From losers to celebrities: which of the stars studied poorly at school? The richest and most famous businessmen did poorly in school. photo Famous people who studied well at school

"If you bring one more three - you will lay asphalt (wash cars, milk crocodiles)!" - Parents regularly threaten every average Russian schoolchild. Since childhood, we have been hammered in that only excellent students are able to break out into people, in extreme cases - good students, and losers will become alcoholics or participants in the Dom-2 show! Children, it's true! But not really. On the eve of Knowledge Day, AiF found out how different celebrities studied at school. See for yourself - there are few excellent students among them, but ...

Vera Alentova, actress

The future actress and pride of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio studied well, despite the fact that she traveled around the country with her mother-actress and changed several schools: Ukrainian, Uzbek and Altai.

Marat Basharov, actor

This is a classic, damn charming school hooligan - deuces for behavior, almost kicked out three times at all ... But, attention, after school, without blat, he entered the law faculty of Moscow State University!

Nikolay Baskov, singer.

This man, look, the face of an excellent student. And it, this face, does not lie! Kolya brilliantly graduated from school with an in-depth study of music and choreography, from 11 to 16 years old he studied at the Young Actor's Museum.

Dana Borisova, TV presenter.

When Danochka once received a triple in a quarter in physics, she began to cram her day and night. It's useless - I only got a four. But perseverance, perseverance...

Maxim Galkin, TV presenter.

According to the recollections of teachers, Maxim did not make faces in the classroom. His dad was a general, but his son did not turn up his nose. True, he also did not put it in textbooks very diligently.

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, singer.

The red-haired "Ivanushka" spent half of his lessons ... swimming in the Black Sea, because he was born and studied in Sochi. I studied so-so (still have problems with English and mathematics).

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, actor

Despite the fact that Armenchik was born and studied in Yerevan, he leaned mainly on the Russian language. But a schoolboy who speaks Russian better than you and me was not taken to GITIS ... because of the accent!

Yevgeny Yevtushenko, poet.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko had a German surname Gangnus at school, and he studied during the war years. That is why children were forbidden to be friends with him, and he leaned on literature in his free time from friendship.

Philip Kirkorov, singer.

Here he is - an excellent student of excellent students! Gold medal, certificates for organizing political information, Komsomol activist! In general, not a schoolboy, but some kind of curly-haired bunny!

Gosha Kutsenko, actor.

At school he was almost an excellent student, only chemistry was not given, he could not jump above the four. And the schoolboy Gosha did not suffer much - he rode in numerous sports sections.

Muslim Magomayev, singer.

A handsome excellent student who wants to admire directly. He brilliantly studied at the ten-year school at the Baku Conservatory, sang best of all, drew excellently, designed a wall newspaper.

Oleg Menshikov, actor and director.

Able, but not excellent. Studied, however, without triples - vanity did not allow. Supervised school evenings, played all the musical instruments available at the school.

Nikita Mikhalkov, actor and director.

Until the 4th grade, he was almost an excellent student, he traveled on a natural ingenuity. And when complex precise objects went - alas! I had to finish night school.

Boris Moiseev, artist.

He was very sickly, at school he was teased and beaten. Enrolled in a dance club and organized street concerts. And if now he goes too far with outrageousness - this is childhood playing in one place, now he is happy.

Dmitry Nagiev, actor, TV presenter.

Desperate hooligan, truant and brawler. But during the transitional age of the guy, he "perekolbasil" - he graduated from the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography with honors!

Boris Nemtsov, politician.

Studied badly. A year before graduation, he received a "2" in mathematics. He bet with friends for 10 rubles that he would receive an annual five. He graduated from school with a medal and 10 rubles ...

Yevgeny Petrosyan, actor, humorist.

Little Petrosyanchik passionately dreamed of the stage. Studied well. With a swoop, he entered the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art.

Alla Pugacheva, singer.

Best of all "mothers Russian stage"Singing, literature, work and drawing were given at school - stable fives. And the star did not like drawing, geography, chemistry and physical education.

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.

According to the recollections of classmates, at school he was a principled, desperate guy. Fought the best. German was difficult for Vova. But he defeated him too.

12.10.2018 |

WITH young years we hear that you need to study well in order to take a place under the sun. However, if one study is given easily, others hardly comprehend the sciences. Does poor academic performance always guarantee failure in a future career? Interestingly, many celebrities studied at school for "deuces".

Alla Pugacheva at school was easily given drawing, work, mathematics and music lessons. The future prima donna played the piano with pleasure. in chemistry, algebra and foreign language Alla had triplets. In addition, the singer did not like physical education.

Despite the fact that not all subjects were given to Pugacheva successfully, she was an activist. The girl published wall newspapers, participated in school events. The singer's classmates recall how, 10 years after graduation, she came to the reunion of graduates, already being popular, and told interesting stories about overseas travel.

Mikhail Derzhavin

Mikhail Derzhavin was a loser at school. In some subjects, he did not receive certification. When his father died, Mikhail had to go to evening classes to work and help his family. The Derzhavin family lived in the house where the Shchukin school was located. Therefore, the boy often talked with famous actors, arranged theatrical performances and ballroom evenings with friends.

Mikhail Derzhavin

The future profession for Mikhail was determined from early childhood. After graduating from the Shchukin School, he went to serve in the Theater of Satire, and then became famous thanks to the popular program “Zucchini 13 Chairs”.

Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir Kristovsky did not like school and skipped classes. He enjoyed writing music and lyrics. Vladimir's older brother was a musician and helped him. After the 9th grade, Kristovsky went to study as an electrician. Later, he went through many professions: watchman, salesman, courier, manager.

Vladimir Kristovsky (right) with his brother

As a result, Kristovsky returned to music and began to sing in restaurants, created the Uma Thurman group with his brother Sergei.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk studied at school very poorly. He was a bully, smoked, fought, cursed with teachers, which upset his mother. She dreamed that her son would become a diplomat. Poor academic performance did not prevent Bondarchuk from graduating from art school, because he had a real talent for drawing.

Fedor Bondarchuk

After high school, the young man tried to enter MGIMO, but failed entrance tests. In an essay on the Russian language, he made more than 30 mistakes. Then Fedor submitted documents to VGIK and entered the directing department.

Maria Aronova

Maria Aronova was not given the exact sciences at school, but she loved the Russian language and literature. The girl took part in children's matinees and performances, arranged concerts for neighbors. Her father did not approve of this. He believed that Mary exposes herself to ridicule.

Maria Aronova

However, Aronova liked singing and dancing so much that she did not want to listen to anyone. After school, the future actress went to work in the House of Culture of the city of Dolgoprudny, and then successfully passed the exams at the Shchukin school.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov studied poorly until the 8th grade. According to the actor, he had two diaries. Marat also suggested that his classmates make a second cool magazine. One was kept by the teachers, the other guys gave the headman. When the teachers found out about everything, Basharov was almost expelled from school.

Marat Basharov

In high school, he firmly decided to improve - after all, his parents dreamed that his son would graduate from the university. To catch up in subjects, it was necessary to visit a tutor. Marat got up at 5 in the morning and went to the dining room, where he washed the floors. He spent the money he earned on additional classes.

Lev Novozhenov

Lev Novozhenov often had deuces in his diary. After the 7th grade, he moved to night school and got a job at the factory as an assistant locksmith.

Lev Novozhenov

Later, the young man entered Pedagogical University, but after studying there for two years, he moved to the editorial department of the printing institute. He began his journalistic activity in the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Mikhalkov was an excellent student until the 4th grade. Later, his parents sent him to an educational institution with a mathematical bias. After some time, it turned out that the boy could not cope with the tasks and could not solve a single problem. Then Nikita was transferred to a regular high school.

Nikita Mikhalkov

But Mikhalkov from an early age showed the ability to music and drawing. He attended a theater studio, dreamed of becoming an artist. After graduating from high school, Nikita entered the Shchukin School, but he was expelled because he acted in films during his studies. The young man did not give up and successfully passed the entrance exams to VGIK.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch attended London's prestigious Harrow School for Boys. He was not distinguished by good academic performance and exemplary behavior. Together with friends, the young man ran away from lessons, made fun of teachers. Benedict liked to perform on the stage of the school theater.

Benedict Cumberbatch

The acting debut took place in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Benedict appeared as the queen of the fairies Titania. After school, he entered the Manchester University of Theater Arts.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg lagged behind in studies, school subjects were hard for him. In addition, the boy was Jewish by nationality, which is why he was teased by classmates. A passion for filming helped Steven to escape from problems. Spielberg made short films. The main roles were played by the boy's relatives, and for special effects he used crackers and cherry juice.

Steven Spielberg

After graduating from high school, Stephen applied to the USC Film School, but failed. Then he entered a technical college, continuing to work on films after classes. Later, Spielberg made the film Emblin, which was noticed by the Universal film studio and signed a contract with the young man.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz admits that she was a bully as a child. She skipped classes, walking until the evening with friends, often fought, listened to rock music. The girl dreamed of becoming a zoologist because she loved animals and constantly brought them home. This dream was not destined to come true.

During one of the parties, photographer Jeff Dunas noticed the girl and offered her a job at a modeling agency. Cameron signed a contract and dropped out of school. At 18, Diaz was cast for leading role in the comedy The Mask. After that, the girl woke up famous.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore grew up in an acting family, from childhood she got used to going to secular parties, and she got her first acting experience at the age of three. Since then, job offers followed one after another, so Drew rarely appeared in class and studied poorly.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 7, Barrymore became famous all over America, playing the main role in the cult film "Alien".

Jim carrey

Jim Carrey was born into a poor family. The boy worked as a cleaner after studying. Kerry admits that he was very tired at work, and he did not have the strength to do his homework. The actor had to study in the 10th grade three times. Despite poor performance, the boy was popular with classmates. He participated in concerts, where he comically parodied teachers and friends.

Jim carrey

After high school, Kerry began performing at the Yak-Yak comedy club in Toronto. Then he moved to Los Angeles and began to appear on television in comedy programs. His film debut took place in 1983 in the film Rubber Face.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise grew up as a notorious child due to his short stature. In addition, the boy suffered from dyslexia. This is a disease in which a person cannot correctly perceive the order of letters in the text, reads slowly. Tom studied poorly, changed 15 schools. Later he managed to get rid of the disease.

Tom Cruise

At the age of 16, the young man tried himself in the theater and realized that he wanted to become an actor. The first castings in the cinema were successful. Cruz got several episodic roles, and in 1983 he played the main character in the drama All the Right Moves.

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino says he hated going to class because he was bored. From school subjects, Tarantino loved reading and mathematics, the boy skipped the rest of the lessons. His mother was constantly called to school, but she could not do anything with her son. Realizing that it was useless to persuade Quentin to take up his mind, his mother allowed him to leave school.

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino got a job as an usher in a cinema, and in the evenings he went to acting classes. That's when he started writing scripts. Tarantino's first famous film was the thriller Reservoir Dogs.

Poor academic performance and bad behavior do not prevent you from achieving your dreams. Many stars studied poorly, some of them dropped out of school altogether. However, perseverance and a firm belief in their destiny helped them become famous.

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Fans are inspired by stories about how celebrities were bullied at school, or, being, they were able to put in their place "upstarts" and achieved success in show business. However, there were among the popular artists and "nerds". The editors publish a selection of stars who did well in school.

Philip Kirkorov

Classmates were jealous because he had the opportunity to buy fashionable clothes, and for health reasons, he received the right not to attend the school cafeteria and some lessons. The hooligans teased the future king of the Russian pop scene with the Ethiopian because of his swarthy skin, as well as Mom's Son.

Nevertheless, the teachers loved the singer, and he reciprocated. It was thanks to this that Kirkorov managed to graduate from school with a gold medal, despite all the circumstances.

Reese Witherspoon

The Hollywood actress loves to read and it helped her get good grades in school. After this educational institution, she entered Stanford University to study languages ​​​​and literature, but the career and education of the star turned out to be incompatible, and she had to drop out of school.

Nikolay Baskov

The “golden voice of Russia” also belongs to the “star-learners”, who graduated from school with a gold medal. The first classes were difficult for him due to moving: the future artist studied in the GDR, the Republic of Tuva and Novosibirsk. In addition to good studies, Baskov was distinguished by an amazing “multitasking”: he went to the pool, performed as part of a school ensemble, played the button accordion and studied at a music school.

Brad Pitt

Hollywood's premier hottie was the favorite of teachers and received high marks in subjects and for diligent behavior. In addition, the future actor found time for sports: he was a member of the golf, tennis and swimming teams.

Olga Buzova

The TV presenter, actress, singer and just a beauty admits that until the 9th grade she studied very poorly, often received deuces and skipped classes. In the 10th grade, after another serious conversation with her parents, the girl took up her mind and in two years repeated all the necessary material, pulled up her grades and became the best student in the class. Languages ​​were the easiest for her.

Natalie Portman

It was hard in childhood. The star was teased as a Nerd at school because of her serious attitude to study, and even as an adult, she often turned down movie roles in order to get an education. So, she did not play in “Lolita” and “Romeo and Juliet”. Moreover, being already famous actress, she entered the Hebrew University to study languages. To date, the celebrity knows French, German, Japanese, Arabic and Hebrew.

Polina Gagarina

The Russian singer, known today, studied first in Greece, where she lived with her mother, and then in Saratov. After the mother of the star moved to Moscow, the future artist studied there. Teachers praised the girl and gave her good marks. Moreover, she had enough time to speak at all holidays, to engage in in-depth study in English and go to music school.

David Duchovny

He also belonged to the excellent stars at school. He then received a bachelor's degree in education from Princeton University, and that's not all. The actor who played in “ ”, studied English literature in graduate school at Yale University.

Victoria Dayneko

The Russian singer, a graduate of the Star Factory, studied well at school. The conscience did not allow the artist to skip classes, she actively took part in extracurricular life, performed at events. Most of all, Daineko was given the Russian language, literature and history, because the teachers in these subjects were amazing.

Emma Watson

She became famous for her role as a nerd sorceress in films about, and many are interested in how the star studied at school. During the filming, the actress had no time for studying, but after that she nevertheless took up the elimination of knowledge gaps, began to study diligently and “caught up” all the lost material.

The celebrity studied at Brown University and Oxford. She combines education with filming. Watson does not exclude that one day he will have to stop his acting career, so it will not be superfluous to get a profession.

These celebrities at school have never been particularly successful, and the behavior of many of them was far from exemplary. But time has shown that their academic success did not affect their achievements in life.

Alexander Zbruev

In some ways, Alexander Zbruev is very similar to his hero from the movie "Big Break" - Ganja. At school, Zbruev was known as a real bully. He studied poorly and twice the teachers left him for the second year. And after graduation, Alexander planned to become a truck driver. But a friend of his mother, having seen the actor's abilities in the guy, advised him to enter the Shchukin school.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fedor's parents went to school regularly - like to work. Their offspring was constantly skipping classes, smoking, arguing with teachers, arguing and getting deuces. And when Fedor decided to enter MGIMO, he was given the lowest score for his essay and had to say goodbye to the dream of becoming a diplomat. Later, he entered VGIK because his father wanted it that way. And he turned out to be right, because now Fedor Bondarchuk is a successful actor, film director and producer.

Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova went to school like hard labor. The exact sciences were given to her with great difficulty, especially she hated algebra and geometry. But Klimova participated in school amateur performances with great pleasure, because she dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. And after graduating from school, Catherine easily entered the acting department of the Shchepkinsky School at the Maly Theater.

Olga Buzova

Until the 9th grade, Olga studied from two to three and skipped classes. Parents were shocked to learn about such “successes” of their daughter. And so that the parents would not be upset, Buzova promised them to improve and take up their minds. The future TV star graduated from the 10th grade with honors, and the 11th grade with a silver medal. Languages ​​were the easiest for Buzova. She speaks English, German, Italian and Lithuanian.

Natalya Vodyanova

Due to the fact that Natalia grew up early, started working to help her family, she had to leave school. She still does not have a certificate of graduation and no other diplomas either. But this did not stop the girl from making a dizzying career as a supermodel. And Western journalists called Vodianova "modern Cinderella."

Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir did not like to go to school and saw him there infrequently. And this could not but affect his performance. After leaving school, he received the specialty of an electrician, and then became an apprentice gas and electric welder. Well, a little later, he even mastered the profession of a hairdresser.


Nyusha never chased high marks. Therefore, in her certificate there were mostly triples. And for the subjects that she loved, such as physical education, art and singing, the girl received fives. But the teachers treated her condescendingly, apparently realizing that Nyusha was already destined for a career as a singer.

We were all children once. And businessmen are no exception. It is noteworthy that if you happened to look through the diaries of the most famous of them, you would hardly find good grades and words of gratitude from teachers. So, do not rush to scold children for bad grades, perhaps the future Bill Gates or Henry Ford is growing up with you.

As practice shows, a good certificate is not always a ticket to a prosperous life, and not all losers after school are out of work. Among the ignorant there are rich and famous people whose success and perseverance would be the envy of the whole world.

American multimillionaire Donald Trump at school, he not only studied poorly, but also was cheeky with his teachers, for which he regularly received reprimands. The love of knowledge was clearly not Trump's forte - but he burned with an unbridled passion for money. As a student, Donald hatches the idea of ​​creating a large financial corporation, later, through numerous trials and errors, makes his dream come true.

Founder of Motorola Paul Galvin He didn't like to study either. While his classmates sat in boring lessons, he sold popcorn, ice cream and sandwiches at the station. The desire to earn did not allow him to sit idly by. Many of his endeavors failed. But failures only hardened the businessman, he liked to repeat: "I fell many times and I know how to get up."

Tea Tycoon Thomas Lipton only attended school on special occasions. From the age of five he worked in his father's grocery store. But the fate of a small merchant did not appeal to him, at the age of fifteen he left Scotland and went to the States, where, according to him, he learned to do business. Today Lipton is the most famous tea brand in the world.

Henry Ford studied at the rural parish school. It is not surprising that the knowledge gained in such conditions was very mediocre. Studying at the university, young Ford preferred to work in a mechanical workshop. The founder of the American automobile industry wrote with errors all his life.

One of the largest car manufacturers in Japan Soichiro Honda completed eight grades. He did not understand business and trade issues, did not know what marketing and financial strategy were, and was also far from the intricacies of engineering. However, his approach to the creation of motorcycles and cars was revolutionary.

There are also many losers among Russian businessmen

Russian businessmen have the worst academic performance, they get unsatisfactory grades more often than others. This conclusion was made by the company "ROMIR", which conducted a study in order to find out how much career success depends on school performance. It turned out that there are twice as many "C" students among successful businessmen as "A" students.

The survey was conducted in seven federal districts, 45 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, more than 1,500 people aged 18 to 65 took part in it. According to the nature of employment, all respondents were divided into three categories: top managers, entrepreneurs and unemployed.

Being an excellent student is beneficial only in school

School teachers often say: excellent students "will go far." But life shows that the expectations of teachers are not always justified. It turns out that 12.2% of the unemployed are those who studied at school mostly with A's.

It should be noted that not all employers are pleased with candidates with "red diplomas". There is an opinion among personnel officers that inveterate excellent students have weak practical skills; in the pursuit of fives, they sometimes miss significant aspects. Among the excellent students there are many who perceive business as something indecent. According to the survey, only 14% of excellent students are involved in business, and these are often people who broke their stereotypes after school.

The class of "good students" occupies a leading position in all three categories: 56% among top managers, 51.8% among entrepreneurs, and 54.5% among the unemployed.

The most talented - triples

Among the threesomes, the most high percent out-of-the-box thinking, creative individuals. Social psychologists are sure that such children are simply not interested in the standard set of school subjects. Often they "reveal" after graduation or in some extra-curricular circle. According to the survey, among top managers there are as many "C" students as "A" students (22%).

Poor grades in school do not always indicate that a child is mediocre. A loser is often a leader in his circle, ready to lead others in a non-standard way, bypassing the school system.

Any successful entrepreneur has the same traits - he is not afraid to take risks, go against the rules and regulations, so he can create something new and extraordinary.

You can look at famous businessmen in their school years in our PHOTO REPORT.