Accounting program 1 s

Working with the program

"1C: Accounting 8 PROF"- a ready-made solution that you can immediately start using for accounting business transactions in any commercial organization, whether it is a large manufacturing enterprise or an individual entrepreneur. At the beginning of work with the program, the "Start Assistant" organizes a step-by-step input of all the necessary data: information about the organization, accounting policy, program settings, etc. After the "Start Assistant" is completed, you can immediately enter documents into the database.

Working with the program "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" is to register business transactions with the help of documents. Postings are generated automatically. Tax accounting in "1C: Accounting 8" is carried out simultaneously with accounting.

To enter opening balances and reflect infrequent and corrective operations that are not automated by configuration documents, use the input accounting entries manually. To facilitate the entry of recurring transactions, it is recommended to use standard transactions.

Organization of accounting and tax accounting

Accounting and tax accounting in "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" implemented in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation. The program includes a chart of accounts accounting, set up in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of the chart of accounts for financial accounting economic activity organizations and instructions for its use” dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n.

To reflect business transactions in tax accounting for income tax, as well as to account for permanent and temporary differences in order to comply with the provisions of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax settlements”, a chart of accounts is used tax accounting. In order to facilitate the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data, the Chart of Accounts of tax accounting is similar in structure and composition to the chart of accounts of accounting.

For tax accounting in organizations with the simplified tax system, a separate Chart of Accounts for tax accounting is used. The program also provides for a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities in accordance with Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tax accounting for income tax

All operations are reflected not only in accounting, but also in tax accounting. According to primary documents while working with the program "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" postings are generated in tax accounting. To summarize information on the basis of postings on tax accounting accounts, corresponding tax accounting registers are formed. Filling in the income tax return is performed automatically.

Simplified taxation system

To keep records under the simplified taxation system (STS), the program uses the Book of Income and Expenses for organizations and individual entrepreneurs (IEs) that apply the simplified taxation system. The book of accounting for income and expenses is generated automatically. Organizations applying the simplified tax system can use as an object of taxation:

  • income;
  • income less expenses.

Accounting for activities subject to UTII

Regardless of whether the organization uses the simplified tax system or the general taxation system, some types of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTII). IN "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses related to the activities of taxable and non-taxable UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a particular type of activity at the time they are made can be allocated automatically.

Keeping records of activities of several organizations

In a programme "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" it is possible to keep accounting and tax records of economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be kept in a separate infobase. At the same time, 1C:Accounting 8 provides the ability to maintain accounting and tax records for several organizations in a common information base. In addition, each organization can have its own accounting policy and apply your tax regime.

Keeping records of several organizations in one information base is usually used in situations where the economic activities of these organizations are closely related: in this case, in the current work, you can use common lists of goods, contractors (business partners), employees, own warehouses, etc., and mandatory reporting to form separately.

Thanks to the ability to keep records of the activities of several organizations in a single information base, the configuration can be used both in small organizations and in holdings with a complex organizational structure.

Accounting for inventories

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products in "1C: Accounting 8" is implemented in accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" and guidelines for its application. In accordance with the accounting policy of the organization, the following methods of assessing the inventory are supported:

  • At an average cost.
  • At the cost of the first in time acquisition of inventories (FIFO method).
  • at the cost of the latest acquisition of inventories (LIFO method).

To evaluate inventories using the FIFO and LIFO methods in "1C: Accounting 8" PROF version party accounting is provided. The presence of this possibility makes it possible to differentially take into account the inventory of the same name, received at different times and at different prices. The party is formed automatically when posting of the inventory. If there is no need for batch accounting, it can be disabled.

Warehouse accounting (accounting for storage places)

In a programme "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" registration of operations for the movement of goods between warehouses, inventory, posting of goods, as well as their write-off is provided. For warehouses, you can conduct quantitative or quantitative-cumulative accounting. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting does not depend on the warehouse from which they were received. If there is no need for inventory control, it can be disabled.

1C:Accounting 8 registers inventory data, which is automatically checked against accounting data. On the basis of the inventory, the identification of surpluses and the write-off of shortages are reflected.

Accounting for trade operations

In a programme "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" automated accounting of operations of receipt and sale of goods and services, as well as operations of return to the supplier and return from the buyer. When selling goods, invoices for payment are issued, invoices and invoices are issued.

For retail technologies for working with both automated and non-automated outlets are supported. Write-off of goods in a non-automated outlet occurs periodically, according to the results of the inventory. For different outlets, it is possible to organize accounting for different taxation regimes (UTII and not UTII). Supported various ways payment. Accounting for payment by payment cards, bank loans, cash is possible. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sale prices.

All wholesale trade operations are accounted for in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers.

For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the number of the cargo customs declaration are taken into account.

Accounting for commission trading

In "1C: Accounting 8" accounting of commission trade is automated both in relation to goods taken on commission from the committent, and transferred for further sale to the commission agent. It is also possible to reflect transactions for the transfer of goods to a subcommission. The program provides various options for calculating the commission:

  • percentage of the sale amount;
  • percentage of total sales of consigned goods;
  • fixed amount (not calculated).

When generating a report to the committent or registering a commission agent's report, you can immediately calculate and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Accounting for container operations

IN program "1C: Accounting 8" automated operations for the accounting of returnable reusable containers. Debts to suppliers and buyers' debts on returnable packaging are accounted for on a separate current account. The specifics of taxation of such transactions and settlements with suppliers and buyers are taken into account.

Accounting for banking and cash transactions

In "1C: Accounting 8" accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds is implemented. Supports input and printing of payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders. Operations for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons, cash deposits to the current account and cash receipts by cash check have been automated. When transactions are recorded, payment amounts are automatically broken down into advance payment and payment.

Based on cash documents, it is formed cash book established pattern.

A mechanism for exchanging information with programs such as "Bank Client" has been implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties

In "1C: Accounting 8" accounting of settlements with suppliers and buyers can be kept in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Exchange rate and amount differences for each transaction are calculated automatically.

Settlements with counterparties can be made under the contract as a whole or for each settlement document (shipments, payments, etc.). The method of conducting settlements is determined by a specific contract.

When drawing up documents for receipt and sale, you can use both general prices for all counterparties, and individual prices for a specific contract.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

"1C: Accounting 8 PROF" allows you to keep records of fixed assets and intangible assets in accordance with PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and PBU 14/2000 "Accounting for intangible assets". All basic accounting operations are automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation, modernization, transfer, write-off. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation per month between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting. For fixed assets that are used seasonally, it is possible to apply depreciation schedules.

Accounting for production activities (main and auxiliary production)

In "1C: Accounting 8" the calculation of the cost of products and services of the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of raw materials to be supplied, accounting for overalls and special equipment are automated. During the month, accounting of manufactured finished products is carried out at the planned cost, and at the end of the month, the actual cost of manufactured products and services rendered is calculated.

The range and quantity of materials and components for transfer to production can be automatically calculated based on data on manufactured products and information on consumption rates (specifications).

For complex technological processes, involving intermediate stages, taking into account the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting for indirect costs

To account for general business expenses, the use of the "direct costing" method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month of their occurrence and are fully attributed to the cost of goods sold. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of goods produced and work in progress. When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution by nomenclature groups of products (services). The following allocation bases are possible for indirect costs:

  • release volume,
  • planned cost,
  • salary,
  • material costs.

Transportation costs may be deducted in proportion to the cost of goods sold.

VAT accounting

IN "1C: Accounting 8" filling in the purchase book and the sales book was automated, tracking complex situations when selling with the use of the "zero" VAT rate, during construction by an economic method, as well as when the organization fulfills its duties tax agent. The amounts of VAT on indirect costs can be allocated to sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT. For organizations whose economic activities do not have complex sales transactions at a VAT rate of 0%, without VAT, etc., it is possible to maintain simplified VAT accounting (without the use of regulatory documents).

The special mechanism "VAT Accounting Assistant" is designed to simplify the reflection of regulatory transactions for value added tax. "Assistant" allows you to control the order and relevance of the generated regulatory documents.

Payroll, personnel and personalized accounting

1C:Accounting 8 keeps records of personnel movement, including accounting for employees at the main place of work and part-time, the formation of unified forms in accordance with labor legislation.

The calculation of salaries for employees of the enterprise on a salary and the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of salaries, as well as the calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the salary of employees of organizations, and the formation of relevant reports (for personal income tax, unified social tax, contributions to the Pension Fund), including preparation of reports for the PFR personalized accounting system.

When performing calculations, the presence at the enterprise is taken into account:

  • disabled people
  • tax non-residents.

The program includes a "Payroll Assistant", which is designed to simplify the reflection of personnel and payroll operations. "Assistant" shows the sequence of actions that must be performed in this section of accounting from hiring an employee to generating payroll entries.

Closing operations of the month

Scheduled operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination of financial results, etc.

“1C: Accounting 8” includes a set of reports “Reference-calculations”, reflecting the calculations related to carrying out routine operations at the end of the month: “Distribution of indirect costs”, “Calculation of income tax”, etc.

Standard accounting reports

"1C: Accounting 8" includes a set of standard reports designed to analyze data on balances and turnovers of accounts and postings in various sections for accounting and tax accounting. Among them are the balance sheet, chess sheet, account balance sheet, account turnover, account card, account analysis, subconto analysis, turnover between subconto, summary transactions, main book, diagrams.

The program provides users with ample opportunities for customizing reports: data selection using comparison operations (“equal”, “not equal”, “in the list”, etc.); setting up selection by subconto, by subconto details, grouping by subconto details; customization of report headers.

Regulated reporting

The program "1C: Accounting 8" provides for the automatic generation of mandatory (regulated) reporting for submission to the owners of the organization and controlling government bodies: accounting forms, tax returns, reports for statistical bodies and state funds. Formation of reports in electronic form is provided.

The program supports both current reporting forms and those operating in previous reporting periods. It is possible to search for reporting forms in accordance with the selected period.

Ergonomic user interface

New modern interface design "1C: Accounting 8 PROF" provides:

  • the possibility of mass input of information (function "input by line");
  • convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists;
  • maximum use of available screen space for displaying information;
  • styling mechanism.


The typical configuration of "1C:Accounting 8" can be changed and adjusted to the specifics of accounting in a particular organization. To do this, the launch mode "Configurator" is provided, which provides:

  • System setup for different kinds accounting.
  • Implementation of any accounting methodology.
  • Organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure.
  • Customization appearance information entry forms.
  • Setting up the behavior and algorithms of the system in different situations using the built-in language.
  • Wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, patterns.
  • Possibility of visual presentation of information in the form of diagrams.
  • Quick configuration changes with visual development tools.


« 1C: Accounting 8» can be used in the following versions:

  • Single user - for personal use.
  • File - for multi-user work, providing ease of installation and operation.
  • A client-server version of work that provides reliable storage and efficient data processing while a large number of users work simultaneously.
  • The distributed infobase option ensures identical infobase configurations and allows data exchange without additional programming.

Integration with other systems

"1C:Accounting 8" provides data exchange with other applications through text files, DBF files and XML documents, downloading exchange rates from the Internet, address classifier, etc.

Description Reviews (0) Screenshots

    One of the most popular and used software products from 1C today is 1C: Enterprise and its component, which can be downloaded for free, 1C: Accounting - is a system of programs and applications combined on one platform, and can significantly simplify the processes of accounting and management at enterprises of various fields of activity and with any type of financing, ranging from small businesses to large holdings .

    Features of the program 1C: Accounting

    The program system consists of their platform and configurations based on it. You can work in two modes;

    • configurator - for checking, creating backups and fixing errors in the database; creating documents; development of new forms of reports - depends on the version of 1C;
    • enterprise - an environment for the work of users, i.e. entering the necessary information into the database in a certain sequence.

    If you download the free program 1C Accounting for free, it will become clear that it helps to reduce costs when maintaining financial reporting and was created to solve specific problems, such as:

    • tax and accounting;
    • regulated documentation.

    You can download the program 1C: Accounting for free. There is an educational version of the program that has enough limited opportunities, while the disc is attached tutorial according to the theory concrete examples and their explanation mobile app. After launching the demo version, an imitation of real work in a virtual company is carried out. Learning takes place in the process of performing any actions within the competence of the software, namely;

    • filling out documents;
    • generating reports;
    • making postings.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of the program, which will become apparent if you download the 1C: Accounting program and install it on a PC:

    • the ability to carry out all types of accounting;
    • modification to the conditions of a particular type of business;
    • fully complies with Russian legislation, updating the program with changes in the tax code.


    • the need for refinement to improve the efficiency of some specific enterprises (not full universality);
    • a complex process of searching for inaccuracies made in the processing of reports;
    • when switching from a similar program, the transfer of part of the information has to be done independently;
    • development requires special knowledge.

    You can download 1C: Accounting 8.3. This improved version of the program has several features:

    • declarative user interface;
    • work in one database with several enterprises at once;
    • expansion of the scope of standard solutions;
    • work with individual enterprises:
    • modernization of the cost reflection function;
    • group entry of accounting entries that are used most often;
    • accounting for several taxation schemes.

    In order to download 1C: Accounting 8.3 for free and install it on a PC, you must have the 1C: Enterprise platform.

The program "1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0" fully automates accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise. Allows you to work with various taxation systems (general, simplified, patent, in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities). Solves a full range of tasks of the accounting service.

Support for different tax systems,
accounting and tax accounting, reporting

Inventory accounting, batch accounting, settlements with counterparties, extract of primary
payroll, accounting for cash transactions Integration with other 1C programs and sites Work with electronic certificates of incapacity for work (ELN)

Full description

The program "1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0" fully automates accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise. Allows you to work with various taxation systems (general, simplified, patent, in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities). Solves a full range of tasks of the accounting service:

  • Accounting for banking and cash transactions. For borrowers from Sberbank, the 1c accounting program provides an opportunity to report to the bank. To do this, a quarterly form " Financial statements for Sberbank"
  • Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets
  • Accounting for documents and settlements with contractors. The 1c program provides the ability to exchange information with counterparties by e-mail.
  • Accounting for inventories in accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" and guidelines for its application
  • Inventory control(quantitative or quantitative-cumulative)
  • Accounting for container operations
  • Accounting for main and auxiliary production
  • Accounting for semi-finished products
  • Accounting for trade operations
  • Accounting for commission trading and agency contracts
  • Payroll and personalized accounting. The formation of unified forms under labor legislation is ensured.
    1. Working with employee data (including salary and position) and printing personnel orders are implemented through an employee card in 1C accounting.
    2. Payroll for Small Businesses with Multiple Points of Sale
    3. Formation of the time sheet
    4. Payment of personal income tax according to the list of employees
    5. Work with electronic sick leave (ELN): timely compensation to employees for sick leave, exchange with the FSS directly from 1C
    6. Deposit
    7. Deductions are taken into account automatically.
    8. Formation of payrolls for departments. Separate salary payments to an employee in several different departments are possible.
    9. When performing calculations in 1C, the presence of disabled people, tax non-residents at the enterprise is taken into account.
  • Accounting for indirect costs
  • VAT accounting implemented in accordance with the standards of Ch. 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Income tax calculation is carried out in compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax settlements”.
  • Support for different taxation systems(general, simplified, patent, in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities).
    1. Simplified taxation system - conducted in accordance with Ch. 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The 1C program has the ability to track USN restrictions
    2. Patent system - individual entrepreneurs carrying out certain types of activities can switch to the patent taxation system in accordance with Chapter 26.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
    3. A single tax on imputed income - provides for the division of income and expenses associated with activities that are taxable and not taxable UTII.
    4. Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs - payers of personal income tax- is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2002 No. 86n / BG-3-04 / 430, chapters 23 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Managing multiple organizations- with a separate information base for each enterprise or separate division.
  • Generation of standard reports: financial analysis, gross profit, goods turnover, payment planning, counterparty debt
  • Formation of regulated reporting
  • Express check
  • Integration with the website of the online store
  • Marking of fur products GISM (KIZ labels)
  • Data transfer to OFD servers.Individual entrepreneurs on UTII and a patent are required to apply KKM from July 1, 2018.
  • Idea Center 1C:Fresh

The 1C:Accounting 8.3 configuration was developed based on the wishes of users for the comfort of working with the program. The program completely closes the accounting interest. Namely: modern design of the 1s interface, maximization of the workspace on monitors with different resolutions, large font, ease of navigation, the ability to independently design your workspace; thin and web client support, development of cloud technologies. Operations in accounting 1s, the implementation of which used to take long time(closing the month, generating reports, etc.) are now running in the background. This allows you to continue working with 1s 8 accounting without waiting for the operation to complete.

The price of the product varies and depending on the tasks you can choose your version. Programs for accounting cover all areas of the accountant. The company "First BIT" is the official representative of the company 1C and you can buy 1C from us together with the services of the company. The price for 1s accounting programs is indicated below. You can buy the 1s accounting program at any office of our company.

Accounting program "1C: Accounting 8" - indispensable tool for an accountant.

1C:Fresh is an access to 1C:Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. Nothing needs to be installed on the computer, not even a key electronic signature for reporting via the Internet can be stored in the "cloud".

Advantages of working in 1C: Accounting through the 1SFresh service:

  • The usual interface of the program, but through the browser
  • All you need is internet to work
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • Round-the-clock technical support from 1C
  • Access to the system and services 1C:ITS
  • Data privacy and security
  • Free access for 30 days
  • Free use for 1C:ITS PROF users

Cost of 1C:Accounting in 1C:Fresh service - from 2,818 ₽ per month*
*price when paid for a year with continuous service

Order 1C:Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

Rent 1C in the cloud - all functions are available anytime and anywhere where you can connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help optimize the costs of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its work.

Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

  • Your 1C will never slow down again
  • Privacy & Security - Data Encryption
  • Access to the 1C program 24/7
  • Work in the program from any device
  • Connection in 2 hours
  • Regular automatic updates
  • Daily backup
  • Assistance from certified professionals
  • Free access for 7 days!

The cost of renting 1C: Accounting in the cloud - from 1,250 ₽ per month

Order now and get free access for 7 days in just 2 hours!

Hosting 1C - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated cloud server. There is no longer a need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

Advantages of 1C hosting service:

  • Instant access from anywhere in the world
  • Privacy & Security
  • Reliable service 24/7
  • Regular backup
  • Server administration and technical support

Any manager or accountant is well aware of such a program as 1C Accounting. This is a quality product, if you download it, you can significantly facilitate the work and functioning of any enterprise or warehouse. Many users associate the program as an exceptional accounting software, but 1C Accounting is more correct as a comprehensive product designed for automation. various types accounting at any company or warehouse. If you download this software for free, then each manager will find something useful for himself.

The program boasts many positive qualities and advantages, and is far from the only advantage. The 1C company has established itself as a successful developer who has released many wonderful software products designed to fulfill specific goals and objectives. 1C Accounting has existed on the computer software market for more than six years, during which time about 700,000 enterprises located in Russia and neighboring countries have managed to appreciate this program.

In July of this year, a joyful and expected by many event took place - the release of a new version of 1C Warehouse and Enterprise of the eighth version. Does it make sense for companies to switch to a new program? This question is asked by all accountants and managers who are going to download the program under new edition.

What's new if you download the program 1C Accounting

Naturally, there are plenty of changes here, 1C Accounting is a logical continuation of its predecessor, which absorbed all of its positive features. However, if you download the software, you will notice that the solutions do not repeat version 7.7, but are more intended for the management and management of an enterprise or warehouse.

The next difference is the emergence of a separation between configuration and platform, as a result of which managers can work with a huge number of infobases. If your managers are engaged in the accounting of several companies, then this function will be most welcome. If we compare 1C Accounting versions 8.0 and 7.7, then we can highlight several features and differences.

By installing free software, the modified structure of the information base is striking. The owners of large and medium-sized companies are well aware that the program should not lose efficiency when a huge number of users work. Here, the entire database is located in one document, which greatly simplifies the process of managing and managing the warehouse and other structural divisions. It is also worth noting that now users can save a copy of the archive to any external media, including a regular flash drive or optical discs.

If you download the application 1C Accounting or 1C Warehouse, then pay attention to some of the mechanisms for the functioning of the enterprise, which have significantly advanced in their development. For example, it is possible to single out a mechanism for constructing analytical and economic reporting, which are flexible and convenient, they can be created at the required level of detail and specification.

It is also worth noting some changes regarding the licensed component of the program. In version 8.0, you can buy a single-user license, purchasing additional licenses if you wish, for a separate cost. If your enterprise or warehouse has more than ten machines, it is recommended to refer to a three-tier server-client architecture. Such a model will be relevant in companies that are characterized by a large increase in the information base and, accordingly, an increased document flow. Among other things, this model allows for a more flexible approach to system administration.

If you download the program latest version for free, it will be much easier to update the configuration. Thus, when working with an unchanged typical configuration, the user can only pull up changed objects, instead of combining several structures into one. Naturally, this has a positive effect on the ease and speed of updating.

When switching to new version the program should be aware that some important components are now missing. For example, Calculation, Operational Accounting, Accounting - all these and some other platforms have been combined into one single structure, which is designed to perform numerous functions and tasks of managing, managing and accounting for a company. Ideally, this should lead to a simplification of working with 1C Accounting, but the big question is whether employees who are used to working with a slightly different system will like this innovation.

Finally, we note that now the free version of the software has somewhat higher requirements for computer resources. The hard disk will require about 500 MB, free RAM - 256 MB, the frequency of the central processor - at least 1000 MHz.

In general, the 1C Accounting program of the latest version turned out to be quite successful. All innovations are aimed at improving the level of quality, speed and convenience of work. It remains only to download the application for free to see for yourself its merits.

All, or almost all, accountants in our country have long (and happily) forgotten about manual accounting, which meant the painstaking maintenance of the same type, constantly recurring operations, differing from each other only in content. For example, the formation of accounting registers as a presentation of the results of work, was a whole problem. The turnover of only one account, even at a small enterprise, could be collected by “hands” all day.

What helped accountants to forget the "horrors" of manual accounting? Basically - the general technological progress and endemic computerization. But this answer can be somewhat more specific, adding that in the distant 90s, 1C accounting programs appeared, or rather "" - by far the most popular solution for automation in Russia and the CIS countries.

Advantages of 1C accounting programs as automation tools

The advantages that 1C accounting programs have are partly based on the fact that accounting itself is a very grateful object for automation. It is maximally formalized, cyclical, structured. Therefore, the advantages of using 1C solutions have remained, in fact, unchanged since the days when 1C products for accounting worked on the "six":

  • A significant increase in labor productivity in accounting, in the preparation and submission of reports;
  • Exclusion of risks associated with errors in accounting, preparation and submission of accounting and tax reporting;
  • Strengthening control and "transparency" (you can raise the history of operations in a matter of minutes).

Of course, today, to the "traditional" accounting tools, a large number of services that can be used without leaving the 1C accounting program. So the 1C Accounting program has, for example, the 1C-Reporting service and OKEI functionality. They can add items to the list of benefits. But this is still a moment in the development of the functionality that 1C accounting programs have undergone, like all other standard 1C solutions. Therefore, we will not touch on the comparison of the 8.3 platform with previous versions in our article. Consider the modern "wealth of choice" of 1C accounting programs in relation to the needs of a single organization.

Integrated or standalone accounting software

It would seem that the flagship solution 1C - "ERP Manufacturing Enterprise Management", which has a comprehensive functionality covering all business processes in the enterprise, will become an indispensable source of operational information for accounting and a convenient tool for work. But it is not uncommon (we will not give specific statistics, but this is a very common practice) when a comprehensive solution is supplemented by a separate accounting solution that has similar functionality. Why is this happening?

In addition to the usual fear of accounting that someone will “break in and ruin” a perfectly debugged and working system in their database, as well as the fact that many enterprises prefer to keep regulated and managerial accounting in different databases, there are a number of other reasons. They seem common, but, nevertheless, it is important to consider them when choosing one or another 1C configuration for accounting:

  • Since 1C accounting programs are designed for regulated accounting, the developer must ensure that the product complies with changes in legislation. This means regular and prompt release of updates.
  • Since there are many default updates, the update process itself should be simple, and, if possible, do without the involvement of a third-party specialist. For this, ideally, the system should not have any modifications.
  • The accounting program itself should be simple and intuitive, since virtually no enterprise can do without accounting, and not everyone can afford many months of training.
  • There should be enough technical support specialists for this program so as not to be without support at a crucial moment.

As an example, consider the situation at a large enterprise, which has implemented an automation system based on "1C: ERP" with the functionality of an accounting program in the complex and a lot of serious improvements. We remember that the main task of the accounting department is to maintain regulated accounting and submit reports, so the accounting program must reflect the current requirements of the law, which requires regular updates. In the context of global improvements to a comprehensive solution, each update necessary for accounting threatens with the possibility of losing these very improvements in other areas, failure of settings and huge labor costs.

In this case, it is more reasonable to purchase an accounting program, the version of which would correspond to the scale of the enterprise, that is, “1C: Accounting 8” CORP. Its functionality is so wide that, as a rule, it does not require any modifications, and can satisfy the needs of any accounting department, simply by undergoing some adjustments.

Also, do not lose sight of such a moment as the speed of the system. If a separate accounting department “freezes” (by this we can mean a whole pool of various problems), it is much easier (and cheaper) to find an appropriate specialist who can correct this situation than a specialist with a “complex” specialization.

Ultimately, the cost of a separate solution will pay off not only due to savings in support, but also due to the peace of mind of accountants.

Summing up the intermediate result, I would like to note that the flagship integrated solution simply could not do without an accounting module, but the solution for small companies - « » it does not contain, but allows the IP to submit reports subject to the signing of the ITS agreement. This is partly due to the fact that a company of this size can get by with a basic version of an accounting program, can use a more advanced version - PROF, or can outsource accounting altogether.

Choosing a 1C program for automating accounting based on the needs of the organization

Accounting program 1C version KORP

Since the KORP version is intended for accounting in organizations that have geographically distributed divisions, and is almost never used as the only solution in an enterprise, it requires certain settings and does not have an electronic delivery.

Distinctive features The features of the CORP version are:

  • Possibility to automate the distribution of income tax by branches;
  • Consolidation of VAT reporting by divisions;
  • Preparation of notifications on controlled transactions;
  • Settlements under government contracts;
  • Reporting of controlled foreign companies;
  • Reporting of non-credit financial organizations.

Accounting program 1C version PROF

Going down "from top to bottom", let's name the features available for the CORP and PROF versions, relative to the Basic:

  • Accounting for several organizations in a single information base;
  • Possibility of changing (configuring) the applied solution;
  • Multi-user mode of operation, including support for the client-server mode of operation;
  • Support for the work of geographically distributed information bases;
  • Support for external connection with other infobases without exchange files;
  • Web client mode.

Next, let's talk about solutions for small businesses, that is, about situations where the 1C accounting program can be the only element of the automation system. Since this form of organization requires “simple” solutions, but at the same time has one or another specificity in the delivery of regulated reporting, 1C has developed a wide variety of accounting solutions for small companies.

Let's start with boxed solutions that are also e-shipped or available in the cloud.

"1C: Accounting 8" Basic version

The basic configuration allows you to keep accounting and tax records from one workstation (PC, laptop). Today, even the basic version of the 1C accounting program has the widest possibilities in terms of self-configuration by the user. 1C Company ensures strict compliance of the program with the legislation and its changes, regularly releasing updates and enabling users to quickly and easily install them via the Internet. The basic accounting functionality of the solution includes such features as accounting for the general taxation system, USN, UTII in one program, without reference to the TIN.*

* "1C: Accounting for 1" - electronic delivery of the basic version, requiring binding to the TIN.

"1C: Simplified 8"

Already by the name of the accounting program "1C: Simplified 8" it becomes clear that it is intended for companies that carry out different types commercial activities, for example, any type of trade, production or services, but keeping records under a simplified taxation system. The simple user interface of the solution, allowing the accounting department to solve all its tasks, allows specialists from other departments to enter the necessary data on individual types of activities without complicated training. In the case when "1C: Simplified 8" is not the only solution in the company's automation system developed on the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform, it can be easily integrated with other 1C application products.

"1C: Entrepreneur 8"

The solution is designed for accounting by individual entrepreneurs. A simple interface allows business owners to deal with accounting on their own, without involving an accountant. In addition to the boxed and electronic versions, the solution is available in the cloud, in particular, through a mobile client.

  • For individual entrepreneurs who are payers of personal income tax, the functionality of the solution provides for the possibility of maintaining a ledger of income, expenses and business transactions.
  • For UTII payers for certain types of activities, it is possible to keep separate records of business transactions by types of activities subject to personal income tax and UTII.

Electronic deliveries

"1C: BusinessStart"

Along with 1C:Accounting for 1, this solution is intended for start-up entrepreneurs with registration forms for LLCs and sole proprietors who decide to submit reports and pay taxes on their own. Online accounting allows you to work with the general, simplified and patent taxation system, as well as UTII. 1C:BusinessStart is also available in the cloud.

Mobile app

IP 6%

An accounting mobile application, a kind of calculator designed to calculate taxes and prepare a declaration for the USN 6%.

Services for entrepreneurs without an accountant

1C has developed and provides a number of services for entrepreneurs "without an accountant".

For entrepreneurs who do not need an accountant, since there are no processes that he could serve (income and wages, payment of imputation or a patent from the beginning of the year), a free service has been developed - "1C: Nulevka".

For those who simply do not want to spend time, effort and attention on business processes related to the main activity, a service has been developed within which professional accounting support is provided.


In conclusion, I would like to add that there are a number of solutions already removed from sale and support by 1C, but still widely used for accounting purposes. These include, as separate programs, for example, "1C: Entrepreneur reporting", and "past versions" of accounting solutions on the platform 8.2 or even on the "seven".

By the way, you can visit our website. In addition, using the form below, you can ask any question on the 1C topic to our specialists.