The Kama forester told how he miraculously survived after a bear attack. Non-survivor: In the Khabarovsk Territory, a huge cannibal bear tore to pieces a mushroom picker In the Perm Territory, a bear pulled up

Two cases of bear attacks on people occurred in the Perm Territory at once. The correspondent of the site talked with one of the miraculously surviving men and found out how the attack took place and how he managed to escape.

Sergei works as a forester in one of the forestry organizations in the Chernushinsky district. On a typical working day, he was attacked by a bear. The man miraculously managed to escape.

On Friday, August 25, my partner and I went to the forest to work, - says Sergey. - When they entered the forest, they immediately began to make noise and blow up firecrackers, to declare themselves. This is a standard procedure that lets the animals know that they are not alone in the forest. The partner stayed to cut trees, and I went further into the forest. On the way, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I walked deeper into the forest. At some point, I turned around. And I saw a bear standing in full growth and preparing for an attack.

According to Sergei, he ran from him with all his might. However, the beast set off in pursuit of the forester.

I fell. He grabbed my hand, began to ruffle, - Sergey recalls. - I twisted and ran further, I saw a partner, he had a chainsaw in his hands. I ran to him, the bear did not approach. Turned around and walked away.

The second incident occurred three weeks earlier with Sergei's colleague Georgiy.

My colleague held planned activities in the forest, - says Sergey. - At some point, he met a bear with cubs. He started to run, the she-bear followed him. She caught up with him, wanted to grab his throat, but he put his hand, the bear grabbed it and began to wag, then threw it away. He got up and ran. The beast is behind him. He climbed a tree, the bear began to climb towards him, but, not reaching him, she went down and left. George got down and ran on. But suddenly he again saw the beast rushing at him.

According to Sergei, in short dashes, climbing and descending the trees, Georgy went to the road and met Sergei.

He looked frightened, his arm was torn and his leg was injured, - Sergey recalls. - I put him in the car and took him to the hospital.

Sergey says that these two attacks happened for the first time in 5 years of work in the forest. In his opinion, the summer heat wave of 2016 could be the cause. Then a lot of forests burned down. And now there are fewer forests and more bears.

Good to know! What to do when meeting a bear

The head of the Bershevsky hunting area Dmitry Kuzmin advises to pretend to be dead when meeting with a bear.

If you encounter an animal, in no case do you need to move, - says Dmitry. - Shut up and scream loudly. If the bear did attack you, there are two ways to stay alive. If you have a knife with you, try to dive under the bear's front paws and rip open its belly. The second option is to pretend to be dead. When a bear will wag you, you should endure, despite the pain. The bear does not immediately eat its prey. If you endure and do not show signs of life, there is a chance to save it.

By the way!

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Published on 20.09.18 11:44

On the Internet, they talked about the murder of a giant bear that attacked people.

Pictures appeared on the Web showing the carcass of a giant bear, which can only be lifted with a crane.

The author of the publication with the nickname mysea said that the bear had to be killed two years ago, due to the fact that he hunted people.

"The weight of the giant is 1 t 28 kg. The approximate age of the predator is 20 years. The bear was killed. But there was no choice: the bear began to hunt people. He just fell in love with them idhumkz eat," the user wrote.

It is not known exactly where this happened.

Photos of the giant bear, which has already been nicknamed "Beargodzilla" on the Web, have impressed Internet users.

"In 2012, I was in Yakutia on a business trip, I saw photographs of the villagers there (more precisely, what was left of them) after meeting with a bear. Serious, scary beast"- writes marvin_robot.

"However ...... in the forest it hurts even with one foot !!! not two !!!" - concludes padolski.

However, some did not believe that the photograph of the monster bear was real.

"It looks like a photoshop. - It's problematic to drive a truck crane into such ... The slinging of the load (bear) is incomprehensible. They intercepted it with a cable under the armpits? then the angle of the chocks should be different," vredtech thinks.

"Why did the paw suddenly turn from black to brown in one of the pictures?" - doubts kremlin_curant.

"A bear the size of a Ural cabin should weigh three tons," sairrysh is sure.

Note that there is no official information about the capture of a cannibal bear in Russia.

According to Wikipedia, the largest brown bears in Russia they live on the territory of Primorye and Kamchatka.


The incident occurred on August 12, five hundred meters from the village of Suluk, Verkhnebureinsky district. At about half past nine in the morning, the railroad workers, lodging in Suluk, having gone to work, found traces of massacre on the road - it was all filled with blood. Bloody footprints stretched to the left side of the road, where the torn body of an elderly man lay, traces of a struggle were visible in the dust, a huge bear roared and rushed at people nearby, the whole muzzle of which was smeared with human blood.

When they called me and said that trouble had struck, I immediately took a carbine and went to the scene, - says Sergey Ryabov, head of the administration of the Suluk rural settlement. - There I saw road workers, a body was lying on the side of the road, on the very road a hat and dark glasses with a broken headband, a broken table knife next to the body - with which, probably, the deceased person was going to cut mushrooms, and a package. The bear was lying a little further away, dead - someone had shot him. The workers never admitted who did it, they say, they came, but the bear had already been killed. The face of the deceased man remained intact - he was immediately identified. It turned out to be the first builder of our village, Alexander Mikhailovich. The sight was terrible. The bear not only killed him, but also tried to eat him.

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Bear-eater 1.

Alexander Mikhailovich was 66 years old, a man in the prime of his life - as the villagers say. The person is unequivocally positive, the head of the Council of Veterans, the creator of the women's choir, kind and sympathetic. In the village he had his own small business - a shop. Not so long ago, he was going to move south from northern Suluk - to Vyazemsk, bought a house, moved his wife there. He returned to Suluk for help, literally two days before his death.

The day before, he approached me, agreed that we would meet at 10 am on August 12, and we would complete all the documents. Why he went to the forest - I can't imagine, - the head of the village shares. - On the day of his death at half past seven in the morning he was met by a woman, according to her, Alexander Mikhailovich walked lightly, in his hands were a knife and a package. He said - for mushrooms, he has a secret clearing in the forest where black milk mushrooms grow. It was to this "plantation" that he went. Who knew it would turn out like this.

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Bear-eater 2.


The longer you talk with the locals, the weirder this story with the bear looks. There are too many inconsistencies in it and even ... mysticism.

Firstly, all the inhabitants of Suluk claim that they have not seen bears in the village for twenty years, they say, there is nothing for them to do there, so they don’t go.

Secondly, August is not the time for bears to attack someone. There is a lot of food in the taiga: berries, mushrooms, fish - everything is in abundance. Why would a predator take risks and go to the village?

Thirdly, the autopsy of the animal showed that he was full - the stomach of the predator was stuffed, as they say, to the eyeballs with the gifts of the taiga. Nevertheless, after killing a man, he immediately began to eat him. This is also not typical for bears, especially those who have eaten to satiety. Usually, according to the hunters, after killing the prey, they dig it in and return only when the "darling" appears.

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cannibal bear 3.

This clumsy cannibal immediately violated all bearish principles. Well, and finally - for some reason the mushroom picker knew that he would die from the paws of a bear.

When I called his wife to tell the sad news, Sergey Ryabov continues. - She admitted that before going to the forest, Alexander first called her. He said that he would go picking mushrooms, he would not take the phone with him, because he was afraid to lose it. When he returns from the forest, he will call back, and if there is no call, it means that the bear ate him! Can you imagine? How so? How could he know? I would understand if he took a weapon with him, but he went with one kitchen knife. It is also unclear why the knife is broken - the blade has burst, but there is no blood on it. The whole village wonders how the bear turned out to be nearby and why he attacked the mushroom picker. The hunters and I walked around the neighborhood, there were no garbage dumps nearby - nothing that could attract a predator.

Investigators are now looking into the matter. Upon the fact of death, a pre-investigation check is being carried out, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made.

In the Kamchatka Territory, a bear pulled a 41-year-old man to death. The tragedy occurred in the village of Ozernovsky, where a man came from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for work.

On the night of August 14, his remains were found on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Police are now investigating the circumstances of the man's death. According to the publication, a resident of Petropavlovsk became the third victim of a wild bear since the beginning of the summer season in Kamchatka.

Bears in Russia bother not only the living. On August 14, in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the suburbs of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the beast came out of the forest, dug up a grave in the local cemetery and dragged the deceased away. This was reported in the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The open grave in the cemetery near the village of Start was noticed by a local guard. He called the police, and an investigative team, a cynologist and a hunter arrived at the scene. Experts noticed bear tracks near the grave.

The predator could be attracted by the cadaverous smell - this is possible if the bodies are not buried deep enough underground. According to another version, the bear entered the cemetery because of the smell of food that visitors leave on the graves. The next night, the beast returned to the cemetery again - then he was shot dead.

The head of the department for the preservation of wildlife objects of the region reported that it was an adult non-lactating female. The body that dragged the animal has not yet been found - the search continues.

A few days before this incident in the Khabarovsk Territory, a bear attacked a mushroom picker. He died on the spot from his injuries. The administration of the Verkhnebureinsky district of the region reported that on the morning of August 12, a resident of the village of Suluk went out for mushrooms and did not return.

As it turned out, the beast attacked the man not in the forest, but at the exit from the village, where about 600 people live. Hunters went to the scene of the tragedy, tracked down and shot the bear. A criminal case was opened on the fact of the man's death.

The administration official added that Lately bears began to appear frequently near Suluk. “A meeting with a bear that is not afraid of a person is very dangerous. It is also dangerous to meet a bear with cubs, which, out of curiosity, can run close to a person, the city hall said in a statement. “According to people, teenage bears or a she-bear with cubs were seen on the sides of village roads, a landfill, and railway embankments.”

According to the administration, bears come to people to find food. So, they are often attracted by the smell from landfills.

In early August, in the Khabarovsk Territory, amazing story saving an 83-year-old woman from a bear - for two days the pensioner growled to scare away the animal. On August 5, relatives of the women turned to her with a statement about her disappearance. According to relatives, the pensioner went alone into the forest for mushrooms from the village of Sita and disappeared.

Local residents, professional rescuers, hunters and patrol officers participated in the search for an elderly woman. Several times they saw the tracks of bears, their beds, and also heard predators roaming nearby, but they managed to find the pensioner only on August 7.

“At night, a bucket of mushrooms was found in the forest a few meters from the bear’s bed, the search engines heard a growl uncharacteristic for animals, and they saw a grandmother in a ravine in a stream. With a roar, the woman tried to scare away the bear guarding her, ”said a source in the volunteer search and rescue squad.

As the rescued woman herself said, she walked through the forest in search of mushrooms, landed in the muddy bottom of the stream and could not get out. At this time, a bear began to circle nearby. The woman was hospitalized. According to the hospital staff, she experienced severe stress.

On July 24, in Karelia, a bear attacked a man to protect her offspring. According to local media reports, the territory suburban area a bear cub came running in the gardening partnership "Rodnik". The owner of the house noticed him and went out to pet the cute animal. Soon a female came out of the forest after the bear cub and rushed at the man.

The victim managed to be saved, he was hospitalized with bites in the forearm and was soon operated on. After the operation, he was in a state of moderate severity.

Back in May, Deputy Minister natural resources Karelia Pavel Nikolaevsky said that in 2019 the number of bears in the republic increased by one thousand and reached more than 3.5 thousand. After hibernation animals woke up hungry, in connection with this, cases of their appearance in settlements region.

“We must not forget that the person himself partially provokes the exit of the bear. Many in the dachas have garbage dumps where the garbage is not removed, so the bear comes out, ”concluded Nikolaevsky.