All about pit bulls. Pit bull terrier. The best beautiful nicknames for pit bull girls

The pit bull breed originates in Ireland and England. Dog fights are quite popular in these countries, and that is why it was decided to use bulldogs and terriers to breed a new fighting breed of dogs. From the first, the muscular pit bull inherited strength and fighting spirit, and from the second - an excellent reaction. The breed was officially registered in the United States after the dogs got there along with the settlers.

The pit bull breed originates in Ireland and England.

The pit bull dog breed was originally intended not only for fighting, but also for protecting houses and nearby areas. They were often taken hunting for large animals. After the recognition of dog fighting as illegal, the reproduction of dogs of this breed was taken under the most severe control in order to reduce their numbers. In many EU countries, as well as in Australia, pit bulls are banned.

Recently, dogs of this breed are beginning to gain more and more popularity both in Russia and abroad. Due to the excellent ability of the pit bull to detect explosives and drugs by smell, he is often used as a police dog.

Before purchasing a pit bull puppy, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its pedigree. A healthy puppy of this breed should be active and friendly towards people, allowing himself to be stroked or picked up.

Pitbull dog (video)

Gallery: pit bull dog (25 photos)

Breed characteristics

Breeders divide pit bulls into bulldog, terrier and mixed types. The weight of the animal can be up to 36 kg in males and up to 30 kg in females. Actually, the mass itself, like the height of the dog, depends directly on the skeleton. The head of the pit bulls is square, with a flat and fairly wide forehead, the cheeks are slightly sagging, without folds. Some individuals have pronounced eye sockets. The jaw of the dogs is strong and deep, the teeth are large in size, closing in a tight lock. The ears are set wide and high, the eyes are almond-shaped, oval or round, set wide. The nose is not upturned, dense, with wide nostrils. The neck is short and muscular, the shoulders are broad. The back is flat, wide, and the groin line is tucked up. The body is completely covered with dense skin without folds on it. The limbs and tail are of medium length.

American Pit Bull Terriers are classified as shorthaired dogs. The hair is hard and elastic, there is no undercoat, there is no wool in the abdomen. The color of a purebred pit bull must be solid gray, brindle or any other (except "merle"), white spots are allowed.

The pit bull is also a dwarf. This breed was created by crossing the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Patterdale Terrier. It was brought out much recently, around the beginning of the 90s in England. The miniature dog is intended, unlike American pit bulls, not for dog fights, but for various exhibitions and as a pet. A dwarf pit bull is much easier to get along in a small apartment, but, like the American one, this breed of dog also needs physical activity.

Recently, an absolutely amazing pit bull color was obtained in Albania. Outwardly, he looks more like a real leopard and at first glance it is difficult to determine that such a dog really belongs to pit bulls. The so-called Albanian pit bull actually exists, although it has not yet been officially registered. So extraordinary appearance and the color of the dog was obtained by crossing a Dalmatian with a pit bull.

The nature of dogs

Most people have a very negative attitude towards this breed of dog due to the fact that pit bull attacks on humans are increasingly occurring. In the modern world, there is a stereotype that pit bulls, being fighting dogs, have uncontrolled aggression and can attack for no reason. But pit bulls were originally trained as dogs, always ready to engage in a “fight” on command, but never attacking a person for no apparent reason. During dog fights, a pit bull that showed aggression towards a person was immediately disqualified. It is for this reason that these dogs do not have unreasonable aggression towards people, but with improper upbringing, anger towards others in this breed can develop very quickly.

If a person gets a pit bull in the hope of getting a faithful and active companion for life, then this dog will perfectly cope with this task. This breed has remarkable natural energy and curiosity, so they are ready to go anywhere for the owner at any second. An adult pit bull behaves like a mischievous puppy, playing with the owner with pleasure and excitement. He willingly executes commands and is always ready for active training.

The character of the pit bull is literally created by the owner himself. From a dog of this breed you can grow a vicious and aggressive dog who, for no apparent reason, may rush after another animal or stranger, or an active, friendly and inquisitive friend who will get along great with others. The formation of the character of the pit bull, however, as in other breeds of dogs, occurs in puppyhood. If, being small, the pit bull received any psychological trauma and saw only aggression and negative attitude from people, then it will grow up as an angry, uncontrollable dog.

Dogs get along well with children, but they are still not recommended to be left alone with newborn babies or preschoolers. They get along quite well with other pets, especially if they grew up with them from puppyhood.

Adult dogs of this breed have a very persistent character. They are quite self-confident and aware of their power, but at the same time they do not seek to take superiority over their owner, but on the contrary, they are always ready to fulfill his commands and come at the first call. Despite their spontaneity and playfulness, pit bulls are very reasonable and attentive. The positive qualities of a dog of this breed will be able to fully show only if it is competent, timely upbringing and proper training.

Education and training of dogs

Numerous breeders and dog handlers claim that pit bulls easily remember various complex and simple commands and are very easy to train.

To teach a pit bull to obedience, you first need to go through an initial training course. After mastering this simple knowledge, the owner will be able to teach his pet any complex commands, thanks to which the dog will learn to control his aggression, and the owner will control the dog.

When raising an animal, it is necessary to be consistent in actions. Dogs of this breed can be stubborn if they feel insecure during training from their owner.

You can not develop aggression in a pit bull towards surrounding strangers. Over time, the dog will become uncontrollable and the spirit of a fighter will wake up in it. Such a dog will be a real threat to strangers, because he does not just attack, biting anywhere, but chooses weak spots on the human body. Thanks to strong teeth, the dog clings to its prey with a stranglehold and can cause serious harm to human health. That is why the dog should never be taught to aggressive behavior.

Looking at the statistics, you can see that the attack of pit bulls on a person is about 10% of total number cases. A bunch of horror stories, fueling the popular belief that pit bulls are unreasonably aggressive, walks not because of the large number of attacks, but because of the consequences of their destructive bites. In addition, some owners purposefully acquire pit bulls to bully others, using them as a kind of bodyguards.

But there are also adequate breeders who keep pit bulls to participate in a variety of competitions with them, such as passing obstacles for a while, towing heavy loads and tug of war. Such tests for a dog of this breed are very interesting, and he takes part in them with great pleasure, setting new records. Thanks to such exciting activities, pit bulls are once again becoming an increasingly popular dog breed.

Noble lion in a dog's skin (video)

Care and maintenance

Pit bulls are just as easy to care for as they are to train. The only thing a dog really needs is a proper balanced diet. For an active animal, you need to pick up food with a large energy value so that the dog develops a muscular physique and good health. But this does not mean that it must be fed exclusively. meat products- His daily diet must certainly include vegetable components. Meat, as a source of protein, should be present in the diet in larger quantities so that the pet develops stable immunity to various diseases.

Dairy products (except milk) are also useful because they contain a large number of proteins and fats.

Those owners who prefer to feed the dog with ready-made dry or canned food should take into account the fact that dogs of this breed may develop an allergic reaction to one or another component.

As for bathing a pit bull, it is enough to wash it once every 6 months. It is necessary to comb the dog and wipe his ears about 1 time per week. With sufficient physical training, the dog gets along well in a city apartment, but it is more comfortable for him in a country house.

Pit bull dogs are prone to set excess weight, and therefore, with insufficient loads and improper nutrition, the body weight of the dog will quickly go beyond the norm. Excess weight can lead to various diseases in the future. Be careful!

Attention, only TODAY!

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in care
Endurance in the cold
Heat endurance

american pit bull terrier- a breed that has not yet been recognized by the International Cynological Federation, but this does not make it less interesting. Attitude towards dogs of this breed is ambiguous. In the countries of the European Union and Australia, the pit bull terrier is prohibited at the legislative level, and in the USA, on the contrary, at the end of the 19th century, the UKC club appeared, where representatives of the breed are registered. Another organization involved in breeding work is the ADBA. It has been registering pit bull terriers from all over the world since 1909.

Wariness towards the dog is connected with its past: pit bulls were participants in dog fights and were recognized as a killing machine. In fact, American Pit Bull Terriers are great with people, are not aggressive, and are renowned for their search and rescue abilities.

Interesting! American pit bull terriers are called "nanny dogs" because of their non-aggressive and patient attitude towards children..

The United States is recognized as the country of origin of the breed. Indeed, in America they have fully developed into a breed, with its inherent features of the exterior and behavior. But the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier began in England. The first pit bulls lived in Ireland, Spain, Holland. Their ancestors were English bulldogs and terriers. There is an opinion that English laws forbidding peasants to keep large dogs contributed to the appearance of the breed. Terriers, suitable for hunting small animals, and bulldogs for protection, did not fall under this ban. As a result of crossing, dogs were obtained that combined the dexterity, mobility of the former and insensitivity to wounds, fearlessness of the latter.

Interesting! The word "pit bull terrier" means "fighting bull terrier" from the English word pit - a pit for fighting. The dogs of the breed were called Pitdog, Bullend Terrier, and Yankee Terrier, but the name Pit Bull Terrier became official name capacious, reflecting the purpose and origin of the breed: fighting bulldog terrier.

First american pit bull terriers were imported to the New World around the middle of the 18th - 19th centuries from England and Ireland. They became very popular in America not without the help of the organizers of dog fights. Pit bulls were valued by them, as they were real fighting machines.

Pit bulls today are dogs that are prohibited from being imported into the EU countries, owners from Germany need to obtain a special permit to keep the breed, at the same time they are popular in Russia and the USA, they are often used as service dogs.

Characteristics, description, character

American Pit Bull Terrier, character which absorbed all the best from terriers and bulldogs, is distinguished by a harmoniously folded body. Representatives of the breed live up to 12 years. They are characterized by:

  • head, which is especially wide between the cheeks. There is an explanation for this: powerful jaws are located there;
  • muscular, well-defined neck;
  • deep, powerful and well developed chest;
  • muscular body;
  • stockiness. The growth of dogs of the breed is 40-42 cm at the withers for males, 38-40 cm for females. Despite external data, pit bull terriers are agile and mobile;
  • strong forelimbs, located perpendicular to the surface;
  • muscular hind limbs, widely spaced;
  • scissor bite;
  • slightly convex loin;
  • The color can be any, but cynological organizations do not accept a blue shade of wool.

Funny, good-natured, affectionate, loyal to other people and animals - these characteristics apply to the American Pit Bull Terrier. Pit bulls are fighting dogs, their purpose leaves an imprint on his behavior. When they feel they need the protection of their master, they can fight to the death. But aggression towards a person is an unacceptable character trait, they were eradicated in them over the centuries, while the formation of the breed took place.

The formation of character occurs in childhood, and the owner of the dog is the main builder of the future behavior of his pet. If education goes in the right direction, traumatic factors are excluded, a pit bull terrier will grow up with a stable character and predictable behavior.

  1. Pit bulls are inquisitive, they are always ready to learn and explore what surrounds them.
  2. They are active, they love it when they play active games with them. They follow the owner everywhere and carry out all his commands.
  3. In the family, they are tolerant, they can endure the pranks of children for a long time, if they are even a little rude.
  4. Courage and selflessness are about pit bulls.


Like any breed pit bull terrier disease are genetically determined or caused by improper care and nutrition. He most often has:

  • Heart disease, which can be suspected by wheezing and coughing of a dog.
  • Dirofilariasis is an infection with heartworms.
  • Demodicosis - infection with ticks that cause severe discomfort.
  • Dysplasia of the hip joint.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Allergy to grass, food, chemicals.


American Pit Bull Terrier, grooming behind which is uncomplicated - the dog is unpretentious. Important condition- provide from childhood proper nutrition to provide the animal with a strong physique and health. The diet should consist of foods with a high energy value. The frequency of feeding for puppies is 6 times a day, in small portions. As they grow older, the portions are increased, the number of feedings is reduced to 1 time per day, preferably at the same time and from the same dishes. Availability clean water freely available for sure.

Daily and weekly hygiene procedures should be familiar to the dog. Pit bulls have short hair, so frequent and thorough combing is not required. The breed itself is very clean, so they rarely get dirty during walks. If there is no pollution, then you should bathe the pit bull once every six months, and after walking, wash your paws and limbs.

Checking the condition of the ears is a regular procedure, in order to avoid inflammation, they must be dry and clean. The nails are trimmed if the dog does not have the opportunity to walk on a hard surface on which the claws grind down naturally.

If the owners decide to keep the pit bull in the apartment, the existence in a limited space should be compensated by a sufficient level of physical activity during walks.

Raising an American Pit Bull Terrier

The breed is characterized by a lively mind and curiosity, therefore pit bull terrier training is an easy undertaking. The dog easily learns new things, learns commands quickly and willingly executes them. Experts advise you to first go through a general training course in order to raise an obedient animal. Practice shows that the basics of protective guard duty are also easy for a pit bull. Even if there is no goal to make him a service dog, the ZKS course will allow the dog to learn to control his own aggression, and the owner to learn to control and understand his pet.

It is necessary from childhood to suppress the slightest manifestations of aggression towards a person, otherwise your dog will pose a direct threat to others. If something happens, the pit bull will not just bite, but will choose vital places, fighting qualities will make themselves felt.

Breed bans are associated with the devastating and sometimes irreversible consequences of pit bull terrier attacks. But statistics show that of all attacks, only about 10% are attacks on a person, but this is enough for pit bulls to instill fear in people.


Pit bull terrier puppies require activity, responsibility and experience from the owner, therefore, when deciding to get these energetic dogs in your home, think about whether you have enough perseverance for their proper upbringing.

Purpose of acquiring a puppy is also important. If you need affection a pet, then pet-class puppies will do. They will not become champions at exhibitions, they are not suitable for further breeding, but they will become reliable and devoted companions that can decorate leisure time.

Breed class and show class puppies can compete for prizes and victories. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the playfulness and activity of the puppy, and if he shows aggression, then this is not the best indicator.

The origin of the puppy is 50% success. If the puppy's parents are dogs with adequate behavior, excellent health, then this is a guarantee of acquiring a quality puppy. Do not buy puppies from unverified individuals, only kennels and reputable breeders can provide documents for puppies.


In the dog market american pit bull terrier, price which does not exceed 20 thousand rubles, is sold mainly without documents. This is due to the fact that the breed is not recognized by the Russian Cynological Federation. Most puppies are sold from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

If you are offered elite puppies, then this should alert you, since their status is most likely not true. Only dogs that are already prize-winners and winners of exhibitions and competitions can be elite.

Puppies with a pedigree that is registered with American cynological organizations cost at least 20 thousand rubles.

The American Pit Bull Terrier, or Pit Bull for short, is one of the most controversial breeds in the world. Few dogs cause such controversy about whether they have a right to exist or not. All owners were divided into two camps - some are sure that representatives of this breed are safe creatures, while others believe that pit bulls are real killing machines and they have no place in the human world. But what does it actually turn out, what are these dogs?

Despite its name, the breed did not originate in America. The first pit bull terriers lived on the territory of such countries as England, Holland, Spain, Italy, Ireland. But most of all, it was American breeders who became interested in representatives of this breed, and I must say, they did a tremendous job on the development and improvement of pit bulls.

The era of the New Age was marked by a great love of people for dog fights, and it was pit bull terriers who acted as fighters. In addition, they were successfully used as guards and big game hunters. Studies have shown that already in the 16th century there were dogs that looked like modern pit bulls.

Representatives of the breed descended from very warlike thoroughbred dogs - the English Bulldog and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which were used to bait bears and bulls in the medieval arena. So, naturally, the fighting qualities of American Pit Bull Terriers are in the blood. Naturally, while fighting was allowed, the breed was at the peak of popularity.

Such use of dogs could not but affect their reputation among ordinary people. At their mention, the image of a dog with wild eyes and a bloody muzzle rose before my eyes. Of course, this had a negative impact on the distribution of the breed after it was officially banned from fighting with animals.

American Pit Bull Terrier puppy in the photo

There was a strong opinion that if the pit bull is not used for its intended purpose, it becomes dangerous to humans. The media intensively developed this idea, publishing many examples of accidents in which the culprit was a dog of this breed.

American citizens sought a ban on the breed by taking to the streets to rally. Things did not come to such a cardinal decision, and the breeders found a golden mean in the development of pit bull terriers in the new conditions. The basis for the further breeding of thoroughbred pit bulls included two main criteria - the desire to win and a friendly attitude towards people.

The World Cynological Federation has not yet recognized this breed, its standards were developed and approved by the UKC (the oldest major kennel club). Until now, in many European countries, this breed is prohibited.

Descriptive Characteristics

Despite the fact that American Pit Bull Terriers have not received recognition in the main cynological organization, there are still certain standards according to which representatives of the breed are evaluated.

In appearance, the pit bull is the personification of strength and excellent health. The torso is athletically toned, the developed muscles are visible to the naked eye. The requirements for the breed do not allow overweight, dogs must be thin with visualization of the costal bones.

Common external features that are characteristic of all pit bull dogs include:

  • Color in pit bulls it can be the most diverse, except for marble and albino.
  • coat smooth, short, glossy, without undercoat.
  • Head in dogs of this breed it is large and wedge-shaped.
  • Muzzle voluminous, the pits have powerful strong jaws and well-developed muscles in the cheek area.
  • Landing ears high. Their cupping occurs solely at the request of the owners.
  • Eyes in pit bull terriers, they are small, widely spaced, and almond-shaped. Any color according to the standard is allowed, but not blue.
  • Rib cage in dogs it is wide, has depth.
  • nose can be any color that is in harmony with the color of the coat.
  • The dog stands on strong, muscular paws, with wide hips.
  • Tail medium length, thick at the base and gradually tapering towards the end.
  • Male must to weight from 15.9 kg to 37.2 kg, females from 13.6 to 22.7.
  • Height at the withers in males 40-42 cm, females - 37-40 cm.

Character of pit bull terriers

In the photo, the dog breed is American Pit Bull Terrier

Possessing not entirely peaceful ancestors and having their own fighting history, pit bull terriers were known as angry fighting dogs, not suitable for other purposes. Is it really so?

For many decades, selection work with the breed was aimed at cultivating the spirit of competition in dogs and a willingness to fight, but at the same time, aggression towards people was considered unacceptable.

Yes, there is some anger in the blood of such dogs, but it is directed exclusively at other animals. As for people, here American Pit Bull Terriers are friendly and easily make contact. They are very fond of affection. Of course, with special diligence, you can develop hatred for a person in a dog, and this is quite easy to do. But it is not difficult to embitter a representative of almost any breed in this way.

Among the positive qualities of pit bulls, one can note a penetrating mind, boundless courage and self-confidence. They often show themselves in dangerous situations, for example, saving people from fires, being exposed to bullets, protecting their families from robbers.

When participating in competitions, pit bull terriers show amazing performance and endurance. With a huge supply of energy, they can play for hours without getting tired. In addition, they love when the owner participates in their fun.

They do not have natural stubbornness; pit bulls respond with pleasure to performing any, even physically difficult, tasks. On the contrary, such actions are necessary for the good shape and psychological state of the pet.

Pit bull terriers have proven themselves well as companion dogs. They treat children well, allowing them to commit various pranks. But, given the strength of dogs and the speed of their reactions, you still should not leave small children alone with such formidable animals.

Of course, dogs of this, as well as any other breed, have their own characteristics. Pit bull terriers are far from decorative dogs and require early training. It is necessary to stop their tendency to dominance even in puppyhood. The dog must understand that the main owner here. Of course, with such genetic baggage and physical development, a poorly trained dog can become a dangerous weapon.

It is worth knowing that the increased activity of pit bull terriers requires constant long walks, intensive training. Otherwise, the dog begins to find its own, not always acceptable ways, to release excess energy.

Ever since the days of fighting and hunting, the rejection of other animals has been inherent in the nature of these dogs. At this point, you should pay attention, especially if there is a desire to take a pit bull, but there are already other pets at home. Of course, this does not apply to all representatives of the breed, there are, and often, exceptions, but you need to be prepared for this.

Pit bull maintenance and necessary care

Pictured American Pit Bull Terrier

The pit bull is an exclusively domestic dog that is not suitable for street keeping. Without an undercoat, the animal will simply die on the street. In an apartment or house, there are no particular problems, the main thing is to regularly walk and engage the pet with physical activity so that it does not spoil property out of boredom.

During the heat it is necessary to protect the pet from direct sunlight. Running under the scorching sun, the dog is at risk of getting heatstroke. Twice is enough, but one of them should last at least an hour. This will be quite enough for the dog to spend excess energy.

It is necessary, it is enough to treat it with a special brush once or twice a week. In most cases, pit bulls grind their claws on their own during street walks. However, if this does not happen, then it is recommended to cut them with special tweezers or nail cutters (read). Ears should be checked regularly and cleaned as needed.

Pit Bull Video

Cost of pit bull terrier puppies

Before you buy an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy, you should know that it cannot be elite, and the inflated price is just a cunning move by the seller to get more profit. Only an adult dog, having received awards in competitions and diplomas in exhibitions, is considered elite and will cost a lot.

Very rare in the area Russian Federation you can meet pit bull terrier puppies with pedigrees registered in international associations. The price of such copies can reach 25,000 rubles.

If puppies with a Russian pedigree are offered, then this is a hoax - RFC has not recognized the existence of this breed. Therefore, the lion's share of pit bull terrier puppies is sold without documents, at an affordable price from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles.

When buying a pit bull, it is important to understand that how he grows up - kind or aggressive, depends more on the owner and his attitude towards the pet.

Pit bull kennels:

Good pit bull terrier kennel in Moscow:

Breeders in St. Petersburg:

Kennels in Ukraine:

The Pit Bull is a medium-sized dog with a strong build and well-defined musculature. The breed is characterized by athleticism, distinguished by a mountain of muscles.

The color of the pit bull of different colors and shades. The dog is always ready for heavy loads and is ideal for protecting homes and families.

Pit bull breeds are not at all as bloodthirsty or aggressive as owners say. These are quite peaceful and adequate dogs.

History of the breed

The history of the breed is truly unique. Starts from 1888. The American Bull Terrier is a cross between a Bulldog and a Terrier. It started with bulldogs. In Old England, bulldogs were considered dogs for baiting animals. Later bullying was banned. People began to use bulldogs for dog fights. True, later interest in fighting with dogs simply disappeared. Bulldogs, despite the anger and aggression towards rivals, turned out to be clumsy. Representatives of the breed could not jump and dodge dexterous rivals. The result of the battles was considered known.

Given the characteristics, bulldogs began to be crossed with representatives of dexterous and mobile breeds. The species obtained by crossing a bulldog and a terrier turned out to be successful. The American Bull Terrier was born.

The Pit Bull dog breed was considered a fighting dog. Pit bulls were indeed used for dog fighting. After the prohibition of fighting, breeding of dogs continued, fights began to be carried out illegally in order to earn money on bets. Dogs were bred according to the principle of "killer dogs", with early age learning to fight. After fights, the more the dog won in fights, the more expensive than a dog sold. Previously, this type of gambling was considered a powerful and profitable sweepstakes. The dog American Pit Bull Terrier was quite suitable for participation in battles. She is aggressive, cruel, quick to react.

The breed originally appeared in the United States of America. After the prohibition of fighting and the identification of the aggressive qualities of dogs, at the initiative of the government, the mass media carried out agitation of the population for the complete destruction of the breed. The press constantly talked about the brutal attacks of pit bull terriers on people, cited terrible-looking photos and comments.

In fact, the characteristics of the breed are such that it is realistic to raise an excellent guard dog from a pit bull terrier. Due to their sharp sense of smell, representatives of the breed are indispensable when working in special services. Mainly used to search for narcotic substances and explosives. Today, in European countries, the breeding and keeping of American pit bulls is strictly prohibited. In Russia and the USA the breed is popular. There are strict rules for dog breeders.

Description and standard

Pit bull - at first glance makes it clear that the breed is strong and passionate:

  • head with wide cheekbones and a powerful jaw - the dog has a strong grip;
  • a strong neck with well-developed muscles smoothly passes into a wide chest;
  • slightly elongated muzzle with small eyes - they always look straight, which makes it seem that the look is slightly "prickly";
  • the torso is powerful, the physique is strong;
  • leg bones are rounded, strong;
  • the coat is short and coarse, there is no undercoat;
  • color - the standard does not distinguish a certain color;
  • height - 43-53 cm;
  • weight - 12-36 kg.

The pit bull is an excellent bodyguard, well suited for police service, where faithful dogs are required. The dog looks a little harsh - but at the same time the best and most affectionate nanny for children, loves to play games with children.

Despite the listed positive qualities of strong dogs, distrust of the breed remains. Breeding pit bulls is strictly prohibited in Sweden and in select US states. In others, dogs are allowed, but walking is allowed in the evening and in muzzles.

Advantages of APBT

  1. The Pit Bull is an obedient dog, easy to train.
  2. The breed requires persistent, not too rough education.
  3. You can't be cruel to a dog.
  4. Pitbull is great for apartment life.
  5. It is not necessary to keep the dog on a chain, it will soon become aggressive. The pit bull is sensitive to drafts.
  6. Easily makes friends with children and often becomes an excellent nanny.
  7. They know how to smile when pets feel good.
  8. They are devoted to their owners, do not pretend to be leaders in the family.
  9. At the slightest threat to the family, they will rush to the defense without hesitation.

The nature of the breed

A pit bull is a dog with a character, where the basis is strength, confidence and interest in life. Pit bulls are good family dogs, they love children. The dogs are agile, able to climb and climb, the fence will not become a hindrance. Pitbull has a wide range of different services.

During for long years the nature of the breed changed. Today, the dog has become friendly and balanced in character, endowed with amazing intelligence, always ready to help the owner. The breed has retained a hunting instinct, used in hunting animals and suitable for housing protection. The dog demonstrates complete dedication and the highest intelligence.

Do not listen to stories that tell you that a pit bull should be treated rudely, tortured for the greater courage of the dog. The pit bull characterizes courage and fearlessness, requires attention and love, appreciates the owner's love.

Pit bull care

The American Bull Terrier breed is suitable for keeping in an apartment and in a private house. Dogs need long walks and active games, otherwise, with excess nutrition, the Bull Terrier easily gains excess weight.

  1. Regular brushing is not necessary, given that Bull Terriers do not show thick and long coats.
  2. Watch the condition of the claws on the paws. Most often, the claws wear down on their own, but it is better to periodically inspect the paws and trim the claws if the tips of the claws have grown below the fingertips on the paw. If the nails are not trimmed in a timely manner, the dog limps when walking.
  3. Check your ears and eyes for prevention. Keep clean and dry.

Representatives of the breed are clean animals, it is advisable to bathe and wash as needed (about once every six months). Proper care of the American Bull Terrier is the correct diet and mandatory nutrition control. The disadvantage of the breed is called:

  • The tendency of dogs to be overweight. If the pet does not receive appropriate physical activity, monitor the dog's weight. Excess body weight leads to diseases in the dog's body.
  • Sensitivity to all kinds of skin diseases. From malnutrition, bull terriers develop signs of allergies.

Proper grooming of the American Pit Bull Terrier should begin at an early age, teaching the dog to respond calmly to procedures. Given the fighting characteristics of dogs, regular exercise is recommended. The species is active, unable to vegetate in inactivity. Avoiding the chance to find an apartment or house in a deplorable state, take care of a number of physical exercises for your pet: active games during walks, running, competitions - just to give a way out.

Mistakes when choosing a puppy

When choosing a pit bull, it is better to purchase in a good nursery.

  • Be sure to check the dog's pedigree first.

If the pedigree is decent, choose the right puppy. The choice is difficult, the pit bull puppies are beautiful, you want to take everyone.

  • A common mistake is when choosing a puppy with a big head. Its large head does not provide power.
  • It is not recommended to choose a puppy with fragile joints, poor foot position and an incorrect back.

Pet feeding

Choose a diet that is as balanced as possible. The diet includes vitamins and essential minerals. It is permissible to feed dry food, natural products. First of all, the pit bull terrier needs a daily routine.

  1. You can't force a dog to eat.
  2. Do not deliberately give unloved foods.
  3. It is forbidden to starve, even teaching to eat everything.

You can't starve a dog! A pet is a member of the family, with its own preferences. This will have to be taken into account.

Raising a puppy

Pit bull puppies are fed 4-5 times a day. The diet is provided with high-calorie! Proper nutrition involves:

  • feed at a set time;
  • it is important to constantly change the water;
  • food should be given from permanent dishes, it is better to purchase a plastic or aluminum plate.

Most bull terrier breeders prefer to use dry food for their pets, this way of eating is easier. If you are going to follow suit, remember that dry food is selected:

  1. The most balanced in composition for the pet breed.
  2. Be sure to consider your dog's weight and lifestyle when choosing food.
  3. Feed premium containing additional trace elements and vitamins.

Nutrition of adults

As a rule, feeding an adult dog depends on the type of puppy food. Often make a choice in favor of high-quality dry food. Of course, feeds are much more expensive than universal ones, not highly enriched with useful microelements ... But saving money on a pet's health is simply unacceptable.

For feeding an adult American Bull Terrier, a “natural” is quite recommended. If you use natural foods, remember:

  • The diet necessarily includes meat - either boiled or raw veal;
  • Boiled fish is acceptable, but it is important to remove the bones;
  • Boiled egg - preferably given three times a week;
  • Cereals are served to the dog only in the form of cereals. The best cereals from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • From the dairy products of an adult, cottage cheese is given. Rarely cheese. It is permissible to use it as a treat and treat the pet as a reward;
  • Vegetables and fruits are included in the diet without fail.

Choose high quality products!

Prohibited Products

In order for the pet to remain cheerful and calm, you need to feed it correctly. Most dog diseases are related to malnutrition.

  • It is forbidden to give the animal unwashed fruits or vegetables.

In addition to dirt, fruits are treated with special chemicals for long-term storage, which are harmful to the health of the pet.

  • Don't give your bull terrier chocolate.
  • Eliminate milk and pork from the dog's diet.
  • Avoid feeding your dog table scraps or human food.

Most inexperienced owners who have recently entered the role of dog breeders make a serious mistake in feeding the dog. They allow the dog to enjoy its own food, which is forbidden. The dog will eat, but such an action will harm the animal.

Malnutrition in dogs is expressed in difficulties with digestion and skin diseases. Do not trust the taste of bull terriers and give goodies from the table. It is better to buy a treat at a pet store designed specifically for dogs.

Training and education

Dogs American Bull Terrier are unique, selfless and devoted. Remember a simple truth when starting dog training: you will need to be on the same wavelength with your pet. Try to understand the pet, it will bring success in training.

  • American Bull Terrier puppies must gradually adapt to the world around them.
  • Obliged to know and understand things explained by the owner.
  • In childhood, bull terriers are in dire need of communication with a person.
  • Training is carried out in a similar way: when the dog is left to itself, the dog must behave calmly.

The dog breed American Pit Bull Terrier is known for its fighting skills, in terms of training it requires rigor, but in moderation. It is worth considering the nature of the dog, strong-willed and strong disposition. APBT training - teaching standard commands from an early age. Do not start the educational process.

Pit bull terriers easily recognize the superiority of the owner. It is desirable to carry out training at the initial stages of education in the form sports games. The dog should go to training with joy. Do not leave pit bulls alone - it can have a bad effect on the dog's psyche. On the contrary, try to welcome the dog more often in the family circle.

The result of raising a pet depends on the owner. For dogs, aggressiveness caused by a similar response is unacceptable. The owner, who is afraid of the pet, will be on the occasion of the dog, because the dog will certainly feel the owner's timidity. Weigh your own strengths and capabilities - will you pull such a dog?

Pit bull is a fighting dog, but it is often used as a hunting dog. These animals are so famous for their bad temper that in a number of countries they are banned at the legislative level. Many people who are not afraid of the glory of these animals are interested in how much a pit bull puppy costs. In fact, the price for them is not so high. A thoroughbred individual can be purchased for only 15–25 thousand rubles.

The future owners of such an animal need to know everything about the pit bull, its temperament and the need for training, since only in this case it is possible to take all necessary measures in advance so that the pet is safe for both households and strangers. With the right approach to education, the dog will become not only an excellent watchman and companion, but also a full-fledged family member who will treat with tenderness not only people, but also other animals living in an apartment or house.

Origin of the Pit Bull Terrier

These creatures were not bred as cute pets. It is believed that this breed was bred by the collective efforts of breeders from England, Ireland and Scotland. Active work on its creation began in the 17th century. Breeders' efforts have been directed towards obtaining an animal that has the strength and low sensitivity to pain inherent in bulldogs, as well as the agility and agility that all terriers possess. Dogs with these characteristics were required to participate in bull-baiting. This entertainment was banned in 1800, but the pit bull breed still found a place, because at that time dog fights became very popular.

Thus, aggressiveness, fearlessness, the ability to throw even a larger animal until it is defeated, as well as insensitivity to pain were cultivated in this pet for a long time. At the same time, in 1835, dog fighting was banned in England, so the best specimens were taken to America, where such entertainment was only gaining popularity.

The pit bull dog breed was officially recognized in the UK only in 1898. In America, these animals were described only in 1930, but there the breed received a new name. In Canada and the United States, this animal became known as the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Many people who have animals because of their external characteristics, knew little about the breed and the specifics of its breeding. Incorrect upbringing of an animal often causes an attack on a person, and given that these dogs are insensitive to pain and were bred to attack until their opponent died, the results of such attacks were very sad. The aggressiveness of the American pit bull, laid down through long-term selection, is currently being eradicated by people.

These dogs simply need proper early socialization, including meeting new people, getting used to various smells and extraneous noises. Only in this case, the puppy will grow into a safe and balanced dog that will be devoted to its owner. Now the efforts of breeders are aimed not only at eradicating the characteristics originally inherent in animals, but also at breeding specimens that would be suitable for participation in exhibitions.

Description of representatives of the breed pit bull terrier

The development of standards for these amazing animals is still ongoing. Currently, pit bull terriers are usually divided into terrier, bulldog and mixed type. The description of the breed is complicated by the fact that these pets have a number of pedigree lines that have a number of significant differences between them. When assessing the dimensions of an animal, breeders are guided mainly by its weight.

It can vary from 12 to 36 kg. Males are usually slightly larger than females.

The growth of an animal often depends on the weight and proportions of the available skeleton. Usually the size of a dog is not indicative when assessing the quality of a representative of this breed. Experienced breeders pay attention to the harmony of the physique. The body has a rectangular shape. The neck of the animal is not too long, but muscular. When the pit bull is at rest, it has a gentle curve. The chest of the animal is very deep, the shoulders are wide, the ribs are rounded and retracted. The pit bull's crotch line is taut, and the back is flat and wide.

The limbs of representatives of this breed are usually of medium length.

The front paws are set wide apart. Elbows should be strictly parallel to the chest. The hind legs are equal in length to the front ones. The thighs are muscular. Representatives of this breed have a proportionally short tail. Docking this part of the body is strictly prohibited, as it can cause the death of a pit bull puppy. The head of the animal should be almost square in shape and have a wide and flat forehead. Even American Pit Bull Terrier puppies have characteristic square cheekbones and thick cheeks. They can be both drawn and sagging.

There are no folds on the cheeks of thoroughbred animals. The transition from the forehead to the nose has a pronounced bend, but there is no sharp angle. The bridge of the nose is usually flat. Some representatives of this breed are allowed to have pronounced eye sockets and furrows between the eyes.

The American Pit Bull has a strong, deep jaw. Its upper and lower parts close tightly, which creates a rectangular shape of the muzzle. The teeth of the animal are usually large, they fit snugly together and close into a lock. The danger of pit bull bites largely stems from the fact that animals have a scissor bite. It causes pieces of flesh to be torn out when it bites its opponent.

The American Pit Bull Terrier has wide and high-set ears. In regions where cropping is not prohibited, they are usually pruned at an early age. In this case, the auricles stand straight. The shape of the eyes can be round, oval or almond shaped. Any palette of irises allows. The eyes are set wide.

The nose of the animal should be tight and with well developed nostrils. The earlobe can be any color, but the most common are black and brown nosed breeds. The color of the coat is the most diverse. A pure white, brown, or black pit bull is rare. Usually there are spots on the background of the main color white color, which are more often located on the chest, abdomen, and sometimes the muzzle or on the legs.

Often you can find a brindle skin color in these creatures. A similar effect is created when there are a large number of black blotches and stripes on the red-brown base color. Among many other breeds of dogs, the pit bull can also have a blue coat. This color is considered forbidden, since the gene that leads to such pigmentation often causes the development of severe hearing and vision disorders.

Individuals with a blue coat color are not currently involved in breeding work.

Temperament of the representatives of the Pit Bull Terrier breed

These creatures are quite complex. They were bred to attack larger animals or members of their own species. These instincts, ingrained in the selection process, are extremely difficult to eradicate, which is why the American Pit Bull Terrier is considered an aggressive breed that requires special attention. Experienced cynologists do not recommend using these animals as guards, as teaching them aggressive behavior towards humans can lead to a serious imbalance in their psyche and will inevitably cause tragedies.

The ill-formed pit bull character is a ticking time bomb. Animal training should be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of breeding this breed. Only in this case the dog will have a playful and friendly disposition. The characterization of this breed of dog as extremely dangerous and aggressive and the many stories of their attacks on people ending in severe injuries are the result of the fact that the upbringing of a pit bull is often left to chance by the owners or the animal was “trained” to attack a person.

These dogs are distinguished by activity and phenomenal physical endurance.

Pit bull training should take place in the form of a game. To keep the animal in shape, you can use special weighting agents. Do not scream or hit the dog, as this may further provoke aggressive attacks towards the person. These creatures are recommended to be started only by very balanced people, since such a pet needs to be raised in love and care, but at the same time clearly showing who is the boss in the house.

It is better to train a dog based on the recommendation of an experienced dog handler. This will prevent the dog from developing negative habits and will contribute to the development of the right attitude towards others. Pit bulls are quite intelligent creatures, so they quickly learn to perform various commands. A well-bred American Pit Bull Terrier has a calm and friendly disposition. He gets along well with other pets as well as with small children. This is a faithful companion and a real family member.

Pit bull maintenance and care

These creatures are perfect for keeping in an apartment and for a private house. The American Bull Terrier is very picky when it comes to walking. For walks, you need to choose more and more new places so that the dog has the opportunity to socialize and get used not only to new people, but also to animals from early childhood.

In order for a balanced adult pit bull to grow up, the puppy must immediately become accustomed to obedience to the owner. These animals very quickly become attached to the owner and members of his family, so it is very difficult to endure parting. Do not leave it unattended for a long time. American pit bull puppies, like adult representatives of this breed, do not tolerate cold weather, so long walks are not welcome at this time.

These animals will also not be able to live on the street in a kennel, since they do not have a warm fur cover. The coat does not need to be brushed frequently, but occasional bathing is required. Particularly important water procedures if the animal is too active during walks. A Pit Bull Terrier puppy should get used to taking baths from an early age. Approximately 1 time in 2 weeks it is required to trim the nails of the animal. This should be taught from an early age. Ear cleaning in pit bulls is carried out as needed.

In fact, these animals are quite unpretentious in terms of maintenance and do not require special care.

These animals have very strong jaws, so they constantly have a need to chew something. To prevent damage to furniture, it is necessary to provide the pit bull terrier with toys that are strong and hard enough that he cannot swallow. Due to the natural aggression of these dogs towards strangers, in public places they must be walked exclusively on a leash and in a muzzle.

Feeding the Pit Bull Terrier

In order for the animal to grow up healthy and strong, it is very important to provide him with a complete diet. You need to figure out what to feed a pit bull puppy before he gets into the house. Often, young individuals are given to a new family from 2 months of age. At this time, the pit bull terrier puppy needs to be fed with natural products. Their diet may include:

  • cereals;
  • cooked meat;
  • thermally processed fish;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • steamed vegetables, etc.

A puppy should consume a variety of foods in order to get enough vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats necessary for normal growth and development. The number of meals per day can reach up to 5-7. Portions during feeding should be small so that the pet does not pass.

Pit bull puppies during the first year of life are gradually accustomed to reducing the frequency of food intake. By the end of the year, you need to fill the bowl of the animal 2 times a day. Starting from 2 months of age, it is necessary to gradually transfer the animal to high-quality dry food.

At first it is given as a reward, and at about 6 months of age, the pit bull terrier can be transferred completely to dry food. Before feeding a pit bull, be sure to make sure that his bowl is clean and free of leftovers from last time. To ensure that the animal receives all the necessary nutrients, it is better to give preference to premium class dry mixes with a protein content of at least 26%. Usually, an adult animal needs 2-2.5 bowls of this food per day.

The pet must always have access to clean water.

Common Pit Bull Terrier Diseases

With proper care, these animals usually do not experience special health problems. At the same time, pit bull puppies often suffer from dysplasia. hip joints. The development of this disease is often accompanied by a decrease in the activity of pets and the desire to constantly be in the same position. Later, the dog begins to limp and experience severe pain.

Quite often, these animals are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, that is, dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This disease provokes rapid weight gain. Other manifestations of pathology include the deterioration of the condition of the coat. Hypothyroidism usually develops in middle-aged dogs. To correct this pathological condition daily intake of necessary medications is required.

Relatively often, pit bull terriers are diagnosed with heart disease. This breed is also characterized by congenital malformations of this organ. Usually for a long time they do not have symptoms indicating this problem. At the same time, dogs suffering from cardiac diseases are prone to rapid fatigue. With increased stress, a sick individual may suffer from shortness of breath. Often, it is problems in the work of the heart that cause the sudden death of the animal.