compiled - a work schedule sheet (or time sheet). This document is compiled based on log data and is mandatory and unified for organizations.

Based on the contract, when applying for a job, each employee is allocated a personnel number, which subsequently appears in documents such as, for example, a personal file and a payslip

The specified number is retained by the employee even if the department or position is changed, and after dismissal it remains free for another three years. In accordance with the individual number, information about each employee is entered into the time sheet.

Two standard forms for maintaining time sheets have been adopted, approved by the State Statistics Committee in 2004. When filling out the document manually, form T-12 is used; if the organization has installed a turnstile, form T-13 is used. According to the list of items, both forms are similar, so we will outline the contents of the document using the T-12 version as an example.

Filling out the timesheet begins at the top of the page, where the names of the organization and structural unit to which the document belongs are indicated. Next, enter the dates of the reporting period and the date of compilation.

Below, in the form of a table, the results of each employee’s work are tracked. reporting period– working days, absences, total number of hours. Special coding in the cells indicates the reason for absence from work.

There are two options for filling in days:

  • notes on attendance and non-appearance (this method is illustrated below);
  • marks only for absences, the remaining days are considered worked in full.

A separate column takes into account overtime, night hours, work on holidays and weekends..

Form T-12 has been supplemented with a second section - “Settlements with personnel for wages”, which is filled out by accounting employees.

You can find out how to keep a log of incoming documents and download a sample form

Even if the document is drawn up on a PC, the final version is printed and must be endorsed by the employee who compiled it, the heads of the department and the organization. In some cases, instead of the company director, the signature is signed by an employee of the human resources department. Completed reports are stored for one year.

On forums for personnel officers and accountants, experts discuss the intricacies of entering information into a document.

Time sheet - download the form in excel format, you can follow this link.

State control

The care with which employees approach keeping a journal and schedule sheet is due to the fact that these documents are the basis for paying wages, vacation pay or other benefits to the employee, and, as a consequence, the basis for deductions to the tax authorities. An incorrectly drawn up time sheet, in addition to violation of payments to subordinates, indicates incorrect control of the organization’s income and expenses.

In addition to the tax authorities, the Social Insurance Fund checks the report card to ensure that disability benefits are calculated correctly (on the basis of sick leave or parental leave). The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Labor Inspectorate and other bodies have the right to demand a report card from the management of the organization.

The absence of a document is a gross violation of labor legislation and leads to administrative liability (a fine of 10 thousand rubles). If a controversial situation arises regarding the calculation of benefits and wages, the court will consider violations in maintaining the time sheet as a basis for penalties from the organization.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that keeping a log of working hours, although not necessary, is benefits.

The information included in the document helps in maintaining official records and monitoring labor discipline.

Modern automated control methods mean that management will not have to hire a separate subordinate to perform these duties.

More information on how to fill out a timesheet at in electronic format, is contained in the following step-by-step video instructions:

Employees themselves rarely encounter personnel numbers, and often do not even know about their existence. However, many enterprises (usually medium and large) use the employee’s personnel number in personnel documentation. How this number is assigned and why it is needed will be discussed in this article.

What is a personnel number (TN)?

This is a digital code that is assigned to an employee when hired by an organization once and for the entire period of work, used for the convenience of maintaining personnel documentation. Even if an employee quits and then re-employs the same company, he will be assigned the same TN. As a rule, new employees are not assigned the personnel numbers of previous employees to avoid confusion.

TN is used in all documents for recording working (worked) time, wages and others and is a unique employee code that allows a personnel employee to quickly and efficiently process information related to this employee - to calculate wages and tax deductions, sick leave, vacations , keep records of hours worked.

How is a personnel number assigned?

The procedure for assigning these codes to employees is not established by law, however, some provisions are contained in the Letter of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR N 75-AB, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR N 89, the Central Statistical Office of the USSR N 10-80 dated 04/27/1973 “On the Basic Provisions for the Accounting of Labor and Wages in Industry and construction" (clause 18). According to this Letter, TN is assigned to each employee hired:

  • constantly;
  • temporarily;
  • for seasonal work.

The TN of a dismissed employee is not assigned to another employee for 1 - 2 years.

The rules for assigning technical specifications are developed by the organization itself. As a rule, TN consists of numbers, but the company has the right to use other symbols in numbering. The legislation does not contain any prohibitions on this.

The basic principles for assigning TN must be enshrined in a document reflecting the personnel policy of the enterprise so that the numbering is uniform.

Let us list the main points that are common in the issue of assigning technical identification marks to employees:

  • responsibilities for assigning technical specifications and related control and accounting should be assigned to one employee;
  • TN is assigned on the day of submission by the person applying for a job for all necessary documents;
  • TN is indicated in the employment order;
  • numbering starts with 1 and continues in chronological order. The first TN is assigned to the head of the organization, for example the general director. However, if the general director is fired and a new person takes his place, the latter will not be assigned the first TN, but the number following the last hired employee;
  • The TN does not change for any reason, it is assigned once and for all;
  • when an employee is transferred to another unit within one organization, his TN remains the same, and if he is sent for some period to another enterprise, there he will be assigned a different TN in accordance with the rules established at that enterprise.

TN are recorded in the personnel number register. The following data is entered into this document:

  • FULL NAME. employee;
  • date the employee was hired;
  • position or specialty of the employee;
  • details of the employment contract (number and date);
  • the structural unit in which the employee is registered (department, workshop, etc.);
  • Personnel Number.

TN and working time recording

In enterprises where the amount of wages depends on the time an employee spends at the workplace, TN is used to record and record the hours of work of a specific employee. If an employee spends more time at work than expected, he must be given days off or paid for the time he worked in excess of the norm.

The amount of rest or additional payment will depend on the working hours set for the employee:

  • normal - 40 hours per week;
  • reduced - up to 4 hours a day, for example for minors;
  • incomplete - by agreement with the employer, for women with minor children, disabled people, pensioners, etc.

So, despite the fact that the assignment of a TN is not mandatory and is not established by the legislator, the TN is actively used by many organizations to this day, which means that the TN is a truly convenient and effective tool for maintaining personnel records.

Personnel number is an individual digital code assigned to an employee upon employment.

Why is a personnel number needed?

Assigned at the time of hiring, the personnel number is one of the main elements of individual personnel and financial accounting for a specific employee, and reflects:

  • in the personnel record card form T-2;
  • in personnel orders on hiring, dismissal, transfers, bonuses, punishments and encouragement of an employee;
  • in automated accounting programs for payroll calculation (where employee identification is made precisely by individual number);
  • in payroll statements.

A unique employee number makes it possible to eliminate errors in recording his work activity, financial accruals for wages, social benefits, and tax deductions.

Employee personnel number: how the code is assigned and what documents regulate the procedure

The regulations of the Russian Federation governing personnel records do not establish the procedure for assigning personnel numbers (TN). In connection with this, personnel services are guided by the provisions set out in Letter of the USSR State Committee for Labor No. 75-AB, USSR Ministry of Finance No. 89 and USSR Central Statistical Office No. 10-80 dated April 27, 1973. Paragraph 18 of this Letter establishes the need to assign a TN to all persons employed for permanent, temporary or seasonal work. It is recommended not to assign the personnel numbers of dismissed employees to other persons for 1-2 years.

Considering that the procedure and necessity for assigning unique account numbers is left to the discretion of the employer by law, the principles for identifying employees must be established by order on the internal document flow of the enterprise. The Rules regulating the procedure for assigning a personnel number to an employee at a particular enterprise must reflect the following aspects:

  • availability and maintenance of a register of personnel numbers at the enterprise;
  • how a personnel number is assigned to employees of the organization who are employed for the first time and repeatedly;
  • requirements for the chronologization of personnel numbers (starting with No. 1 and sequentially increasing numbering);
  • Contents of the TN Registration Journal.

TN validity period

An individual technical specification is unchanged and is valid throughout the entire period of the employee’s work at a particular enterprise. Personnel numbers under which employees who left the enterprise were registered can either remain with those dismissed or be assigned to new employees after some time.

In cases where an employee, for some reason, interrupted his activities, and after a short break returned again and found work at an enterprise, it is better to assign him not a new, but the same personnel number under which he was previously registered in the state (if this number is not assigned another employee). That is why, before assigning a personnel number to an employee, his data is checked against the enterprise’s archive database to determine the presence of a previously assigned unique code.

TN accounting log: contents and requirements for the document

The personnel number register does not have a unified standard, but it has a recommended form, according to which it must contain at least six required columns:

  • Personnel Number;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • employment date;
  • specialty or position for which the employee is applying;
  • structural subdivision;
  • registration data of the employment contract (number, date).