The most convenient system for accounting for goods in the warehouse. Accounting and control of the movement of goods in the warehouse System for accounting for the movement of goods in the warehouse

Proper organization of warehouse accounting is the key to the successful operation of a trading enterprise. The days when goods were accounted for manually on cards and in statements have long since sunk into oblivion. Today there are automated warehouse accounting systems, which allow you to simplify many processes as much as possible and effectively organize the work of the warehouse.

At small businesses, a warehouse is managed by a storekeeper - a universal specialist who is engaged in both the receipt and release of goods, and the documentation of all warehouse operations. An employee hired as a storekeeper usually concludes an agreement on liability, which is valid if the working conditions allow it (a place for storing goods is organized, there is a ban on editing documents in the warehouse accounting program, and document management in the warehouse is established). In micro-business, the duties of the warehouse manager and storekeeper are usually performed by the manager himself or by an individual entrepreneur.

It is advisable to divide warehouses into separate sections, inside which goods are placed in groups, grades, stacked on racks, shelves, in boxes or other containers. This arrangement of goods provides the possibility of their quick acceptance, release and availability check.
Each fact of receipt and disposal of goods is documented by primary documents reflecting their quantity and value.

Warehouse accounting scheme

Arrival of goods to the warehouse

Based on the supplier's accompanying papers, they are issued internal documents registering the receipt of goods. The goods are accepted according to the consignment note, against which the names, quantity, quality, weight and completeness are verified. If there are quantitative and qualitative discrepancies, in comparison with the data of the supplier's accompanying documents, an act is drawn up on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality upon acceptance of the goods material assets.

Inventory control it is convenient to keep in the same units of measurement, for example, packages or pieces. You can use two units of measurement at once and put down prices, respectively, for piece goods and packaging, or, to avoid confusion, still register both income and consumption in the same units.

Consumption of goods from the warehouse

Goods from the warehouse issued legal entity on the invoice with a power of attorney. In retail trade, goods are released from a warehouse (it can also be a trading floor) according to a sales receipt.

As a result, only the goods that are registered in the inventory should remain in the warehouse. However, during storage, goods can deteriorate, their shelf life expires, defects or shortages can be detected, and no one has canceled the human factor: they looked in the wrong place, they released the wrong name, they didn’t give it away at all - as a result, there is a discrepancy between accounting and actual. What to do? Inventory!

Inventory: write-off and posting of goods

The inventory is carried out according to the schedule set by the manager, as well as when changing financially responsible persons, or if there are large discrepancies, regrading.

Members of the inventory commission and materially responsible persons participate in the inventory. During the inventory, the availability of goods, their condition and assessment are checked. The inventory can be complete or selective, for example, by a group of goods. The main primary document based on the results of the inventory is the inventory list. It reflects the actual availability of inventory items. Based on this document, surpluses are capitalized and shortages are written off.

The shortage based on the results of the inventory should be formalized by an act of writing off material assets signed by the members of the commission. Loss within the limits of natural attrition is charged to costs, in excess of the norms of natural attrition in the absence of specific perpetrators - to other non-operating expenses, and if the loss is recognized by the guilty persons, it is reimbursed at the expense of the employees of the organization.

The surplus based on the results of the inventory is subject to capitalization at the market price, accounting in other non-operating income and is drawn up by the relevant act.

Warehouse and warehouse program

A modern accounting program used in a warehouse allows not only to accurately debug its work, to competently organize inventory control and correctly maintain the necessary documentation - it gives the manager operational information on the movement of goods and their balances, surpluses, shortages and other parameters, on the basis of which it is possible to build relationships with suppliers and buyers, personnel and departments within the organization, make flexible management decisions and lead your business along the path of development.

As you know, all procedures for the receipt, storage, movement, release of goods from warehouses must be drawn up using the appropriate documents and reflected in warehouse accounting. Manual drafting of documents is becoming a thing of the past: today, employees keep inventory records using special programs and services. About the automation of warehouse accounting operations and programs for maintaining warehouse workflow - read our material.

Download forms of the most important documents for accounting for goods in the warehouse:

Automation of warehouse accounting operations

Several tens of thousands of units can be included in the range of goods in the warehouse of an average firm. And it is on the quality of warehouse accounting that the safety of such a large number goods.

Some warehouses with a small assortment of goods keep warehouse records in Excel, but modern entrepreneurs who are trying to keep their business up to date have long appreciated the benefits and convenience of warehouse process automation programs. Why is warehouse automation necessary?

First of all, automation is necessary because the occurrence of problems in the operation of warehouses can lead to significant financial losses for business owners.

For example, due to the incorrect location of goods, due to improper reporting, erroneous accounting of the remains of goods, due to the human factor - inattention, personnel errors, as well as irrational use of the warehouse area, the entire process of the warehouse is slowed down, the system is built incorrectly, which means it will certainly fail.

Small warehouses with a narrow list of goods may remain non-automated, but if the business owner is focused on development and does not want to stop there, then automation of warehouse accounting operations is the most important step in the work, which will bring visible results after the very first a short time.

The main advantages of warehouse automation are:

  • Address storage of goods;
  • Systematization of the nomenclature reference book of goods;
  • Operational accounting of incoming products;
  • Fast crediting, spending, write-off of goods;
  • Detailing the location of goods in the warehouse;
  • Control of stocks and balances of goods online;
  • Reservation management;
  • Preparation of documents for organizing the work of the warehouse in automatic mode.
  • Facilitate the process of inventory of goods.
  • Facilitate the process of searching for goods in stock.
  • Reducing the number of errors, cases of incorrect accounting of goods.
  • Reducing the amount of work for warehouse employees.
  • Printing price tags and labels.
  • Tracking the processes and stages of customer orders online.
  • Competent and efficient management of the warehouse territory.
  • Increasing the productivity of the warehouse.

And these are just the main advantages that any warehouse acquires after process automation. You can automate a warehouse using various programs and at different levels: partial, basic, full - it all depends on what automation goals are pursued by the company's management and what result is planned to be obtained.

To fully appreciate all the benefits of warehouse automation, use the Business.Ru program. The program has an intuitive interface with the ability to customize for the user. All of the above benefits are already included in the basic functionality of the Business.Ru program.

That is, you can automate, for example, only the main warehouse operations, or you can automate all warehouse processes completely from "a" to "z".

An indisputable advantage that a business owner will receive after warehouse automation is the preparation of documents for organizing the work of a warehouse.

As you know, all procedures for the receipt, storage, movement, release of goods from warehouses must be drawn up using the appropriate documents and must be reflected in warehouse accounting.

And, if earlier it was necessary to draw up documents manually and spend a huge amount of time on this, then after the introduction of warehouse automation, all documents for organizing the work of the warehouse will be ready automatically, in the shortest possible time and with the exception of any errors. This means that the process of preparing warehouse documents will be simplified and accelerated many times over.

Types of warehouse documentation

Let's consider the main types of primary accounting documents necessary for registration of procedures for the receipt, storage and sale of goods in a warehouse.


Warehouse accounting document


Receipt of goods

Invoice from suppliers

The document is the basis for posting goods.

Purchase Invoice

The document is drawn up on the basis of an invoice from the supplier and is necessary to account for products arriving at the warehouse

Bill of lading in form No. 1-T

Primary accounting document, is issued to confirm the fact of acceptance and transfer of goods and materials that were delivered by transport. The first part of the invoice consists of a commodity section, which is used to write off goods from shippers and post them to consignees. The second part, transport, serves to record the transport work carried out and payments for the services of transporting goods.

M-4. Incoming warehouse order

It is drawn up to account for materials, goods that come to the warehouse from suppliers, is issued for the entire amount of goods and materials actually received on a certain day. It can only be issued on the basis of another document, for example, an invoice.

M-7. Material acceptance certificate

It is issued upon receipt of goods and materials from suppliers not in full or without accompanying documents, or in cases where the documentation states a certain quality and quantity of goods, but actually delivered is different, that is, there are discrepancies. On the basis of the Act, a claim is made to the counterparty.

TORG-1. Goods acceptance certificate

It is drawn up for accounting of goods and materials upon acceptance and after checking the delivered goods for quality, quantity, weight, completeness. Filling in the Act in the form of TORG-1 is a confirmation that the received goods have been checked and accepted to the warehouse / store.

TORG-2. Act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality upon acceptance of goods and materials

It is issued if, upon acceptance of the goods, the consignee finds discrepancies in the quantity or quality of the goods that were specified in the sales contract or the goods do not comply with its accompanying documents.

Goods storage

TORG-11. Product label

To account for goods in their storage places, a product label is used, which is drawn up for each item of goods and stored with the goods. Contains information: product name, article number, grade, quantity of goods in stock. Information from the product label is necessary to complete the inventory.

M-17. Material accounting card

It is drawn up to record the movement of materials that are in storage in the warehouse and record their location. For each type, grade, size of goods, its own accounting card is filled out on the basis of incoming documents, for example, an order in the M-4 form, on the day of the transaction.

Moving goods in the warehouse

M-11. Invoice claim

It is issued when goods are moved within the divisions of the enterprise or, for example, between materially responsible persons. One copy remains at the warehouse delivering the goods, and the second is given to the person receiving the goods. Also, this document formalizes the delivery to the warehouse of unused materials that were previously received on demand.

TORG-13. Invoice for internal movement, transfer of goods, containers

It is issued during the internal movement of goods from the parent organization to its subsidiary by means of the company's own transport. It is used for accounting within the organization of inventories and is drawn up in two copies for the structural unit that delivers goods and for the receiving unit for posting valuables.

Issue (disposal) of goods from the warehouse

M-15. Invoice for goods issue per side

It is issued when material assets are transferred from one organization to another, as well as when materials are disposed of after they are sold. One of the copies of this document is necessary for the release of materials from the warehouse, and the second is transferred to the recipient of the materials. The invoice in form M-15 indicates the price of materials shipped from the warehouse. More often, an invoice is used when it becomes necessary to escort goods and materials from the warehouse of the head enterprise to its divisions located geographically in other places.

TORG-12. Packing list

It is issued for the direct release of goods from the warehouse when they are sold to third-party enterprises and for the accounting of relevant transactions. One copy of the waybill remains with the seller and confirms the fact of writing off the goods, and the second is given to the consignee as a basis for posting goods and materials.

TORG-16. Goods write-off act

Issued in case of damage to goods for various reasons. On the basis of this act, materials and goods are transferred from used to unused and then written off.

As we can see, there are quite a lot of the most important primary warehouse accounting documents, and manually filling in each of them is a long and laborious process. Modern systems automation of warehouse accounting allows you to create different kinds such documents immediately in electronic format, with the possibility of their printing and subsequent storage and use.

Today, computer programs are increasingly used to generate acts, invoices, and product cards. One of the most convenient and functional is the Online service for automating the work of online stores, retail and wholesale trade, warehouses called "". Let's consider the possibilities of this program in terms of warehouse accounting and workflow in the warehouse.

Warehouse accounting necessary to control the movement and safety of goods in the enterprise. We will talk further about how it is more rational to organize accounting, which method and system of accounting for goods and materials to choose.

Varietal method of accounting

The main regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure and methods of warehouse accounting are the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Inventories (hereinafter - Inventory), which are approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n. These instructions provide 2 main ways inventory accounting: varietal and batch.

The varietal accounting method is used when storing goods by grades and names. Inventory and materials may differ in more detailed characteristics, such as color, shape, unit of measure, and so on. At the same time, the purchase price, the time of receipt and the consignment of goods are not so important. That is, the newly arrived goods are added to the remaining positions and mixed with them, regardless of the price, supplier and batch of goods.

When sold or otherwise disposed of, the goods are chosen arbitrarily. Moreover, the following methods can be used to evaluate inventory and materials:

  • FIFO (first in, first out) - in this case, the cost of goods and materials when writing off is reflected at the price of the first batch;
  • average cost - the cost of goods from all receipts is summed up and divided by the quantity;
  • unit cost of goods.

For each item of goods, financially responsible persons (hereinafter referred to as MOL) enter an M-17 warehouse accounting card. This card is maintained throughout the year. It contains data about the product: item number, warehouse location, discount prices, etc. After that, the MOT reflects each movement of the inventory in the warehouse: receipt, movement, disposal based on primary and accompanying documents.

Trading companies use the TORG-28 quantitative and cost accounting card.

The advantages of using this method include:

  • rational and economical use of warehouse space;
  • the possibility of address storage of goods and materials, that is, each type of product has its own alphanumeric code, which is assigned depending on the shelf (cell) on which goods and materials are stored in the warehouse;
  • operational management of inventory.

Of the minuses can be identified:

  • the inability to separate goods of the same type at the price of receipt;
  • increase in labor costs.

For the interaction of the warehouse and accounting, 2 methods of accounting are possible: quantitative-sum and balance.

When using the quantitative-sum method, goods are accounted for by the quantity and cost of goods and materials both in the warehouse and in the accounting department. Wherein guidelines 2 options are provided:

  1. In the warehouse, only quantitative accounting is kept in warehouse cards, and all primary documentation immediately after posting is submitted to the accounting department. The accounting service starts cards of quantitative and total accounting for each nomenclature position and displays balances and turnovers for the movement of goods. Next, a single turnover sheet is compiled for all item numbers. That is, the accounting department duplicates the warehouse accounting, displaying the balances both in quantity and in amount.
  2. Warehouse cards are maintained only by the warehouse in value and quantity terms. In accounting, all incoming and outgoing primary items are grouped by types of items, and at the end of the period, totals are calculated. The results are recorded in the summary sheet and checked against the warehouse accounting data.

Warehouse accounting The balance method provides for the following procedure: the warehouse takes into account the goods only by quantity, and accounting - only in terms of amounts. That is, in the warehouse, during the period established by the workflow schedule, the operational movement of goods in the cards is carried out on the basis of the primary. At the end of the term, all documents are handed over to the accounting department.

The accountant responsible for the commodities and materials section checks the data primary documents with the information indicated in the cards, puts his visa and transfers the results to the balance sheets, on the basis of which a summary summary sheet is compiled in the context of synthetic accounts (sub-accounts), commodity groups, as well as warehouses or divisions.

Partition method of accounting

When accounting for inventories using the batch method, each incoming batch of goods is stored separately from the previous ones. Party - a homogeneous (identical) product received:

  • on several transport documents, but from one supplier at one time;
  • one transport document.

Inventory accounting for batches is carried out both in the warehouse and in the accounting department at the same time.

Upon receipt of goods, the MOL registers them in the journal and assigns serial number the entire batch of goods. This number is recorded in all subsequent expenditure documents when goods and materials are withdrawn from this batch.

Based on the accompanying primary documents received from the supplier, the MOL creates a special party card. The most commonly used form is MX-10, but it is also possible to use a form developed by the company for each individual type of product. This map records the entire movement of inventories from a particular batch: disposal document, date, quantity - and so on until the inventory is completely used up.

Upon the disposal of the entire batch of goods and materials, the MOL closes the batch card, draws up an act of spending the inventory and transfers all the papers to the accounting department.

TO positive aspects this method accounting can include:

  • enhanced control of residues;
  • loss reduction;
  • less frequent revisions.

Of the minuses can be noted:

  • irrational use of space;
  • the impossibility of operational accounting according to the nomenclature, since accounting is carried out in different batch cards.

The batch method of accounting for inventories is very convenient to use when selling a homogeneous product with a certain expiration date, as well as in public catering establishments.

The selected option for accounting for goods - varietal or batch - must be recorded in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Warehouse accounting system

If literally 20 years ago accounting was carried out mainly manually, today it is quite difficult to imagine a modern warehouse without an automated accounting system. Consider the pros and cons of each system.

Warehouse accounting manually threatens with errors and miscalculations (human factor), and also requires significant labor and time costs.

With a significant remoteness of accounting from the warehouse with manual accounting, the following difficulties arise:

  • accidental, and sometimes special errors, additions for the purpose of theft, etc.;
  • inconsistency in the work of employees;
  • significant time costs when transferring documents to the accounting department and back;
  • it is impossible to quickly track the balance in the warehouse;
  • there is no way to reserve goods and materials for buyers;
  • frequent balance checks;
  • labor and time costs for audits.

To reduce the impact of the human factor, as well as labor and time costs, many entrepreneurs introduce automated accounting systems at the enterprise. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of software for inventory control automation.

All of them meet the main parameters:

  • the ability to track the movement of goods in the warehouse - income, consumption, balance for any selected period;
  • program management from anywhere in the world, from almost any electronic device;
  • extract of a package of primary and accounting documents;
  • operational interaction of all services of the enterprise;
  • formation and tracking of the pricing policy of the enterprise, as well as a system of discounts;
  • keeping records of several warehouses at the same time;
  • quick withdrawal of balances for inventory, as well as the ability to track the cause of certain deviations.

Of the minuses can be noted:

  • the cost of acquiring the program and its periodic updates;
  • problems with personnel who know the principles of work in the program;
  • the content of an IT manager, and in large enterprises, IT services.

As can be seen from the above review, automated accounting systems are the most efficient and allow you to quickly and profitably manage your warehouse.


Warehouse is an important part of the business process of any enterprise. The profit of the enterprise as a whole depends on how efficiently its work is organized. For these purposes, special methods of inventory accounting are provided: varietal and batch, as well as the use of automated warehouse accounting programs.

For the successful development of any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership and the type of activity carried out, it is necessary to properly organize

In most cases, a separate, well-equipped and guarded room is allocated for the storage of goods. Thanks to warehouse accounting, the safety of the entire volume of commodity and material assets is ensured.

This is especially important for companies specializing in the sale and production of products, where it is necessary to have constantly updated data on the goods sold and remaining in stock.

According to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the organization of warehouse operations is assigned to the materially responsible person.

About 15 - 20 years ago, almost all commercial organizations carried out warehouse operations manually, since not all enterprises could afford to use computer equipment.

Today, the situation has changed dramatically and warehouse accounting is carried out through specially developed software and complete.

  • The warehouse can be used for the following purposes:
  • for storage of goods subject to further sale;
  • for storage finished products;
  • for storing work clothes, inventory, rags, personal protective equipment, etc.;
  • for storage of spare parts and components involved in production and repair processes;
  • for responsible storage of commodity and material assets.

What are the requirements for warehouse workers

Not a single warehouse will work effectively without the participation of such highly qualified specialists as: a warehouse manager, a storekeeper (if a warehouse belongs to a large enterprise, then there may be several storekeepers) and, of course, the operation of a warehouse is unthinkable without movers and cleaners.

Each warehouse worker has certain responsibilities that must be spelled out in accounting policy enterprises.

Requirements for a Warehouse Manager The warehouse manager must competently organize the work of all employees under his supervision. He personally controls all movements in the warehouse: the arrival of goods, the consumption of goods, the internal movement of goods.

The warehouse manager is also responsible for the safety of the commodity and material assets entrusted to him.

Persons who meet the following requirements may apply for this position:

  • people with an average or higher education specialties related to accounting, finance and economics;
  • people who previously held leadership positions;
  • people with a certain work experience in the warehouse (if they have the appropriate education).

Requirements for a storekeeper Storekeeper - a warehouse worker, whose duties include the organization of inventory accounting of material assets. On a daily basis, it performs the following functions:

  • accepts goods and material assets received at the warehouse;
  • checks their accompanying documentation;
  • independently enters data on the arrived goods into the warehouse accounting documentation;
  • issues commodity and material values;
  • writes out expenditure documents;
  • makes appropriate notes in the warehouse accounting documentation;
  • conducts a re-account of the commodity and material values ​​​​available in the warehouse, etc.

Requirements for loaders and junior service personnel Recruitment of people for the position of a warehouse loader is subject to the candidate's compliance with certain requirements.

In particular, the loader must: have good health, to be physically developed, and must be able to operate specialized equipment, which is usually involved in lifting and moving a large amount of cargo (forklifts). An additional requirement for a candidate for the position of a loader is the absence of bad habits.

Junior service personnel must keep the warehouse clean, doing regular dry and wet cleaning, as well as timely remove the accumulated garbage.

Documents for the organization of inventory control of goods and materials

Warehouse workers must fill out the primary documentation when making any business transaction relating to commodity and material values.

Also, their duties include the preparation of regular reports that relate to the internal documentation of the enterprise. The terms and procedure for their preparation are established directly by the management of the company that owns the warehouse.

According to the Federal legislation in force on the territory of Russia, the organization of warehouse accounting at the enterprise must take place with the appropriate documentation of each completed transaction with goods and materials.

These documents include:

  • act of the form MX - 1 "On the acceptance - transfer of goods and materials for storage";
  • act of the form MX - 3 "On the return of goods and materials that were deposited";
  • warehouse certificate;
  • warehouse receipt;
  • powers of attorney M - 2, M - 2a, on the basis of which you can receive goods from the warehouse on behalf of any enterprise;
  • receipt order M - 4 - a document required to account for goods and materials that arrived from suppliers;
  • act of acceptance of goods and materials M-7, which indicates all the data on the goods received at the warehouse;
  • limit-fence card M-8;
  • waybill - requirement M-11. Used for internal inventory accounting;
  • waybill M-15, filled in when shipping goods and material assets to third parties;
  • inventory card M-17, designed for intra-warehouse accounting of material assets;
  • act of receipt of goods and materials M-35, filled in during the dismantling of fixed assets, etc.

At each warehouse, in addition to the primary documentation, accounting registers must be maintained, in which the responsible persons regularly enter the relevant data.

Responsibility for knowing the nomenclature of commodity and material assets, their varieties, types, properties, etc., rests with the storekeeper. This warehouse employee must know the warehouse, freely navigate the room and, at the first request of the recipient, issue the required amount of goods and materials.

At the end of each month, the warehouse manager must sum up his work. To do this, he studies the reports of storekeepers and enters summary data (the exact number of received and shipped for reporting period goods) in the inventory book.

After that, he collects all the received and issued primary documentation and, together with the completed intake card (in addition to the data on goods and materials, information on returnable packaging is indicated in it), is transferred to the accounting department.

Responsibility for violations in the organization of warehouse accounting

In the event that the warehouse employees violate the requirements of the current legislation regarding the documentary accounting of the receipt or consumption of commodity and material assets, the responsible persons are subject to financial sanctions.

Subsequent violations occurring within one reporting year may result in increased penalties, the amount of which may increase. These requirements, which include the correct organization of accounting for warehouse operations, are regulated by Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Each head of a long-standing or just opened LLC, commercial or state-owned enterprise must take a responsible approach to organizing the work of his warehouse.

This applies both to cooperation with highly qualified specialists and modern technical equipment of the warehouse (computer equipment, specialized lifting equipment, etc.).

Regular monitoring of the warehouse will help to eliminate the theft of commodity and material assets, which negatively affects the financial well-being of any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership.

This is undoubtedly the best program for inventory management. The advantages of the program include a simple user interface and ease of learning. The program allows you to keep a full account of goods and money from a kiosk to a large wholesale base. For users who care about mobility, there is a version created using portable application technology (portable edition). The program in this version can be installed both on the computer's hard drive and on removable media (USB-flash, etc.) and freely move from computer to computer.

This is a simple, reliable and flexible program for automating trade, warehouse and production. Easy to deploy, the program requires a minimum of effort to implement, has an affordable price. There is a free trial version.

The program is intended for conducting operational warehouse accounting. The program allows you to track the balance of goods and materials in the warehouse and receive reports on the balance for any date. Commodity accounting is based on the maintenance of warehouse accounting cards.

The program "IP:Trading Warehouse" is included in the system of programs Info-Enterprise. "IP: Trading Warehouse" allows you to easily and conveniently automate warehouse accounting at a trading enterprise. Among the users of our program are wholesale and retail trade enterprises, chain stores, wholesale depots. Despite its trade orientation, "IP: Trading Warehouse" allows you to keep records of materials, finished products, MBP, i.e. The program can be used wherever warehouse accounting is required.

As in other FOLIO programs, no special knowledge is required for operation, except for familiarity with MS Windows.

Warehouse accounting "Warehouse+" is a very simple and convenient program that has the most necessary features. Formation of incoming and outgoing documents. Printing invoice, invoice, invoice and credit note. Calculation of three sales prices with given coefficients relative to the purchase price, with the subsequent possibility of choosing one of these prices to form sales prices for a specific buyer.

"1C: Accounting 8" is a universal mass-purpose program for automating accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. This is a turnkey solution for accounting in organizations engaged in any type of commercial activity: wholesale and retail trade, commission trade (including subcommission), provision of services, production, etc. In addition, with the help of "1C: Accounting 8" individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system or the general taxation regime can keep records.

The program "Azhur-SKLAD" is designed to automate the accounting cycle of warehouse operations. The system includes full cycle accounting of all types of warehouse operations of receipt, accounting of expenditure operations and preparation of analytical reporting.

This is a trading and warehouse program for comprehensive control over the activities of wholesale, retail, wholesale and retail and other trading enterprises - from a kiosk to a supermarket. The program allows you to conduct and process all types of trade and warehouse operations, take into account cash and control mutual settlements with clients, maintain all the necessary documentation and analyze the work of the entire enterprise.

"Microinvest Warehouse Pro" is an industry solution that is an automation system for “network” retail structures (self-service stores and/or counter shops), warehouse facilities and restaurants. "Microinvest Warehouse Pro" meets all the requirements in the movement of commodity resources in the enterprise itself or in a network of enterprises related to their commercial or industrial activities.

"Tirika-Shop" is a very simple but very powerful program for a store. It can do everything, but it is so easy to use that even an inexperienced user will master it in five minutes. The program is suitable for a store of any profile: products, building materials, auto parts, clothing, and so on.

"RM-SKLAD Warehouse accounting" is a program for warehouse accounting and trading operations at an enterprise of any form of ownership. It is primarily intended for small and medium-sized businesses. The program can be used in small shops, warehouses, production for operational accounting of goods and materials.

"Warehouse and trade" - a simple, reliable program for the automation of trade and warehouse accounting. It allows you to easily and quickly create primary documents (invoices, invoices, waybills, contracts, etc.), control stock balances, keep records of sales and receipts of goods, make reservations, keep records of customer and supplier debts, take into account purchase prices and calculate the cost of products in production, calculate the profit received and much more. The program has a wide range of interface settings.