Ixodid ticks are carriers of dangerous diseases. What do ixodid ticks look like, where do they live and when are they more active? ixodid tick disease

Ehrlichiosis and many others, no less terrible. According to statistics, every sixth tick is infected with these viruses.

Ixodid ticks have several stages of development - from an egg to an adult, which directly depend on their nutrition. A tick takes food only four times in its entire life. Development stages:

  • Larva: the shell is thin, sometimes translucent, but depends on the degree of filling with blood, the size is up to one millimeter. A special distinguishing factor is the presence of three pairs of legs (an adult has four) and the absence of a genital opening. Also, in the tick larva, the anterior part of the body is covered with a dorsal shield. These are compacted segments of the tick's chitinous cover. When the larva is sufficiently saturated with blood, and it takes from three to six days for it, it falls into the dormant stage (like a chrysalis in butterflies), during which it passes into the next stage.
  • Tick ​​nymph. If the larva is a child, then the nymph is a teenager in the world of ticks. It is larger in size, already up to two millimeters in length, more mobile when moving and has an almost formed reproductive system, but without an outlet. The tick nymph already has four pairs of legs. Considering that ticks live for about two years, most of them hibernate in the nymph stage.

  • Imago is a sexually mature adult tick. From a nymph to an adult, the tick turns again after the full satisfaction of hunger: after drinking blood, it begins the transformation in the definitive stage and, having completed it, looks for a partner to complete the most important mission - mating and laying eggs. Hungry adults have a size of 6-8 mm, and full and filled with blood can increase up to three centimeters.

Photo of a nymph

How to distinguish a nymph from an adult tick?

The tick nymph looks like an adult, only three times smaller than the diameter of the body. There are no other differences visible to the naked eye, although individual individuals may differ slightly in color: they are slightly lighter than their older relatives.

Is the tick nymph dangerous?

Can a nymph carry encephalitis?

So, what to do if a tick bites a nymph? This happens very rarely, due to the fact that this stage of development of the tick does not allow it to rise above the grass. If it suddenly turned out that the nymph had already clung, then first of all coat her body with vegetable oil. The airways of ticks are located on the abdomen, the oil will close these holes, and the nymph will have to look for a way out in just a few minutes. Pry gently with tweezers and remove.

If an adult has stuck, then also try to manipulate the oil. Melted paraffin from a candle helps well: fill the belly of the insect with hot paraffin and wait a few minutes.

Signs of infection

If some time after a bite or removal of a tick, a person feels a rise in temperature, accompanied by chills, nausea, headache and general loss of strength, then it is imperative to contact an ambulance and explain the situation. Most likely, one of the viruses has already entered the body and began a destructive effect. The sooner action is taken, the easier the consequences will be.

Means of protection against nymphs and ticks

  • If you are going for a walk in the woods, it is better to wear light-colored clothes (this way it is easier to notice a tick) with long sleeves, tuck trousers into socks or boots.
  • Use repellents (sprays, lotions and aerosols) against ticks, applying them to clothing, following the instructions.
  • If there is an individual intolerance to synthetic agents, then you can use essential oils cloves, rosemary or mint. We apply them on clothes or open parts of the body.
  • Ticks cannot stand the smell of marigolds, lavender, and geraniums, so you can pick a few plants and put them in your pockets.
  • Upon returning, it is imperative to carefully review the clothes and body for the presence of nymphs or attached ticks.
  • If the work is associated with a long stay in forests or other places where ticks accumulate, then it makes sense to vaccinate.

Many rumors about the danger of contracting encephalitis are exaggerated due to a person's ignorance of the main thing: the bite of a tick nymph is not 100% infection, but only a probability, because only one sixth of all ticks and nymphs are carriers of the infection. Take precautions and do not dwell on the bad, because as they say: "To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest."

Ticks are tiny insects that, despite their size, terrify city dwellers and dislike summer walks among the greenery.

Is the fear of forest bloodsuckers justified or exaggerated?

Appearance of the insect

The shape of the body of larvae and nymphs, and adults is flat, oval with a slight point. Color yellowish brown to black. The chitinous cover is designed in such a way that it is impossible to crush, break or break it, however, it stretches well and becomes yellowish or grayish when filled. The female and male adults differ in the size of the shield. In the female, it is shorter, which is due to physiology.

The eggs of ixodid ticks are oval, brown-brown, shiny, hard, up to half a millimeter in size. In other phases, insects are very similar in appearance and shape. The differences are not pronounced. The larva has three pairs of legs, no genital opening. The nymph has four pairs of legs and peritherms. Imago - four pairs of legs, peritherms, pore fields and genital opening in females.

Life cycle

The development of ixodid ticks, their life cycle includes four stages - egg, larva, nymph and adult. The last three have a single meal, which is the completion of the cycle and the transition to the next stage.

The female hunts for a warm-blooded animal, the so-called host, in order to feed on blood and lay eggs. The purpose of life is to leave offspring.

Ideal Hunters

Nature arranged it so that males are engaged in hunting for females, and females for warm-blooded mammals. Fertilization is also possible outside the host, although this is a rather rare case. The male imago may die hungry and not fertilize the female.

To reproduce viable offspring, the female must receive food. If you look at the behavior of these insects, it is obvious that their sense organs are designed in such a way as to be able to smell the owner in time and not miss it. Both males and females are tuned primarily to the search for a warm-blooded mammal. Unlike other representatives of wildlife, they do not leave marks on trees or bushes, do not make inviting sounds, do not change color and behavior in order to create a pair and produce offspring. Ixodid ticks track the host and jump on it. This is their main goal and the successful completion of the cycle. An animal for a tick is food, warm food that smells delicious. Blood is drunk, as a rule, by a larva, a nymph and an adult female. The task of the male is to fertilize it, and the female needs blood to form eggs. Having satisfied the instinct of reproduction, the male dies, and the female finds the owner, feeds and lays eggs. Ixodid ticks can suck blood for up to 15 days. At this time, their body increases in size from one to three millimeters in a hungry state to 15-30 millimeters by the end of the meal. A well-fed and fertilized female tick leaves the host to lay eggs. Of the numerous, several tens of thousands of offspring eggs, only a few survive. Eggs die from changes in air temperature, when humidity is less than 65%, and also become the prey of other participants in the food chain. After laying eggs, the female dies.

I must say that female ixodid ticks sometimes lay eggs that are not fertilized by the male. In this case, only females are born. This is how nature controls the population and protects it from extinction.

Diseases and their prevention

Ixodid ticks are carriers of diseases dangerous to humans and animals. The most common and dangerous for humans are tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis, in particular, Lyme disease. What else is dangerous ixodid ticks? Diseases of hemorrhagic fevers, tularemia, typhus, granulocytic anaplasmosis, babesiosis and others often have the character of epidemics. Pets are at risk of contracting tick-borne piroplasmosis. Prevention of tick-borne infections is the task of the entire state as a whole and of each individual in particular. Vigilance and foresight in this matter is important at all levels. The fight against ixodid ticks is a whole range of measures. Among them - the processing of territories, that is, pastures for livestock, places for walking dogs, forest and park areas, the organization of vaccinations and timely diagnosis, educational work among the population.

In order not to get infected, a person should familiarize himself with the map of endemic activity of ticks, get vaccinated, stock up on repellents, acaricides and purchase good protective clothing before going out into nature.

General Precautions

Active ixodid ticks are located on bushes at a height of 30-40 cm to one and a half meters. They react to smell and temperature. Therefore, it is not so difficult for a person to protect themselves from them. Usually they jump at the moment when he sat down or unbuttoned his clothes. Ticks, despite the seemingly speaking name, do not know how to cling to fabric and do not strive. Their paws have hooks and suction cups that come into play when they come into contact with the living flesh or fur of a warm-blooded creature. They are very easy to shake off. They try to get closer to the skin, to the body. They find a convenient place there, pierce it with a proboscis and begin to suck out blood. From here, well-known recommendations follow: tuck trousers into socks, put on a hood, scarf or hat on your head. Also cover the neck with a high collar or scarf. To carry out physiological functions not in a windbreak under the bushes, but in an open place, although this is very inconvenient. Clothing should not be dirty, as the smell of sweat and skin secretions attracts them. After each trip, it is advisable to wash clothes with washing powder. It is much easier for a person to avoid a tick bite than an animal.


Ixodid ticks of animals are no different from those that prey on humans. The danger is not the type of tick, but the infection it carries. Tick-borne encephalitis will not affect an animal, even if a lot of pathogenic bacteria or viruses get into its blood. Ixodid ticks in dogs and cats cause the development of piroplasmosis, or bleeding.

The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. With early diagnosis, this is possible without complications - antibiotics and blood transfusion. With lost time death inevitable. The owner should try to make every effort so that his pet is not attacked by ixodid ticks during walks. Treatment, even with the timely detection of poor health of the animal, is a long and expensive process.

Dogs and tick infections

The disease can affect both hunting and decorative dogs. The risk of picking up an ixodid tick in a service dog is much higher. In addition, under the same conditions of keeping, purebred dogs get sick more often than outbred dogs. Ixodid ticks in dogs cause not only piroplasmosis, but also other diseases. However, this disease in our latitudes is considered the most dangerous. When infected, the first symptoms appear very quickly - within a few hours. The dog becomes lethargic, indifferent, refuses to eat, her temperature rises, her pulse quickens, shortness of breath appears, the mucous membranes change color, the urine becomes reddish. At acute form within a few days comes first paralysis, and then death.

Domestic cats are also at risk.

Unlike dogs, cats' behavior is not so characteristic. For a long time it was even believed that ixodid ticks in cats do not cause blood damage by babesiella. However, studies by modern scientists show that they also have bleeding. At risk are purebred animals, especially Siamese cats. Having found a tick on a cat, it must be removed and burned. Feeling the pet a few days after the walk, you can find a wart-like ball on his skin. It should be considered carefully and very carefully. It's most likely a tick. Ixodid ticks in cats, dogs and humans, feeding on blood, do not get under the skin. They pierce it with a proboscis and through it fill their chitinous sac-torso with blood. Outwardly, a swollen tick is very similar to a wart.

There are several ways. All of them are suitable for both humans and animals. The general rule is not to press on the body of the insect.

The simplest thing is to drop oil, kerosene or gasoline on the tick. Insects breathe oxygen in the air. The respiratory organs are located on the legs. When the breathing holes are blocked, he will begin to suffocate and die. A dead tick will fall off on its own. Just be patient and don't pressure him. Only an empty tick can block the respiratory channels in this way. Filled with blood, he may vomit saliva or the contents of his stomach into the wound. In the presence of an infection, infection is inevitable.

It is necessary to remove the tick by wearing rubber gloves and observing all possible precautions as much as possible. One tick can be a carrier of several infectious diseases that are dangerous, if not to an animal, then to a person, and vice versa.

In the photo you can see that the adult ixodid tick has a flattened body covered with grooves, the covers are not segmented. In the process of bloodsucking, the chitinous cover is stretched, the body significantly increases in size and its color changes: the body size of a hungry tick is from 1 to 7 mm and the color is light yellow, brown or black, after saturation, the dimensions can exceed 25 mm, and the body becomes lead- gray tint. Sometimes there is an enamel color of the pigment.

The body of the ixodid tick is divided into a proboscis, which carries mouthparts, and a torso with eight limbs. The limbs are walking, each divided into six movable segments, the last of which is represented by a tarsus with two claws and a suction cup. Well developed. The proboscis can have a different length; a proboscis is considered long, the length of which is greater than the width, for a short one, respectively, the width is greater than the length.

On a note! Depending on the size of the proboscis, ixodid ticks are divided into long and short proboscis!


The size of the egg is insignificant - about 0.5-1 mm. It has a light yellow or brownish color, a pearl tint is possible.



The structure of the body of the nymph is close to the structure of the body of an adult. They already have four pairs of walking limbs, but the genital opening is still missing. The enamel shade of the integument is not observed.

Species and distribution

On a note! For this reason, on pastures, ixodid ticks are distributed in foci - biotopes!

Life cycle

Mating of ixodid ticks often occurs on the body of the host, during external environment extremely rare, after which the male dies. Upon completion of the saturation process, the fertilized female falls off the host's body and hides under plant debris or crawls into cracks in the soil. In shelter for one to two months, she lays eggs. The number of eggs laid at one time will depend on the species and on the portion of sucked blood. In her entire life, one female is able to lay about 15,000-20,000 eggs.

On a note! If the fertilized female remains hungry, then she will not be able to lay eggs!

  1. The development cycle of the ixodid tick begins in the egg. The duration of this phase is from 2 to 10 weeks, which is influenced by conditions environment. Eggs are very sensitive to changes in humidity and air temperature - when the humidity drops to 65%, the embryo dies. If the eggs are in water, embryonic development will slow down and resume again when they are removed from this environment.
  2. Further, larvae emerge from the eggs, the development of which also largely depends on the environmental conditions. At this stage of development, ixodid ticks can stay from 1 to 4 weeks. The larvae spend from 2 to 5 days on bloodsucking, and this process is mandatory for the transition to the next phase. But even in the absence of a constant source of food, they are able to live for quite a long period of time: from a couple of months to one or two years.
  3. Development in the nymphal phase can last from 1 to 5 weeks. Nutrition at this stage takes a slightly longer period of time and ranges from 3 to 8 days.
  4. The imago stage completes the cycle.

Features of biology

On a note! During the commission, along with the salivary secretion, it transmits a virus to its owner, which will certainly enter the bloodstream!

Human danger

In the territory Russian Federation There are two types of ixodid ticks that are carriers of pathogens of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease. In this case, ticks of the genus Ixodes are dangerous: Ricinus (canine) and.

Also, the ixodid tick can provoke the development of diseases such as:

  • relapsing fever;
  • typhus;
  • tularemia;
  • paroxysmal rickettsiosis;
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • Marseille fever;
  • Q fever.

In this case, the virus is able to enter the body even when crushing an infected tick. For this reason, trying to destroy an adult with bare hands is highly discouraged. But here you should know that not always the bite of an ixodid tick will turn into a disease. People with high levels of interferon and those who have been vaccinated are excluded from the risk group.

Animal danger

They can provoke the development of such serious diseases as piroplasmosis, helminthiasis, as well as various bacterial infections. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the dog itself does not feel the bite, and therefore it is not possible to correct the situation immediately until it worsens. An allergic reaction may be the only symptom. If the animal does not have such a tendency, then most likely the bloodsucker will go unnoticed. And the further it goes deep into the skin, the larger its size becomes and the more rapidly the risk of infection increases.

To combat ixodid ticks, it is customary to use pesticides and insecticides. These funds may have a different principle of action and form of release.


  • "Biban" - based on diethyltoluamide. The drug can be applied to the body, clothes, curtains and mosquito nets. When using, care should be taken to avoid getting the product on the mucous membranes and inside.
  • "Gardex" - the active substance exhibits a paralyzing effect, and for this, it is enough for the tick to come into contact with the treated clothing. This remedy is not applied to open areas of the skin. Aerosol "Gardeks" works for a long time and provides protection against bloodsuckers for two weeks.
  • "Cifox" - this tool is available in the form of an emulsion based on cypermethrin. It shows high efficiency in the destruction of blood-sucking individuals. It does not show a deterrent effect. When applied to clothing provides protection for two weeks, in the house - for 2-3 months.

Industrial animal protection products

The fight against ixodid ticks in animals is carried out using means that have contact activity. These include:

  • "Bars" - drops on the withers, spray;
  • "Butox" - an emulsifying concentrate, which can be processed by bathing the animal and spraying;
  • "Neostomozan" - used in breeding for bathing, wetting or spraying animals;
  • "Dana" spray and drops on the withers;
  • "Demos-Lux" is a zoo shampoo, and it is possible to use it not only for adult animals, but also for kittens and puppies.

In general, in order to avoid the troubles associated with the attack of ixodid ticks, it is necessary to carry out simple prevention. First of all, it is associated with the use of repellents that will scare away bloodsuckers while walking on fresh air. If you live in a private house or spend the summer in a suburban area, then take care of the timely cleaning of the territory from excess vegetation and dead wood. Plus, it is advisable to regularly inspect the body of your pet, ideally after each visit to the street. If a tick has been found, then it should be removed very carefully so as not to leave the head under the skin. In the event of a deterioration in the health of the animal, it should be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of this family is their large size, the engorged individual sometimes reaches 2 cm. The body of an adult tick consists of a body (idiosoma) and a complex of oral parts (also called gnathosoma, head and proboscis), 4 pairs of limbs are distinguishable (in larvae - 3). A hungry arthropod has a flattened, disc-shaped shape, which narrows somewhat towards the front edge, a well-fed arthropod is ovoid.

A satiated tick acquires a spherical or ovoid shape

The oral apparatus of the cutting-sucking type serves as a fixation organ, it is motionlessly connected to the body. The main part of the proboscis is the hypostome, a lower outgrowth protruding forward, armed on the sides with rows of sharp stylet-shaped backward directed teeth. Chelicerae (actually jaws) are capable of making cutting movements, piercing the skin of vertebrates. They diverge to the sides when a hypostome is introduced into the incised wound. A strong grip on the prey is also provided by the first portion of saliva, which freezes around the proboscis.

The proboscis of the tick is completely immersed under the skin of the host

Stages of development and life cycle

Female ticks are extremely fertile.

Hatched six-legged larvae feed on small mammals, rodents, less often amphibians and reptiles, as well as birds. A single feeding lasts 3-5 days. After molting, the next stage of development begins - the nymph. At this stage, the arthropod is already much larger; the feeding of such an individual can last 8 days. Then there is a transformation into an imago (sexually mature tick). Blood sucking at this stage lasts from 6 to 12 days, in females the period is longer.

The life cycle of a tick can last several years.

Distinctive features

Ixodid ticks are passive hunters, located on the branches of low trees and in grassy thickets, they can wait patiently for their prey for a long time. Paradoxically, it is not difficult for these sedentary arthropods to overcome great distances. Most species, being in close contact with their hosts, are able to move even from continent to continent. About 20 species of ticks constantly coexist with seabird colonies.

Species and genera of the Ixodes family

Most ticks are characterized by polyphagy (attachment to various types animals). Three-host, two-host, and single-host ticks are distinguished by the nature of the relationship with the host. The most numerous type is the three-host. During all stages of development, the arthropod changes owners, waiting for the molt outside the body of the victim. As a rule, smaller animals become the first hosts, and mature individuals choose already large mammals. Two-host species go through the larval and nymphal phases on the same animal, after which they disappear for molting and transformation into an adult. Then they find a new owner again. In single hosts, feeding and molting take place within the body of one host.

Photo gallery: representatives of the family

The most famous types

The taiga tick is one of the most dangerous representatives ixodid

Immature individuals of Dermacentor marginatus settle on livestock, forest mammals, adults pose a threat to humans

The dog tick (Ixodes ricinus) is the main carrier of tick-borne encephalitis. Distributed throughout Russia (including the Caucasus and Crimea), in all coniferous and deciduous forests, often found in steppe and forest-steppe regions. The period of activity falls on all warm months (April-October), the life cycle can last up to 6 years. Refers to pasture species.

Immature larvae and nymphs of the dog tick settle on small rodents, birds, reptiles, and adult individuals attack humans, cattle, wild and domestic mammals

Ixodes pavlovskyi poses a threat to humans from April to October

Ixodes laguri is a representative of burrow mites. The entire life cycle spends near small mammals, rarely attacks domestic animals. It occurs in the steppes and forest-steppes of the Volga region, Kazakhstan.

There are no recorded human infections from Ixodes laguri

Ixodes apronophorus is a carrier of Q fever, typhus, tularemia. Refers to burrow species. The active period of the tick is from February to December; it does not attack people.

Ixodes apronophorus is found almost throughout our country, the favorite places of the village are swampy forests, taiga, thickets along rivers and lakes

Ixodes (Scaphixodes) signatus is the main neighbor of birds, in particular cormorants. There were no cases of attacks on humans.

Ixodes signatus is a carrier of a number of viruses, including pseudotuberculosis pathogens.

Haemaphysalis punctata is a carrier of tick-borne typhus, brucellosis, Crimean hemorrhagic fever. Active in spring and autumn months, in some areas is able to attack all year round. It is found throughout the southern part of Russia, in Kazakhstan, Central Asia.

Important to remember. The longer the tick is fed, the less likely it is to remain unharmed. Ixodids are involved in the infection of humans and animals, as well as in the spread of a number of diseases.

Video: ixodid ticks as carriers of pathogens of dangerous infections

Tick-borne encephalitis

Huge range of vectors, adaptation to various climatic conditions, a variety of hosts (from small rodents to humans) have led to the emergence of many strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus. When infected, it affects the central nervous system and symptoms such as:

  • heat;
  • chills;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of orientation;
  • visual impairment;
  • speech difficulties;
  • signs of meningitis headache, aversion to light, possible paralysis of the limbs, etc.).

Lyme disease (borreliosis)

An extremely dangerous infection leading to damage to the joints, skin, central nervous and cardiovascular systems- Lyme disease. Depending on the form of the course of the disease, acute, subacute and chronic conditions are observed. Symptoms of borreliosis include:

  • chills;
  • joint pain;
  • fever;
  • pharyngitis;
  • runny nose;
  • hives;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • conjunctivitis.

The consequences of infection can be:

  • encephalitis;
  • serous meningitis;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • myocarditis;
  • bursitis and arthritis;
  • paralysis;
  • myelitis;
  • a number of other ailments (memory loss, photophobia, sleep disturbance, etc.).

Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose, especially in the absence of skin rashes. There is currently no vaccine.

Q fever

Hemorrhagic fever

Ixodid ticks are also carriers of hemorrhagic fevers (Crimean, Omsk, etc.), pathogens of typhus, listeriosis, brucellosis, pseudotuberculosis. The consequences of a tick bite are often:

  • indigestion;
  • pneumonia;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • arthritis;
  • arrhythmia and damage to the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions.


Ixodid tick bite: signs and methods for removing an arthropod

When going camping (assuming the risk of a bite), you should purchase a special device in advance to remove ticks. Fortunately, modern choice and availability are on the consumer side. The list of "tick pullers" is quite impressive: Anti-tick, Tick Nipper, Trix Tick Remover, Uniclean Tick Twister, etc. All products are safe and easy to use, and some are even equipped with magnifying glasses.

There are several ways, each of which requires careful sanitation:

The bite site should be treated both before removing the tick with tweezers and after the procedure.

You can independently remove a tick from the skin of an animal using tweezers and an antiseptic.

Prevention measures

  • Properly selected clothes: light colors, long sleeves and trousers, high neck, nothing colorful, dark, short. Shoes should fully protect the foot (high sneakers, boots). A cap or scarf should be put on the head, trouser legs should be tucked in. Special anti-tick (or encephalitis) suits are sold in tourist shops.
  • The use of special chemicals - repellents (often produced in the form of aerosols and have a repellent anti-tick effect) and acaricides (sprays and crayons that affect the nervous system of arthropods and lead to their paralysis and death). Is one of the most effective methods prevention.
  • Regular inspection (every 30 minutes) is an extremely important point in protecting against ticks.
  • Adequate behavior: do not climb into impenetrable thickets, do not break tree branches, do not shake them, etc.

Sometimes, despite all precautions, a bite cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is better to think about the prevention of tick-borne infections. The surest way is vaccination (against tick-borne encephalitis), which lasts for 3 years.

Undoubtedly, ixodid ticks are frightening "neighbors". But it is important to remember that vigilance and prevention work wonders. When going for a walk in a forest or park, you should always consider the possibility of a bite. Therefore, it is worthwhile to purchase repellents in advance and once again examine yourself from head to toe.

Ixodid ticks - photo, description

What does a forest tick look like? The ixodid tick has a relatively small size and a characteristically shaped abdomen.

The development of the tick takes place in several stages.

The female lays eggs after feeding, after which she quickly dies. One individual lays up to seventeen thousand eggs in the ground, and 99% of them do not develop.

A hungry forest tick has a size of 3-4 mm, and a tick that has drunk blood is several times larger.

Tick ​​larvae feed on the blood of animals - squirrels and other small rodents. Then the larva goes underground to turn into a nymph there. Nymphs suck blood, but some feed on plant sap. They attack animals and people, feed on blood, hibernate, and in the spring they are born as an adult. Their long life cycle (in comparison with other arthropods) is due to hibernation, after which they continue their development.

In Russia, dog ticks Ixodes ricinus and taiga Ixodes persulcatus are most often bitten. These arachnids have a body that stretches under the influence of blood flow.

Hungry ticks are very active, and in a full state they are motionless. Moreover, males are always active, since, unlike females, they do not store a lot of blood.

Not so long ago, the encephalitic tick was considered exotic, more often it was found on Far East and Siberia. Cases of attacks happen not only in nature, they get into an apartment with wild flowers, on clothes, animal hair.

On this moment, cases of tick bites are recorded most often in the suburbs of megacities, in city parks and in summer cottages.

In summer cottages, ixodid ticks can be found on weeds, tall grass, and shrubs. The probability of their survival on the site is the higher, the higher the relative humidity (from 80% and higher) and the lower the level of improvement on it. For example, stale plant debris is a completely safe hiding place for ticks. Checking for pests is easy. It is enough to run a white cloth over the grass, the ticks will certainly cling to the cloth.

Ixodid tick: why is it dangerous for humans?

Many believe that all ticks are dangerous and panic only when they find a spider-like creature on a blade of grass, or, God forbid, on the skin.

In fact, many of the mites that live in nature do not tolerate dangerous diseases.

Another common myth is that the encephalitis virus is present only in ticks. In fact, ticks are its carriers. The reservoir for the virus is animals, both wild and domestic. For example, a tick bites an infected bird, the virus multiplies and accumulates after it enters the body. When a tick attacks a person, the virus accumulated in the salivary glands or ovaries penetrates into his blood. The tick itself does not experience any inconvenience from the presence of the virus and stores it in its body for a long time. Appearance a tick is unlikely to help identify whether it is an encephalitic tick or not; this requires a special laboratory examination.

It should be noted that the virus can be found not only in adults, but also in larvae and nymphs.

Tick-borne encephalitis is present in raw goat or cow milk. The boiled product is not dangerous.

After removing a tick from its head, most people are sure that it jumped from a tree. But ixodid ticks are not able to rise above fifty centimeters above the ground. Clinging to a person, they crawl up, choosing the warmest and most vulnerable part of the body, a tick can choose a place to bite for several hours.

There is an opinion that a tick bite is most likely if a person is dressed in white clothes. Such a myth was born thanks to observations of specialists collecting ticks. They attach a white rag to a stick and "mow" the territory, this method allows you to quickly see the insect. And the visual apparatus of the tick is primitive; in fact, it does not distinguish colors. He sits on the grass, spreads his front pair of legs apart, and then grabs everything that moves.

Ticks and diseases

Ixodid ticks are carriers of many dangerous diseases. Moreover, one bite of a tick can lead to several diseases at once, which can lead to complications and death.

The most dangerous disease is tick-borne encephalitis. The virus is dangerous nervous system, complications will affect the spinal cord and brain. Symptoms of influenza-like encephalitis are similar to those of a cold - aching joints, muscle pain, weakness. The meningeal form is characterized by the same symptoms, but severe headaches and chills are felt. A timely visit to a doctor is necessary, otherwise there is a risk of remaining disabled (this is at best) and even dying.

An equally dangerous disease after a pest bite is tick-borne borreliosis or tick-borne lime. The incubation period of the disease lasts from a week to one month. The symptoms are the same as those described above, but a red ring of a clearly defined shape almost always appears at the site of the bite. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics, but the advanced form is difficult to manage. The consequences of the disease are severe and rare forms of arthritis, arthrosis and dermatitis.

If bitten by a tick, the symptoms of typhus and relapsing fever are characterized by chills, fever up to 40 degrees, a feeling of weakness and heavy sweating. With typhus, areas of skin necrosis are possible, and subsequently a rash. With relapsing fever, a cherry-colored papule develops.

Ticks are carriers of the piroplasmosis virus. It is not dangerous for humans, but it can seriously harm pets. Piroplasmosis in animals is manifested by high fever, lethargy, diarrhea, lack of appetite.

How to protect yourself from ticks

The best protection against ticks is proper clothing, vaccinations or insurance, and the use of repellents. A reliable option for protection is a complete acaricidal treatment of the territory.

On walks in nature, it is important to eliminate or at least reduce the possibility of an attack by ixodid ticks. It is also important to inspect yourself in time and detect sucked ticks. Light-colored clothing will make it easy to see the tick on it.

Pants or trousers are required and must be tucked into boots, socks only with a tight elastic band. It is also better to tuck the upper part of the clothes into trousers. On a jacket or shirt, the cuffs fit snugly to the body, fasten the collar, and a headdress is required on the head. It is desirable to treat clothes with a repellent (about their types and use a little later), a kind of tick repeller. For safety in such vestments, it is recommended to carry out work in the country, if it is suspected that the site is infected.

Clothing and body should be checked every couple of hours. Then, the collected ticks are destroyed by burning or they can be filled with kerosene. Upon arrival at home, an inspection is required, including pets, with their hair, insects can enter the house. No need to bring cones, flowers and branches!

Currently, preparations for ticks are divided into three types - these are repellents, acaricidal and insecticidal - repellent.

  1. Repellent preparations against ticks contain diethyltoluamide in their composition. The substance does not kill insects, but they smell and tend to leave the treated clothing. The peculiarity of the funds in their application to clothing and skin, as they are safe for human health. Treatment for ticks is carried out in the area of ​​​​the ankles, wrists and collar. The effect lasts five days or more. Popular repellents - Raftamid maximum, Defi - Taiga, Deta - Wokko, Biban. For children, manufacturers produce protection against ticks with a low toxic content - Off for children, Evital, Biban-gel.
  2. Acaricidal preparations with alfametrin give a nerve - paralytic effect. The tick, having got on the clothes treated with this remedy, falls into paralysis and falls off. The drug is toxic. Clothes must be pre-treated, allowed to dry for several hours, and only then dressed. The product does not lose its protective properties for two weeks. Means of this type - Gardeks - anti-mite, Reftamid taiga, Pretix, a bar that outlines stripes on clothes.
  3. The group of insecticide-repellent drugs includes chemicals with two active ingredients: alphametrin and diethyltoluamide. This the best remedy from ticks, but at the same time highly toxic, it is applied only to clothes! The group includes Mosquitol - spray, Gardeks - extreme and tick - kaput aerosol. All funds from ticks can be bought in specialized or hardware stores.

Exist folk remedy against ticks, repellents can be prepared from natural ingredients without leaving home. A mixture of two glasses of white vinegar, a glass of water and twenty drops of citrus oil should be sprinkled on clothing and skin.

You can refuse to walk in the forest, but what about your own garden? Unfortunately, ticks suburban area far from uncommon.

How to get rid of ticks in the garden

Chemicals that do not harm plants, other insects and animals do not exist. But if you make a choice, it will not be in favor dangerous insects, therefore, funds from ticks in summer cottages still need to be used.

The most popular mites remedy for the site is DDT, a powdered substance dichloro-dichlorophenyl-trichloroethane. It well destroys all arachnids. The lack of a substance in its accumulation in the soil, this usually occurs with frequent use.

As alternative an organophosphate type insecticide can be used. The fight against ticks in this case is effective and the decay period of the remedy will not be too long. The substance is very toxic, it should be used with extreme caution. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes and skin, serious damage to health is possible.

The safest treatment of the area from ticks using pyrethroids. Most often, this method is used by owners of small plots. The advantage of pyrethroids is that they do not harm human health and animals. The substance dissolves without residue within a short period of time. It is not recommended to use the drug in large areas, as this will adversely affect the bees.

Highly effective drugs in the form of a solution, which are commercially available .;

Rules for processing a summer cottage

First of all, the processing of the site should be carried out in special clothing- gloves, a respirator, a thick robe, a hat and goggles with a rubber seal.

The fight against ticks is possible only in dry, calm weather. Gusts of wind can blow the product away from the site, and rain will wash it into the ground. It is desirable that it be warm, as with cold weather, ticks hide in dense thickets of grass and shrubs. The effect of the insecticide from this is significantly reduced.

Spraying the solution is best done with a manual sprayer, for a rational and uniform flow. However, over a large area, it is important to use a unit with a motor.

More attention should be paid to the territory of the recreation area and vegetation located along the paths. But with fruit bushes, trees and garden crops, you need to be more careful. Processing is carried out one and a half months before the ripening of the crop.

Do not forget about pets, some drugs are safe and after half an hour a cat or dog can be let out for a walk. Other means are dangerous even after several days. Information about this is contained on the label of the chemical.

When the tick treatment is finished, wash your face and hands with soap and water. It is optimal to carry out such procedures in spring and autumn.

Ticks in the country - preventive measures

To prevent ticks from returning to the summer cottage again and again, some preventive measures must be taken.

  • Branches and last year's foliage should be removed in a timely manner, weeds should be weeded out, and the grass should be cut.
  • It is good to create a barrier at least a meter wide around the perimeter, pour sawdust or gravel, so it will be more difficult for ticks from a neighboring area to enter the garden or vegetable garden.
  • Ticks are attracted to moisture, and if possible, drainage work should be carried out.
  • There are plants that contain a natural insecticide and planting them will help in the fight against mites. For example, these are Persian, Caucasian and Dalmatian daisies.

What to do if the tick still stuck into the skin

If the tick has bitten, i.e. dug into the skin, the main thing is not to panic. It is also not necessary to call a doctor and prepare for death. It is important not to tear it out and not pull on the little body. Ixodid ticks can infect a person not only through a bite, but also when crushed.

Tick-borne encephalitis is a dangerous disease, therefore, to prevent the development of the virus, there is a vaccine that is shown to everyone. Although it is not included in the vaccination calendar in our country.

Not every person will agree to contact with chemicals, and health is the greatest value in the world. So, in fear of being bitten by ticks, refuse to travel to nature and relax at their summer cottage? Not at all. Real professionals fight with ixodid ticks. After processing (in accordance with SanPin), the site will be absolutely safe in 3 days. Let such trifles not spoil summer rest in the lap of nature.