Dream Interpretation: crying in a dream, the correct interpretation of a dream. If you see yourself sleeping in a dream What is it called in a dream

When a person sleeps, his subconscious systematizes the information received during the day. On the basis of it, it generates dreams, which sometimes amaze with their unreality. So, for example, it is quite difficult to understand what a dream means in which the dreamer sees himself sleeping. However, such a dream is not uncommon, and you can find the answer to the question of what it promises in various dream books.

What does a dream in a dream mean according to Denise Lynn's dream book?

According to the dream book of the famous self-development trainer Denise Lynn, when a person sees himself sleeping in a dream, he will soon have a journey. On a subconscious level, such a dream speaks of a desire for change due to stagnation in business. The dreamer is oppressed by this situation and he tries to find a way out of it, but in vain.

There is also an assumption that the soul of a person during sleep left his body, and he sees himself from the outside. Other than that, it could just be a lucid dream. In this case, it does not need to be interpreted, since it does not portend anything.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

According to the Mayan dream book, which was compiled by the sages many thousands of years ago, a dream in a dream promises a meeting with a person who will fall in love with the sleeping person. However, if he wants the new love to be mutual, he must eat the raw chicken heart. If the dreamer dreamed that in a dream someone was disturbing his sleep, then soon he would suffer from insomnia and nightmares. But you can avoid this negative situation, it will be enough to put a pot near the bed by planting a coffee bean in it

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

According to the dream book of psychologist N. Grishina, which was compiled over 35 years based on the records of her ancestors, such a dream means that a person will soon be deceived, so even close people should not be trusted. In this case, it will be possible to avoid negative consequences and disappointment. If the dreamer saw himself sleeping in a dream, then he will have to be surprised in the near future. When a person sees not only himself but also others sleeping in a dream, his subconscious mind encourages him to be vigilant, since not all people in his environment are friends; some are waiting for an opportunity to hurt him.

Esoteric dream book

If you believe the esoteric dream book, then a dream in a dream is a good sign. A person will need to remember this state, because in the future it will allow him to find the answer to any question. He will be able to receive answers in images that he understands, as a result he will learn to foresee the future and do the right thing. However, you should not tell anyone about your ability, as people may envy, and the gift will be lost.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

According to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim, when a person sees himself sleeping, then at that time he is in contact with the most intimate and deep corners of the soul. He needs to remember the whole plot of the dream, then he will be able to understand himself. However, it can be very difficult to understand the images, so you need to write them down and analyze them: this way you can find the answer. Third-party dream books in this case will not help, since each person is individual. Also, such a dream helps to look inside yourself, to find answers to your questions, so you should not brush it off, considering it empty.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If you turn to the help of a psychoanalytic dream book, then a dream in a dream promises death. However, do not be upset, as this is only one of the interpretations. Most often, such a dream speaks of dormant aspects of the personality that need to be awakened. If a person dreamed that not only he, but everyone around him was sleeping in a dream, then personal growth and emotional upsurge await him.

Miller's dream book

If you interpret a dream in a dream according to the dream book of the famous American psychologist Miller, who lived in the 19th century, then it will have several meanings that depend on the plot of the dream. So, if a person dreamed that he was sleeping on a clean snow-white bed, then he would achieve complete understanding with his relatives. This whole situation will bring peace and tranquility into his life.

If he dreamed that he fell asleep in the wrong place, then illness awaits him. Sleeping next to a small child is a pleasant change. Soon the dreamer will meet his true love, which will be mutual. In the future, he will create a wonderful family.

If a person dreamed that not only he was sleeping, but also many other people, then he would have to win the trust and favor of one important person. When the dreamer dreamed that he was sleeping next to a person who was unpleasant to him, he would soon be disappointed in his loved one.

If a girl dreamed that she was sleeping in a dream with her lover, then she should not give in to him, since passion can cover her head and she will not see anything around her. But when the emotions subside, the reality will be too cruel.

From a physiological point of view, sleep is a state of rest of the body. This is a natural periodic rest, determined by daily biorhythms. Dreams are seen by all people, even if they are not always remembered.

The most vivid night visions arouse interest and a desire to understand what they mean.

Fall in a dream

Often in a dream we experience a sudden, very strange feeling of falling from a height: from a tree, a high skyscraper or an airplane. Psychologists attribute this to internal anxiety, the fear of losing self-control and stability in life.

Falling down in a dream, from the point of view of physiology, indicates a strong physical overwork. This means it's time to take a vacation to have a good rest and relax. Your body needs regular rest and if it doesn't get it, health problems arise. Falling in your sleep is the first alarm that your body sends you. Go to rest on the Black Sea or in the mountains. A pleasant journey will do you good.

Psychologists note that obsessive dreams may indicate nervous disorders. Therefore, if you often fall in your dreams, and this causes panic horror, you should contact a somnologist. If the dream causes pleasant sensations, this means that you can easily find non-standard solutions in the most difficult situations.

Fly in a dream

From time to time, many people have very vivid dreams in which they fly. Overcoming the force of gravity on an emotional level is always accompanied by a feeling of boundless freedom, lightness and joy. But what does this mean?

Doctors say that if children fly in their sleep, it means they are growing. Such dreams often appear at the very time when the body releases hormones that are responsible for the active growth of skin and bone cells. This applies not only to children and teenagers, but also to adults, although to a lesser extent. A pattern has been noticed: dreams about levitation come before recovery, and even after the sleeping person has received more oxygen (for example, he lay down more comfortably or someone opened a window in a stuffy room).

This is not the only explanation. Metaphysicians associate flights in a dream with astral travel, psychologists put forward many theories. According to one of them, this is the desire to break the framework of conventions, to free oneself from addictions and restrictions. The subconscious advises you to let go of an unpleasant situation, to stop controlling absolutely everything and look at life easier.

Dreams. What do dreams mean? Secrets of dreams

Teeth falling out

According to statistics, one of the most common dreams are those in which people's teeth fall out. Psychologists say that such dreams, causing severe fear or excitement, symbolize hidden problems.

There are several interpretations associated with the loss / destruction of teeth in a dream:

1. Self-doubt. Such dreams may reflect a person's fears about the perception of him as a person by other individuals. Also, dreams about losing teeth are often provoked by the fear of being in an absurd position in front of everyone, the fear of being rejected by society.

2. Symbol of power. This interpretation is based on the standard expression: teeth are used to bite, tear, gnaw. In other words, teeth symbolize power. People may see teeth falling out in their dreams due to feelings of powerlessness. Perhaps you should be more persistent in life. First of all, you need to gain confidence in yourself.

3. Mystics believe that such dreams are associated with illness.

Swim in a dream

Sometimes dreams are like incredible fairy tales, but sometimes the most ordinary, quite adequate events occur in them. For example, you saw yourself floating in a dream. How to interpret it?

Such night visions indicate the emotional component of a person's life. Feelings play the main role in them. If the general atmosphere of sleep was pleasant, then you have found your place under the sun and live in harmony with yourself. If fear prevailed in a dream (they couldn’t learn to swim, they drowned), you probably feel anxiety in real life.


Dreams reminiscent of action movie plots (chase, pursuit) leave an alarming trail in the morning. They are not always tragic and in general can evoke a sense of gambling adventure.

Psychologists agree that in most cases such dreams mean regret about missed opportunities. People run away from themselves without trying to change anything. Chasing in a dream indicates an internal conflict. If a person does not recognize certain qualities or character traits in himself, he flees. The chase dream suggests coming to terms with the part of yourself that the person is trying to hide.

Interestingly, doctors generally do not attach importance to such dreams. They recommend taking relaxing baths after a hard day, not listening to loud music or watching negative movies, as nighttime comfort is greatly affected by the mood before bedtime.

Be late

A dream in which a person is late for something is unpleasant in itself. Such dreams cause painful feelings during awakening, but what do they symbolize?

Being late is a sign of stress. Psychologists note that people who cannot find peace of mind often dream of being late for a meeting or transport. So at the unconscious level, real doubts are manifested, haunting. Dreams about being late reflect the psychological tension associated with the unwillingness to miss new opportunities.

The dreamer should understand the reasons for this night vision, try to rationally organize all affairs and understand that everything that happens in life happens only when a person is ready for it.

Pass exams

Exams in a dream speak of an underestimation of one's own strengths, anxiety before tests, as well as the ability to mobilize all resources to solve the task.

Doctors say that such dreams can help a person prepare for unforeseen situations in the future.

See the dead and talk to him

People sometimes have unimaginable dreams. It becomes especially scary from night visions about the afterlife. Dead relatives, unusual creatures and phenomena can scare not only a child, but also an adult.

There is no need to be afraid of such dreams, psychologists assure. Recently deceased close friends and loved ones appear because a person constantly thinks about a wake, a funeral ceremony, and remembers spending time together. Accept these dreams with gratitude - as an opportunity to once again see a person close to you.

What to do if sleep disturbs?

Dreams are seen by absolutely all people, even those who do not remember them. Dreams can be pleasant or neutral, sometimes nightmares. Bad dreams are especially memorable. They bear a great psychological burden. The person is trying to understand what they mean. It is very important to understand that dreams do not directly shape our reality, but if they bother you, you can successfully work with them.

1. Waking up after a nightmare, take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine any disturbing image or moment from a dream, mentally bring the event to the maximum positive result. And you will no longer be a victim of your inner restlessness.

2. You can draw your nightmare or write it down and then burn the paper. Psychologists have a large number of methods for working with dreams. They will pick the right one for you.

3. To quickly fall asleep and sleep peacefully, doctors recommend taking time for relaxation. A warm herbal bath, meditation or a relaxing massage can help. Track your nutrition. It is noticed that heavy food at night contributes to the appearance of nightmares. Ventilate the room before going to bed.

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Find out from the online dream book why you dream of seeing a Dream in a dream by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Simeon Prozorov dream book

A dream in a dream to see why the dreamer dreams?

I had a dream - You can oversleep an important event. Imagine that you wake up and immediately join in vigorous activity.

Small Velesov dream book

Dream in a dream to see why dream?

Sleep - Very bad, because you can go crazy; sleep - an obstacle in business, illness, laziness; sleeping standing up is a near misfortune; sleeping on the grass is a joy, a carefree life.

Lewis' Encyclopedia of Dreams

Sleep - Sleeping in a dream can mean peace in the dreamer's life. In another case, a dream may symbolize an incomplete awareness of the situation and the need to “wake up” and “open your eyes”.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed Dream in a dream to see

Sleeping in a dream is a situation that occurs much more often than one might think, this image reflects the need for a delay, a respite, a pause when solving any problems.

Old dream book

I had a dream - Seeing a dream in a dream

Going to bed in a dream is a deception. Seeing yourself sleeping in a dream is a great surprise. Seeing another sleeping in a dream is a call to vigilance. To see a sleeping villain in a dream - do not wake the beast in yourself. Waking a sleeping person in a dream is a call for caution.

Idiomatic dream book

Dream in a dream to see what is dreaming of

"Sleep" - be late, miss an important event, event. "fall asleep forever" - death. "sleep and see ..." - wish strongly; “go to sleep” - step back from business; “sleep in a deep, sound sleep” - insensitivity, unconsciousness; "wake up" - "wake up to a new life."

Esoteric dream book

Dream in a dream to see in a dream:

Sleep - If the sleeper is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, then you should try to consolidate this state and learn how to "order" dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself what question you would like to receive an answer in images that you understand. Sleeping in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams, to the practical use of the information received in this way.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

What was the dream for

It often happens that we dream that we are dreaming. But this, in fact, is the real state of the body when we are in a dream. However, in a dream, sleeping and resting do not always mean the same thing. The state of sleep is one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless against worries: the ability to protect oneself is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind tend to evoke either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements in the interpretation of such a dream are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you have a Dream in a dream to see what does it symbolize?

Seeing himself in a dream - Death. Some aspects of the personality, the individual, such as conscience or faith, must be awakened. The other, seen sleeping - The symbolic destruction of the other, the desire to avoid his influence. Everyone is sleeping around - The stage of individualization and personalization. What happens is what I see in my dream. Proscopic dreams may actually be due to the fact that the individual, when something happens, believes that he has already seen it in a dream, although in fact this dream either did not exist, or it could be interpreted differently. This means the unconscious desire and desirability of future events. At the same time, the individual himself can influence the events of the future in such a way that they go exactly in the direction he wants.

Big modern dream book

To see a dream in a dream - why does the dreamer dream?

Sleep - you see yourself sleeping in a dream - you are actually forced to submit to circumstances and play a double game in relation to the person you respect; you will be tormented by the thought that this person will learn more than you would like, and will not understand your forced situation.

It is as if someone is telling you his dream - close relatives will tell you about their problems, ask for advice, ask for help. It is as if you are sleeping in a place where it is impossible to sleep - your illness will make impossible much of what you were going to bring to life in the near future.

It is as if a person who is unpleasant or even disgusting to you is sleeping next to you - you, on your own initiative, will part with the person whom you have long considered loved.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why dream of seeing a dream in a dream?

The dream in which you dozed off, sitting in an easy chair after a hard day's work, portends the betrayal of a loved one just when you imbued him with boundless trust. If you suddenly wake up and cannot immediately figure out where you are, this portends the return of lost hope.

If you were rudely awakened, it means that in reality you will finally get a decent job after long ordeals at the labor exchange. If you see yourself sleeping on the roof, this is a sign of rapid success that will take you to an unattainable height. If in a dream you spend the night outdoors, in real life you will go on a journey that promises to be not only fun, but also extremely useful.

Sleeping on a long-distance train on the top shelf only on a mattress without other bedding means that you are satisfied with your position and do not pretend to be more. If you see a chaotic dream, the content of which you still cannot figure out, this portends a meeting with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life.

If you had nightmares in which some kind of fantastic monsters and vampires haunt you, something absolutely terrible will happen in reality. Seeing yourself sleeping in a completely renovated, remodeled and refurbished bedroom portends a happy change in your destiny.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Seeing in a dream that they can’t wake you up in any way is a serious, long illness.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Sleep - Seeing yourself sleeping in a dream - to death.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing in a dream how you sleep and cannot wake up in any way - your body requires rest that you cannot afford.

A dream in which a person sees himself from the outside usually symbolizes plans for the future that will come true in the near future. In some cases, such a dream promises career advancement, in others - material well-being.

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be as truthful as possible, it is necessary to recall all its details: whether the person saw himself young and full of strength or old and haggard, what he did and in what position he was, what clothes he wore and what impression was left of the dream as a whole.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

According to this dream book, if a person looks at himself from the side, not recognizing, then such a dream means that soon he will have to find himself in a certain situation in which he will really be unlike himself (in other words, the dreamer will have to do things that have never been characteristic of him before).

If in a dream you see own statue made of good, high-quality material - you will be lucky, and children will inherit the best of your character traits. If the statue is made of fragile and short-lived material, the dreamer is in for trouble and failure.

Lewis' dream book

As the dream book says, to see yourself in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will going to face some difficulties. These problems have been successfully avoided in the past, but they can no longer be ignored.

Universal dream book

This dream book tells you what to see in a dream yourself old and haggard- a sign that in real life a person feels exhausted and tired.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Folk dream book

  • A dream in which you saw yourself dressed in bad, ugly clothes promises sadness and boredom.
  • If you are dressed in a wedding dress - soon you will yearn or become seriously ill.
  • If the dreamer sees gloves on his hands, this is a symbol that he will achieve the respect of the people around him.
  • To see yourself decorated with flowers is to joy and contentment, which, alas, will not last long.
  • Seeing yourself drunk - to increase wealth and good health. However, if you see that you are drunk without drinking any alcohol, this is a bad omen, promising punishment for some unseemly act.
  • If in a dream you got drunk with wine or other sweet, pleasant-tasting drinks, in real life you will be loved by a very important person who will give you wealth.
  • Getting drunk on plain water means that in life you will put on airs about someone else's power and brag about your financial situation.
  • If in a dream you are so drunk that you vomit - this is a bad dream, warning of a possible loss of state. If a gambler has this dream, he will soon lose everything he has won.
  • A dream in which you are drunk, you feel a strong heartbeat and colic, means that employees will quietly rob you.
  • If you dreamed that you were cut off the head of a killer or robbers - for a man this dream promises the loss of children, home or loved ones, and for a woman - the loss of expensive trinkets.
  • If the dreamer was beheaded by a court verdict, in reality he will finish all his affairs and be freed from longing. However, for paramedics, money changers, bankers and industrialists, this dream portends the opposite.
  • To see that your throat was cut, and at the same time you survived, symbolizes the hope for a successful completion of affairs. If you cut off someone else's head, the dream portends success and revenge on enemies. Wring the neck of any bird - to the imminent joy and fun.
  • A dream in which you see yourself covered with a scab or leprosy means that you will make a profit in a dishonest way. This dream portends to a woman that soon a rich man will look after her, who will give her expensive gifts. Sometimes a dream promises contempt and ridicule because of some woman.
  • If in a dream you were healed of a wound, soon you will brag to others about your own courage.
  • A dream in which the dreamer descended into hell and returned safely from there promises profit if he is poor, or loss if he is rich.
  • Seeing yourself playing ball is a harbinger of quarrels and long, painstaking work, which will later help you acquire a large fortune.
  • If you see yourself on a ship and are afraid to fall overboard and drown, the dream warns of impending danger. Such a dream is favorable only for people who are in captivity and prisoners, since it portends their imminent release.
  • A dream in which you see yourself naked promises poverty, illness, shame and dishonor. However, if you are in a bath in this form, a dream, on the contrary, promises good health, joy and well-being.
  • For a woman who sees herself in a dream naked in the arms of her husband, the dream portends bad news that will cause deep sadness. If a man sees such a dream, good luck, strong friendship and joy await him.

Modern dream book

According to this dream book, to see yourself in a dream - good omen. You have grandiose plans, and such traits of your character as optimism, ingenuity and dexterity will greatly help in achieving your goals. If you are thinking about starting your own business, the dream portends success in this endeavor.

If an elderly woman sees herself in a pregnant dream, a dream warns her of impending troubles. But for an unmarried girl, a dream promises a meeting with a good young man and mutual feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin