"The army teaches that the initiative is punishable": a soldier about his service in the Navy. How many years do they serve in the Russian Army and Morflot now: the term of military service of conscripted soldiers

Compulsory military service is a statutory obligation for every adult young man Russian Federation, therefore, for persons of draft and pre-conscription age, the issue of service life always remains relevant. Are innovations expected in 2018-2019 or will the current regulations remain the same?

How long to serve in 2018-2019

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 38 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service» young people on urgent draft are supposed to serve 12 months, regardless of the type of troops. Every healthy member of the country's male population at the age of 18-27 must pass military service in the internal troops.

At the same time, there is no reason to assume that this period will be changed in 2018-2019. Currently, the main emphasis is on the formation of a contract army, where professionals in their field will serve. As the practice of other countries where the armed forces are formed on a contract basis shows, such an approach makes it possible to bring the army to a higher level and ensure its professionalism and efficiency. As a result, young people go to the army of their own free will, so they feel responsible for the obligations placed on them, and receive sufficient material support for their efforts.

In the near future, it is planned to achieve a ratio of conscripts and contractors of 20% to 80%, and in the future - to increase the figures to 10% and 90%, respectively. But despite the increase in the percentage of contract soldiers in Russia, no one is going to abandon the mandatory emergency call.

For alternative service

  • Education at the military department in the process of obtaining higher education. This provides for theoretical and practical training (including training at training grounds) for 450 hours, after which a graduate of the military department receives the rank of officer.
  • Employment in Spetsstroy, military institutions or enterprises equated to military status. In total, for such a way of fulfilling military duty, you can choose from 65 professions and 61 positions, but a prerequisite is a direction to another region of the Russian Federation. It is available only to conscripts who belong to the category of small indigenous peoples, as well as those for whom being in the army is contrary to the principles of religion. The duration of service in this case is 21 months, and criminal liability is provided for unauthorized leaving the place of service.

For contractors

In addition to the obligatory performance of military duty, young people can choose a contract form, which is valid for both junior staff and officers. The term in this case is determined depending on the type of troops and rank:

  • 2 or 3 years for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen at the initial conclusion of the contract;
  • 5 years for midshipmen, ensigns and officers at the initial conclusion of the contract;
  • 1-10 years to choose from for those who conclude a contract for the second and subsequent times.

Conscript soldiers also have the opportunity to switch to a contract form 3 months after the call. For some, this path is seen as a good option improve your financial situation and open up new career prospects.

Enormous work is being done to attract men to the ranks of contract soldiers:

  • increases in wages;
  • the age periods of stay in the army for officers are increasing;
  • the social package is expanding, which includes education, medical care, benefits for military personnel and members of their families;
  • new housing is being built and options for improving housing conditions are proposed.

But it also has its drawbacks in the form of a long minimum term contract service, so most young people prefer to traditionally serve in the army for the prescribed year and return to the "citizen".

Possible change

Since 2012, the deputies have repeatedly submitted for consideration the issue of increasing the term of military service. In different years, it was proposed to extend the period of stay of young people in the army to 1 year and 6 months, 1 year and 8 months, and even 2 years. The main arguments are:

  • shortage of ordinary conscripts in military units;
  • inability to master complex military-technical specialties well within the current period (1 year).
  • increasing the quality requirements for the reserve staff of the armed forces;
  • lack of time for all types of training of military personnel, including exercises in close to combat conditions.

Despite this, President Vladimir Putin categorically rejected the proposed initiative and refused to increase the term of service in the army. Since he is the Supreme Commander, the final decision always rests with him.

How the timing has changed

After Russia became independent state the duration of military service has changed repeatedly, both up and down:

  • since 1993 in ground forces and the navy served for 1.5 and 2 years, respectively;
  • since 1996, the duration has been increased to 2 years;
  • since 2002, preparations began for the gradual transition of the armed forces to a contract basis and a gradual reduction in the terms of service for urgent conscription;
  • since the autumn of 2007, conscripts began to serve for 1.5 years;
  • since January 2008, conscripts have been serving in the army for 1 year.

Therefore, for the time being, we can say that the service in 2019 will be the same as in previous years, that is, 1 year. But it can be assumed that presidential elections in Russia in 2018 will make their own adjustments to the change in terms of service in the army in 2018-2019.

Vladimir Putin on extending military service: video

Boys who dream of serving as an "urgent" on warship or a submarine, it seems, will soon be disappointed. The entire crew of the Russian Navy, as told to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in the military department, in the near future will consist exclusively of contract servicemen.

Such a task has been set for the admirals, since modern destroyers, cruisers and submarines equipped with the latest technology are increasingly arriving in the fleet. And deal with the difficult electronic systems a conscript who joined the army for only one year will be problematic. Therefore, those who dream of serving at sea will have to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense and delve into the profession very carefully.

On Tuesday, some media reported that the entire crew of the Northern Fleet already consists of contract servicemen. The military department told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that this is still not a fait accompli, but an intended goal, towards the implementation of which the military is actively moving. In addition, such a "course on contract servicemen" concerns not only the Northern Fleet, but also the entire crew of the Navy.

Conscripts will find a place in the future in the Navy, of course, but they will have to serve on the ground - in service and support units. For service at sea, the qualifications of conscripts are simply not enough.

The Ministry of Defense also confirmed the information that the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and the heavy nuclear cruiser Pyotr Veliky, which had just returned from a campaign in the Mediterranean Sea, where they helped our military to fight terrorists in Syria, were already equipped exclusively with contract soldiers. The commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, said last year that work was underway to fill the positions of privates and junior officers with contract servicemen. In 2016, according to him, over 2,300 people were appointed. special purpose", - explained the commander. In addition, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean Kotelny and Alexandra Land, where the deployment of bases of the Northern Fleet continues, only military personnel also serve under the contract.

The cruisers "Admiral Kuznetsov" and "Peter the Great" that sailed to the coast of Syria are already equipped with contract soldiers

It is worth recalling that in the Navy of the USSR, the service life in seafarers was 3 years, which is a year more than in other troops. In the Russian Navy, this period was first reduced to 2 years, and later it was equalized with the rest of the conscripts - the sailors began to serve only 12 months. As a result, another problem arose. Sailors often go on long voyages, which can last more than six months. And what to do with the soldiers, whose service life ended in the middle of a sea campaign, the commanders did not always know.

By the way, the transfer to the contract is a general army trend. At the end of last year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the number of contract servicemen had more than doubled in four years and exceeded the number of conscripts. Now over 370,000 contract soldiers are serving in the positions of privates and sergeants, ensigns and midshipmen. By 2020, this figure should exceed half a million.

IN Soviet time The navy frightened recruits in the military registration and enlistment offices, since the term of service in it reached 36 months, which was a year more than that of recruits in other branches of the military. Conscripts are still afraid of getting into the fleet, because they do not know if the duration of conscription service has been changed there. So, let's figure out how many years conscripts and contract soldiers have been serving in the Morflot.

How did the service life in the Navy change?

Due to the difficulties and the need to go to navigation in Soviet times, the term of service in the fleet was different and was three years. This frightened the conscripts, but at the same time gave the country the opportunity to train specialists capable of working on a variety of sea vessels.

Most of the conscripts, except for those who wanted to continue to engage in shipping, tried to avoid being drafted into the Morflot, since it would be necessary to spend 12 months more in the service. Although the conditions in the fleet were much better than in the barracks of other military branches. Due to the difficulties of serving, the soldiers there were offered enhanced nutrition and a sparing day regimen.

In 1996, the question of how many people serve in the Navy ceased to be relevant. Despite the fact that the sailors still had their own ranks and features of keeping a watch, in terms of terms of service on the ships of the Navy they were equated to the usual. Now conscripts were sent to these troops for 24 months. This provision has been regulated by law. Since then, service life changes have begun to apply to the entire army, including the Navy.

How many conscripts are now serving and how to get into the fleet

Now the army is undergoing a global reform, which began in 2007. According to it, the army becomes a contract army, and conscripts take the course of a young fighter in one year. This change also affected the fleet. Since 2008, recruits have been sent to serve in the Navy for just 12 months.

There are several requirements for an applicant for service in the Navy:

  • have a second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • have a category of validity A3 and above;
  • height should not exceed 180 centimeters.

In some cases, the Navy, on the contrary, selects recruits of high stature. They serve in the coast guard and guard of honor at headquarters. However, only Slavs are taken to such positions.

The recruits are most likely to get into the Baltic Fleet, since its numbers are higher than those of the Black Sea Fleet. Very few recruits will be called up to the Navy soon, as it is planned that the units of these troops will completely switch to a contract basis. Whether this will turn out to be true, we will find out in a few years, when the reform in the army is over.

How long can a contract service last?

The following people get on a contract basis in the Navy:

  • with an average vocational education related to shipping;
  • with a related specialty, which has an analogue in military registration professions;
  • with a high degree of neuropsychic stability;
  • with a health group above A-3.

Welders, radio technicians and engineers are highly valued in the Navy. Therefore, if you have a diploma in a suitable profession, the chance of signing a contract for service in the Navy will be higher. In addition, be prepared to move to the location of the part.

The sea is a separate element, boundless and multifaceted, with its charms and whims. Everyone knows the sea in their own way, and yet, it is one thing if you are a tourist or a fisherman, and a completely different question if you are serving in the army in the navy. This hard work is the lot of real men, strong in body and spirit. Today we will consider such a topic as conscription service in the Navy. What is the duration of its passage, how to get into the sailor ranks, and can every young man who dreams of a vest and the sea fulfill his desire.

How much to serve

Everyone is used to the fact that military service in the ranks of the Navy has always been longer than in the ground forces. In the USSR, it really was elevated, it was 36 months. During this time, young sailors turned into hardened sailors who knew all the intricacies of shipbuilding, who went through in practice all the features of the behavior of the sea and the hardships of service on a ship far from land.

However, in 1996, the Russian Navy joined the rest of the military branches in terms of orders and instructions regarding the army as a whole, and the term of service was reduced to the combined arms 24 months. It is a well-known fact that through the military reform in 2008, the armed forces of the Russian Federation began to call up recruits for 12 months.

This order also affected the navy, so that in 2017 the sailors will scrub the deck and not only for 365 days, which is 3 times less than, for example, the grandfather of a young sailor served.

Who is selected and selection criteria

To the question "How to get into the ranks of the Navy by conscription?" the answer is quite simple - according to the general distribution from the military registration and enlistment office, nothing supernatural is required from the young man. Theoretically, this is indeed the case, but there are still some nuances. Firstly, there are selection criteria for the Navy related to biological data and health:

  • the height of the candidate for sailors should not exceed 180 cm;
  • only 3 categories of fitness of citizens are allowed to pass the “term” in the fleet - A1, A2, and A3, which is a guarantee of the good health of the future sailor;
  • also, for enrollment in the morflot, it is necessary to successfully pass psychological testing, and the second group of mental stability must be identified.

Find out: What liability is provided for military personnel

This fact is explained no less logically than the strict selection criteria. The fact is that each member of the ship is assigned certain duties for the entire period of service. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency and quality of the tasks assigned to the ship's crew, it is completely unprofitable to sort things out for sailors and officers, and sometimes there is simply no time. Also, do not forget about the notorious moment when the entire crew is “under the same wave”, which in itself leads to rapprochement between the sailors and the commanding staff.

For more than a year now, the public has been kept in suspense by reports according to which military service in the RF Armed Forces will again stretch for 2 years. As a rule, such "news" is not confirmed at a high level. Neither the prime minister, nor the president, nor the head of the Ministry of Defense has ever questioned one of the key foundations of military reform - the priority of the contract recruitment system. armed forces above the call. To verify this, just look at how many people serve in the army in Russia in 2018-2019.

Possible reasons for longer service life

At the moment, there are three factors contributing to reports of increased service life.

First, the country lives in the realities of a protracted crisis. In this regard, the apparatus weight of the Ministry of Finance has grown sharply, which since the time of Alexei Kudrin has been skeptical about large-scale appropriations for the army. The will of the financiers has already bowed to most other departments, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have already experienced or are yet to experience significant cuts. However, while the Ministry of Defense is a kind of "sacred cow", over which the Ministry of Finance cannot "bring a knife" without "the highest permission." And the crisis threatens to linger in the country for a long time. Therefore, the “siloviki” may, willy-nilly, have to curtail costly defense programs, including contract service in the army in Russia 2018-2019. If this happens, the army will again consist mainly of conscripts who will serve 2 or more years.

Secondly, after the Crimean events, the Russian Federation and the West came together in a tough clinch. Both sides are generous with menacing statements and a show of force. NATO is coming close to the borders of Russia, and the rank and file members of the alliance are almost openly confronting the Russian Federation. So the prospect of, if not a third world war, then a protracted confrontation in the "cold phase" is an almost accomplished reality. The conflict may force the country to return to the Soviet practice of many years of military service, when the ground forces "trampled boots" for 24 months, in the navy the service lasted as much as 3 years, in order to somehow come closer to parity with the NATO military bloc.

Thirdly, the country is in a deplorable demographic situation. The children of the 1988-1989 generation will not come of age soon, so we have to deal with the “offspring of the 90s”. Who knows, maybe the existing demographic hole will inspire the government to take radical measures, even if they are temporary?

How many will serve in the army from 2019

While the term of military service has not changed. All the same 12 months in the army, in the navy. Moreover, there is a tendency to gradually replace conscripts with professionals. So, young people have the right to immediately sign a contract for 2 years, bypassing military service. According to the bold estimates of Dmitry Medvedev, the number of contract soldiers in active units in 2019 should reach 90%. True, ambitious plans had to be slightly corrected. So experts agree that the mixed recruitment system of the RF Armed Forces will continue for many more years.

And how long will the guys serve in the army in Russia 2018 - 2019 higher education? Conditions for them will not change significantly. Students can either continue their studies, applying for deferrals, or combine service and educational process. The last opportunity will be given to students whose universities have a military department. In this case, they expect 450 hours of theoretical material and 3 months of field trips. This innovation came into force back in 2014, it can be used by young people who receive professions in demand for the army. This is about medical workers, programmers, engineers, etc. From these guys, the security forces will form scientific, technical and medical companies.


It is unlikely that the service life will exceed 1 year. About how many days they serve or will serve in the army in Russia 2018 2019, the first persons of the country have repeatedly told, refuting the most ridiculous rumors. Fundamental changes in the conditions of recruitment are possible only either in the realities of an inevitable military clash, or the complete financial insolvency of the state. We hope that both troubles will bypass our country!