How rubber is recycled. We make crumb rubber with our own hands using a homemade crusher. Sales of finished products

There are more than 1.1 billion cars in the world. The number of registered cars in Russia is about 46 million. This means that if trucks are added here, then about 5 billion tires run on the world's roads. The number of tires in the world's landfills is not exactly known. In Russia, according to various estimates, from 30 to 45 million tires are thrown away per year. There is no need to talk about the harm that such waste causes to the environment.

The issue of recycling and disposal of car tires is acute all over the world.

There is not a single country in which this problem is considered solved. In our country, according to various sources, from 8 to 12% of old tires and conveyor belts are recycled. These figures show that tire recycling as a business has a good future.

However, once you decide to run a rubber recycling business, you must choose your recycling method carefully and be aware of all the pitfalls of such a business. Choosing a recycling method, and therefore the direction of your investment, is a very difficult task. Enterprises producing equipment for one or another processing method, naturally, praise their method and carefully hide its shortcomings. In this article, we will try to facilitate the task of choosing a processing method. Remember that there is no perfect method. All have flaws. Here are the main ways to recycle car tires:

  • reuse by applying a new tread (in this case, after reuse tires need to be recycled)
  • combustion for the purpose of obtaining thermal energy;
  • heating without air access or with limited air access (pyrolysis);
  • grinding to obtain crumb rubber, secondary metal and textile threads;
  • burial and use to strengthen the coastline, install fences, etc. This method is prohibited in most countries, including Russia. We will not consider it.

We do not consider in this article the application of a new protector to worn tires("welding"). This is a method to extend the life of tires, not to recycle them. Let's take a closer look at other methods. When evaluating recycling methods, you should have a basic knowledge of the composition of the tire material.

Tire material composition

The main components of tires are cord (metal, textile or mixed), rubber, filler (soot), auxiliary materials (thermal stabilizers, anti-ozonizers, etc.), adhesives (contain polychlorinated hydrocarbons and some other materials in small quantities. Except for metal cord (and this is a steel wire coated with brass - an alloy of copper and zinc), then the composition of the tires includes: hydrocarbons (rubber, etc.), carbon (soot), silicon dioxide, sulfur (a vulcanizing agent in rubber and as part of other components), polychlorides (as part of adhesives) and some other components in small quantities.Contrary to popular belief about the presence of arsenic in the composition of tires, it is not there. Heavy metals are also absent (except for a small amount of copper and zinc on the surface of the steel cord). Lead is also not used in modern tires. All these components undergo changes during the processing of tires and form new substances, many of which are more dangerous than the original ones. Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of various tire recycling methods.

Burning tires to generate thermal energy

The method seems attractive. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Burning one ton of tires gives about the same amount of thermal energy as one ton of thermal coal.

What is the problem? First, tires cannot be burned in conventional thermal power plants. You need special equipment and preparation of raw materials. Secondly, when sulfur is burned, it forms a large amount of sulfur dioxide (sulphurous gas). This requires a special cleaning installation. The problem is solved, but the equipment is very expensive. Thirdly, polychlorides at insufficient combustion temperature form one of the most dangerous substances - dioxin. Available international experience indicates that this method has the right to life only when processing very large quantities (more than 100 tons) per day, requires huge investments and is profitable only in case of subsidies (financial support) from the state.

Read also: Lego brick: production and equipment

Tire pyrolysis

The process is heating the material to 400–500 degrees without access to oxygen (air). This produces pyrolysis gas, liquid hydrocarbon fraction, soot and steel cord waste. You can find an excellent product calculation. For example, from 1 ton of tires you can get 500 kg of liquid hydrocarbon fraction (fuel and even gasoline!), 200 kg of gas (used to heat the reactor and save fuel), 200 kg of carbon black and 100 kg of metal. What is the problem? Ask yourself the question, where does sulfur disappear if it contains up to 10% and silicon dioxide. Very simple. Most of the sulfur turns into hydrogen sulfide (the strongest poison, a substance of hazard class 1), which is contained in pyrolysis gases. Another part of the sulfur forms carbon disulfide and other compounds that go into the liquid fraction. And, finally, in the residue, which is bashfully called technical carbon, there are metal sulfides (mainly sodium and calcium). Where did the silicon dioxide disappear - in the remainder. The fate of polychlorides is even more complicated. Some of them pass into the residue, some form hydrogen chloride (not a gift!), And some form dioxins, which can be found in all products. This "carbon black" will not be used by any responsible consumer. You can't bury it either. Having recycled tires in this way, we will create a bunch of new problems. These problems are solved, but require large capital investments, which calls into question the profitability of this method without the help of the state.

Grinding tires in order to obtain crumb rubber

The essence of the method is very simple. Tires are shredded. In this case, three products are formed - metal, rubber crumb (we will consider the directions of its use below) and textile cord waste.

With such processing, there is practically no chemical changes(no new toxic waste is generated).

This is the main advantage of the method. What are the problems? It is very difficult to separate textile threads from crumb rubber and the textile material obtained in this way is practically a new waste. We will show below how to solve this problem. But at the initial stages it is better to deal with the processing of pure steel cord tires. This will significantly reduce capital costs. The key issues in building a mini tire recycling plant are the following issues.

  1. Selecting a location for production. Construction or use of existing structures.
  2. Selection, purchase and installation of equipment.
  3. Obtaining a license for processing.
  4. Formation of reliable channels for obtaining raw materials and marketing finished products.

Let's consider everything in order.

Production site and buildings

Even a mini tire recycling plant requires a fairly large site. Most of the production site will be occupied by a warehouse of raw materials (tires) and finished products. The tire recycling line occupies a fairly large area - 150–300 m2. This is best clarified after choosing the equipment. The height of the building (or hangar) is 5–6 meters. The production site should be sufficiently removed from the residential area. Minimum distance 200-500 m. The best place- industrial zone. During the processing of tires, the material heats up quite strongly and releases volatile substances with a specific odor. Local ventilation is required. It is necessary to provide special absorption cartridges as part of the ventilation equipment. They are produced industrially.

Tire crumb recycling equipment

For processing tires into crumbs, the price of equipment is not prohibitive. However, the cost of a set of equipment of 10–15 million rubles should be considered minimal. The choice of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite wide. There are lines of Russian production and import. When choosing equipment, do not pay too much attention to brands.

Tire recycling line

If possible, visit an already existing production facility and hear all about the problems of this production facility. When buying equipment, it is better to focus on complete lines, however, some components can be used or purchased separately. Here is the minimum equipment list:

  • shredders (shredder, hydraulic shears, tape cutter);
  • separators (air and magnetic);
  • conveyors;
  • vibrating screens.

Recycling hazardous types of waste in Russia is relevant. With an increase in the number of cars, the number of used tires is growing (according to statistics, it reaches 1 million tons per year).

There are not enough enterprises involved in their processing, although each region annually accumulates 50 tons of worn-out rubber. Not all cities have places to store this type of waste. Discarded tires are found on the side of the road or near suburban roads.

The Moscow region has the greatest experience in the recycling of tires (2 specialized plants operate), but they process only 10%. Therefore, the tire recycling business will occupy an empty niche.

The advantage of such a business is the ability to get old tires for free. Recycling tires into crumb rubber is a promising type of business.

In Russia, there is no system for recycling tires, experts attribute this to the imperfection of the legislation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the processing business

The benefits of this business include:

  • inexpensive raw materials in large numbers;
  • location near the places of sale;
  • few competitors;
  • the ability to use any room;
  • economic benefit.


  • initial investment required;
  • selection of raw materials with the same composition.

Room selection

The main parameter is the area of ​​​​the premises and the cost of rent. When choosing a room, consider:

  • the area must be sufficient to accommodate production equipment;
  • places for loading and unloading;
  • necessary support facilities;
  • connection to water supply and power lines;
  • convenient access roads;
  • distance from the residential area of ​​300 m or more.

An industrial area located outside the city will be the most suitable place.

Required documents

To open a business, you will need documents confirming or, the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service, an agreement for the supply of electricity. The licensing of this type of activity was canceled by the Federal Law No. 93 dated 06/25/2112.

What documents are required for registration of an individual entrepreneur and how to properly issue them in accordance with the requirements of the law - read

Activity registration

The choice should be approached responsibly: this affects the registration procedure, payment of taxes and other factors. When opening an LLC, the responsibility arises:

  • as a legal entity;
  • How individuals founders and members.

An LLC is liable for its obligations to the extent of its property. If it is impossible to repay debts during bankruptcy, obligations can be transferred to the founders, participants.

For an individual entrepreneur, in the event of debt obligations, property is not considered personal and that which is used for entrepreneurial activity (this also applies to property acquired before the start of entrepreneurial activity).

Industrial processing of tires into crumbs: a business plan with calculations

The technological line processing tires into crumbs has a capacity of up to 700 kg/h. The output of finished products from the initial mass of raw materials is 60 - 70% of the granulate, which is in special demand (fraction 2 - 4 mm).

The area of ​​the premises is 250 m2, the number of workers is 4 people, the electricity consumption is 120 kW. The annual output of crumb rubber will be 2,000 tons.

  • The cost of the main equipment is 10.75 million rubles.
  • Delivery and adjustment 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses 30 thousand rubles.
  • Machine that sews bags 10 thousand rubles.
  • Scales 20 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of bags for crumbs is 20 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary 100 thousand rubles.

With a minimum monthly tire recycling of 150 tons, the output is:

  • metal cord 30 tons;
  • crumb rubber 100 tons;
  • textiles 20 tons.

Income from product sales

  • 1500 thousand rubles from rubber crumb (100 tons x 15 rubles / kg);
  • 90 thousand rubles metal cord (30 t x 3 thousand rubles/t);
  • 40 thousand rubles textiles (20 tons x 2 thousand rubles/ton);
  • 150 thousand rubles acceptance for recycling of tires from individuals and enterprises.

Total: 1780 thousand rubles.

Production costs

  • 100 thousand rubles staff salaries;
  • 4 thousand rubles on packing bags;
  • 20 thousand rubles communication services, economic;
  • 100 thousand rubles electricity (120 kW x 4.5 rubles);
  • 50 thousand rubles rental of premises;
  • 50 thousand rubles line maintenance;
  • 20 thousand rubles garbage removal.

Total: 344 thousand rubles.

The profit is 1780 - 344 = 1436 thousand rubles. Return on investment 8 months.

With an increase in the output of finished products, selling them at a price higher than the minimum monthly profit indicators will increase.

Starting a business requires large investments, which scares aspiring entrepreneurs. You can use a bank loan or receive a subsidy under the state program. To do this, you need a business plan with calculations.

and tips for implementing them are contained in our new article at the link.

Possible risks

The production cycle includes the supply of raw materials, the operation of equipment and the sale of finished products. Risks that may arise:

  • breakdown of technological equipment (to reduce this risk, it is necessary to maintain the line in a timely manner, follow the recommendations for its operation, replace worn-out mechanisms, consumables);
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials (it is possible to conclude a contract for the supply of raw materials simultaneously with the search for equipment);
  • sales difficulties (a long-term contract should be concluded with an enterprise that needs rubber crumb and a distribution channel should be established to nearby regions);
  • damage to products during storage (special conditions are not required, however, crumb rubber is afraid of moisture).

A business based on the processing of car tires into crumbs will turn out to be profitable if the entrepreneur manages to resolve the issue of marketing finished products. This direction is promising, consistently brings good profits.

You can find out how the lines for processing tires into crumbs work in practice in the following video:


We bring to your attention a draft business plan for the creation of a production facility for the processing of used car tires and other RTI waste into crumb rubber on the basis of ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING tire recycling equipment. You can view or download business plans for the tire recycling plants you are interested in on the pages of these complexes.

The draft business plan is based on the current situation in the market for the processing of tires into rubber crumb, in the regions of Russia, price and tariff indicators are given taking into account economic features our country.

Tire Shredder Project Summary

Project name.

Manufacture (enterprise) for the processing of used tires and other rubber goods into high-quality and popular crumb rubber.

Technological solution.

Automatic waste tire recycling line "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR 250".


General investment needs.

up to 6,500,000 rubles (the cost of the line and the cost of setting up production).

Construction period (from the moment of signing the purchase and sale agreement for the Line "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR 250" to commissioning) 2 - 4 months.

The product that is the subject of the project.

Rubber crumb 3 fractions: up to 1 mm, 2-3 mm, 4-5 mm

metal cord

textile cord

The main consumers of the products.

Large consumers include: construction companies; manufacturers of sports surfaces; manufacturers of road surfaces based on modifiers using crumb rubber; manufacturers of rubber products, companies serving the oil industry and many others.

A separate direction in building a sales system is participation in the placement of State and other orders for the purchase of crumb rubber in the construction of sports facilities, the latest generation of road surfaces and others.

Benefits of a Tire Recycling and Recycling Project

1. As a technological solution, it is proposed to use the ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR-250 automatic plant for the processing of used tires and rubber goods, which has the following advantages: low energy consumption, processing of tires of any diameter, multi-stage screening of textile and metal cord, high product quality, maintainability, a small number of maintenance personnel.

2. Standardized production product. Production of rubber crumb meeting high quality requirements.

3. Guaranteed sales. The ALFA-SPK company promotes the sale of all manufactured products throughout Russia and the CIS countries.

Permissive documentation.

An enterprise providing services for the processing of automobile tires and RTI waste must have a license for handling hazardous waste.

Description of the waste tire recycling project

The purpose of the rubber crumb production project.

Establishment of a production facility for the processing of used car tires and other rubber goods using technological equipment for the processing of tires "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR 250"; production of a final product that is in demand on the market and ready for use in various areas of production of goods and services.

The relevance of the project.

The problem of processing hazardous types of waste is very acute in Russia. Every year, millions of tons of waste of various hazard classes accumulate in landfills or in places not intended for storage and disposal. In particular, the number of cars and the segment of road transport is growing by tens of percent every year.

The total volume of waste tires in Russia and the CIS countries is more than 2 million tons. The insufficient number of enterprises providing tire recycling services, the lack of a centralized system for collecting and processing used tires in many regions leads to the fact that more than 50,000 tons of used tires are formed annually in each region.

Only a part of the tires is placed on special landfills, specially equipped for long-term storage of tires. At the same time, even the organized storage of a large number of tires is a constant source of pollution. environment, increased risk of uncontrolled fire. Tires are extremely flammable and in case of fire, the combustion temperature of tires is equal to the combustion temperature of coal, it is quite difficult to extinguish them, and when burned, harmful combustion products, including carcinogens, are released into the air. Tires are practically not subject to biological decomposition; during storage, burial, they serve as an ideal breeding ground for rodents and blood-sucking insects, vectors infectious diseases. In addition, there is the problem of land acquisition for tire storage. Tire recycling is the best solution to the land problem.

Since 2006, the dumping of car tires and their burning has been prohibited in the EU countries. In Russia, tire recycling is a priority for tire recycling. Waste tires are a hazardous type of waste of the 4th hazard class and are subject to mandatory disposal. In Russia, a system of supervision is provided for the delivery of tires that are on the balance sheet of enterprises. Enterprises have the right to hand over tires for recycling only to special plants that have a license or the right to handle dangerous species waste, providing documents confirming the fact of the delivery of tires, which is necessary for the submission of environmental reporting and calculations of the “Payment for negative impact on the environment."

At the same time, worn-out tires with the right approach to their processing, which preserves the chemical properties of rubber and rubbers, are an excellent raw material for obtaining a secondary product: rubber crumb, metal and textile cord.

About 90% of tires provide a reserve of raw materials for recycling, which, given the emerging problem of irreplaceable material resources, has a huge impact. economic importance and potential.

Thus, the relevance of creating a production facility for the processing of used tires and other RTI waste consists of two components that underlie this project: solution of the environmental problem: processing of hazardous waste, conservation natural resources, reduction of territories allocated for landfills.

Production of a product that is in demand on the market, suitable for use in various production areas.

Creation of new jobs.

Application area.

The line for recycling used tires "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR-250" is used to solve the problem of recycling used tires in cities and regions with more than 50 thousand people.

Tire recycling on the ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR 250 line is an environmentally friendly, waste-free production: no emissions into the atmosphere occur during the recycling process, no water resources are required for cooling. The wheel is completely recycled, without residues. All three products are processed for further use and sale.

Raw materials and organization of raw material collection system.

Today in Russia more than 2 million tons of waste are generated annually in the form of worn-out car tires. The percentage of recycling of the total volume of tires is, according to various estimates, 7-10%. While the growth of road transport is 5-7% annually. Therefore, based on statistical data, the availability of raw materials for the processing and production of crumb rubber will not decrease in the next 10-15 years, but will only increase.

The raw materials for the production of crumb rubber are worn-out car tires with metal and textile cords of any diameter and waste rubber products.

One of the main factors in organizing a profitable tire recycling business is the availability and availability of raw materials. The main suppliers are large and medium-sized enterprises that have road transport on their balance sheet: carrier companies, car enterprises, industrial production, car fleets of state structures and departments, tire centers, solid waste landfills. Therefore, when building a tire collection system, one should take into account the factor of transport accessibility to enterprises.

Tires are accepted for processing in accordance with GOST 8407-89 “Recycled rubber raw materials. Tires are accepted on the basis of tire acceptance agreements for recycling or recycling. Reception of tires for recycling is carried out for a fee: on average in Russia, this amount ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles per ton of tires, depending on rubber, availability, region, and so on.


Tire recycling products using ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR 250 are:

  • metal cord;
  • textile cord;
  • rubber crumb of different fractions: up to 1 mm, 1-2 mm, 2-5 mm.

Rubber crumb

Crumb rubber is the main product of automobile tire processing. Due to the fact that automobile tires are subjected to long-term enormous loads during operation, high-quality components (natural, synthetic rubbers, softening oils, fillers, etc.) are used in the production of new tires in conjunction with the latest technologies. Tire rubber is practically the strongest and most durable of all types of rubber used, it has many other important qualities (elasticity; resistance to acids and alkalis; bending strength, tensile strength, abrasion, etc.).

During the mechanical processing of tires into crumbs, the physical and chemical composition of rubber practically does not change. Due to the fact that crumb is a product of tire processing (utilization), the market price for it is 3-4 times lower than for primary rubber raw materials. Therefore, the crumb is an inexpensive, high-quality tire recycling product.

Rubber crumb, obtained as a result of mechanical processing of worn tires, has numerous and promising areas for further practical application, which, when effective organization marketing support and sales system, will ensure its rapid and sustainable implementation.

Rubber crumb has a wide range of applications

1. Production of safety rubber tiles. Made from the most wear-resistant rubber raw material, rubber tiles are wear-resistant, durable, shock-absorbing, shock-absorbing and orthopedic. The specific gravity of rubber crumb in the production of rubber tiles and paving stones is more than 80%. Currently, there are more than 150 mini-factories for the production of rubber tiles in Russia. Consequently, the demand for crumb rubber demonstrates an increase in the required volumes every month.

2. Floor coverings for sports grounds and facilities. Coatings made of crumb rubber and polymer binders for sports fields, basketball, volleyball, badminton courts. Anti-slip and safe entry surfaces. Rubber crumb is also used in these types of coatings. Additives of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire processing make coatings more wear-resistant and practical, they have better plasticity, they are durable.

3. Fillers for sports equipment. Rubber crumb is used as a filler for bags and punching bags.

4. Football fields with artificial turf are covered with crumb rubber fr. 1.0 - 2.5 mm.

5. Covering building material. This is a roofing material in the form of a combination of bitumen with polyurethane, it is poured on top with a composition of thiokol with the addition of finely cleaned rubber crumb. To carry out the whole complex of works on applying coatings on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings, various materials with the addition of rubber crumb are recommended for use: slopes (up to 90% rubber crumb), sealing seams (up to 50% rubber crumb), sealing joints (up to 70% rubber crumb). crumbs), directly coating (up to 50% crumb rubber). The final most resistant layer with the use of crumb rubber protects all underlying layers.

6. Structural fiber-reinforced concrete. Metal and textile cords are mixed with crumb rubber in a certain proportion and added up to 50% to the dry cement-sand mixture. It is used for deep pouring of foundations. Floor coverings and ladders, in places of heavy flow of people. Polyurethane is mixed with 50% fine (fraction less than 3 mm) cleaned rubber crumb. It is applied both to the closed, and open rooms. Fiber-reinforced concrete, due to its properties, is used in regions with severe climatic conditions, including in permafrost regions.

7. Finishing building material. Thiokol (polysulfide) system, as a standard material and chips (less than 1 mm) form a resistant covering material, using both as a finishing and as a decorative wall material.

8. For road surface. Rubber crumb is used in the latest generation of road surfaces. It is possible to lay a mixture of coarse rubber crumb, metal cord and textile cord up to 50% by weight with mineral additives into the road substrate. Further, crumb - as an asphalt bitumen modifier (crumb less than 1.5 mm to 10% by volume), it is he who is the outer working layer of the roadway. The advantages are obvious: the physical and mechanical characteristics of the entire pavement are significantly improved (increased resistance to cracking and elasticity, as a result of which the frost resistance coefficient increases by 20-30%), which positively affects the resource, the service life of the road pavement increases by 2-3 times.

9. Restoration of tires. Receiving a regenerate. Up to 10% of the mass of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire recycling can be used in the restoration and manufacture of new tires. For the manufacture of regenerate, crumb rubber of a fraction of up to 2 mm is mainly used.

10. For the manufacture of car parts. Bumpers, mudguards, seals, floor mats, luggage compartment troughs, handles, etc. Rubber crumb of a small fraction is used as an additive in various automotive mastics.

11. Coatings for bridges. When repairing bridges, joints are usually sealed with imported materials. The use of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire processing in this direction will allow the use of 100% domestic materials, resulting in savings throughout the country.

12. Supports of main pipelines. When replacing existing supports located in permafrost areas, it is very profitable to manufacture new concrete supports with the presence of crumb rubber.

13. Maintenance of the oil and gas industry. For plugging oil wells during drilling, waterproofing green layers, for the manufacture of a sorbent for collecting oil and oil products from the surface of water and soil.

textile cord

The main areas of application of textile cord are: the production of fiber-reinforced concrete, the filling of sports equipment, the production of mixtures for plugging wells during well drilling and geological exploration, and much more.

metal cord

In the production of car tires, namely in the seat ring (thick bead wire), high-alloy steel is used. During the processing of tires on the ALPHA - TIRE - RECYCLING / ATR-250 line, metal wire (shavings) is formed, which is scrapped.

The main consumers of products:

A feature of the technological line for the processing of tires "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR 250" is a high focus on manufacturers of safety coatings, the production of crumb fractions that are best suited for the production of tiles, as well as other coatings based on crumb rubber.

However, as follows from the analysis of the areas of application of rubber crumb, there are much more potential consumers of crumb, therefore, an active study and search for new consumers is proposed.

Large consumers include: construction companies; manufacturers of sports surfaces; manufacturers of road surfaces based on modifiers using crumb rubber (Rosavtodor and regional manufacturers); manufacturers of rubber products, companies serving the oil industry;

A special direction in the promotion of the product - crumb rubber - is regional, city administrations. IN Lately sports development programs (construction of sports facilities, where crumb rubber is used in large quantities), and other socially significant projects are included in the budgets of different levels. Thus, in addition to creating the image of an environmentally oriented and socially significant company, a serious expansion of sales is possible.


During the implementation of the full production cycle, starting from the moment of supply of raw materials, operation of equipment and ending with the sale of finished products, there is a possibility of the following risks that can cause damage and losses:

1. Failures in the operation of technological equipment.

This risk is minimized by constant rigorous maintenance. maintenance of the line in compliance with the terms of the PPO; advanced training of personnel serving the line; compliance with the warranty conditions for the operation of the line; timely replacement of consumables.

2. Failures in the supply of raw materials.

This risk is minimized by the early conclusion of long-term contracts with suppliers of raw materials. It is recommended to start building a tire collection system, tire collection at the same time as signing the line purchase agreement. Search for alternative sources of raw materials.

3. Overstocking of finished products due to difficulties in marketing.

This risk is minimized by concluding a long-term fixed contract for the supply of crumb rubber to the equipment supplier, Alfa-SPK LLC. In addition, it is expedient, from the moment the project is launched, to work out sales channels for rubber powder in nearby regions, to establish long-term relationships with companies producing goods from rubber crumb. As an option, the conclusion of preliminary contracts for the supply of crumb rubber, participation in tenders for the supply of materials for the arrangement of sports facilities and playgrounds.

4. Damage to products during storage.

Rubber crumb as a product does not require special storage conditions. Crumb packed in PP bags is stored in a cold warehouse. It is important to prevent moisture from getting into the crumb rubber.

The need for investment.

The total investment requirement is up to 6,500,000 million rubles.

Sources Money: own funds, debt financing, leasing.

The funds will be used to create an enterprise, purchase equipment, organize production, and organize the marketing of finished products.

Production plan.

This section provides data on processing technology, production plan and cost plan of this business plan.

Production technology.

The proposed line for processing tires into crumb rubber "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING / ATR-250" is an automatic line designed for grinding worn-out car tires with a metal and fabric cord into crumb rubber.

The ATR-250 line allows processing up to 3,500 tons of tires per year, while receiving, at the same time, up to 2,500 tons of crumb rubber.

Technical characteristics of the equipment for processing tires into crumb "ALPHA-TIRE-RECYCLING 250 / ATR-250"

At the first stage of work, the material is prepared for further grinding. In order to reduce operating costs and reduce the cost of a temporary resource for the maintenance of the line, at the first stage of tire processing, a truck tire is cut into parts that are fed to the loading conveyor into the primary shredder.

Human participation in the above operation is terminated. The entire further process on the line "ALPHA - TIRE - RECYCLING 250" proceeds automatically.

The prepared parts of the worn tire go through the loading conveyor to the primary shredder. This node is designed taking into account the analysis of the operation of similar foreign devices and is characterized by high performance, incomparably low energy costs, reliability, convenience and ease of maintenance.

After processing in the primary shredder, tire pieces with a size of 50-70 mm fall into the next working block, where they go through the stage of further grinding and separation of the main mass of the metal cord. At the output, we get a rubber chip with a size of 20 x 20 mm with a textile cord, as well as a small admixture of a metal cord, the remains of which will be separated at further stages of processing a car tire.

The further production scheme of the final processing cycle (using a series of impact crushers installed in series with a pneumatic transport system) is an excellent engineering solution, thanks to which we were able to obtain the following advantages on the ALPHA TIRE RECYCLING 250 line.

Reducing energy costs and, accordingly, the cost of the final product in the production of rubber granules, which allows the User to receive more profit in comparison with competitors using other equipment;

Small dimensions of the technical infrastructure due to the lack of a belt conveyor system. This gives the user more options for placing the equipment in the desired location, makes it easier to find the installation site of the equipment, and also positively affects the ease of maintenance by simplifying the entire interacting working system;

In addition to reducing the size of production facilities, the use of pneumatic transport has a positive effect on the quality of crumb rubber, which cools down during its passage through the air duct system and retains the original rubber properties in the best possible way throughout the entire cycle. The stated fact is a huge advantage in comparison with the state of the rubber granule obtained on lines with a return cycle function, on which the crumb that does not correspond to the size is returned along the return feed conveyor to the shredder (or granulator), in which it is repeatedly heated, losing its properties;

Environmentally friendly production, the absence of any harmful emissions and emissions in the process of mechanical crushing of tires;

Using the offered high quality

crusher allows you to get the product

similar to that obtained on granulators,

but with much lower production

and operating costs.

Received product:

  • 3-4 mm;
  • 5-6 mm;
  • 0.1-2 mm.

Equipment for tire processing and crumb rubber production ATR-250

Technological line for processing automobile tires into crumb "ALPHA TIRE RECYCLING 250" has a design capacity of up to 400 kg / h in terms of loading. This indicator is based on the practical experience of preparing raw materials for loading into the primary shredding system, and can be changed upwards with faster tire preparation for shredding, which is facilitated by the potential of the primary shredding shredder.

The line involves the processing of both passenger and truck tires with a maximum diameter of 1200 mm and a width of 300 mm.

Depending on the raw material (Russian-made tires with metal and textile cords or foreign, only with metal), the yield of a pure finished product is 60 - 70% of the initial mass of raw materials, of which ≈ 70% will be rubber granulate with the most demanded fraction of 2 - 4 mm , ≈ 15% with a fraction of 0.1 - 2 mm ≈ 15% with a fraction of 5 - 6 mm.

Productivity up to 400 kg per hour for incoming raw materials and up to 300 kg per hour for rubber crumb output

Average power consumption up to 80 kW/h

Annual output of crumb rubber, 365 days a year, up to 2500 tons of finished crumb rubber.

Name of equipment

Guillotine for cutting truck tires

Bead ring puller

Loading belt conveyor

Primary shredder system

transport fan

Cyclone collectors small

Pneumatic transport system

Magnetic separation system

crusher complex

Shaker system

Cyclone collection

Dust extraction system

Electrical equipment, wiring, electrical, etc.

System of bonding metal structures and protection

Belt conveyor for metal cord


  1. Basic equipment - 5,800,000 rubles
  2. Scales 20,000 rubles
  3. Bag sewing machine 10,000 rubles
  4. Bags for crumbs 20,000 rubles
  5. Delivery in Russia 100,000 rubles
  6. Adjustment 100,000 rubles
  7. Website development and promotion on the Internet: up to 50,000 rubles
  8. Costs associated with obtaining a license: up to 300,000 rubles
  9. Additional expenses (oil, keys, rent of premises, etc.) about 100,000 rubles

In the cost structure for the purchase of equipment, 99.7% falls on the purchase of the main equipment (line for the production of crumb rubber).

The number of personnel for the project.

For the normal functioning of the production of tire processing with a capacity of 100 tons per month, a staff of 8 people is required. The monthly wage fund will not exceed 300 thousand rubles.

"Structure of income by types of products at 100% load"

Calculating the profitability of a tire recycling project

For the convenience of calculating the profitability of the project, we take as a basis the most minimal indicators of the production of finished high-quality rubber crumb.

Minimum recycling of used tires per month = 100 tons.

Rubber crumb output 70 tons.

The output of the metal cord is 20 tons.

Textile output 10 tons.

Sale of manufactured products and services for the disposal and recycling of tires

Rubber crumb (70 tons at an average price of 18 rubles per kg.) = 1,260,000 rubles.

Metal cord (20 tons at an average price of 5,000 rubles per ton) = 100,000 rubles.

Textiles (10 tons at an average price of 2,000 rubles per ton) = 20,000 rubles.

Acceptance of tires for recycling from enterprises and individuals in the amount of at least 100 tons per month, at a minimum acceptance price of 1,000 rubles per ton. = 100,000 rubles.

Total: Minimum turnover per month = 1,480,000 rubles.

Production cost plan

For the functioning of the company for the production of rubber crumb, the following current expenses are planned:

  • The cost of purchasing containers (bags) for packaging with a capacity of up to 30 kg will be 8 rubles per bag; = 10 000 rubles per month;
  • The cost of communication services in the amount 10 thousand rubles per month ;
  • Household expenses in the amount 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • Separately, the costs for electricity consumption are taken out, which largely depend on the load of production (average electricity consumption on production equipment is up to 80 kW / h - calculated relative to the volume of rubber crumb production) at the rate of 4.5 rubles / kW = about 50,000 rubles per month ;
  • Lease payments for a room of 200 square meters will amount to 150 rubles/sq.m. per month; = no more than 50,000 rubles per month ;
  • Line maintenance and other expenses will not exceed 50 thousand rubles per month;
  • The cost of replacing knives will be 50 thousand rubles per month;
  • Garbage collection up to 10 thousand rubles per month;

Total: Cost part = 540,000 rubles per month.

Total revenue

Profit 1 480 000 - Expenses 540 000 = 940 000 rubles(minimum monthly income).

Please pay special attention to the fact that these figures for tire recycling are taken in minimum terms. Depending on the raw materials, working conditions, the specifics of the region, seasonality and other factors, this indicator can be increased. Starting from the release of finished products and selling them at a higher price, ending with a higher price and volume for receiving tires from enterprises, metal and textiles. Also in this business there are additional sources of income, which can be up to 500,000 rubles per month, which you can earn with our company by working on our equipment!

Tire recycling business

About Tire Recycling Business


Mini tire recycling plant "ATR-300" is an ideal solution in terms of price and quality for enterprises located in small towns, as well as for enterprises producing rubber tiles.

The performance and compactness of the ATR-300 plant allows for the processing of worn tires in small towns and settlements. Producing up to 400 kilograms of crumb rubber per hour. Recycling truck and passenger car tires, this line will allow you to easily take a leading position in your region, ensuring high profitability, quick payback and guaranteed production of high-quality and sought-after rubber crumb.

The ATR-300 Waste Tire Recycling Plant recycles used tires by mechanical crushing. At this method tire processing, rubber crumb does not lose its physical and mathematical properties, which affects its cost and quality, unlike grated or rolled crumb. Tire recycling equipment "ATR-300" is a highly demanded and purchased set of equipment among our customers.

We do not just offer tire recycling equipment, we offer an ideal solution for low-budget organizations to purchase high-tech, really working equipment, instead of non-working and inefficient Chinese or other analogues.

The principle of operation of the line for processing tires into crumb "ATR-300"

1) At the first stage, the tire undergoes a detailed inspection for the absence of spikes and other elements not suitable for recycling.

2) At the second stage, the truck tires are cut into small segments, approximately 20x20 cm, the passenger wheels are fed as a whole.

3) After cutting, the resulting segments are fed along the conveyor to the shredder, for grinding into a smaller chip, the bead wire and other metal inclusions are removed from the rubber composition.

4) The processed material is fed into the impact crusher for grinding to the final fraction, with an additional step of cleaning from the metal cord.

5) The material brought to the final fraction passes through the separation system to remove the textile cord from its composition, with one more step of separating the metal cord.

6) After the final cleaning, the material is fed to a round vibrating sieve, on which crumb rubber is sorted into fractions.

Location of ATR - 300 Tire Recycling Line

Specifications and requirements for the ATR-300 line

Requirements for the premises

Occupied area (excluding warehouse space)

2 shifts of 10 - 12 hours, including maintenance

Temperature regime

from 0 to +40С°

Electrical power (required)

160 kW (starting currents)

Average level power consumption

80-100 kWh

Input Line Performance

up to 500 kg of raw materials/hour

Outlet Line Performance

up to 400 kg crumbs/hour

3 fractions from 0 to 5 mm

Textile cord output

up to 80 kg/hour

Metal cord output

up to 100 kg/h

Annual tire recycling capacity when loaded 360 days a year, 20 hours a day

up to 4000 tons of tires

Max tire diameter

Number of personnel per shift

3 - 4 people

Delivery set of equipment for processing tires into crumb "ATR-300"


Tire shredder

Bead ring puller

Tire cutting guillotine

Loading belt conveyor

transport fan

Magnetic separation system

Cyclone collectors small

Pneumatic transport system

Stream transport system

Impact crusher complex

Shaker system

Cyclone collection

Dust extraction system

Electrical equipment, wiring, electrical and other

System of bonding metal structures and protection

Belt conveyor for metal cord

Technical documentation, passport, operation manual

For us, it is very important not only long-term cooperation, but also the opportunity to provide existing professional knowledge and information support potential partners and clients. In order to study in more detail the characteristics of the ATR 300 line and get the commercial part, please contact us or make an inquiry to our company.

Equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber

The issue of tire recycling in Russia is quite acute. For the natural decomposition of this category of waste, it takes from 120 to 140 years, and the volumes that go to landfills, and often to places of unauthorized waste storage, are simply huge. Meanwhile, it is a sought-after raw material for many industries (road surfaces, as a filler, a regenerator for new rubber products ...), which opens up broad prospects for the development of a profitable business.

In contrast to European countries, there are few global tire recycling companies in the domestic market. Accordingly, do not expect high competition. At the same time, the development of the industry is hampered by a high barrier to entry to the market, which is about 20 million rubles, as well as the lack of a centralized public policy regarding waste management. However, the legislation is gradually being improved, which means that those who are ready to combine environmental values ​​and the opportunity to receive a stable income should pay attention to this type of business.

Market situation

World stocks of waste tires are about 80 million tons. Every year this number increases by 10 million tons. And even in countries where work on competent tire recycling has been going on for a long time, they cannot cope with the existing volumes.

As for Russia, only 20% of the total share of the relevant raw materials goes to processing. Moreover, 60% of this amount is distributed among themselves by four large enterprises:

  • Volzhsky Regenerate Tire Repair Plant (Volgograd Region);
  • Chekhov regeneration plant (Moscow region);
  • "KST-ecology" (Smolensk region);
  • Tire recycling plant No. 1 (Vladimir region).

One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the fact that most enterprises, both large and small, accept tires for recycling without partial compensation for their cost. Accordingly, it is more profitable for the population to simply take garbage to a landfill than to deliver it for processing at their own expense.

Thus, a novice entrepreneur has three ways to develop his business: follow the “traditions” of free receipt of raw materials, determine an economically justified acceptance price, or enter into agreements with landfills, service stations and other “suppliers” who would benefit from the removal of used tires from the territory. In the latter case, you can try to enlist the support of the municipality or environmentalists.

What recyclable materials can be obtained from tires?

The most common recycling technology involves the mechanical grinding of tires in special units. During this process, the following materials are formed:

  • rubber crumb with a fraction size of 1 mm, 2-3 mm, 4-5 mm (each of them has its own scope);
  • textile cord, suitable, after processing by pyrolysis technology, for the manufacture of fuels and lubricants;
  • metal cord intended for remelting.

IN developed countries it is common to rebuild worn tires for their intended use. It provides for the imposition of a new profile on the old frame.

Processing technology

The process of recycling tires into crumbs involves a number of successive stages:

  • Quality control of incoming tires. Products are carefully inspected for the presence of spikes and other elements that are not suitable for processing.
  • Pre-grinding. Tires are cut into segments 200x200 mm in size.
  • Removal of the metal fraction. The raw material is conveyed through the conveyor to the shredder for the next stage of grinding. In parallel, using a magnetic device, the bead wire and other metal elements are removed from the mass.
  • Grinding to the final fraction. In the impact crusher, the material is brought to a predetermined fraction value, and is also cleaned from the metal cord.
  • Separation. In the separator, the textile cord and the remains of the metal cord are removed from the mass.
  • Sorting by fractions. It is carried out by passing the material through a system of vibrating screens.
  • Packing and warehousing. The material is packed in bags and sent to the warehouse.

Tire crumb recycling equipment + Video

The universal line contains the following components:

  • knife for cutting car tires;
  • band conveyer;
  • shredders for primary grinding (2 pcs.);
  • small cyclones (2 pcs.);
  • fan (3 pcs.);
  • pneumatic conveyor;
  • units for magnetic separation (3 pcs.);
  • crusher;
  • vibrating screens (2 pcs.);
  • large cyclones;
  • electrical equipment;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • cord belt conveyor;
  • metal carcass.

You can usually buy such a line within 12-15 million rubles. Also, to launch the plant, it is necessary to purchase industrial scales (20 thousand rubles), a unit for packing bags (10 thousand rubles) and the bags themselves (10 thousand rubles), tools and consumables for servicing the installation (30 thousand rubles .).

Another about 100 thousand rubles. it is necessary to pledge for the delivery of equipment and about 150 thousand rubles. for its installation and commissioning. At the same time, transportation costs will depend on the remoteness of the region from the manufacturing plant. The procedure for commissioning, the conditions for warranty and post-warranty service, as well as other points are prescribed in the supply contract. It is optimal when, among other things, the supplier gives an obligation to train your staff to work with the units.

Line example:

Requirements for the arrangement of the workshop and warehouse space

The plant for processing tires into crumbs must directly contain a production workshop with an area of ​​​​at least 200 m², a site for storing raw materials in the form of an unheated hangar or simply a fenced area, as well as a warehouse for finished products. Sanitary facilities are also required. The office part is equipped depending on the preferences and financial capabilities of the business owner.

The premises can be purchased or rented. Often the first option is unrealistic for a novice entrepreneur, so a lease agreement becomes the best solution. Its cost directly depends on the region, and in Russia it can range from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles per month.


A minimum of 10 people will be required to service the line with a processing capacity of 150 tons of tires per month. At the same time, it is important to have a technologist in the team who is able to control the production process and a person who will be engaged in the current maintenance of the lines. It is rational to involve representatives of the equipment manufacturer for the elimination of significant breakdowns and maintenance. For this, as mentioned above, this clause should be written in the contract.

Also for quality work the enterprise will need an accountant, cleaners, security officers and at least one truck driver delivering tires and finished products.

In this situation, the approximate amount of the payroll will be about 400-450 million rubles. However, much here also depends on the size of the average wage in the region.

Obtaining a license

In a number of sources, you can find information about the optional licensing of a business for processing tires into crumbs. However, it is not. The raw materials used belong to the fourth hazard class. Accordingly, according to Russian legislation, the acceptance and disposal of such solid waste is subject to mandatory licensing.

Before submitting documents, the entrepreneur must complete the following steps:

  • Register an enterprise (optimal in this business).
  • Prepare production areas, including industrial site and sanitary zone.
  • Prepare documents and certificates for equipment.
  • Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, fire inspection.

The license is issued within 45 days. Its cost is 7,500 rubles. If you want to simplify the process by using the services of intermediaries, the costs will increase several times.

How much does crumb rubber cost?

How much income can be generated by recycling tires into crumbs with a capacity of 150 tons per month?

The average cost of rubber granules on the market is 150 thousand rubles. Accordingly, getting 100 tons of crumbs at the output every month, we have 1.5 million rubles.

Also, during processing, 30 tons of metal and 20 tons of textile cords worth 90 thousand rubles are formed. and 40 thousand rubles, respectively.

Thus, the total dirty income may amount to 1.68 million rubles. Subtracting monthly expenses from this amount, we get net profit. At the same time, the profitability of the enterprise will be influenced by such factors as the location of the enterprise (rental cost, transportation costs), the availability of sales markets, sources of raw materials, marketing policy, and others. On average, investments in this type of business pay off within one and a half to two years.

Search for sales markets

When searching for sales markets, it is necessary to carefully analyze the scope of activities of manufacturing enterprises operating in a particular region. Focusing on the all-Russian market and foreign supplies makes sense only for large processing companies, since transportation costs lead to a significant increase in the cost of the material.

Among the main consumers of crumb rubber:

  • companies specializing in laying seamless floor coverings (self-leveling floor);
  • manufacturers of tiles and floor coverings;
  • enterprises involved in road construction (mainly regional centers);
  • companies fulfilling state orders in the construction of sports complexes, sidewalks and other facilities.

In small quantities, rubber crumb from tires is gladly purchased by companies that manufacture sculptures for playgrounds, fences, curbs, punching bags, beanbags, bituminous mastics, rubber shoes, insulation, etc.

At the same time, it is not enough to identify potential consumers of rubber crumb - do not hesitate to contact the management of enterprises directly to find out if they are interested in your offer, in what volume they are ready to purchase raw materials and what quality.

How to avoid pitfalls?

The main mistake of entrepreneurs who decide to build a business on the processing of tires into crumbs is incorrect choice equipment. The fact is that, unlike foreign-made tires, domestic tires contain a mixed or textile diagonal cord. Almost all machines made for the European market are not adapted to work with these materials, so even expensive equipment may be useless.

Conclusion: specify which tires are intended for recycling of certain units.

Another one actual problem- the presence of defects in new equipment. Most often this happens with units made in China. To strike a balance between quality and optimal cost will help the analysis of the manufacturer. As a rule, responsible suppliers, along with the manufacture of machine tools, are engaged in the processing of tires and the manufacture of various products from the raw materials obtained. In addition, you should not believe the stories about the ultra-high performance of the equipment - the higher the speed, the greater the risk that the unit will break if a foreign object gets “under the knife”, which is a very common situation.

This is not the whole list of situations that may arise on the way to making a profit. For example, the lack of raw materials often leads to the need to buy tires from the population, which is fraught with an increase in the cost of crumb rubber. In any case, a detailed analysis at the initial stage will allow you to enter the business smoothly and quickly recoup your investment.