Where to go on vacation at sea in January? A seaside holiday in January is inexpensive. Beach holidays in January at the sea Tours abroad in January

TOP hot destinations where you can pamper yourself in January 2020 warm sea. An excellent beach holiday is guaranteed!

In January, in the midst of winter, I already really want summer! This is why every year I fly away to warm tropical countries for the winter. This review is based on my experience and plans for the coming January. I talk about interesting and hot exotic destinations and separately talk about countries where you can go without a visa and where to have an inexpensive vacation.


Thailand is the No. 1 country for those who want to relax at sea in January 2020. We have gone on vacation to Tai three times already and will definitely come back again. We love it for its excellent yarns and nature, pleasant climate, low prices and delicious food.

Where to go. Food, accommodation and tours are cheaper in Pattaya, but the beaches and nature in Phuket are better. Choose where to go - .

Things to do. Go on excursions to temples, National parks and nature reserves, go diving, snorkeling, kayaking, and take a yacht ride. In Thailand, holidays are celebrated brightly and on a grand scale. In addition to the European New Year, Children's Day and Chinese New Year are celebrated in January with carnival processions and colorful shows.

Amazing Banana Beach in Phuket with a minimum of people, clean sea and sand, lack of infrastructure and picturesque views.

India (Goa)

Where can you relax at sea inexpensively in January 2020? Head to the beaches of India!

Things to do. Popular entertainments include elephant riding, excursions to ancient cities and temples, and youth trance parties. In January, several public holidays are celebrated with lavish parades.

Where to go. North Goa is preferred by young people - prices are lower there and it’s vibrant night life. Respectable tourists choose the solitude and tranquility of South Goa.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @2renkov)

Sri Lanka

You can have a good rest at sea in January 2020 on the island of Ceylon. This year we traveled around the island for a whole month - we really enjoyed it. Nature there is just space!

Weather. It is relatively cool on the island in January: during the day on the coast +27...+30°C, the sea +28°C, in the evenings it is warm +24°C, but mosquitoes interfere with walks. Rains are rare and short-lived.

Things to do. What impressed us most about Ceylon was the nature: we went on a safari and it was very inexpensive and very exciting. Be sure to go to the mountains, to the village - this is Heaven on Earth. Also try surfing or fishing. In Ratnapura you can go down into the mines and see how sapphires are mined. There are many excursions on the island: to tea plantations, to an elephant nursery and turtle farm, to the sacred Mount Adam and to Buddhist temples.

Curry in Sri Lanka is a delicious dish!


Many believe that the best beach holiday in January 2020 should be sought in the Caribbean, for example, in Mexico. We have been flying to Asia in the winter for many years, and now we also decided to go to the American shores. Let's see how good it is there!

Weather. Warm and sunny: during the day +27...+30°С, at night +19...+21°С, sea water temperature +24°С. There is little precipitation and it usually falls at night.

Things to do. Dolphins and giant sea turtles can be seen here, and the coral reefs are considered to be among the largest in the world. Tourists explore volcanoes, caves, cenotes, Mayan pyramids and colonial architecture.

Cancun, Mexico (Photo © unsplash.com / @bigvicmedia)


Cuba is another country where it is warm in January 2020 and you can relax by the sea. We are also planning a trip to Liberty Island in December-January: we want to see Havana, Varadero and ride around the island.

Things to do. Active water activities: diving, parasailing, scooter and banana rides, paragliding. Go on excursions to Havana and Trinidad, taste Cuban rum and cigars. In January, Cubans noisily and cheerfully celebrate Liberation Day.

(Photo © xoracio / pixabay.com)

Weather. In January, cyclones reign, bringing heavy short-term precipitation and high humidity up to 80%. Most often it rains in the afternoon. Nevertheless, the air temperature confidently remains at +30°C, the water in the ocean is +27°C, but in the mountains it is a little colder.

Things to do. In January, in addition to beach holidays, you can go surfing, kiting, diving and deep-sea fishing. Mauritius has unique bays, lagoons, volcanoes, waterfalls and sugar plantations. Visit national parks and reserves and watch exotic animals and birds.

Mauritius (Photo © unsplash.com / @petefogden)

Where to go in January without a visa

Where else can you have a good rest by the warm sea in January 2020? Here is a list of suitable destinations where you can go without a visa or with simplified entry:

Where to have an inexpensive holiday in January 2020

Below I will list countries where you can inexpensively go on vacation abroad in January 2020. Here are the current prices for tours for two with departure from Moscow:

  • . Consistently the cheapest tours! From 16,000 rubles.
  • - from 30,000 rubles.
  • - from 32,000 rubles.

The islands will enjoy pleasant weather and a bright contrast with the snowy Russian landscapes.

Latin American beach destinations are no less popular. Resorts in other countries and islands are great for seaside holidays. Tourists who prefer eco-tourism will certainly pay attention to where there are no monuments of art, as well as factories, but the beaches and jungle preserved in pristine beauty will give you unity with nature, far from civilization.

It’s common to think that Europe lets you into the sky Balloons In spring and summer. However, in winter you can also enjoy the beauty of multi-colored balls. For example, in the village of Filzmoos in, not far from the ski resort of Salzburg, where a balloon festival has been held in the first half of January for many years. The holiday is accompanied by concerts, fairs and folk festivals.

A large number of Celtic and Viking festivals can be visited in January. In the second half of the month, Glasgow traditionally hosts the Celtic Connection festival of Celtic art: here you can find both theatrical performances based on Celtic fairy tales and attend performances by modern rock bands whose musicians seek inspiration in ancient culture.

Visa-free countries

In December, consulates are overloaded with people wishing to leave for the New Year; many of these institutions stop accepting documents already in the middle of the month. Therefore, it is recommended to determine travel to visa countries in advance. But there is also a large number of places where you can successfully spend your winter holidays.

January holidays can be extended by a month due to the 2-week vacation added to them. Many travel companies take advantage of this holiday of life, since the frantic people are buying up tours like hot cakes, therefore, their cost instantly increases. Yes, it’s expensive, but just imagine - you can forget about your work for a whole month and admire the surf while lying in a hammock. Or walk along the calm European streets. Or in cities and villages, it doesn’t matter where exactly, the main thing is that dreams can come true.

A little January trick for champagne lovers is to play vacation time roulette. Last minute tours have always been and will be, although where to go on vacation at sea in January in this case is a big question.

The majority of our compatriots want to get out of the slush of the domestic winter, rain and snow and piercing wind into the hot sun. After all, we still have so long to wait for spring, and we can’t even believe that it will come someday. So where to go on vacation at sea in January, which countries will delight us with their warm days?

Best vacation spots

  • Egypt.
  • Israel.
  • Thailand.
  • Jordan.
  • India (Goa).
  • China (Hainan Island).
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Myanmar.
  • Dominican Republic
  • Cuba.
  • Mexico.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Brazil.
  • Vietnam.
  • Mauritius.

Sea in January in Egypt

In January it is not very hot in Egypt, although it is the largest country in which a Russian can stay in a decent hotel on the sea coast. The Red Sea in January is replete with the richest underwater world, therefore, January is more conducive to diving than lying on the beach. Interesting excursions to ancient Egyptian cities or to the pyramids can brighten up the monotonous holiday of tourists.


This is a stunning place, an oasis in the desert, ideal for those who want to take a break from the snowy cold winter and gray everyday life. January is the coolest month here. Moreover, the daytime air temperature is 25 °C, which allows you to calmly bask in the sun. Plus, it makes for a more enjoyable time.

If you don’t know where to go on vacation at sea in January, you can safely buy a ticket here, since you won’t be bored in this country. There are plenty of things to do: from romantic boat trips around the bay to a visit to Al Ain, an oasis city in the desert. Excellent conditions have been created here for lovers active rest: fishing, jeep safari, surfing. And for those especially suffering - alpine skiing. The country is suitable for holidays with children. Just look at the water parks, skating rinks and amusement parks located in local shopping centers!

Dead Sea in January: Israel

Here at this time the weather is not kind. Therefore, in January you can combine an excursion program with a holiday on the Red Sea, a pilgrimage, as well as undergoing various medical procedures at the Dead Sea. Millions of tourists visit Jerusalem every year - a place where the shrines of 3 world religions are united. Anyone who wants to find themselves in a real fairy tale of the East will be interested in Jordan. Actually, like everyone who wants to touch ancient monuments and structures, look at the majestic Petra, as well as the ancient Roman city of Jerash, excavated by archaeologists 70 years ago. Both Jordan and Israel have access to the warm Red Sea. And this allows you to plunge into its waters even in January, falling in love with its amazing underwater world.


It will take a little longer to fly to India than to the UAE or Egypt, but the sea weather here in January is guaranteed to be good, as is the water temperature. First of all, Goa should be recommended to those who crave tropical exoticism with exciting elephant rides, connoisseurs of mixed cultures and ancient monuments. Who goes to India? Most of them are middle class people, including families with children, who prefer to holiday in south Goa.

The beaches here are clean. Many four star hotels are located right on seashore and can boast of good service. And five-star hotels often belong to various international chains. Party-goers can go to northern Goa - hotels there are cheaper, and the fun never stops; on the beaches you can often meet locals trying to sell something to vacationers. There is also a separate contingent of tourists - these are “seekers of truths”. They simply buy a plane ticket and usually travel around the country on their own.


In January, the country is covered with rain, due to which long walks are not a real pleasure. In addition, the Mediterranean Sea is quite cool here in January, with strong winds blowing from it. At this time, all the country's beaches are officially closed, but vacationers can enjoy swimming in hotel pools and walking along the coast, admiring the amazing power of the waves. It is worth saying that January is one of the rainiest months here. There have been real heavy downpours for almost half a month. But from time to time the sun still pleases tourists and local residents.


If you still haven’t decided where to go on a seaside holiday in January, then it’s worth talking about Thailand. Here at this time of year you will be provided with a budget holiday with the amazing hospitality of the locals, wide excursion opportunities and excellent service. Tourists have a wide choice of hotels to suit every taste. And the weather in January is ideal for visiting the kingdom of Siam. In order for your vacation to truly be a success, and for your memories and impressions to delight you throughout the year, you need to choose a resort especially carefully.

Pattaya is an endless party that is suitable for fans of eternal drive, in addition, for everyone who does not speak English very well. Because the locals learned Russian a long time ago. And restaurants present menus to guests different languages, including in Russian. The list of entertainment here is extensive: zoos, water parks, show programs with elephants and tigers, various cuisines from the world, and the nightlife does not stop in the morning.

One of the most best resorts countries - Phuket island. Therefore, the cost of tours here is higher than to other resorts. And this is justified by sufficiently high-quality characteristics for lovers of a comfortable stay. Krabi is considered the most beautiful and exotic island of the country, inviting tourists to relax on its snow-white beaches and admire coral reefs and plunge into the clearest sea.


Holidays in China at this time of year can be very varied: from relaxation on the sea coast to skiing at ski resorts. Hainan Island is a wonderful place of beauty with special climatic conditions And unique nature. Here you can sunbathe and swim all year round (in this place the sea temperature in January is 20˚C). At the resort you can visit the Monkey Island nature reserve, the Edge of Sea and Sky cape, and the Butterfly Gorge.


January is a great time to travel around this country. During this period, there is an opportunity to calmly explore numerous attractions at a comfortable temperature, as well as relax at the country’s luxurious beach resorts. Interesting architectural monuments, rich historical heritage and culture will give you an unforgettable experience.

Dominican Republic

Traveling here during this time will be simply incredible! Tours to the Dominican Republic will open you up to the tropics, ocean coast, year-round hot sun, mountain rivers and warm sea in January. It is no coincidence that a holiday in this small country is called a trip to a sea paradise.

The Dominican Republic will not only improve your mental state and health in general, but will also provide an opportunity to engage in various active species sports Experienced instructors and special equipment for rent will help you master snorkeling, diving, and surfing on the ocean waves. And the low prices for tours here will allow you to spend a vacation with the whole family. You will always remember your holiday in the Dominican Republic for its good weather, exotic nature, colorful entertainment, in addition to this, national cuisine, which combines the best traditions of Oceania and Latin America.

Canary Islands

In January, the carnival season begins in the Canary Islands, which will be of interest to all age categories: children's parties, musical performances, fancy dress and beauty competitions, and various parades. Therefore, you can safely go to any of the islands of the archipelago with your family. You can also visit several islands for an unforgettable vacation.


A holiday at sea in Mexico in January is one of the best options for Russians tired of slush. Its stunning beaches are considered some of the best on the planet. Here the ocean near the shore is a delicate color, as if a little cream was added to the turquoise. Then the turquoise becomes richer and brighter and as a result turns into a very bright blue. Most hotel rooms have a glass wall facing the sea, and these stunning colors flood the space 24/7. The water is somehow very soft, like silk. And on the beach the sand is cool and dazzlingly white. Rather, it is not the sand that we are used to, but crushed shell rock. They are considered one of the most comfortable on the planet. Here the level of service is able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding guests. Many hotels are located on a thin strip of land between the lagoon and the ocean, so you can swim all day, following the sun.


This is truly an Expensive, fashionable and prestigious resort with tropical beautiful nature, which is complemented by a very high level of service. This type of holiday is suitable for discerning, wealthy and demanding tourists. The bulk of them are travelers from France and Great Britain. Mostly experienced tourists come here from Russia to the sea in January. In this place, hotels are represented mainly by five-star chains in France; there are also categories of 4* and 3* establishments. But they also offer excellent opportunities for recreation, stunningly beautiful territories and snow-white beaches, the rooms will only be simpler, and the list of services will be smaller. Here, culinary creations are created at the highest level - you will definitely try unique dishes from the chef.


This country is perfect for both a seaside holiday and for viewing a huge number of architectural monuments. Moreover, tropical forests coexist with majestic mountains, as well as roaring waterfalls. Tourists who prefer the direction of "ecotourism" will certainly turn their attention to Costa Rica, since there are no monuments of art, factories and factories here. At the same time, the soul is filled with impressions of the amazing beauty of the landscapes. Stunning beaches and jungles, located far from civilization, will give you real unity with nature.


If you want to have an inexpensive holiday at sea in January, then you should turn your attention to Vietnam. It will give you modern service and oriental exoticism. Vietnam is called the Hawaii of Asia for its excellent sandy beaches, bordered by breathtakingly beautiful waterfalls, lagoons and coastlines. Grooming national reserves, as well as the beauty of untamed nature along with monuments ancient civilization will make your holiday look like an incredible adventure.

Finally, it is worth saying that Egypt, Turkey and Thailand are the most popular destinations for European tourism at this time of year. Their undeniable feature is the low cost of travel packages combined with a clear sea and excellent scenery. Tours to such resorts are suitable for lovers of bright sun and warm sea.

Winter is a long season. If it weren’t for the New Year holidays, it would have been harder to wait out the cold weather. Before the onset of January, all people prepare for the holidays, buy gifts, come up with programs, a festive banquet, and after the New Year, they look forward to the vibrant spring and sunny summer. But you can leave the cold January for a while and go abroad, to places of eternal summer.

Where to go by sea in January 2019

There are several popular places for a seaside holiday in winter, some of them are perfect for families with children, and in some resorts it is better to refrain from staying with children. The rating of visited summer resorts in January and prices for tours are presented in the table:

Countries, islands Price per tour for 1 person for 7 days/ rubles
1. Egypt Today, the purchase of tours from Russia is prohibited
2. Thailand From 32,000
3. Tenerife From 32,000
4. UAE From 27 000
5. Sri Lanka From 37 000
6. Maldives From 65,000
7. Goa From 24 000
8. Vietnam From 52 000
9. Dominican Republic From 53 000

Depending on the tour, a specific list of services will be presented. So at the very cheap tour includes:

  • flight from Moscow and back,
  • transfer from airport,
  • accommodation,
  • breakfast,
  • insurance.

However, in winter, you can inexpensively buy an all-inclusive tour package; to attract a stable flow of tourists, most countries reduce the cost of services. Tour operators always point out that early booking allows you to significantly save your budget, so if you buy a tour for January in the summer, you can have a profitable vacation with savings of over 50%. Information about last-minute tours and discounts should be checked with trusted travel organizations.

You can go to many hot places without a visa, for example, Vietnam, Thailand, without it you can vacation for 15 days, you can stay in the Maldives for a month, visa-free travel is possible in the Dominican Republic.

Pros and cons of resorts

Each of the presented holiday destinations has its own advantages and disadvantages for tourists; the table shows the characteristics of the resorts

Country, islands pros Minuses
Egypt A visa can be obtained at the airport, tours in January are low, there is no scorching heat, the flight to the country is quick, the holiday is varied and there is no language barrier Because of the crisis, the level of service and tourism has dropped, there are many bad reviews about the cuisine, the sea is cool, there are a lot of armed guards walking the streets, which worries tourists, excursions have become tiresome and sometimes life-threatening.
Thailand Visa-free regime for up to 15 days, beach holidays, warm sea, developed tourist infrastructure, suitable for families with children, interesting excursions in some regions, vibrant festivals are held In January there are a lot of tourists, there is a language barrier, a long flight, difficult acclimatization, and the cost of tours is higher than average.
Tenerife , favorable temperature for swimming and excursions, from January 7 you can buy goods profitably, there are big discounts, the excursion program is interesting and varied, tourism service is high, and the cuisine is tasty and inexpensive. Flight 7 hours, you need to apply for a Schengen visa.
UAE Varied recreation, wide and affordable shopping, many festivals and shows Cool water, flight from Moscow lasts 5 hours, visa is not easy to obtain, you can’t drink alcohol, even in your room, prices are above average
Sri Lanka Warm ocean water, hot weather, easy visa processing, natural delights, whale watching, lots of attractions. Flight duration, high cost of tours
Maldives 1 month visa-free regime, warm ocean, diving, beautiful views, clean beaches. Flight 9 hours, strict rules of Islam, cuisine that is not suitable for everyone
Goa No language barrier – English language widespread, large sandy beaches, lots of attractions, warm water Bad Internet
Vietnam Visa-free regime for half a month, warm sea, clean streets, lots of fruit, beautiful scenery Language barrier, few shops, and there are no price tags on the goods, since everything is sold to tourists at 2 times the price, traffic rules are poorly observed
Dominican Republic Visa-free regime, sandy beaches, all inclusive, suitable for families with children, carnivals are held Long flight, expensive tours and excursions

Holidays at sea in January with children

Families with children are faced with a choice of where to go to the seaside in order to have a favorable climate and a high level of safety. There are many resorts where it is warm in January, but the most suitable places holidays will be Thailand, Egypt and Tenerife, since it is impossible to fly to Egypt from Moscow today, it is worth giving preference to the remaining two resorts. As for the expensive Thailand, if you plan a trip after January 5 and take a week of school days, you can meet 100,000 rubles for family holiday.

Someone meets New Year at resorts abroad, while others prefer to spend the holidays with their family and go to warm countries in early January. January is a great time to travel! The holiday bustle has subsided and winter melancholy is setting in, and the body requires a charge of vitamins and sun! It remains to resolve the question: where is the best place to go on vacation in January? The answer will depend on your preferences and interests. In many countries around the world, the weather in January is delightful, tempting for residents of northern countries. The most popular destinations for a seaside holiday in January are India, Thailand, Argentina and the islands of the southern hemisphere.

Perhaps one of best places for a seaside holiday in January - Dominican Republic. At this time it is not as hot as in summer months, the average air temperature during the day is +25° C, and at night +18-20° C. In the Dominican Republic you will spend your vacation in a variety of ways - here you can spend the whole day on the beach, try different kinds water sports, and color the night in one of the best bars in the world. In January in the Dominican Republic, unlike the summer months, there is no scorching sun and the weather is very mild. Therefore, it is a great place to spend a holiday with children. January is the sunniest month in Uruguay, with 10.6 hours of sunshine per day. Uruguay in January is a great place to go to the sea; the weather at this time is the most favorable for a beach holiday. However, prices for tours also increase at this time.

Thailand is becoming increasingly popular among Russian tourists. Many travelers who have visited this amazing country no longer wonder where to go to the sea in January. The climate of Thailand is divided into two seasons - dry and wet. In January the humidity is very low and a cool breeze blows from the northeast. However, for residents of cool Russia, the air in Thailand will always seem humid. But light clothing, as well as the amazing sea, perfectly complement the weather conditions. Therefore, a holiday in Thailand in January will bring a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions, and thanks to the growing popularity among tourists, the service in Thailand has reached a high level.

On the west coast of Sri Lanka, January is the high season. There are always high waves here, which attracts surfers, windsurfers and kite surfers from all over the world. However, if you are planning a seaside holiday in January with children, then Sri Lanka is not the best place for this and it is better to visit the east coast of the island in the summer months.

The best time to travel to India is December - January, when the rainy season is ending but it is not yet too hot. Of course, prices for tours and air tickets at this time are the highest, but believe me, there is little that can compare in novelty and originality with a holiday in India in January. If your vacation at sea will be with children, then try to carefully choose a resort in India, and also follow all the rules of hygiene during the trip.

Cyprus, of course, is beautiful at any time of the year, but in January it is one of the best places in the world to go on a seaside holiday. At this time, the weather is ideal for a relaxing beach holiday - the soft sun and warm sea please you. In January, Cyprus offers a perfect combination of beach and excursion holidays - it is warm and even hot on the coast, while in the mountains and the central part it is cool. Therefore, a trip to the sights, many of which date back to the times Ancient Greece, will not be tiring and enjoyable.

An exotic holiday in January will be unforgettable on islands in the Caribbean Sea or Indian Ocean. The Turks and Caicos Islands have not yet become a popular destination from Russia, but they are really worth visiting! Turks and Caicos is a great place to go to the sea in January. All year round all islands of the archipelago have approximately the same air temperature +25-29° C. On average, on the islands 350 sunny days per year and half a year comfortable temperature. Winter months- the coolest and driest of the year, in January the air temperature ranges from +22° C to +29° C. Of course, prices for tours to Turks and Caicos rise at this time and should be booked in advance. Spending the January holidays at sea in Turks and Caicos is an expensive pleasure, but this vacation will become one of your brightest memories for life!

Go to the sea in January in the Seychelles! These paradise islands attract travelers of all ages from all countries of the world. Fantastic photos on the Internet leave no one indifferent, and the level of service on the islands is famous throughout the world. In the Seychelles, seasonal temperature fluctuations do not exceed 5 ° C; from December the air temperature rises, so in January the sea in the Seychelles is excellent for swimming. The Seychelles are becoming an increasingly popular destination among Russians, and this is not surprising - paradise islands where you can go to the sea in January! What could be better? However, the state is pursuing a policy of limiting the influx of tourists, which allows preserving their pristine beauty and the possibility of secluded recreation on the islands.

If you are still looking for where to go to the sea in January, you should think about Jamaica and Cuba. The most famous islands of the Caribbean are always full of life and welcome guests. The air temperature in January in Jamaica is around +25° C, and the water temperature is about the same. The rainy season is still far away and the weather delights visitors from cold countries with its mildness. The January holidays in Jamaica are an unforgettable series of carnivals and celebrations, beaches and clubs. In Cuba, the end of November to April is the dry season, and the weather is more pleasant than in the hot and humid summer months. The temperature in January in the central part of the island is about +25-27°C during the day and +16-18°C at night. On the coast in January the air temperature is +25° C with minor daily fluctuations. The sea off the coast of Cuba is amazing and perfect for families with children.

The January holidays are a holiday for ski lovers. How many resorts are there in different countries, one is better than the other, where you can go skiing in January! You can go to the Moscow region for the weekend, or you can spend a week in the Alps or Carpathians. Estonia and Bulgaria, with their beautiful ski resorts, are changing amazingly. It is worth remembering that at this time there are quite a lot of people wanting to ski or snowboard, so it is better to book tours in advance.

In the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Quebec, life is in full swing in January, and it's not just about the first-class ski resorts. In January there are the Winterlude carnivals in Ottawa, the Winter Carnival in Quebec and the Festival of Lights in Ontario. Therefore, a trip to Canada in January will not only bring a boost of energy on the slopes, but will also delight you with the spectacle of carnivals.

Sweden and Finland, Slovenia and Slovakia, Serbia and Romania - all countries are decorated with New Year's garlands in January and are happy to welcome sports fans to their ski resorts. Switzerland and Austria, world-famous for their trails, also experience an influx of winter tourists in January, both families with children and extreme sports enthusiasts.

Norway in January is of interest for excursion tourism. Scandinavian legends attract travelers from all over the world. But tourists usually get the most pleasure from visiting winter resorts in Norway, offering all kinds of winter sports. The most popular ski resorts in the country include Hemsedal, loved by young people for its excellent conditions for snowboarders, Geulo, which is distinguished by its enormous length of slopes, Trysil, which offers tourists slopes of varying degrees of difficulty, as well as Heifel, which has excellent slopes for skis and snowboards, and In between skiing, you can enjoy visiting an art gallery, an amusement park and a local history museum.

And, of course, unforgettable Italy and Spain, famous for their ski resorts offering slopes of any length and complexity, as well as first-class service. You can go to any area of ​​the Alps, to any resort and you will be confident in your holiday.

Excursion tourism in winter is not very popular, but there are cities and countries that acquire their splendor and special flavor in winter.

You can make an unforgettable trip to Bavaria, which is especially beautiful in January, when numerous winter holidays begin. The famous Bavarian mulled wine, hot beer with spices, a festive atmosphere and Christmas discounts - all this charms and makes the holiday so peaceful that you don’t want to return home at all. It's worth traveling to the UK, because nothing compares to snow-covered London during the January holidays.

For those who love the wide open spaces of New Zealand, it is better to take a vacation in January. The temperature at this time is the highest +17-20° C, and the sun shines 12-13 hours a day. You will be able to enjoy the diversity of New Zealand's nature, as well as visit all the interesting attractions. How nice it is to bask in the sun among the green hills while in Russia the weather forecast promises - 15° C.

The beautiful island of Malta, famous for its beach holidays, is more prone to excursion holidays in January. The air temperature is stable at +15° C, and the weather is very comfortable for traveling to the sights of the island.

Japan and China can be an unforgettable experience in January. The climate in these countries varies greatly in different regions and, for example, a trip to Okinawa in January guarantees a wonderful warm weather with a temperature of +15° C.

January is not the most favorable time for traveling to African countries. In Egypt you can still enjoy sunny days with temperatures up to +25°C and even lie on the beach. But in most African countries at this time there is a hot rainy season. Namibia, Swaziland, Algeria are not of interest to vacationers in January. The migration of animals will begin only in May, and in January safari lovers will be left without entertainment. Also, you should not take tours to countries in the northern hemisphere, such as Abkhazia, Armenia or Azerbaijan, in January.