Sulim Baysarov biography. Baysarov Ruslan Sulimovich: biography and personal life. Ideal Husband - Ruslan Baisarov

The story, which, like "Santa Barbara", unfolded before our eyes, finally came to an end. As it should be in this genre - happy ending. Last Tuesday Supreme Court The Chechen Republic considered the cassation appeal of Kristina Orbakaite's lawyers against the decision of the Grozny court, which, we recall, left Deni Baisarov to live with his father. Neither side came to court on Tuesday. Yes, there was no need for this - on the eve of Denis's parents signed a settlement agreement that suited both.

Christina's lawyers have long persuaded Baisarov to agree to a fair condition for the child to live with both parents. But Ruslan insisted that, according to the court, Deni's place of permanent residence was his house.

They say that the situation was resolved by the President of Chechnya Kadyrov. He made a statement and asked Dany's parents to agree for the sake of the child. Baysarov could not object to a respected person and signed an agreement prepared by the Orbakaite side.

Under this agreement, Dany himself will choose where to stay. In the absence of his father, he will live with his mother. If Christina is on tour, the boy will live with his father. It seems that the rights of all parties are respected. Although laying the decision on the child is putting pressure on his psyche, psychologists say. Time will show exactly how this amicable agreement will be implemented. But why the game of kidnapping was needed remained a mystery. After all, as a result, the parties came to what they had. Nobody has denied Ruslan the right to live with a child before. There are already rumors that this whole action was Baisarov's PR campaign before receiving an important position. Indeed, now there is hardly a person in the country who would not know him ... So the final reconciliation of the parties did not happen somehow, but in live Channel One. Will it be easy for Kristina after all the press conferences to negotiate with the proud Chechen millionaire, we asked a woman who has been living with Ruslan for a long time on such terms.

Alina CEVINA: “I don’t argue with Ruslan!”

As they said, it was the news that the model Alina Tsevina gave birth to Baisarov's son Elman, put an end to the relationship between Christina and Ruslan. In 2003, the 19-year-old beauty Alina moved to Baisarov on Rublyovka. Meanwhile, the fate of Christina, who survived the betrayal of her beloved man, was waiting for her. In 2005, Baisarov's next lover, model Yulia, gave birth to his daughter and came to live with him. Tsevina decided to part with Ruslan. Father of many children insisted that her Elman (as well as his eldest daughter Camilla from model Kovtunova) stayed with him. Alina decided not to argue...

Of course, this situation was not easy for me. But Elman comes to me at any time. Approximately equal time spends with me and with dad, - said Tsevina.

- Do you hold a grudge against Baysarov?

Complex issue. I understood: Ruslan is handsome, rich, a prominent man. The girls were paying attention to him. Ruslan has children from different women. He must adequately provide for his children. And purely as a human being to help mothers, this is normal. If a person in adulthood wanted to have so many children from different women, then he must be aware of what he is doing.

- They say that Baysarov did not pay alimony to Christina ... Does he pay you?

Ruslan Sulimovich helps me not for personal needs, but for the child. And it's informal. I don't get this money from Sberbank. Just as much as a person considers necessary for the amount of time that the child is with me, he gives so much. How they will agree with Christina, I do not know.

What is your son's last name?

Surname Ruslan Sulimovich. It was not immediately, but in the second month after the birth of the child. Well, dad is more wealthy than me, let him be...

- Is this Ruslan's principled position that the children should be with him?

First up, mom and dad! Not a babysitter! And not even grandmothers. You need to understand that there is such a dad who believes that the child has mom and dad in the first place. Grandparents are in the background. And this situation is not only Christina. This is my situation, and also his two children.

- Have you tried to fight for your child?

Why fight? My child loves me. It is more correct when both parents bring up. I hope that I will never get to the point of Orbakaite. As a mother, I understand Christina. But it was impossible to bring the situation to a dead end. Everything should be done for the benefit and in the interests of children. I will give an example from my own life. My son Elman was with me, Ruslan calls him: “I will send a driver for you.”

And we are going to go to my mother, Elman's grandmother. And Ruslan insists on his own. Then I told him that we are acting in the interests of the child. I give the child a phone, they say, as he says, so be it. Elman says, “Can a driver pick me up in two days? I'm going to my grandmother now." And everyone decided.

Ruslan is a good father. For the sake of love for a child, you need to think first of all about him and learn to understand each other ...

Read the full text of the judgment here

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Kristina Orbakaite and Ruslan Baysarov agreed!. 11-year-old Denis Baysarov can choose for himself which parent he will live with. The Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic announced a verdict on the cassation appeal of Kristina Orbakaite against the decision of the district court of Grozny on September 15, according to which the son of Orbakaite and Baisarov had to live with his father.

Luxurious bridesmaid dress embroidered with pearls cost a fortune

Ruslan Baisarov's daughter, 17-year-old Kamila, and her 21-year-old husband, Islam Isaev, spent their honeymoon in the Maldives.

Before Islam Isaev admirers of the beautiful Camila were Ivan Yankovsky(son Philip Yankovsky And Oksana Fandera), son Fyodor Bondarchuk Sergei, son of an Azerbaijani businessman and deputy Danila Adly... But in the end, she preferred Isaev.

According to Chechen customs, a girl can only get married after her father's blessing. It is clear that Baysarov gave his daughter not for a simple guy. The groom's family presented the bride with a Cartier diamond set, complemented by a Chopard engagement ring and Mikimoto pearl beads. A luxurious dress embroidered with pearls, which took more than six meters of lace self made, cost a fortune.

Camila is only half Chechen: her mother is the first wife of Ruslana Baisarov, a beautiful model Tatyana Kovtunova. After a divorce from Tatyana, the girl remained to live in her father's house.

Camila and Islam were married according to Muslim laws.

Secular marriage - registration in the registry office - has no meaning for the Chechens. The young people played the wedding in one of the elite restaurants in Moscow, to which they were rushed with a breeze by a chic Rolls-Royce. Spouses were seen among the guests of the ceremony Emin And Leyla Agalarov, Minister of Communications Igor Schegolev, businesswoman Alla Verber, businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, singer Katya Lel and others.

Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov is a prominent Russian businessman, head of the Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation. For several years in a row (since 2014) he has been included by Forbes magazine in the list of the two hundred richest entrepreneurs in Russia. In 2018, the businessman's fortune (about 900 million US dollars) allowed him to take the 118th line in the rating.


Ruslan Sulimovich was born in the small village of Prigorodnoye in the Chechen Republic on August 9, 1968. Answering questions about childhood, Baysarov recalls how he earned his first money as a boy. For example, he negotiated with the watchmen of state orchards and bought apples from them, which he then sold.


In 1985, Baysarov received a school certificate and went to the capital for further studies. There he entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, but soon his studies paused - he received a call for military service. After the army, he did not return to his university, but transferred to the Grozny Oil Institute. Academician M. D. Millionshchikov. He graduated from it in 1996, becoming a certified specialist with the profession of an engineer-economist.

After some time, Baisarov again returned to the desks of the classrooms, but this time - the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov. In 2001, he received a master's degree in sociology there.

And already in 2018, the NUST MISIS commission officially awarded Ruslan Sulimovich Baisarov degree candidate of technical sciences. The specialty of the dissertation chosen by him is “ Theoretical basis design of mining systems"

Entrepreneurial activity

Baysarov made his debut as a novice entrepreneur back in his student years - he sold imported computers adapted for the Russian audience. But the first really serious business project was a beauty studio in the Moscow WTC (then it was called Sovincenter). Things went well, and together with film actors Fyodor Bondarchuk and Stepan Mikhalkov, he founded the Infant Silver company. Without changing his “registration”, Baysarov expands his business: in the same center he opens night club, a modest casino, the only Japanese restaurant in the country at that time. In addition, Baysarov also purchased an outdoor parking area.

By the end of the 1990s, the entrepreneur, who was on the wave, abruptly changes the field of activity, going into business in the field of oil refining. He organizes a private retail company, which alone processes about one and a half million tons of oil at one of the capital's specialized plants. For a long time, it has successfully served both hundreds of filling stations and a number of budget organizations, state structures.

At the same time, Baisarov was appointed vice president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which unites about fifty companies. They accounted for 75% of the total sales in the capital's fuel market. After that, he served three years as Vice President of the Open joint-stock company Moscow Oil Company. Then he went on promotion - he became vice president of the Central Fuel Company, which included the largest suppliers of petroleum products.

2005 was a very productive year for the entrepreneur. Then he headed the board of directors of CJSC MNK-AVTOCARD, received the position of vice president of OJSC Moscow Oil and Gas Company (MNGK), and two years later - the first vice president of this large organization.

In 2008, Ruslan Sulimovich invested part of his own funds in the assets of Sibir Energy, and in 2010 he sold his right to own them to Gazprom Neft Corporation for a very good amount.

Until 2011, he worked as First Vice President of Central Fuel Company OJSC. After that and to this day - the general director of JSC "Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation".

In addition to this, in 2015 Baysarov acquired a 25% stake in the construction company Most, and a year later expanded the package, bringing his share to the status of a control (56%). After that, he took a leadership position on the board of directors.

Existing business

Currently, the name of Ruslan Baysarov is often found in news reports: he is actively involved in investments, oversees the construction of a number of important strategic facilities in different regions of Russia. Separately, the following important projects can be noted:

Highway "Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino"

On April 1, 2019, Ruslan Baysarov, head of JSC TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino, signed a general contractor agreement with JSC Russian Railways for the construction of the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line and all the necessary infrastructure for this branch. This fact will allow in the very near future to begin the construction of the track. In addition to the road, the project for the integrated development of the Elegestskoye deposit, which Baysarov's company is engaged in, involves the construction of a coal terminal in the seaport of Vanino in the Far East.

Bridge from Nizhneleninsky to Tongjiang

In the spring of 2019, IC Most completed the next construction phase of the construction of a unique railway bridge connecting Russia with China. The length of the bridge is 2209 meters, 309 of which are being built by the Russian side. The bridge passes through the Amur and is expected to provide an annual capacity of 21 million freight tons.

New Baikal Tunnel

GK SK "Most" is also actively involved in the program to improve the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In particular, the Group's companies are involved in the construction of an important and extremely complex facility - the second Baikal Tunnel. With the start of its operation, it will significantly improve the throughput of the section, which will have a favorable effect on the entire movement of trains in the east direction.

Stages on the Kozhukhovskaya Line of the Moscow Metro

In 2018, SK Most completed tunneling from the Okskaya station to the Stakhanovskaya station of the Kozhukhovskaya line. The work was carried out in difficult circumstances - difficult soil and dense residential development. Everything went well. Currently, according to the plan, tunneling continues to the Nizhegorodskaya station.

Reconstruction of the railway gauge to the general standard in the Sakhalin region

Since 2017, the Group of Companies "Most" has been engaged in the transfer of an extended section of the Far East railway from the 1067 mm gauge to the generally accepted network gauge of 1520 mm. This work will make it possible to increase the volume of transported cargo, as well as to transfer the difficult supply of coal from road transport to a more suitable rail transport for this task.

Bridge crossing from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe

Since the end of 2016, the SC Most Group of Companies has been conducting a grandiose construction of an extradose (similar to a cable-stayed) road bridge across the river. Amur. The structure, more than a kilometer long, with approaches of almost 20 kilometers, will connect China and Russia, making life easier for dozens of logistics companies in these countries.

Port "Sabetta"

In the winter of 2019, Most Group of Companies completed the construction of the entrusted facilities of the Sabetta Arctic seaport. The newest Yamal port will ensure the non-stop movement of gas carriers at any time of the year and will open up a number of other opportunities.

In 2016, Baysarov provided a loan to the developers of the PimPay service, which, using innovative financial technologies, enables online stores to easily carry out the necessary operations with logistics companies, monitor delivery and resolve disputes.

Family of Ruslan Baysarov

Married. Raises six children - two daughters (Camila and Dali), four sons (Deni, Ilman, Amir and Amin).

Facts about the life of a businessman

Six dogs live in Baysarov's house - four Huskies and two Labradors.

At one of the charity events in 2009, an auction was held. So, Ruslan Baysarov bought a lot - the right for a girl to play one of the roles in Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Stalingrad". He paid 200 thousand euros for her, which were transferred to the treatment of children with cancer. A three-minute role was given to an aspiring actress. Baysarov then put up his own lot - an extreme three-day tour to the mountains of Chechnya. He was taken by Bondarchuk for 10 thousand euros.

In 2013, Ruslan Baisarov (as director of TEPK) entered into an agreement with the Russian Geographical Society. According to him, excavations will be carried out at the proposed site for the construction of the railway in Tyva. According to archaeologists, valuable historical artifacts can be found there with a high degree of probability. In order to avoid their death, TEPC acted as a partner of a special expedition for 700 participants.

An outstanding person, a Chechen by origin, who has achieved heights both in business and in his personal life, Baysarov Ruslan. His biography is worthy of attention, if only as an example of perseverance combined with good luck.

Descendant of a glorious family

A native of the village of Prigorodnoye, located in the Chechen Republic. Born August 9, 1968. The family in which the future entrepreneur grew up had many children. According to the memoirs of Ruslan himself, he had to work since childhood, so he understood the value of money a long time ago. A descendant of the Chechen family Khacharoy, Ruslan Baysarov sold apples in his childhood.

Young years are wonderful ...

Ruslan Baysarov began his studies at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, from where he was drafted into the army. Having safely repaid his debt to his homeland, the young man decided to continue his studies at another university: the Oil Institute in Grozny. During his student years, he traded in foreign computer equipment adapted for a Russian-speaking audience.

The beginning of a long journey

Baysarov started with the organization of the Infant Silver company, which he founded together with his friends - actor Stepan Mikhalkov (son of Nikita Mikhalkov) and director Fyodor Bondarchuk. Infant Silver settled in the World Trade Center, which was located on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment and included a small casino, one of the first Japanese restaurants in Russia and a nightclub. All this was owned by Ruslan Baisarov.

In the late 90s, Baysarov Ruslan Sulimovich went into the oil business, founding his own oil refining company, named by analogy with previous companies - Infant. The Baisarov case functioned very successfully: the oil product processing itself took place at the Moscow Oil Refinery. His company served about two thousand gas stations throughout Russia, and also accepted orders from organizations not related to the oil sector.

Career went uphill: at the same time, Baisarov was appointed vice president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which included more than 50 organizations that sell about 75% of the total sales of the Moscow fuel market.


Since then, Ruslan Baysarov's success has multiplied.

From 2001 to 2004, the businessman served as vice president of the Moscow Oil Company, created to provide Moscow with high-quality fuel.

Then, in 2004-2005, Baisarov was vice president of the Central Fuel Company, which included the Moscow Oil Refinery (MNPZ), the main supplier of oil in the Moscow region.

In 2005, Ruslan Baysarov became vice president of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company, which included three major players in the capital's fuel market at once: Moscow Oil Refinery, Mosnefteprodukt and Moscow Fuel Company.

In 2008, Baisarov became the owner of part of the assets of the oil company Sibir Energy. Two years later, Gazprom Neft bought Ruslan Baysarov's assets for about $740 million.

Since 2011, Ruslan Baysarov has been the head of Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation JSC, and since 2016, he has also been the head of the Board of Directors of the SK Most group of companies.

Personal life

The first wife of a businessman was Tatyana Kovtunova. The model gave birth to a Chechen entrepreneur girl. For the first time becoming parents, Tatyana and Ruslan Baysarov named their daughter Camila.

In 1997, Ruslan Baysarov met Kristina Orbakaite. Although they were not registered with Orbakaite under Russian law, their relationship was recorded according to Muslim custom. Ruslan Baysarov and his wife Kristina were very happy. Soon the couple had Dani.

Young Alina Tsevina, who is related to the modeling industry, gave birth to Ruslan's son Ilman.

In 2009, Ruslan and Kristina filed suits in different courts in order to determine Dani's place of residence. In the end, everything turned into a settlement agreement, according to which Dani could independently decide with whom he would live.

The girl Julia gave birth to a daughter, Dali.

In 2009, Ruslan married a Chechen girl from his ancestral village of Prigorodnoye, who bore him two sons, Amir and Amin.

It is known that Baysarov treats children very reverently. Moreover, all iconic holidays such as Christmas and New Year, as well as every vacation Ruslan Baysarov spends with his children. One of the wealthiest representatives of the Chechen Republic prefers leadership in business, although, despite this, he remains an exemplary father. Four Huskies and two Labradors live in Ruslan's house.

Businessman or just a person: what's the difference?

According to Forbes magazine, Ruslan Sulimovich's fortune is 900 million US dollars.

Judging by the habits, actions, attitude towards friends and children, Ruslan Baisarov in ordinary life is just a true friend, a caring husband and a loving father.

Ruslan Baysarov was born on August 9, 1968. Russian businessman of Chechen origin. One of the richest Chechens. He became widely known as a result of a civil marriage with the daughter of pop star Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite. In September 2009, he was at the center of a scandal - the former common-law wife accused him of kidnapping their common son Denis Baysarov. It has already been posted here with Sobchak and Sokolova, a rather controversial person. Personal life The first wife of Baysarov and the mother of his daughter named Camilla, born in 1994, was fashion model Tatyana Kovtunova. According to Express Gazeta, he broke up with Kovtunova because of Kristina Orbakaite. As of 2009, Kovtunova is married and owns an event management company. Camilla is very similar to her mother. Tatiana According to the media, Baysarov and Kristina Orbakaite met in 1997, a year later their son Denis was born. The marriage between Baysarov and Orbakaite was not officially registered. Baysarov, according to Orbakaite, had to apply for adoption in 2005. Denis Baysarov has dual citizenship - he is a citizen of Russia and the Republic of Lithuania. As the mother of Ruslan Baysarov said in an interview with the newspaper Life in 2004: They registered their relationship according to all the canons of Islam. Their marriage was sealed by the Imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, Rais Khazrat. As expected, the daughter-in-law agreed to abide by the laws of Islam. She is a wise woman: she tries to respect us, knowing that for us, her husband's relatives, this is of particular importance. Children Dani and Camilla
According to the journalist of the Izvestia newspaper Olga Bakushinskaya, in 2000, at the presentation of Orbakaite's new album "May" in the Moscow club "Crystal", Baysarov became jealous of his common-law wife. When the guests dispersed, Baysarov allegedly hit Orbakaite hard, breaking her nose. As Orbakaite herself stated in the “Let them talk” program in 2009, recalling an episode in the “Crystal” nightclub in 2000: he swooped in like a kite and dragged me into the dressing room (...) I also scratched him everything I could. According to the media, the final break in relations between Orbakaite and Baysarov occurred after in 2003 the 19-year-old fashion model of the Modus Vivendis agency Alina Tsevina gave birth to Baysarov's son named Elman. After the birth of the child, Alina moved to live with Baisarov in the Moscow region. Meanwhile, the fate of Christina, who survived the betrayal of her beloved man, was waiting for her. In 2005, Baisarov's next lover, model Yulia, gave birth to his daughter Dali and came to live with him. The father of many children insisted that Elman (just like his eldest daughter Camilla from model Kovtunova) stay with him. Alina immediately moved out. Apparently, the model Yulia, unfortunately there was no photo, also left the child to her father. Alina Already after breaking up with Kristina Orbakaite, in 2004 Baysarov gave his former mother-in-law Alla Pugacheva an apartment of 500 sq.m. in an elite house overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at 8/1 Filippovsky Pereulok in the center of Moscow, which at that time cost about $3 million. As of 2009, according to the Stringer newspaper, which refers to Baisarov's brother Rukhman, Ruslan Baisarov is married to a Chechen Illona from his native village of Veduchi. The wedding of Camilla's daughter, next to Baysarov's wife, Illona
His wife and his children from different marriages (sons Denis and Elman, daughters Camilla and Dali) live with him.