Increased hemoglobin in a child of 7 years of age. Why is there a high hemoglobin in a child? What does an elevated hemoglobin level in children indicate?

Iron levels in children have a wider range of acceptable values ​​than in adults, so high hemoglobin in a child is not necessarily a pathology.

Hemoglobin in the blood of a newborn is different from hemoglobin in adults and even has a special name - fetal. A newborn baby has the highest level, then it begins to gradually decrease. By the first year of a child's life, fetal hemoglobin is completely destroyed and replaced by an adult. For children under 12 months elevated level considered the norm.

The level of hemoglobin in newborns depends on the general state of health, term, nutrition, and it can also be influenced by the presence multiple pregnancy or premature ligation of the umbilical cord. High hemoglobin is sometimes due to intrauterine hypoxia, when the fetus lacks oxygen due to placental insufficiency.

However, the reasons elevated hemoglobin in the newborn are predominantly natural. However, in some rather rare cases, too high hemoglobin may indicate the presence of a serious illness. Therefore, with any suspicion of this, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the child.

Elevated hemoglobin for a long time can lead to mental retardation due to circulatory disorders in the cerebral region.

Symptoms of high hemoglobin in children

With a significant increase in hemoglobin levels over a long period, the child has clinical signs similar to those in adults:

  • fatigue, weakness, lethargy;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • redness or excessive pallor of the skin;
  • frequent and easy bruising;
  • blue lips and skin on the fingertips;
  • poor appetite;
  • arrhythmia or tachycardia;
  • headache and dizziness up to loss of consciousness;
  • skin itching after water procedures;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • temporary numbness of certain parts of the body;
  • violations of the urinary system;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • weight loss and general depletion of the body.

If any of the above signs are noted, the child must be shown to the doctor.

Increased blood viscosity is dangerous for possible blockage of blood vessels.

To obtain more accurate results of the examination, it is recommended to donate blood for analysis several times. As you know, the level of hemoglobin increases after active games on fresh air which affects the results of the analyses. Therefore, it is better to donate blood early in the morning and in a calm state.

What to do

Children are contraindicated medical preparations that thin the blood. It is allowed to use mummy in tablets. Elevated hemoglobin in the blood of a child can be corrected with the help of a diet and the correct organization of the daily routine.

Sometimes the cause of high hemoglobin can simply be an excess of foods rich in iron and vitamin C in the child’s menu. In order to adjust nutrition, you need to limit the consumption of red meat, liver, red fruits and berries (pomegranates, currants, etc.), butter. To avoid the protein deficiency needed by the child, it is recommended to replace these products with nuts, legumes, soy products, white chicken meat.

For children, you need to give as much pure drinking water, since the level of hemoglobin in the blood directly depends on the volume of fluid in the body, and install a humidifier in the children's room. Sometimes these measures are enough to fix the problem.

To prevent health, doctors recommend taking a blood test once a year and, according to its results, pay attention to deviations from the norm of hemoglobin. Everyone knows about the dangers of its low rate, but few people know how dangerous high hemoglobin and high red blood cells are, and these can be signs of a serious illness. If there is an excess of the component in the circulatory system, this causes a violation of blood circulation throughout the body, its coagulability increases, it becomes thicker, which causes the formation of blood clots.

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood

Hemoglobin is a complex protein that is integral part erythrocytes, they are also called red blood cells. It includes an iron-containing part, thanks to which it can attach oxygen molecules in the capillaries and transport this vital gas to all organs. To determine the degree of saturation of erythrocytes with this protein, to identify pathological conditions organism, do an analysis on the average content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte.

Hemoglobin norms are measured in grams per liter (g / l), are determined depending on gender and differ in adults and children:

  • the normal rate of iron-containing protein in women is 120-160 g / l;
  • the norm of hemoglobin during pregnancy is 110-150 g / l (it decreases, because iron is consumed by a woman and a child);
  • the norm of hemoglobin in men is 130-170 g / l;
  • The norm of hemoglobin in children and adolescents is very different. In a newborn child, the maximum level is 145-225 g / l, then over the first six months of life it gradually decreases to 95-135 g / l, and from 1 year to 18 years it gradually increases.

Causes of high hemoglobin content

If red blood cells are elevated in the blood, this also means a high concentration of iron-containing protein. A deviation from the norm of these indicators occurs when the body does not have enough fluid in hot weather or during increased physical exertion. An increase in the risk of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks due to higher blood viscosity - this is why a high level of hemoglobin caused by external factors is dangerous. Increased water intake after a few days will restore the normal functioning of the body.

The level of red blood cells above normal may indicate a lack of oxygen in the body as a result of being at altitude, smoking. But often such a high rate is a symptom of dangerous diseases in the body:

  • increased production of red blood cells by the bone marrow as a result of pathologies;
  • violations of the kidneys with the release of the hormone erythropoietin;
  • diseases of the heart, lungs;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology.

In men

An increase in red blood cells in men is observed not only as a symptom of the disease. Such a failure in the body occurs due to hard physical work, exhausting workouts without observing the appropriate drinking regime, frequent stay at altitude (pilots, climbers) or smoking. What is the danger of high hemoglobin? In the future, the indicator is above the norm, caused by lifestyle, threatens to disrupt normal blood circulation and becomes main reason severe life-threatening diseases - vein thrombosis, strokes, heart attacks.

Among women

High levels of iron-containing protein for women are uncharacteristic, but are often found in those living in mountainous areas, with regular increased physical exertion, or with pathologies of the heart and lungs. During the bearing of a child, the female body, for the normal development of the fetus, is purposefully saturated with iron to a greater extent with the help of a special diet, taking multivitamin complexes, which explains the high hemoglobin during pregnancy. But over the course of this period, the indicator decreases, the body redistributes the necessary level to the child.

In children and adolescents

If living in a mountainous area and increased physical activity are excluded as possible factors for an increase in iron-containing protein in a child, an examination should be carried out to identify the disease. The main reasons for raising the levels of this protein in children are blood diseases, congenital pathologies of the lungs and heart, intestinal obstruction, and severe dehydration. The level of red cells rises sharply temporarily if the child has received a severe burn; this is necessary to saturate damaged tissues with oxygen and speed up their regeneration.

Symptoms of high hemoglobin

The most dangerous thing in cases where hemoglobin is above normal occurs inside the vessels: the blood circulates poorly, because it becomes thick. If you do not respond in time and do not bring the viscosity of this biological fluid back to normal, irreversible consequences will occur. The formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels - this is what elevated hemoglobin in the blood means.

The level of iron-containing protein does not rise sharply, it happens for some time. During this period, the following external symptoms may be observed:

  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite, sudden weight loss for no reason;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • red itchy spots on the skin;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Consequences of high hemoglobin

Why is high hemoglobin dangerous? As a result of oversaturation with red blood cells, the work of almost the entire organism is disrupted. Thicker blood impairs the functioning of the brain, the process of blood supply to tissues. The size of the internal organs - the spleen, liver, kidneys - increase. With such complications, the body does not have time to cope with the negative consequences of red blood cell saturation. Over time, these symptoms are fatal, which is why high hemoglobin levels are life threatening.

How to lower hemoglobin levels to normal

Knowing the negative consequences of a high level of this protein, one must be aware of how to lower hemoglobin in the blood. It is necessary to remove the reasons that led to the growth of this indicator. For a quick result, when the symptoms of deterioration in health are already clearly expressed, you need to consult a doctor and pick up medicines for effective treatment. But the specialist, when asked what to do with high hemoglobin, should focus on the patient's lifestyle and on the prevention of a normal level of red bodies.

It is necessary to establish a drinking regime and be very attentive to the quality of the water used. If it contains a high concentration of chlorine, such a liquid will not thin the blood, but cause an increase in the number of red blood cells. It is good for normal sweating to drink compotes, juices without sugar, but mostly it should be high-quality purified drinking water without gas.

The diet should include more natural fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. The latter is necessary for the normal digestion of food in the intestines, because if this process is disturbed, the body accumulates toxic substances and gradually poisons itself. In response, the bone marrow produces more red blood cells to replenish oxygen levels.

To bring the level of iron-containing protein back to normal, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • red meat;
  • liver;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables, fruits and red berries, including black currants, pomegranates.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet foods as much as possible: sugar helps the blood absorb iron, and fats raise cholesterol levels, which exacerbates the risk of blockage of blood vessels. Hiking, swimming, physical activity are recommended for people with an increased level of iron-containing protein, which is why it is restored right job bone marrow. When red blood cells are above normal, the use of vitamin complexes containing iron, copper, vitamins of group B and C is prohibited.

Video: what is the danger of increased hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood

How to assume the presence of thick blood and prevent pathologies associated with a high level of red blood cells? In our video, experts will explain in an accessible way how the coagulability of the main biological fluid of the body depends on age and genetic factors, which diet is recommended for elevated hemoglobin, and talk about the features of the application medicines to lower the level of red blood cells:

In the body of an adult healthy person all substances and enzymes are strictly balanced. But in a child's body, especially in newborns, a protein such as hemoglobin has unstable performance and depends on the age of the child. Hemoglobin is needed to deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body. Protein contains a large number of iron, enriches the body with it, cleanses the cells of carbon dioxide.

In newborns, the level of this protein is relatively stable a few days after birth. A healthy norm for this age is 145-220 grams / liter. Should not be alarmed if hemoglobin has reached an extreme mark. In the following weeks, as long as the baby is healthy, the level will drop to 140 g/liter and slowly rise as the baby gets older.

However, you should be concerned if the child has high hemoglobin for no apparent reason. Indirectly, this indicates a possible pathological process occurring either in the blood or in the internal organs. The sooner the pediatrician establishes the cause of such a deviation, the safer it will be for the health and development of the child.

Causes of high hemoglobin in a child

High hemoglobin may indicate dangerous diseases at the baby. These diseases have many symptoms and signs, but young parents do not always understand them right away. An increase in protein may indicate the following diseases:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • heart, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • heart disease;
  • blood diseases;
  • dehydration;
  • Wakez-Osler disease (bone tissue produces an excess of blood cells).

An increase in hemoglobin is a protective reaction of the child's body to the pathological process. He mobilizes all his means to localize the pathology and restore the damaged organ. In any case, it is necessary to understand the root cause of the increase in hemoglobin. This condition is dangerous for the life and health of the child. The blood becomes too viscous, significant clots appear. The latter form blood clots, blockages in the path of blood flow. This leads to massive heart attacks and strokes.

But with all the danger, you should not immediately panic. If the child is very mobile, then the hemoglobin level can jump. Therefore, protein measurements should be done twice and under the condition of complete rest. If the child is actively interested in outdoor games, the hemoglobin level will be consistently high. You need to worry if a calm child in a calm phase has an increased rate and the pediatrician determines additional symptoms of the pathology.

Symptoms of increased hemoglobin in a child

Primary symptoms are almost completely absent. For a while, parents may not be aware of the growing protein levels. Only in the second phase does the child's behavior change. Symptoms and signs of disorders in the body appear:

  1. rapid fatigue;
  2. severe drowsiness;
  3. blue lips and fingertips;
  4. lethargy, inhibition in development, apathy.

These are just the beginning signs that expand as you progress. Also, the symptoms depend on the disease that provokes an increase in hemoglobin levels. If the cause is intestinal obstruction, the child becomes restless, complains about the stomach, refuses to eat.

With cardiopulmonary insufficiency, in addition to drowsiness and fatigue, the child may suffocate for periods. He will develop shortness of breath, which may not depend on the degree of exertion.

How to lower the level of hemoglobin in a child

A decrease in hemoglobin, regardless of the reasons, always begins with a change in habitual nutrition. From the diet of the child, it is necessary to remove everything that contains a lot of iron:

  1. buckwheat porridge;
  2. liver;
  3. pomegranates and red foods;
  4. fatty foods.

Must add to diet(preferably for every day):

  1. chicken, especially white meat;
  2. seafood of any kind;
  3. fish.

These products will help reduce hemoglobin and make up for the lack of protein.

Hemoglobin is sensitive to water and electrolyte balance. Therefore, the child should drink a lot of plain water, this will help thin the blood. If we are talking about small ones, they need to drink water every hour.

Be sure to keep the room humid. If heaters are used, be sure to place basins of water nearby for humidity. If your child is too mobile, limit activity. Sometimes a decrease in activity and an increased amount of clean drinking water and without drugs bring hemoglobin back to normal. But this is subject to the absence of pathologies.

The fact that newborns and older children have an increased level of hemoglobin (Hb) can be found after general analysis blood. Many people are familiar with anemia (a decrease in Hb), and an increase is much less common. For what reasons is it possible? Can the scores be adjusted? Is this condition dangerous for the baby? These questions concern parents, because the health of the baby is always in the first place.

What is hemoglobin and its role in the body of a child

Hemoglobin is a protein in the main blood cells (erythrocytes). It contains iron, which binds to oxygen molecules and transports it through the bloodstream to all organs and tissues. Hemoglobin supports cellular respiration, ensures the proper development of the body. It is he who colors the blood red. An increase in the rate in children and adolescents is a reason to find the cause of the pathology.

Hemoglobin norms in children

To determine elevated hemoglobin in infants, preschool and school children, pediatricians rely on normal levels for each age period. The results in each of them are the same for boys and girls, the norm values ​​​​are as follows (in g / l):

  • newborns - 240;
  • in the first month of life - 130 - 160;
  • infants at 3 months - 110 - 130;
  • six months of life - 115 - 130;
  • 1–2 years - 110 - 120;
  • 3 - 5 years - 110 - 130;
  • 6 - 12 years old - 120 - 140;
  • 12 - 16 years old - 115 - 145 (for girls), 130 - 160 (for boys).

A slight excess of indicators usually does not alarm the doctor. If the upper limit is exceeded by 20 units or more, an additional examination will be scheduled. Symptoms of high hemoglobin:

  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • redness of the skin;
  • drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night;
  • nausea, headaches;
  • blurred vision;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nosebleeds;
  • bruises with minor bruises.

Causes of increased hemoglobin in infants

An increase in hemoglobin in newborns up to 220 - 240 g / l is considered normal and is the result of receiving maternal blood during prenatal development. By 6 months, the rate in infants is almost halved. A blood test carried out in six months shows that its value drops to 110 - 130 g / l.

If the baby is one year old, and the hemoglobin in the blood formula remains elevated, an additional examination will be required, since this is no longer considered the norm. The reason for this situation may be:

  • heart, respiratory failure;
  • anomalies in the development of the intestine;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • oncopathology.

Why is there a high hemoglobin in a child with diseases not related to the hematopoietic system? The child's body fights the disease in all ways, including trying to supply the diseased organ with oxygen to restore tissues. As a result, the bone marrow begins to produce more red blood cells, which means that an increased Hb value is observed in the blood.

At an older age, some others join the above factors for increasing Hb:

Excess Hb leads to poisoning of the body. Situations are especially dangerous when it is above 190 g / l and is outside the erythrocytes. In this case, the blood becomes viscous, its microcirculation is disturbed. Increases the likelihood of blood clots, which lead to stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism.

Why does the level of hemoglobin in the body decrease?

A decrease in Hb also reveals a blood test from a finger. Its provocateur in infants is iron deficiency in the body. This may be due to anemia in the mother during gestation, malnutrition of the baby, late introduction of complementary foods, and a sedentary lifestyle. At an older age low hemoglobin- a consequence of an improper diet or a forced diet of a child. Often, its fall is observed after bleeding caused by injuries or other factors.

How to adjust the level of hemoglobin with medication?

Pathology is treated by a pediatrician, in severe cases - a pediatric hematologist. Physiological growth of Hb does not require intervention. The indicator will return to normal when the provoking factor is eliminated. In other situations, a correction is required, which is selected depending on what caused the abnormal performance. The following events are shown:

If he is downgraded

When hemoglobin is lowered, the child has shortness of breath, pale skin, lethargy, fatigue, circles under the eyes. His body is not able to resist bacteria and viruses, as a result of which the baby often gets sick with ARVI, catches a cold. To correct the pathology, the following drug treatment is indicated:

  • Iron preparations in case of detection iron deficiency anemia. Basically, these are drops or syrup, selected according to the age of the baby. For example, Aktiferrin, Maltofer, Totema, Ferronal® 35 (we recommend reading:). The duration of the appointment is prescribed by the doctor. Usually hemoglobin is restored within three months.
  • Reception of correctly selected vitamin and mineral complexes. They strengthen the body, promote the absorption of iron. Not all vitamins are indicated for low Hb - the selection should be done by a doctor.
  • Blood transfusion. It will be done with high blood loss and a decrease in Hb to 70 g / l. It is carried out in a hospital.

If it's elevated

When the hemoglobin is raised above the norm, the doctor prescribes drugs that thin the blood. Drugs and their dosage are selected according to the age of the child, his state of health.

"Ticlopidine", which prevents the formation of blood clots. It is prescribed for children over 7 years old. Also, Trental, Aspirin can lower blood viscosity (prescribed to babies extremely rarely). It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, prevent dehydration, control the functioning of the kidneys.

How to increase hemoglobin without medication?

The approach to treating low hemoglobin in children should be comprehensive (we recommend reading:). It is important to understand that it is not easy to raise the indicator to the lower limit without taking iron supplements. In addition to medication, the following measures are necessary:

Elevated hemoglobin and red blood cells: causes and treatment

With increased hemoglobin and erythrocytes in a child, a repeated blood test is indicated to exclude laboratory assistant errors. Upon confirmation, an additional examination is carried out, which becomes the basis for the selection of treatment tactics.

Initially, the causes of the pathology are clarified. In addition to the above, at any age, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Accommodation in areas altitudinal zonality. In mountainous regions, the air is thinner. Children's bodies need more oxygen. It adapts and produces more red blood cells that can carry O2.
  • Taking certain medications. When figuring out why the indicator is too high, doctors exclude this factor in the first place.

In addition to treating the underlying pathology and taking blood-thinning medications, parents are advised to:

Consequences of increased hemoglobin

In clinical practice, complications due to increased hemoglobin in children are rare, only in the absence of treatment and medical supervision. Usually, the consequences occur when the pathology is caused by chronic diseases. If parents ignore the symptoms and do not see a doctor, the child may develop blood clots in the capillaries and arteries. Thick blood can also cause numbness in some areas of the body.

Prevention of the disease is the correction of the baby's diet, compliance with the drinking regimen and the correct daily routine. It is necessary to check the Hb indicator in a timely manner, treat chronic ailments, prevent physical and emotional overwork, exhaustion of the body.

When deciphering a child's blood test, parents often wonder what this or that indicator means. One of the most significant characteristics is hemoglobin. This value is not constant, however, its value must be within certain limits. What is hemoglobin, what is its normal value, and is it possible to influence the blood formula? We will find out all this in order.

After the child has been tested, many parents are worried about the hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Main functions of hemoglobin

The word "hemoglobin" consists of two parts, the first of which in ancient Greek means blood, the second in Latin - a ball. Indeed, the hemoglobin molecule resembles a ball. This complex protein is found in red blood cells and performs a very important task - it carries oxygen from a person's lungs to other organs. If there is not enough hemoglobin, then the tissues of the body will become oxygen deficient, which can create certain problems.

You need to do a blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin - the result will show how many grams of this protein is determined in a liter of blood. The analysis is taken in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

There are also indirect signs that the level of this protein is reduced. A person may feel weak, dizzy, tired, have pale skin. If such symptoms are present, it is worth doing an unscheduled analysis.

What are the norms of hemoglobin in children? Much depends on age (up to a year, after 2 years), the presence of diseases. Other factors also matter. For example, during a viral illness, if the baby has a fever, the composition of the blood changes. In particular, the level of hemoglobin (HGB) is reduced in order to reach an acceptable value after recovery.

Normal indicators in children up to a year

Hemoglobin protein delivers essential oxygen throughout the body

The norm of hemoglobin in children up to a year depends on its age. In the first three days of life, it is higher, then it decreases significantly. This picture is explained by the fact that in infants there are processes of replacing one type of protein with another, as well as hemolysis of newborns. What should be the hemoglobin in children under one year old? The table shows the average values ​​​​of this protein, depending on the age of the baby:

As you can see, the hemoglobin readings in the baby are unstable, from high numbers in the first three days of life they drop to 90 g / l. By the end of 1 year, the protein in the blood stabilizes, and becomes approximately the same as in an adult.

Normal indicators in children from 1 year to 18 years

Starting from the 2nd year of life, the level of hemoglobin in a child becomes higher, however, its average indicators are not the same in each period (see also:). From the age of 18, normal values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not change until old age. Using the presented data, you can trace the dynamics of this indicator:

We reported mean values ​​without separating by gender. However, from the age of 12, the sex of the child affects the number of red blood cells. Boys tend to have higher hemoglobin levels than their peers. The difference between these values ​​can be tracked in our table:

The level of hemoglobin depends on the age of the child, and even on his gender.

Reasons for Decreased HGB Levels

What can hemoglobin in a child say below normal? It is worth noting here that this indicator depends on many factors and does not always indicate a deviation. Sometimes the hemoglobin level is lower if the following facts occur:

  1. It is noticed that HGB decreases around 17:00 and begins to rise at 7:00 am.
  2. If the patient ate food before the analysis. After eating, hemoglobin will decrease while the food is being digested. In connection with this property, it is not recommended to have breakfast before taking the analysis.
  3. If blood is taken in a hospital setting, or at home from a patient who is lying, the hemoglobin level will be slightly underestimated.
  4. It happens that the laboratory assistant squeezes the fingertip too hard, and intercellular fluid enters the capillary blood. This changes the ratio of components, and hemoglobin may be reduced.
  • oncological diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • iron deficiency;
  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • SARS, which lasts more than 3 - 4 days.

Anemia in a child can cause many diseases, even prolonged SARS

A persistent or regular decrease in hemoglobin, in turn, provokes a malfunction of the immune system. Children with low hemoglobin levels are required to undergo an examination and make an appointment with a gemologist.

If the patient has a decrease in hemoglobin below the limit values, the doctor may diagnose anemia or anemia. Anemia can be mild, moderate, or severe. To determine what degree of disease a patient has, you can compare the results of the analysis with the hemoglobin readings in this table:

The severity of anemia has its own characteristics, and treatment in each case is prescribed individually (more details in the article:). If the hemoglobin level becomes critical - it falls below 70 g / l, the children are shown a blood transfusion. In other cases, the doctor decides on a transfusion, focusing on other indicators of the baby's health - his behavior, the condition of the skin. If anemia is not treated, the child will begin to lag behind peers in physical development, internal organs will not perform well in their roles.

Baby's pallor, lethargy, and other symptoms may indicate anemia

There are varieties of this disease. In children, the following types of anemia are often diagnosed:

  1. Iron deficiency. This type of anemia occurs in patients whose bone marrow does not produce enough red blood cells. The reason for such failures usually lies in the lack of iron and vitamins.
  2. Hemolytic. Anemia occurs due to the fact that red blood cells are destroyed, they become smaller. There can be many reasons for this condition.
  3. Avitominous. If a child is regularly deficient in vitamins, in particular B12, his blood test may well show a decrease in hemoglobin levels (we recommend reading:).

Children who are anemic show other signs of the disease. If its degree is moderate or severe, the following symptoms are possible:

  • the inner surface of the eyelids becomes pale;
  • the child shows poor appetite;
  • complains of dizziness;
  • shortness of breath appears during minor exertion;
  • extremities are often cold;
  • immunity is weakened - a son or daughter often gets colds and infectious diseases(we recommend reading:);
  • poor concentration of attention;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • fast fatiguability.

How to raise hemoglobin?

If hemoglobin is reduced due to vitamin deficiency, and not a serious illness, its level can be raised on its own. It is important to review the child's diet, his physical activity, and also pay attention to outdoor walks:

  1. Nutrition. Be sure to include foods containing iron in the menu: beef liver, pomegranate juice. Useful greens - spinach, lettuce. You also need to consume fruits in sufficient quantities: red apples, lemons. Useful honey, dried fruits, black caviar.
  2. Walks in the open air. Hemoglobin in the child's blood is reduced, his red blood cells cannot fully perform their functions - to deliver oxygen to tissues and organs in full. Under these conditions, the saturation of the body with oxygen will partially help compensate for this deficiency.
  3. Physical activity in a light version will also allow the lungs to saturate the blood with an additional portion of oxygen. Do not tire the child too much - let him do the exercises that he can do in the form of a game.

Walking in the fresh air is useful not only for increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but also for the health of the child in general.

Hemoglobin above normal

It rarely happens that the hemoglobin in the blood of a child exceeds the permissible values. If the analysis was taken after active physical activity, this indicator will be increased. It is also noticed that the inhabitants of high mountainous regions have higher hemoglobin than everyone else. In young children, blood clotting often occurs due to dehydration. This can happen after a rotavirus infection, when the baby loses a lot of fluid, or can be observed on hot days. In this regard, pediatricians, contrary to WHO recommendations, are advised to supplement the baby with water if the temperature outside the window exceeds 30 ° C.

However, an increase in hemoglobin levels may indicate more serious problems. This picture is observed when:

  • heart defects;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the presence of burns;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • diabetes.

The doctor will prescribe additional studies to exclude the presence of diabetes mellitus or other diseases that can cause an increased level of hemoglobin. If all other health indicators are normal, the doctor will recommend a special diet and vitamins. In the diet of a child should not be foods rich in iron and cholesterol. Sometimes the pediatrician advises to undergo a set of procedures with leeches. Such therapy not only reduces the excessive level of hemoglobin, but also helps to strengthen blood vessels, and also prevents them from clogging.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood is one of the clear indicators of a child's health. However, its values ​​may vary depending on various factors. In this regard, it is recommended to take the analysis again if its results do not fit into the normal range.